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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1923)
....'..I.. .- . - -' - ' I r.c,v: -two MEDFORnMAFTj TRrRTTNE, M1CDFOUD. OHfifSOX, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1923 local and "-J.-Personal Fire Chief Elliott calls attention to the city ordinance which stipulates that when the fire whistle blown nil outos and other vehicles miiBt turn nt,t' ma"' Medford 8lort followers. ' The Oregon Freshman basketball five has disbanded for the season with seventeen out of ninotuen games won and with a total of 739 points aKainst opiKjnonts' 3'J'i. Kuki'Iio "Ueke" Ilryant, former Ashland hliili school Btar forward was hlnh point man of the season with 253 points to his credit, liryant graduated at Ash land in 1920 and will be remembered once to the side of the street in order to give the fire department the. ritslit of way. Violators of this rule nre sub ject to arrest and a fine. Drivers of autos nre also warned not to follow after the Tire apparatus too closely. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eilcn Valley Nursery, Phone CSO-J-2. tf Drafting wax. Edon Valley Nursery. Phone OSO-J 2. 11 California Beach Balloon dances! Jacksonville: Friday,. .March 23! Peer loss "4"! No dance at Central Point. Former Chief of Polico Timothy who has Just been appointed by Mayor Gaddls as the custodian of the city and library parks, will begin his new duties on April 1st. . Try our wet wash, 6c per lb. Ainer icnn Laundry. Phone 873. 325' . After the fire it is too late to lusure. See Redden & Cannday now. ' Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. , , , tf Children's silk half socks with col ored borders. . Handicraft; Shop. .30!) The Parent-Teachers association of the Washington school Is entertaining this evening in honor of the fathers. An addresB will be given by Ed An drews ,and . refreshments will , ,bo served. . "Since the official opening of . the Ashland tourist, auto camp grounds in Llthia park on March 15, there have been 13 machines and one niotorcyclo registered, according to M. C. Edging ton, who has charge of the camp grounds, this morning. ThcHe ma chines carried nearly GO people Ac cording . to Information furnished . by the tourists, the .Ashland cauip grounds aro the only ones officially open between Eugene nnd San Fran cisco. Ashland TldlngB. Twelve-Inch slab wood tl.CO per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley' Fuel Co. Phono 7C. tf ' Genuine Illsch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric. Shon, Eighth and Bartlett. ....... tf . 60 pieces of rough dry for .$1.60 American Laundry. ,Phone 873. , City Street , Superintendent Dav.iu is preparing to drag the dirt streets of the city and some, of the alleys as soon as there has been a sufficient fall of rain. It will be useless to drag thoroughfares, many of which are badly in need of such treatment, until the ground , has , uocoine thorough'y wet. .. ' -: Qrcftml Frannuetto . walnut . treoB. Eden Valley Nursery, uhoue GSOJ-2. . tf .: All kinds of dressmaking at Stylo craft Shop, Room 424 Medford Build ing. 309 S. O. S, Will some ono pjeaso save this office from closing up shop .by soiling us .somo. rags far . cleanln presses. Wo pay by .thu pound and will bo glad to huvo bring In or send In the rags, . 308 ' Mr. and Mrs. Luther II. Hnuck of Eagle Point . wero in Medford yester day attending to business mattors and visiting friends. . We will loan you nionoy to build or buy Holmes, the Insurance Man. . Orders takon for Dudgo uud Mali Jangg table covers. Handicraft Shop 309' '.Clifford Heglor from Walkor, Calif., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Pearl Junes of this city. " All kinds of rough and droeaedlum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Crescent .orchestra , dance, Eagle Point. Sat. Mnr. 24th. .110 Kulttlng neodles, all, alien. Handicraft Shop. 309 Miss Edith Creede roturned yester day from a several duys visit in Port' lend with friends. ' , , , For Hale One .wind used piano at a bargain. II. Q. Launspuch. Phouo 227. James R. Fish will accept a limited number of piano students at his studio ul S. Grape, Collego Rids. . 