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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1923)
1 A.V. 1 ASHLAND THRIFT SHOP GAMPABN SOON TO BEGIM - i ASHLAND, Mar. 19. Notwlthstand. luff the". Civic Club !,as moved Intu elaborate how quarters, tills circum stance will' In nowise Intort'oro with tho annual salvage sale hold under the club's, auspleeH, and which here tofore has yielded good returns on tho Investment. With the advent ot tho wiring housecleanlng soasnn, house 1 esners a-e tn-Rod t' send books, clothing, utensils, ornaments, etc., In fact any sort of stuff which is apt to lo thrown Into the discard, to the thrift shop linnet of the clubhouse, whera most of theso articles In time find n ready purchaser. Tho theory upon which the thrift Hhnn nnoriitoa tu not based unon the circumstance., thf.. i.u stock-in-trade is worthless, experience proving- to the contrary, to tho extent' that articles for which one person has no further noed are just exactly what sowoliody else not only desires but Is anxious to obtain. Henco the success of tho nnnual salvage sales. This spring folks nro urged to nlnen thole' surplus-Block with the Civic club on or before April 1, to the end that by the 4th, Cth and Cth of that month a series of bargain sales may bo staged, to tho accompaniment of various phases of entertainment In the way of cultivating mutual acquaintance ns mwell as boosting tho transfer of goodj Ffnr re.ulv ensh ti, ii.rirr uimn ,11. for ready cash. Tho thrift shop dis plays will bo managed by Mrs. Louis Dodge, from whom full information can be obtained. A woman's exchango is also In prospect nt club headquar ters, . another phase of activity in which tho Indies are busily engaged. Incident to tho Shrine pilgrimage to Washington noxt Juno, an anto cara van Is being formed, tho trok to and from the Atlantic coast to cover 10,200 miles. Leaving San Francisco May 1, the excursionists will arrive In Wash ington June 3, leaving the national capital Juno 9, and arriving nt Snn Francisco on the homestretch, Aug. 12. Ashland is scheduled for a visitation by the caravan cn Aug. S, nnd Medford en Aug. 7, the autoists detourlng there for a trip to Crater Lake.' IJoston will be the oastern limitation of travel. Shriners can ' join tho' caravan any wbere along tho road. , The basketball season practically closes with the victory of the Ashland high school team over that of Weed, Oil.,, in a game played, last Friday iilnht at Yreka, the sore b?iog 31 to , 27 ii$ favor of tho locals. I'rlnloal f llrown, of thc Rogiic.KI.ver high s:hpol, referecd tho game, the timekeeper be ing Principal Forsyth of this city. Miss Zipc-ra Hlumcnfeld conched the locals, the team being coaipisad of .Mux im) ; and Carmen Hose, forwards; Gene vieve Swedenburg' (captain) nail Roslo Hake, centers; Gertrude Carl ton nnd Ethel llazen, guards. Picture) of the team as champions cf Smith? Oregon will appear in the San Fran cisco Chronicle. At a military-civic game, played in Ashland the same evo ning, the soldiers won over the Junior high school cadets by the score of 31 to 21. There will be sporadic contest3 from now on, but 1t Is conceded the! the athletic epidemic in this respect I is well nigh over with for the seasDn, Mrs. Caroline Schuerman was host ess, on Sunday, to tho Wobsters, of Phoenix, and tho Days, of this city. Incident to a splendid dining spread, it dovoloped that tho event marked approximately the anniversaries of August and Dill in tho birthday calen dar, tbelr ages collectively being 136 years, further developments as to oaeh tjsdividual span being mere guesswork, Ictunl figures not being nvallablo for publication. Dr. Webster, as medical export ln behalf of the defendants, took August and mil's earprlnts, fin ger and footmarks under Bertllllon measurements, nnd ns diagnostician reversed the Couo formula by an nouncing; that "every day, In every Thin? Run-down? Sure Way to Get Right Weight Increase Your Red-Blood-Cells. That'i the Sure Wyl S. S. S. Builds Blood Cells This Mean Strenfthl Do yon know why Insurance comos nles refus to Insure a great many mes because they are uuder weight? Simply because to be under weifht often prova low flf htlng-power In tb body. It often means yoa are minus nerve-power,' minus red-cells In your blood, minus health, minus energy, minus Tltallty. It is se rious to bo minus, but tbe moment ynii Increase tbe number of your red-btood cells, you begin to become plus. That's wby 8. 8, 8., since 1820, has meant to thousands ot underweight men and women, a pine ln their strength. Hollow checks 'U out. Tou stop being a calamity-looker, ion inspire confidence. Tour body fills to tbe point of power, your flesh becomes firmer, the age floes tbst come from thin ness disappear. You look younger, firmer, sappier, and you feel It, too, all over your body. More red-blood-cells I B. 8. 8. will balld them. Ladles and gentlemen, a Peaky, bony face doesn't make you look try Important or pretty, doea It? Take 8. 8. S. It contatne only pure verretsble medicinal Ingredients. 8. S. 8. Is sold st It drug stores In two slice. The larger site bottle Is the more economics!. "maktt yoiifttl eg star yvurevy wyurn wnv, you're growing older, so I say," both Jay's- deriving -much comfort from this prediction horoscoplcnlly defined with such absolute precision On Tuesday evening March 20 Anne Shannon Monroe, well known author and newspaper writer, will be the Ruest of the Civic Club at the Com munity house, nnd will deliver an nd dross on "Oregon Writers," at 2:3t l. m an informal reception in the visitor's honor following. April ! is the date set for the no poarance hero of tho . University of Oregon women's glee club at tho high FChool auditorium. Over . a score ol tho best feminine tnlent nvallablo at the university wia appear in concert at this flno musical entertainment. Tho club is making its customury tout in a big auto stage, and incident to thf visitation hero its members will be entertained In local homos. Tho Ash land high school is securing this at tracticn financially on a 40-60 basis the maximum percentage going to the glee club. On Friday evening, March 30, thr military , company will glvo its Initial dancing party of tho season under n recently adopted schedule. Appear llnce ln uniform is a reoulslto on tin pttrt oC 1,10 Boldlor element, both ae "P'11" t0 mombers of the company 1l,a e80"'' men In general. The Armorv Is to be decorated In keeping with 11,0 ea evmt- nnd Usht refresh- mnt!) wl" bo 80n,e1 dllrlnK tho cntor- "mont,'. 