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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1923)
fEDFOTlD MATTJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORP,--OTlEfiOy, TimRRDAY, APT?TL' 10, "1023 Lancas I! v . asBMBHtr TF your worn or dam- aged tire is not worth repairing wo will tell youso frankly. Weareatyour tervice always to help yoa get the limit of long wear from your tires, regardless of make. INTERTJRBAN AUTO CAR CO. mm Tires An Opportunity Sale LUNCH CLOTH and FOUR NAPKINS stamped cn un bleached muslin. The set for 50 CENTS Be sure and get YOURS Sat., April 21, at The Handicraft Shop Help tlio 1-oenl Y. V. C. A. ROADS IN CRATER I Th. Nim tiAyar CtJ milk th ItrvM ,1 ( Tnti THE "special dis count" is tempt ing, but not when you understand who pays for it. The tire dealer doesn't pay for it. The manu- ' facturcr cannot af ford to. Chances are it comes out of the quality of the tire, so) after all, you pay for it. None of the quality of Goodyear Tires ever is sacri ficed to "special dis counts" or any thing else. An Gttodytar StrvUm Mtmtton 0..r IM . tnf Ntom mmnd Goorfvenr 77r. and bach Ihmm up Itilh tlandard Condylar Sarvicm MKM'Oltl) SiatVK'U STATION There has been ailoted to the Cra' ter National forest for road and truil work during (ho coming season, $41 4 50 and for telephone lines and other Improvements $5,914. , The roads to bo constructed are: Lake of the .Woods road, botween Rig Elk Ranger station and Lako of the Woods, Diamond Lake road reconstructed (removal of stoop grades.) Huckleberry City road (to be com pleted by the beginning of the huck leberry season.) Trail to summit of Umpqua Dlvldo road. Thompson Creek road, between mouth of Thompson creek and Steam boat. Portions of the following trails will be built: Itoguo "River Umpqua Divide trail. Buzard Mine to Woodruff Mead' ows trail. ' Craggy Mountain Trail, between tile Crater and Siskiyou National j forests. Summit Trail, botween f our mho like and the trail between Seven Mile Ranger station and Lodgepolo. Tho following telephone lines will bo constructed: Line to Diamond lake to be com' pleted before July 1. Lino between Trull and Woodruff Meadows. Line between Herschberger ' and Abbott's Butto along tho Umpqua Roguo River divide. Line botween Whiskey Teak and Oregon Caves. Line between Pelican Ray and Seven Mile R. S. along Cascade di vide. This work is of primary import ance in both the development, and rrotection of the forest. These roads and trails open up new country to the fisherman, camper and hunter; they also make it possible to give bet tor fire protection to the forest. Good roads Increases the value of the timber and make It pos3lhle to mar lift tho mature timber which is ripe for cutting; they also bring the Bot tler closer to his market. The tele phones are primarily for emergency use In' case of forest fires men and supplies are ordered as needed, re sulting in a saving of tlmo, money n nd timber. They can be used In case of accident. Illness or other emergency by tho people la the for est. KIghty per cent of all our flreB are liHin caused and uro thorefore pre vcriublo. Practically all of these man caused fires are duo to thoughtless ness or carelessness. Greater acces sibility means moro travel and more people in the forest. If more travel -I is not going to mean moro fore, and Increased losses from fire, It will only be because the people of Jackson county who use tho forest exercise an ever increasing caro so as to prevent forest tiros. Mrs. H. B. Dick Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., April 19. Cat- tlo steady, receipts. 106. Hog market steady; considering quullty; receipts 1219 (788 direct with 148 on market and balunce con tract.) Sheep nominally steady; receipts 34. Ituttcr PORTLAND, Ore., April 19. But ter four cents lower; extra cubes 36c; undor grades 3435c; prints, full boxes 40c;- prints half boxes 40s; dairy buying price nominal. Muter fat 4c lower f. o. b. Portland 39c. