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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1923)
MEDFORD MAIL' TTITBUNE. MEDFORD, CVREfiOT, FTATTTR'DAY, "APT.TL 14. 102ft PAGE FIVF SVkQrWH Ot" TH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE ',,'!"': At. tUckine, Awursne. '. ,f LoMiin, In fnrUnd, on the tMrtytirs't day of hertMbefilliU, made tg the Insurant ComnMlonst olttie UUi of Oregon, purauant lutoill capital : Ioiomoo.oo prtmlums rlvt) - during t3,ig.S7 vd during the year lnion ffegi pUter source. TO"4 i'IJ s''f .'. titAts.1i towV:fie .r . ...,'. . .Mii, PlfillURSEHENTS ComutiSiotH and salaries-' p.ii iuitS Ill't . J.. .......... Tiie,; JlMrise. snd t pld'dur- AplVP' iHer'plld'ltur! l.lil.'issi! l '. :.. WHUREENTS R., lews. dUrM the ;ear in- (Mint .gdjuatriienl eipeiises. .11,036,' UlvtderitU Jelrl on .capital Hock, 792.30 000 884,t78.01 lt.lOO.SS Valu, ci reel' Mtate 'owned (nttr- WUSI :.i ti Lsiltm' .roflfiM nij collat- Vu aiusi ................ .8 . 000 OP, toots and'Pdndl owned, lla.t tic) 4,85,48!.00 500.000 00 2(M1,043.4D ttid ort hind. . .-i in K. .ull...,,.- t irrmiit line, .September 80, ' ). .. i ..... . . . , 878,41.0 16 InUftA nij' tm due. and ac- trUKl . . 117,469.17 Bimnumncl due lild paid losies. . 30.ilo.28 Alii yitlkitlljl Aiacti . i . '. . .15,408,106.09 , .'O' 4i CiABILtlB8 Oroaa clilnik )t,Meees unpaid.. 65!, 119. 50 Amount el Unearned premium on i :pu(UnOlni rlska 2,084.008.02 Dot , lorj oornmlmlon and brok. n.j, .7 118.Bi!35 All'ofi(F''lVl(lilt ' ! ' tot lla!iit)i .". . .' r. . .; ; . . .s.tse.ttcs. abtilkBi'ltl DREOON FOB THE YEAR K(t ilftmlutns received during the 7r 1 .... , $20,eso.4o Loiaei Said during th, year. . 30,060.00 Uueit (hcwred during the tear 40,006.32 HanSe bt Comoanr. Aoral Elchiture Auilmnn.. M O! wniea, Hua Manager, Emard C., o! Aaaor (jwlnlnrV reak I Aaaoriate Mahaget Oayle T. Forbush. Htatutdrr realdent attorney for aenrlcc. Frank c ptd Portland, Oregon.. . 1., 1 Jtiammt oftli NCR ASHOniATTHN k'irtiC4 nintnltoner'of tit tte of Oreion, Arltnt ' M iaplul Itnek paid ' , . J .....$1,200,000.00 :,' 1 j -'. INCOM? Naf.' premium 'hcied durln' 860.J22 Of 800.5J0.04 ffrd fl'iriftl thk fnr .... ....... ....- .j... ...vv. IPS ma HWENTB llrlttrfira 44Juatmet Ww, 13,048,148.88 iina i" m n- wiguu iwci . fitiHrft Jo m. . . 'tt4.tfjB.20 I H"l1lo,J,rr.s ..r.' i8i.ioe.4i Mill "V - 'r.iwnqi.. flM loll ".nii 8e,68.28 ..4,057,122.00 ; MltVlt .trtiie): . . I 16t.008.43 ftltti of twit and bondi ond . Jjrt 'taWfj ...Ti 6,682.480.00 tolnt, rawtaifm' and oo. . . . - Htfli'- '" ' 41,fi48.80 41.1K 18 1t.nkh aniL an hind . . IIUHOriTK ttitoum. fit m (t . collrc- , , . .... i'lfeifrlltan Hoe. Sept.-80,- " .jijl .L : . . . .- , M , ... . 08o.4o4.4T bimt and rent dn. Awl ac- 1 Tn!r idrtlHW ( .... :,..7, ' . . UABIUTIM . IhM slllrna lnt Imvi nnnaldii ' Amrmnt nf nnpamod prnnluraa ; oMIl -Ntt. tandin.' rtil Pit lot N-irlmMon and braktr- All'atnar llebdiUei'! '. 78,870,68 868.740.22 882.160 S.531.T78.28 28,000.00 124.008.00 ' ) T IMblltflK, eielnilT. 'of MMtal atoek of 11,260,- 000.00 -jii,; . ; 14,818,826.28 I1ttrtrNJ!8 C OBEOON FOR TI1E TEAR NVt prerkldnu mTt during the t4t ... ( 88.048.18 f"4 paid durtnt th. nmr... 81,08.80 lel Inenrrtd dnrlni th ytwr 08.052.80 l I'AUDKN FIRK INSURANCE COMI'ASI , KDVITND B. HEAD, rrnldent. , . I ' JOSEPH K. BHARr. fl.rn-Urj. StAtutdrr mldpnt attorney fnr aemee: ... lnauranoa ConralMloftw, Sklem. ShOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE London A..u,.n r f1njlon!,,in Klngdoni of Ureal Britain. .t.i i n "" vommiaaloner of Ui stale of Oregon, purauant to taw: . . . CAPITAL Amount of capital nock paid up : INCOME Net premium! received during the Interent, "dwje'ndV 'a'nd' renu "re-"'' ,5'800',li celved during the year 289,042.18 wcoai. from other aourcea receiv. ed during the year 189.756.45 Total Income ..84,794,397,7. DIKBURNEMENTS Met loaaea paid during tile year including ailjuatment expenses. 81,889,673.28 Dlyldenda paid on capital a lock during the year 000 . OoninUaaioru and aalariea paid during the year 1,300,440.90 Taiea. . licenaea and fees paid during the year 174.588.48 Amount o( alt other expenditures. 1,115,476.79 Total expenditures $4,460 , , . - ASSETS lalue'ol real eatate owned (mar. . ket value) t Value' of atocka and bonds owned (market valu.) 0,133, Loans On morUrjffr. and mllnt. eral, etc Cian In banks and on hand..... 664 1 reunums in course of collection written alnce September 80. . 860, Interest and rents due . and ac crued 59 Due from other companies, rein- suranca losses 157 ,078.64 000 ,818.00 ,000 ,030.08 ,620.48 ,785.69 ,084.17 Total admitted , assets .....,$7,806,026.17 LIABILITIES ' Gross clalma for losses unpaid. .. $1,162,580.00 Amount of unearned premlumB on all' outstanding risks 3,358,230.01 Due .for commission and brok . erage 000 All other liabilities 190,807.70 Total liabilities, exclusive of . rlynoiau of the' Anneal Htatemrnt of tli. ' , ! NEW XKALAM) 1NS1 RA.'