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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1923)
STETCFORD" MAITJ TRIBUNE, MEDFOIOT. OTTCfiQy. "WEDNESDAY, MAY 0. 102P, PAGE SEVEN Quick Quaker Oats Cooks to perfection in 3 to 5 minutes Oats Are Ready Before the man is dressed There is now a Quick Quaker Oats, perfected by our experts. It cooks in from 3 to 5 minutes far quicker than any other oats you can buy. And it cooks to perfection. If that means anything to you, it's another reason for always getting Quaker Oats. . ' The same exquisite flavor Quaker Oats are world-famed for their flavor. Millions of oat lovers send over seas to get them. In every country this is the favorite brand. They are flaked from queen grains only just the rich, plump, flavory oats. All flavorless grains are discarded. A bushel of choice oats yields but ten pounds of these delicious flakes. Quick Quaker employs those same queen grains. But the oats are cut before flaking. They are rolled very thin and are partlv cooked. So the flakes are smaller and thinner that is all. And. those small, thin flakes cook quickly. Now you have your choice at equal price. Regular Quaker with its matchless flavor. Quick Quaker with that same flavor, plus five-minute cooking. . But you get neither of those qualities unless you insist on the Quaker brand. Regular Quaker Oats Come in package at left the style you have always known. Quick Quaker Oats Come in package at right, with the . "Quick" label. Your grocer has both. Be sure to get the style you want. Packed in sealed round packages with removable covers ONE OF THE STRONGEST COMPANIES IN AMERICA iii pllii I Every young wife Is entitled to demand the absolute protection afforded her by a Perfect Protection Policy in West Coast Life. How would your wife fare if Fate Bhould suddenly turn? Send the coupon below and you will learn how easily you can protect her and yourself with these five features of a West Coast Life Perfect Protection Policy: 1. Accident: A weekly income while you aredis ablcd. 2. Sickness: Regular payments every week. 3. Adversity: Emergency funds in time of need. 4. Old Age: - An assured income for life. 5. Death, All the benefits of rceular life insure ance, with several splendid additional features. s f West Coast Life, INSURANCE COMPANY. HOMC OFFICE-SAN FRANCISCO Splendid opportunity open for fllMrirt mnnnRcr. Writes J. W. Stewart, Gum Blilg., Portland. -.a rUCB1l.Il West Coast Life Insurance Co. , 60S Mirkw Sltut, Sin FrmdKO (Jmilrmm. Without oolieatfon on my part, inul mi more information. ' Name Address Date of Birth. (MONTH! (DAY) (YEAR) 15 AT WITH MEEtfOBD TRADE IS MEDFOED MADE, ASHLAND, May 9. In addition to all the social ovonts transpiring thero I the clvie clubhouse is the center of numerous formal routine gatherings, Tuesday witnessing the thirty-second annual meeting of the Southern Ore' I gon Medical association, the organiza tion including a membership from I Jackson, Josephine and Douglas coun ties. After rolleall and reading ot minutes at 10 a. m.. Dr. Theodore Malmgren of Phoenix, delivered the president's address, the remainder of the morning program until lunch time at 1 o'clock boing devoted to papers I and discussions, Including "Advance ment made in Roentgenological Study of the GalWlladdcr," Dr. Donvln Pal' mer, Portland. "Hemolytic Infections ot the Gall- Dladdor a Possible Cnuse ot Perni cious Anemia," Dr. Noble Wiley Jones, Portland. Discussion opened by Dr. J. C. Hayes of Modford, and Dr. A. F. Sether, llosehurg. In the afternoon, Dr. Wm. House, of Portland, dwelt upon "The Patient's Mind; Shall We Consider It in Treat ing Him?" Discussion opened by Dr. E. B. Pick- el, Medford, and Dr. W. H. Flannigan, Grants Pass. "Diphtheria," Dr. A. J. Warren, of the Rockefollor Foundation. Discussion opened by Dr. Chas. B, Wade, lloseburg, and Dr. G. W. Gregg, Ashland. v "Chronic Prostatls; a Common Cause of Backache." Dr. C. J. Moser, Grants Pass. Discussjon opened by Dr. Geo. O. Jarvis, Ashland, and Dr. It. J. Clancy, Medford. After . the formal program, now members wero admitted, and matters for the general welfare of the associa tion wero discussed, preliminary to ad- I journmcnt. The retiring officers are Dr. Malmgren, of Phoenix; Dr. Mac- Cracken, Ashland; secretary-treasure Dr. Seely. Roseburg. The board of censors include for 1923, Dr. Marks, 1 Grants Pass; 1924, Dr. Conroy, Med ford. Delegates to Stato Medical asso elation, 1923 session, Dr. Woods, Med ford, and for 1924, Dr. Shoemaker, Roseburg. The preliminary announce ments for this gathering were pub I lished wrong as to date, the moetin: having been held on Tuesday, May 8, instead of Wednesday, May 9, as ad- I vertised. Luncheon was served direct amidst the club house surroundings by IMinard & Tayler, of the Plaza confec tionery. