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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1923)
'' v-t '( -i-t PAGE PTVTB -i MEDFORD MATTi TRTBUNE, MEDlKfflP,- OREGON, FBI DAY, APRTL 27, 1923 le I FOSTER ADAMS, wcll-knonn Civil War veteran, of Port, land.- Ore.; is still hate and hearty at 75. Ho attributes Ills remark able healUi to taking Tannic. f ; . : ; . ;; ;. ill , f"l'"ii-T,ji a- 'V 1 w.v. II1IUII "That I am feeling bo strong and Veil at my age I can attribute to nothing but the use of Tanlac." : eently said Foster Adams, well known Civil War veteran, living at 1220 E. Main St., Portland, Ore. i 'Tor over ten years I suffered from Indigestion. After eating I would In Variably bloat with gas until I could hardly get my breath, and have awful pains in my- left side, just .below my .ribs. 1 was constipated and all run flown, and had such spells of weak-, ness I just had to go to. bed. jf "Well, the Tanlac treatment set me Jo eating hearty, did away with that Indigestion and bloating, and strengthened me and built up my health-in every-way. Tanlac is with out doubt a remarkably good medi cine. . .." ' Tanlac is for sale by all good drug glstn. . Take - no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Adv. BIG PENN RELAY FRANKLIN FIELD, Philadelphia, April 27. America triumphed deci sively over England in the first Inter national test of the Penn relay carni val this afternoon whoa Walter Hig gins of Columbia, Intercollegiate crosB country champion, raced to a spectac ular triumph in the two mile individ ual event. C. B. E. Morgan, Oxford, after setting the pace for nearly a mile weakened and was barely able to finish sixth. Higgins killed off his nearest rival, Thompson of Hamilton college, by a remarkable burst or speed In. the last furlong. !,., II - fflMMMMIW !; 15 .1 I DAY I SALE RUPTURE EXPERT HERE - 8EELEV, FAMOUS IN THIS SPE- ClALLY, CALLED TO MEDFORD. )j F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phlla uelphia, the noted truss expert,, will personally be at the Holland Hotel, itnd will remain in Medford this Mon day only, April 30th. Mr. Seeley aya: , "The . Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but .contracts .the opening jin 10 days on the average case. Be ing a vast advancement over all form er methods exemplifying lnstantan :eous effects immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or post ilion no matter the size or location. Jarge or difficult casts, or incissional ruptures iroiiowing operations; spe cially solicited. This instrument re ceived the only award In England and In Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treat ments or prescriptions. Warning All canes should bo cautioned against tho use of any clnctic or web truss 'With undorstraps, as snmo rest where the lump Is and not where the open- Inir is, producing complications nee- msitntinfi surgical operations. Mr. Beeley hag documents from the ..United States Government, Washing ton, D. C, for inspection. He will be felad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. Business de- ' jnands prevent stopping at any other Place in this section. i 1. S. Every statement In this notice has been verified before the Federal 'iind State Courts. F. It. Seoley. Homo Qffice, 117 N. Dearborn St, :i Chicago The Trigonla Oil well is now down about 1850 feet, with the drill proceed ing through a limestone formation. McElroy's orchestra, Air.- Jazz him self. Pavilion,, Tuesday and Friday of next week. 32 Baseball, Eagle Point vs. Applegate at Eagle Point Sunday, April 29th ( 2:30 p. mt 32 Don't forget to see Talent's bargain counter to Bave money on bakery goods. ' 81 J. F. Wochnick left last night for Longview where his brother Frank was killed yesterday when a scaffold fell killing four other workmen. Frank Wochnick . formerly resided in Med ford. He was a bricklayer and assist ed in the construction of the Federal building here. Hear Alford Bins the latest dance hits. Fair Ground Pavilion dances are different. 32 Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf Don't forget to see Talent's bargain counter to save money on bakery goods.- 31 For Rent A goodv piano for four months.. H. Q. Launspach. Phone 646-R. tf A number qf local fishermen have developed considerable enthusiasm and are not confining themselves to week-end trips to the trout streams and , the river. Excellent catches of cut-throat and trout are reported daily and it is claimed that the majority of them are caught on fly and spinner. Spray hose 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf We have good values In used cars. Patton &. Robinson, Inc. tf .. For. JRent-!