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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1923)
V rxrrr. nrnrr Lindstrom Ends Long Search With Success Here's a Real "League of Nations' Family ESPEE VILL TALK Mil una eit- u -aa xr-7 atatr Bracac W""nra-g "': is. auni, aa ti 1x7 ai feu ara- Aft fciaeSe aavi tM7 imAtit f.i.X&s , im c&va ilr',-"s w '.ai,v. carina.' UKA7 fclJs WMi? Xtity-'t auk t& fra.zjtai:y w"a3v Ait ti r-iLriijarj ii r axrt I 6 . m.Ttri. kta tx io. ti a4 "V-1 cuury vu hr i" ta-t- &atk rear sali t&7 oi f-Uf J Tk. Li m ? tit Cjatftra-i- wnl t Pr Wijury ftyf tit- "P" XJtt-- erelfciff at ta tit Ct fsr.t j i i -...-c:':. ..... T . J fttntvrt p- to 1 x b'-ij tt Uifr. TSt inrkt buct r tn tb. letvW sear. froot at tfci tir& l TrT Mr. Iobjlj tht lb dJ 1 J 4.4 ko KEod. T, faii ??wt oft j 'ftfl rinH ck4r fei:rr tr tie praad Jry thU BArJE dn4 otf tJw f-e iasimtov lain. xKe tt tena;atioa of ft preiimrr Expri fr.;ir.j vcartJkr cfitjk thi u ht&rinj; fetor JutK Gl-an O. TySor monsiec c4 d3rtr.s the dar- ITS HE M LOCI OFFPIS Tie Soatin P:iSe ccm.ja.irJ . . , . ... . f tm fiVwit ever 5.1 i terwe, f ule! AdT. IflLW-ArKZH. Wis, April 5. 3j Ao.-n Press. Ti itite desart- Ctt- f Uoetau hire gfrta Jaci rat rata ne Satartar a.t boob to tare me tanw-KAie ccr--merc eoci- ! rwIa'l etJCM to a decisioa ai ". IecrW to KOw a rraeiit; &iir. MooL. Joljr 4. ec.-aiE5 to ivel of -xr taraizi in ta west Coilias. VTnrr'iir- toe- th x--r-. Sw mxAe SMmixT fay ; husr-tr thin ti to fr :wi.n ntajoa- icaa LesrSon. bo rweired a telegram n:t:in simfctn 114 Uitl ho )-: Vr r .. r 10 taat enect today. oa a charge of fMMssioa of tatmxat-. ins li.-jior aa4 ba3 wu set at j TS raid oat of vhieb tie eharse - V. Grant powE! Tie gUss saov-caie in tie en triaee of tie Tcery as jried o;a Uat night aoi a talrt, a tie. a jair cf attees and a pair of cordaror I bfcrl BWJy H the tia ty on- Maay Years of Suffering v.-.- m. h rey " py Ended Wlea Health Be-: rUt K stcred By Taslac, Declares ifi By roita nd r7 c IJP-.ATK . ; atmtiwJt by popl whe tat- ' ue'j wr printed In the papers. ui4 m I made no my mica m It sure dia neip ce. ir.-l I r.sht n' I tl strtmser ana !m't str c bmS Is n ,f tsj'. tweeer tsiaa In a kds nine. j trd AifrJ ; ute is r.raply flue, 1 reutn ii my Liit !tn. w.:?.a rMj'eM of al hare bo trouble irora lnai- til Ira St. S. Fcr-3.3. Oretoo. ; restion and the ga and pains like I -For eren.l y-- I tad bm la ced to hae. That tired, ron-down tie tMtiies t a tad ease f stttata ; (eeii.-.s- has all left me. too. and Jodr-Tw.-j-. 1 v . .A .k; r.m the vi. Taslac has helped I LiT yair lister of Ajra 3-Jt .1. - ,1. , .-4 i e I dw t hesitate to gire Jt my wlri was eaeiaed eesr re-. L-rt! I di suut to eat djazreed hjffeefn endorsement.- Iitioc aiojeed iy tie e&y cotziI ci. wkJ se. Gas tented ra et scon:-; Taalae is for sale by all good drag- Aaril 3rd I an Wi-n f.i s - afe asj I siif-,J c-sck dirs sosra. Att no lomnouoia. urer Fraa2Ko and tU reran, ia abeU a i fy" TWj wt -d r4fter. 1 i miMott vtie o,a. it- iataie a:e.y tiraiter w LU imtif to go otc tUs sttaatica iia yoi aai tie etier eiry aatioci- tfea.