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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1923)
PSGE FOUR MEDFORD fAIC TRIBUTE. rEDFORDV '. OflEflOy, TITTRSPXY. 3PRTL' 5. "1923 Medford SIail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER rfBLltfHKD EVEKT AKTEKNOOJ tX'.EKT lUKUAT. BY THfi MWOM PRINTING CO. Quill Points Press Comments on Fish Controversy Yh Madford Band Moraine Sun la (Ujr daily MtiApr. That S. O. S. from European hotels (loubtlrts means Stud Over! If Governor Pierce made a pre-, renewed his pledge at a banquet held Offtei Mall Tribune Bull dint t-?-n Korta lx tret. Phot 74. Suckers. A consolidation of the Democratic i TUn. tae UitorA ilail. tb Medford Triune ih tftmitxra Qresaalao, Tae Aaai&ckd Tritmii, Some children have a good time, and some have experts to teach hem how to play. ROBERT W. Rl'HU, Editor, ft. UUaiPXXK SMITH. Maaaxcr. The difference between being a domestic servant and being a wife is about o" a week. BT MAIL In Advance: , Dally, with Sunday Sua. year T.S lsailr. with Hun. month .74 Dally, without Suiuimjr Sua, year. t.SQl ' Daily, without Sunday Hun. month .(S? Weekly Mall Tribune, one vr ,., z. Sunday gun. one year 1.0 BY CARKIEB In Bedford. Ashland. Jacksonville. Central Point, Phoenix. Tajtnt aaa on Highways: Dally, with liunday Sun, month. -T5 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month Ai Da;ly. without Sunday bun. year- 7.& Daily, wlift Sunday Sun. one year I.Sft All term by carrier, cash In advance. It becomes increasingly 'lesolatiou on the other. clear that isolation on one side means Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. The only paprr between Eugene. Ore., and Scram-n to. Ca 1 1 f a d : tance o f over (99 miles, having; leased wire Asso ciated Press Service. Sworn dally average circulation for six month ending April 1. 12Z. 3S2S. more than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated to Jackson County. Entered second cias matter at Medford, Oregon, under act of March B, MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PREKH. The Associated Press Is exclusively an tit led to the use for republication of ail news owpaicnes creoitea to it or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also to the local new published herein. All right of republication of special aispetchea nerin are also reserves. Iirotherly love ean't hope to become universal while its style is cramped by patriotism. , . , Ye Smudge Pot . By Arthur Perry. - Henry Ford, William G. McAdoo, June Middleton Cox. Wood row Wil son, Hiram Johnson all running for president In 1924, admittedly or bash fully, and still tbey wonder why a man like Harding Is diffident about start ing out in the race. ' That Kansas cyclone that Is alleged to hare blown a pancake 11 miles, should be excused as It thought the pancake was a stovelld. i TAXES Tax the people, tax with care. To help the multi-millionaire. ' Tax the farmer, tax his fowl. Tax the dog and tax bis howl. Tax the hen and tax her egg, And let the' bloomln' mudsill beg, -Tax his pig and tax its squeal, - -Tax his boots run down at heel;' Tax his horses, tax tils lands, ' Tax the blisters on his bands. : Tax his plow and tax bis clothes, Tax the rag that wipes his nose. Tax bis house and tax bis bed, ," Tax the bald spot on bis bead, . Tax the ox and tax the ass. Tax his "Henry," tax his gas; Tax the road that he must pass ' ' ; And make him travel o'er the grass. Tax his cow and tax his calf, , Tax him If he dares to laugh. He Is but a common man. So tax the cuss Just all you can. Tax the lab'rer, but be discreet. Tax him for walking on the street. Tax his bread and tax his meat. Tax the shoes clear off his feet. Tax the payroll, tax the sale, Tax all bis hard-earned paper kale. Tax his pipe and tax bis smoke. Teach him government is no joke. Tax their coffins, tax their shrouds. Tax their souls beyond the clouds. Tax all business, tax the shop. Tax their Incomes, tax their stocks; Tax the living, tax the dead. Tax the unborn before they're fed. Tax the water, tax the air. Tax the sunlight. If you dare. Tax them all and tax them well. Tax. them to the gates of hell. But close your eyes, so you can't see The coupon-clipper go tax free. Don I.upton In the Denver Post. L ; WASHINGTON', April 5. Net operating Income of class one rail Whys during February amounted to 138,903,000, the bureau of railway economics announced today, on th basis of capitalizations from Inter slate commerce commission reports. This compared with earnings of $17, 77,000 for the same roads during February. 1922, and represented an annual return rate of 3.73 per cent on the estimated value of property Investment In the roads. