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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1923)
JfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, fEDTORD, OKEfiON", MONDAY, APKTL 9, 1923 PA(1E THREE IN TEXAS FIELDS FORT WORTH, Texas, April 9. With' the government preparing to lender the promoter-swindler impo tent ay Darring Mm from the malls with 200 oil 'fraud cases already In vestigated and with plans made to exiena tne oil pro do to Duties, Texas, and Wichita . Falls, Texas, United States District Attorney. Henry Zwel fei Said today that the halfway mark had not been reached in the investi gation ot promoters. The grand Jury resumed its Bes Blons today. , ',.-., ' ; "Two years wiil probably be re quired to clean up all the investiga tions and violations already uncov ered," Zwelfel aserted. . He Intimated that the Investiga tion in Dalas would uncover fraudu lent, operations on a wholesale scale. ImDortant flevolanmpnta pvnpntnrl within the next week were said to be the return ot indictments by the grand Jury here in connection with oil cases and the launching of efforts to bar fraudulent promoters from us ing the malls. ' . ; , ... ; POSTAL ROBBER IE SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. Tho ease of Richard Scanldfi, suspected of complicity in both the recent $30,000 robbery of stamps from tho postoffice at Olympia, Wash;, and the robbery of the Citizens bank at Springfield, Mo.. May 6 of last year, is on the calendar of United States Commis sioner Krull for arraignment today. He la appearing on tho Olympia charge. With Scanlon, who Is also known as Richard Williams and Richard Riley, were arrested George Conley, George W. Caesar, a Mexican drug gist; Sam Cohn, a messenger boy, and Mrs. Helen Conley, wife of Conley. The Conlcys and Scanlon are charged with the illegal possession of SC000 irf stamps. Caesar is charged with having bought $2000 of the stamps for (1100. Cohn is being held as Caesar's messenger boy.. ','None of the. stnmp theft suspects aie Connected by the authorities with the Springfield robbery npart from Scanlon. . England s Man Shortage Dissolves Social Bars: Peeress Wed to Clerk IS HA V - f Put iK Ltfh ' " rS,- f '-i fm mm ; V"i. y JSC T este rttt, and -Jfrs. 32cA ,W LONDON. A romance of the typo of "She Stoops to Conquer" which has set London by its ears and nflamed romanticists the world over is that recently consummated between the daughter of Lord Knollys, private secretary to the king, snd a cigar merchant's helper. ' The bride, the Hon. Alexandra, is the widow of a British captain killed early in the war. She steps from the Britkb court, into a huroole s'tuation as a poor man's wife, and daughter-in-law of an agc4 usher in an Edinburgh court. . Vhen Dellora Anell, Chiiao's multi-millionaire heiress, weds her poor young newspaper artist, she will have only the casm of immense wealth to bridge instead of the one of social position. Dcllora's struggling hustand-'.o-be, however, has Horatio Alger on his side; Jid as for tho Chcckleys, was it not their 'own' Bobby, Eurns who said, "A man's a man for a' that"? VIRGIN ISLES AS RIGHT TO MAKE RUM FOR EXPORT ST. THOMAlj, Virgin IkIiiikIh. April . (By tho Associated Press) Modification of prohibition laws so comes to running his kingdom, mere ns to permit manufacture of rum for were no telephones, automobiles, or everyone, old or young, and sends them away from the theatre chuckling over the ready wit of a real American in the play ot the "Yankee," cleverly played by Harry C. Myers. The fact that Mark Twain has taken his hero out of a wealthy and aristocratic fam ily of New England ot the present day , and has suddenly placed him back in the days when King Arthur and his ; knights of the round tablo had full sway over morry old England forms a splendid and solid concrete foundation for the funniest of offerings. The Yankee ffnds that Kihg'Arthur is awity behind the time-' when it LOCK I CANAL BLOWN UP I - NEW YORK April 9. Tho New York Herald announces today that .commencing tomorrow it will issue a miniature newspaper for the busy man which can be ' read in ten min utes, in addition to the regular edi tion. Frank A. Munsey, the publisher, in making the announcement, says: "The average man hasn't more than about 20 minutes for his morn ing newspaper. , Tho truth is that the average man with so little ttmo for his morning newspaper, doesn't got very far with tho news of the day. "Twenty minutes cannot do the work of twenty hours, and thero is well nigh 20. hours' of reading In a copy of the New York