- Vr Dey's letter as ia resoue to ca srr.ti by Ka?er Cad lis talliag a;tectica to li resoiatioa eoeicoed. aad ccatzaiiag as foU&vt: In t.Tr'tti as 01 r crtr auoraey. J. H. Cars:i2, kas dexjad tie rtrrr of Siiti tzxvei sainay wiCx yoa re eeatly, yoa are goeraHy faaiiLar oar arocleae a4 we rai ajjre ciate aay aisiftaaee froai year of fice wiSea win te i!;fal ia getti&s tie sereraJ proea aa4ir way. resotstica ias sju oeea for- wxrded to Sjriatendeat E I K!ag of yoar eonpaay. aad we are !iJ-l taai we ctay recre prosst cooperation fro at fcia aad otier de partnatj aadr wtoat tie&s natters ecai. 'o rea!y Las yet ben receiTiti frora Sipriatetdect K:;g. nrT3Lac.' Arair Officers Drvss Shoes $4-95 Ilrrrn-.'i Girr:,a Tan, No. C5 $5.85 .rar Drv-ii Siie, Xo. 21 . $4.So 44 55J5 CVIinbta Work Shoe. Xo. 172 Union $3.30 Co!mslia "Work Shoe Xo. 356, ?rtri teaw double sttle S4.85 Iunr-ss'i Puii Shoe Xo. 19, extra long counter arch C.brataJ Ball Bririd. Hip Rubber vrith ankle strap, sLks S t 12. new : Ara.v Ption Foot Lookers $9-85 Ri-e!airsd Armv HaTersaek. with straps $1.25 $6.85 Army Leather Knaps?., made of saddle bag- Xew 'nn:prTTn Perecilators : Xr-Ts- Alasinnn Double Boasters Aray Stc- Dnbbia (shoe grease) Xew Bib Overalls, heavy blue d-iaim Xew KhaVi Coveralls S2.75 $15 $15 .06 $19 $355 Wall Tents, Aato Tents, Flys and Tarpaulins. United Army Stores Trade at the Store and Save Money 32 Central Ave. So. FORUM TOPIC that njoa lieir entrant Krs. f maoe tne ie?o 6y breeeies were taiea. Meiigaa awried to the kiuhem with a ' west of the Kjn. dard the r?T'a7l. ? tn m- Coiiins said. Tie tiiei was erMently fngitcned tfUtner that had been standing oa tie : rains in that Utr.w r7Zir,ZV- ' , 7 tte K" toou- ! awe. i er examined the sinK tn the . . r.' ' . ' .. i . . -. . 1.1- i.-u ;.a kttAmfeioBdlaasdwea!:X 21 lie loot. reral shirta ta j a t that aa dor cf Inaor was detected. ! ' 1 , tajr of breeehes were Herbert Cothbert ef the W'.fir la r.nw vxm. CKr tne s.n was) iir. Powtil Cxd the t&fal l.-.rst XonsvM Trntrm. mtx.ilm will reaviTed and the ilixd contained j mt!'. in progeny tued address the members of the Medford therein recovered and introduce 1 as nnxzy exreoi -n Chamber of Core mer-re at their forum eridesee. - I- the nnia oa oa Wednesday nocn adrertisisg. The adrertisins' f fedferd Hire sabject at th and citizen ahoaid Kale It him or commatltyj Andrew Neisoa. a gaest of Mrs. Meugaa at the t:me of the raid, was the chief state w-.tnesa with the ex- ed ia rendnigi II flP i-re a: I41.T4 .-; I I L I. trke . ireful .tcdr of tesiinjcny in DOTT. tie WUI the subject In order that whaierer l held as a material witness. n&sney Is spent maj bring the maxi mum returns. District Attorney Rawies Moore '.. per cent is to be taken as the annial return rate, he eotrecded. x- , pr earnings shoaUi be lIJ.Il.f.) In lf; he said, actual earmejrs were j in the United Staa. bat I , he antued that the drop below the I return level was entirely due to lars;e defy-us incurred in eastern and RUNSRUi Jioweae aiter he choice. 1 oi her j left ia the; ti i cade his OUT GERMANS: OBITUARY Prrtlaad Ubrat. PORT1-AND. Ore Apn! Wheat, hard white, bloestem. baart lit:; snft white II. 2$; western white 11.21:) hard winter, northern spring, western red. i Today's car receipts Wheat 24; flour il; corn : oats J. bay 1J. represented the state and Attorney i southern territory whi h Ceorge il. Rooeru the defendant. Liberty bond NEW TORK. April Liberty bonds closed: 2H' 141.1; first 4Vs secxnd iW 7.2i: third 4S. s fourth 4(4' .; Vir.tfry 4's aa called l.l; t'. 