.'t'E CO.. lAd. I Auckland, in th. Dotnlnioo of New Zealand. b the Alat day of December, 1U22. aasd. to th. tnsuiance eommiasioner of th. atat. of Or. oat. punnant to law: CAPITAL 1 , Aatotwt of oarlial diKadt I 400,000.0 .- f INCOMH KM premium, raoalrsd during th. r 81.O42.305.20 ularMt, diridcods And rent, ra- eeiTed durins th. year. . . . 89.402.48 Inooms from other sources ra- . , pfirsd during too year 106,834.88 Total Inootae : .'. .. $1,297,602.68 DIHRCRARMENTS Net loales Dsld durins year. In- aliidlns atlustmnt eipenses. . $ XMrldenda paid on eapltal atook fees paid paid dilrina thd mm OcminitMoiis' snd aalarlM duriiur th. year ...... Taiea, llnnsM and ' dur.'nc the nar Amount of alt ocbar expendltnras 'total stpenditnrat V. . . . $1 I ' ASSISTS able of real oatat. owned (market Tslue) $ Value of stocks and punda ownet (twkeo vslne) .-. . . 1 RaaajTerabl. undr rWninrano. for loaaea and other aaMta, , . Catb in banks and on hand, . . . Premiumi In course of aollecUon - written alnoe Sept 80, 1022 Int. and reata due and aoorued 010,192.08 ; o ! 1 298,076.74 40.202.1 S 874,271.72 200.000.00 ,493.830.00 22.870.03 04.264.98 808.410.41 10.246.88 Total $idtittcd tatefa 12,160.040.89 1 i i.iAiur.rriRS Grtm elttlmt for 1 unpaid. .$ 221,822.00 Amount of unMrnin prrmiuma -Jl cmtiiUndinii ri ki .... 841.189.10 Dim for oommiMlon ind broker tw 0 All other litbilitlM . IV 88,080.00 capiUI stock ...14,701,189.71 B UNI NEKS IN OREGON FOR TUB YEAR Nt .premiutna received during the 3r $109,188.79 Lo sues pid during the year 87,084.09 Losrob incurred during the year. . . . 118,093.69 N me of company, London Assurance Cor poration N . ' , 4 A. W. Thornton. Manager, Pacific Coast Branch. Statutory resident attorney for aervice, (Jos. J. Roth, Portland. SYNOPSIS OP THR ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE . Horn a Firs and Marina Inturance Company of California of Ban FrunrEsno,. in the State of California, on the thirty-first day of December, 1922, tiwde to the Insurance Commissioner of the State ol Ore gon, pursuant to law: Amount of capital stook paid uptOl.OOO.OOO.OO INCOME . Net premiums received during the year $1,772,008.03 IntertM-t, dividenda and rents re- ceived during the year. A... 140,045.62 Income from other Bourcea re ceived during the year 758,399.60 Total' income .' $2,671,118. 05 DISBURSEMENTS Net loftAes paid during year in cluding adj. expenses,. . .$1,007,183.28 Dividends . paid, on capital stock during year ' Coratnissioiui and salaries, paid ' during year 467,400.50 Taxes, licenses and fees paid - during the year ............ 80,673.99 Amount of all other expenditures . 219,920.42 1 775,187.19 . Total expenditures . ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar- . ' ket value) $ I. ..V Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) .$2,955,647.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral,- etc. ......... . . . ... . Cash In banks and on hand. , . . . . Premiums tn course of collection .- written alnoe 9.30-2 2. v Interest and rents due and accrued Reinsurance recoverable on .paid losses 102,500.00 518,007.01 336,384.14 83,003.71. 22,572.5: , Total admitted assets ...... .$8,908,716.40 LI ABILITIES OroM claims for lmwes unpaid... $ 333,975.81 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 1,457,949.17 Due for commission and brokerage All other liabilities 46,080.38 . Total liabilities, exclusive . of capital stock of $1,843,014.36 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during year. . $32,073.4 1 Losses Daid durlTur the vear. 24.470.82 Losses Incurred during the year.... 85,181.20 Name of Company, Home Fire ft Marine sura nee Company of California. Name of President. J. B. Levlson. Name of Secretary, H. P. Blaitchanl. ; Total for HablHtiM, eieluilve Of capful itock $1,126,041.10 Bl'SINESS IN ORR(iON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums reotdved during the year $ 30.640.63 Ijowm paid during the fear. . . . 29.470.10 LoUH incurred during the year.' 28,018-26 .BW ZKAIaAND INSURANCE CO., Ltd. United StAtea Manager In Fart, W. M. SPKTER. BtatUtory resident aUomey for arrriet. W. O. FOltTMANN, Portlantl. r FIELDS St IIONETMEN. - Hraidrnt Agent. Yeon Hldg.. Portland. Or. CLEMENS. WHITE ft COLEMAN. Airnu, sMTenoj nidf., rortianq. Kft. WILL MOOHE, Insurance Com. SYNOPSIS OF THR ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE California lnauranoa Company r.f Sail Francisco, in (he State of California, on the thirty first dav of December. 1922. nnvif to the Insurance Conimlsaioncr of the SUt of Oregon, pursuant to law. , - CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. .