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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1923)
PA OP TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREOON". SATURDAY, MARfTT 1, 1023 focal and " Personal Georte A. Maxsfielil returned to Med ford on one of hia periodical visits thb morning from Portland and will Tisit bis home at Prospect and remain a few days before returning to con tinue his work throughout the state as president of the state farm bureau Mr. Mansfield is very enthusiastic over the possibilities of organizinf the farmers and business men of the state on a mutually constructive basis, so that the state mar enjoy the pros perity to which its resources and na tural advantages entitle it. Mrs. Slansfleid drove down from Prospect today to meet him. Twelve inch slab wood 11.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phone 7. tf Let's to to Brown's for shoes at 103 North Central. tf Today you can get that box of Whit man's candy, you forgot to buy laat night. Heath's Drug Store Is open. 37 At the siecial Saturday night ser vice at 8 p. m. Rev. Lee, pastor of the . ree Methodist church will peak at the Salvation Army hair. All who have heard Rev. Lee apeak will care to bear him again because of his clear por trayal of gospel truth. Mlik and cream at DeVoe's. tf Household furniture for sale. 20 Cottage St.. Phone 377-J. 205tf For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick. Columbia, Pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop. 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4C5-J. 2 Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Olds arrived in Medford this morning from Cheboy gan, Michigan, and will visit thc-lr daughter Mrs. C L. Buhrman and fam ily for an indefinite period. Mr. Olds is the owner of the P. & E. railroad and Is taking an active part in the de velopment of timber In southern Ore gon. Tborcless blackberry plants. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf Just a lice to remind yon that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide order booked by a transient agent for the same or less money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf - This Is the Sunday that Heath's Drug Store Is open. 37 George T. Collins of this city, and A. C. Joy, president of the Jackson county farm bureau attended the meet ing held last night by the retail gro cers of Ashland with the dairy and creamery men of the county. Blight resistant pear trees tor fall delivery. Old Home on Pyrus Usaurl ensls. Home grown Old Home and Chleh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle Point. Sat Mar. 2tb. 310 For Sale 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards- and timberland. some Irrigated; also mining property All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as $1.00 per . acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. w. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Kay Realty Co., owners, 15 North Grape, next Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4S5-J. ' 2 The Greater Medford club luncheon will be held Monday at 1 o'clock at the Hotel Medford This will be followed by a program at which time Mrs. Norris will speak. Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central. F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle Point Sat. Mar. 21th. 310 Anyone wanting work done, or their lawns cared for at the Central Point cemetery, see J. B. Watklns, sexton, or phone 33x1, Central Point. 7 At the Presbyterian church on Sun day the last messages of the series leading up to Easter will be given. At the 11 o'clock hour, the subject will be "Calvary, the Love Passion of God" In the evening at 7:30, "A Testi mony": Truly This Was the Son of God," by a Human centurinh. At the morning service a duet fmui Steiner's Crucifixion, entitled. "So Thou Llftest Thy Divine Petition," will be sung by Dr. W. W. Howard and Forest Ed meades; also a gospel quartet entitled "When I Behold the King." Splendid furnished apartment in Mall Tribune building for rent at ones. - tf Phone Gtrrdon Stout, 365-R for car repairs. 311 Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat. Mal aga. Rose Peru, Zinflndell, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes. Concord, Brighton, Worden. Agawam, Niagara and Campbell's Karly. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 60J-2. tf Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nutting of Grants Pasa spent Friday In Oils city. All kinds of rough ami dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10$. 