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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1923)
STEDFORTF MATE TRIBUNE, ' MEDrORH. 'OTIT'fl'Oy," ffTTtrRlYXY. MITTCIT fiT," 1023 PAOR THRTTB r Please be prompt at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. bo an not to disturb the prum-am. Morning prayer service at 6:30 p. m. under the Westminster Guild. This is for everyone. . 8t Mark's Episcopal Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts. 6:30 a. m. Holy communion. 8:00 a. m. Holy communion. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Holy communion. 7:30 p. m. Evening service. . . ; Wm. B. Hamilton, Vicar. Evang.-Luth. Zion's Church Fourth St. and Oakdale Ave. Rev. Dr. W. K. Morena-Oeser, Pastor. Ues. 518 West Fourth St -:. Easter. Divine service 11 a. m. Holy communion. : You and yours' are cordially Invited. . Catholic Church South Oakdale Avenue. First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. Second mass at 11 a. m. : Benediction after second mass. The Reverend Father Odilo, O. S. U. of St. Benedict's Abbey, Mt Angel will Angel will preach at the masses. Rev. John Powers, pastor. 'V Main St. N. E. Church, South Coy K. Sims, pastor. ?l Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Dr. Frank ;.' Roberts, supt. ' ' ' Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, VThe Resurrection of CHrUt a Historical Fact." Epworth League, a devotional ser vice for the young people, led by Miss Minnie Whipple, 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Subject of the sermon, "Easter Truths Satisfy Longing Lives." Special music at both services, under the direction of Mrs. C. R. Sims. The community has a Bpecial invl- i tntlon to worship with us at these services. Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Oregon. . A Union of All Denominations. Dr. M. M. Reid, pastor. Bible school Sunday morning at 10. A. E. Kellogg, supt and M. E. Wright, assistant superintendent Special Easter program. Morning sermon at 11 by Rev. Theodore Thuemler. Spec ial Easter sermon followed by Sacra mental services.'. Evening sermon at 7:30 by Dr. M. M. Reid, pastor. Bap tismal service and admission of new members following evening sermon. Workers' League monthly meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. All are cordially invited to attend these services. First Church of Christ, Scientist ' Authorized Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at ll'o'clock, church edifice,' 212 North Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, April 1: Reality. '. ' . Sunday School at 9:45. Applicants under, the age of twenty may be ad mitted. ! Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Christian Science healings, at 7:45. I The Reading Room, which is in the Medford Bldg., is open daily from 1 to 6, except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science literature majr be read, borrowed or purchased. The public is cordially invited to Attend the services and visit the Heading Room. A ." ' Salvation Army B20 "E. Main. Captain and Mrs. Ford , ; officers In charge. Saturday evening special Easter program; over 20 splendid numbers. .7180 p. m. Silver offering taken at Boor.', - Service Sunday morning 11 a. m. Col. and Mrs. Turner and staff, Cap tain. Winterbotton, Salvation Army Leaders, speak to children at 2 p. m. Two surprises for all who attend. juvenilis open air special service ui 7 a.m. Evening service led by visiting offl- fcers, Colonel and Mrs. Turner of San (Francisco, and Staff Captain Winter- pptt'on, divisional commander of Ore gon, A baby boy will be given away Safe this evening's service. Come and (hear and receive. Special music at all services. ' I ' , , First Baptist Church ' ; "The Friendly Church" '. .North Central and Fifth Sts. Frederick R. Leach, pastor. 9:46 a. m. Bible school, Avard Whitman, supt. Dr. S. J.. Reid ad dresses the school. II a. m. "The Empty Tomb," ser mon by Dr. S. J. Reid, Portland. A family of five will be baptized and others. Soprano solo, "The Resurrection," by Mr. Scott. Violin solo by Prof. Janes. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate B. V. P. U. 151 7:30 p. m. Easter cantata, "From 8epulcher to Throne" by Thomas G. Shepherd. A stringed orchestra will accompany the choir in rendering the cantata. A feast of good music. Dr. Reid speakB on "The Life Hereafter." Earth's' greatest day will be fittingly celebrated. You are invited. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Quarterly business meeting and prayer service. See program elsewhere of the music for the day, and bring your friend with you. First Christian Church Corner Ninth and Oakdale. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in., Frank Patterson, superintendent. Decision day with special program. 