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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1923)
MEDFOHD MAIL TRIBUNE, rEDFORD, OT.'KflOX, MONDAY, AT'RT fj P0, PAGE THREE NEWLY ELECTED FAIR DIRECTORS TO MEET TONIGHT The first meeting of the newly elected and . appointed directors of the Jackson County Fair ussociiitton will bo held al the .office of the Med fnrrt Chamber of Commerce HiIh evening. They will elect officers and give consideration to the details of tlH Juno automobile and motorcycle rae meet and the county fair. Thd fair ia being offered some very strbng attractions this year and should the board see their way clear to financially obligate themselves for same, then Jackson county will have Itrvery reason for feeling confident thing in their power to make this the greatest county fair on the coast. Under the lease from the county, the fail association elects eleven di rectors, the county authorities ap- ioint six and the city authorities ap ' Volnt six. The county lias as their appointees A. C. Nininger and A. C. Joy of Ashland, M. S. Johnson of Oild Hill. Tom Farlow of Luke Creek, F. E. Upton of Central Point and Miles Cantrall of Applegnto. . The city council appointed C. E. Gates, John W. Cafkln, S. I. Brown. W. 11. Gore, H. L. Walther and O. O. Alen derfer. Those elected by tho asso ciation are E. C. Gaddis, George Al ford of Phoenix, Elten E. Beeson and D. M. Lowe of Talent, Vern 11. Pen dleton of Table nock, . M. J. Not-ris of Phoenix,. T. H. Simpson of Ash land, J. Wi Wakefield, C. C. Cate, David Rosenberg and S. Sumpter Smith. Coming to the Page Theater TO Ilk . t i ii ' A 1 1 I i v, Y;v( "mil i ! r v i vtv fed I Walker WhltesICe ana- Sydney Shields in "The Hindu."' lONEWPil One hundred and sixteen votes have been cast so far In the final election for directors o( tho Medfonl Chamber of Commerce and the polls cIorq on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. Thoso members who have not already voted, and who expect to, should see that their ' ballots are mailed before Tuesday evening. 15y huvlnt the polls closed ut four o'clock In tho afternoon, it will give the tollers un opportunity to com plete their count before tho time of the membership meeting on Wednes day evening. Tills meeting will bo held in tho basement hall of the Hotel Medforfl at seven-thirty. There will be no dinner preceedlng the meeting, but the entire time will bo devoted to business of tho chamber. A short address will be made by E. J. Adams, secretary to Senator Stnnfield. iHe Is nn able orator and has an Interesting message. A change in the bylaws, reducing duos from twenty-five dollars to twelve and a half will be acted upon and the bal ance of tho evening will be taken up In tho consideration of publicity lit erature and such other subjects as the members may wish to present. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. O. Howlctt hm k to t)u-m a ut! point to a lot of rul'hlHh ho had uIouk tho Blduwnlk next to his K'tniK1' hut ho dk not Htop for them to coint', but wont rlxht at it rlotinlnK the old lumber away that had boon loft whon m hud bet-h moving ht houso and by tho time 1 Kut around oti my way home he had it all iiU-i-ly cK'Tincd up and put away. I notlred also that: thy hnvo Hecured n lot of roiling lumber and ntv going to finish up tho half done job that the men done; on our town hall, that 1m now UHt-d for our town library. With such j women us uro ut tho bond of the! Ladies' Civic Improvement dub of Kiltie Point, tiomt-thlnK bus to move when they i;et started. F, V. HooHer and 1 It. Wear, salesmen for Martin lros. lMano.i, were here for dinner and supper Thursday and so was Thomas Swola and A. C. Shelby, hardware sales men. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Tedwlek are enjoying" u visit from their daiiKhter and children, Mrs. Stove Urumble, of Klanmth Kails. Horn to tho wifo of Aden llaselton, April 20, a six-pound Kh'l In Kverott, WnshlnKton. Mr. llaselton is ono of our Kagle Point raised boys and his wife is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1-3. H. Tedwlek und they are rejoicing over tho arrival of another gnind-damrbter. You'll win the fighl against Constipation with Keliogg's Bran! It Is womlerf ul news for every con stipation sufferer to know that KelluKR's Brau guarantees permanent relief if it is eaten regularly. Two tablespoon!' ills each day ; as mudi with each meal in chronic eases taken con mtitontly will work health wonders, driving out toxic poi-Hond, freeing affected organs and allowing nature to eliminuto tho wastes in its own way I Think what this means to health when you know that constipation is