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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1923)
MEDFORP ' MAIL TRIBUNE, 'MEDFORD, OTEfiON, SATURDAY. MAY 5, :923 PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBUIKHICD EV1CHT All'TEIiNOON EXCEPT BUN DAT, THH MEDFORD PRINTING CO. The Medford Bundajr Morning Sun ll furnlahed ubcrlber flooring even day dally newapaper. Office Mall Tribune Building. H-i7- North Kir atreet. Phone 76. A eoniolldallon or ihe Democratic Times, the Mcilford Mail, the Metlford Tribune, the Southern Oreftpnlao, The Aahland Tribune. ROBERT W. RUHl., Editor. B, BUMPTER BMITH, Manager. BY MAII In Advance: Dally, wlih Sunday Sun, year I7.S0 Daily, with Huwliiy Sun, month.-. .76 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year.. .J0 Dally, without Sunday Bun, month .6 Weukly Mall Tribune, one yoar J.go Sunday Hun. one year......;....... " BY C'AHIIIER In Medford, Aehlana, JackBonvllle. Central I'olut, Phoonll. , Telont nnd on HlBliwnya: Dally, with Sunday Hun, month... .Jo Jinny, Wlinoui nuiitmy ri,, .u...-u Dally, without Sunday Hun, year.. 7. JO Dally, with Sunday Hun, one year 8.60 All terma by carrier, caah In advanoe. Offlclnl paper of the City of Medford. Ufllclal paper or juckmuii Sworn dally average cirouln-t Ion "p more than doulle the circulation of any other papor publlahed or circulated ID jacaaon iuumy The only paper between syiiKene. ure., nd Hnoramenlo. Calif., a distance of over 600 miles, having leaaed wire Aaso olated Preea Service. Bnterod a aocono cinea niattnr at Medford, Oregon,, undor act or Maron a, J87. MEMBERS OI'j THB ASSOCIATED 'The Associated Proa's Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dlspaiches credited to It or not otherwlae credited In this paper, and also to the local newa published noreln. All rlKhts of republication of special ilLpnlcliea herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. William Randolph Hoarst threaten to Invado tlio metropolis of Oregon with one of his papers, and propagan da appearoth ancnt the "yellow proas." With all their faults, a Hearst paper never quivered with fear at the wav ing of a nightshirt. It Is about time for tho IWW. to hate another prominent, prosperous, and protected bootlegger, upstate. CAU8E AND EFFECT (Eugene Register) Tomorrow's Star Feature 10.00 Ladles' Hats $1.00 Man In Charge Reviving Local Gulshevikls are dressing tholr hair In a maunor that eliminates "back combing," whatever that is. Many plan on permitting tho boautl fuJ Hoguo to hit thorn in tho hlppocket tomorrow, instead of going to church, whore tlioy belong, DICK To Mr. and Mrs. Illchard Dick, of Camas Valley, on Tuesday, May 1, a dauRhtor. (Uosoburg News Review). A double-barrelled name. ,. WHAT FOR? (Sclo News) ' - The Christian church will begin a scrlOB of revival moetlngs Sunday, They have engaged a team. The noxt war Is now schodulcd for lifll), and will be caused clthor by oil, whlskoy, or rollglon. Still thoro are some who Insist that tho human ruco Is making no progross. . v. Woathor Forecast for Sunday: Picnics and showers. Considerable Interest is being manl touted in "Tho Covorcd Wagon," in those days of tho one-lunged Ford. MUSTER OF CLUBS ' the Tall Timhor Socloty. Amalgamutod Porpotuul Candidates for Offico. , Ooiitory Club. Iloorntoak lloforo Gasoline socloty. Tho .Unconscious Suckers of tho Wobfoot Stato society. The lyoynl Minors of tho Nush club. Tho lloso and Dosli society. United ltobbod Parmors for Oayor Neckties club. Woodmw Wilson Palpitating socloty I.Bcllcg of Tho