11 a. ni. special Easter sermon, "Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead?" first sermon by the new pas tor D. J. Howe. Harry Scougall will sing "Christ Is Risen. Other music by choir and congrega tion. Endeavor Easter service at 6:45 p.m. 7:30 p. in. Big musical program con sisting of Orchestra selections, overture and "Spring Song." "He Lives Again," double quartet: Mesdames Cobb, Scougall, Pierce, Miss Steinor; Messrs. Millard, Bray ton, Scougall, Kirkpatrick. "He Is Risen," made quartet: Mil lard, Brayton, Scougall and Kirkpat rick. Sermon, "The New Life," by D. J. Howe. Orchestra selection. Personnel: Piano, Mrs. Scougall; violin, D. E. Mil lard; cornets, Mrs. Shockley and Walter Cormany; clarinets, John Dar by and Harry Barneburg; saxaphone, Mrs. Darby; trombone, Mrs. Barne burg; French horn, Paul Godward. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlett. J. Randolph Sasnett Pastor. Epworth League sunrise prayer meeting 6:30. Breakfast for leaguers 7:30. Sunday school decision service 9:45. led by Rev. R. W. Nelson. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon, "The Easter Arch of Promise." Bap tismal service and reception of mem bers. Morning: Anthem, The Shout of Victory, (Ashford). Soloists, Mrs. Hall, Mr. MacDonough. Quartet, How Calm and Beautiful (Adams). Messrs. Meeker, MacDon ough, Canaday, Vroman. Junior League 6:30. Epworth league 6:16. Evening service 7:30. Evening: Processional Anthem, On ward, Christian Soldiers, (Jude). Anthem, Christ, Our Passover, (Schilling). Soloists, Mre.-Watson, Mrs. Sasnett, Mr.' Meeker, Mr. Vroman Trio, One Fleeting Hour . (Lee). Violin, Mr. Cole, 'cello, Mr. Canaday, piano, Miss Vroman. Ten minute sermon: "Easter Voices." Cantata, The Gospel of Easter, (Fearis). Miss Matle Vroman, pianist; Ber nard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordan-MacDonough, director. Presbyterian Church Cor. Main and Holly. Rev. E. P. Lawrenceminister, 25 ( S. Orange. 9:46 a. m. Bible school as usual. Carl J. Brommer, supt 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Organ and piano prelude, "Two Larks" .... Leschetizky Mixed quartet, "Christ Our Pass over" Schilling Invocation, The Lord's Prayer, Gloria. Hymn No. 104. Soprano solo, "Consider the Lilies," Topliff Mrs. Harry Scougall. Reception of new members. Prayer Male quartet, "He Is Risen" Simper Announcements Offertory, Organ and piano, "By the Waters of Minnetonka" Lleurance Mixed quartet, "Hosanina" Granier Organ, piano, Violin trio, "The Deluge" Saint-Saens' Sermon, "The Resurrection Miracle; Present Day Miracles." Male quartet, "Behold I Show You a Mystery" Robinson Benediction. Organ Postlude, Allegro Whitney 8 p. m. Evening Sacred Concert Organ prelude, "Festival March" Kinder Hymn No. 212, In Jubilate....Song book Prayer. Male quartet, "He Is Risen" Caleb Simper Responsive reading, sel. 6 Ps. 24. Male quartet "Aawake, Thou That Sleepest" F. C. Maker Announcements. Male quartet "Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen" Spinneg Organ offertory, "Chant D' Amour".. Gillette Baritone solo, "My Redeemer and My Lord" Dudley Buck Dr. W. W. Howard Male quartet "Behold, I Show You a Mystery" Robinson 8ermon, "The Miracle of Mary Mag dalene and Other Miracles" Male quartet "Lift Up Your Heads" . Holden Benediction. Organ postlude, "Hosanna" Wachs Mixed quartet: Mrs. Harry Scougall, soprano; Mrs. Frank I sacs. Alto; For rest Edmeades, tenor; August Diehl, basso. Male quartet: R. E. Waldron, high tenor; Forrest Edmeades, second totfor; Dr. W. W. Howard, first bass; August Diehl, second bass. Organist Mrs. H. E. Marsh; pianist, Mrs. Carleton Janes; violinist W. C. Janes. , BAPTIST EASTER Preparations have been made to make Easter the greatest day of the year at the First Baptist church. Dr. S. J. Reid of Portland will speak at the Sunday school hour. A full atten dance is urged. At 11. in. Dr. Reid brings the Easter sermon on "The Empty Tomb." Mrs. S. M. Scott will sing a vocal solo entitled "The Resur rection." Prof. Carlton Janes will render a violin solo. There will be a number of baptisms at this service. 7:30 p. m. the choir will render the cantata "From Scpulcher to Throne by Thomas G. Shepherd accompanied by a string orchestra. Charles O'Hara tenor for the American Light Opera Co., will sing the solo tenor part. The people of Medford are already familiar with Mr. O'Hura's singing since he has played the load in several operas given by the Ed Andrews Co. this win ter. Mrs. S. M. Scott takes the so prano solo part, which insures quality to the music of the evening. An out line of the cantata follows: Introduction, instrumental. Chorus At the Cross Her Station Keeping. Chorus Angels, Roll the Rock Awny Recitative (Soprano) Now Is Christ Risen. Air (Soprano) Behold, I Show You a Mystery. Mrs. Scott. Chorus Salvation to Our God, Which Sitteth on the Throne. Chorus Blessed Are They That