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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1923)
PXOK EIGHT MTTDFOKP' M33TJ ' TRIBUNE. JEPFORD, OREGON'. - FRIDAY. MARCH 23: 1923 r - . ANOTHER GAIN FOLLOWS RESTORATION BY TANLAC Portland Citizen Declares Famous 'Medicine Ended Indigestion, Gases and Worn-out Feeling, Restor ing Full Weight and Strength. ! t-.sve coined ton rounds '"--Itke a hrurJ rw r,r." IWfKiljf a ffixxsi Uli VUt-erty H: ?, jvnt and XJlsJ'-Kn virvc... ivr.J. Ores a a. in tv-r.iinc ? bet-vlic he hud der!vd fwiu ttiv us K.f Teniae "vr yar I l.avv t-n U.Ke l nfoiy muts whr twv-jMe on axtM:nt of of Ap-eiate M awful raae of inJ;pr:.o-. 1 wa.d l-.j.tfti e4.) up jfA and fc;.e a dull. rjj.irif I.j te T1-1 of "-T JW'- !, :3:t t -y: :ve ia jv.tsry Jir ewry CiVll I tUt fctfW dciTT. the ii.t I ta oat 1 Ik vesght arid remit otv.v.ntiaiEV I "ft-.v? also tr-vh. eor.fiii'.aii.ona. at. d that tlrod. ov-rr.-:.;:t f'l:7tg was r the ti-e. "iave 1 wtartej en the Tar-lae tr nr.Mm I fca e .afcea jii ihre ?- tar, and alroadv I have a cviir.s gwd ay.pMi:e ar.d never f1 touth of ai.y -f my id Troulli-- In l.v. I a'.'.i f-e'.ir.jc asaiply fm. and . t,-irv j Ta:uo to hishiy. f:ur r.M a wr.sle .x-rtion of the . ooy ht i not b tuftled by he hf'-y-fi:. action of Tar.Uo whith oe- pr.9 ii work by iiuiuitir.g the di ; jce:;e and s:miU:n orrA:.. ; ih n ;br .iartch;nr the Wood and in- v ;svrs;:n(? the hoi ystfm. 3i live tnvi. era -out atorv SCOniSH RITETO BANQUET' MCH 29 Oath 1 lank ami on band St.M.I tT.-rrHiim m cturw of cxtl- 1 Ikikw vruira ince Sp- i utrSrr l.U.S?.tl IatrY ei3 tvai du and l y-rucl I.t ! 0hr T. 1.Wi:M;l Total adrntnf ata? ll.;:,H i LIABILITIES Onr a!ras far ) ua- PM ii.s?,st: -Jmi oa all wilataaJias tavi. . 4 tJ 1! S AU con IbiUtira 2i.iLi Mwiis u JJ astute Tnt!, Thnrs Aay evn:ns. Easter Saniay U oce of tlXVil vMlr Kvrryi rlirxit LM iKttnvd hclitiars in the Christiaa eiar. trate raal clrclos liis Jt and vnlf, onimraed 1t it ar of par ticular ic:rst ta TpBia?art lt-ia no Xcxf . j jj sacred to the Ancient and Acct- xi ScvMtish Rite, it is particularly a Total rtabfllttn. txtia- j of capiLal stock ! of v Bl'SINESS IX ORJMOX IUK THE . itl Hf'vur f tltS;4 I'.a ounce in year x.;o.l lli Xnw or Curar. PnvMm WaaUnc' P te InsTirane Cvy:any. . IE Statutory r-sidai attTr-r far arric. ! A. P. Hlm Jr, PvrtUaJ. OrravnL I j orer cat!L The SootUsi Rit Masou of thf Another Surplus Sale VTe jast got bck frwsi teidquarters wi.h the good news thst we hid bc?a a!3otd lacther S150.000 worth surplus Army Goods t etc si; y rdacd prices, tLnd for each one of our stores to get busy tad let oar pilrcns know so tS:ey codd tike ad