Invisible Kar. Asaociatcd Coupe Hounds. ,., The Railroad Crossing Suicide club. The Humor Ohhio Association for tho Preservation of Notchlnlled Wood Peckers, and tho lOlcctlon of a County Commissioner. Tho lliihung Ilass Soloists socloty. Tho Transcontinental Uucors nnd Oypsy club. '""Gold Initialed Ford Door llrothor hood. Tho Jackson Couuty Homodolors of Mankind socloty. ' Tho Splndlo-Loggcd Knights of Tho Puttee. Society for tho Abolition of Carrots In Heanory Soup. Vociferous Injectors of Holiness Into Politics club. iTslk About Your Neighbor society. The City Punning Commission. The Toachors-Pollco Association for Saving the Hoys and (iirls. .llonry Ford for President society. Embracers of Any Fool .Notion club. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this sill), enclose with Go and mall it to Foloy Co., 883S Shef field Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address cloarly. You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com oound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains m noes atid back; rheumatism, baekacho, kid ney and bladder aldments; and Foloy Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing ciMhartlo for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adr. SUGAR WITHOUT Sl'.NSE. FOH UNCONSCIOUS 'humor we think trie following from the Cuban suar comDiwKiimtyiiiiinift.'sto issued today, should be uwnrded the hand-painted nut dish: "Any campuJKn which unduly lowers tho prlco would bo projudlral to the consumer, whose interest it Is to have nn abundant supply in order not to be compelled to deprive himself of ausur, or puy too high a price for it." In other words drop thu buyers boycott, for the boyoott will bring cheaper sugar and allow the consumer to put two tcaspoonfulls on iiis mush instead of one, which in turn will increase tho consumption of sugar, raise the price, and compel the, consumer to go sugarless. If this reasoning is correct then the only way for the consumer lo have an abundant supply of sugar is for liim to pay a high price for it. Tho higher the price the more abundant the supply. If this is a fair example of Cuban intelligence, we shudder at the result of a Iiinet test. The bujrs' boycott is directed not against the sugar planters, but against the sugar brokers,, who have attempted to feather their richly upholstered shortage when no shortage exists. Tho above extract is a tacit admission that such a boycott is jus tified, and instead, of discouraging the boycott will of course, merely increase its strength. If there is a real sugar shortage, no boycott will bring cheaper sugar in the end; if there is only an artificial "bull market" shortage, only a boycott it and purchase at a fair price. The Cuban Planters' committee school course in American psychology,, with a few seminars thrown in on tho law of supply and demand. Quill Corespondent: Noun; singular; Americanism is something you poly of. The only two creatures referred and a monkey. A soft answer will turn away wrath, but it has darned little effect on a book agent. Some children arc free to have a who worry about them. Franco is eager for air supremacy,, and Ileinie is just as eager to have her take the air. Still, the rattle of the sabre over there doesn't menace life much more than the rattle of the jitneys over here. Without art souse ho can become be artful to remain a bachelor. In the old days the difference was in tho blood. Now it's in tho It is a rare conscience that will come out of hiding and bark fu riously when there is a profit in sight. There