711 East Main. Add to the beauty of your garments by using destlnctive lace. Handicraft Shop. 309' Haled hay for sale. J. II. Csrkin. 34$ Most of the O. A. C. students who have spent the past week here on the annual spring vacation will depart for Corvallis tomorrow while a few will remain until Tuesday or Wednesday before returning to enter upon the final term of the school year. . We call attention to the ad In this Issue of W. U Crlssey, of the "Gladio lus Farm" at Boring. Nothing more beautiful In the garden than Gladiolus Neweomb is now detiverylng llnch green alabwood at l.7i per tier In four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. We will loan you money to build or buy Holme the Insurance Man. J "What is considered In local mining circles as one of the most important transactions here in many months was disclosed Monday, when George M. Soma announced that he bad ac quired a 10-year lease on the C. C. Cady property located on Greenhorn mountain." says the Siskiyou News of j Yreka, Cal. "Soma states that he will : have a force of men at work soon prospecting and developing the asbes tos deposit on this property. Accord ing to Souia, the formation containing the asbestos has been traced for more than a mile and ail tests have proved it to be of a commercial quality." l reka News. S. B. touring S, repainted, fine ehape. bargain. Colonial Garage. 2 8pray hose 20 cents per foot Cra ter Lake Hardware Co. tf Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Adjutant General White was expect ed in the city today from Salem to attend the conference of the 14 posts of the American Legion in the 13th or Southern Oregon district Gordon Stout sells cord tires and re pairs cars at right prices. 119 West Tenth street 309 Auto Insurance. Brown White. Neweomb Is now delivering 15-lnch green slabwood at 31.75 per tier In four-tier iota or mare. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 63L 29Stf Splendid musical program at the Christian church Sunday evening In cluding the church orchestra. Special number at morning service also. This will probably be the last time D. E. Millard will preach. He has been sup plying for the new pastor, D. J. Howe, the past two weeks, and Mr. Howe will take charge Easter Sunday. Tamales! Tamales! The real, hon-est-to- goodness articles! Where? Thrift Shop. Sparta Bldg.! When? Mar. 2$, at the big spring opening, of course! 310 You will find that the nse of our yarns will give a new pleasure to knit ting. Handicraft Shop. 309 Fresh "Hot-Sbot" Batteries for your spray rigs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlett street. 319 A num'uer of Medford people will attend the dance in the Applegate dis trict at Applegate hall tonight Sat dance !Oriental Ballroom! 2 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street Phone 912-J. R- I- Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. The public market was only a fair one this morning, but still there were a lot of offerings for this time of year, and sales. We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tf Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran quette selected walnut trees, finest home grown grape vines (Tokays, Mal agas, Emperor, Muscat Concord, Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gladlola field in Ore gon (bulbs at 1.00 dot, blooming age) thornless blackberries, raspberries. Logans. 7 varieties straberrles, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resistant pears, Bosc, Bartlett Cornice, DAnJon. We pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street 317 Autos washed and polished at Med ford Auto Co. Buick Service, corner Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran teed. 325 Machinery was shipped today from Portland to Ashland to develop the petroleum shale deposits of the Ante lope valley, according to E. J. Barrett of Ashland, representative of the Hartman syndicate of . the Pacific coast The syndicate was organized last May and controls more than 4400 acres of the shale at the head of the valley, 124 miles from Ashland. The machinery Is for the erection and op eration ,pf the company's first com mercial retort Barrett said 20 sim ilar retorts would be placed In opera tion during the next IS months. Portland Journal. Among Medford people who visited in Grants Pass on Thursday were Misses Minnie Anderson and Martha Sjienke. . Oriental Ballroom! Sat! Dance! 2 Strawberry and raspberry plants. Phone 419-11 310 Neweomb is now delivering lS-lncb green slabwood at $1.75 per tier In four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon tor early delivery and bare aheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone $31. 