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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1923)
PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIE TRIBUNE, -MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL- -16 1923 KICKLESS 'BACCY LATEST STUNT IN BINGHAM PTOX. N. Y. And now they're going to take the kick out of tobacco. Nicotine-less smokcB are scheduled o follow boer-less beer. ' Frank D. Reynolds, of this city, Is jiamed as the man who Is making this possible. Reynolds is the Inventor of a formula for the removal o( nicotine from tobacco.' An invention which promises to completely revolutionize the world's tobacco Industry in time. " The research work which led to the ultimate discovery of the . wonderful formula was begun in 1877 in this city. Years of extensive research and ex periment, followed by a second trip to Germany in quest of a separation of one chemical which affected the oil in tobacco leaf, brought the perfection of the formula. .' : The introduction of the process of neutralizing the nicotine of tobacco Into the tobacco Industry of America Is almost inevitable. Prohibition, which legally eliminated the Intoxicat ing beverages, will next turn Its atten tion to the cigar and the cigarette, the nicotine In which is considered to be the second deallest poison, It is be lieved. ' Nicotine-less cigarettes and cigars cannot possibly be prohibited by law, and thus the career of smoking Is granted a definite permanency. With a French tobacco mart open to Amer ican ideas through the present negoti ations for the purchase of the French tobacco monopoly by the Whelan-Duke-Ryan tobacco interests, the ex periment of the formula in that coun try is not altogether Improbable. i For the past month the right to use the formula has been under considera tion by British interests. They are now seeking to secure rights for Its use in Great Britain and possessions. ' Negotiations have also been opened With, a large Massachusetts tobacco concern, said to be one of the largest in America, f r its use, according to Reynolds. .. FOR FORESTERS TO Sample emergency kits for fire fighters oh the national forests to be submltetd to Washington headquar ters for consideration as a standard equipment In the forest service are being assembled in the Portland office by W, B. Osborne, Jr.. forest examiner. Osborne lias had considerable experi ence In planning the compact equip ment for workers In the Held, and to his el'fort Is due the present cooking utensils outfit used by fire and road crews in the government service. Hours have been spent searching out the most convenient size in cans. I boxes, utensils nnd patent packages of foodstittrs to fit Into the smallest I ntnmmt r.t Di.ana n.l rl,m tUr. ...v....b ... njiui.t. nun bl'O mo fiicuiuoi food values. It Is expected that the government will he able to pass uion the assembled packages and that a number of them will be put out for the field this year. In a cardboard' carton, rat-proof material, dimensions 9 to 4Vi inches and weighing SVssPounds, which forms the one-day kit, Osborne has fitted a food supply which consists of 24 ounces of roast beef, enough pulver ized, coffee for Bix cups, powdered milk, sugar, one half pound sweet chocolate, one-half pound hardtack and a pail for brewing the coffee. The two-day outfit Includes 29 ounces of bacon, hermetically sealed by Bpeclnl process; two 12-ounce cans corn beef, one-half pound sweet chocolate, one fourth pound of cheese, 2-ounco soup cube, two 6-ounco cartons hardtack, two Individual packages grape nuts, 4 ounces rice, two cans milk, 1 ounce pulverized coffee, 1 ounce salt, 8 ounces sugar, frying pan, receptacle 1 for boiling water, one cup, one spoon. The three-day ration Is similar with ! the addition of rolled oats, candles ! and matches, and has already been , accepted by the government This car ton weighs 14 pounds including uten sils, and the rations keep from one year's end to the next. - A five months' run for ono motion picture. ' It sounds like a fabulous dream, yet It is already the achievement marked up to the credit of Douglus Fairbanks' "Robin Hood" out at Oraumau's Hollywood. .;. The making of "Robin Hood was an epic of endeavor. The success with which the film Is meeting Is therefore but one more, and ono every strong argument tor the production of fllniB of beauty and charm. In making this picture Mr. Fairbanks had to contend alike with a current of depressed thought, and with the arguments of advisers who believed ho was going to unnecessary work in the preparation qf so enormous a film. 