are many .dreadful diseases, but one of tho most dangerous things to have is the price of an operation. Correct this sentence: "The olaeo for medicinal fte, but I'vo norer looked for it." If his feet and hands annoy and comfort in tho thought that he is a If tho man appeals to your patriotism or local pride, rest assured he is trying to mako you pay for the privilege of having it. That hoy who stood on tho burning deck was no more foolhardy than tho chap who stands on a pat hand in tho case of a cold deck. Correct this sentence: "The preacher talked for nn hour and ten minutes and the congregation sighed with regret when he finished." Kvery timo a nation collects the largest standing army iu the world's history, the has-beens move over to make room for a new one. Tho wife doesn't hold his arm because she loves him, but because that is tho easiest way to stop him when sho sees a shop window worth while. It seems strango that, people with phenomenal memories, will power niul personality iiro never heard of except iu the advertisements. RipplingRhucos Vfolt GUARANTEED GOODS. I NOUGHT a clock of Mike MolVto; he gave his guarantee; "That timepiece simply en n't be Vnt, It is a peach," said ho; "and if it isn't good as wheat, just bring it back to mo. And then your money I'll refund, and make no kick or whine, but on my countenance rotund I'll wear a smile benign; but I will bet my cummerbund you'll think that clock is fine." I wound the clock ami made it go, and then I Stood aghast; it always was nine yeni-M too slow or seven years too fast ; it seemed as though it didn't know the future from the past. I couldn't keep appoint ments straight, which mado my spirit sore, for when the sun showed half past eight that clock showed twenty-four; and so I Rung a hymn of hate and took it to Mike's store. And Mike made good, but with a frown that seemed to me a crime; he counted all the money down, a nickel at a time; his laughter didn't fill the towu with glad, exultant chime. "We make good," most dealers cry, and most of them do that, when we return a tinhorn pie, a shotgun or a hat; but if they do it with a sigh their making good falls Tat. ' nests, Dy training up a sugar will allow the consumer to break should take a correspondence Points third person; divorce case. and your partisans have a mono to as "so human" are a great man good time, and some have mothers a Bachelor of Arts, but ho has to ' between a nobody and a somebody bank. wife has a quart put away some dismay him in society, he- finds red-blooded he-man. Mason Novel Picture at Page All of ub who constitute the great screen public have often wondered what takes place when the oig studios are clpsed for. the day. nd what be comes of the stars. It Is the popular impression that, the majority of them are basking In -the spotlight of public favor dancing, etc. This is a wrong conclusion, declares Hlinor Glyn, wnose. latest story, written especially for ihe screen, "The World's a Stage," is the feature attraction at the Pago theater, tomorrow and Tuesday (lay ing on Monday night for Walker Whiteside In ' The Hindu." ihe World's a Stage" Is acted by an all-star cast" headed by Dorothy Phillips, whose talent enables her to make the role vibrant with emotion. Kenneth Harlan and Bruce McRuo render fine Bupport The Christian" closes a successful run at the Page tonight This wonder. ful story by Hall Calne has proven exceedingly popular all over the country. Speed Marks Gibson Films h-dward "Hoot" Gibson's starring vehicle at the Rlalto theatre tomor row, "The Lone Hand," combines fast action with slow, droll humor. The main character Is a thorough bred' cowpuncher, entirely ignorant of the ways of people who go about with starched shirts, and shoes unham pered by spurs. He decides to go on a. vacation to the most fashionable summer hotel. ' He saves a girl, out wits a band of crooks and goes back to the ranch after bis vacation for a rest!