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out . this slip, enclose with 6c nd mail It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave.,, Chicago, III., writing your name fend .address clearly. You will receive In Return a trial parkage con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for! coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides nd back; rheumatism, backache, kid Bey and bladder aldments; and Foley Catbartlo Tablets, a wholesome and inorougniy cleansing cainaruc tor constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Lots of parents think they are ternler-hc-arted when simply too yellow to do their duty. they are Courtesy is the quality that keeps you waiting patiently and sweetly while the man who howls for service gets all the attention. It may he that idleness encourages crime, but Adam didn't raise Cain until he had to go to work. A normal woman is one whose biscuits turn out to he a flat failure when company stays for dinner. In our modern institutions, a "grind' tnous hours developing his batting eye. is one who spends indus- , America's great heart is touched every time she remembers how many" goods Europe bought in the old days. Entertaining in the old wet days wasn't so difficult, wasn't expected to spend his time mixing drinks. The host As we remember it, this makes thirty-seven consecutive vears that the peach crop has been ruined by late frost. The chap who sifts his ashes without regard for the clothes on his neighbor's line always reminds us of a congressional bloc. That explorer may have found pigmies that are related to the apes, but he can't prove they are related to Mr. Bryan. When a woman dreads dish-washing, it may be that her poetic soul yearns for higher things. And it may be laziness. A girl need not leap from a stranger's automobile to protect her honor. A much easier way is to stav out of the automobile. Correct this sentence: "The girls decided to do without spring hats in order that mother might have a new suit this time." , i election promise to appoint A. L- Hill of u a meinour of tne game ctjrninuoi.un he is guilty of having violated section 4111 of the corrupt practices act, according to prominent attorneys of the city, who have made an examination of the statute. This section provides that no can didate for office shall either directly or indirectly promise to appoint an other ptnw.n to a public position, and prescrioes as a penalty forfeiture of office and a Jail gentence of not more than one year, or a fine of not more than av r both:. . - The time for the forfeiture penalty his elapsed, however, and hence could not be invoiced.. ' ' ' Charges that th governor made a pre-election pledge to appoint Hill to the game commiiMion were recently made in a signed statement tamed by Ikri Anderson a prominent citisen of Medford, and former member of the commission. . ! Statements corroborating Anderson have txren made also by other promi nent Medford citizens, although not in writing. "Candidate Pierce understanding fully the resentment felt by the sportsmen of Jackion county over the appointment Ly oicolt of Louis fiean. a Willamette Valley man, on the game commission, when that sec tion already had two able represen tatives, and in an effort to capitalize that resentment for his own political advantage, voluntarily made a defi nite pledge to the Jackson County (lunie Protective association that if elected governor he would appoint any man they might select as a mem ber of the state game commission, " reads Anderson's statement in part. "Mo when Pierce was elected, knowing the positive, definite, pre election promise he had made, ' the association proceeded to select a man to go on the game commission when .Mr. Kean's term would expire on February 25 following." I Anderson then relates how the as- soeiatlon agreed on A. L. Hill for the place, and how the governor re pudiated his pledge and appointed' K. Hoy Ifavla, a Jackson county Dem ocratic war horse. Anderson and other Medford resi dents a:o assert that the executive by the association at Medford In Feb ruary, j The section of the corrupt prac tices act. No. 41JI. which attorneys assert Governor Pierce violated, if he made the promise, reads: -No person shall In order to aid' or promote his nomination or elec tion, directly or indirectly, himself or through any other person, promise to' appoint another person, or promise to secure or aid in securing the ap pointment, nomination or election of another person to any public or pri vate position or employment or to any; position of