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Clapp, of Palm I avenue, leave this week in the family car for an extonded visit throughout northern Oregon and Washington. I They wero formerly residents of Port land, and have many relatives and friends up that way. T. H. Simpson, potentate of Hillah I Temple, has been elected one of the temple's representatives to the Imper ial council's sessions at Washington I early in June, to fill the vacancy caus ed by the resignation ot Frank Mash- burn, of Grants Pass, who was unable to attend. Frank J. Newman, of Med ford, past-potontate, is the other rep resentative. Henry Vaupol, Given Butler and Chris Wolsenburger, of this city, aro alBo planning to go, the intent being to join the caravan of Al Kader Tom pie of Portland, the special train ot which will Journey east ovor the Spokane, Portland and Seattle, Northern Pacific, Chicago & North western, and Pennsylvania linos, re turning by routes as individual fancy may dictate. Some will go east as far as Boston returning by wny of Niagara Falls and the Canadian Pacific. On Friday, May 18, the Llthlans will meet In formal annual session, this implying that the gathering will bo one of more than ordinary importance, some Interesting developments to be In order along publicity lines. Several head of cattle have been poisoned over in the Bollevlew neigh borhood, thoy having' trespassed on the Southern Pacific right ot way. The railroad company has been spraying In that section, not especially against the anhlB and codling moth, but to I exilrpato graBS and weeds, the result being that cows breaking through a weak fonco in places, get an overdose of these corrosives, their milk supply being over-pasteurized. This Is not the oncn season for spraying milk cows. The Bleuol boys are busters. Milt Is in the employ of a big machine shop at Walla Walla, Wash., and Karl, who Ib a student at Corvallls, will graduate this year at O. A. C. from the electric engineering corps, and Is enrolled among the honorary membership of Eta Knppa Nu fraternity. Each Is an ox-servlce man, having sorvod both on land and sea. Elmer, a younger bro ther. Is also attending college at Cor vallls. Funeral services of the late Wm. II. Brown were held early in the week. the remains being taken to. the vlcin liv of Donvcr. Colo., for Interment. Deceased was a native of Iowa, aged 65 years. Deceased was the father of R. F. Brown, Southern Pacific employe of this city. A man on Pine street alley is smrcr- Inc from shell-shock. It seems he dis covered a hen's nest filled with eggs of doubtful vintage, and in efforts to remove them, certain ones exploded, the deadly yelks covering his anatomy with subdued shades resembling me scintillations from a regulation angel 1 cake. Rev. Ward W. Macllenry. i-resny- terian pastor here several years ago. I and now with the Mt. Tabor church ot Portland, has reslgnod that pastorate, effective Sept. 1, and accepted a call to the Woodland Park Presbyterian church of Seattlo, a placo of worship denominated as a "Sunday school church." Macllenry hns been with the Mt. Tabor church for six years, and is now president ot the Portlum! Ministerial union. On Monday night the safo In the imorlntondent's office of the high school was burglarized, about $200 in currency being taken. The money be longed to various school lunus, atuio tlo and otherwise, and the loss Is a severe one to the Interests concerned. The question arises, why was a sum of this extent left for safe keeping In merely an ordinary flreprot recop- tacle. The sum involved wouia so good ways tp stake several bull games now underway and in the perspective. llnv. C. F. Koehler, rresoyteriau nntnr. Is ontoying nn eastern outing, having gone to Indiunapolls, Ind., in attendance uKn the sessions of the genoral assembly of tho i'rosiiyieriau following, one of tho most Important and Influential of church legislative gatherings. NOTED AVIATOR TO 8E T T.ns ANGELES. May 9. Lieuten ant J. A. MncRcady who recently flow from New York to San Diego In tnc nrmv airnlano T-2 without stopping. will be married hero at ociw. ,! nftnrnoon to Miss Nclllo Jy rr. ! rnlltmhM9. Ohio, T-hn roremonv Is to be performed at the rosidonco of tho groom's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. jjcnjiuuin ai,o nnnrirn H. Tumor, iiiuiiii-i tho bride, will give her away. Lieu tenant O. G. Kelly, wno i"jo trans-continental flight wun " m-nnm. will bo