vantage cf these wenderful reduction. Ard tere they are: WS ,C R'f oiTa. The Be- i orta inu N.J. ohwrrajiNS been will, the jrf.r.o au.i t-is.l'. I ceSeismuoB of lie Myotic Ba&oet on ! rTtn, it i that rt i Thuiday ereaiag fnkm-f4 by the uiHne rji- f d.soas akoi.S oetVKinj1 of "extiBSXiUhlng the lights' It itnifrt the Vi)r vtforvus ar.d j iKmerooraURg the treachery of r,.ss ar.j iMiiu n catiu P licfctitvs the -Tapers- is obserrM o ;r.f ctHM. T - taster xsomiivE. mad U symbolical of "Z, M.t .rm .i rrrek si Christ's tritucpk an t:rifi.i:ir.c suro c-f cvn-.f-Art to.aU Vaniac U r Mle ty ail cd dru-- j Tailey will partake of the Jlystic baa fisi. ir ii rniuii tostles M.jnet Holy Thursday at 7 p. m. and Adv. i all members of th chapter Rose-Croix - - I are erred to be presvsi I The word rManody- is derired from the Latia maBdare." to eommaad. ! ard is taken to be the fttffjlmeat of the , "nem- commaadaieEt.- John xiii. , &4 . The obserraace of this feast is .' oblipafcWT oa ail rcenibers of he caa ter Rose-Croix. sjctiyrss or soma other . atvealotely una voidable cause being the only raiid excuse. There are otct sereaty Scottish Rite Masons in the ' Taller aad a good attendance is ex ' pectei. Sriecial efforts hare been made to pro ride a good pnxam. Army- Vih!rrwor, Sliirts Riul lrawrs, ceh. Sprc Pivisi; Shirt. t-w! Wiwl Mix-.l I'nwn Suiss Wripfit's I'nion Stiil. '.J-3 r.l Kv!a;:uo! O. l S!;ir. Xer Wraj Ix-ii'.ns : OaKpaicn Hr.:s Mess Kits Jersov Oiovfs 75t S2.59 -S1.S9 S2.29 S1.39 2Sr lGr S2.25 K.'ylaic! Army Orercts i Aluminum Percolators and Koasicrs All Shics it rcx!n-d rriof-s, Ssle will e5tse Saturdsy, March 24. United Army Stores SJ CEXTKAL AVENUE, SO. aavl Grare tonality aad Venice Hrrt l General Mill Work TROWTBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Dors flier Frames Window Glass Window Frames All Kinds cf Interior Finish hi standard Incubators L Fr it c T 9 . ( ; , -iV-Aa- V i 1 1 ! ! ri W jar Staadanl liKiiVu.1.- anj nrwVe aw male i all iin. Kii:trit or t.M WatfT I.-tt J f.i -ji ibe Suxctri. ,MVe ia the Vo tir "Vj."r ir-aw rrartt.-aUy 'fTT i-iP x.i':-t j!nt nrt ?ef ct.y ped ith StasAa:!! Vi.t .. Vl.w .H(a-. I v at yM h" lo maVe ! , 1 rr j-ear na w v-a 4 aa I)uk. What olher tii rw tit Kbf n.i rt-;i.n' Standard Manufacturing Co. Sv 1 Wl(Kil T4, S -SKJi ?vM, te. The order of De Molay beias of i Scottish Rite origin, the sapper will be j served by the local chapter of De Malay. . , ...... EGGS ARE CHEAP W is the time to preserve your eggs forv inter use with WATER GLASS 1 Th rr-Ka?2tr evanrrtissie r tc Ut erair.g at 5h First Et ':; choivh ws th c the irt-k j in point of attendant and interest. Tb fccxw