290tf Rain was the prediction for Sunday, as it had been for today's weather, but up to late this afternoon had not appeared. The day was very warm with a minimum temperature of 37 and filled with sunshine, although dark clouds api-eared In the olfinx. . Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf GlaiUola bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery Phone 6S0 J-2. tf Mr. and Mrs. Gerrltt Smith of La Grande. Ore., arrived early this week for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. II. Oftc- dal at Jacksonville. Mrs. Smith is their daughter. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson. Inc. tf Like chicken? If so, try one of our Rogue River Special milk-fed fowls. Cupp ft Shirley Produce Co. Phone 95. 12$ Grape. tf Brunswick phonograph, compare the tone, play any record made. 110 will put one In your home, balance easy payments. See 1L O. Launspach. C. W. McDonald, president of the Jackson County bank, who has been In Klamath Falls for the past week on business Is expected home today or tomorrow. Ding cherry trees. Eden -Valley .ursery. Phone 6S0-J 1 tf All kinds of rough and dremed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10S. Tit E. Main. I At the first meeting for the year of , the Copco Tennis club last evening In j the Copco building, W. G. Drew was tec ted president aud Alvlna Boland j secretary-treasurer to succeed R. S. Daniels and Donald Runyard, last I year's officers. It was decided to bold I a tournament daring May. and an ex ecutive committee consisting of the new officers and Donald Runyard. R. S. Daniels and Walter Dunlap was appointed to put the club's court at i the foot of Fir street In shape for the season. Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Auto Insurance. Brown White. Brown style shoes are coming up. tf Jerry Brophy and family are now residents of Klamath. Falls, having moved there recently from Jackson ville. Choice everbloomlng roses. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone S0-J-2. " tf There's a busy Business College in your home town. GWN. Dance! Dance! Hot Spring Sat 310 A freight train wreck near Wolf Creek occurred about 9 o'clock this morning in which two cars were de railed. The wrecking train from Ash land was dispatched to the scene and because of the wreck, southbound train No. 13 at Tolo, did not reach this city until 10 a. m. No. 53, because of the wreck was late in arriving this afternoon. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone GS-J 2. tf Have your farm laterals and survey-1 ing done by experienced engineers. Le Tourneux Bros, 512 S. Holly St Phone 941-J. 5 Mr. and Mrs. A. Hohenstein were In Ashland on Thursday visiting with Mayor and Mrs. C. L. Loomis of that city. See Brown for shoes. tf California Beach Balloon dances! Jacksonville! Friday. March 23! Peer less "4"! No dance' at Central Point Try our wet wash, 5c per lb. Amer ican Laundry. Phone S73. 325 Several cases of scarlet feTer have been reported In the city lately, and Suft. Misbler of the high school is kept at borne by a quarantine for this disease. Several of the Mishler chil dren are recovering from the fever, and it is also reported to be In other homes. The McKinstry home is also quarantined, with the Misses Dama and Marion as the patients. Most of the cases seem to be light, and as a strict quarantine Is being observed it Is not expected to spread. Grants Pass Courier. Dance! Dance! Hot Spring Sat. 310 After the fire It is too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday now. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Willis Stockam and Ranson Web ster leave tomorrow with Jack Kerr for Thrall and Copco, Calif., where they have accepted positions on a sur veying crew which will begin work. next week on the ro-survey of the Fall Creek Power line which is to be re constructed tbls summer. Children's silk half socks with col ored borders. Handicraft Shop. 309 Dance Sat! Launspach's orchestra in Oriental Ballroom! 2 Twelve-inch slab wood f-1.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf A number of Ashland young peo ple attended the big O. A. C. dance at the Nat last night and several couples from Grants Pass were also present. Including Lynn W. Sabin, secretary of the climate city chamber of commerce. Brown sells shoes. 