$1,000,000.00 1 - INCOME ft firetnlntfi rgacolvod riurinir the year $1.096i366.7u Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year Income from other BOurces re ceived during the 'year 141,001.53 14,807.! Total Income k $1,751,295.58 ' DISBUnSEMENTS Net lotvses Daid durinn the vear IncluAiiur adiustmcnt exuenaes. $1,037,180.67 Dividends paid on capital stock aurinfr ine year . vw CommifMlona and salaries Daid durins the vear 494.936.94 Taxes, licenses and feca bald dur ing the year 74,210.32 Amount of all other expenditures -1S0.331.39 OREGON CITY FIRE BUG CONFESSES, L0SSIS$300,000 OREGON CITY, Ore., April 14. Verio Ilinhop, 22, arrested here last night on suspicion ot being responsi ble tor more than a score of flreB in Oregon City and vicinity, which have done damage estimated at more than $300,000, confessed today after an all night grilling by the district at torney and sheriff that he had set the fire which destroyed the Hank ot Oregon City last September and also had attempted to burn the Grand theater here March 9, according to District Attorney Levy Stlpp of Clackamas county. The fire mystery has terrorized this vicinity for more than a year. Vhon asked why ho set the fire the district attorney declared Bishop answered at first: "Pure cussed- ness.V He amplified this lntor by declar ing he wanted "a little excitement," and wanted to "see the tiro trucks turn out." " Bishop has been a resident of Ore gon City for about two years, coming hore from Raymond, Wash. irneais cf rhe Annual Matrtnrnt of tn. Springfield Fire and Marine Iusurance Company of Spring-field. In the stale of Mfiiwa rhupetts, on the thirty-first dnv of t ceniber. 192!. made to the lnauranoa commissioner of tho state of OreKoit, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of cnpltnl stock 1,(00,000.00 INCOMK. i Not premiums received tlur- infr the venr Interest, dividends and routs received uurintt tne year, lln'onui from other sources received during the ytuir.. SYNUPH1K OF THE ANNUAL STATKMENT OF Thg Horns Insurance Company of New York, in the state nf New York, on the tbirtv-firttt day of December, 1922. made to the nsuratice Commissioner of the state of Orenon. pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid up. .$18,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $41,405,572.71 liter cm!, dividends and rents re- eived duriiur the yeiir,7al.Sf Income from other sources re ceived during thu yeur ...... 1 .4H0.700, 18 .til. flit, 663. (14 Total Income .$13.S28.5BT0 DIHIll HSKMKNTS. . i . t Net ) oases paid durlnjr the year.lnoludinic adjuatrnont ...... expeusdM $ 0,736.787.411 livlentls paid on capital stock ilurltiK the ycfiv.... 400.000.00 Commission! and a a 1 a r 1 es . , paid durlntr tho year.... 3.637,030.) Tnxe. licenses and fees paid durlnif tho year 401,670.4 Amount of all other ox- pondltures 1. 102.231. &t Total expenditures .. tlS.368.205.t7 v. AHSET!. Value of real estate owned (market value) f 335.000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value .. 14,463,451.60 Lrfians on mortgages nnu colluteral, etc Cash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of col lection written slnqo Sep tember 30, last Interest nnd rents due and accrued Relnstirnnco duo on paid lossos 2,618,470.00 2,234,330.00 1,181.656.80 192.36S.S0 111,312.34 HELENA LEGION CONDEMNS JACK ' DEMPSEY FIGHT ..$1,786,615.32 085.07 1,109,223.86 Total expenditures . - - . ' AHHET8 Value of real estate owjiijd- (mar ket: value) $ 727, value- of stocks and' bonds owned (market value) Loans on mortgager, and collat eral, etc Cash fn banks and on hand1 ..... PraiHlUms in' course of collection written since September 30, 1023 Interest and rents due nnd ac crued . . Amount of all other assets ...... 032.25 103.08 ,024.18 180.93 - Tdtal : admitted' assets ... . ; '.$3,144,826.07 ", i"" '"LIABILITIES! ' ' "" Net ctnimB for lossea unpaid ....$ 226t680.00 Amount of -unearned oremiuma on - all outstanding risks $1,466,470.30 Due for commission and brok- 1 erajre ' 2,500.00 All other liabilities 05,000.00 Surplus ...v ...... 306.217.22 Total liabilities, exclusive of catfitat stock, of 0 1,000,- 000.00 $2,144,826.57 BUHINESH IN OltEOON FOR THE YEAR Net premium" received during the year ,. $71,748.09 Losses paid during the year 08)304.40 Losses incurred during the year.... 80,810.34 Name of Company, California insurance Company. . Name of President, Chad. J. Holman. Name of Secretary, George W. Brooks. Statutory resident attorney for Bcrvlce, Philips Beck. , Atinual Statements of a Few of Our Companies i ' , for the Past Year , i McCURDY Insurance Agency "INSURANCE ANY KIND" idne 1-2-3 Medford National Bank Building HELENA, Mont, April 14. Objec tion to Jack Dempsey ever fighting In Montana was wired today by C. O. Lamport, state adjutant of the Amer ican Legion acting .on authority of the executive committee from Helena, to Jack Kearns, manager for Jack Demp sey, Mike Collins, nianngor for Tom Gibbons and Loy J. Molumby, state commander of the legion, who aro scheduled to be in Salt Lake City to day to negotiate in regard to the pro posed fight between Dempsey and Gibbons at Shelby July .1. The telegram follows: "This