- The cast Includes Mnrjorio Daw, William Welsh, Helen Holmes, famous serial queen, Jack Pratt, Jim Corey, Hayden Stevenson and Robert Kort- inan. 'Broken Chains," the feature at the Rlalto theatre, which closes tonight, won the first prize of ten thousand dollars in the contest conducted by the Chicago Daily. News. This is an all-round fine production, intensely dramatic, well cast and beautifully directed. notice, Bale to be subject to the appro val of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional Bum of one-fifth of one per cent., thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned it sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue tor the timber which must bo removed within ten years. Bids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized undor the laws of the United Stutes or any State, Territory or District thereof only. Upon application of. a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offor of a larger unit. T. IB S., R. 2 W., See: 35: NW14 NE, yellow fir, 600 M., red fir, 800 M cedar, 150 M., hemlock, 60 M., none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. for the yellow and red fir and $1.00 per M. for the cedar and hemlock. T. 19 S., R. 1 W.. Sec. 33: SE4 SV4, fir 1070 M.; SWH SWV4, fir 1000 M. not to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. T. 21 S., R. 2 W, Sec. 27; Lot-6, fir 700 Notice of Sale or Ovvernment Timber General Land Orfice, Washington, D. C, March 30, 1923. Notice is lieroby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acts of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat, 218), February 26, 1919 (40 Stat., 1179), and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat., 758), and De partmental regulations of September 15, 1917 (46 L,. D., 447), nnd June 22, 1920 (47 L. D., 411). the timber on the following lands will bo sold May 11, 1923, at 10 o'clocfc a. m at public auction at the United States land office at Rosoburg, Oregon, to tho highest bidder at not loss than the appraised vulue as Bhown by this M., red cedar, 260 M.,. hemlock, 160 M none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. for the fir and $1.25 per M. for tho cedar and hemlock. T. 21 S.. R. 5 W.. Sec. 25-: NE SWM, fir 375 M NEVl 8EU. r 360 M.. NWi SEU. fir 650 M none of the fir on these tracts to lie sold for less than $3.00 per M. T. 27 8.. R. 12 They Stand the Test Wo personally guarantee theso Tires, nnd iniiko our own adjust incuts. Drive around nnd lot Ms show jou tlio nilvnntngra tlirso tires have. ' I WK SAVK YOr MONEY OX ANY M.IO TlllR Armory Service Station Pacific Highway nt Jackson Street ARMSTRONG & WOLEF Medford, Oregon. n-'.jrjt 1 k:i ni Y mrAi ri COAST1 TIRES W., Sec. 17: NE NE'4. yellow fir, 510 M., red fir. 325 M.; NWtf NE, yellow fir, 1800 M., hemlock and white 'ir, 125 M.; SE?4 NEK. yellow fir 1150 M., red fir, 300 M., white fir, 100 M., hemlock, 50 M.; SW14 NE'4, yel low fir,-1900. M., white fir and hem lock, 250 M.; NEVi NWVi, yellow fir, wuu .11. , wnite rir and hemlock, 100 M.: NWi N W , yellow fir, 2700 M.;. SE NW'S, yellow fir, 3200 M., white fir, 60 M.j SWH NW4, yellow fir, 2500 M.; NE 8B$4, yellow fir, 2075 MT, red fir, 300-M., white fir, 25 M.; NWS SEJ4, yellow fir, 1950 M., white ur ana nemiock. 