1 uo cmcI 01 P011c0 Ha" fil"8 01 lention to tho ordinance which pre vent cattle from running nt large within city limits without a chaperon Incident to evangelistic services be ing held here, Dr. Towner of Los Angeles, visited Dunsmulrearly this week, carrying the tenets of the four BC"pe' ml i-amorma A' Uo Christian Church, on Sunday a new departure adopted was a special hour program In tho evening, at which there were four tenmlnuto speeches on different phases ot homo life by a father nnd grandfather, mother and grandmother, with musical and liter ' ary accompaniments. . I C. W. JudkiiiB, employe at the City Laundry, has resigned Ills position as dellvorymari nnd gone to Klamath Falls where ho will bo employed ln one of the lnrgu manufacturing plants in that vicinity. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By .. C, Itowlrn Mr. F. D. Hill of Derby, aybd Owen Conovcr of Fteeso Creek were trading with our merchants Wednesday and the same day I met Mr. nnd Mrs Thomas Abbott, and '.Mr. Abbott's father-in-law and wife In the MePhor son store; thoy had boon out to Cen tral Point to attend tho funoral of Mrs. O;. It; Ponkey,' a near' relative, 'who was buried the. day before., J also mot Charley Cingcado, the same morn ing, Wednesday morning, at Uio same store getting seed potatoes, and the same afternoon I met Mrs. Thos. Cing cade and Mrs. M. L. Pruitt, tho latter was laying In a supply of gas and oil fo rher car, they were on their way to the meeting of tho Civic Improve ment club of Eagle Point, one of the most important organizations in this section of the county. Mr. A. C. Husen, the foreman on the J. H. Cooley orchard, and Mr. ".. ? w. r,, "e ' tho, Prominent citizens of the Lako Creek country, Arthur Phllllpps, a young man who has been working for John Norris, the foreman on the J. M. Wllfley orchard came ln and spent tbe night at the Sunnysido and so did Miss Nettie Young, a traveling saleslady, who was taking orders for socks, ladles hose, etc., on a Portland firm. : One of our regular visitors of Med ford Fred Fridlger, who has a twenty acre orchard Just outside of the town limits came in Wednesday' night and called for bod, etc., ho had returned from an extended trip back east, going by tho way of Seattle, Vancouver, Uritlsh Columbia, from there thru that foreign country stopping off and visit ing friends In Dakota, U. S. A., and going on to visit his mother In Ohio, taking a trip down Into Florida nnd back homo via the Southern Pacific routo via Los Angeles, San Francisco reaching his home in Medford Sunday, Alnrch 11th. I asked why he did not come thru the Panama canal nail ho said that he was not ready for that trip but Intended the next time he went back to visit IiIb mother to go thru the canal and take in all of the sights along tho way. Ho reports that he had a very fine trip and seen some fine Bights. And I predict that he will never regret tho investment. W. H. Ward, the manager of what is known as the H. n. Tronseit orchard, lor It has changed hands having been taken over by a Portland firm nnd I understand that the new owners are digging up all of the apple trees ex cept a few right around tho house and are planning to sow the land to alfalfa. Mr. Dewey Hill who has beon off In San Francisco for some time came in on the Medford-Diitte Fulls stage Thursday and; went on up to his father's near Derby. Mr. Hill Informed mo that Mr. and Mrs. James Greaves of Prospect, who have been spending tho winter in Los Angeles also re turned to Medford at the same time. ln my rounds Thursday, for when tho sun shines and tho weather is warm liko It was Thursday I feel pretty well and can go around quite well, I met one of our prosperous youn? men, Nick Young, nnd he looks the very picture of health and 1 often wonder why It Is that some of our marriageable young women will let men of thnt class "keep batch" and they on the verge of bocomlng old maids. E. A. Hildrcth, one of the deputy as sessors, came ln Thursday and en gaged a room at (lie Sunnyside. ' He"1 MEDFOnn MATT TRTTUTN'K has finished up assessing tho Dutts Falls district and will soon start In assessing Eagle Point. , Another prominent citizen 1 met Thursday was Ceorge W, Stowell, our chicken king. I asked how his hen's were doing nnd ho said that they were keeping them out of tho poor house, but that It took a lot of mash .irul attention to keep them going. He had Just bought a now Star truck to uso ln his business. Mrs. 11. 11. llrynnt, Medford, nnd Mrs. E. V. Maddox of tho Medford green house, enmo out Thursday to take dinner at tho Sunnysido and to attend tho meeting of tho C. I. C. of ISaglo Point Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Medford came out with them to visit hor sister, Mrs. George II. Holmes, the principal of our school. G. W. Medley and Henry Maust came out Thursday to connect the new garage of Eli Dabnch and son. Everett, with the main electric wire and took dinner at tho Sunnysido. Thoy are in tho employ of tho Cali fornia Oregon Power company. Ern est Dabnch has Installed a new elec tric automatic pump that does away with his old gas pump that has been an oyesoro to tho wholo town for s m time. It took half a day to get It Bturted to pump. Mr. A. Monla of llrownsboro was in town Thursday with his team and Mi'on Cowley also of llrownsboro was a business caller and so was Charley llless of Elk Creek. Mr. and Mrs. ; Hnnna nee Anna Pnnkoy of Eugoue- baa been visiting hor sister, Mrs. Thomas C-lngcade the first of the week. ' Mrs. H. Hornby nee Emma Matney who when a girl sixty years ago now a resident of Ilrltlsl) Columbia called on us Thursday for a few moments. They wero on their way home from Los Angeles, Calif., where tliey had been