'VDoug -Bo Yourself was the gen eral sentiment. "The public likes you anyway why worry?" Hut the actor-producer's answer is more than explanatory. It is illumina tive. ' Mr. Fairbanks believes that the cinema Is an art. That it la not Just a. vehicle for foolory and geniality. He wants to prove to his friends In the theater that,' whllo a pleasing personality and a smiling good nature are valuable, thoy are not the sum of all screen art. " To that end he labored. His rewnrd excites the admiration of every pro ducer, and unquestionably the Buccess of this remarkable photoplay. Beginning tomorrow 2: 15 at tho Page theatre, southern Oregon's pre mier showings of the finest production of all times takes place. Oregon Made Tires On the Market; Local Branch House THEO. KARLE SINGS AT PAGE TONIGHT, "I have decided to got mnd and bite the noxt person who tolls me that I am the Second McCormack, or the Third Caruso, or the Fourth Do . Rcszko," says Theo Knrle, the Ainer '' lean tenor who slugs In Medford to ' night, April 1G, at the Page theatre I ' got a number of sorallod compli ments of this kind, and 1 am obliged to regard thorn with unlntorested un concern, for I believe tliero was only one Caruso, ono McCormack, nnd only one Theo Karto. 1 can make a better - success, I hope, of being Theo Knrle tpan 1 could evor expect at being a , second edition of someone else." "The only criticism of appreciation that a singer really appreciates or re members Is that which is colored with intelligence, and when my friends make the blanket stntcment that I am the second Somobody Who Hns Just Died, I cannot assure myself whether I am Pr ""Py of someone elBe, or merely one of tho dead ones. I nm not really old, you know. Something over twenty aeemS to me a very long wny from the grave." The Medford branch of the Colum bia Tire Corporation, which will dis tribute for the five southern counties of Oregon and two northern Califor nia, will not open for business hore for about another week. ' This dolny Mr:.-Ayo, local, branch manager, advises us has been caused by the fact that it was necessary to ! select a new location which Is now being fitted up at 46 South Riverside I In tho Billings building. This location l Ib only sufficiently large to accommo date office and salesroom' and arrango- ments are being made to warehouse the stock with which to supply the out of town dealers. In the meantime these shipments are being mado dl rect from the factory. No effort has been made to obtain dealers here In Medford us the local dealers are well stocked with their respective brands of tires, but it will bo the policy of the branch to supply tires to thoso doalers who wish thorn for tholr own customers. The factory at Portland Is two-story 350x80 feet and whohy constructed or concrete, stoel and glass. Tho highest type oC improved machinery was put chased In the east and brought thru tho Panama canal. Department ex ports familiar with every sclonce and art of tire-making were brought from eastern plants; the labor employed Is not imported, but Orogon's own skill ed workmen trained on tho ground, which, as reported. Is more rendlly adaptable to the hand-built processes of this Improved tire than tho eastern labor which 1s very largely foreign and operates undor the prossuro of forced production. At the Page It is safe to say that playgoers and screen fans will welcome the Impend ing engagement of Elsie Ferguson, in person, at the Page theatre, Monday night, April 23rd, as one of the most important of the current theatrical season. In a speaking part this dis