is to inform you that the American Legion department ot Mon- tant Is not now and never lias been a party to the negotiations which Cam. mander Loy J. Molumby '1b carrying on which if ouccessful would bring Jack Dempsey to Montana for the , purpose of staging a prize fight. Wo admire Tom Gibbons and this is no i reflection on him, but our attitude toward Dempsey . Is unchanged. We believe him a good man with his fists but in time of national stress a better rivlter than warrior. ' ' "The executive committee ot the department of Montana has -withheld comment striving to protect the com mander but his disregard of the com- mlttee has forced this declaration. If Dempsey never comes to Montana, that is soon enough. .We are unquall fiedly opposed to the promotion of any prize fight In Montana with .Jack Dempsey as one of the participants. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT Hf Th Liverpool f, London Globs Insurance Company. Ltd. of England, on the thirtv-flrst day of lVcf.n. Wr, 1V22, made to the Insurance C'ortuiilnlo,ur ol trio stato ol uriuon, pursuant to taw: CAl'ITAI, Amount of capital stock paid up INCOME Net premiums received during the year 111,780, 230. nterest, dividends and rents re ceived durine the year 780,043. 03 Ii.come from other sources re- ceived durins the year '. 1,0111,582.34 J ttMbtattl OF rlR ANNUAL STATU- ! Tile ttanover Fire Ins. Co. i af Nei tork, in th. Stats of N York. .... . l .. -. . . .., i fOkins' iniriy-nrsi .a ji!E, msas, s - tut thirty-first day of Decemb.r, jflSt. mrl, to. ths lnauranc. Commls llorilirf th 8tsl of Oreon, pursuant to "ti, : ; t . i Afhount of capital stock pld DP , ,., , ,i,wm,vw.. inrom.. rsrHldrnk .recelv.d, duf-., ... ... the year '. ,..,uoa,i r..i. s vidands and renta iflooiM from other . sources receivea aurin,,in. Uf pn ; 14 ti tnirre.t jo:.to2.m 3tA.ll4B.18 .H,tt.5:r).: 'i'. mtii ineont'e .. t iii.nn, m'iii. i, , v, tuat'-'tnisis I tl.1,1 durins Ihfl . yf: lnciudint SajUStmeni ... , np.hnea ...:,2ii,Mi2 inn nnrini ,n- ; paid i.tofrimUMoriii and dn capital -ear .aalariea ttaaerl license! Ind fees PH iflO.DOO.OO 1,181,820.15 141.127.07' 474.294.70 I AhJaS th. V.K. ,Am6nrlt of all other expendl- ,lure;....,. C'tmT ; .14,174,14s 4 T r . Assets. . ' vaJU tit ,tA estate owned ft" Itnlrfel lf v-'v1 . Vft f .tlochl dd bonds . i Ivwrlei, (markiit value) ... tjiaes art mortsalret and col- fesAfin kariki Ind dn rianrl.. ' ,Prlultn lr touras ol 1 leollon flllen, lrte sP- c teitiber M, l3l . . . , : tflterael end rents due end Sflcrued snd unpaid rsln-. eor.nce ,...-. r- . llT9.9ofl.0O 4.6M47.00 2lln.0O0.O0 499,711.09 70S.llt.7S Totl admitted eweis 7.4S.401.8I Xlabtlllles. Orosa olaima for un- 0 paid, 7S.0l Amount of uh.arned pre- , nitiioi. vn -aii ... ui "a flskt , .. 1-8 l)u. from comml.lon sod . rokr.e m XlL.thar llatHllllee 21.M 8TNOF8I9 OF THE' ANNfAl, STATS- , ... aiJur, l Lr ana. - . , ' . General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd. of Perth. Scotland, on the thlrty-rtrst dav of December. 1022. made to the ln siirsnrs Com m I BC loner ot the State of Oreson, pursuant to law: Cftpltftl. 1 ' Amount of cspftml stock paid Up , , 4UV,UUU.W Inrom. Net premiums received dur- inB tht yesr. 110,078.840.04 Interest, dividends snd rents . rerHvfd durihg the year.. 805.218 Income from othfr nourcea received during tne year.. iif.trto.oo Total Income $10,527,291.44 lllsbdrsements. Nt looses paid durtnt- ths exntn I 4.371,864.87 Commtnitions and Mlaries rtaid durlnir the year..... 3.732,402.85 Tayee. licenses and fees paid auriTlB tun Amount of all other expen- aiturea 233,840.94 1.303.AM.S3 Total .ipendltures 8,078,882.00 . - A Mel. ValW of real rstsle owned . (marttet vaiuej Value tork and -honna h,ensrl (ITIifkft Vftlne) . . - rsh In banks sndn hand. Premiums in eourift? oi w leollon written lo Sep tember 80, 1122 .s Inlefuft and renta du anjl accrued Amount recoverable for re insurance on paid losses. 8 4 2.800. 83 T,27.8ln.08 . 613,4184.08 3,08 1, M0. 07 82,804.11 1.M8.07 $ 8,322,884.00 8.602.341.02 i.M0.ssa so V nf . Vcili.l .1. ol T $l.00.0)O.I4.l,034.M ItttalkeM In Oree-ori lor ins rei premiums rre.i.... aa ima7 l."Vp.ld dVln'th. y..r. 5.07.2 LMse. ,. incurred durln. tb. :TMB Bea-NOVltB FIBIt INSCBANCB a KMOflT W A RFIBt.D, Preldent. . S JARVIS. W R. McnONAI.D, Portlsnd. Or... Statutory Rmldent Attorney for ... .w ., Sereice. . - nnmv.v & white, Agom ' Total edmltted assets. .. .!0.340,lll2.l Ushllltles. Oro'ss elslms for losses un paid Amount of unearnea pre miums on all outstanding risks : n ... Mmm and krok.rase 47.nn4 aiV J,h .liabilities 0 Capital and aurplue Total llahllltlee. eteluslvs . , stock of .40a.,t.O2 lln.240.OM.3S rtnalness la Oreiren for th. er. . . . . . sama-e ll,seffj n 11 fl fl sT Ixi-sea paid durln the year... 2s.eJ incurred durlnt the year 7.J1.2 ......II ACCIHrTNT. F1RK Jt UTt, AWH RAM B CORP. I.TO. KREDBRICK RICHARDSON, ' V. S. Manager. ... r u..nnWAf,D. Portland, Or e. a,.,lotv -H. .14.01 Aitorn.y lot Kervlce. . STXOPSIS or TUB ANNl'At, BTATB. aiHKT OF TUB , Potomac Insurance Co. of the District of Columbia. In the Dis trict of Columbia, on the 81st day, of De cember, 1922, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the 8tate ot Oregon, purauant to law: , Capital. ' Amount of capital atock paid up ...I 200.000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ins me yenr n.iv.012. is Interest, dividends and rents received aunns; ine year.. Income from other sources during the. year Total Income ... 