responsible for a largo mujority of human ailments; t lint it is often tho direct cnuso of Bright 's nnd diahetut; that, in milder form, it is responsible for sick headaches, biliousness, nausea, tour breath, pimples, etc. Get ft paekago of Kellogg 's Bran to-day and tight against constipation cud what it leads to I Free your family from Its ravages; free yourself from its grip! Within a week you will bo surprised at tho improvement. Kellogg 's Bran is not only a per maiieut relief from constipation, but it ia a health food, containing mineral salts as well as other vital food ole tmmta that are a necessity to human life. Knt Kellogg 's Brnti as a cereal, or sprinklo it on or mix it with other hot or cold cereals because it is ready to eat. It is delicious cooked with hot ceroala. And, you havo missed i much if you do nut know the delights of bran muftius, brau raisin bread, bran griddle cakes, etc. ... Leading hotels, clubs and restau-, runts serve Kellogg 's Bran in indi vidual puc k u gcs. All g rocera sell Kollogg'B Bran, " 1 MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Ti.ko Ant.omnt.iv On Kodak Finishing-, ";' for those who demand the but. Swem's Studio 217 K. Main MrAtord Dairymen, who supply thq major portion of fresh milk for local con sumption have hcen havinff n contro versy with the dealers on uccount of the dairymen's demand for an in creased price for their product. The dealers are hesitating about paying the price because it would become necessary for them to increase the price to the consumer nnd they fear a loss of business thereby. ' Dairymen claim that they are not making any money selling their fresh milk at the present price nnd they MEN'S CLUBS . DISTPJGT MEETING MEN! SATURDAY ii in miii. One of the interesting club affairs have requested tho directors of the 0f the month is the ninth annual con Medford Chamber of Commerce to foren(.e 0 tnB southern Oregon Fcle appolnt a committee of three men to Women's clubs which will investigate their claim that protluc-1 . tion costs are more than they are re- bo held In Talent Saturday, May 6. celvlng for their milk. The morning session will open at The request of tho dairymen is1 9:30 and will be devoted to business being considered by the directors of and to the reading or mo ' the chamber this afternoon. the president ol tno siaie Mrs. Ida Ji. t'allanan 01. unia"'" ljuneheon will be served liy the Tal ent Community club, with Mrs. A. O. Manning, .chairman.. . - . ...i A progrnm replete with Interest and entertainment has been prepared for the' nfternoon nnd evening ses sions. Including an address by Ur. W. J. Kerr, president of tho Oregon Agricultural college, who will Kpe::l( on "Egyptology." illustrated with lan tern slides. Irving Vining of Ash land will speak on "Legends of Southern Oregon"; IT. P. Campbell (Dick Posey) of Ashland will read some of his inimitable poems. Music iOmost ready Quick Quaker Oats ' Co'tk in 3 to 5 minute 1,'ow tr.ete is a QmV Quaker Oats, . wel J the style you know. The Quick style, perfected by our cxfi'rf, is the quickest cooking oats te :ne world. It cooks to perfection n J to 3 minutes. btt'U styles have the quality and fjctw which have won the world. '.Vty are flaked from queen grains this Just, the rich, plump, flavory ia.. We get but ten pounds front a Oi:hel. Btit In Quick Quaker the cats are tut before flaking. They are rolled ery thin and partly cooked. So the Makes are smaller and thinner that i) all. And the small thin flakes cook luickly. The Quick style is marked "Quick" on the label. Tell your grocer which you want. Civic, Greater Medfonl. Grants Pass Woman's, Hogue Hiver Clvie, J2agld Point C'ivie, Upper Valley Woman's and the Talent Community club. Johnny Hines Stars, Rlalto - ; Tho feature at the Htalto theatre to day and tomorrow, "Sure-PIre Flint," with energetic and comical ' Johnny Hines as tho star, is packed full ot thrills and amusing episodes. llinos is seen as a good-natured, happy-go-lucky and honest youth, whose energy and daring know no bounds. He is ready for anything, be Among those, who were hero for dinner last , Monday were George Stevens, one of the business men oi the valley, who mukes his headquar ters on one of his farms on Hoss;. between Medford and Jackson- I vtlle. He : was out in this district I looking attar hs Interests In this sec tion of tho'iouiury, for ho also owns u nne farm and orchard in the neigh borhood of Wellen. J. H. Carlton, another ono. of our live, awake farmers and stock men I of thu Wellen section, who is one of the contractors on the laterals for the Eagle 1'oint-ISuttc Falls canal and is now engaged on a lateral on the desert north of Eagle Point. 