tinguished actress has not been seen on the Pacific coast since her appear ance in "Outcast" seven years ago. Her return to the stage this season in "The Wheel of Life" has been marked It Is said, by a succession of artistic triumphs.' Frederick Worlock is the leading man, and C. T. Davis, Irby Marshall, J. Fisher White, George Thorpe and Eric Cowley the other principals of the cast, which Is the original American one. County Court Proceedings. . The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Ore gon, together with a list of the claim ants and articles of service for which the claim Is made and which were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson countv during the month of February. 1923. The following bills were allowed as follows, with the exceptions shown: County Court and ComniiKNioners Geo. Alford, county commis sioner's salary $ 80.00 Victor Bursell, county com missioner's salary 63.20 G. A. Gardner, county judge'B salary .". 166.66 A. W. Stewart, county court witness fees Goo. Tucker, county court witness fees Home Tel. & Tel. Co., coun ty judge's telephone bill.. 9.00 9.00 8.05 Total tZU.91 Circuit Court F. Roy Davis, court report er's salary $ 116.06 A. R. Thomnson. circuit court crier 18.00 Susanne H. Carter, payment McCurdy Insurance Co., pre mium clerk's bond 136.00 People's Electric Store, ex pense clerk's office ....... 13.62 Remington Typewriter Co., machine clerk's office (6.88 Western Union Tel. Co., calls clerk's office 1.07 Glass & Prudhomme. sun- plles clerk's office 259.08 luauncey Florey, stamped envelopes clerk's office.... 160.56 Total $1704.42 Treasurer's Oflfce Mrs. Dorothy - McCarger, work fn treasurer's office.. 36.00 Verl G. Walker. deDUtv treasurer's salary A. C. Walker, treasurer's salary . ;.. A. C. Walker, expense treas urer's office . Billings & Billings, premium treasurer's Jond Burroughs Adding Machine, expense treasurer's office Carter & Mills, premium Na tional Surety bond 100.00 R. A. Holmes, nremlum treasurer's bond ..... Home Tel. & Tel. Co., service treasurer's office J. O. Isaacson, premium treasurer's bond Kilham Stationery Co., sup plies treasurer's office Medford 'Book Store, sup plies treasurer's office .... Wakelfield & NeilBon, pre mium on insurance 25.00 .wearord Printing Co., print ing treasurer's office 80.00 150.00 8.76 45.00 ' 4.00 45.00 4.05 45.00 27.83 1.50 8,1! Total ; $590.29 School Superintendent's Oflfce Elizabeth Burr, supervisor's V salary $ 120.00 Luclle Goold Brock, work In superintendent's office ' 6.00 Susanne H. Carter, superin tendent's Salary 166.66 Mrs. Jesse Davis, assistant Bchool supt 85.00 Elizabeth Burr, travel ex pense superintendent's of fice 23.10 Elizabeth Burr, supplies su perintendent's office .. 1.75 Susanne H. Carter, travel expense suDerintendent's office 52.62 Independent Printing Co., circuit court supplies 7.00 Georee Grlgsby, .grand Jury witness 11.00 11 ' - may b followed by serious I I cold trouble um nightly V VAPORub (tor 7 imum viw on Harry Carey, Rlalto All of the Hnrry Cnrey productions of tho past are excelled by his latest production, "Good Men and True," founded on the story of the same name by Eugene Mnnlovo Rhodes and was revealed for the first tlmo at the Rial to theatre yesterday. Harry Carey has a role that fits him as snugly as a rubber skuH cap tits tho head of a bather. Ho Is a cowboy. of course, but this time is a candidate for sheriff, backed by tho better ele niont of a western town and opposed by a vicious faction. The lovo Interest Is furnished by his admiration of the daughter of his chief political backer. The girl Is Vola Vale, who formerly played oppo- slto Wm. S. Hart In his Western dramas. Murderer NiitrldeK In Cell. NEW YOKK, April 10. Harold VnnAlHtetn. an acrobat who last Jan uary killed his sweetheart. Miss Mar Inn Marljiren of Philadelphia, com mitted suicide In the Tombs today by strniiKlIng himself wish his belt. Total $156.66 Justice Court , G. O. Taylor, Justice court fees $ 81.15 Sheriffs Office' Geo. B. Alden, mileage sher iff's office 6.81 Anna Coleman, work In sher iff's office 33.00 Mrs. H. H. Davis, ' Work In sheriff's office 24.00 L. D. Forncrook, salary, dep uty Bherlff 110.00 Leora Godward, work In sheriff's office , 33.00 A. Hensloy, service sheriff's office $7.85 disallowed Geo. L. Howard, work In sheriff's oflfce 112.00 Olln Knox, work in sher iff's office ' 30.00 John Miller, Jr., work in sheriff's office 9.00, Mrs. Aleene McKoe, work In 1 sheriff's office 01.00. F. J. Newman,- special tax agent 300.00 Mary Ryan, work in Bher- I irr'B office. 