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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1923)
MEDFOTvD MATL TIUT5UXE, MEDFOTCD, OKEC-OX, MONDAY, APTiTL 2, 5923 PAOK THREE EASIER OBSERVED iL EaBter win a red letter day nt the First Baptist church with record breaking attendance at both services. All the seats in both auditoriums wore used In the morning and chairs wore placed to take care of the crowd who came to participate in the special attractions or the day. Dr. S. J. Held, the evangelist, gave a strong and con vincing sermon on the Resurrection, after which the pastor. Rev. V. It. Leach, baptized eleven persons,. In cluding an entire family of rive. The largest attendance of tho church year was also present at the Sunday school. Announcement was made that the con test between the men's and women's blblo classes was won by tho men. They will bo entertained lator on. Dr. Hold addressed the school fur a short time. The church was unable to take care of the great audience which as sembled In the evening to hear the cantata, by the choir, "From Sepul chor to the Throne," as presented under the direction of S. M. Scott. . A largo number of chairs were used and extra pews from tho clnss rooms and still some were obliged to stand. So pleasod was the eudlence that it was docldod to repeat the cantata next Sunday ovening, when without doubt many who were unable to be present will avail themselves of the opportu nity. For some two months the ch?ir had been rehearsing. Not a few were heard to say that it surpnssod any musical treat they hud ever heard, and without doubt It represented tho fin est errort that the church has put Torlh in years. The stringed orchestra gave volume and power to the music. H was com posed or Prof. Janes, l'rol'. Root, Mrs. lxuls Vlmont, Jr., Miss Gone Hoffman and Mr. Scott. Mr. Charles O'llara, tenor ror the American Light Opera Co., assisted and with Mi's. Scott took a duett which was romlered In a strong way, while Mrs. Scott showed her remarkable power as a soloist and ho' great range or voice by taking the solo parts In the cantata. The rino work or tho entire choir was shown in tho chorus parts, which were rendered In a manner which would be a credit to any church. The cantata will bo repeated in rbll with orchestra next Sunday evening. 1 After the music Dr. Reld gave his farewell inessago which was appreciat ed. There wore some conversions fol lowing tho sermon. Resolutions of ap preciation were passed relative to Dr. Reid's fine work done for the church. Ho Is a rare evangelist and a preacher of great iower and won many friends. A liboral offering was taken ror his work. The largest regular service seen In the Presbyterian church In the mem ory or tho workers thoro, was wit nessed yesterday, Master Sunday mor ning, when the audienco packed every available corner or tho building and tho hall, some leaving when they round they could not grit a seat. The old story or the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from tho grave as sung by a woll drilled and finely balanced mixed quartet, and a male quartot. than which there is none better from the standpoint or balanced voices and rich harmony, together with the messago on tho supernatural manifestations or God through Jesus Christ, when on earth and ever slnco down through tho ages by His Holy Spirit operating through nion filled with the Holy Spirit and power, nil combined to make a servlco that loft Us Impress on the mind and hoart or ovory listener. Twenty-eight members were received into the church, seventeen on confes sion of tholr ftiltli in Christ, and twelve by letter from other churches which with two received the previous Sunday makes thirty at tho Kuster season. This makes a total or eighty received Into this growing church dur ing the past year nud one hundred and forty-nine during tho present pastor ate of two years. Tho Sunday school attondanco also broke all previous records, reaching the high mark of 314. An unusual but greatly appreci ated part ot the musical servlco was the combination ot pipe organ and piano, also one number with violin nnd pipe organ nnd piano. The ovening servlco while not so largely attendod was a good sized audlonco and listened with rapt atten tion to the splendid numic furnished by the mule quartot and the lessons drawn rrom the Btory or Mary Magda-leno. 17 Hurt In Frisco SAM FRANCISCO, April 2. Seven teen passongors on a crowded liryant street car were injured, two perhaps soriously today when the car Jumped a switch nt lCloventh street. Two of tho injurod wore women. R, A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special Convocation Tues day, April 