honor, trust, or emo-i lumeni except that he' may publicly announce or define what is his choice or purpose in relation to any election in which he may- be railed to take' part, if elected, and If he is a candl-i date for nomination or election as a ' member of the legislative assembly,! he may pledge ilmself to vote for the: people's choice for I'nited States sen--ator, or state what his action' will be' on such vote." j Section 4161. the penalty provision! of toe same act. reads: . "Whoever violates any provision; of this act. the punishment for which ! is not specially provided by law. shall' on conviction thereof be punished by J imprisonment in the county Jail. for. j not more than one year, or by a fine' of not more than ",000 or by both' such fine and imprisonment." Port-:! land Telegram. .jacKson county republicans arc furious because the governor has an pointed an old line democrat on the state game commission. The Jack son county republicans had the gov ernors promise to appoint a repub lican, ine Jackson county republi cans pniy got what was coming to them. They deserted their own ticket last fall for reasons that would din grace the Intelligence of an imbecile, now let them take their medicine. Mr. Pierce did the smart thing and ap pointed a democrat. He played the same anu ne played a lot of republi cans for suckers. Some of them may learn something from their ex perience. but most of them will not iney should take their medicine, however, and quit whining. Corval- iis liazetie-Times. COMMUNICATIONS To the Editor: ' 1 An artir le in a recent issue of The ingRhiroses t.t-u. is- -w gU Vtett Mason THE CURE. 9J 7 I JCTTbSrm JW I I WW sssT M M "eas3B3iiXsisJ RHEUMATISM CANNOT EXIST In the human body If you will use Medford Mail Tribune, stated it hadilrunKs Prescriptions, in fact, it is been reported that several persons : a shame to suffer with inflammatory were obtaining nhotogranhs. for edu-! muscular, sciatic r any form of purposes and later return- rheumatism. - Trunk's : Prescription Ing with, enlargements, Xorcine thelDOES NOT depress the- heart. It people to buy them or not returning DOES NOT ruin the stomach. ' Eat their original. Thin renort is false, all the meat and good food you wish. We are obtaining the originals for an 1 11 does not contain any harmful drug art, picking the best, that will I or narcotic but positively overcomes do Justice to the work we are in- rheumatism and gout. WHAT MORE lu iuo WATY There Is nothing better. It Is also an excellent Liver Medicine and the greatest Uric Acid Solvent known. Trunk's Prescrip tion selU for il.5 or 3 for only $5.00 at Haskins. Adv. WHEN I was well I used to say, "I'm getting better every day, more buoyantly I tread;" I felt improvement as I spieled, imaginary ills were healed, and phantom ailments fled. And so I said to all my friends, "Here's where the doc's profes sion ends, the pillsmith's trade is K(mc; henceforth suggestion will avail where saws don't help and capsules fail, and you may bank thereon." But recently I caught the flu, and when the blamed attack was new, I said to neighbors five, "Now watch me cure this dread disease;-I'll spring my 'getting better' wheeze; before it ills can't thrive." I murmured, as I went my way, "I'm getting better every day, I don't need doe or nurse," and thus I tried to kill the flu and kept on trying when I knew that I was getting worse. My neighbors five stood in a group, and watched me cough and sneeze and whoop, and they were greatly pleased; for they had argued, with much steam, that faith in such a dippy scheme betrayed a mind diseased. I do not say that they were right, but I am taking pills tonight, and dope, and boneset tea; and Old Doe Casket just has said, "You wait until you're nearly dead before you send for me. I am disgusted with you lads who take up modern cure-all fads as soon as they begin; you fool with them, and fool with fate, and when (irim Death is at the gate, you cull the doctor in." trdoucing, and represent a western institution that ' has commercialized the talents and retains the services of a number of A,merira's foremost artists, having the largest studios In tha weMt. ' No one Is obligated by" submitting a photograph to our representatives, no reproduction of any kind is made, unless the people wish us to do so. we return all photographs in the same condition that we obtain them. J. I HUGHES Field Artist. HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY, WELL-GROOMED Sresseless Combing Cream Costs Only Few Cents a Jar at any Drug Store GROOM Tl 5( Keeps Hair v- j CombedJ rjj j Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers ,' Williams , Implement Service ,.