103 N. Central. tf Genuine Bisch Magneto parts and Captain A. E. Burghduff. state game warden, who arrived In the city last evening and paid a visit to the Butte Falls fish hatchery, left this forenoon for Klamath Falls to inspect the sev eral fish hatcheries in that section to morrow, and attend the meeting of the sportsmen of Klamath county In that city on Monday night Hemstitching at Deuel's. 31S Dance Sat! Launspach's orchestra In Oriental Ballroom! 2 Orders taken for bridge and Man Jongg table covers. Handicraft Shop. 309 George W. Barker of Butte Falls Is among the Medford business visitors in the city today. Good time. Hot Spring. Sat 310 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Among the newcomers who are here expecting to buy property and locate are Mr. and Mrs. George Otten, recently from San Francisco. Mr. Otten is a professional baker. They are old friends of Wm. Schmidt for mer resident of this place but now of San Francisco. Jacksonville Post Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle Point Sat Mar. 24th. 310 Knitting needles, all sizes. Handicraft Shop. 309 A modern X-Ray and fluoroscopy are being installed in the offices of Dr. Dow in the Medford building. You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Dance! Oriental Ballroom! - Sat! Management American Legion. 2 Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle Point Sat Mar. 24th. S10 .The O. A. C. orchestra, "The Strol lers," which played for the O. A. C. students dance at the Nat last night will play for the O. A. C. rally dance held in Ashland at Memorial hall to night by the students of that city and vicinity. Oriental Ballroom! Sat! Dance! 2 Brown sells good shoes at a living price. 103 North Central. tf When better automobiles are built Buick will build them. tf Pete Corum returned yesterday from Corvallis where he had been tor the past few days visiting fraternity bro thers and other friends at O. A. C. We have many new Ideas to suggest to you, why not spend a pleasant hoar at the Medford Beauty Shop. Room 426, Medford Bldg. Phone appoint ment 191-L. 309 Good time. Hot Spring, Sat 310 Members of the city street depart ment working force installed a num ber of new electric light globes on the lamp posts on Main street this morn ing. Sat dance ! Oriental Ballroom! 2 E OBITUARY CREWS Ackle L. Crews, wife of J.. E. Crews, of. " 511 N. Fir Btreet died yesiarday at Sacred Heart Hos pital from pneumonia, aged 59 years. 3 months. 18 days. Deceased was bom in Shasta county, California. November 25. 1363. She had been a resident of Medford for SO years and leaves her husband, J. E. Crews and adopted son, Edmond. and four brothers. Lewis O. Sheridan, Ander son. Cat: Adelbert O. Sheridan Mniiton. Cal.: John S. Sheridan, Fern Cat: Edmond A. Sheridan, Sebasto pol. Cal. The remains were forward ed by the Perl Funeral home to Red- dine. Cal.. and the funeral services will be held Tuesday at t p. m. Farms Chancing Hands. WASHINGTON. March 24. A de partment of agriculture survey re vealed that ownership in approxi mately one farm in sixteen was trans- ! ferred during last year, while occu pants in one out of five farms changed. Nearly 1,250,000 farms repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and fchanged occupants and 400.000 Bartlett tf 50 pieces of rough dry for $1.50 American Laundry. Phone 873. A. S. Rosenbaum and Dr. J. J. Em raens attended the meeting of Hoot Owls at the Oregonlan radio station, K G W, (keep growing wiser) last night and were duly Initiated as mem bers of the exalted order of Hoot Owls. Medford listeners In heard the initia tion ceremony. Grafted Franquette walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone 6S0J-2. tf All kinds of dressmnking at Style craft Shop, Room 424 Medford Build ing. 309 Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sat! Management American Legion. 2 changed ownership. FroU In East. WASHINOTON, March 24. Those who chortled "spring has came" were rudely disillusioned todny by the weather bureau which announced that frost wa probable tonight as far south as southern Georgia. Cold wave warnings were issued for nor thern and central New York and northern New England. R A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special Convocation Tues day. Mar. 27th. 7:30 p. m. P. M. and M. M. degree. Refreshments served. Visitors welcome. 