8. Treasury 4Vs' . SENATOR PLEASED Bf WHEAT CROP WELCH J. B. Welch passed Ty t tie heffj? of ha daaeate- Mrs. Xeilie Proci. 4T Noni Oakdaie FRA-VKTORT-OK-MAiX. A3ril J ZZ" tZJ??. ' lirde cp almow completely by the (By the Associated Press.) '. i- JT ITfT , i taking cf exre-s eamlnrs in the .. ; Trecch 5;iH (Algerian) trooja tint- rSZ ml'citt S.Z ,,S In the.we,-era djetrict. Mr. PowU i I,..," . 1 5Je. Ill, Oct. i. 1JJ2 and was mar- -.- . xku umuiea rted to Mi 0. V. MYERS -ihe Track Man- - Picture Framing , MACK TBTJCKS ' REO SPEED WAGONS . Swem a Studio V X. Holly PThmm Z ' WATCH YOUR MACHINE WORK BATTERY - E . PRKST-O.UTB BATTERi - ...... P , ,. . statto.n . Babbitting and Welding owe rw pw ii Cratflr Laks Automotive Co' had been sought to show by statistics, the earr.lrgl from expr arrice d-sring:" w " -'-""SJ ""e wraio Kbwot, Oct. 17. lTi. l:i. were ::.:.T;. while cr- 1,rT "'cy t Earea. hear! TaoM leS to Eoora kis dexiie ar tdtnnir the iralue of exprejw inT- jTreres. afcording to repons from! tie widow. Mrs. Alice Welch. ce per cent had ten the t.-an laarters today. i daaiter. Mrs. Xeilie Prr.h . r ne oerataas cUIm the erictions C. Welch, all of Medfird: also a s.,n. acre earned on with eaos-ial rati- W. L. We!eh. of Giendale. Or ness the troops going about with I Funeral serricea wsU be h-'d at th Jieir nfiea and sabers ready for ae-, Conzer Funeral Pa-r, 1 -, 1 -i t:ca aad of:ea striking or choring the, 1. Interment at Central Poia! ceiee- n;ent, if limit, the earnings shvjl have been l.i;.iT. 1 RiALTO I Now Sog I i When the Sheep Came ! . HI ill nupert Htralic. who wrote It. knows all the H'ltc domcMfc dlfficaltW from Ibe morn ing rroarb 10 the weekly bill coafrmsce Helene Chad wick Gaston Glass Eleanor Boardman Henry Walthall One of the finest qnartets who rrrr "pnt oyer" plctnre of irlrea who have to ak for errry peony. Wednesday M.I IW HALL XKILAX-H uprr me achlerrmrnt "The Stranger's Banquet" WALLA WALL.V. Wash.. Ajril . Cnited SUtea Sfeaauw C. C. Dill ar rived here late th! a.'ternoon (mo Cotfat anl will disc as j the Jeffervvo clih this aftemoox 1 hare nerer seen such excellent prrpects for a bimper wheat crop." said the senator in corameatizg on kis aatimohUe toar throwcti the-wheat ! sheep. Bit soon eaocgi tie sheep i.ihabitaaia 1 tery. VISIBLE GAS PUMPS YOUR GAIN They Increase year mileage per gallon and we all like to see what we pay for. Wo make oar can aiVcstmenti on our guaranteed Ajax and Coast Tires. ETcry day la every way you Ret more miles per dollar at the ARMORY SERVICE STATION Pacific Hishway at Jackson Street. ARMSTRONG & WOLFF Service Cheerfully Givea by Ex-Service Men Then out of a dear sky cacse the saiell of sheep: aH was O. K. at first, 'cause the cowmen Esrerei there was Paty of range for everybody, even l! belt, lie stated that ho woold net cake a political speech tonight bat would discuss other questions. ThU afternoon he will visit the veterans hospital with local American Lecif.a officers. kept