-A -good; piano for four months. H. G. Launspach. Phone 646-R. tf John O. Cupp has accepted a. posi tion of manager of the Valley- Pride Creamery of Grants Pass and he and Mrs. Cupp moved there today.' They recently came here from Missouri. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Gladiola and Canna bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, 6S0-J-2. tf Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Fred Williams, of Salem, , was in Medford on business Thursday. He is attorney for the Interurban Autocar Companies of Oregon. Supply your baby's wants. Entire stock of infants' wear on sale , at Medford Center Store. ' 32 Colonial Oarage for tire service. Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens for the season Saturday, April 29th. 31 Is Green No More ! .ji "My experience with your mcdl cine has been wonderful. My Btom 1 ach and liver trouble of five years standing took a new turn two years "ago when I took on an olive groen complexion. I spent $1200 with doc !-'tors and specialists only to prove that J was still as green as ever. A friend 1 ndvised . m- to try Mayr's wonaenui Hemedy, and I am green no more My, stomach and liver trouble has all disappeared."; It is a simple, harm ; less preparation that removes the .catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal ': tract and: allays the Inflammation ,;which causes' practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, includ ing. appendicitis. One dose will con i Vtnce or money refunded: For sale by all druggists. . - Adv. I Mellow aa mnnnllsiM aiMl-aa fitting for memorable occasion. A happy ending in. the choice of chocolate when you find the su perlative goodness of Tan Jar has .even exceeded your expectations. They . are Vogan masterpieces in an already famous line. , . j t ,-. -- 'i tke noun a thererer thej' Bell Rood candr. !lHill MYERS SELLS FIVE Five big Mack trucks were deliverod this week by O. V. Myers, local dealer, to recent purchasers. One 6-ton model went to Fred Fick of Jacksonville, two big S-ton trucks to Ike Kesterson of Doris, Calif., and two 2V4 ton trucks to Archie Weiner of Klamath Falls. These trucks will -be used for logging and similar heavy service. A special 5-ton Mack truck is in Medford for the purpose of Bhowing its merits to local people Interested in it. According to O. V.' Myers this truck is gaining in popularity by leapa and bounds because of its sturdy con struction, power and economy of up koep and operation. Mr. Myers' head quarters is at the Mason Motor Co., where ithe Mack 6-ton model is on display. NOTED ORCHESTRA Cole McElroy's orchestra, of Port-I land, one of the best' musical organi zations of its kind In the west and which Is now touring the stato, will give a special program at the Med-: ford fnlr grounds next Tuesday even ing. The first half hour of the pro-1 gram will be devoted entirely to music, featuring Monte Austin, the noted baritone, and ' from 9 o'clock 1 to midnight, the orchestra will play for the dancers. The entertainment will start at I 8:30 o'clock nnd It promises to be-al faro treat for music lovers as well as those, who delight to trip the light fantastic to the tunes of the latest I melodies, discoursed by artists of the I first water. Mr. Austin, the soloist. gained fame singing at the world's! fair at Ban Francisco.. The members! of the orchestra are: John Sylvester, aecordoin; Peck Holton,- piano:- L. Zohser, cornet; Fiddle Hwartout, ophonej Stubbs Tracy, drums, Tremendous Sale; of Suits and Goats ; p.: a i' ST0K Every Ladies' Suit and Coat in Our Entire Stock Going at One-Fourth to One-Third Less Than Market Prices Large Assortments Just Received for This Event! Ladies' Suits $25.00 Suit. Special sale price . . $18.75 $30.00 Suits. 'Special sale price . . $35.00 Suits. $40.00 Suits. Special sale price . . Special sale price . . $45.00 Suits. Special sale price ... $50.00 Suits. Special sale price ... $75.00 Suits. Special sale price . . $21.95 $24.95 $29.95. $33.95; $36.95 $56.25 Slight Charge for Alterations 10 Per erit off on Millinery Ladies' Coats One lot Coats, valued to $25.00. To close ....... $9.95 $18.50 Coats. Special sale price ............ $11.25 $22.50 Coats. Special sale price . . . $16.85 $25.00 Coats. Special sale price $17.9 $30.00 Coats. Special sale price $21.95 $40.00 Coats. , Special sale price $29.95 $50.00 Coats. Special sale price . $36.95 $75.00 Coats. Special sale price y . . . $56.25 9) Sale Wash Dresses $4.95 to $11.25 Sale Silk Sweaters $5.45 to $25.00 15 DAY SALE 230 East Main PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER 15 DAY SALE a V-'