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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1923)
WSBFGKO MAIL' TRIBUNE. MEDFORP, OKEflOfr. WCTPAY. MARCH 23, 1S29 PXGE TEN SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin Vnloes yon sec the name "Bayer" on Jiaokapa or on UbleU you are not get ting tlio gimuino llayor product pre scribed bv physicians ovor twenty-two jvars nnil proved aofo by millions for colds, lieadache, tootliache, earache, neu ralgia lumbago, rheumatism, neuritia, end for pain, In general. Accept only "Uayer" package which contain propor directions. Handy boxes of twelva tab lets coat few cents. Druggist also sell bottJoa of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the tirade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of Salicylicacid. TO THE WORKERS IN THE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN AND TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I -wish to tlinnk you for your co-operntion in bring ing to n successful issue the most note-worthy civio en terprise that Medford has ever undertaken. ' It is certainly an indication of a brilliant future for the Medford Spirit. More than anything else that I1 know, it is a token of the fact that this community has confidence in itself. As a result of the increased membership, it is prac tically certain that tho annual dues will bo reduced to $12.50, if every member pays his share. Again I thank yon for myself, for the Board of Directors, and for the people of this community. (Signed) VERNON VAWTER, President The Chamber of Commerce. "Friend" Sprayers Moline Farm Machinery (Delco) Lights and Pumps Wood Pipe for Irrigation Simplex Silos Simplex Cream Separators Papec Cutters T. I. Temple 221 North Fir Phone 777 ' Join the Chamber of Commerce FEDERAL PROBE OF NITIAL STAGES WASHINGTON, March 2S. The charge 'that there Is a conspiracy in the sugar trade to raise prices wore said at the department of JUBtlce to day to be of sufficient gravity to war rant a preliminary inquiry by the federal government's legal officers. A conference was arranged between acting Attorney Qoneral Seymour and Secretary Hoover with a view to Joint action. A' representative of the department of Justice was directed to obtain from Basil Manly, director of the People's Legislative service, who wrote to President Harding in connection with the BUgar situation, Informa tion he has to substantiate con spiracy charges. If this information t.-nrrantu b fnrmnl investigation, de partment of Justice'officials said, the commerce department also wm par ticipate. Secretary Hoover . was charged by Mr. Manly with being largely responsible for the recent bulge in the sugar market because of a department statement which was Interpreted as forecasting a shortage. SPECIAL "The Palms" will be sung as -a tenor solo on Sunday morning, March 25th, at the Phoenix church, by Mr. O'Hara of Medford. The Lord's Sup per will be administered, following a brief sermon suitable to the occasion and in keeping with Palm Sunday. In the evening there will be the 3d of Hie series of popular studies in "India on the March," which are prov ing so interesting and Instructive to those in attendance. This will follow immediately on a short devotional C. E. service beginning at 6:45 p. m. The "H. ." Sunday school class of high school girls, .Mrs. Angell teacher, had a pleasant supper and social hour, with class business, at Clyde hall on Monday evening- This Is planned as a regular monthly feature of the work of this class. - IT AXOELES. March S3. John ny Meyers of Chicago, clnimant to the world's mlddieweigm cnampiunsmi wnteil William Perumean, claim ant to the Armenian middleweight ,-otilnir title. In straight falls at a suhurb last night. nnth fniin were the result of Meyers' stopper hold, the first fall coming after 24 minutes and 12 rami, and the second - after 38 seconds. - , BALTIMORE Jack Bentley, pitch. er and first baseman, mailed his signed contract to John McGraw of the New York Giants. DUBLIN Mike McTigue, who de feated Battling Sikl, said he weighed in before the bout on St. Patrick's day, although a French sporting pub lication had denied this. NEW YORK Frankie Genaro, American flyweight champion, was matched to meet Bud Taylor at Chi cago April 4,- in a no-decision bout. TRAIL ITEMS load of hay. We are glad to hear he is getting along all right at this writing, i' - Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Cushman and little son Everett and Mrs. Mary War ner were Sunday visitors at the Daw son home. " . , T , Mrs. R. D. Watson and Mrs. T. C. Gaines were Trail visitors Thursday. Mrs. Davis and son Ray motored to Prospect Saturday. Claude Ragsdale