307' ' Yon can got It at HoVoe's. tf A girl was born Monday morning to Ir. nnd Mrs. Harry Nordwick at the Sacred Heart hospital. ' Good clean rags wanted lit Medford Printing Co. . Crescent . orchestra danco, Km?lo Point. Sut.-Mitr. 2itli. 310 'When better auloniobllus uru built. llultk will build thorn. tf HEN! DIE THINGS NEW Sweater Skirts Coats : Waists . Drciccg Klmonat Curtains Covering! Draperies Glnghkmt Stocking! Everything Diamond Dye Jili IS cent p.u-kn,-n of "DiimonS Dyes" contains direction o simple nn wiiman run iy or tint hir old, worn, fadtd tiling nt. even If shn r.evor dyed Iwforit. Huy Diamond l;in no othor Jf irjcl then wrfel home dyoint; in puAnintaed. Junt tell your dniyejnt whether the matorinl you wih to dye is wool or silk, or whether It la linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dres never tlrcak, upot, fade, or run. We have many new Ideas to suggost to you, why not spend a pleasant hour ut the Medford Beauty Shop. Room 420, Medford Bldg. Phone appoint ment 191-L. . 30'J Another large shipment of hats Just arrived at Lottie Howard's, 109 North Central Ave. 3U8 9. O. S. Will someone please save this office from closing up shop by selling us some rags for cicuuins presses. We pay by the pound and will bo glad to have soineono bring in or send n the rags. 308 D. M. Anderson of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company has movod from this city to ugene. as a result of the widening of his .territory. : We want some clean, rugs at this office. tf .Just a line to remind you that I will gludly duplicate uny bonnfide order booked by .a transient agent for the sumo or less money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Edon Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Add to the beauty of your garmonts by using destlnctlve. lace. , Handicraft Shop. ! - , ', . i . .309 "The reaping of the tourist crop is already under way," says-the Grants Pass Courior. '.'Every day .from one to six strnngors in the city, are arrest ed and fined their $5 for turning in tho middle of-the block. While these autolsts should know better and per haps do know - better, Grants Pass would bo much betetr off if the offi cers were to warn these strangers and If they aro again caught, to fine them heavily. A courtoous request to com ply with the traffic regulations will go much further in creating a. good lin prossion of the city than will tho .as sessment of a fine.. Grants Pass is spending a large amount of money on advertising. It was hoped and is hoped that results will bo obtained. Hut .Grants Pass is getting much ad vertising of an adverse nature" Haled liny for sale. J. H. Carkln. 348 Household furniture for sale. 20 Cottage St., Phone 377-J. 306tf .Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Old Homo on Pyrus Ussuri onais. . Homo grown Old Home and Chioh.on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery, Phono Cfiu-J-2. i tf A meeting of. the local chapter. Order of Do Molay will bo hold In the Masonic hall tomorrow evening nnd n class .of soveral candidates will bo given the initiatory work. Crescent orchestra danco, Eagle Point, Sat. Mar. 24th. " ' ' ftlO Owl Confoctlonory, 15 N. Central, F. M. Wilson.' Everything new. ' tf Dsnco! Wed.! Oriontal Ballroom! 307 Mrs. Eniil Pcch recontly returned from a soveral weoks visit witli friends and relatives in different cities In California. All kinds of rough nnd dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 Eust Main. Crescent orchestra dance, Eaglo Point, Sat. Mar. 24th. 310 Hnvo ruusle in your home. Do you know that 310 .will place a cablnot Orunswlck phonograph in your homo. 'Jeo II. G. Lnunspnch nt Weeks & Orr. Phone 227. . ' Mike H'lnloy roturnod last evening from a soveral days businoss visit iti California. Pnuce! Wod.! .Oriontal Ballroom! 