- 2S So. Bartlett ' ' Phone 2ftii Wake Up! every morning with a feeling that life is worth living. Every cent that you save now is adding to your future pleasure and making that pleas ure really worth while. i Don't "spend as you go." Remember the old -saying that "a fool and his money are s6oji'a parted" and start that checking account, to-day. Come in and ask us about it. , . :ci..'! i; Jackson County Bank Member Federal Reserve Established 1888 Join the Chamber of Commerce .- - -., Add Profitable Land to Your Farm at Less Expense LOTS of farmers Ground here cleared stump land last " ' J year with Pacific Stumping. That land is now put- ' ting money in the bank for them. It's no longer a loss. " rhey save money en the job, too. . For Pacific Stumping gives you one-half more sticks ter dollar: it has approximately the same strength, stick for stick, as any standard stumping powder. Non-freezing and non-headache. v,, , . ,, .,.,,,'..! Let us give you full information on Pacific Stumping and other du Pont explosives for land-clearing -and ditching' work. Wc can give you quick delivery and probably ' same -Helpiul .advice. Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. ; WffHEADSCHB NON-FREEZING You Can Save If you never have, you can noui. Send for your Government's New Free Book which shows you how to accumulate money safely through Treasury Savings Certificates. Send for your copy today and take the first step towards independence and success. I"- . .L. I I. ll thu coupon to fS, ' Th Umilrd Slalet Gortmrntnl I AUn Savin ji Sytlrm TrMirv Department . Cit- Waahlntron, D. C. I r .1: Sut- Evcn stubborn, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day in any style you like. "Hair-Groom" is a dignified combine cream which eives that natural floss and well-groomed effect to your jiair that final touch to good dress both ! in business and on social occasions. I Millions use greaseless, stainless , "Hair-Groom" because it does not show ! on the hair. It is absorbed by the! scalp, therefore the hair remains so ' soft and pliable and so natural that no ' one can possibly tell you used it. Not sticky or smelly. MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. wAHHlNfiTON Assistant Secre tary Momi of the treasury today In structed Surveyor Whittle of the port of New York to withdraw his recent order Which permitted passengers from Inbound steamers to carry shore onf qun.rt of liquor. He de. scribed the order as a violation of both the prohibition and customs laws. ... . ... 1 PHONE 873 TOR LAUNDRY WORK Wet Wash 5c per lb. returned the following day. Dry Wash 7c per lb. all flat pieces ironed. Rough Dry 9c per lb. THE AMERICAN LAUNDRY COMPLETE The tool outfit, the repair kit, get tho accessory that your ear needs now and enjoy the use of It for the coming busy driving season. Prices aro right, here, the as sortments afford the widest buying opportunities. The Auto Supply Co. 81 X. Ilanlctt. Doc WrlRtit Have us look over the pistons of your car's englpe If they are worn, need new wrist plus or rings, we are prepared to render perfect, prompt service. Oversize pistons to order, rings for all sizes, wrist pins, etc. We ALSO remove scores from cylinders. OFTUTT MACHINE SHOP 38-40 No, Front. Phono 119 F STUM PIN G POWDER E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS 61 CO.. Inc., FOTTTLAND, ORE. Flat Rate Service The Dealer who sells the Automobile is the man who is much interested in the good Service of that make of ear. r : . 1.: flat rate and parts used are ! T J T- 1 1 genuine jjoace xsromers parts. Our motto: Good service at reasonable eosti Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. 16 S. Fir St. Phone 304 I A'anh5Snnnw ' v.. -wr; Flasat 3uoec . and be sure they are Washington ., Nursery Company hardyj field , . r . grown roses full of life and vigor. Do not confuse our choice two-year-old stock with the small tender hot house plants offered at low prices. Such plants always prove a disap pointment and in case they do live you have to wajr two years before getting a bloom. Our plants are hardy, well-rooted stock and will bloom the first summer. In buying roses it pays to get the very best stock obtainable. You get more and better blossoms. ,.., ,' Remember that our prices cover delivery prepaid to destination and that we pack carefully and guarantee stock to arrive in perfect condition. Sakitncn Ewryu hcre More Wanted V$ VashlngtopNiireryCee LAROKST IN THE WIST Bo D loppenish, Washington Writ for onr frr catalog describing lar annbtrs of fra. afar 11 ha and Elantt. and on u ad red varieties of K