returned home this week from Corvallls where he has been attending Forestry school. . The Messrs. Chrlstosen and Dale and Miss Mae Mordoff spent the week end at their homes in Medford. A. T. Poole Is cruising timber this week on Elk creek. Miss Bernlce Phillips accompanied by her brother Lester left last week for Springfield, Ore., to visit a brother and family. Miss Velma Whetlatch, Miss Edith Campbell, Wesley Prult and Keva Hutchison of Medford, spent Sunday with Keva'a parents at the Bar i ranch. . S. Entery spent the week-end with his family on the Applegate. Rev. Dodge of the Free Methodist church, held quarterly meeting at the Elk Creek school house Sunday. Mr. Dunn, the surveyor who has charge of the construction work on the piece of road between McLeod and Cascade Gorge, was in this vicinity last week looking over the work to be done. We understand the work will begin soon. The people above Trail, along the river are enjoying the daily mall ser vice now. Mrs. Chas. Blass Is again on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Poole, Miss Minnie Poole, Miss Clara Geary and Claude Ragsdale attended the dance at Harvey Morgan's near Persist, Sat urday night. They report a very nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mlddlebusher, Gwen Houston and Mickey Davis were Sunday guests at M. E Mlddlebusher's. Little Wanda Howe had as guests on her birthday March 17th, Miss Irma Ash and Wayne Ash, w t Hnnxtnn iii in the hospital at Medford as a result of a fall from a Home and Outing Specials VACATION TRUNKS AND BAGS Vacation Season will soon bo here. Now is the time to select your Trunk, Suitcase or Bag while selections are complete. .We have a complete line to show you. ' ' . Boots and Shoes , On any outing or fishing trip, proper footwear is necessary. We have a full line of boots and shoes to fill your needs Paints and Accessories We have secured the famous "Stilleto" line of paints and ac cessories this year. GARDEN EQUIPMENT lVopcr equipment makes the spring garden work a joy. Our stock includes Hose, Rakes, Itoes, Cultivators, Shovels, Spading Forks, Lawn Mowers, Etc. "Medford 'I Sporting Goods Headquarter!." Medford Harness Co. 22CE. Main Street . H. Lamport, Prop. Telephone 120-R Inlosir everyone has occasional interruptions or unforseen delay on bak ing days, but the house wife who uses Crescent Baking Powder will not worry. . She will have light, melt L in-your-mouth biscuits, mu ffins, and cake because Crescent combines the two leavening units that insure good results under variable circumstances. From any grocer Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, Washington Baking Powder) immsi i Smoke 4 .- And smoke no as many, as-ye will. for such is the mildness of English Ovals that your joy at your first is abated ho whit by your twentieth I The reason is the tobacco the'ehoice brown leaf which Nature grows,Time mellows, and Philip Morris blends in '. the good old-English way., ; v; .; J;, ;-which is the only way : ' i - to make a cigarette ' 1 1n-COM-pa-ra-bly fine. ' raiUP MORRIS "& CO. ltd. CIGARETTES 20 ArTtf BMedintheGoMOH EriglishWay E in ' CiHUMitmi "m rrr, -rri,jiriV; :". Book your J lS I Cvtiy yew noi Anttfcan. tk I f JM 1 I 1 f , TS ll tMSKMPWMsl '1 Cuudiu PtciSc this- to Europe U Vy ' . . 1 f,. 1 I,- WA l If kJMI W Oml,FfC0S4ni V . ll I ' WfMWtf-f I . kAnd ':- : " ' - ' U LSfii 2 V? : Ctnadm.- Two 41 naia( trom -,i - -CS? I ti iPft Wm lH " I ' '' &W'.I',BYB-." ' I All A, cfoio J I 1 HKDiai M UUDDC ouiinsi every. 'I 7 r4fW I I IHI wo" oimug) ay-- a i vc?rrt uJt&5 'K Izmm I removed - v dou ? VI t-t AT I 1 L '. flllM ; I life of .your clottf ? -3 ' ES Srrl St.. Portland. Ore. I flT" ""H Ml '- t -1 L l'JI J -J.I ' II fffSM Canadian 'Pacific- ' Dough J . IT SPANS THE WORLD v vJota the Chamber of C-; While We Are Offering These Special Prices f hi WETTER'S RANGES WETTERS RANGES ARENOWN EVERYWHERE : FOR THEIR BEAUTY, FL ECONOMY AND SPLENDID COUKimu AINU BARING PERFORMANCE We aire the $oledistributing agents for the famous line of "WetM Ranges and Heaters, which we ship from the factory in car I lots. This enables us to sell a high grade range or heater at a price. ' ' Wetters "Presto" $56.00 WHers "Niftv . $39.50 ' "SunrK" ,'n wKit Aamel, . . - . , ...... r XT . v. 'for ............. ;...;..JL....5t8i Welters "Newcomb" ,...$49.00 ' . Jl! iid.1i' .' .'i! -ririnij'i . , . a. naiiic. rair ranca. t"" u- iir.u n a i: ' zk.a Ki ... . . . r:r' - . Welters Active, splasher back, oven back, warming cham- ;' ! gillie," all castjp gray bers $74.50 ";:Wmie enamel, sp&ial$9 These Popular Ranges 'Are On Display in Our Show Wiridows We'll Gladly ShoW T ... . v .-,,. 1U j ou. t "Complete House Furnishers" i-