150 M.: SK'i SEtt, yellow fir. 1850 M.; 8V?i 8E, yel low fir, 2300 SI., white llr, 75 M.; NEV4 8W54, yellow fir, 3000 M.; NW)i SWV4, yellow fir," 3000 M.; SE'A SW14 yellow fir. 1950 M.. white fir, 100 M.: SWW SWU. yellow fir. 2300 M white fir and hemlock, 100 M.; none of the timber on these tracts .0 bo sold for less than $2.50 per M. ior the yellow and red fir and $.50 por in. ior tne wiuto fir and hemlock. T. 29 S., ii. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 4, ed fir, 430 M, white cedar, 760 M., hite fir, 40 M none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per Ai, ior tbe white cedar and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 32 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 31: Lot 1, red fir, 400 M., Lot 2, red fir. -600 M SEi NWli. red fir. 325 M none of the timber on these tracts to oo sold for less than $1.25 per Al. T. ZD a., R. 11 W., Sec. 1: Lot yellow and red fir. 980 M.. cedar, 160 M., SE4 NE. yellow and red fir, 280 M., codar 130 M., 8W NEVi, yellow and red fir, 460 M cedar, 100 M., Lot 3, yellow and red fir, 180 M.. :odar, 150 M NW SE 14. yellow and red fir, 310 M., cedar. 40 M., SE& SEV. yellow and red fir, 360 M., cedar, 30 M., SW4 SITU, yellow and red fir, 800 M., NE'4 SWV4 , yellow fir, 800 M cedar, 300 M., NW14 SW, yellow and red fir, 320 M., Mdar, 380 M., SE4 SWVi, yellow and red fir, 360 M., cedar, 500 M., hemlock, 40 M., SWH SW14, yellow fir, 400 M., cedar, 600 M., Sec. 11, Lot 2. red fir, 2300 M., cedar, 300 M., SW NEW, rod fir, 1650 M., cedar 500 M., white fir, 50 M., Lot 3, red fir, 2200 M., cedar, 320 M.. white fir. 40 M., Lot 4. red fir, 2000 M., cedar, 400 M, SEU NW red fir, 1250 M., cedar, 150 M., -SV NWii, red fir, 1700 M-. cedar, 500 M white fir, 40 M., NEVl SW. red fir, 1550 M., cedar, ISO M.. white fir, 60 M., NWVi SWVi, red fir, 1700 M, cedar, 350 M white fir, 20 M., SEVi SW, red fir, 1100 M., cedar, 150 M., SWVi SWVi, red fir, 1700 M, cedar, 20 M none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. for the red and yellow fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00 per M. tor the white fir and hemlock. 40 S., R. 4 E.. Sec. 5: NE Vi SWVi, yellow pine, 600 M red fir, 65 M. ; NWVi SWVi, yellow pine, 485 M.; red fir, 45 M.; SEVi SWVi, yellow pine, 610 M red fir. 65 M.; NE Vi SE&, yellow pine, 405 M., red fir, 20 M.; NWVi SEVi, yellow nine, 260 M., rod fir, 75 M.; SWH SEVi. yellow pine, 425 M., red fir, 125 M., sugar pine, 20 M white fir, 15 M.; SEVi SEVi yellow pine, 440 M., red fir, 45 M.. sugar pine. 10 M.; Sec. 7: NE Vi NE, yellow pine. 370 M.. red fir, 25 M., sugar pine, 10 M.; NWVi NEVi, yellow pine, 300 M., red fir, 60 M., sugar pine, 30 M.; SWVi NEVi. yel low pine, 365 M.; SEVi NEVi, yellow pine, 635 M.; NEVi NWVi, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir 65 M., sugar pine, 25 M.; NEVi SEVi, yellow pine, 325 M.; SWVi SEVi, yellow pine, 335 M., red fir, 90 M., sugar pine, 15 M.; SEVi SEVi, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir, 30 M., sugar pine, 10 M.; none of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the yellow pine and sugar pine, $1.00 per M. for tho red fir and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 29 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 1. yellow fir, 1000 M., red fir, 200 M., cedar 1.435.750 ft., hemlock, 30 M., whito fir, 30 M.; Lot 2, yellow fir, 900 M., red fir, 300 M, cedar. 