307 Orders tuken nt Monarch Food Store tor turkoy eggs and day old turkoyB. , 312 Splendid furnished apartment in Mali Tribuno building for ront nt Jiico. tf A .largo number of girls of the senior class of tho local high school, accompnniod by tholr mothers, nttond od a tea glvon Jn tholr honor this afternoon ut tho Hotel Holland. O. A. C. .studuiits nnd former studonts were tho hostesses ut the enjoyublo affulr. . Milk and cream at. Do Voe's. tf Grape vinos: Tokay, Muscat, Mal aga. Rose IVru, Zlnflndoll, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes. Concord, Brighton, AVorden. Agnwani, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono 680 J-2. tf Phouo Gordon Stout, 3C5-R for car repairs. 311 Twelve Inch Blab wood $1.60 nor tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phouo 16. tf Malta Coniiiinndory, No. 4, Knights Templar, will hold a conclave tonight in tho Masonln hall at Ashland. S. O. 8. Will soineono please save this office from closiug up shop by selling us some rags for cleaning presses. Wo pay by tho pound and will be glad to havu someone bring In or sand in tho rags. 308 Thornlcss blnckberry plants. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out nil our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf Oriental Ballroom! Dunce! Wed.! 307 Chamber of commerce .drive work ers were nusy uns morning in ine city and tho surrounding districts nnd Hoc-ured many memberships. It Is pre dicted by some that when the final accounting Is made it will be found that tho drive went over bigger than anyone hid suspected. Gordon Stout sells cord tires nnd re pairs cars t right prices. 119 West Tenth street. 309 . Auto Inimrunce. Brown & White. "Chuck" Fanner spout yesterday fishing In tho Hoguo nnd reports that while he had good luck in catching a few trout thut the slcelheiid were not biting. James H. Fish will accept 8 limited number of piano studonts at his studio 31 N. Ornpo, College Bids. ' 307 The members of the Women's Biblo class of the Presbyterian, church will bold their regular meeting at the home or Mrs. Lane at 219 South Holly street, Thursduy afternoon at 2:30. Newcoinb is now delivering 16-Inch groen slubwcod St $1.75 per tier In fosr-tier lots or wore. Place your order soon fur early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 081. . ' . . . ; ?l)Ctf Colonial Garage for tiro service.' 319 TamaloB! Tumalos! The real, hon-eat-to." goodness articles! ' Where? Thrift Shop, Sparta lildg.! When? .Mar. 28, at the big spring opening, of course! .310 Now that the contemplated plan of combining tho city auto camp with the Natutorlum camp has been aban doned, the city council hns authorized Its parks comiulttoo to get estimates on tho bungalow, tuhower -bath and other Improvements ut the municipal auto camp, so as to havo nil the im provements ready Inside of 30 days. You will find that tho use of our yarns iwlll give a new pleasure to knit ting. Handicraft 8hop. ' 309 Fresh "Hot-Shot" BntterloB for your spray rigs. Eleotrtc Shop, S. Bartlett street. 319. i For sand, gravel, sediment and team work sea Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. Phone 912-J. J. F. Flelgol and H. L. Cochran re turned yesterday from a several days business visit In Salem. Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf ' R. I. Red setting eggs at De Voe's. Former Mayor C E. Gates Is a grandfather for the second time, sa girl having been born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr, at the Sacred Heart hospital. Nursery stook, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran luotto selected walnut trees, finest homo grown grape vlnesiTokays, Mal agas, Emperor, Muscat, Concord, Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Glndlola field In Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 doz., blooming age) (.hornless blackberries, raspberries, LoganB, 7 varieties straberrieB, rbu 'aru, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resistant pears, Bosc, Bartlett, , Cornice, D'AnJou. We pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, At N. Tenth street. . . .. 