getting; thicker and their raage poorer, which started the crowr!iii2 oa the cowman s test bits of covuttry. There sere a few parleys without the j voice of the "saoke wagoa betsg heard bat sheep and sheephenJers He stated that he bad tentatively I d-n t hare mock respect for wurs cri, arrei ted an offer to at'pear on the ' rales or country: so they wect at it U Chautauqua platform In New England j start spoiiing it ail: aad tie cowaiea " this summer. Me goes from here to j went on to flni-thinz what the sheep-j' Portland but will return here In two men had started, with the result that'; weeks. j mostly sheepmen aad sheep was mtss- : ing. The government coaijn t do much : they'd had to p.aci a bo 11 tunr states. j ; The cattlemen won f or a speil and i 1 U was hunkydry again oatside of the damiM saeeo fca.1 done to Ihd ! ! range. The dust beds they'd made out of the good grassy "benches" was be ginning to show signs of life, the air was pure as ever, and cattie was get ting fat. The cattlemen were ail good folks once once aad tending to their business la the lanl that was theirs. They were the first to blaze the trail to it; they made that land a big beef producing country. It was their home, and naturally they wouldn't allow a ticking sheep coming along and leave nothing of tt but the bad odor. From "A Cowpuncher Speaks," by Will James, la tie April Scnbaer a. PORTLAND. Ore . April Theft of f:.600 worth of motion plctnre fiirns from tho vault of the American Lifnotraph company here was re vealed today by the police, who an nounced the stolen films had been re covered. Four boys, who were al leged to have broken Into the vault after the company's plan was swept by fire recently, were arrested after the police had found the films buried and concealed In chlrken pens, racant lots and under rubbish heaps. The films were contained In twenty cans, each valued at 1 1.000. The boys were released when the company refused to prosecute. WASHINGTON. April t On re quests from Alaska fecjjtary Work has aked Preldent Harding to per mit Colonel c. K. Means to conllnue construction work on the gnvern ment railroad In Aaska. Mr. Work said today that he had not been noti fied whether the request would be granted. Colonel Mears detail in Alaska will expire May L Strategy. When the company went over the top, Pat climbed over the bai'k of the trench and started running away His captain saw him and shouted. fctop! Are you a coward?" Pat: "t'ire 'and Oim no coward. The world's round and I'm attack ing frrm the rear." On To Them. "This letter won't go f tt two cents" exclaimed the po(oiartrr. -It's too heavy. You'll have to put another stamp on it." (ian." grinned Pat "It's kiddlnc me ye are Another stamp would make It heavier." A 'Big Lace Sale A $35,000 Stock Of Italian Venetian Lace TABLECLOTHS, SQUARE AND ROUND, ALL SIZES NAPKINS, OBLONG SETS LUNCHEON SETS, BED SPREADS. SOME FINE IMPORTED KIMONAS OFFERED BY M. HASSAIN Tomorrow- Tuesday, is the last day ONE OF THE FINEST SHOWINGS EVER OFFERED SOUTHERN OREGON PEOPLE DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS EVENT SEE OUR ATTRACTIVE WINDOW DISPLAYS OF LACES WEEKS & ORR COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS