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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1923)
PSGE EIGHT 5TEDP0RD SDCEE TRIBUNE. VEDFORD. : OREGON'. MONDAY. MATiCTI 26. 1923 nnnm nurc n 1 1 . .-',aM- i UUU I LLLUIIU ill ! : GREAT AUDIENCES Two frreat andiOAccs t-roeted t"T S. J- Reid Sunday at the Fir Rar tist ehnrch. The dar was cotaMe; on in muiy way. FoUowir." a mot-1 sac to the Sunder school. w.i ch t ideal in its appropriateness. ivine iS j cazne forward to accept Christ asj taotr Savour. On or- aide of the rar-prlipl Kj a lire group of 5 yoBBtc people h vex atrveady xnexn- j be of the cr.urch, and o the other. 3ed the larre naraber who had come forward to Jane tip for the Mm' of Galilee. It was an intirational fternoe- It again ru a aej-vjoe of in spiration a follcwir.e it a fTr,:;y of five, father, mother and three chil dren came forward to ask tea- roens lersfcip and baptism. Ttui family will oe baptised at the momiar ser vice ni Sunday. At the evening service there were lew rc.jiij- 9raJ n Ue wiuiv. 1- the raaia auditoritra urt a vacant seat was to be feaad aad In the adjoining room there was nearjj' the same condition. The community came ont to hear the first of the Passion Week addresses, whirs wia continue everr supfct this week, eroepunc Sat urday, and will culminate aexi Sun day with two great Kaster semces and the rantata -From the Senulcher i the Throne." It the choir. Sel oora does a oonrr!cation listen to a WTirtfm of wich priyvrunp fwer as Ir. Kf jd urosMOod tram the first sayine on the Cms. -Father forpit-e them, for they knew jwn what they do," In every pewrataon, said the speaker Jesos Cfcrss is cmrified or crown ed. The cross is a disi factor in ewry tie. Who was on the cross? It was sot the sea of Vary, out the Son of Ood: the xnaa who was Ood. and the God. who was man. The problem svoica the a-reatesj f.rob Jem of today, that of Kin. It also onsur ont the irreat jwoMem of f--fertTiR. for there Caanst was seffer Ir.c for the whole world. The cmci fixiom was a dmcrarcftil form of death, and Christ was to be -rraaod by lianor.c on the cross. "While on it Chrif wonld do aethicc to relieve the last oantrs of death, for Ke was to sxffer to the limit for sinful man. The first word cried from the cross was not one of anper. but of forgive ness. He addressed God as Father in His, and thus showed His sonshin. Too can never know the fun rooaninc of the cross all Ton stand there- The hardest thine one can do Is to torsive, yet that was what Christ did. It was local morder, yet Christ asked God to torsive His murderers. Forgiveness was based on payment found In h atonement- The last any was for your sins. When Judas sold Christ ho did not really sell Christ so much as he oold himself. The money he toe was the once he sold himself for. Tho transaction was not finished whea Jod ao ceoted the silver. It was not finlshtd till Judas hunt himself. They little knew what they did when they cru cified Jesus. I am afraid of sin. Morality will nave no man. It should not be the rope that win draw yon to heaven, bat fruit of that which takes you to heaven. Tonirfit Dr. Reid will speak on the second sayinc on the cross. "Today thou shall be with me In paradise." The community are invited to hoar these tvre-Easter addresses in prepa ration for Easter- Tho M- E church people have an nounced their purpose to attend in a body this evening. Mr. Scott is sini: Injc some touching t-ospel soku each eveninc. JSeTvneseatativea from Beirly all the' valley eocatnpiceat lodrea visited the ModKird Friday Bight to witaoss th conlerrtes of the Royal Purple de cree, the inchest decree in encamp ment Odd Fellowship. Grants Pass contribated a larre delegation. Re freshment followed the ceremonial Rarely has & more enjoyable Cather ine; of Uiis order been held in the raller- Tomorrow nUt the Jacksonville encanaraneat will confer the degree on it candidal, and on Friday sight Grants Fass encampment will pat throcch it initiates. Tomorrow evening th Medford sub ordinate Jodfe will entertain a num ber of guests, not lodge members, at a dinner at t:S o'clock and a program following a brief Joige session. This is designed to be aa elaborate affair and a capacity attendance is expected. Delegate will meet in Central Point next Monday evening to complete ar ranpeiSJents for the forthcoming Odd Fellows convention of southern Ore gon to be held April iS. Big .Musical Program Sunday Evening at The Christian Church The M. M. Department Store Sale for the Easter Season Ladies' Ready -to- Wear and Millinery at io Per Cent Reduction Until Easter FROCKS, WRAPS, COATS, CAPES, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS, HOSIERY AND FOOTWEAR BrMsti Uom Prcfrv KHohens LONDON. March Is- The census records In the employment of women show that Xl out of every le em ployed are in domestic sen. 145 In the manufacture of elcfthinc and that Hi do clerical work. Commercial and Imanrial houses employ the lanrost peccentare of men. Out of every thousand. 1J labor for concerns of this kind. Elevator rails. 