437 M.. white fir, 90 M.; Lot 5, yellow fir. 300 M, red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.; none of tho timber on these lots to bo sold for less than $1.60 per M. for the yellow fir, $1.00 per M. for the red fir. $5.00 per M. for tho cedar, $.60 per M. for the hemlock and whito fir. T. 30 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 3: Lot 1. red fir, 290 M., cedar, 110 M.: Lot 2, red fir, 285 M., cedar, 185 M.; SEVi SWH, rod fir, 650 M cedar, 580 M.: NEVi SEVi, red fir, 235 M., codar 260 M.; SWVi SEVi, red fir, 240 M., cedar 794 M., white fir, 20 M.; SEVi SB 14. red fir 630 M., cedar, 535 M., white fir, 70 M.; none or the 'lmber on these tracts to be sold for Ions than $1.50 per M. for the red fir, $5.08 per M. for tho cedar and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 30 S., R. 11 W.. Sec. 13, SWVi SEVi, fir, 144 M, whito cedar, 225 K.; SEVi SEVi, fir, 178 M.. whito cedar, 240 M., none of the timber on theso tracts to be sold for less than $1.60 por M. for the fir and $5.00 per M. for the white cedar. US, PI At T. 29 S., R. 10 W Seo. 29, SWVi NWVi, red fir, 355 M., cedar 180 M.; white fir, 30 M., NWVi SWVi, red fir, 216 M., cedar, 210 M white fir, 40 M., SWVi SEVi. red fir,, 410 M, cedar, 90 M., SWVi SWVi, red fir, 615 M., cedar, 480 M., SEVi SWVi, rod fir, 390 M.. cedar, 220 M., white fir, 50 M., none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $1.50 per M., for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar and $.50 per M., for the white fir. T. 39 S., R. 6 W Sec. 15, NWVi SEVi. yollow pine, 60 M., BUgar pine, 80 M., fir 240 M none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the pine and $1.25 per M. for the fir. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner. General Land Office. 'Dooley & Co. ' ACKNTS i BOAtin or tuai'B ni.rxi., rOHTUlNII. OIIEC.ON . SynnrHln of thw Annual Statpmont of th NATIOXAl, I'NION FIHB INSI IIANOB CO. of PiLUburs, In the Mat of l'tnnBylFttula, on the Slot day of lcember, JdSS, niada to ttia insurance commlasjouer of tue atatu of Ore iron, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of oapual atock paid up $2,000,000.00 IKCOMH Nt premiums receUed. darirut , , the year : 5.408,801.2 Interest, divldemh and renta re ceived dtlrnilt the year 800.088.10 'Income from oilier aoiirces re- ceived during tbe year 300.087.13 ! Total income I0.288.132.S3 niSIII'HBRMBXTS Net loate paid during Uie year, i including adjustment ex- ! pen.H-8 12.0t0.102.33 Diridenda raid on capital atock during tbe yrar , 180.000.00 CommUaiona and aalariea paid during the year 1.700,887.07 Taxes, licensee and fees paid I during the year 210,227.82 riount of all otjier ezpeuditurea 604.4S1.72 Total expenditures (5,031,708.1)4 A8SKTS Valuo of real estat owned (mar ket value) $ 143, 603. OS Value of stocks and bondj owned . Imarket talur) 0,430.400.70 Loans on mortgages and i collat eral, etc 001.241.00 Cash in banks anil on hand.. 683.570.60 .Premiums In coume of cnllee. ) tlon written since Septem ber 80, 1024 048,270.70 Amount due from other com panies 306,848.20 Interest and rents due arid ae- I crued 100.217.59 Total admitted assets $0,376,097.70 LIABILITIES -Frees claims for 1-uees unpaid $ 708,826.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks.... 6,030,101.42 Due- for coniiniMioit and brok erage 7.208.18 All other liabilities 217.701.82 i Total llabiHtlcs, exclusive of , ! capital atock of $2,000,- "00 00 $5,004,027.41 nrsixKsa is okec-on Foil the yeak Net premiums received during . r $ 4808.25 Ijobscs paid during the year... 81,280.81 I.o-es incurred tiurJng the yesr 35. 