4 A. F. NOTH. Secy. I HE The Gold Canyon mine, several miles northwest of Jacksonville, to which Tom Norris has been devoting bis time since be gave np the local train to postofflce mail carrying con tract, is now In I'ljl operation with the five stamp mill running contin ually. ! Before the mill vras set up the mine owners had between 1800 ind -000 tons of ore rea!' and availabla. for milling so that once the mill was. put In operation a shut down for lack of ore would not be necessary. There are said to be tbre well de fined ledges on the property upon all of which tunnels have been driven to the length of 182, 60 and 45 fset respectively. Ore from these ledgos runs from S10 to f 40 per ton accord-. I:!g to the owners. Owners of the property are T.rai Norris and son. D: Webber, Clay Walker and Charles Helmroth. ! Lost Anything? Look These Over We have in this office these things ' that have been found which await the owners on payment for the advertise- i ment: Auto license plates Nos. 94844 and 96610, pair men's driving gloves, men's felt lined silk glove, men's yarn -glove, ladies' brown silk glove, pair men's glasses with celluloid rims and gold bows, pair men's glasses, gold bows with 2-3 size lense. tf . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MONEY TO LOAN By private party on improved farm land. Phone 25-J-2. 1 FOR SALE Grafted Franquette wal nuts: also Vsurensus blight proof pears, a few left Call Monday and Tuesday. E. C. Welch, 606 W. Fourth St 3 FOR SALE One three-phase electric motor, one H. P, pump, pulleys and 450 feet 4-inch and l4-inch gal vanized pipe. Phone 25-J-2. 7 WANTED Man and wife, man exper ienced in orchard work and wife to cook for one to four men. Apply Vilas ranch, phone meal times 67-R-l 2 FOR SALE Second-hand spray rig. i New Way engine, overhauled and in ; good condition complete with Bean I refiller, hose and guns, $350. Vilas ' Ranch: 2 FOR SALE A fine bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, large lot plenty of shade, some fruit, all kinds , of shrubbery. This property is nice ly located, will sell with or without furniture, very liberal terms. See this home before buying elsewhere. It is a bargain. 160 acres to exchange for Wash ington property. Nicely furnished, close in, strictly modern small bungalow; will take care in part payment Two-story 8-room bungalow for $2500; good terms. C. S. BUTTERFIELD. 2 FOR TRADE For lots on paved street Willys-Continental car, P. O. Box 57S. 4 LOST Leather pouch containing several Shell script coupon books. Suitable reward offered. Call 641-X or &!$. 2 FOR SALE Easter rabbits: get them now; also a few more of those Ever bearing strawberries. 103 Colum bus Ave. 7 FOR RENT Comfortably furnished apartment modern, 2 or 3 rooms and sleeping porch, at 603 N. Bart lett 3 WANTED Washing and ironing by reliable party. Prices reasonable. Phone S91-Y. 7 FOR SALE OR TRADE Some of the best buys in Jackson county. See me at once. 513 Beatty St 10 FOR SALE A good substantial chick en house. 518 W. Fourth St 4 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Pico ting 8e per yard. Passion Week Addresses THEME ' "THE SEVEN SAYINGS ON THE CROSS" BY . Dr. S. J. REID, of Portland A SPEAKER WITH A MESSAGE BEGINS SUNDAY, 7:30 P. M. AND EACH NIGHT NEXT WEEK, CULMINATING EASTER SUNDAY WITH A BIG CANTATA WITH ORCHESTRA. ATTEND LAST REVIVAL IN OLD BAPTIST CHURCH STARTING TOMORROW 1:30 "When you are on top, looking down," ' the vista is different." George Ade GEORGE ADE'S BACK HOM fVfdffyian E 111 AND--BROKE K - Uri 7 W A big comedy-drama racy with whole some American fun. Written by America's foremost humorist directly for the screen. Tom Meighan as the lovable "go-getter," who comes back and shows up hi3 home town. Lila Lee as the girl. MATINEES: Adults. 35c PRICES: Kiddies, 10c ' Continuous Shows Today and Tomorrow 12:30 to 11:00 p. m. EVENINGS: Adults, 50c Kiddies, 25c Going Tonight A Stage Classic Reborn LATJRETTE TAYLOR in "PEG 0' MY HEART" SEATS NOW SELLING PAGE NEXT MONDAY JQfjl'P 8:30 Curtain A POSITIVE SENSATION! THE WORLD'S GREATEST MYSTERY PLAY BY MARY ROBERTS RIXEHART and AVERY HOPAVOOD CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? If jrou have seen this play, the authors and management request that you keep the story of "THE HAT," with its astounding climax, a secret. The play has broken theatrical records in every state in the Vnlon. To date, more than a.nooOOO persons hare- seen "THE BAT." They keep the secret will you? - PRICES IXCI.VMXG WAR TAX Lower Floor. 1st 14 rows, a.T.-:Ust 4 rows S2.20. Balcony, 1st 4 rows, next 4 rows, Sl.Oo; next 3 dows, 1.10; balance 65c. -ti.d-Jzrrz. Session Oregon State Normal Ashland, Oregon' ' June 18-JuIy 27, 1923 Regular and full normal courses and prac tise school. Advanced work for those who care for it. All present teachers and high school gradu ates admitted. Tuition $8.00. For full information, write Geo. A. Briscoe, Director, or J. H. Fuller, Secy. Chamber of Commerce.