33.00 Edna Snyder, deputy sher iff's salary 93.00 C. E. Terrlll, sheriff's sal ary 208.33 Hazel Tetherow, deputy sheriff's salary 85.00 Geo. B, Alden, deputy sher iff's salury 126.50 Ualton Terrlll, deputy sher iff's salary 90.00 C. E. Terrlll, sheriff! trav eling expense ; 68.35 Ii. D. Forncrook, service sheriff's office . 60.62 L. D. Forncrook, finger print work 15.00 Burrough's Adding Machine, repairing sheriff's office.. 5.50 Dally s Taxi, taxi hire sher iff's office 11.50 I. K. Drake, expense Bhorlff'B office 62.03 The Jacksonville Post, prlnt - ing subpoenas sheriff's office , 10.00 R. A. Holmos, premium sherif's bond 5,00 Heath's Drug Store, supplies sheriff's office 1.75 Home Tel. & Tol. Co., service sheriff's office : 15.05 Medford Book Store, sup plies sheriff's office 42.85 People's Electric Store, ex pense sheriff's office 4.60 S. W. Starmor, services sher iffs office 6.00 Postal Tel. ft Cable Co., tele grams sheriffs office 2.97 Medford Printing Co., print ing shorlff'a office ;.. 407.25 Wakoflcld & Nellson, pre mium sheriffs bond 80.00 superintendent',! hnnrt a 71 Susanne H. Carter, supplies superintendent's office 4 06 Home Tel. ft Tel. Co., tele phone bill superintend ent's office 4.90 Medford Book Store, sup plies superintendent's of fice 4.30 Total $478.10 Fruit Inspector's Office E. R. Oatman, fruit inspec tion , $ 143.50 Howard E. , Warner, - fruit Inspection. ....i u 143.50 mium on insurance policy 136.001 Total ........$1258.95 .. Jail .... ...... . .... E. D. Collins, Jailer's sal ary ; 50.0(1 Jacksonville Pharmacy, Jail expense 10,95 Medford Domestic. Laundry, Jail expense , 4.90 Dr. H. Oftedal, personal ser vice. Jail 12.00 W, R. Sparks, pail expense.. 2.00 California Oregon Power, service Jail 18.03 Godward Mer. Co., supplies Jail . 10.00 Jacksonville Cash Store. supplies Jail 24.7! Effle M. Terrlll. boarding . . prisoners 286.30 v Weight. E. A. Bond, district sealer ..$ 28.od ?n cortPX United States or any iJESS SiST I State, Vrruory . or . District -thereof Total $418.93 i-are of Poor at Poor Farm Albert Crane, nursing at ' county farm $ 10.00 Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county physician's. salary . 75,00 Mrs. Irene Wells, salary county farm supt 125.00 jurs. t,una ueeson, laoor at county farm 40.00 Scott Boyer, conveying In digent to county farm 12.00 Ed.Binns, supplies county . farm :.. 2.3; California Oregon Power Co.i services county farm.. 41.23 Hutchison & Lumsden. sup plies county farm 53.18 Mann b Department Store, supplies county farm 4.44 Medford Furniture & Hard ware Co., supplies county farm 11.13 Paul's Electric Store, ex pense county farm 2.75 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., ser vices county farm 2.65 Total J .$379.73 var of Poor Not at Poor Farm Mrs. Nellie Boardman, regu lar Indigent $ 25.00 A. D. Beardsley, regular in digent 10.00 Mrs. Kate Connie, regular Indigent 8.00 Mrs. Millie Dosler. regular indigent 10.00 Dave Daniels, regular Indlg. ent , 8.00 A. M. Ford, regular indig ent 6.00 Mrs. Hudson, regular indig ent Mrs. B. H. Hatch, regular in- 8.00 10.00 8.75 42.00 Fbdir-rmnn Drowned. EVERETT, Wash., April 16. Theotlnro M. Faulkner, ned 40, of( llrnnlte Knlln, one of n flailing pnrty of elKht, vnn dmwned In Ntocker t'sdy hike six miles from that town enrly Hunday morning-, the first vic tim of the fishing ivasou. Totnl i $217111 Oc-rk's Offico Helen Ada tn son, work in clerk's office ....