180.78 NATIONAL UNION PIHB I.NSPRANCE CO. E. K. COLE. President. E. w. HALL. Secreury. PItANK E. DOOl.T. Statutory UesMent At- McCurday Ins. Agency, Local Agents, Medford. We ship Pumps and Engines in car load lots, Let us 'figure your' Irrigation . . plant. Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett Medford ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM C, F. Carpenter, Mgr., riiono 201-W Producers of Thoroughbred high producing WHITE LEGHORNS. Member of Southern Oregon Poultry Producers Assn.. Visitors to the poultry ynrds WKLCO.MH any day but Suudny. H. W. OONQEt UNDERTAKER Sacctsssor lo WeekavOongcsT Oo, Mftdforti, Ore. ' Always fresh MKDFORI1 BOOK STORE VATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITK MATTERY STATION 'I'rit-ndly Sorvico" riione 00.1 Kodak Finishing for those who demand tho best. Swem's Studio 217 K. Main Metlford WOOD Wo save you money on Mnnznnlta, Otik, Fir nnd Tine, Call VAX FLKET, Thono 7I.VJ MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Cratr Laka Automotive Co o. v. :mters The Truck Mtmn MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS 80 N. Holly rhone JWLWI Doolley & Co. no.vnn op tkauk i,rn.niJia. . I I'OKTIMl. OllKCUN. : Svnopti' of tlio Aiintul Huu-mont nt the ! FKKEIlAb 1N8UUAN'(JK COMPANY of Jpr.wy fity, in the Ut o( .New Jfmy, on the 3Ut tJJ of DwmboT, 1U21, uuule to Uta ,nnraric commJarioiKir of Uu sUW of Orefon, purttuia U CAPITAL Atoouot of cmplUl P" up. $1,000,000.00 IN CO II K KC premium m:.e-J during the jrtif sM.109.a09.47 InU-nwt. (JirtJii! nd renU re- ceifl tluriiig tbB year 3JB,023.43 Incnma from olhf-r aourct r nrt,, ctiveit during tho ynr. . . . . 120.711-09 . Total incom (4.61O.404.47 IHfllintyEMENTS Net IwMra paid tbe year. including adjiutment- ei Dirldonds pld on caitital atock during the year 200.000.00 Cotnraliuiona and aalariea paid during Uie yar 1,808.033.00 Tte. IWnies and fca. paid during tho yw 100,040.78 Amount of ail otaar (sptoditum 26H.lJ18.10 illHVTtt ToUl exiwnditarcti A8HKTH . .$3.042,048.8' Value of atoclta and honda owned (market valut ) . .90,108.044.00 Tnru on mortiMgca and oollat eral. etc 23.000.00 Cash In banka and on hand. . . . 820.0b0.28 Premiunta In court of collection written ainco SepUmber- 80, 1021 ' 703.080.68, Iutervit and rents due ant ac crued 00.004.80 Loaritw duo from reinauriug com paniea , 110,180.02 Total admitted aui'to 0, 088, 054. 02 I.IAMIMT1KS (Jnws clatraa for lof. unpaid. . 31i808.138.28 Amount of unrarntid premium on all outMandinu riki. 2,247,101.60 Duo for commUslou and brok- era ik . . 2B.240.S1 All other llabtUt'ea 30l, Surpltia 1,800.134.03 - Total HabHUiw. cxcluflfe of CApilai tocH $8,088,004.09 ! nCKIN'KSS IN OltECON FOR THE YEA 11 Net premiums recsirtd daring tho ear ' I- 40.403.58 Ibhch paid during tbe yoar... 24.880.07 Lrtu' incurred during -he year. ' 20100.21 , JTCUEKAL INHl'TtANCE COMPANY 1 PKIK'Y CI!l?BB. Prmldpnt. TIIO.H. J. riODDAUD, Neorvtanr. j -6UtUtoi7 resident attorney for service : i B. 11. DOOLY, Portland, Or. ' ' Frnopfis of tbe Annual Statement of tbe ( QUEENSLAND LN'SIUIANCE COMPANY, LTD. 1 of Sydney, Australia, on the thirty-first day of December, 1U22, uude to tlie insurance com tninsioner of the i la to of Oregon, pursuant to law; . CAPITAL Amnnnt of deposit' capital atock paid up , . 8400,000.00 IN COM R Net premiums received during the year 3 70,077.8 Interest, dividends and rents .ceired during the year 22,262.81 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 1,700.02 Total Income $101,030.10 DI3HUHSKMENTS y Net lrxwea paid during the year including adjustment cipenson. 