m-as veil fiUed aa i aadienc hich was dplr lia , pr-x mith Dr. Rnd's saiiTiiiC mes ' sa(Tv. Sv a3 catti fonrard at lb , irviTAtion, also a J&rjre number f (yuac rcpuA. w artjre CHrts-i i lia.aft- A nsarkJ cJi ir cz f rifJiic of Ith Tni?9 is fht lair numbers. wiio nave asMt lawaaed aa evwimfi.! One ix hAa.r rr. R3d they ia- rjiriiTlr rc-aana. a swrtfis of Tai imTt oa Tie Seven &ayitpx tVNOflS OF THS XXM'AL statk- WENT OP THE ridmlttyTlwtttx Tin lannacw nnwimnj of Ne- Voik. in U. of Nev Vut ajoiMr of ibe cka:e cf Ore-oa pcrattant CAPITAL AmJ!t of caiuial tviock lid up Wt.M INCOME ' Xt recaium rvotvd dur- ir. ib yr $H,OI.TVl lntrTMt, d:rfd4vdf artd vans reoeived durfnr ib rr , l.MI.lll.Tf Iwanw from othr 5Qrv received dunac lb year l,l.lXf.$ Total !aMVne SMl,4i.t yr inciodinf adjatt b-' Ciasars a paid oo capiud during t?w yor l.t. Cvrnrcttsicms aad MLTies pa.d durinr tae yw- .ItI,7J 21 Tax-, tiotEAe aad fea fa:a otir.Bc ine yar. 14 AawoM of all odMf txptit dj tunes Total expeaditw $U,v4.4.4.4 AfcSETS Talae f rval extat ovned ,5nrt:t valine $' 4P.I?.1 oraed tmarsv ralviet LosXfS a mncs axd coji-rai. ere CtJs in ttatRkj: ard o liaad Pry-miuois ia ocure f eti. 5wtKo written siix Ste-ptescber t. lt Antotuai reeoxnble fcr re insarajxe on paid jtfr-9 latere aad teats dae aad accrued . J AU oifcer assets Tal adm?tte-3 awt i.iia.eifc.iX UIABIT-TTIES Gr elaiaas for ioaaea aa- P:d l.i-t.rit.n Amount aa4U-ed 5r FECIAL OFFER tor. q aU taj nst FKre foe eoaasKlassca luvearace AU l3atuUe?s Tocal lUmiiiia-a, creio rir .f aiLi3 ;cc f fLfre.4iMS $T!L?t.tll.K IX ORBGOX FR THE TEAK Xet jeremima rxiTed 3srL&tr I?ev VAar . . .. X Tie 54 tftf jaid dnraia i yr 4X,Cla.4$ Tar ir4tr Xame of CMn-naar. Fdeliiy-POieaix: Fir iaa Oft. f X. T. Xasae of Preiudeat. C R. Street. . Xiisrjf ef Serretary, Eraet Ptura. miiuiwt ivsaof-Tii attra9r 7cr iwt- rEXTElK. Xa?ra IX- TrwpfA 3n a mm war Kiitfi Mrxtain. Crai; ! lam TtwiaT, ianx Sorrei. a ; oi tti iter Telnva, jwH-ieJ aftw a fxile att4n7tt te rwJi tj-tr t fritnpirt ta ii lf tr il bei"jfr brew tx .ber xnariM5tM) froia i J-oflXifciS, awit.j; 7 a sttivr .T7ci? -c-r rT avntai state- ' Uk.1.; ikV; ' C.AT7TX1. ; XtTMUT.t nf ?a.:ifci i-..k jal j XT TT-TT 'KTT 4n- i t.c ft- U ! ! rt"rn ana r'T!T rron dur:at tie - HrllJl 3lfHTTf 'f"rTt t"T mu: Tetal reialxaa taoccae for ue rar Izl-7"3 SiT5deri5 ad rfeu. received diiria tbe year , received dvriac uc yviar r-lrRSEMEXTS lra4 ror iOMif, 6t ti:.4iT.TJA.l STXCP1S OF TKK ANNUAL STATE- 1EXT OF THE Sacaaqaat Xaif Xaaaimaoa Ooarpaxy f SIEMfT Sa t Sfiate rf Vennoat. ew trr. tsirtr-r-.rPi flay or twrale!r, IJIi. a-5e te tiw larraa Ocaaka-r.- Ktcawr of lite .State af iMi. Bortauil jta Ut; .