$ 75.00 Elizabeth Hohl, work in clerk's office 47.00 Chuuncey Florey, clerk's sal ary 16 6.60 John Harris, work In clerk's office 75.00 I rin a Martin, work In clerks otflce 75.00 Mildred Noll Florey, deputy dork s salary lia. uu Dan M.. Pearce, deputy clerk's snlary ' 89,00 Mattle Stevons, deputy clerk s salary 75.00 Delllla Stevens, deputy clerk's salary 110.00 Mary Truax, work In clerk's office 80.00 Chauncey Florey, stamps clerk's office 6.00 Kilham Stationery Co., sup plies clerk's office 45.60 t'nderwood Typewriter Co., nillustlng machines clerks' offico S3.50 Ashland Tidings, printing clerk's orflco 36.25 Hillings ft Billings, Insur ance clerk's offico 17.50 Chauncey Florev, money ad vanced for plats . 3.00 Home Tel. Tel Co., service clerk's offico 8.50 Medford Hnnk Rtorn. nun. piles clerk's office 31.20 . Total :.$287.00 Assessor's Office Ray Coleman, deputy asses sor's salary 90.00 J. B. v Coleman, assessor's . ' traveling expense Anna Coleman, : extending tax roll ....i... J. B. Coleman, salarv asses- T Br - 166.66 Llnnie Hanscam, deputy as sessor's salary 110.00 J. T. Little,: extending tax rolls Delpha C. Coleman, work in assessor's office Mrs. Ida Wilson, work In as sessor's office Wakefield & Nellson, pre mium on assessor's bond.. 15.00 Asniana Tidings, printing assessor's office .;. J. B. Coleman, stamps asses sor's office Home Tel. & Tel. Co., service assessor's office Medford oBok Store, sup plies assessor's office Underwood Typewriter Co., supplies assessor's office.. 104.00 75.00 44.00 9.50 2.50 3.05 3.40 7.50 Total -.$681.36 tux Rnbafn Wm. L. Moore, tax refund.... $ 13.65 Pine Belt Banking "Co., tax refund 6.66 G. M. Roberts, tax refund.... 144.15 Total ;.$163.46 Wldmvn Pnnslnn Mrs. Ella Abbott, widow's pension .;. $ 25.00 Florence M. Baker, widow's pension 25.00 Mrs. Juanlta Butler, widow's pension 20.00 Effle Mario Baer, widow's pension : 25.00 Mrs. Calla Card, widow's pension ' 54.00 Nettie Green, widow's pen sion 15.00 Mary Roberts Hlgglns, wid--ow's pension . 15.00 Mrs. Alice P. Howell, wid ow's pension 25.00 Mrs. Ina Huson, widow's pension 64.00 Mrs. Dolly Love, widow's pension 25.00 Rosa A. Peffly, widow's fcen- Albert Johnson, regular in digent Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, regular Indigent :. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Kelsoe, regular indigent ;.. Mrs. Lena Lee, regular Indig ent John Morlett, regular indlg- ent J. Meese, regular Indigent.;.. Carrie E. Miller, regular In digent . I. A. Montgomery, regular . Indigent Margaret Noble, reeular in- i dlgenti:... ...i. .... .,10.00 Elizabeth Patterson, regular Indigent ..i James Pugh, regular indig ent .. Mrs Mary Price, regular In digent Doc. Parsons, regular In digent ... .-. Phoenix Mercantile Co., sup plies indigent ($1.16 dis-' allowed) ' Mrs. Nancy SIsemore, regu lar indigent Mrs. L. Schiefflln, regular Indigent Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, regu lar Indigent Alex Wilson, regular indig ent .:.::........ Ann'e Watklns, regular in digent Z. Wolgamott, regular in digent , American Red Cross, Indig ent expense 145.21 Hutchison ft Lumsden, sup plies indigent Jackson Street Grocery, sup plies Indigent Louie's Grocery, supplies in- , digent . ..: Mrs. M. E. Mlddlebusher, . supplies indigent ... Dr. H. Oftedal, examination feeble minded Pellets Cash Store, Indigent supplies Mrs. Anna Robey, Indigent . expense Sacred Heart Hospital indig ent expense Dr. Robert W. Stearns, in digent expense : A. B. Evans, indigent ex pense : Godward Mercantile Co., in digent expense 33.81 union Oil Company, indig ent supplies ....... Mrs. B. H. Hatch, regular In digent Elizabeth McCullom, regular indigent 8.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 80.00 27 70 12.00 , 8.00 5.00 20.08 15.00' 44.28 6.00 10.00 2.62 10.00 Bdford National Bank, ren - application of a qualified water master's Office 10-00 ?.Vv.-.,- .hi .imw on anv leKal Fred N. Cummings, expense I ... . .fBred seDttrateiy water master s office r. holn ..-m.iod in anv offer of a UtlUl O UV'UB subdivision will be offered separately .1 V. -...... ! ..... ..lortf V"ium'6", Lot., unit. water master ..jou."",' t 15 B, R. 2 W., Sec. 35: NW , . tlli4 95 NEV4', yellow fir, 600 M red fir, 800 Total ; 184',M. cedar, 150 M, hemlock, 60 M., County Attorney none o( tne timber on this tract to be Rawles Moore, stenographer I for ie38 tnan $1.75 per M. for the county attorney's office.... 