07.000.00 Con. m Unions and aalaries paid dur ing tho year 21,020.17 Taiea. Ifrenses and fees paid dur ing tlie year'. 8,480.18 Amount of ail other eipendl- turea 4,708.08 Total expendltureii $ 80,202.84 . ASSETS Value of stocks and bonda owned (market value) $340,200.00 Cash in banks, ind on hand.... 81,101.08 Premiums in course of collection ; writum cince September 30, 1021 12,213 01 Interest and rents due and accrued 0,108.44 Total admitted aiueta $004,802.78 . ' LIABILITIES Gtckh claims for Iomos unpaid... $ 80,107.00 , Amount of unearned pramluma on . - -., all outstanding risks ' 88.141.07' All other liabillttloa ' 4,000.00 Surplus as. regurda policy bold- . era 027,028.70 Total liabilities, exclusive of , capital stock tl.04.862,79 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THB YE All Net premiums received during Uie A . year $ 0.100.93 Jjoase paid during the year.... 10,070.18 Lottse incurred during Uie year.. 12.430.18 Name nf comiwny Qiuenaland Insurance Company, LUL United StAtes manager. Bal four, (iuthrio A Co. Statutory resident attor ney for wrska, Inaurance Commissioner. Salem. " 8,niili of the Annua Statement of the SCOTTISH UNION AND NATl6.AL . ..... INSURANCE COMPANT of Pxllnbnrgh. Scotland, In tlie Kingdom of i.reat Britain on the thtrty-ftrat tlay of De-eombt-r, 1021, made to tho Insurance Oom rnlrwtoner of tho Htate of Pregon, purwunt to law: CAPITAL 9 Amount of capital at-ok d -pnait. 8 200.000.00 INCOME Net premiums received daring th year $3,044,020.03 Interest, dividends and fMita re- ceivwl during the year 308,877.83 Income, from other tuuroca re-, . ceived during tho year ... 48,820.70 Total income $4,002. 128.03 DISBURSEMENTS Net Wei rMtirl during tlie year Including adjtmtment expeav-t.$2, 103.291.08 Crmml'Miirns anil naUries paid during the year 1,040,107.00 Taxtn. Hrensm and feei paid during tho year 180,680.18 Amount of all other oxpnndi- turej 808.024.00 Total expenditure! $3,082,012.37 A 8 RETS Valne of real estate owned Imarket $ 193,842.03 A title of vtnekn and bonda owned (market value) 7, 478,100. .10 Ioana on mortgages and collater al, cto 74,300.00 Cssh in banks and on hand.. 382,450.10 Premiums in course of collee- tinn written since September 30. 1021- 928.702.0T Iptere4 and rents due and ae- cmed 120.877.80 Other ledger aateta 0,090.02 Tout admitted assets $0,178,568.04 IJAIIILITIKS Grow claims for lrm unpaid. $ 412.488.00 Amnunt of unearml preraaima f on all outtUndlng risks 8,798.103.08 Due for commljelon and broker a9 20.ft00.00 All other lUbiUUea 218.888.28 , Total Uabllltiea, exclusive of 1 , capital dtnxwK, of $200,- I 000 00 $4,447.030 20 ni'SINKSfl IN OREGON FOll THE YEA It Net premiums received during the year $ 28.707.04 paid during the year.. 18.427.48 homes Incorml during the yesr 89.021.48 SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY I J. II. VltEELAND, Manager. J. II. McConntrk, Secretiry. " fltatntory resident attorney for serrV. J. A Hart man; J. L. Hartman 'Company, BeaH dnt Agenta. ; f 4 own and White,-Resfdoht Agonla. t Medford. - (51 XcaufiiGJi HoielManx PowellSt.atO'Farrella SAN FRANCISCO dnd 'Shopping District A newly beautified Hil Afeei awaits the visrtor to Sao Frasx eiieol New ravntsnrnfa el waMoal charm and conferva lohbr drstgned to proricJa the atmeephere of a huunoua heme and a new Dining Reem. wnttdered em of the meal intereatint in America all eontnbuia la yotat welfare h i the only ho)el mh nmning ke VaW nn every room 1 d PL ANAH HAKYKY owner