Herald." PARIS, April 9. (By tho Asso ciated Press.) Louis Loucheur's pa per, the Petit Journal, quotes him as snying that his recent trip to Eng land convinced him of the possibility of an accord with Great Britain, "which will not sacrifice in the least the legitimate Interests of France and her allies concerning reparations or security." "Everyone whom he saw in Great Britain," SI. Loucneur says, "appear ed to understand' that France and Belgium are determined to carry op" in the Ruhr venture. He ex presses a hope that he has succeeded In dispelling "certain suspicions which existed in Great Britain con cerning France and Its alms.'1 export purposes only i:i tho Virgin islands was advocated by members of the municipal 'ouncil of St. Thomas and St. Croix at a hearing todny.ut in fact any ot the necessities of life of the present day, so he immediately prepares to install them. To seo thou sands of knights clad in armor' and K5SKN, 'April' p.tny tho Asso elated l'reHH) The 'explosion " of i tlnio bomb destroyed tho lock of the Dortmund-Ems canal near Heme early today. The canal was blocked seriously interfering with the com plicated inland waterway traffic to the Ruhr. This Is the most serious case of sabotage yet ' reported on tho Ruhr L TO MARCH TRADE WASHINGTON. April . A !),- 000. 000 increase in the March collac- tiims of Incomes ami profits taxes as compared with the'Matvh collections of last year, on which the higher In come surtax rates nppltcd, gives 'a practical answer to the tax problem and "shows clenrly what courts fur ther revision should lake," Secretary Mellon declared in a statement last night. Forecasting In his statement pos sible efforts by the treasury to bftvo congress further cut the surtax rates Inennies. Sei-retary Mellon nssert- ed that tho March collections of JJC3. 000.000 had fully justified Ills prediction that downward revision would have tho effect of Increasing rather than decreasing tho federal revenue. Tho secretary viewed the Increase in eotlcctlons us proof that the downward revision hud acted as a stimulant to business. Kven the present surtax rates which range to u mixlmum of r0 per rent and glvo a combined maximum normal and surtax of 58 per cent. Mr. Mellon said, are tending to hamper business and causing the largo tax payers to seek every possible means of averting tho taxublo ineomo. Bishop Tuttlo Wouker. , ST. I.OLMH, April 9. P.lsliop TuU tie of tho Episcopal church who Is 111. with grlppb. was reported as slightly weaker today. New Oil Ruling. WASHINGTON, April 9. Oil com panies wholesaling gasoline can furnlSh retailers tank and pump equipment under an agreement that the equipment be eyrlusivcly for handling the gasoline of tho company owning tho 'o.ulpment, the supreme court held today in cases brought by the federal trade commission. WE MAKE THEM , Medford Tent and Awning Works Opposite S. P. Depot . the government house before Socre- " "' - .i l . . . . , tary Denby and his congressional mounted on motorcycles riding to the I waterways. The lock destroyed is from tho fleet maneuvers off Pan ama. . . The counellmen also advocated that St. Thomas be mndo a free port party, stopping here en route home rescue of King Arthur and the Yankee is one or lue runniest signis. 10 iry and describe this unusual offering is like trying to tell a joke when one has (Virirnttnn tho onditlff with thfi attached for tho distribution of rum from thekIcku can.t bo donQ A special and catchy musical score by "Betty" at the mighty Wur litzer is one of the novel features that accompanies the showing. - West Indies which before prohibi tion was tho principal business of the islnnds. An appeal for funds for the con struction of a water reservoir and Irrigation projects also was made by tho councllmon, wlio declared that four years of drought had seriously reduced agricultural production. In reply Secretary Don by stated he would dispatch a naval civil engi neer to tho islands at once, to study and report on the feasibility of such a project, adding with a, smile that "water is more needed than rum." , Secretary Denby and his party sail ed on the transport Henderson to night' for Washington; whero ' they expect to arrive Friday. ' To know how good a cigarette really can be made you must try a CIGARETTE "Gimmie," Rialto It may have been sympathy for the economically dependent wifo who is forced to wheedle from her husband every nickel for carfare; or It may have been sheer Inspiration that sot Rupert Hughes to the creation of his newest photoplay, "Gimme," which was shown at the Rialto theatre yes