35.00 yellow and red fr and $1.00 per M. M. T. Edwards, work on tA!for the cedar and hemlock. T. 19 S tax foreclosure cases 36.50 R 1 w gee 33. gE SW, fir 1070 M.; SWi4 8W, nr iuuu ju. iiui i Total :...$71.50 8.00 Total ; $645.70 Advertising and County Printing slon .. 25.00 Medford Printing Co., coun- Anna Prescott. widow's pen sion . 10.00 Retha M. Richardson, wid ow's pension 32.50 Mrs. Addle Webb Shanks, widow's pension 10.00 Elizabeth Sevey, widow's pension 17.50 Rosa R. Slngler. widow's pension - 32.50. Lyflla banders, widow's pen sion 17.50 M,rs. Myrtle M. Palmer, wid ow's pension $15.00 disallowed Amy R. Thorn, widow's pen sion " 25.00 48.1S 62.60 7.50 136.00 Total $453.00 Court Motive. Expense Bert L. Moses. Janitor's sal ary $ Jacksonville Pharmacy! court house expense Koke Tlftanv Comnanv. court house expense 354.00 Hillings ft Billings. Insur ance Premium court hnnsA Jacksonville Cash Store, sup plies court house :. J. W. Wakefield, premium on court house Ins. Jas. M. Cronemlller, nre mlum on court house Ins.. Carter A Mills, premium on on court house Insurance R. X. Holmes, nremlum nn Insurance policy 136.00 System Sorvlce Co., pre- ty printing - Indigent Soldier O. A. Stearns, old soldier's , relief 105.00 Election Expense wells Taxi, election ex pense : Roads and Highways California Oregon Power, sorvlce highway G. A. Gardner, trip to high way commission 1.60 1.00 34.22 Totnl .....$35.22 County Nttrso Marie ' E. Falldlne, county nurse's salary $ 78. 00 Colonial Garage, county nurse's expense ;. 5.00 Jones ft Kirkpatrlck, ex pense countv nurse 8.23 State Bureau Public Health, expense county nurse . 2 AO Health Rcgbitration Mrs. Sophia Cbildretb, regis tration births and deaths... .$ Dr. W.' 81 Cary, registration births and deaths Mary Mee, registration births end, deaths T. J. Malgrem, registration births and deaths ........ Nellie Reed, registration births and deaths ' Dr. F. G. Swedenburg, regis tration births and deaths.. 13.50 2.50 1.75 3.25 4.25 ,' Total .....$28.50 General County Dr. D. M. Browers, attend- , ance circuit court ..$ i-i0 Elmer Knotts, attendance circuit court 3.60 Verl Kinzer, witness fees 60.40 Total $68.40 library Mildred Bliton, salary $ Central Point Public lobrary postage refund : Carol Cox Book Co , books.... The J. K. Gill Co., books...;.. The Klockery Printery, 250 vouchers Marjorle Meyers, salary ' Medford Book Store, books Mrs. Prue A. Piatt, maga zines E. Fay Woolsey, salary E. Fay Woolsey, current expense 70.00 4.87 3.U2 9.89 7 50 30.00 27.35 25.95 66.66 2000 Total $26584 Prohibition Fund S. B. Sandofer, prohibition enforcement ......:..:............$ 4 10.70 J. H. Leggltt, prohibition en forcement '47.00 Crater Lake Hardware Co., , prohibition enforcement.. 169.00 Bert Moses, prohibition en- forcement 76.00 Eads Transfer ft Storage Co., prohibition enforcement.. . 6.00 S. B. Sandefer, advance on salary expense ................ 50.00 A. W. - Stewart, advance . on i.- compensation . 50.00 A. W. Stewart, prohibition enforcement ......... 6JJ.00 Total '.:......:.....r;::.:i...$858.7o Road Fund ; Road District No. 1 Standard Oil Co;, supplies district No 1 ;...-.....:.....:..$ 33.62 Road District Xo. 2 Wm. Bruin, payroll district - No. 2 .!cr...;,..: -87.23 O. L. Tracy, labor road dls- -, , trict No. 2 125.00 .". Total .'::.:....$212.25 ..Road District No. 3 . William Perry, payroll road ' ' district No. 3 $ 323.13 r f . .' Road District No. 4 ' W. ;', M,. Tetherow, payroll ' road district No; 4 .-. ;;. 16.73 Road District No. 5 Paul B. Rynnlng, market "road district No. 6....:....;.. 30.32 Fred A. Smith, payroll mar ket road No. 5 12.90 Roland A. Smith., payroll market road No. 5 19.35 F. J. Watson, payroll road district No. 6 : 150.17 Total ;.....$212.74 Road District No. 7 . Wm. Von der Helle'p, esti mate No. 2 'market road No. .7 ; 2812.59 HaTrv L. Heyford. payroll road district No. 7.; 26.00 Southern Pacific Co.. ex pense road district No. 7.. ' . 