for .Mr. Hanby's health. , Charley Clark, one of tho early sbI tiers of this county but now of Chile quln, Klamath county, came in und spent the night Tbursduy. In uiv next will try to giro an ac count of tho meeting of tho C. I. C. of Englo Point, ns this letter hi long enough. Many factories in for morly ennu;i'd In the munnfai-tUro of explosives, are now. busy making arti ficial Silk. . "' . Notice of Sa'e of Government -.'' Timber General Land Of.'ice, Washington, 0. C. 1923. Notice is hereby given that subject to tbe conditions and limitations of tbe Act of June 9, 1910, (39 Stab 21S), and the instructions of the Seoretary of the Interior of September 15,-1917 (40 L. D., 417), tho timber on the following lands will be sold April 30, 1923, 10 o. c. a. m at public auction at the United States . Land - Office at Lakeview. Oregon, to tho highest bid dor at not loss than the appraised valuo as' shown by this uotlce, sale to bo subject to the approval of the Sec retary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of ono per cent -cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be duposited at time of salo, money to b returned If sale is not apuroved, Otherwise patent will issue lor tho timber which must be removed within ten years, lilds will be received from citizens of tho L'nlted States, aBBOcia 'ions of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of tho Unit ed States or any State, Territory or District thorcof only. UHn applica tion of a qualified pftrchnser, the tim ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being includ ed In auy offer of a larger T. 40 S., R. 7 B-, Soc. 31. NE'4 SW 4 , yellow pine,, 645 M., red fir 75 M. ; frl. NW hi SW K yellow pine 490 M., red fir SO M.j frl. SW SW V yellow pine 610 Mt, red fir 65 M.J SEVl SV4 yellow pine 545 M.j red fir 166 M.J 'NWii SB yellow pine 520 M., red fir 00 M.j 8W4 BE hi yellow pine 630 M-. red fir 110 M.J nono of tho timber on theso tracts uro to be sold for less than $4.00 per M., for the yellow plno and $1.00 per M. for tho red fir. , T. 40 8., K. 6 E., Sec. 1; Lot 3, yellow plna 640 St., red fir 40 M.: Lot 4 yellow pine 600 M., red fir 40 M., sugar Pine 20 M.j NE'4 SW yellow ploe 800 M., red fir 150 M., white fir 160 M., NW& BW?4 yellow pine 4S0 M., red fir, 60 M, sugar pine 10 M.. wblto fir 70 M.i SE SW V4 yellow pine 640 M., white fir 100 M.j 8W SW(4 yellow pine 400 M red fir 150 M., white fir 20 M.j none of tbe timber on these tracts to be sold for loss than $4.00 per M., for the yellow pine nnd sugar pine and $1.00 per II.,' for the red and white fir. . WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, General Land Office. 290tf , Executor's Final Notice In tho County Court of tho State of Oreiton In and for Jnckaon County. -In the Matter of the ICntato ot Michael , Foley, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the tin dcrslftnod executor of tho cstalo of Michael Kolcy, deceased, has filed with the County Court of Jackson County, Orenon, his final account, and said court has fixed Tuesday, April 10th, 1923, nt ten o'clock In tho fore noon of snld day, In the Court Hoora of said Court, ns tho time and place tor the hearing of said final account. ; All persona Interested nre hereby notified to mnko or file objections If any they havo, to said account to said court on or liefore said time. March 12, 1923. . WILLIAM FOLKY, Executor of the estate of Michael Foley, deceased. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of tho Stale of OreKon, for Jackson County, ln tho matter of the estate of William P.. Piddle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has -been duly nnd reij'l larly apjiolnted Executrix of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered, nnd entered upon March 12, 1923, nnd all creditors having claims nijainst said deceased nro hereby noti fied to present tbe same duly verified, and with vouchers thereunto attached, and all persons owing said estate tire notified tn pay their said Indebtedness lo mo at the office of O. M. Huberts, my attorney, lo tho Medtonl National MTTOVORTV 'OJWXiON. Dank Building. Rooms 201 2-3. Mod ford, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 12th day of March, li23. ELLA FROST DIDDLE. Executrix of the Estate of William 13. Blddlo, Deceased. , NOTica Ana s-jtcr,:0NS. is Tin; cinct'iT i.hiiit or thr statu: op okkoox, for jaokjk . COUNTY J.V'KSON COl'NTV, n politic and Corporal! of Hie HUUo or oi'ckui., I'lulmu'f, vs. Clam M. llnwk. .Mrs. llanna Htllwcll, Ahucn II. &uuWHori, O. fl. l.itilo. il. p. l.lttlt- lir.d fti-Dj.'unin and Ann licull, Punl. li, ilrunn & Vun Our ib-llt-ii, H, 11.1 llucMsn, i-. k. .:cntiin una i-rcu L., Hiiith, Uruwn & Von ilcr llclbui u- J W. O. Clements, Drown ei V,m ilcr llnllin, ct ill, Carl W. Kinder. K. A. anil K. P. Mnmsui', Klovrt It, Knmuut. llrown & Von ilcr Hi-Hen and A. J. lluU-hcr und H. G. Ilelu-iit. M. ,). Ilur mnp. II. C. Hllilreih. Kusl.- ic. Ilur nisll, Flora Kelsoy, Is.uic HmisWmMi r, Ono. 0. O.irrwi. A. Kchmltlinfi, Ki-tltr TIjompMim. Jo- l'op Sain tl.Hh, Mrs. V. Appicu-nw and John Itochn, L. M. Miller, flnice A. Uithmn. Daniel Wtl thims. J. K. ltai!ii'tlc. Nc'.tJ,. l1tman. t'alHornla Ilex wpn,y Colniwny, Laura Uawri-nti, John J. Wilkinson, C. 1. Oarb'lon itnd A. I.. Tanner, Huilolpb A. Conrad anil Anna Conrad, Jolm I.. imuicr, ct ux, J. 1.. -IK-mmcr und Cily of Medforil, Oi-o K.Mt. Jmnim il. Wsrt. it UK. ft. II. Toft and Cllv or ' MmiUVjiiI. K. I". Outline. N. L. Town snil. C. A. Knight una K. M. V'lwn, lfco-t Anclers.'jn anil M:try Amiivi Kver Hl, llni-bert ft. SmJlh. It. U. Ton, M. K. Puuehy, H. It. Unndl.-tt. Mora 1:. IbirniD, L. M. tlhoilr-s. R 1'. Itli-llerl and Alex Wparrow. I-;il7.-i .1. I.ewLs, 1.. M. Hhodes nnJ Torn Dushong, I. C. White. J. T. b'ulllmn, I.oln Ailn l'.-ti-h, Urixl K. O.-re. Wnlur K. Martin, lli lco l-J, fini-olcor. Rr. A.lthony Inn. uiul Arthur L. Mill.. HL Anthony Inc., K. n. Iavl!i, A. II. Wilier, t:ily of Meil iorrt anil Uamollle Saeliius B,ip( and Trust Company. Orurc ot and l-ilv of Medford. n.'lle Coi-hran. .1. 15. Tuft aid Cllv of Medford, U O. Crawford, CltV of Mi'dfurd and T. O. i".irn.