48.107.51 2.nn3 ....I 7OH.07S.O4 ' Dlsbnraements. Net losses paid during the , . . year. Including adjustment eapenses ' 188.017 4 7 Commission, and kalartes paid nuring tne year iiff.osa v Tases. licensee snd fees paid during tne yesr r... i., Amount ot sll other expendi tures . .v.v. 7. , .. 128.383.40 ' Total eirpepi1l(iirs....".i.'.a.l (I5a..182.00 . Ansel.. . Vain. ' nf - resl estate owned-:. (msrket value) f Value of ' stocks and bonds, owned (market Ivslu.) . t Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc , Cash In banks snd on hsnd.. . Premhimntln course of collec- , linn written slpc. Sepum- ber 80, 1031. Interest and rente due and accrued - 1,078.00 824.070.00 60.1 Jo. 70 i13.811.llt 18.010.20 Total admitted aaaeta ... .11. 022.818. 5 UaMUtle... Oros. clalma for loaaea un- , . paid 7.838.41 Amount of unesrned preml- ....... urns on sll outstanding risks 411.800.70 All other llabllltiea 17,038 78 Totsl llsbllltl... eseluslee of capital Block of I I 828.788.80 Baelneee In Oregen for th. Tear. Net premium, ree.iv.d dur ing the year Los.e. psld during the yesr.. I.fte.1 18 Loues Incurred. during yesr 6.1, 8.88 THE POTOMAC INM HAM'E COM PANY, OBORB V. WMITB, Prea r Al.MX R. PHILLIPS, See. w. R, Mcdonald. Portland, ore., Statutory Heeidenl Attorney for . Service. Johnson Cancels Match NEW YORK, April 14. Floyd John son, Iowa heavyweight, today decided to forfeit his ring standing In New Jersey by not fulfilling a contract to box Fred Fulton at Jersey City next Monday night rather than go through with the match and have his bout with Jess Wlllard at the Yankee stadium on May VI cancelled by the New Yorn state athletic commission. Synopsis of (lie AnntuU Rfntement of the North China Insurance Co., Ltd. of Shana-hAl. Chlnn, on th thirtv flrst day of necember, 1932. mnd to tho Insurnnco PommltiBloner of tho state of Oregon, pursuant to law: of deposit capital stock paid up $ 400,000.00 INCOMK. Net premiums received dur- Inn the yenr ,....$ 19B.131.fi0 Interest, dividends and renta rwntvpd tlurlnir tho year.. 48,143.46 Income from other sources received during: the year.. 41,178.04 Total Income t 290,11.1. Of DIHIM BMKMKNTM, Net tosses paid flurlntr the yesr. Includlna: ailjuatment expenses 8JL88.10J.17 Dlvhlends paid on capital stork ilurlna- the year Nil Commissions and salaries paid durln the yenr...... 00,290.80 Taxes, ll-nvts snd fees paid during the year 7,808.40 Amount of all other as- pemlituren 44.J0I.66 To' a I oxpendlture 878,803.93 AHMI1TJ4. Value nf real estate owned (market value) $ , Nil Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value ... 1,049,970.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc Nil fash In banks and on hand.. 8088.18 Premium In con rue of fill-V-tion rlttn slnco Septem ber JO. 121 27,801.48 Interest and rents due and accrued II, 84168 Total admitted assets 81,179,809.32 IJAilll.ITIK. Oro-js claims for lossrs un paid 8 88,124.00 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstanding risk 77,474.87 Due for commission and brok erage , 1,000.00 All other llabllltiea 31.334,00 Total llabllltiea. exclusive, of capital stok of I 19tt.934.S7 III HI.NKSH I.N OMKt.ON FOR THK YKAK. Net premiums received dur ing the yesr i . . . 7,737.19 Irossfs paid lur!ng thf your.. 17.057.34 J.osncs Incurred during .ths yesr 1ft. 941. 34 North Chlnn Insunine Co., I.ttl. F. It. f'ANBV, I'nltwl Htntea Mnnngcr Mtatutory resltlent attorney for aervt;; Total admitted assets $38,134,376.80 I.1A1U1.1TIKS. dross claims for loaaea un paid ... .$ I,9!5,8fi8.89 Amount of unearned pre- , mlunia on all outstanding risks 11,847,709.79 Due for commission and brokerage 30.000.00 All other liabilities B3S.UOO.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital atock of $8, 600.000.00 $13,841,278.18 lit SIINKSH IS OKKftON FOK THK YKAK. Net nremlums received, dur ing tho .year $ LoHses paid during the year Lohsos Incurred during tho year Springfield Fire ntul Marine Insurnnco . Compuvny A. W. DAMON, president. E. H. HII.IiHKTH, secretary. Statutory resldimt attorny for service: v. U Mnrmau. Flttovk block Vnrtn laud, On. ., . .. . ' 93.843.-4 63,446.98 117.577.68 Total Income 13,'2. 3(12.1 1 . DISUURSKMKNTS Xet Iobscs paid during the year lnciuuiiiK tttijiiHtmont expen se 8 7.070.800 uivfdentln ptild on eupitiil stock duriiur the venr CommiHriiunn unit siilarles paid during the vesr Taxes, lie linen und fees pull dur ing mi' yuur . . . . , Amount of all otlier expenditures 000 3,1)84.840.84 8(15.807.70 2,811,700.00 Total Inrom ; . , . 