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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1923)
rAai3 SEVEN E E GOAL OF LEAGUE irEDFOHTJ MAIL TRTBTJ1TE, lEDFORT)', OKEflpy, WEDNESDAY, !APT?TL 11, 1fl2.t m 1 DES MOINES, April 11. A 15 por cent Increase In thi. vote over that Cast In 1920 was being urged for the league of women voters by Mrs. Maud Wood Park, president of the leaguo In an address today before Its annual convention hero. "I ask every woman In tho league," Mrs. Park said, "to set to work to restore democracy and to rouse the public to an understanding: of, , tho slmplo duty of every qualified voter In tho community." , Citing figures on tlio 1920 election showing that of 64,421,831 men and women In the United States eligible to vote, only 26,705,340 or 49 per cent wont to tho polls, Mrs. Park said: "Rulo by minority is not duo to tho loss responsible Increase in the per centago of votes east and mako a def inite plan for attaining that goal." Women voters were urged by the speaker to study not only pending legislative problems, but also tho en forcemont of laws already enacted. DES MOINES, April 11. Tho first of two meetings on International af fairs and world peace planned for tho fourth annual convention of the National Leaguo of Women Voters, in session here, will be held tonight. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover will bo tho principal speaker, and while no ofllclul announcement lias been made. It Is reported in mos HftgPH received from Washington that bo will sound tho opening gun In President Harding's campaign for public support of the world court re cently suggested by tho chief execu tive. Tonight's mooting will bo presided over by Miss Ruth Morgan, chairman of the International affairs commit tee of the leaguo. Tho women's viewpoint "on the responsibility of America for world poaco, how shall it be met?" tho subject of tonight's address, will be presented by Miss florence E. Allen, assistant justice of the Buprcmo court of Ohio. The largest meeting will be held Friday when Lord Robert Cecil. British ndvocato of the leaguo and Mrs. Oifford Pinchot, wife of the governor of Pennsylvania, will bo tho speakers. A large supply of birth control literature mode Its appearance at the convention yesterday, but was not circulated. An effort to get the con vention to go on record as favoring birth control is not expected to meet with much encouragement, accord ing to various leaders. AERIAL SEARCH FOR LOST PARTY MIAMI, Fla., April 11. Search for the 19 men and five women who are believed to be marooned or lost some where between hero and Tampa in the Everglades as a result of their attempt to negotiate the first motor trip through that region, was to be taken up by air today. Word has been taken to Fort Meyers by Indian runners of the tourists to tho effect that tho 'party with thirty miles of bad lands ahead of them were pushing toward Miami at tho ralo of ono mllo a day. Depot Safe Blown YAKIMA, Wash., April 11. The outer door of tho safe of the Northern Taclflc depot at Solah, four nillos north of horo, was blown some time last night and a small amount of money taken. Tho burglars failed to get into the inner compartment of tho Bafe. lolls S.S.S. will prove to you in your own case the "how" and "why" of its remarkable Blood Clcanting Power 1 There Is a reason for everything that happens. Common-sen so kills mis ery. Common-sense also stops bolls I 8. S, 8. Is the common-sense, remedy 1 1 reason. "JhtUsl tot bJfts. because It lstallt on Sclentlflo authorities admit Its pow er! a S. 8. builds blood-power. It builds red-blood-cells. That Is what makes light tag-blood.1 Fighting-blood destroy! Impurities It fights bolls. It always wins! It flghta pimples! It fights skin eruptions! It builds nerve power, thinking power, the tight-fisted power that whirls a man up Into suc cess. It gives women tho health, the angelic complexion and the charm that moves the world! These are tha reasons that have made S. 9. S. today the great blood-cleanser, body-builder, racceas builder, and it'a why results have made tears of joy flow from the souls of thousands! Mr, V, D. Schaff, 857 15th St., Washington, D. C, writes: " tried for yenrt to get relief from a bad caso of boilt. Everything failed until took S. S. S. 1 am now abto luUly cured, and it vsa$ S. S. S. that did U." Try it yourself. S. 8. 8. Is sold at in good drug stores. Tho large size la more economical. O O C tnaket yowfeel hkt yovrtelf again SEATTLE, April. 11. Mltsuzo Endo, 47, a second hand dealer, killed his wife and three children because; his wife had refused to return with: him to their former homo In Japan. I ho told police when ho appeared at, headquarters early today - to Siv0 1 himself up. Patrolmen who hurried , to the Endo homo found the four bodies as Endo had reported. Tho body of Mrs. Endo was found in one room and tho bodies of tho three children, Ulko. 6, Aklko, 2, and Noriro, lb' months old, in another. The woman had been shot to death oarly yes terday according to physicians, Tho slayer told police he had remained In tho apnrtmont all day, and had not killed tho children until ono o'clock this morning. They had boen stab bed to death. Officers who Investigated the slayings reported that nearly all of tho family's possessions had been packed, apparently for moving and were, piled in such a manner as to suggest a division of property. Endo said his wife had refused to agree to a separation which would permit him to return to Jupun, Ho said ho had been married twice, and that his first wife was dead, but that ho had other children living in Japan. Officials Indicated Endo would be taken before a lunacy commission. VL NEW YORK, April 11. With all printers Ink titles Sultan of Swat, Behemoth of Bust, Hejaz of Hit, Babe of Baseball George Herman Ruth, the rightful king of home run hitters, feels uncrowned today. Somewhere out in the far west tho Babe Is ploughing eastward from Tulsa, Okla., with a heavy heart, sad mamnrlpa. a. Rtrnnir resolution and the remainder of the New York Yankee j team which won a game there yester day from the Broklyn Dodgers, 6 to 4. Two Yankees and two Dodgers made homo runs but not