-v. MkkIi M. flutchnr, Mollle l". Illuek. John 1J. l.asham. II. H. Hudtev. W. A. Jone.s. llerbort L. Alfnrd nml Jl. II. Toft. -T. ft. Tniiner. J. T. rinnou nnd First National Itank of .MiHll'or-l. John V. Kldon nnd H. IS. Gordon, l.lni;lon Ite.-llty Co.; anil I-YanK H. Iteesn. C. L. Ilurion, J. W. Kenny et ux. l.,ilnKton Ittnlly Co. und V. (', I-'!r, Lexlnir ion KK-ilty Co. and Au;niM C. Cran dall. It. M, Htciwarl and Hu-wnrt. Land Co.. L. I. Murcb, Waller II. S,-arJ, Anne IX-lude, S. C. Stlmon. II. O. Htoddnrd, l.,iwlri Lnrter and ICslaondn Htate Bank. H. K. Oliver. J. W. i'ltl nnd Mnry Kiltfore, K. J. l.lpson and l.exlllSlon ll.alty Co., S. S. llullls. John Arnell nnd Osojir Johnson, Lex iMpton Ht-fllty Co. and A. R Jti-nines, .1. P. Ollberl. J. A. How und Una II. McKbude. and L. A. AlcKendle, l-"nd Hwarli el nl., K, SI. AnderHon, iTuden- I Jul Mining Co. and W. 1. IHinovnn, Lexinfflon Heiiltv Co., A. I. I'lor-ey lino 1.,-xlnnton lle.ilty Co., William 11. HherlU, KnrnMTrt & Krullitrowers liatitt, tUlUs Miller, A. )1. Miller. James ii. .Hmllh. C. li. Corny, 11,-na XV. linn . Idella llo-don, L. B. 8aniuel, K. I' Merrick. Trustee, J. 1'. -oiw-idl, All'rcil A. Coles and A. C ,)'"lero. Alfred A. Cowli-s. M. and V.. J. Adams. J. II. Carkln. and tJ. W.,'!.. Carkln, J. K. UiV-sham, und each and every person, firm and corporation named In the fol lowlnj; lists an being' -die owner or owners, neoordinif tolie tax irolln ol' .liii-MOn County. Stale of Oremm, or tl'aetH nnd pnrcelu of land, loin and block therein described and following their riNjM-ollvp num.-H and each ana i-very. person, firm and corporation oWillna or clahnlnu; to own or having or clnlmlmr to have any- Interest, Hen or elltlni therein and :i1ho all other pemoiiH nnd parties unkiK'.i-:t cialinluK liny riuht, t.ltii-. Aiiile, lien or Interim II the ri-ai -ertliile .t'esi-i-l'). d In tilt! Complaint and Appllr-uvio.i I'nr .luil(i nient and lieeri-e he'r,-lli, DereudiiiilH. To Clara M. Hawk, Mrs. llanna Stllweli, AltpeH 11. tuindt-nion. II. fl. Little, ti lt. Little and H..-nlainlTi and Anl lifilll. lvani Miiirruder; W. E. Price and Joe S.' II. llar'n'iHh, T. K. N'lqhols'.ind Tied J 1,. Ileum. Ill-own a von iter llellen nnd w. C. Clements, llrown & Van d -r llel len et nl Carl W. Itlnger. It. A. und 1-'. I. Spi-UKUu, I-'loyd li. fpmifue, llrown & Von der II-!-I"h ami A, J. Iluteher nnd II. 0. ItelwlK, M. O. Harmon, II. C. 1111 dreth. fUmio h:.' Ilurnls-l, l-'lont- Kel Hi'j. Ih.iiio HouMelioliIer. I'leo. c. tlar reit, A. Hohmitll'iti. Nettlo Thompson. Joi Pojv, Mam Walsh, SIih. P. Aiip'e pate and John lioeho. 1,. M. sillier. Orare A. I.athrop. f'anlel WIllhtmA, J. fi HiiKBdale, Nettle I'ltman. Califor nia Itev Spray Company, Liuili Liiw nintx, John J. Wilkinson, C. II. Caili loil and, A. I,, 'fanner, Itlldolph A. Conrad, und Anna . Coin-ud, Jotui K l eriinier, et ,u?t, .1.. 1.. Ietnmer and City of Medl'rrd, I'lro. IteMl. JaiiieO I). ward. , t ux,;n. H."Tft and CHy or stwlfanl, K. V. Outline. N. .I,. TOwo- thind, c. A. KnlRhl, ulifl !i. lM. WDbop. Jitfl 'Anderson and .Stnry Artnes Kv ertt' llertHirt it, rlmlih, I(. If. Toft. If'. K.,.ruehyi II. fl. Ilundlett, l-'lnrn K.ilufnes U. M. Ilhodn, S.. I'. Kli-k-l?rt' ind. Alex Ppurrow. Kltwi J. I.ewlfl, I. J.M. Ithoibs and Toul UusboiH, t). c. llVbile, J.. T. Kulllvan, Ada, ItUrh, i.'rod K. Qtk: Waltor S. .Marllp, Itllert V.. Knedlevr, Ht. Anthony Inc. and Artllur I.. Hill. Ht. Anthony, Inc., E. j II. !nvls. A. 11, Miller, City 6f Midford. I-amolll Pavings Hunk ui)d TruHt I Company, Omee Wold, and City of Medford. Ilelle Cochran. J. K. Toft nnd City of Medford, t.. . Crawrord. Oily of Medford anil T. f. Carney, M:l(tBle (. Ilutcher, Molllo T. ulavk, John K. UoBhum, U. H. Iiudley, w, A. Jones, Herbert L. Alford and II. II. Toft, T: It. Tanner, J. T. Oacnon OJld First National llnnk of Medford, J.ohh W. Kldon and It. K. Oordon. Lox Ibjiton fteally Co. and l-'rniik 11. ""TtWHV C L. Olirton. J. W. Konny el UX, I.exlnttton Heal IV Co. and W. C. Foster, Li'xlnttton Itealty Co. nnd Aitnes C. Crandiill, I). AL Stewart nnd Stewart Land Co., L. .1. March. Walter M.'Htvward. Anna Delude, S. C. Stlmp on,. II. C. Stoddurd, Lewis Uagir nnd Ritncada Htate tlank. II. K. Oliver, J. W. Pitt nnd Mnry KIlRore. U. J. Llpnon- and lM-xlni;ton Itealty Co.,- H. H. llullls, John Arnell ami Oscar John con. A. C. Tarhell an.l H. II. Tnrla ll, I. exlnaion . Itinlty Co. and A. hi. . lUnmen, J. V. (Illbert. J, A- ll'W" and I. cnn II. hlcKln.ile. and 1.. A. ilcKin ele, 1'rM Hwartz et ill., At. Ander son, Prudential Mlnltiu Co. and W. I. Iionoviui, Iwexlnglon Itealty l.M., A. O. l-'lorty and l.eilnRton Itenlly Co.. Wllllum IIHlierld. Pnimers It I'rult- ? rowers Hank. Dnvla li stiller, A. II. liller, Jus. 0. Hmllh. C, II. Corey, Rena W. ftarr. Idella Oordon. I,. It. KammdH. V. K. tlorrlck. Trustee, J. li. oiwelt, Altnii A. Cole and A.. C. I'lern. All'ri") A. CnwlfM, M. and I'.. J. Adniini, J. (r. Carkln und- K. W. I,. Ciukln, J. ):. Lashutn, anil each und every person, finn and corporation rmmi-d In the following llfltrt lis belnK tha owner or-ownern, ui-eordlnir to the tat ri-ills of Jackson County, Ht.alo of llreffon, of trne.lfi and IwircelH of laud, lnts nod blocks therein dlscrltx-d nod lollowlnir Ihelr reBln-ctlve nanies and each nnd i-vi-ry person, firm and cm-pdr-nilon ownlnir or elalinlnff to own or having or eliilinlnit to have any in terest, leln or claim therein and nlno till other petsnnB nnd parlleH unknown r-iiilmlnit any rlnhl. tllle, estnle, lien or Intei eMt in I he ealate deiiri-Pi. M.ln thi Complnh't and Appllc'itlon for Juditinent end OecriHi, beruiii, the ulOVO lOim'd Ilefendurlpi. Uotlcs and summons. in Tin: nami: oi-' tub htatk of OHKOON:. Yon and e.'ieh--of ou as owners, claimants, or hoidera of an in- tel-tt- lli.n. elaltn Ol' OKtnl,, In find to Mm hereinafter deerlle-d l-enl properl;.' Fiiiiuieil in .iiieiioii iMjiiiy, niliie Ol iiriron. nnd all perMona ownlnit or cliilin ln lo nwn or !n-liii; an tnterent therein, are In-rehy ntt.lfU-'l Unit .pir.knnn ITollli l. n rfole or,,n,ii,v1 eontilv imA l,' lxdilin nnd l-'ti leirilte under and bv I'll'-' lue of the conKiltuilon and laws of Hi Ht-He or Oregon, Hie plnlnttlf Mhoei, nnmedi tn the owner and holder of cer- lain Ovlif leatert of 1 ienllTiiienry l,iini- li-red h h lo-l nut In Die coinplrtin! nn file, h'relll.