840, 808,030. &2 DlKnUUSKMKNTS Ket lusNi's paid during the year inriiiuuig ttujusxinenc exucti- $" UivitlcudH mild on cuulUl stock (luring tne year v.uuu.uuu.uu Coiiiinifu. ons and sularLt? us id .luring the year 13.130.703.09 Taxes, licenses and fees uaid during the year i,i37,3P.a3 Aimmnt of u I other exnendi turi'H 1.783,178.93 Total exinilitures .130,000.609.07 AHSGTS Value of rent estste owned (market value) aluc of stocks and bonds own ed (market value) ,on on mortgsges and col 1st eral. etc Cash in hanks snd on hand. . . Premiums in course of collection written since September SO, lima Interesv and rentn due und ac crued $00,108,809.47 000 6.217,834.87 0.850,107.85 1.141..073.00 .$79,301,67:1.10 Tutul admitted aHuets UA1I1MT1KS QrosN claiins for 1ohbis un- pllUI I 7,124,37U.UU Amount of uncnriied premlunts on all outNtsiidliiff rinku 3 4.S50.908.00 Due for commissiou and brok erage O"" All otlier liabilities 8,278.901.04 Total liabilities, exclusive ot capital stork of $18,000,- "" ' 000,00 $43,700,248.04 ' HL'SINESS IN OltKtJON FOIt THE YE Alt Net premiums received during the year , .$205,0.12.99 I.ONsea paid during the year 210,099.44 Losses incurred during the year... 252,409.18 Name of Company, The Home Iusurance Company. ' .anie or rrctiitiem, r.. u. rtnnw. Name of Secretary, Wilfml Kurth. Statutory resident attorney for service, Helen Douully. HY.NOPSIS Ol' THE ANNUAL STATEMENT Or THE Hartford Fire Imurance Company of Hartford, In the state of Connecticut, on the thirty-first day of December, 1H2H, made the hitmruw-c C-oiiiiiiiHsioner ot tho Oicgon, pursuant to law: CAPITA I, Amount of capital stock paid up. .$8,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $48,308,040.09 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year 3,216,280.54 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 127,000.24 ffynopsls of the Annual Statement i Firemen's Insurance of Newark In the state of New Jer the thirty-first day of December. mads to the insurance commlsalo the stat of Oregon, pursuant to li CAPITA U Amount of capital atock paid up $ 8.860 INCOME. Net premiums received dur ing the year $ S,41f Interest, dividends and rents received during the yenr . 88' Income from othor sources received during tho year. 6,92' Total Income ...$16.92'. ! PIHBD ItHKMKNTM. - Net losses paid during the your Including adjustment ex p a tinea $ 3,60 .Dividends paid on capital stock during the year .... 34 Commissions and salaries paid during the yuar ... 3,02,' t Taxoa, licenses and fees paid during the year It Amount of all other ex penditures .6 ' Total expenditures . . . . AKSKTS. Value of real estate owned (market valuo) $ 1,0'. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) ... 10,6: Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 3,6' Cash In banks and on hand 3 mils receivable l'remluma In course of col lection written slnco Sep tember SO, 192S 8 Interest and rents duo and accrued ' Itol imurance recoverable on paid losses 1 'is. us Total admitted assets ...$16.6'. 187.21 MAnu.rnra. V Ornss clalma for losses un paid $ 1,4' 445.8. Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstanding risks 7,2 329.19 Due for commission and brokerage ' AH other liabilities ....... T Total liabilities, exclusive of capttnl atock of $ $ 9,f BI HINK88 IXOIlEflONFORTB Net premiums received dur ing the year 8 lenses nald during the year 3 Losses Incurred during tho year 4. Flremens "Insurance Co DANIEL H. DUNHAM, pres it. " A. II. 1IAHS1NQEB, Secretar. Statutory resident nttorney foi jrvtcat BUHT W. IIH'HAUDH. Oerllnger-Klchards A Co., J. L. .rtmu , -.ttoniPiny. onts1,Port.4Md. Ore. -i 138. . 1.91 1.16 'l.Bf 1.0 v O.M'7;; $ t,69l e.u - 90.34 I6.M "" 09. 7T 28.7V i22,.$l 160.17 Total expenditures $14,336,815.43 ASSETS Valuo of real estate owned (market value) t 1,780,740,01 Value of stocks and bonds own ed (market value, 12.531.847.09 Loans on mortgages and collat eral, etc i,i4.,fiw.;i-z CaBh In banks snd on hand.... 1,595,441.03 remlums in course of collection written since September 20 1922 . . Interest ami renta due and ac crued 151.147.00 Total admitted assets. ..$10,813,070.75 LIABILITIES Cross claims for losses unpaid.. $ 1,800,772.47 Anount ot unearned premiums on sll outstanding risKs i i.uua.i ( Dun for coin miss on ami brok erage flO.HSO.39 All other liabilities 400,402.07 Total liHhUiticR, capital stock... exclusive of .