-1 : . -v . j I LArilAl. rte m tajs evening wia ce use mej titrs this ek. Tre large j K-rrices be bt-34 Scaday tac&d , ir.fc a special address at ia Sssdxy j jirbc'3 lao-r. TiMiigbt the cMu.g ad rvss ca " FT-sriim" Ftost"" will be : given. Ties sbrt addresHs bare j been of great iaterest to all who have i bee a privilejred to bear them. Te evatpe- .:hca dcaM mr.ts aigb iMf tie evarsrtisis c tbe day. He dfi-trds eatirely cra tbe g-ospel xessic to reaca tbe pecjile. Me has side Isaacs or appeals to the low self. Tbe penxKs last night made iwp JTrvKtssaos. as tbe ?aer toj tt Jciaa betrayal c Chrt. Tbe awTeas ef his cbaracrer, the eo iM) ia hx b he is hed curoer RtUy -as virtdly pTrayd- Jsdas rarted by taking a srrUe anctfiey aad fiaisbt by eilitg his Lord. Tet x act cf tx can tore a-ay the lrre of jjeras. If t-c-o star becanae cd xoaa"'s i ia Ord dcs lev, jwa da i preach tbe goTel. Ood levies erory viaav Carcsfl ased Jvdas hy he had i HMe. aa ordT te bs hiza fcr dae- 1 tardy aa act he vas cfvTr.mJrtiT-g '.G4 has f'.rsa coa te trat tbe.ssay J bnart bfvw he caa do axyzhiag Trtth iwiasL. Otrssn s fees azd a calaag fee snaa tcday. Jesius is aeeXtag TTO; : are ya eejii?sg him ? Ar.v b have .- heard I. EeSi . -.a if an-U te a:tit the metang this evening. Mra. Sc-Kt has eia attng :iig a gvwTHj scOa each ewaiiig. reach ir.g tl hearis by the sag. Arboiri iri your home cleaned free. ' To shovry oil hbw Royal get the deeply embedded dirt as well as all surface litter, we have arr ranged a' limited number of Free Demonstrations. ; ," . "f Without ost or obligation, you may have a rbdrii" in' youf '' home perfectly cleaned the Royal Way. Royal is the Electric Cleaner you see advertised for. its" remark able ability- to" remove dangerous embedded'dirt by powerful air suction, applied the Royal Way, which dcs noVlnjure'ttle finest rugs:- :- - ."'r"' See witli"youf" own eyes how wonderfully Royal does its'work, and how it saves yonr time and yonr strength. Please do not delay. We must adopt the rule "first come, first served" in TnaVing this remarkable FREE OFFER. Call or phone today. . . ........ , . . People's Electric Store A. B. Ctmrringhain Phone 12 V. Medford, Ore. 0. 0. Alenderfer Tertia, aaairitW aad sar- TW)4rT raiae Wjoers dirr;i tae year. LYAead raid oa oapiial r.vt fiairixj: te ynar OvMT. tt. . rotis ar-d &i3a. Taa Aisr.Ttt tike year Taaea. 