-t!lled mi Ihe d.iy of .tnntimv," lt'2t, hv tin Hherirf and. Tux r'olieeior of JacHaon County. Hiute of tlrirop, lo mild county, and bound tu book form art required by Inw for the delinquent taxea for tin year 1&11, iiiwin and I'leludlnit "II the' proiH-rlv on the tat roll In and Ktierlfra and Tax: CnllenioT ofrieo for ralil year, upon which no I'erilflt-alen of IVtnnueiiry have prevliniMly In-en Inmied or itisutrii ut ull, und which said Ctr MONDAY, MAIK'II 19. lf)L:? - ttflcatea of Dellnmiency so issuod to Buld county weru filed by aald tilierlfl and Tax Collector In tho office of tlK County Clerk of aald county on the iard day of January. lyU2. and conatittitu anil am publlo reeirrda of aald county and open to the Inspection of all iR-rdons In-ti-reated Ihereln; you and eich of you ura further notified that thti deacrip tloaa of the property Included lit said Certificate of I leliniiuenc), tho niinlft and t'eraon or wraons iiiiiieai-lnc upon the Tax itolls In the bands of the Sheriff und Tux Collector of Juckjon County, .Stole of Oregon, at the dote of the first publication of this Notice and HiiniriioTis as ilia owner or owners of naiil property, una 11 uiiKnnwn, so staled, and the total tax. Interest, uenaltv and costs due to January 1. 1M1, thi date of ina IHalumce or Haul CcrlU'lcateS or lo llniiueticy are us folluws Nume of owner, CMaru M. Ilawlt. Cor t'flcutv No. CI 110, lola a, 3 nnd i. Town el' Central Point, Oreson. Amount IH9.0?. Napia of -owner. Mrs. llanna. Stliwiill, Cerlll'lcule No. 01111, loin 11 and IS, block S of the Town ol' Central Point, Orivron. Amount 10. IG. Name of owner. Aunea II. HunderHon. Certlflc.ite No. Clllil, lot 1, block 12 of mo i own or uvnirui ruini, ureuon. Anionnt S7.00. Naniii of owner. (1. 11. I.lltle. Cerllfl. elite No. cms, lots 1 and !, block 31 of me lown oi iciiiriu i-o-inl, tiresori. Amount $10. .16. Nnmo of oivnerfl. O. II. 1. II tie and Hen Janiln and. Ann fJinll. Certifloutes No. CU29, lots 7 and 8, block 31 of the Town of Central Point, Orotton. Amount 5.17. Nume of owner, Ivan Muaiuder, Cer tificate No. C113J, lots 1 ami t. block 3? of tho Town of Coutrul Polut, Oruuon. Amount $7,tr0. Kiirnn of ownira. W. K. Prlco and Jiw K. IXuilrln, Cvrllflcatn No. C113S, lot I. block 3!l, of the Town of Central Point, Oreffon. Amount tn.S2. Nama of owners. llrown & Von der Hcjlun, it a), fVrllflcale No. cliti, lola ", D mid 9. block. 3 of the Central Adill llon to the Town of Kaulo Point, Dreaou. Amount l.'i.iU. Name, of owners, llrown ft Von der llellon, ot ill, Certificate No. Cl;K. lota j ana 4 or ihock a or me. v eiural AOiil llon to the Town of Kuuko Point, Ores-oil. Amount $r.12. Name of owners, llrown & Von der ll'llun, et al. Corllflealo No. CI2PI. lots i, . u, in nnd ii, nioek i, or mo centrui Addition to the Town of Kaglc i'olnl, Oii-aon. Amount $10.40. Vn.n.. V .....n..u I, !. Jnn .t..t- Helleil, et ul. Certlrlc;ito No. Cl2f'J. lots is, u upu n, uiook 4 or ine ceniriu Addition to the Town of JCaitlu I'olnl, Oregon. Amount II. H8. ' Niiniti of uMhri-N. llrown & Von der Ifelleli. el al, Ci-.rll I loite No. tM'JOI, lots I., lri. in. so and 21, block I or the Con '.rul Addition til the own of KuhIo Point, Oreaon. Amiiunl ll.4.'i. Namr: of ownel-M, llrown & Von dor llellon, et al. Certificate No. C1255. lola 20 and 1!7, block 4 of tho Central Addi tion to the Town of Kiiulii Point, Ore gon. Amount la.lH. Name of ownera, Ilro-wn A Von dor llellen, et al, CV-rtlfieale No. C12.r.7, lots I. 2. 3 aad 4, block 0 of the tVnlrul Ad dition lo the Town of I-iula Point, Ore gon. Amount IB. 3S. Name of owners, nrown & Von der llellen. nt nl CVrtlllcute No. C1218, lota .'. II, 7. tl and 9, block 0 of the Control AiUiitiou to the Town of lCatfla Point, Orenon. Amount IH.10. Niune of ownera, llrown St Von der llellen. et 111. Certificate No. C12U0. lots 17 and IK. block 6 of the Central Addi tion to the Town of KuhIu Point. Amount I14.C1. Name of owner, H. II. Iturnlflh, Cor lll'lcnle No. 0111l4. lots 22 and 23, block 0 or the central Addition lo the Town of EiiKle point, Orcttnn. Amount 111). 30. Name of Owners, llrown & Vim der llellen, ot ill, Cerlll'lcuto No. C120ii, lots 24, 2u, 2li, Zi and 29, block II Of 11"! Central Addition to the Town of lCaU. Point, Orenon. Amount 112.12. . Name ol ownerH, T. IC. Nlchnlk and Fred I.. Heath. Certificate No. CUiJIi. lot 30 block 6 of the Central Addition to ine Town nr J-;:iKle I'olnl, uttiKon. Name uf ownera. Itrown & Von der llellen, el al, Certificate No. C12I17, luln 31, 32 and 33, block li of the Central Addition to Ihe Town of Kaslo Point, Jri-ffon. Amount 117.29. Nuiiui of ownerB. Hrown & Von der llellen nnd W. C. Cleinerns, CVrtifJcule No. CI20K, lotH .11, 3.'.. 30. Hi, 3H, 3b uno 10, block C of the Central Addition to the Town or LJaitlu . Point. Orenon. Amount 127.31. Name of ownera. Itrown A Von der llellen, et al. Certificate No. C12i5, lola tl. 42, 43 and 44, block of the (Vnt nil Addition tn the Town of Knuju Poinl, Orecon. Amount S-S.21. Name of owner. Carl W. ftlnilcr, Cer tificate No. CI270. lola 1 and 2. block 7, of the Central Addition to ihe Town of Hurtle Point, OreRou. Amount IN. 31. Name of owner, Itrown & Von der llollen, et al, Coitlficiile No. C127I, lota .", 0. 7, 8, 9. 10 and II, block 7 of the Central Addition to the Town of KnKle Point, OreKon. Amount 124.21. Name of owners, llrown & Von iter llellen, et al. C rilflciite No. C1272, Iota 12, 1.1, 14. 1.1 nnd HI. block 7, of the Central Addition to the Town of ICattlo Point, Orelton. Amount 111.16.- Name of owners, H. A. and P.. II. Hpruirue, Certitlcnto No. CI 273, lots IX ind 19, blocit 7 of the Central Addition tn tho Town of Buulo Point, Orenon. Amount l:ii.2t; - Name of owner, Ployd II. Rpraaue, C.-rtiricntu No, C'1274, lot 20, blnek- T of the Central Addition to the Town of Karrle Potnt, Orctron. Amount 17.77. Name of owncts, Prown & Von der llellen and A. J. ilutcher and II. U. HelwlB, Certificate No. CI2"B. lots 22, 23, 24, 24, :u n,nd 27, block 7, of tho Central Addition to the Ti'wn of Utlttlu Polnl, Oreon. Amount M2.I2. Name of owner, O. lliirmon, O'rtif icille No. 1278. lot 31, block 7- of the Central Addlllhn to the Town of Kaglc Point. OriiKOn. Amount 17.77, Name of o-wners' llrown rir- Voh der Hellen. Certificate No. C127D. lola 31 and 34 of block 7. of the fVniml Addi tion to the Town nf liagto point, Ori son. Amount IM.S4. , Namn of owni-rr. ttrow-n . A Van, dt-r Hellen, et nl. Certificate No. f'12l, lots II. 12 and l.f, block 8 at thn Central Ad dition to the Town of IvuiJlo Point, Ore Son. Amount 4i.93. - Name of Owners, Drown A Voo der llell.-n. Certificate No. C'1282, lots 16, Hi, IS. Hi, 20, 2 1 and 22, block 8 of the Central Addition in the Town of KoSlo Point, Orerton. Amount 13a. 35. Name of ownera. Itrown & Von der Hellen, et al. Curtlf Icate No. CI283, lots 23, 2.4, 2e, 20. 27. 28 and 211, block I of tbe Celilml Addition to tbe Town of Ivnple Point, Oreunn. Amount I21.1U. Name of owners, llrown ft Von tier llellen, et nl, Certificate No. C1284, lot.i 32 and 33, block 8 of Ihe Central Addi tion tot the Town of Uaitlu Polut, Ore gon. Amount ?8.8I. . ,-Niimn or owner i. nrow-n wn nr). Wilson. CerllllciiU, Nd. Olaau. lot .1 Hellen, it nl. Cerllflcato !so. I,'12hf,, lola hliK-k 1 of Humphrey-Andrews Addition 7, 8, 0, 10. II. 12 and 13, docit 9 of the In i c C,y 0( MHlford, Orcjtnn. Amount Central Addition to Hie Town of liaulo II7P0, . , Point, Orejton. Amount 117.30 I , Namcn nf owners, ft. II. Toft nnd CRY I Name of owners. Itrow-n Van der of M.lford. Cerllflcato Nn. CI53I, l"t ? ",'4 c,'Lr",fc"1". i?' r.'J" 7' b'"ck "t Ihit'iHiil Addition -Hi tin 14. in. 10, I?. 18 ID mid I 20 blia-k 0, of city of Mellflrd, Orelton. Amount 8.1... the Central Addition of the Town of Name of owm-ra, If,,rt Anderson nnd hurtle Polnl, Oivon. Amount 3.. to. Vnr-v Arrnea Hven-ir, Ortlficuio No. i .Name ot ownera. llrown & on der CI MB. lot in, blorll 8 of Imperial Addl- lli.l ...i ,,! nl I Vrl It lent.. Nn rlfil. I.I. ... .1.- -,..,P..t ........ ... - - .... ............. Addition, to Hie Town of Knuie point, Oregon. Amount 19.811. Num.) of owner, II. d Illldreth, Cer tlneiite No. 1288, lot 23, block 9 of the Central Addition to Ihe Town of Killflo Point. Oreaon. Alnount 17.77. Name of ownera, lliown ft Von der Hi-llin. et al. Ccrtiririilc No. CI2H0. Iota Jo. ill, 32 and '33, block 9. of the Central I Addition lo Ihe Town of Lanlo Point, I Olion. Amount li.84. Kci wood Addition lo the Clly of Mod- Name of nwmr. Susie R ttnrnlsh, ford, Oregon, Amount $11.13. Cei-llflcnte No. CI32.', In ml In the Town Nnmc of owner. II. . Itundlett, Cer of Bugle Polpt. not plaited. Ii.-lng lot ' llllcii lc No. fl.', 1 4. lot 2, block 1 of demrlhiMl In Vol. is, pane ,112, Iie.'d King Addillon In Ho- Clly of Medford, Itecorda of Jnckaon county, gon. Amoilnl SIU.95. Name of owner, l-'lorn Kelwiy, Certifi cate No. CI37U, bind d.acilbi-l III Vol XI, page 580 lieed RecoriiM of JacllKOU county. Oregou, ef-H limd rb-scrllM-.d III Deed Iti-or-ila of .irkaon eniinly, Ore gon, Vol. 1110, pag .'(Ml, add Died Records ri .lacKson couniy, i r -gon, m. in tinge llii and Died llccnrila ot Jackson county. Oregon, Vot. Ill, p-ige 1 7 I, atul ; Amount $:t3 51. i lied Itccords or .laelmon county, ilregon. Num.. of mener. D. C White, Cerllfl-' Vol. 9k, p:ign 27'.', ladnn purl of lot lc-ile No CI55I, lot 8. black 5, nf Oak blink 25, Hi-MlllIB Ameinled Addllimi In Oreve Addition lo the Clly of Medfonl, Hi- Town of Oidd lllli, Oiegoii, Amount ote-on. Amount :! 12, $l 39. "... I Name of owner, .1. T. Sullivan. Cur-' Name nf owner. Isaac Ifmtaebnl.ler. ,i,.ntr vn c-i'.r.r,, lot I, bluett of rink; CenifUMIe No. '377, bind dewrlbed Ornve HilbdlVlsInn 10 the Clly of Mid-' In Deed Itirnrils (if .liieks'm ronnly, Ore. f,d. Oii gon, Aimiiiut 21.13. I gun, Vol. H"i. p'g" .'l9, being f,o fret by Name of owner. R. II Toft, Cerllfl am feet, part of lol 1, block S.i of De- cite No CI3r.7. lot 9, block , nf Oak killiiH Amen. led Addition to ihe Town of Oniyi- Subdivision to II Ity of Med., tiold Hill. Oregon. Amount 15.27, - fnr,l. Orerron. Amount 0 95. NnPie of nw-'i'-r, tleo. t;. Ourrell. Cee. Vatie of ownee. Lola Ada Peteb, Cer-l llficatc No, 11380. a tract of land 50 liricate No., Cl'.OOA,, lola If, and t, f.-el deep hounded the BOlllli by . I plod, 3 of llecluird Addillon to Ibn Clly C. Tight of wnv the lioril, hv II of Medfnirl, Oregon. Ainnnnt alieel, on lllo Wcsl by land dcscilbvd In . Name of owner, 1'rcd li. Goto, Corllfl- Vol. UK, patio 272, 1)ih4 flecords of Tuck. ou countv. Oregon: and on the tuat by the south line of Hoctlon P In le kurns Amended Addition to the Town ol Hold 11111, Oregon. Amount 12.30. Name of owner, Klora A. Kelsey, Cor HfHiiio No. 138. 17 acres of liinii dc HCrlbed in I iced Itiicordft of,m county, Oregon, Vol. 1 oi. pngu 3fi. leaa .und aoid, b'lllon 1, Township 3l South it Range 3 West of ibe willanielte .Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon. Amount 133. S8. Name of owner. A. ScbmllllnR, or tlllcatii No. CH11. 70 feet on Main street and 87 I'im-i on Oregon atrcci. In ihe I'lty or Jacksonville, Oregon, dn. acriia-u in I'ceu. llecorus or .l.icBSoll county, Oregon, Vol. 31, page 205. being pan of lotn 1 nnd 2, block 2" of tin i.'ny or jucknonvilie, ori-gon. Amount I2C.48. Name of owar. Nidlle Thompson. Ccrtlllcnte No. C1418, lots 6 and C, block o i oi. inn uny or jucKaunvup, Ore gon. .lUlOUUl V4,i,i. I Name of owner. Xcllln Thomnon. Certificate No. CI 4 19, lots i nnd 6, bha-li 30, of the City of Jacksonville, Orenon. Alnount 7 29. Name of owner. Nettle Thompson, Carllltcate No. CI 4 30, lots II and 12. 