Do His Commandments. The music loving part of Medford are assured of an evening of inspiring music, and as far as possible an at tempt will be made to take care of all who come, but all are asked to be in their seats sharp 7:30 p. m. as the music starts at that time, and the cantata will be followed by the closing sermon by Dr. S. J. Reid of Portland. A welcome is extended to all to enjoy the entire services of the day. S. M. Scott will direct the choir. A Studebaker Special-Six, driven by William T. Burke, won the Gran Premlo of Argentine South Amer ica's most important race of the year against a field which included some of tho world's highest priced cars, ac cording to information received by J. F. Hittson, of Hlttson Motors, local Studebaker representative. This race is an annual event held under the aus pices of the Argentine Automobile club. This is the second year in succes sion that the Studebaker has raced to victory in the Gran Premio. The distance was from Buenos Aires to Rosario and return about 470 miles and the winner's time, 10 hours, 45 minutes, 35 seconds. Twenty-six cars were entered in the race, including those of the following makes: Studebaker, Packard, Lincoln, Hls-pan-Suiza, Hudson, Buick, Lancia, Chandler, and Paige. Because of bad roads, only 10 of the 26 entrants fin ished, four of which were Studebaker. A Lincoln, driven by Pedro Malgor, came second, time 10 hours, 47 mim- utes, 29 Beconds. A Studebaker Light Six, driven by Paris Gianni, was a close third, time 10 hours, 48 minutes, 35 seconds. The record made by the Studebaker entrant In the race Is considered re markable, in view of the Studebaker victory in 1922 and the rivalry that had developed. The race is far more than a test of speed It is a test of sturdy construc tion and endurance, especially under such driving conditions as were en countered this year. The service to which the cars were subjected was greater than months of ordinary driv ing and strikingly demonstrates the stamina possessed by Studebaker cars. Colds Are Contagious Coughs and Colds are contagious and require prompt treatment as they spread or develop into Flu and Grippe. Take no chances whon you can get Foley's Honey and Tar for a fow cents and quickly check coughs and colds. The constantly increasing demand for Foley's Honey and Tar, for three gen erations, has made It the largest selling cough medicine in the World. Contains no opiates Ingredients are printed on the wrapper. Refuse sub stitutes. Insist upon Foley s. Sold everywhere. Adv. It is estimated that 22,400 American business firms failed during the year 1922. This is 2600 more than the year before. Highest Quality Jewelry Bepalrlnff uiimonn Betring-, wfttoa xupainng Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Mall us your wants. MARTIN J. EEDDY E. W. OONOZX UNDERTAKER Bacceaaor to Weeka-Confe Co, Medford, Ore. O.E.S. TO STAGE SOCIAL CLUB I lomi.1 tom ue5 irnntiin Mtas Collins, tho well known und popular primary Uuu hur. while not n member of ltoimu-a ehuptur, has kindly consented to d I reel two num bers from her primary department and put on "Tom Thumb WcdriltiK for the benefit of the Keameg chap ter. Miss Collins has had eight years' experience, with tho "Wee Wees" and puts on entertainments with the little ones in the greatest ease. Those who Raw the operetta, "In Little Folks Town," under her direction, know what she can do and are looking forward to Monday night's performance. Tho little folks will bo in full even ing dress nnd every detail of an elab orate wedding will take place. Instead of tho usual ring cere mony the "impressive padlock tirv mony" will be used. This is some thing new in Medford, everyone both old and young should seu thlH, you may have use for it some day. Ho member the place, Masonic Hall, time Monday eve., April 2nd, S p. m., ad mission 25 and 35 cents. Air Army Fuss, WASHINGTON. March .11. Sec- rotary Weeks has ordered , Major General Kli A. Helmick. Inspector general c2 tho army, to ninke an of ficial investigation' into the contro versy between Colonel Arthur Ij. Con ger, commanding the 20th infantry in Texas, and Captain Kdwin It. Handle of the same organization. For people of every age who enjoy good candy, we have a won derful Easter assortment. From the tiny choco late bunnies to the delicious bon-bons in luxurious, Easter boxes our complete stock is typical of purity and tastiness. Hottentot Closes Tonight The delightful story of Sam Hur rliiKton, who, though terrified at the sight of a horse, wins a steeplechase In order to gain the love of tho "only Klrl" is told in "The HnUontot," which closes at the Pane tonight. DoukIus MacLeun is in the original Willie Collier rolo. MiuIbo Ilullamy plays tho girl, nnd Hayinoml 1 latum has the role of an eccentric butler. Tho steeplechase shown In the picture Is one of the most