$13,373,483.00 HUSINESS IN OIIEOON FOR THE VEAR Net premiums received during the year $1 57,03 l.RO Losses psld during the year 124,347. (: Losses incurred uuring inc year... wu,t.,n.t ' Name of Company, The Liverpool & Loiulon A OIoIh Insurance Company, Ltd. rv a me ot ai imager, t larence t,. Alien. Name of AssiNtsnt MRtiager. flro. K. Guerrax. Nsme of Denuty Assistant Manager. Lotfin D. Chi fuller. Statutory resident attorney for service, Geo. ., janes, uu nciiing mug., I'onianu, ure. Total Income $50,050,327.47 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year (. including sdjUHttmvnl expen- 1 se $24,570,140.76 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year CmtiiiiiriHioiiri snd salaries nald during the year 14,000,587.32 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 1,033,518.00 Anount of all otlier expendi ture 4,263,124.87 Total expenditures , .' ' ' ASSETS Value of reaf 1 cntnto owned (niairket value) Value of stocks and bonds own- (market value) Loans on mortgages ami collat eral, etc Cash In banks and on hand..., Premiums In course of collection ' written since, September 80, 10x2 Interest and rents due and ac crued AH other assets SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL I 'I ..TEMfeNT OF THE - Star lnauranoa Company of statu ol of New York hi the stste of New 1 liiiriy-nrHi any ui ueeeniuer, iv the insurance com mi twi oner of tl. Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount ot capital stock paid up..$: INCOME , " ' Net premiums received during the - . : ' year $1.4.10,487.32 Interest, dividends snd rents re reived during the year....... 95,041.65 Income from other sources receiv- cd during the year .'t7,0T.9t Qfloa on ihs made to. . tat of '00.000.DO Total Income ..,,,.$..38,097.89 ' DISBURSEMENTS --v t.- ? I liiclniliiiu- uiliiifllineiit exnenscH. $1. 80,845.58 1,200,000.00 ! CoinmlsHlous and salaries paid dur- -.m ing the year ,....... . . ,io( Taxes, licenses ana ices paiu uur- . ing the year -,.....'. 1 00,88-7 Amount of all otlier expenditure! , 128,032.83 .$46,023,380.03 .$ 8,788,807.83 48,181,340.40 722,300.00 4,718,283.89 522.503.0t 300,824.24 Total admitted assets $07,159,3&0.i2 LIABILITIES Gross clultns for losses un paid ; $ 15,415,000.87 Amount of unearned premiums on all outfit ml ing risks 30,138,087.b8 Due fur co mm trial on and brok erage 100,000,00 All other liabilities 2,100,000.00 .Total liabilities, capital stork , 000.00 ...... :95,09.e4 exclusive of of $8,000,- $43,754,078.75 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year ...$200,078.52 Losses paid during the yesr ...... 141,2)0.00 Losses Incurred during the year.. 202,084.46 Name of Company, Hartford Fire Insurance Company. . . Name of President, It. M. Blssell. Name of Secretary, I). .1. Glacier. . Statutory resident attorney for service, Total admitted assets. -.. LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid.. $ Amount nf itiiearnetl nremiums on ll ntitxtfln,! tiir risks i . a.uvi.i Due for comminslon and brokerage 0, 100.49 All other liabilities 101,760.87 Total liabilities, exclusive of ' ' ; capital stock of $1,000,000.00. $1.779,0Ot.Ol 1HTR1NKSS IN OREGON FOR TI -. YEAR , - Net premiums received during U t , ' 19',067.3 4 . 88,570161 Nanio of Company, Star Insurai- r Company of Ameritn. . V, V. Name of President, l tins, n. av Taon. Name of Secretary, Robt. II. Wt ims, Namo of Matiuger, l'acifio Dept. lent, CUr- enre E. Allan. Name oi Asatstant manager, i n u uupwr ment, Geo. F. Uuerrox. -,',, n -,. IteDUty ASBisiani ninnagrr, rmiw vwr"- ment, Logan . Chandler. ; ' ' t , SUtutorv Resident Attorney for 1 ervice, Grfl. J. Janes, 409 Selling llldg., Port bid, Ore. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THK Mattsohuiettt Fir 4 Marina Iniuranos Company ot Boiton, in the State of Massachusetts, on the thirty-first day of December, 1022, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Orrgou, pursuant to law; CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. . .$500,000.00 INCOME Net, premiums received during tlic year $ 272,108.20 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year 5U,831.0Q Income from other sources ceived during tho year 8,664.84 Totsl ico me $835,406.00 DISBURSEMENTS Net looses paid during the year in cluding sdiuritinriit expenses. .$ Dividends paid on , capital stock during the yesr CoinmisHNiotis and salaries paid during the year . . . . Taxes, licenses and fees ps id, dur ing the 'yesr ''; Amount of all othor expend Hurts. . Total Expenditures ' $ ASSETS Relnsursnce recoverable $ Vsluit ol stor k snd bond owned (market value) f sih in banks and on html I remlums In course of collection written slnco September 80, 1022 Interest and rents dun and accrued 120,022.80 80,000.00 70,300.05 $.807.03 2.343.70 261,625.10 8,104.32 ,801,010.00 42,814.01 40,805.00 0,374.00 Total admitted assets ...... .$1,400,268.92 LIABILITIES v '. Gross claims for lossea unpaid snd est. etp $ lB-i.itl7.70 Amount of un fumed premiums on all outstanding riiks 140,140.08 Due for commission and brok erage, salaries, etc 85,000.00 All oUier lisbilities 10,891.01 Totsl Ushllltles. exclusive of capital stock of $500,000.00..$ 888,736.89 BUSINESS IN ORKOON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the yssr $8,038.08 l.e mid during the vesr ....... 