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., April 19. Wheat, hard whito, bluestem, baart $l.3f; soft white, western white $1.26; hard winter, northern spring, western red $1.19. Today's car receipts Wheat 41; flour 8; corn 2; oats 1; hay 11. San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. (U. S. Bureau of ' Agricultural Econom ics.) Eggs, extras 31 Vic; extra pullets 29c; undersized 22c. SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. But terfat 48ttc f. o. b. San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers 4752c. KXPKCT HOllKK TO DISAPPEAR FItO.M AMK1UCAX FARMING CHICAGO, April 19. An area of motorized farming with horses en tirely eliminated was predicted by Bnn.1. n, Innw n t ilin tractor moot ing of tho National Society of Auto motive longlneers. Assertions were made that with the certain development of an nll purposo tractor capable of doing all farm work, tho horse as a laborer would disappear from tne American farm. SUGAR FALLS FIFTY POINTS --- - 4. 1 Advice for Mothers ' You Cannot Arfonl to Overlook Ono Won! of This. Portland, Ores. "Vr. Pleree'a Vn voiito Proscription la n modlcinu Unit can bo depended upon in all cases of woinrn'a weaknesm'H, und ntter tin experience extending over twenty years I have no hesitation In recom mending tho 'Proscription to mot horn inning expectant periods I was alwajH able to attend to niy work rlKht up to tho hint without the feeling of burden and weariness. My Rtri'iiKth and HptrltH wero Krently In Iped by this wonderful remedy and I nm nuro It bad u beneficial effoet upon my children. I do not usually eare to Klve my name to recommend nnythinfr, but In the case of tho 'Fa vorite Proscription,' which is no wood nnd reliable, nnd there Ih fo much need of Just such u tonic for women when burdens are heavy. I am willing to have my W'Htiumntnl published."- Mrs. . B.'nick, 64!t I'mutUM, Ave. Obtain lr. Pierce's proscription now, In lbiuid or tablets, from your driiHRlNt or Hend 10c for trial pkff. of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel ln fluffiiln, T. v. Adv. Thrill Tumbling On Thrill NOW . A Mighty Melodrama of PLAYING Love and Adventure PRISQILLA Dean's latest and greatest picture "THE FLAME OP LIFE" You linvc nover soon nnytlilnit llko it bl)f)M, Ono of America's ftmitint critics mi Id: "Thorn Is (tojxl, ml, ili-nmnlle mcnt; there in Kplritimllly; thorn Ih hiinuinltyi tliero !' rrnllxni that fairly from tlio nrrraij flHwIrwi nrtlng; tlio direction Is truly iDNjtlml. DON'T .MISS IT!" Sunday TDM MIX 111 "Tho FlKhtliiK Sti-eak" (Continued from page one) Heavy general selling doveloped as soon as news of tho Injunction suit reached the floor. Drops ranged from 30 to 74 points, but wero fol lowed by a rally which carried prices back 35 points. Cuban raw BUgar, however, sold at a now high record since 1920. A ealo of K500 bags was made to one operator at 6 3-8 cents cost and fvuight, equal to 8:18 for centrifugal. Kuhui1 Stocks Drop Stocks of sugar compnules listed on tho Now York stock nxchango nlso v.iro hit by news of tho Injunction suit. They had started off with an advance of ono to 1 B-8 points In the early trading, but when word of the suit ronched tho floor they dropped tuio to nearly three points, from their early high. United States Attornoy Hnyward, who was in charge locally of tho In vestigation which resulted ln tho suit characterized tho procedure as a "united effort on tho part of fodoral officials to ninko tho gamblers In sugar removo tho roulette wheel from thn American breakfast table." Cuba cimo sugar proforred drop ped 2 points, Cuban American and Manntl 24 each: Punta Alegro 2Mi South Porto Rlcan 2 nnd Amorican Hoot Sugar 1. "Every Increase of ono cent In the price of sugar, artificially stimulat ed hy these defendants In their spec ulations has cost and Is costing tho American people $2,000,000 a week," Mr. Hnyward asserted. "Tho theory of tho government In this suit Is tho logical development of tho Shormnn law, tho Wilson net and tho decision of tho United Statos su premo court hnndod down Monday In luo lotion corner enso-anu me grain futures case." , Cut Thlt Out It la worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with Be and mall It to Foloy & Co., 2835 Shef field Avo., Chicago, 111., writing your nanio nnd address clearly. You