terday. "Gimmo" is one of those light domestic comedy things, seasoned with a good dash of drama, (lint only Rupert Hughes Is so expert In con cocting. Helono Chadwick, who played so beautifully the role of the young wife in that other Hughes masterpiece, "Dangerous Curves Abend." Is again tho wifo In this one, and gives a flaw loss performance. Tho husband, Clin ton Kerrls, Is played by Gaston Glass, that skilled young French actor. Oth ers in tho cast, which Is uniformly ex cellent, are H. IJ. Walthall, Eleanor Board man, Kate Lester, Film Based On Mark Twain's Satire Attracts Crowds Knterlng on Its next to the Inst day, Mark Twain's famous satire on the old world. "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's court." is playing at tho rage theatre. "A Connecticut Yankee" appeals to CUSS FRETFUL LONDON, April 9. (F.y tho As sociated Press) The most important part of the present parliamentary session begins today when the house of commons reassembles after a short vacation. It is universally admitted that there nro critical times abend of the government. Seldom has there boon an administration that has drawn more criticism from tho press be cause of Ur alleged shortcomings. The unrest In the labor world, tho discontent shown by a largo division of tho middle classes and tho anxiety of capital and business are the fea tures in every London newspaper and tho government soema to he regarded ns the senpe gnnt nf all Interests. near the junction of tho Dortmund Ems canal with the main canal that runs down to tho Rhino at Dulsburg and Ituhort, where the world's largest inland port is located. The Intention of the dynamiters apparently was not only to block the ennal, but to drain the water from tho main lihinc-Herno canal, which is tho main waterway artery in the Ruhr. - The French say this main cnnal has not been interfered with, as the locks on both sides of the one which was dynamited were closed imme diately after the explosion to prevent the draining of tho main canal. Tho Dnrtmund-IOms . canal, Itself an important waterway, Is blocked by tho destruction of tha lock, Guards have been placed ni all junctions and locks as a mcasuro for prevention of further damage. Tho circumstances of tho explosion indicated that the bomb had been placed with great care under difficult circumstances. It blew out the gate and toro a largo hole In tho side of tho cunal. PEKING Dr. "Wellington Koo will bo named as foreign minister to buc ceof Huang Iru, resigned. DRONCMTIS DAt bedtime rub the throat an chest thoroughly with V V a po Rub Ovtr 17 Million Jan UuJYtuk Used Car Bargains Late model Moon Six Sport Roadster, excellent mechanical condition. Nash Six Touring, 1921 Model. Newly painted. Fine condition. " : . . Maxwell 1920 Touring. Baby Overland Touring, 1921 model. Chevrolet Touring, 1920 model, newly painted, fine condition. MASON MOTOR CO. 30 North Holly If you could look down on all the roofs in the United States, what a demonstration , of Certain-teed usefulness would meet, your eyes! Here a group of farm buildings, there a mammoth industrial plant, protected by Certain-teed Roll Roofing. And elsewhere the mellow tone of Certain-teedShxtcSurfacedShingles on every type of dwelling. This same nation-wide confidence extends to the many other building products manufac tured and sold under the Certain-teed la! Build to endttte yMh tertatn-Teea I 1 Kiiilrtirmc f-l-r a mnmmnfh Na 1 I industrial plant, protected by I . '' KltaGSdl Certain-teed RoU ' Roofing. And tefefe: - jpfSjl Certain-teedSlatcSurfacedShingles iSB3 S ,31 on every type of dwelling. This fgQJ, jepp V,$$afS same nation-wide confidence gj 5 aJjtts& extends to the many other -C-E3g . , t . (5'r.SRSte'' 28 building products manufac- fe?Spf Li i u r r - -- 't r- rT7 rt-n JTrrrr Vi,'; ' n i . n DISTRIIWTKD JJY T1IK FOIJiOWlJfO WHOLESALERS MASON-EHRMAN CO. t Medford, Oregon CAN HE PURCHASED FHOM THE FOLLOWING DEALERS The TiKlrppiMlrnt Lbr. Co., Medford, Ore. Central I'oint Lbr. Co., Central Point, Ore. rTho Valley lldwo. Co., OrnntB PAsa, Ore.' Tho Viilloy Lbr. Co., Grants Pass, Oro. W. II. Smith, Medford, Ore. Provost Ilros., Ashland, Ore. . Ci-iunnr Uros, Grants Pas, Ore. P. N. Woodln, Grants Pass, Oro. -f 1 Mason, Ehrman & Co, Medford : : Wholesale Distributors of Gertain-teed Products Headquarters for Certain-teed Roofing and Building Papers Independent Lumber Co. 224 North Riverside "For Sorvloe" Phone 243 Medford, Oregon! Mordoff & Woolf We Feature Certain-teed Paints, Linoleums and Oilcloth 217 E. Main. Phone 9 "See us before you buy" Medford, Oregon