'dock 3.' nf i ho City of Jacksonville, Oregon, Amount 10.02. Niune of owner, Joa Pope, Certifi cate No. C1429, 129 feet oil tho Appleglile itoad In block CI, of the City of Jack sonville, Oregon, descrlbiil as follows: buclliniiig at a point on Ihe went line of Hald road 200 feet aoutlt or the norlhonat corner of Hald block; thence northerly at right angles to the Applcipitn road 100 feet: then southeasterly at right anglea 125 fi-ot; thence easterly at right angles 160 feet to the went lino of rt-'iid roful; th'it'.ce, north 41 dvgrtH'.s efiHt 120 feet lo pluc.i of Iw.glnnlnu. Amount 17.30. Nimie of owner. Jh Pope, Certificate No. (MI3(i. .'Itnl feel on tho Applegiitu mad. h'llnir part of blocii 1 of the I'-'lty of Jarkaotivtlln, Oregon, and ilnacrbled as followa: beginning at iho southwiHl corner of Bald block fit, running tbenon north 41 degreed east 355 fivt; thenc-o Westerly 2.'ii feet: thenM' southerly 3:'i fm-t to placo of iMigtnnlnH. Amount 113.68. Name of owner, Sam Walsh, Certifi cate No. C1433. lols I an'l 2, block 08 of the Cltv nf Jacksonville, Oregon. Amount 113.70, Name of owner, Mrs. Nttln Thomp Bon, Ccrtlt'leiitii No. C'1437, lotn I, 2, 8, 4, S and il, block I of U'WIs Hubdlvtslon to the City or" . Jacksonville, Oreiron. Amount 112.15. Name of owner. Mrn. Nettle Thomn- son. Certificate No. 1438, lols 5, 8. andl ana 1:1, oiock or i.ewis Kunuivision lo City of Jacksonville, Oregon. Amount 110.09. . . Name of owner, Mrs. Nettie Thomp son. Certlt'lcale No. C114I. lota t), 12 and 13. block 3 of Lewla' Subdivision lo the C'iiy of Juckaoiiviilc, Oivgoo. Amount 0.32. Name of owner. Mrs. Nettle Thomp son, Certificate .No. CH42. lola 1. 2, 3. 4 and C, block 4 of Lewis Subdivision to th City of JuckKOitvtllc, Oregon. Amount S10.5S. Name of owners, Mrn. P. Applegntoi ami jonn ttocno. i. vrtiiicinlo no. i'i,i, liind described In I'cud Records of Jack son cirunty. Oregon. Vol. 116. pairo 413, east of bloi-k 02 of tho City of Juekeon vllle. Oregon, not plutu-d, Aniouut no m. Name of owner, I.. M. Miller, Certifi cate No. CHI 8. lot fi. block 2 of tli Town of PhiAmlx. Oregon. Aniouut 120.53. Name of owner, Grace A Latbrop, Certificate No. CM6B, lols 10 and 20, block 33 of the Town of Phoonlx, Oregon. Amount 7.05. . Name of owner, Ilnnlel WtllbimB, Certificate No. . OI4B5, lot 1, block 28 of the Town of Tolo, Oregon. Amount 12.62. Napio cf owner. J. 1 RairBdaie. Cer tll'lcule No. CM87, IntB 11 15 and 10, block 32 of thu, Town of Tolo, Oregou. Amtnint 11.72. Name of owner, Nettle Pitman, Cer llflcato No. C141I7, .lota 18 and HI, bloell 8 of Cnriu-r and Knbin Addition to the Tow-n of Uogun Itlvcr, Oregon. Amount 115.00. . j IfJomiJany. Certll'lcate No, C1500, luhd ui-'iug part or lols 5 nnd i; or iah Addi tloi to tho City of Medford. Oregon, described in Vol. 108.- paga 401 of Ilia Lend Records of Jackson county, Ore gon. Amount 14.78. ., . Name of owner, Laura Lowrnnti!,- Cer tlllciLte No. C1502,, 'ots 5 and 0, block in, ot inc oriftinai tuw'i tow-n Innw cllvl of - Name of owner. Laura IjawronLz, Ccr llricate No. Clfioa. lola 7 and 8, block 30 of the Original, Town (now city) of Medford, Oregon. Amount S48.03. Nunc of owner. John J. Wilkinson, Cortficatii No. CI508, pint of lot I, block 3, Purr's Addition to the City of Med ford, Oregon, -as dea'-rllw d In volume 8 ,', page 208, lieed Records of Jackson county, Oregon. Amount 19.30. Name of owners. 't-V R". iCarleton and A. L. Tanner, Certificate No. Ci5-)9, Mt 8, block 8, of Carleiim'a Addition to 'ha City of Medford, Oregon. Amount IS. 91. Name ofownerH, Rudolph A. C-onrud and Anna Conrad, Ccrtlfltyile No. CIM0, north 50 rial of the south 150 f.-et of lot .1, block I of Ciltage Addition lo ihu City of Medforil, Oregon. Alnount 86.7:1. , Ntinie of owners, John l ilciurnir, et ut. Certificate No. CI5I8, lots I -mil S, block 3, of Fairmont Addition to th Cllyi of Medford,. Oregon. Amimut 19. Se. - j Name of owners, J. I iM-nimer and Oily of Medford. Certiricato No. C1JI9, , lot flj-hlork 6 of Palrniont Addition to Hie C'lty of Metlford, Orogo.n. Amount1 11.74.: Nlimn of owner, Cleo. ltoed, Certlfi Catif Na H20, lot 12, block 1 .of Fruit dale Addition tu the Cily of Medroftl,! Oregon. Amount tll2.3H. Name of Owners, James O. Ward, et! ut, Ctrlirtcata No. CI121, lot 3. block il, of rrullflulii Addillon lo the City of Medford. iroffon. 'Amount $12,117. t N.ltne nf owre.-s, ft. II. Toft and City of Medford. Cert incite No. CI522, lot 17, block, 2 ot drays Addition to thu CJty- of Medford. On-iron. Amount 1:1.73. TMirno of owner, 1-;., p. Ourjirle, Cer- tlflcnte No. Cl'.':3, lot II, blocK 1 of Highland lurk Addition to lh- City of Kedforil, Oregon, Amount 18.77. Nume of owner, K. I". Outbrle. Certifi cate No. 0152 1. lot 7, block 2 rf Illgn land llirk Addllnn to Ihe City of Med fordi Orepon. Amount 18.15. Nam,, of owner, M. P, lluthtle. Certifi cate No. C1525. lota $ and 3, block 3 of Highland, park Addition tu the City ut Mi-drord, Ore.g-em. Amount $10.01. , Name nf owner, N. l Townseiid, Cer tlllcjile No, C1520, lot ll block of HlKhlaml Park Addition lii the city ot Medfotd, : Oregon. Amount - 8,7n. . Name of owtu-ri V.. I' tlulhrle, lVTllf-lent,- No. Cir.27, lots II, 12 and II, block 3 nf Highland Park Addillon to Ibe Oily of Medford, Oregou, Amount $25.47. Name of owner, K. I''. Outbrto, Cer- tiricate No. tnr; lot 4, mock 4 of Highland i'lirlt Addition tii the City ot ,Medfor-d, Oregon. Alnount 5.20. Names of ownera, c. A. Knlitht and R. ,w ui miuivru, ori'Hiai. Alnount $:i.iia. i istuim or owner, Herbert it. smith. Certificate No. Ci;,38, lot 10, block 8 of Imperial Addition to the City of Altai. j ford, Oregon. Amount 0.3.1. Name of owner, It. II, Toft, Certificate' No. CI541, lot 7, Mock HI, of HiihtIiiI Addition to lh Clly of Medford, Ore gnl. Anieunt $0.95. I Vl,l.. i,t n,t-,.p T t.' Tlxol.u fa. tlficii.. No cl.wV' tot fl. bbielr'.t'of uri uon. Amount tl.iiT Name of ownera, I'lern R. Pornes, f,. 1 M. pbodia. S. P. Hlch-ii and Alex Hpnrrow, Certificate No. C1515, lot 3 or Lewis Addition to Hie City of Medford, Oi.'-r-n-i. Aniouut $10.75. . Nnmes of owners, 1,1a ,1. l.ewla, T,. ft, Olife'' i-c To-n IlllMlioeiT, . Cerltftcntn No. CI548. lols 9 and III of I.ewis Addl-. in,,, t ii r'hv r,! ill... I onto No. C1558, lot 4, mode 1 of Put Addition to ths City of Medford, Oregon. Amount 19.98. . . .. N-nme of owner. Walter H. Jtliftln. CVrtil'Icute No. lf,0, east half of soutti . half of lot i block 9 of Park Addition io tho City ot iieUlord. oi-ctuu, Aui&uut 90.32. , . .