175.35 Total il .$3013.94 Boad District No. 8 W. L. Gregory, payroll road district No. 8 $ 329.84 . Road District No. t) R B. Vincent, payroll road , district No. 9 ... 6S.75 Road District No. 10 A. L. Goodman, payroll dis trict No. 10 806.46 Standard Oil Co.. market road No. 10 :.. 754.78 J. M. Babb. labor Little An- Dlegate district No. 10 14.00 Rice & Smith, market road lund No. 2 1 6U.T6 Total J. $1126.98 Road District No. 1 1 Abbte ' J. Champlin. gravel Foots Creek district No. 11 $ 6.96 Charles Maeerle. -payroll district No. 11 925.22 Paul B. Rynnlng. market road dlstrlot No. 11 ; 7.68 Total $939.76 Road District No. 12 Standard Oil Co.. market road district No. 12 $174.11 W. L. Van Houten. payroll district No. 12 541.92 Total ........;..$716.03 (To be continued.) Total ' 3.63 1 Surveyor's Offico j Eva Hooker, stenographer .1 surveyor's office S 50.00, 5.35 Medford National Bank, rent 1 I surveyor's office 10.00, 149.60 F. . E, Nichols, chalnman . I 1 county surveyor 5.00 138.00 Frank C. Rhodes, expense ' county surveyor 12.00 136.00 Frank C. Rhodes, phone county aurveyor .............. 2.00 Total ., $79.00 Notice of Sate of Government Timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C. March 30, 1923. Notice Ib hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the acts of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat , 218). February 26, 1919 (40 Stat. 1179), and June 4. 1920 (41 Stat, 758), and De partmental regulations of September 16. 1917 '46 L. D.. 447), and June 22, 1920 (47 L. D.. 411). the Umber on the following lands will bo sold May 11, 1923. at 10 o'clocS a. m at public auction at the United States land office at Rosoburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale tn be subject to the appro val of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent., thereof, being commissions allowed, mast be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ton years. Bids will be re ceived from cltltens o( the . United h. .niri for less than S1.76 per M. T. 21 S. R. 2 W., Sec. 27; Lot 6, fir 700 M., red cedar, '260 M., hemlock, 160 M., none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. for the fir and $1.25 per M. for the cedar and hemlock. ' T. 21 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 25: NE SW?4, fir 375. M, NE14 SEi, fir 860 M NW14 SE4, fir 650 M none of the fir on these tracts to be sold fur less than $2.00 per M. T. 27 S R, 12 W., Sec. 17: NE. NEK, yellow fir, 570 M red fir. 325 M.; NW NE14, yellow fir, 1800 M hemlock and white ir, 125 M.; SE NE, yellow fir 1150 M.. red fir, 300 M, white fir, 100 M., hemlock, 50 M.; SW4 NE4, yel low fir, 1900 M., white fir and hem lock, 260 M.; NE4 NWW, yellow fir, 1700 M white fir and hemlock, 100 M.; NW NWM, yellow fir, 2700 M.; SE NW?4, yellow fir, 3200 M., white fir, 50 M. ; SW NWH, yellow fir, 2500 M.i NEIt SEVl, yellow fir, 2075 M red fir, 300 M white fir, 26 M.! NW& 8E14, yellow fir, 1950 M., .white fir and hemlock, 150 M.i SE& SBtt. yellow fir, 1850 M.; SW SE, yel low fir, 2300 M., white fir, 75 M.i NE SWtf, yellow fir, 3000 M.; NW BWH, yellow fir, 3000 M.; SEVl SWV4 yellow fir, 1950 M., white fir, 100 M.; SW SW, yellow fir, 2300 M., white fir and hemlock, 100 M. ; none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $2.60 per M. for the yellow and red fir and $.60 per M. for the white fir and hemlock. T. 29 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 4, red fir, 430 M., white cedar, 760 M., white fir, 40 M., none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than. $1.60 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the white cedar and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 32 8., R. 5 W Sec. 31: Lot 1, red fir, 400 M, Lot 2, red fir, 600 M SEVi NWV1, red fir. .125 M none of the timber on these tracts to be sold tor less than $1.25 per M. T. 29 S., R. 11 W., Sec. 1: Lot 2, yellow and red fir, 9S0 M cedar, 160 M SE4 NEVt, yellow and red fir, 280 M., cedar 130 M SWVl NE14, yellow and red fir, 460 M., cedar, 