1,471.71 losses Incurred during tlie year 8,281.71 Nsmf nf Com pi nr. Massachusetts Flro It Ma rine Insurance Company. .Name of President, Charles (1. Smith. Nsme of Secretary, Walter Adeard. Statutory resident attorney for aerrlce, In iitance Commissioner, SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Hartford Acoldsnl and Indemnity Company of Hartford, fn the stste of Connecticut,, on the thlity-flrst dsy or December, luza. msue to ine Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to lawi CAPITA., Amount of capital stock paid up. .$1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the yesr Interest, dividends snd rents re ceived during the year Income from other sources re ceived during tlie year 3,410,444.98 493,016.84 131,015.00 ToUil Income $14,040,478.77 DISBURSEMENT Net Iohhcs paid during the year in,. I. ,li nrt.iintms.iit. f-Kliftl. sts $ 0,000,970.47 Dividend,, fin id Oil CSIlitsI stock during the year 100,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 8,090,804.01 Taxes, licenses and fees bald during the year 278,010.00 Amount of all other cxncndl- tures 080.B81.fi4 Totsl expenditures $11,147,371,71 . ASSETS Value of resl estate owned (market value) $ Value of stocks and bonds own- , cd (market value) 1 Loans on mortgages and collat eral . .etc t . . 4 Casb In banks snd on hand.... I remlums in coursp uf coll?ctlon - written since September 110, ' 1022 Internal and rents due and ac crued Other admitted assets 8,600.00 1,437,882.90 8,290,147.10 127,377.11 813,247.54 Total admitted assets ..,...$10,710,813.10 LIABILITIES Ornss claims for Ifwses unpaid.. $ 6,148,800.41 unearned Amount premiums 0,980,366.00 788,0(15.90 804,704.00 I prr on f.11 oiitHtandlrifl' risks Due for commission and brok erage All other liabilities Total liabilities, inclusive of ...nil. i ...... w nf ti nnn.. 000.00 $12,175,476.81 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TUB YEAR Vat nmliirna ntaeaUeMl rilirlllC the v... 8139.807.01 Losses psld during the yesr A7.021.82 Lossrs Incurred during the year.. 88,219.32 Nsme of Company, Hartford Accident ami In demnity Company. Nsme o( President, R. M. Bissell. Viee-Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Normsn R. Horsy. Name of Secretary, J, Collins Lee. Statutory resident attorney for tervloe, J. Stuart Lesry, Portland, Oregon. Total expenditures ASSETS Value of real estate owned, (mar ket value) $ Vulue of stocks and bonds owned (market value) , Cash in banks snd on hand....1 - remiiimrt in course ol collection . written slnco September 30, 1022 .' .....,....(.'.. Interest and rents . due and ac crued War premium tax recoverable, i. ..$! .30,486.64 04,188.94 ; ; '4 3,0 80,00 -J 2, 866.34 028,803.75 " Sl.OlS.l 770.18 .$,. 06,016.41 vear Losses psld during the year... Losses incurred auring me year. ATEMENT ") SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL L Aetna Compary - r . of Hartford, In the state of Conneci,ut, on Ht. thirtv-first day nf December, 1B2I, neue to inw lt'Kursnce Commissioner of the sta..- of Oresjon,, punuant to law: CAPITAL Amount ol capital stock paid up. .$:.000,000.00 . ! . INCOME " , . j. Net premiums received during ' .I'-a..-" the year $2t.362.fl4T.W Interest, dividends and renta re- ccivcil during the year 1,946,411.011 ceived during tho year " 77,4tft.0O ToUl income ..$j...J70,4fla.i DISBURSEMENTS ' Net losses paid during tho year i, . J; ' including utlJUHiiuem expeu- during the year Coiiimihslors and salaries paid during the year laxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing tho year Amount of all other expendi tures ., 1,100, 000.00 (..l4O.60i.99 047,HOS.0: 1 0SS.824.8i Total expenditure ..... ASSETS ' . .$'- ,J06,076iU Value of real estste owus m J.rf' L ket value) TT. $ 410,000.09 Value ol stock and bonds own- ,-l .narkft Value S ).-311,98f.8$ Loans on murtgagea and collat eral, CtC , . . . J e , e e . raJ. in hanks ami on hand , . . . Premiums in course of collection written since, September 30, luw J- Interest and renta duo and ac- tirucd OUirr admlttwl assets ........ 0,l38,4l4fcl. 0.798,008.44 ' 210,086.60 Total admitted asseta ...... $4v,76,041.1t ; . , LIABILITIES ' V ' Cross claims for losses unpsid.,$ ',10i,0Bt.8$ Amount of unesrned premiums' ''-Mm on all outstamllng risks 1 J,701,818w$S Due for commission and brok- j ersg 80.0W.6 All other liabilities 960.000.08) Total liabilities, cup Its I atock 000.00 exclusive of ot $5,000, BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR 1 Net premiums received during t' year .' Losses paid during tht year Losses incurred during tht jrtar.. Name of Company, Aetna Insur Name of President, Ralph B. I Nsme ot Secretary, Guy R, Be Statutory resident attorney U M. Ken her, Portland, Oregon $ : i7l,89T.$i I! 1 YKAK ,MSS,464 81 181.678.6T .180.710.46 Comaany , rvic, T THESE COMPANIES ARE REPRESENTED IN MEDFORD BY HOLMES The Insurance Man