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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1923)
MEUFOKD MAIL 'TK113UNE, MEDFOltl), OKEGON, FRIDAY, MARCII 23, 1923 fAGE FIVE Cut from $25 to $12.50 1 A Membership in the Medford Chamber of Commerce t Now Within Reach of All , A Chamber of Commerce with a working mem bership of a large number of citizens, each paying nominal dues, is far more desirable than a smaller membership with a higher rate. The reduction of dues to $12.50 has been made possible because of the large number who have already became mem bers and because' the Chamber of Commerce has no desire to ask for more money than is necessary to cover the actual expense of administration. Because of this cut it will be necessary to get from seventy-five to one hundred more citizens to join the Medford Chamber of Commerce in order - that the organization may be adequately financed. ' JOIN NOW, and help in this cooperative movement to do the big things that will constructively build up Med ford and Jackson County. - Any one interested in the economic, civic and general welfare of Jackson County is eligible to membership. . CLIP THIS NOTICE, SIGN AND MAIL TO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MEDFORD Date ..... Chamber of Commerce, Medford, Oregon. . Without obligation on my part, please have one of your membership committee call on me and explain the objects of the Chamber of Commerce and the, value of a membership. . ' Name;.... 1 Address Route No : Personally Tested Seeds We Don't Take the Other Fellow'sWordforlt We personally test all seeds before offering them to you lor planting. You are entitled to honest seeds and we feel it our duty to safeguard your planting activities. To this end we personally perform all tests on garden and field seeds. YOU ARE INSURED AGAINST POOR SEED IF YOU BUY OUR TESTED BULK SEEDS ' for GARDEN OR FIELD Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260 317 E. Main A Steel Trowel Free with each dollar purchase of Garden Seeds. One to each customer. THIRD PARTY FAILS F E DAYTON'IA, Fla., March 23. The declaration of Senator Borah ot Idaho In his Akron Bpeech Wednes day night that formation of a third party appeared not- Improbable, has In no wise disturbed the serenity of President Harding's vacation cruise. Newspapers containing accounts ot the Borah speech, which advised the republican party leaders to quit a policy of "gum shoeing" after scat tered votes and to enunciate a set of forward looking principles were re ceived aboard the Pioneer last night after she anchored off New Smyrna, fifteen miles south of here. The politically minded members of the party read the reports ot the ad dress with interest, but had no com ment to make today on reaching here, while the president and his golfing companions played a round of the Sea-breeze course. In fact, despite Attorney General Daugherty's statement of last week predicting that Mr. Harding would be a candidate for reelection and In spite of all the political discussion that has followed, largely in the met ropolitan papers of the country, a good drive or a mashte shot dead to the pin is of more moment to the president and most of the members of his party just now. PIUTES OFFER TO AT E SALT LAKH CITY, March Two friendly Navajos this m 23. orntng 1 took the first truce proposals to Hlnnilinir from the bclwiKuorcd Pl utes, cut off for the lust 48 hours in the fastnesses ot the Dark Tank country liy a ring of armed ranchers who form tho posso. Charley's Roy nnd two othor spokesmen of the rlutcs sent the i message. They will surrender, bo the Navajos say, If complete guarantees nro Klven for tho lives of the rene gades who have terrorized southeast ern Utah since the first of the week. There was no firing yesterray, so far as could be learned, the posse devoting Its efforts to a consolida tion of Its outpost lines. Fears ex pressed that the Utes might join the Plutea in the uprising are discounted by those familiar with the history of the unfriendly relations between the two tribes. DENVER, March 23 Pearl Cock rell, held In Albuquerque, N. M., has confessed that she nursed one of the bandits who was shot In the robbery of a federal reserve bank truck of $200,000 here last Dccembor, accord ing to a statement by Rugs Williams, chief of police. The woman, who Is wanted by prison authorities ot Canon City, Colo., as a parole violator, declared that the bandits after the robbery sought refuge In a cabin near Look out mountain fifteen miles from Den ver, and it was hero that she nursed the wounded man, the chief asserted. The money stolen In the robbery has been sent to England and Mexico the woman confessed, Chief Williams said. The chief's information, ho said, was contained In a letter from Chief of Police J. Q. Qalusha of Albuquer que to whom Miss Cockroll Is alleged to have made her statements. She was arrested several days ago, with J. W. Morgan, also wanted In Denver In connection with tho robbery. The woman maintained that she knew all the members of the bandit gang, but declined to divulge their identity or tell where they now are living, Chief Williams said. LEAVE WIFE OR QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COtD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils OiR'iis Air Passages night Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up: the air passages of your head clear and you can breatno ireeiy. no more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Got a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Ap ply a little of this fragrant, antisep tic, hcnllng cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas sage of the head, soothes the In flamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March 23. AHeging that an attempt was made to break up her home, Mrs. Agnes Karnes Randle, joined by her h.ts bund, Captain Edwin H. Randle, 20rh infantry, has brought suit for $100, 000 In the district