Ruth. Instead, the object of 2000 schoolby eyes, stood up and struck out four successive times he only batted four times. Alter the game the 1000 hero wor shippers followed their idol to the club house, cheering him but not in derision. Ruth was touched and said: "I want to come back here next 1 year. I'd like to hit a homer for you kids I'd like to hit a lot, a whole lot." Yesterday's Results At Oakland 1; San Francisco 6. ' At Sacramento 4; Scattlo 7. At Salt Uiko 9; Portland 3. At Los Angeles-Vernon postponed, wet grounds. DETROIT, Mich., April 11 Jack McAuliffo, Detroit heavyweight who is to meet Luis Firpo in Now York on May 12, plans to begin training there April 20, Mark Shaughncssy, his man ager, announced today. McAuliffo has recently recovered from nn attack of Influenza. His weight is 196, only two pounds less than the weight ho hopes to make for tho Flrpo contest. ROSTON, April 11. A new list of national amateur boxing champions Is on record today. As a result of tho 89 bouts tho last two nights in tho Doston arena among tho pick of tho amateurs of this country and Canada, three Boston men, two from Cleveland, two from Pittsburg and one from New York hlod tho titles in the various classes for 1923. Tho list of champions follow: 112 pound class Al Bonder, Now York. 118 Harry Marcus, Cleveland. 120 Terry Tarkcr, Boston. 185 John "Terry" Mcllanus, Bos ton. 147 John Rlnl, Cleveland., 100 Homer Robinson, Pittsburg. 175 Harry Fay, Pittsburg. Uleavywclght Tom Klrby, Boston. CHICAGO, April 11. Brilliant play, marked by a homo rdn by Wil lie Knmm, tho Chicago Americans' $100,000 beauty, threo double plays and a fast trlplo carried tho White Sox to victory In their game with tho New York Nationals at Knoxvlllo. Tenn., yesterday, by a scoro Of 4 to 3, und placed them ono game behind the uiunts in the spring exhibition scries. Although tho fact that Vic Al drldge, Chicago National pitcher, struck out tho first batter that faced him at Oklahoma City yesterday might not have anything to do with tho Cubs' defeat, 12 to 6, neverthe less tho Oklahoma City battors got to him In tho third inning for seven runs. PARIS French boxing fans ac corded Oeorges Carpentler a tremen dous reception while hoots and Jeers greeted "Battling" Slkl when they appeared In separate exhibition bouts for the American Legion benefit. PHILADELPHIA Tho race "be tween Waller Hoover, Duluth and Paul Costello, Philadelphia, for the world's single sculls championship will be held nt Duluth on Lnko Su perior Juno 8. . T. M. rco. ml Ask jor this Seal, MMjAihnia The Everyday Meaning of the "Check" Seal xHOTPOINH' ELECTRIC IRON Achieves Derfect results with least expenditure of energy. The cantilever handle, found only on the Hotpoint Electric Iron, carries the pressure of the arm and wrist on a direct line tot the ironing, eliminating the tense grip andibodily strain required in using old style irons. It is equipped with attached heel stand. THE NEW HOT POINT WAFFLE IRON The means to delicious waffles, prepared electrically, without smoke or bother right at the table. Equipped with double aluminum plates baking entire waffle at one time without "flipping." . Heating units are enclosed sheath wire type. Convenient handles, hinges, etc., insure. esse , of operation and cleaning. SUPER AUTO MATIC HOTPOINT HUGHES This range has an automatic time and temperature con trol, eliminating1 the housewife's close con finement to the kitchen. Equipped with replace able heating units, either open coil or sheath wire. The oven has two units for broiling and roasting. The Hotpoint-Hughes is electricity's answer to good and easy cooking. UST as the word "Sterling" identifies solid silver, the orange and blue "Check" Seal of the Pacific States lilectnc Company identifies standard electrical mer chandise and reliable electrical contractor-dealers. Con- tractor-dealers who display the "Check" Seal operate on the basis of good workmanship, standard materials and fair prices. This means that when they wire a house the work is done right, and that it will stay right. It means that they will provide electrical outlets in sufficient number and at the proper places to insure complete electrical con venience, and that the cost will represent the true value . of the installation. i Whenever the "Check" Seal is found on electrical merchandise it means that the article is the best of its , kind, such for example as. the Hotpoint appliances here , displayed. i It means further that these articles have been inspected and certified as standard by the Pacific States Electric . Company, the largest distributors of . electrical' merchandise on the Pacific Coast, and that each one has . all of those qualities which the "Check" Seal represents. . V' Ask for the "Check" Seat ' r The electrical appliances shown on this haze, together with othet standard electrical products, certified by the "Check" seal, are described in . our new booklet, "The Electrical Hoio for Householders." You will enjoy this booklet, with its many practical suggestions jor the convenient and economical use of electricity in. your home. It may be obtained free from any electrical contractor or dealer displaying this seal or by writing to one of our offices. PAGIFtTC STATE W "a"" in a JaaWHk. taaTA. va. a ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES OAKLAND PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE Go to dealers and Electrical contractors who display the "Check" Seal CcAIJFORNIA CVJGOkI 1 POWER COMPANY QUALITY -- The Pacific States Electric company, the Electrical Deal ers of Medford and the Califor nia Oregon Power company co-operate to give you the best STANDARDIZATION and most complete electrical service which can be had any where. Check Seal appliances are --- SERVICE guaranteed appliances. Check Seal dealers are quality deal ers. We give both our unquali fied approval. WUR PARTNERS IN PKOCKtSS THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY The Home of CHECK SEAL GOODS People's Electric Store Phone 12 Medford, Oregon 212 W. Main St. , A. B. CUNNINGHAM 0. 0. ALENDERFER Better Cooking . if- with the Hotpoint Hughes Electric Range. Paul's Electric Store Main and Central Established 1914 s