160 M.i Lot 3, yellow and red fir, 180 M., cedar, 150 M., NWVl SE, yellow and reu fir, 310 M., cedar, 40 M.. SEV4 SBV1, yellow and red fir. 360 M., cedar, 30 M., SW SEVi, yellow and red fir, 800 M., NEVi SW. yellow fir, 800 M., cedar, 300 M, NWVi SWVl, yellow and red fir, 320 M., cedar, 380 M., SEVi SWVl, yellow and red fir, 360 M., cedar, 600 M, hemlock, 40 M.C SWVl SW.V1, yellow fir, 400 M., cedar, 600 M., Sec. 11, Lot 2, red fir, 2300 M.i cedar, 300 M BWVi NEVI, red fir, 1660 M., cedar 600 M., white fir, 60 M., Lot 3, red fir, 2200 M.j. cedar, 820 M., white fir, 40 M., Lot 4, red fir, 2000 M., cedar, 400 M, SEVl NWVt, red fir, 1250 M.. cedar, 160 M., SWV4 NWV1, red fir, 1700 M., cedar, 50) M., Wtiite fir, 40 M., NEVi SWVl, red fir. 1650 M., Cedar, 180 M., white fir,. 60 M.,' NWV1 SWVl, red fir, 1700 M., cedar, 350 M., white fir, 20 M., 8B(4 SWVl, red fir, 1100 M., cedar, 160 M SWVl SWVl, red fir, 1700 M., cedar, 20 M., none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $1,60 per M. for the red and yellow fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00 per M. for the white fir and hemlock. T. 40 S., R. 4 E Sec. 5: NEVi SWVl, yellow pine, 600 M., red fir, : 65 M.i NWV1 SWVl, yellow pine, 486 M.; red fir, 45 M. ; 8EV1 SWVl; yellow pine, 610 M red fir, 65 M.i NEVi SEVl, yellow pine, 405 M., red fir, 20 M.; NWV1 SEVl, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir. 75 M.; SWV4 SEVl. yellow pine, 425 M., red fir, 125 M., sugar pine, 2 M., white fir, 15 M.; BBVi SEVl yellow pine, 440 M red fir, 45 M., sugar pine, 10 M.;-8ee. 7: NEVI NEVI. yellow pine; 870 M., red fir, 25 M Bugar pine, 10 M.j NWV1 NEVI, yellow pine, 300 M., red fir, 60 M., sugar pine, 30 M.; SWVl NEVI, yel low pine. 365 M.; SEVi NEVi, yellow pine, 635 M.; NEVi NWV1, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir 55 M., sugar pine, 25 M.; NEVi SEVl, yellow pine, 325 M.i SWVl SB VI, yellow pine, 336 M, red fir. 90 M., sugar pine, 1$ M.; SB VI SEVi, yellow pine, 260 M,, red fir, 30 M., sugar pine, 10 M.; none of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the yellow, pine and sugar pine,. $1.00 .fir M. for the red fir and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 29 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 1, yellow fir, 1000 M., red fir, 200 M, cedar 1,435,750 ' ft., hemlock, 30 M., white fir, 30 M.; Lot 2, yellow Or, 900 M.; red fir, 300 M.. cedar. 437 M white fir, 90 M.; Lot 6, yellow fir, 300 M., red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.; none of the timber on these lots to be sold for less than $1.50 per It. for the yellow fir, $1.00 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar, $.50 per M. for the hemlock and white fir. T. 30 S., a 10 W., Sec. 8: Lot 1, red fir, 290 M cedar, 110 M.: Lot 2, red fir, 285 M., cedar, 186 M.; SEVl SWVl, red fir, 660 M., cedar, 680 M.: NEVI SEVi, red fir, 235 M cedar 260 M.i SWVl SEVl, red fir, 240 M., cedar 794 M., white fir, 20 M.i 6E4 SEii red fir 630 M., cedar, 635 M., white fir, 70 M.; none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $160 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar and $.60 per M. for the white fir. T. 30 S., R. 11 W., Seo. 13, BWVi SEVi, fir, 144 M white cedar, 225 M.; SEVi SEVi. fir. 178 M.,. white cedar, 240 M., none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. tor the fir and $5.00 per M. for the white cedar. T. 29 S., R. 10 W Sec. 29. SWU NWVl. red fir, 355 M., cedar 180 M.; white fir, 30 M., NWVl SWVl, red fir, 215 M cedar, 210 M., white fir, 40 M SWVl SEVl. red fir. 410 M.. cedar. 90 M., SWVl SWVl. red fir. 615 M.. cedar. 480 M.. SEVi SWVl. red fir, 890 M , cedar, no M. white fir. 60 M.. none of the timber on these tracts to . be sold for less than $1.60 per M., for the red fir, $0.00 per M. for the cedar and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 39 S.. R. 6 W., Sec. 15, NWVl SEVi, yollow pine. 60 M.. sugar pine, 30 M., fir 240 M none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the pine and $1,25 ner M. for the fir. WILLIAM 8PRY. Commissioner, General Land Office,