317 Nick Young of the Eaglo Point dis trict was a business visitor in the city Tuesday afternoon. ; ' ', Sandwiches, salads, cake, pio and coffee at all hours. Crater Lake loe Cream Parlors, Medford Conter Bldg. 307 The Grants PaBS Courier chronicles the arrival of Matte Vineyard of this city In Grants Pass for a several days ViSlt.,.; . , , , ; ..... Strawberry and rasp 'jerry plants. Phone 419-H. 310 I Ladies wishing to attend the Great jer Medford club luncheon Monday are , requested to telephone MIsb Dot Berry 'nt 81U-J for reservations. Those wish Ung to attend are asked to make resor I vutiouu before .Suturday noon. Newcomb is now dellverying 16-inch ! green slubwood nt $1.75 per tier in four tier lots or more. Place your ( order soon for early delivery and hnvo cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono 631. 29Ctf Hemstitching at Deuel's. 318 : Friday night, March 23rd is the date lf the entertainment to be given by local school children in the high j school building. The entertainment win start promptly at 7:30. Everyone Interested Jn the schools is urged to attend. The entire program will be published in tomorrow night's Mull Tribune.. ' Newcomb Is now delivering 16-inch green slubwood at $1.76 per tier in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 4)31. - 296tf Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 :Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hodgman re turned yesterday from Klumath Falls. Mr. Hodgman leaves this evening for Portlund and will return about the first of the month when he will be ac companied to Klamath Falls hy Mrs. .Hodgman. They will make their resi dence In that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plymale will move Into the formor Hodgeman residence on North Orange which they have purchased, this week-end. Oriontal Ballroom! Dance! Wed.! 307 LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody Will Know Tho uho of KaKo nnd Sulphur tor re tUuring faded, nnty hair to Um n'ltora) color dtttua back to grandmother time. Shu u tu' 1 1 it to koi her hair beautifully dark. k!okh' .and attrac tive. Whenever her hair took on.tUat dull, fartod or Btrunked appearance. IhiH tdmplu mixture wua applied with womtttrful' effect. t ' , - Hut brmvlnjc at home is muflHy nud out-of-date. Nowudays. by asking at any drug ,tp!'o for a bottle Kot "Wyeth'H Sana - and Hulphur Com pound," -you -will get tltiH famous old preparation, improved by the addi tion of other ingredient, which can bo depended upon to rHtoro natural color and bvuuty to tho hair. A well-known downtown druggiHt hu.vh it darkens the hair ho naturally and .evenly that nobody can tell It hint been nppllrd. You simply dampen a NpotiHe or soft brush with It and drnw thin through your hair, taking one Htrniul at a time. iy morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, it bocomos beautifully dark and glossy. Adv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOll liKAKKiSunuuor ranso for u band of sheep. J. W. Drossier, 121 K. Main. 30') Handicraft Shop. Hemstttchioff Plcotlon 8o per yard Rnttnna envumd. fft otfc .J asscjiejifej and KnhaiKo the appear ance of your bathroom by fitting It out with equipment thut adds to Its cleanliness and at tractiveness. Disss Is a sanitary material for hnth room usiiKe. Modern Plumbing ' 45 Heating Co., - Spurt a Illdg. lhone 020 Johnny Cuiisun. well known In this section as a boxer. Is slated to meet Hilly Springfield of Ban Francisco, in , that city, at the Dreamland arena next ; Friday niuht. The program lists thein I as the curtain raiser, and. Is the first I appearance of the "pride of Gold Hill'' in California pugilistic circles. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. , , tf j A. K. KcllogK of Oold Hill uttnuded to business matters in Medford Tuos day afternoon. Like chicken? If so, try one of our i Rosue River Speciul milk-fed fowls. Cupp & Shirley Produce Co. Phono s&. u' umpe. ti Everett Dahack of Eaglo Point spent Tuesday; in the city-nnd Jack sonville on business. Brunswick phonograph, compare the tone, play any record made. $10 will put one in your home, balance easy payments. See H. G. Launspach.' Mrs.- J. E. Purdue, or Medford, -left this morning for her home nfter sponding the past month in Roseburg and vicinity viBlting with her brothers Douglas and Tom Kincntd, who reside at Looking Glass, and niece, Mrs. Min nie Colby, of Roseburg. Roseburg News-Review. Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Regarding the naming of Clare Wil liams of the local high school basket ball 1 team -on the mythical -All-Star state basketball team, the Capital Journal of Salem has the following to sayr "Williams of Medford while making only four points was picked for the showing he made against Wes tergrin In the -Medford-Aatorla game, holding him to 13 points, his lowest score In the throe games In which tho Astoria team played." All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. .'711 K. Main. Mrs. W. E.-'Trapp H'nurt to morrow for her home In Pocutello, Idaho, after a soveral months visit hero with her son, R. E. Trapp and family. Flowering shrubs nnd evorpreens. Eden Vulley Nursory. Phono tiSOJ-- Mr. and Mi's. H. L. Ilromley arc "moving this week to Grants Pass where they will vesitie permanently, Mr. Bromley having been promoted to district manager ol the Liimoi ni. Oregon Power company offices nt P.rftnla Pnna . I Auto Insurance. Brown & White. The regular monthly meeting of the Golden Link Illblo elnBs of tho Baptist church will be held ut the homo of MrB. Cope on North Quince street, Thursday afternoon at 2:30. All mem bors nre urged to attend, rhnico ovorbloonilni; roses. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone C80-J-2. tf ! '. William George, nephew of Mr. nnd j Mrs. Frank Carnnhan of this city has been given the agency for tho Satur-, day Evening Post In tills city, former- , ly handled by the Davidson News com-, pany. ' There's a busy business Colloge I in your home town. GWN. Cteartkinking! 'normal aigtstion restored Dt KINGS PIUS rjot constipation TF'-..,S For lrtfanti. incatidt at Children The Original Food-Drink fcr All Ages. QuickLunchat Home Office Fountains. RichMilk.MaltedGrainExtractinPow. .derOi Tablet forms. NouHihina-Nocooldps. S" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes . THIS IS THE GREATEST OF SWEATER SEASONS Begin now to knit the gar ments you will need for sum mer wear. All the latest . kinds and shades of yarn, such as: Claire de Lime, Silver Crepe, Silver Shetland, Lustre IceT found at The Handicraft Shop Bring your knitting worries to us, and we will gladly help you. Join the Chamber of Commerce NEW TODAY! A CLEAN, WHOLESOME SHOW ONE OF THE SWEET EST STORIES EVER TOLD A SHOW THAT EVERYBODY WILL TAKE TO THEIR HEARTS FATHER, MOTHER AND THE CHILDREN. Supported by ' MAHLON HAMDLT0N, RUSSELL SIMPSON, ETHEL GREY TERRY and others Frcui J. Hurt ley Manner's play, which bus been 'performed in tltc Theaters of the .. ... . . . World more than t.",000 time. Abo Hound 5 LEATHER. PV8HERS TATHE NEWS WEEKLY "BETTY" at . (he Organ PRICES: Matinees AdultH '-tHe, Kiddies 10c lRbl Adults BOc, Children Ji3c. Sunday TOMMY MEIGHAN in "BACK HOME AND BROKE" MATTRESSES We have just received a complete line of Selected "Kapok Floss" Mattresses Which are now on display. You are cordially invited to call and see them. Every mattress is POSITIVELY GUARANTEED. We are offering a wonderful assortment of patterns in Art Ticking. You'll find not only the largest but the best selected stock in Southern Oregon. AND THAT ISN'T ALL We will take your used mattress in part payment on a new one, or make it over for a reasonable price. We specialize on Box Mattresses, Hair Mat tresses and odd sizes (to order). :: :: :: Furniture Upholstering Rtope Mattresses Department J