thrilling racing scenes ever filmed. Charles Chaplin, Page Charley is coming again in the hilar ity comedy. "The 1'tlgrlm," which be gins at tho l'ago tomorrow, lie changes the attraction from his feet to his facial expressions in this comedy. Minnie Closses Tonight "Minnie" closes at the Hialto the atre tonight, l.eatrlce Joy who enacts the role of "Minnie" gives a remark able performance. Matt Moore plays the role of an inquisitive, forgetful portor. it Is doubtful If thoso two have ever been seen to better advantage. The screen could stund more pictures like "Minnie." "l.orna Doono," the splendid plcturo which Maurice Tourneur has made from lllaekmore's mnutorplece, Is the attraction nt the Rlulto theater tomor row beginning matinee at 12:30. In the cast are Madge Uellamy, Frank Keenan and John Dowers. Clear skin! poisonous wastt rtmoKd I Dn KINGS PILLS lVV -for constipation J, 0. V. MYERS "The Track Man" , MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGO JB no n. Hoiiy rho".. too MACHINE WORC Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. Tc&utornm oregon power company YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS Safety and 7.37 (If you buy now, while 3500 shares of this high-grade security may still be bought at 95) The California Oregon Power Company 7 Preferred Capital Stock Price 95 per share f For few weeks you can participate In this Company's preferred capital stock at $95 per share as against $100 for comparable securities else where. For a few weeks only. May 1st the price will be advanced. Before the advance Is made, we are giving our own customers and friends first opportunity to invest their savingst the attractive price of $95 per share. There remain but 3500 shares that can be sold at this low price, so decisions must be made immedia tely. If any shares of this issue remain unsold on May 1st, the balance wilt be sold at the advanced price. Since their issuance, April, 192 1, dividends have been paid regu larly overy three months at the rate of $1.75 per Bhare. No safer investment for Bav-. . , Ings, with commensurate profit, could be found than in this essential industry, which Berves a ter ritory equal to the combined areaa of the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The Company owns and operates seven hydro electric plants representing the development of natural resources which will be productive for ever. ' During the period between 1912 and 1922, the number of consumers has grown from 6,561 to 13,123, an increase of lOOfc; the gross earnings from $307,040.29 to $1,066,169.52, an increase of 247 The California Oregon Power Company serves a growing, progressive region where the demand for hydro-electric power Is still in its infancy. That the Company Is developing proportionately to the demand, is demonstrated by the accompa nying chart, which shows the increasing value of the physical properties behind Its Capital Stock. - , THE STOCK ; Par value $100 per share. Dividends paid since Issuance, ' $7 per share per annum. Checks mailed every three months, $1.75 per share. Proceeds of all securities sold devoted exclusively to develop ment of Company's properties. Not assessable by the Company for any purpose whatsoever . Exempt from Federal Normal Individual In come Tax, Takes precedence as to assets and dividends over common stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value. Equity back of tho preferred stock now out standing amounts to a total of $8,385,361.53, which equals 288.30 per share, or over three times the present cost of $95 per share. Purchase may be made in any amount from one share upwards; cash, or savings plan; $5 per share as first payment, and $5 per share per month. Interost on all partial payments at 6 9b per annum. ' The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY omcESt Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Vails, Oregon Yreka, Dunsmuir, California . , Price Advances May 1st f Our partial payment flan of $5 per tkare ptr month cn abltt you to take immediate advantage of the exceedingly attractive price at ivAicA tkit high-grade teenrity it now st ing offered $t)f ptr tharetoyield 77 ptr annum totll btiov) the price level of comparable hydro-eUctrle tecurititt, We. are holding it at tkit price temporarily in order to give our euitomert and friendt opportunity to invett. Tht price will he advanced May lit, ' You may place your order or get full information at any of our officttl or from any member of our organisation j or mail in the coupon. 1 ; , i I The California Oregon Power Company I Medford, Oregon I Please have a member of your organization call 1 I on me about your 7 Preferred Stock. I I I Addre:i. Namt . Hand Cultivators You can cultivate more garden in . one hour with one of these hand cultivators than you can in a day with a hoe. Try one from Hubbard Brothers