3iori$as aad feea T-d dEr!rE x5- year AircTt -frf ii taer exm . d;iirw l.4t.i4T 2a.ltl$4 LUtM! A$SETS Ta:ne r real ena' airaed iiturtrt va--w S lm.n.l Vjif .l srnci mad femds eiea 4.awet T-aaei T,-4l.4:e PS, Xna? Ms nor'.frkjrK aad ei.:iar-Jai. eta. i Frfmiuia no'. aad rCCT ; iflkw .. : M.,rtjml Cthn ia ttnt is. on ba3f4 nK.H.f N : r)tv''.MTrefi aad de- 1 frre yrtia:ina l.Wi,rfl.rF l3.xwt aad Tv-r's d&e aad t atVTTiMd 'IB alT.T.T" i SEEDS' RELIABLE SEEDS in Bulk and Packages SEED POTATOES General Line of Poultry Supplies HAY GRAIN FEEDS Watkins Feed Store Phone 269 V..t miNs irmi claims fx bwntis uc- TiKltl -Vlj -KMa- iah"1:T:'e l.'iif masK:giMl T.rTwM'SJ1! ti.:.Kt-t k sun J amft r t ..r-'-. n Wi Ml It nws Tn-m terns reM-ivl 5rt a ?-ear s:ijr:LU t- ti.: r.Ti. aiia e" nturm re- tumpi eur:r.t ti itr ;rl 1: bMw an& t-v.Ti;. aut cur ing X1w rear l ;Mi N aim .fintlttj.v Naiw f r-SimTjt. Ted X Hr1aiJL Vunw ft Sftrr.--jt.r-y. Vwroaa D. Cla-r. t;-.t - t:nt rrnA-Td "rT tm awrrrtni 3,.-ui.ra .V : -niifc. t.t.t( f m.jai Ey&g- ! x- St M. at t pa r .iti--o(tiltg tt(tuCIMtlt . , .... . ICt-MK r t ti tri Tt. .c ftp ttT'.lai ';v-l. ftj.i Tt. t.t TiCl.Wt iTi"T.ti.jff.tft-. Tt6 fc;w-M4 i-t--:itf tl .t.hj. Va.l1t4 gt rwi-t :i;trf i)t! itf-tii -i-!i tt-. ff-fe . rt-a 4 I Att.'ii.m t! if.ift- .Klwtf- u:nr -tiJS3 .assrr 4w;.ftr .-nfti a :i.x.3i r: A-dm imati wtttr In the Omnty Ocnrt of the" Sstkl t Omens asi lev tXa OcsstT of .laQES-OL Is tbe Vatter nf tba Entate of Albert A. Ball, rteonksed. Tbe nariBrsncDei the njy aTrnsiW- ed, pna'ofied ui acting adninasxaxco' the wta Albert A. Haii. hert-ly gr"e Bntice ib aj tredtscp of. axd t aO 7wraas -b hs oitrna the araase f tbe said Haa te rtresw: tbean. do- rtr.rmt as rec.nm4 Vys. in tbe xctiSenactiet aiaiinierrsji. at his friae ta tbe PvTa ba.-v an the Crry d KeSfnrt, Ortsjrrm. nnia six xoairths fro tbe Cat of the first fiab Ixscma d U Is B.-or. and a2 ercfcs e-a aait becesexit a? hereiy avsj fmi t x&at rar-ntexi: t the att6r tccned at at wir and at naif time, tbe TrndermcDed harixMr been so a prtnxed as afnic-nw cf salt! esrtare m the lth day f Karch. A. It lt-il. i' I t tbe Kmur-ahJe C. A Gardner. Jsdct nf ai2 Otiri. ant barag day tava f4 as ncb adiuencraatv. Tbe dare i tbe first iwKimrj-tt cf this tircir w March 3. A. O !!Ca. r--ftt ! Vfief:ra. r-recna, this day Hart. A. Tt 1 Mi at C HlKrER. A Sn.(r.lKn.ror d tbe K.a! cf AJben A. Ka aeMasod. j Free Delivery- :;tM!: ;. f a::.i.''!i,i nil -.g 397 So; Front St lit, rt in SPECIAL NOTICE The San Francisco Savings 8C Loan Sodety i 11 : (THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK) n- - lacxtrpscslei Ffrcsrr, tS5S ' Asses or JXX3,(XX00 Beginning APRIL isr, 1923 INTEREST v,ill he a?DITED on DEPOSITS QUARTERLY JANUARY APRIL JULY . OCTOBER aad wSL earn intEnest CartsH v instead of Semi-annually as heretofore INTEREST WILL BE CREDITED "; APRIL 1st, 1923 .-; , AT THE RATE OF t PER ANNUM - $ V i-i if -. i , i,-