4 Killed. PES MOIXES. lni March ta. The fa-.alitics from the eirht story fall of a passenger elevator at the Randolph h.nel here Saturday wore brought to four resterday with the death of two more of r car-s occupants Harry W. HUU Earlham. Iowa, banker, and CUftoTi 3 rerrv. the iwcrn oreraior. Aa unusually pood musical program was rendered at the Christian church last eight which occupied the entire evening. The big andience heartily encored each number and there were several responses to the encores. The music is a bis feature at this church. Mr. Millard ha had charge of the orchestra. The music will te coaunued under the new pastor and the Easter program will be very at tractive. Last nicht's program was: Orchestra. "Triumph Overture." Mixed cuartet, "The Palms." Solo, Mr. Harry Scougall. "Vital Are These Which Are Arrayed T" Offerins- Male enartet. "Hold Thon My Hand." Orchestra selection, "Twilight Sere Bade," Duett, Messrs. Millard and Waldron "Bygone Days." Mixed cuartet. "Jerusalem." Orchestra selection. "Apple Blos soms." Male enartet. "Riches of Love." Postlude, orchestra. "Bailie March". Personnel mixed qoartet, Mrs. Soon gall. Miss Steiner. Messrs. Millard and Scougall: Mrs. Lou Jones at piano. Male Quartet. Messrs. Waidroa. Millard. Sooccail and Kirkpatrick. Personnel of orchestra: Piano. Mrs. Soougall: riolia, D, 11 Millard: cor nets, Mrs. Saixiley and Walter Cor many; clarinets. John Darby and Harry Barneburg; saxaphone. Mrs. Darby: trombone. Mrs. Bameburs: French bora, Paul Godward. Bread prices recently reached the lowest level in Chicago in many months, whea a lfrocnce loaf sold tor Jt, cent ia a store operated by one firm. For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventive Uutmtfv BRORJIO QUKMJE Tahtotm Nc I The best pirtsre yet tom& by this chrais sUr. '"UnT rrt" ill Uu&rfcs. laUrnUioaal Kfwj Wednosday Marshall Noilaa's latest accn -M1XX1K" COATS $12.50 to $75.00 Less 10' A range of prices wide enough to meet every need and our style range is equally attractive. Everything from the simplest sports coat, plaid or plain, to the most elaborate vrrap py wrap or graceful cape. SUITS $22.50 to $75.00 Less 10 This section, too, has a most compre hensive variety of styles. Chic little tailored suits new box and clever blouse suits. Handsome twills and trieotines. Ultra-smart three-Piece suits. Come in and see them. FROCKS BRING COLOR TO EASTER-TIDE Less 10 Dresses are brilliant especially in color. Ehher the entire froek is of a shade that fascinates, or gay touches here and there are affected by those in more subdued tones. Styles are brilliant, too side drapes and panel pleats continue to reign, and the slender silhoutte has no rival in its high favor. Dresses priced $1S.50 to $65.00 GLOVES FOR EASTER Correct in Style, Quality and Price The best values are here soft leather Gauntlet Gloves fine imported kid and all the new styles in glove wear are here complete iu every size and color, ready for Easter selection. Let us show you the following offerings: Prices Range From $2.00 to $3.50 WRAPS Many Capes and Jacquettes The crowning glory of a neat suit or similar outfit is a harmonizing cape or Jacquette. You will be pleased "with the attractive line of them we are offer ing. SILKS A Veritable Silk Show For the woman who takes pleasure in preparing her own Easter dress, we have prepared a comprehensive display of silks, attractively priced. HOSIERY New Spring Shades Why not have tho hosiery harmonize with the coat, dress, frock or suit and shoes. The M. M. Co. is displaying quality hose in countless shades and colors for your selection. 35o to $2-50 SPRING has brought to us scores of the most charming neSv garments styles that will please the most exacting tastes, at prices that will suit every purse. 1 not fail to see what we offer. Special Displays of Xew Thinp for Children and Infants DISTINCTIVE MILLINERY "Wonderful values offered at this price. Xowhere in the city can you find Hats that compare with what we show in style, quality and materials. Big variety to select from in all the new Spring colors. Get acquainted with our millinery. S4.50 to $18.50 Less 10 The most charming and varied millinery that the M. M. has yet offered to complete the chic Easter costume. A bewildering choice you 11 find it. Toull be welcome, even if you're only 'looking." LINGERIE at its loveliest! Your step-in set or night gown may be as delicate and as colorful as the petals of your Easter corsage, yet give re markable service. Of crepe satin, trim med with dainty net or real laces. Step-in sets, the garment $3.50 SILK SWEATERS Costumes, Sweaters, Scarfs Easter season is Sweater time. You will be delighted with the array of fine knit-wear we are offering for this Eas ter event. We have wools, too, for the lady or girl who knits. $3 95. $4.50. $6.50, $7.50 to $25 SPRING WASH GOODS Our stock of fabrics is always complete. It includes a wide selection of materials, weights and colors calculated to appeal to every Southern Oregon woman. SHOES Of course proper Easter footwear is an essential part of the Easter wardrobe. The M. M. Co. offers an unusually at tractive lino of footwear for all the "fam ily, priced reasonably. Xew White Pumps. Kid or Patent Strap Pumps, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50, $7.50. Special Displays of Xew Things for Men's and Boys' Wear ' If You Are Looking for Bargains Shop at the "PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER" AGENTS FOR MODART CORSETS RIALTO te.