will recelvo In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com pound for combs,: colds nnd croup; Foloy Kidney Pills for pains In aides and hack; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder nldmonls; and Foloy Cnthartlo Tablets, a wholesomo and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for ronstlpntlon, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Announcement Wo have recently taken on tho ser- vlco station stock of McQuny-Norrls Walnright pistons, in nddltion to greatly Increasing our atock of Do Lux pistons, and we are now In better shnpe to supply tho autolst with his requirements than ever before. You can depend upon the reliability of this shop pioneers in gas engine work nnd specialists In cylinder and piston refitting. We have a very complete stock of piston rings. Riverside Garage. 0 DEUEL'S APRIL SALE Of PROGRESS fridayi Extraordinary Saving's Saturday EDITORIAL You will find this store, during this sale, rich in values of high quality mer chandise. Odds and ends, broken lots and surplus stocks throughout our en tire store are offered at un usually attractive prices for this event. These radical reductions, all over the store, afford you an opportunity to buy many articles of apparel and household necessities at substantial savings dur ing this sale. RATINES FOR SPRING COSTUMES $1.85 values, now . .$1.35 $1.65 values, now ... .98c 55c values, now 39c NEW "KING TUTS" Voiles at 45c, 55c and 65c Silk Crepes at $2.25, $3.25 GINGHAMS 32-in. Kalburnies, fast color, 35c and 40c values, yard . . 29c i TAFFETAS 15 good colors. For frocks of unusual charm to greet the spring, $2.50 values, at, yard' . . $1.98 ' BLOOMERS White batiste, full cut for women, $1.00 value, at 69c SILK SWEATERS Tuxedos ... $4.75 to $7.50 Slip-Overs .$3.75 to $4.50 CRETONNES To make space for our large and new stock of Cretonnes, we offer at radical reduction our present assortment of draperies in four lots. Values to 50c, lot 1 at . .29c Values to 65c, lot 2 at . . 39c Values to 75c, lot 3 at ... 49c Values to $1.00, lot 4 at 59c CH ALLIES A case of new Comforter Challies. Very special at 19c Ladies' Pure Silk Pointex Hose. One lot, value $1.69. Very' special, $1.29 Imported English Golf Hose. Sizes from 7 to 10. For women and chil dren, $1.50 value at 98c Kotex, 65c value 55c SPORT KERCHIEFS 10 dozen new Sport Ker chiefs, colored borders. Regular 15c values, 3 for . 25c "TUT" NOVELTIES Ear Rings, values to $1.95, in two lots at . .49c to 98c Bracelets, 75c value, at 50c Compact Vanity Cases, plain and fancy, each 79c TOILET COMBINATIONS Pompeian Vanishing and Cold Cream $1.00 Mavis Cream, Talc and Face Powder ..... .$1.00 One Gainsborough Powder Puff with each Face Pow der purchase. BRASSIERE Specials Cloth Mesh at 29c and 49c Belding's Wash Satin 89c 1 lot, $1.25 values at . .89c. GIRDLEIERES Side or back fastening. Very special . . . .$1.25 up All Suits, Coats and Dresses Specially Priced CORSETS ' A complete line of both front and back lace Corsets for slender and stout wom en. Priced from $1.25 up CLOSING OUT Entire stock of La Camille Front Lace Corsets at h price DeBevoise Brassieres Formfit Girdleieres Vanity Fair silk Underlings See Them Buy Them REMNANTS ON SALE Don't Miss These To clear our stock of all short lengths, we offer hundreds of unusual bargains in 1 to 5 rd lengths at just one-half the regular price. Silks, Woolens, Voiles, Ratines, Swisses, Domestics, Cretonnes, etc. GAUZE VESTS Bodice top or built up, 35c and 40c values, each . . 29c WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Bodice and built up shoulder, "values to 70c, suit 55c CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS. 35c values, suit .25c LACE SPECIAL-1,000 YARD ASSORTMENT 5c YARD Boys' Blouses Men's Sox, 6 pair, Kaynee Wash Suits 75c, $1.00, $1.25 guaranteed 6 mo $1 Price $1.95 to $8.50 Men's Percale Men's Negligee Garden Hats, Khaki Shirts, $1.00, $1.25, and Straw, 35c, 50c Dress Shirts $1.00 $2.00 and $3.50 75c, 85c Men's Chambray Work Shirts at 75c Men's Bib Overalls $1.75 Boys' Bib Overalls $1.00 qvauty F. K. DEUEL & SONS r- V.nm It (iivn It tei the Y. Y. C. A. Have It.