1 say the desert because it ha been I called by that name, hut when It Is properly cultivated and seeded with the right kind of seed and properly I watered, there is no telling the ! amount of stuff that can bo pYoduced : on an acre of that land. This morning 1 heard a man talking about his clover that he has growing on desert land and he said that it was a foot high and as thick as It could stand, I but without water It is of little use. Mrs. George W. Averill was also here for dinney Monday:on her way to Medford to visit her husband, who is in a hospital there, on account of his having been thrown off of his wagon nnd having his leg broken and it dancing, society or thug chasing. His attempts at mastering nil of these the wagon whoel running across hlsi and in the bargain winning the girl chest: C. A. - Hamlin. Mid A. E. Kicker of his dreams' are air successful Doris Kenyon is seen as "tho only girl." Others in the cast Include Rob ert Edeson, Effie Shannon, Charles Gerrard, Edmund Dreese and J. Bar ney Sherry. Calne's "Christian," Page , Maurice Tourneur's production of Sir Hall Caine's ' famous novel, "The Christian," will be shown at the Pago will be furnished by some of the best theater Thursday, Friday and Satur talent in Ashland und Grants Pass. ! (lay Tile ac.jon transnires at Cam- Mrs. Jay Terrill of Talent is presi- j )ruge university, Epsom Downs and the Isle of Mann, where the entire dent of the federation, end other of ficers are: Vico' president, Mrs. Gor don MacCracken of Ashland: corres ponding secretary, Mrs. Harry Caster, Talent; treasurer," -Mrs. Mary L,. Whitney, Grants pass. Southern Oregon .has the distinc tion of having the only district fede ration in the state.- Its-object is to unite in the several women's clubs in the district for social bettermen and for educational, civic and legislative Improvement. All women's clubs which nre non-sectarian and non partisan ore eligible for mombcrshiji. Tho federation Is affiliated with the state federation. The clubs belonging to the district federation are Ashland JSfri . Jl Ml - 1 ism v msrmyi a . O N BIG construction jobs, on grading work, and in thd ouarries and fields where heavy trucks do heavy work, where the roads are rough and the grades are steep there Shell Gasoline measures up to every demand made upori it It is used and approved every where in the west SHELL COMPANY Or CALIFORNIA cast was takeu for the filming of the play. Tho story tells of John Storm's devotion to religion and his sacrifice for the love of an actress. Menard Dix plays John Storm, supported by Mao llusch, Gareth Hughes, Phyllis Haver, Cyril Chadwlck, Mahlon Ham ilton, Joseph Dowllng, Claude Cllling water and Aileen Pringle. . The following letter has been re ceived by the Eden Valley correspon dent: Talent, Ore., April 24. Dear Madam: Just a line to say that In digging a well on Tim Burnett's place in Talent they have struck oil; not a gusher yet, hut there' Is plenty of room for a gusher as they are only down about 12 or 15 feet. I loping It will be a gusher I remain yours very truly for business, - J. C. MASON', . Talent, Ore. P. S.: Would like to see Talent booin a little. One of the most daring of the night riding cases yet to come to view, was that which took place last Monday night In this vicinity. Tho victims, Mr. and Mrs. Kaymond Furry, were taken shortly after their wedding sup per, at the liome of the groom's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Furry, anil placed In a trailer behind a fast car driven by a reckless driver and taken for a ride. About six cars followed in the procession which wound Its way to Medford up the main drag, out Onkdale, through Lovers' Lane, back to the highway and home. Several stops wore made to see If the vows they hod taken, to love, honor and be have, were still holding, and nlthougli badly shaken, vows and victims came through "Hlttin". prclty." So the re mainder of the evening was spent with music, dancing und wishing the young couple all tho usual nice things. A delicious lunch was nerved with Jess Furry lireslding at the punch bowl, An investigation resulted lu tho Indictment of the Misses Edna and Eva Watkins and Sybil Furry; Messrs. Kalph , I layman nnd Jest Furry. The penalty should he that each one In the. near future go through the some ordeal. of Medford, nnd eleven others whose names I did not got, or having put them in a letter very recently for lately wo have hnd qulto a number of comers and goers and many of them I fail to recognize by nnme. Mr. It. H. Taffer, who lives nt tho Dead lndinn Soda Springs, was a passenger on tho Medford-Eaglo Point stage Tuesday and went up home on the Eagle Point-Lake Cpoek stage. , W. G. Knighton, one of the early pioiicers of Oregon who came to this country In 18ti7 and for several years was a resident of this section, but now Is living with a granddaughter on Wagner creek, near Talent, came out on the Mcdford-Butte Falls stage and spent the night and tho next day, up to 2:46 p. m., attending to business and visiting old neighbors and friends. While hero he gave me his subscription to The Medford Mall Tribune, so that ho could keep posted ns to what Is going on In this section of the country. Ho went from here to Portland to visit a grandson. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Piper of Port land wero among the diners Wednes day and so was our popular sales man, Charley Brown, who formerly was with C. E. Gates, but now Is a member of the Mason Motor 1 Co. force. Mr. Chaps, also of Medford was here Wednesday and John How aril, an Old Veteran of the civil war, spent the night with us. He was Just returning from Colorado, where he had been visiting ono of his grand sons. Helen Karr and - Ttalph Cooksen, Medford, came In for supper nnd a little later Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Whlto man, Carl Bowman and Mr. Wm. Helser of Medford were here for sup per. They were out in the interest of rndlo machines. - Wm. Prultt, one of the old resi dents of this valley, now located In the Wellen district, was here patron izing our blacksmith Thursday. B. F. Fuller and his daughter, Mrs. Titus, were business callers Thursday and so was Joe Hnskins. Jr. Ho re ports that they are turning out quite a lot of ties for the S. P. K. H. Co. J Mrs. W. B. Watson of Ban Fran cisco, enmo out on tho Butte Falls stage, where she had been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. E. Smith and sister, Mrs. Ira Tungate. Hhe was met here by another sister, Mrs. Ed Condon and taken out to her home, where she Intends to remain a week visiting before she returns to her homo In Snn Frnncisco. Bho re ported that thnt morning tho roof of Mrs.; (Grandma) Berry Edmond on' houso, had taken fire and burned off considerable of It, ,hut no special damage was dono and that the damages would be repaired by night. I must not fall to mention the fact that tho Ladles' Civic Improvement club of Eagle Point have done a nent Job whlln they were at It, cleaning up In our town. I spoke Is tho for mer part of this letter nbout meeting Mattle Brown with her rnko and gunnysnek on Monday morning and working like n trooper, but tho next day she had ddded to her force some six or elRht other women nnd thoy were taking everything before them, and I called the attention of Ell Da- BiifldBidttre , If roofs could talk theywould complain more of the hot sun than all the rain or snow which attacks them. Excessive heat, that dries and parches, is a very searching test of roofing endurance. The unfail ing resistance of Ccrfciin-tcci Rooing to this continual baking process Is a most important factor in that through-and-through quality which makes it imper vious to rain, snow and sparks as well.' Owners of every conceivable type cf building, in every section of the coun try, can testify to die durability of Ccrtain-tecd. You, therefore, need not experiment; you may know in advance that you can "build to endure" Certain-teed ing resistance of Ccruu'n-tcci Rooing to ' this continual baking process is a most lv. ' ''' j ' important factor in that through-and- 3 JNjj through quality which makes it imper- ''T7(S?0S5 (J vious to rain, snow and sparks as well.' 'i'fifl mX ! Owners of every conceivable type of : ' ' ll VVV " building, in every section of the coun- 4 try, can testify to die durability of ' AjnjL " n -. Ccrtain-tecd. You, therefore, need not lf"- K experiment; you may know in advance A !L frTri jjjl l" " Distributed by tho following wnolesnlers. MAHOX-KHRM AN CO., Mixlford, Oregon CAN tin l'l'IlCHAHEl) FItOM. TIIM FOLLOWING DEALKtlfl: The. Independent Lbr. Co., Medford, Ore. Cenlrnl Point. Lbr. Co., Central Point, Ore. Tho Viilley lldwo. Co., Grants Pass, Ore. Tho Valley Lbr. Co., Grants Pass, Ore. W. If. HinKh, Medford, Ore. " ' Provost Br(w. Ashland, Ore. Cramer Hros., Grents Past, Ore". I". H. Womlln. Grants Pss Ore. iT,m.,Mn-iMi;-l - - - """"'".'TTn - - L, .-T-"-- ''T"'". T . . Mason; Etirmari Medford Wholesale Distributors of Certain-teed Products Headquarters for Certain-teed Roofing and iByiing Papers Independent Lumber Gq 224 North Riverside "For Service" Phone 243 : Medford, Oregon Mordoff & Woolf 1 We Feature Certain-teed Paints, Linoleums and Oilcloth ' . " '.'.-.. ." . 217 E. Main. . Phone 9 "See us before you buy" . Medford, Oregtm