3rd, g p. m. M. K. M. Degree. Visitors welcome. A. F. NOTH, Secy. 10. With Medfora trade Is Vedford made. To know how good 9 cigarette really can be maae you musi try a IvstrikeJ tLCI gar ette, New Spring Cottons Make Up Prettily "Wash Dresses can be run up in a jiffy, especially since you can use the simpler "Printed" Pattern and a- delightful wardrobe of Ging ham, Printed Voile, Chambray, Dotted Swisses and Organ dies, may be your for only a trif fling cost. 6 Spools O. CST. T. Cotton Sewing -Thread 25 ':" t Patterns. Any 'one, even wo men who have nev er sewed before, find that with the new "Printed" Pat tern it is simple to make clothes and have them smart, new McCall Pat terns printed helps them to keep the style line an,d the fit of a dress accurate. 15c Spool Sewing Silk 13tf M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE CURTAIN NETS A clean-up of one lot of Scrims and Nets, valued to 65c yard. On sale at 39c, 49c, 59c Colored printed Marquis ette, in brown, rose, blue grounds ......... 35c UNDERWEAR CLOTH 85c Mermaid Satins 75 C 85c Satin - 75c 39c Flowered Crepes at . . .'. . 33c 39c Plain Crepes . -33 c All shades, flesh, blue, orchid, yellow MUSLIN, CHEAP 20c 36-inch Star Muslin at 14c 25c Blackhawk Muslin at 19c SHEETING, CHEAP Save 5 and 10c a yard on Sheetings. Our prices are the lowest you can find. Stcck up now. GINGHAMS AND PERCALES " 20c 36-inch Percales in light colors. Special 16c 25c 36-inch Percales in dark colors. Special 2 1 C 25c 27-inch Ginghams, new patterns 20c 35c 32-inch Ginghams, fine Zephyrs 29 C 75c 32-inch Imported Ts8ue 65c 32-inch Jap Crepe . 25 c Remember the Old Days When Spring sewing was n task to be dreaded. Its all i changed now with tho coming of the wonderful New McCall Printed Patterns. This event opens a week of savings for women who sew. Ma terials were specially purchased in quantity and therefore lower priced; other merchandise is markedly reduced order to be included in this offering. in Now that shelves are full and counters piled high with splen did variety of Yard Goods, vqu can plan home sewing and be sure of carrying out your ideas to the last detail, in the most economical way. That is, if ycu make your visit to this Store on the first days of the Home Sewing Week Sale. There is no telling how long the materials can be kept in this variety or how quickly the items will vanish. It's better to be here when the doors open! 1 I FANCY WOOLENS Big assortments of Tweeds in tans, browns and greys. 58-inch Tweeds '. . .... . V .... . . . .V $2.95 54-inch French Serge $3,25 54-inch Fancy Skirting $2.25, $2.49, $3.50 $4.50 RATINE WASH FABRICS Import Ratine $1.15 Domestic Ratine 75 C NAINSOOK AND LONGCLOTHS '' Special prices 39c, 49c, 59c, 65c, 75c ORGANDY Colored import 1 Swiss Organdy, 40 inches ..-79c wide . all finishes for TISSUE GINGHAMS, 75c Tissue Gingham ......... i . . .. . . . 65c 85c Tissue Ginghams . 75c EGYPTIAN CREPES These are wonderful fabrics for spring Dresses. Very special 65 C Plain white Liniweaves in .Dresses, Underwear, etc. , Priced 29c, 39c, 49c," 59c, 79c 40-INCH VOILES- -All the new printed Voiles in patterns that are the newest. Priced 59c . RATEPONGE Rose, blue, tan, honey dew. A Silk finished fabric for Spring Dresses . 65c 32-INCH IMPORT JAP CREPE, red, tan, copen, green, light blue, pink, yellow ' 25c Less 10 SILKS ON SALE Less 10 The new Crepe Silks, fancy knits, make up wonderfully for sport wear. $1.75 Silks $1.58 $2.00 Silks $1.80 $2.25 Silks $2.03 $3.00 Silks $2.50 Silks $2.25 $3.50 Silks $4.00 Silks $3.60 . $2.70 $3.15 PAY LESS Jiff DRESS BETTER- BARGAIN TOWELING Big values in Toweling 19c, 22c, 25c PONGEE Heavy import Pongee. . Special $1.26 IMPORT JAP CREPES 25 c LACES Sale on Laces 5c, 10c, 15c NOTIONS Special prices on home sewing needs. Let us suggest your run ning over this list before coming down town next time.; Check iip what you need and come in and stock up at low prices. 10c Needles ...8c 5c Pins 3c 10c Hair Pins, wire . .8c 25c Bone Hair Pins . . 2lc 10c Safety Pins .....8c 5c Thimbles ..... .....3c M 10c Hair Curlers . . .....8c 10c Buttons ....... .8c 10c Mending Tissue .. .8c 45c Dress Shields ..: 39c 15c Hair Nets ...... 11c 5c Hooks and Eyes ..... 3c 10c Snap Fastners . . .8c 5c Darning Cotton ... 3c 7c Basting Thread . . . 5c 15c Silk Thread . . . .13c 5c Embroidery Cotton ' Floss ; ..... . . . . ;. 4c 25c Hose Supporters 21 c 5c Cotton Taps ... . . .3c 20c Bias Tape ..... .15c 15c Finishing Braid .lie 15c Wash Ribbons . .11c 10c Elastic . . . ... .8c HOME SEWING EASY McCall's, the simplest pattern in the world. ; "Its Printed." No invention a bigger help to women since tho sewing. . machine, i I '