court against Col-' onel Arthur Conger,' commanding of ficer of the regiment. The action Is said to have grown onl of a nubile reprimand adminis tered by Colonel Conger In which ho referred to two parties alleged to have been held at the Randle home. According to excerpts from the alleg ed order quoted in the nlaint'ff's pe tition, Colonel Conger referred to the conduct and language at the two pni tleB as "to vile to read to these offi cers " . . Randle, the petition alleged, was etvan the ontinn of divorcing Mrs. Randle or resigning from the army. No-To-Bao has helped thousands to break the costly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a smoke or chow, Just place a harmless No-To-Bac Tablet In your mouth Instead. All desire stops. Shortly the habit Is com pletely broken, and you are better off mentally, physically, financially. It's so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and If It doesn't release you from all craving for tobacco In any form, your druggist will refund your monev without question Artv, FROM THE RADIATOR TO THE TAIL LIGHT We are ready to equip your machine. This spring why not make a list of what your car needs and get the accessories In time tor a full season's use and enjoyment. Our stock offers the best sug gestions. The Aufo Supply Co. 31 N. Bartlett Doc Wright NINE DAYS TILL EASTER "We're ready with a stock selection of Spring "Duds" to bring you in touch with the dress-up spirit of the day. Our stock is new ,and has that young look about it when worn makes you feel that way. We're interested in dressing you for Easter. Come in and See for Yourself Springer & Lee Opposite Rialto Theatre Mans GotiQuesi -ss?S53OT" -Haw , & PORTLAND, Ore , March 23. Cattle receipts 402 (60 through); weak; bids fully 25c lower. Hogs receipts 1369 (1306 direct); nominally steady. ' Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, March 23. Wheat, hard white, blue stem and baart $1.36; soft white $1.26: western white $1.24; hard winter, northern spring $1.19;t western red $1.19. Today's ear receipts Wheat 10; flour 6; corn 1; oats 2; hay 23. Portland Eggs ' PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 23. Eggs, selling price case count 20 22c; buy ing price mixed colors 21c; white 23 Vic; selling price candled 22 24c; selected candled In cartons 25 27c. Poultry, hens, light 1820c; heavy 22 24c; broilers, none coming; old roosters 10c; turkeys none coming; geese, none coming; ducks, 25 27c. Wheat, cash, $1.25 1.27; club, blue stem $1.45; options $1.201.35; bar ley 34c; oats 36c; corn, No. 3 yellow 33c. Millstuffs Mill run $33; mid dlings $45. Hay, buying price, tim othy $24 26; alfalfa $22 24; grain $22; clover $20. Butter 'PORTLAND, Ore, March 23. Butter steady; extra cubes 40 40V4c; extra grades 3739c; prints 44c; carton 46c. Dairy buying price nominal. Butterfat 44c. San Francisco Market SAN FRANCISCO, March 23. (Statu Division of Markets.) Broil ers 3550c; fryers 3646c. SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. (U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural Eronom lies.) Eggs, extra pullets 26c. I SAN FRANCISCO, ! Butterfat unchanged. March 23. STAR MEAT MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Choice Beef Roasts '. .. ..15c per lb. Choice Beef Stew 12 l-2o per lb Fresh Side Pork 1 20o per lb. Shoulder Pork Roast 20o per lb. Pure Home Rendered Lard 17 l-2o per lb, Fresh Smelt, 3 lbs 25o Phone 273 v Free Delivery of Time The progress of mankind, from the earliest recorded ages, has been marked, by a ceaseless struggle against the limitations of time and space, Civilization is; mutual interchange of thought and the product of thought. This interchange demands transportation, hence the develop ment of civilization has paralleled the improvements in transportation, A useful lifetime should not be measured in hours lived, but in deeds done. Doubling man's productive capacity offers the same net result as doubling his period of usefulness or doubling the number of producers. More than any other single factor of civilization, the ' automobile has multiplied the producing power of man, by decimating time and distance, and by provid ing a broad and flexible means for the transportation of men and their products. . The amazing growth of the automobile industry could not have been, had not the automobile more than ' justified itself as an economizer of manpower, a stinv ulator of production and a creator of wealth. Jor Economical Trantportation mm' CHICAGO, Mar. 23. Wheat. No. 1 hard $1.22K; No. 2 hard $1 22 (ft 1.23. Corn, No 2 mixed 741475c: No. 2 yel low 74 Va 75c; Oats, No. 2 white 45ttffD j) 46c; No. 3 white 44fMflc Rye. No. ! 2, ?3V4c Barley. 66 70c; timothy seed $506.60. Clover seed $13ff? 18.60. Pork nominal. Lard $11.67. Ribs $1011. Liberty TVinds. 1 NEW YORK. Mnr-h SI. Liberty bonds closed: IH's $101: first 4Vi I7.1?' .rnnd ' 07.U: third 4U'i $98 60: fourth 4H's $97.22; Victory 4Vi $101.1; U. 8. Treasury 4H'a $98.10. Prices F. O, B. Modford S . 8UPERIOR Two Passenger Roadster $ 642 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Touring 663 SUPERIOR Two. Pass, Utility Coupe- 877 SUPERIOR Four PaBsenger Sedanette 1056 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Sedan 1065 SUPERIOR Light Delivery Car 627 . J 11 Ul V , - Detroit, Michigan , There art 10.000 Chevrolet Deelera 'and Service Sutlers Applications will be considered (rem high grade dcalera In territory not adequately covered epitomizes the progress of the industry to date nlonc the line of maximum econ omy consistent with modern require ments as to ennineerinj! efficiency anj satisfactory quality. The wonderful in crease in our sales proves that Chevrolet is leading in the evolution of individual transportation which measures and rpcords the progress of civilization. Utility Coupo $877 F. O. B. Modford iiililiii llSJ az' m rsM ii - ni n i . r. a.T 112 South Riverside PATTON and ROBINSON, INC. Telephone 150