Desi liiun. Tho honeymoon win uo imsiouu Con ll npn. . Tim rOUHIO will iuiw their homo at Dnyion, Ohio, tho groom is stationed. whero Vancouver Police Release J. C. Pent old VANCOUVER, B. C, May 9. J C. Vcnfolil, arrested hero Friday and misnorto.1 nf bolnc Edwin Morse,, al lciioil J IS. 000 embezzler from tho liv torniitlonal TrUBt company. Denver, hns been released. Tho police of San Diego, Cal., whero l'cnfold said ho was wanted for pausing worthless r-liocka. mndo no movo to securo him nnd a report that ho was desired in El rnso, Texas, proved untoumiea. .. An ngent of tho Jnited States bu reau of investigation from Seattle announced as a certainty that 1'on foid was not Mnrso. S.S.S. keeps away les Pimp You will be compelled to admit ttt tho remits ot s.s.s. are really amazing 1 TiM -vnn ever know how big cities mako the hydrant water fit for you to drink? Thrt s what B. o. o. u tho blood in your own blood-pines. It m Rd.Blool-Cill. Thar, the nil Way 1 O. 3. 3. DUHa. DmwvwHI- this mean strength 1 makcB it fit to circulate S. S. S. is acknowledged to be ono or tne most nnwnrfnl. ranld and offoctlvo blood- cleansers known. You don't have to use some now fad treatment that is mere guesswork, you don't have to smear things on your face in a vain effort to get rid of eruptions, erup tions como from blood ImpurltloB and a lack of rich blood-colls. S. S. S. builds new blood-cells. This is why S. S. S. routs out of your Bystom tho imnurlttos which cause boils, pirn- plos, blackheads, ncno, blotchoB, ec zema, totter, raBh. That's why S. S. S, has donn such wonderful work In free ing thousands from tho scourge of rheumatism. S. S. S. Is also a remark ahln flnshhullder. That's why under weight feopk) can quickly build up their lost flesh, ect back their normal weight, pink, plump cheeks, bright eves, nnd "ncn." 8. S. a. is sold at all good drug stores. The largo size Is mora economical. 5 C tsk''v?ffj& like yourself agnin GEM CHUN O China Herb Store This Is t-5 oertlry rhat Olm Chunit of Medford, Ore., has cured ma ot Koltra and stomach trouhln. 8. M. Leonard, 609 J St., Grants I'm Thla la la certify that Olm Chung ot Medford, Ore., hna cured me ot rupture of four years' standing. F, O. labam, til B HI., Grnnte Ian, Ore. Medfnrri. nreaon. Jan. 18. 1917, This is to eertlfy that I, the under had very aevere stomach trouble and had been bothered for several year and lant Auaunt waa not expected to live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whose Hern store l at 214 South Front stroot. Medford), I decided to get herbs for my totnach trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today am a weP man nnd can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I was to KM Olm Chung and try his Herbs. (Signed) W. R. JOHNSON. 'Witnesses: , Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point, W. L. Chlldreth, Eagle Point, M. A. Anderson, Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Kagle Point. C. B. Moore, Eagle Point. . V. Molntyre. Eagla Point. Geo. Von der Hell en. Ragle Point. ' 1 Xbos. K. Nichols. Eagle Point. pieShineJorMine BLACK TAN, WHITE: QX-BL00D.BR0WN ' New ; on Hills V x A Feature of Non-Detonating Gasoline , - There are two kinds of explosions from gasolines. One is instantaneous, crashing, detonating. It smashes against the piston, hammering it;down with the single blow. Having a tendency to explode prematurely, detonating gasoline reduces compression. Thus power and efficiency are lowered. "Knocking" frequently is the result of detonating gaso line, especially on hills. And the increased vibration means increased wear and tear. . ; " -' " . . 1 . yThe Sustained Thrust You get the other kind of explosion from Union Non Detonating Gasoline a progressive and prolonged ex plosion. The impulse is sustained, thrusting your piston throughout the entire stroke. This permits increased compression, for compression is limited by the tendency of a gasoline to detonate. And efficiency and power increase with added compres sion. Try It on Hills ? U 1 With Union Non-Detonating Gasoline your car will improve on hills. It provides a new "lift" steady, sus tained power. You'll also note new speed on the level, new rush in the s. pickup and less vibration at all times less wear and tear, h Also there is a saving in fuel due to higher efficiency. 1 So there are many advantages in this better gasoline. Union is always uniform. It doesn't disintegrate,! thus doesn't deteriorate in storage. All the power that goes into it at the Union plants is there to use when you want it. UhionOUCompairypr of California r" Union Gasoline s t-r ! y-?r"(( IVU'M'