- Nume of owner, Helen B. fincdl.r, Certil'lciite No. C1S01. west half ot tn north half of lot 8, block of PiiJlt Addillon lo iho City of Medrord, OrRou, Amount H5 39. - Names of owners, St. Antlionv I no. and Arthur u liti). OrtiAcute N. C1562, lols S and 4, block S of ouctn Ann Addition lo the City .of Mcofordi Oregon. Amount 110.58. . .Namen of owners. Ht. Anthony Inc. nnd Arthur L. Hill. Cortlfioale Nil, C15C3, luts 0. 7, 12 und 13, block S of ()unun Ann Addition to the City uf Mfil ford. Oregon. Amount $28.60, . Nume ol' owner. Hi. Anthony Inc., Cer tificate No. C1S04. lots 15 and 10, block 3 of Ouc4m Ann Addition to the city pi Medford .tlrogon. Amount $19.03.. : v. Narilea of owners. I-;. II. lJavla, A. . , Miller. City of .Medford and IjimoJIto Siivlngs Itank nnd Trust Company, CVrr 1 1 li i'i to No. CH.05, lols 4 and U. block 1" of yucon Ann Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount s.97. -...v Names of owners, ilruca Wold ajwi. Clty of Mcdfiird. Certificate No. CI501 . lot 11, block 1 of Riverside Subdivision lo the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount -$0.35. , , Name of owner, Ttelle Cochran, Cer-' tlflcate No. C1507, lola 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 6 ot Riverside Subdivision to tin) City of Medrord, Oregon, Amount 19 20. , Name of owner, Relle Cnehrtm. Cor tirionte No. C1508, lots 5, it. 7 nftd , block 0 of Riverside Hutvdlvlslon to the ir'io 0t Ml'lrru- Otegon. Amount Name nf owner, Belle Cocbrnn, CVe tlflcate No. citoti, lols 1, , a, 4 ami rr. In block 7 of Riverside Subdivision to , ihe city of Medlrrrd, Oregon. Aniouut $19.58. Name of owner, Itello CocbtTlp, Cer- tll'lc.-ite Mo. C1570, lots . 7, f. J) ajid 10. In block 7 of Riverside, SubdtvlBlon io thn city of Medford, Oregon. T Name of owners, J. B. Toft nnd City nf Medford. Certll'lcuu Na CI07l. led, 0. block 3 ftoae Avouiio Addition io t;w. Cllv of Medford. Oregon. Amount 111.78, Niirne of ownera, L. O. Cniwfnrif, City of Medford and T. O. Carney, Ciirilfl- ,' cute .No. C1572, lots 1 and I, block 8 of Ritas Addition to the City uf Medl'ord, Oregon. Amount 10.17. . .- ... Name of owner, Maggie M. Ilutehcf, Certificate No. lot , block- 8. Robs Addition to the City of Meuforc), on-Kiin. imouni si.nn. r Name of owner, Atoillo T. Rlnck.-C't-tmcjite No. C1570, lots 10, 11 and' ii, block I of KlHklvvu Heights Addition' 01 " ,v,e City of Medl'ord. Orvnon. Aniouni 19.4 2. Name of owner. John E. Lasham, Cer tlrtCHte No. CI 578. lots C and 6. blocjt 1 of Hlsklvou Heights Addition to tho City of Medford. Oregon. Amount $14.81. , , Name of owner, II. S. liudlev, irtln cute No. CI 579, lota 4, 9 and 6, block 3 of Hleklyou Heights Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon. Aiaount.- Name of owner, II. fi. Dudley, Crt!ft cale No. C1580. lots 1. 2. .1 aad 4 in block 5 of Siskiyou Heights Addition tothe City of MedXord. Oregon. AJiluunt Naine of owner. II. 8. tudley,' Certlfi rate No. CI 582, lot 6. block 5 Of Slskl- :, you Heights Addition to the City of Me'lford. Oregon. Amount 14.13.. Name of owner, II. S. Dudley, Certifi cate No. C1584. lota 19, 20, 21 and 28, block 5 of Hinkjynu Heights Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount 119.02.. ; . -. Name of owners. J. K. Toft and City of Medford, Certificate No. C109D, lot II, block 2 of Walter Adilltlon lo the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount 18.70.--; J. -' Name of owner, W. A. Jones, Certlfi ciitn No, C1000, lot 9, Woodlnwn Heights ' Addition lo the' City of Medford, Ore gon. Amount $3.31. - . -. , Names of owners, .Herbert t,, Alfnnl nnd It. H. Toft. CertiflciUo No. CHIOS, 75 foot front on east Bide of South Oak dnle avenue as described In Vol. U8, page 573 oC.-Decd Ri-corils of Jackson, county, Oregon. Amount 131.11. '. Name of owner, T. It. Tanner, Certlt- . Icaie No. IOCS, lot 14. Pruncls Addition to the City uf Medford, Oregon. rnuutlC $2.00. ... (' "' Nume of owners. J. T. Oarmon and First National. Rank of Medford. OreRdrl, Certlflcala No! C1010. thu eaat 350 reet I of Hie north 101 feet nf lot 4. htock Nickel's Addition to thn Cltv. of Me roril. Oregon: less south 13 feet, streets, alleyn und It. It. right of Way, Amount $17.03. . - , . - ' 'Names of owners. John Eldon And It. K. Oordon, Certlflcjito No. C1053, soutb wcal quai-ter of Boutliweflt nuurter tu Section 24, Township 33, HoUlh Uantfu 1 Kast of the Wlllametto Meridian -Til Jackson ciamty. Oregon. Amount $9. la. Nlimes of owners, Lexington Realty Co, and Prank H. Reese, Certificate No. CI072, eouth half of northeast quartirr of Section 10. Township 37, South, Range 1 Kant of the Willamette Meridian In Jackeon county, Oregon, Amount 15.31. Nairn; of owner, O. L. Hurtim, Certlfi cnte No. C109I, land dirllxKl In tbvjl ItiMXirda of Jackson eounly, -orftttiiA,-' Vol. 103, page 29!i. couialuing .6 acrek, lifVUfi ed In Section 2, Township 30, Woulft .ol Range 2 Kant br.the Wllkunett . dlan In Jackson ,eunty, Oregoth A-molxii 5.12. . r ' . )-, .a Names rf owners, J, W,,Kifnriy, ttt 'i); Certificate No. OIH93, ouihBt 'MkP ter of northwest nuarter BJ lprtbwtlt cunrter of r-i5utJiwist nuarter. if. drtriip 1), Township 37 -South Itarryp - Km of thu Wlllametto Meridian In JliuSkMsi county, Oregon. Amourtt. ,ri.o9, ,-L.'- ' Names of owners. tA'xJplfton - tteViPly Co.. and W. C. Piwter.-Ci-rllflcal)' N't CI09I. south half of northwitct mtiwluti arid north half of eouthW'eNl quirted tf Hec'lou 28, Township 30, Hoiilh of ftiinirti 3 -Hunt of tbe Willamette, Muridlnu In Jnclii-on pounty,. Oieaoit.,,-, Ar)itiurU. $13.2-1. ' " l, ' : . -! -i- Names of nwners. Lexlnttien.' IteiiJiy Co' and Agues C. Crundkll. Certiflciite No. CI7UI. southwest quarter of hortn- U'uul ml,l(il un.l U'.wl h.lf ., -ot noino- V'eBi. iiuarior of Section to.- Townatip !) cViuth of Itonga 3 Kast vf III WU lanieiie Miflirian n .i.ackaon ounty, ' Oreaon. Amount $24,35 . - i -.- .- i , . Niunea of owners, I). M. Stewart fci in Stewnrt Lund Co., Certificate Nu. OITW,, Biaithest quarter of Si-ctlon -tit, TvfA ship 30. South f ft'ipg.. 4 15flt nt dim Willamette Merldton in Jacliaoo ounly, Oregon. Amount 41.10. ' . . Naine of ow-ner, !.: J. MnfetvCfnin' en- No. t7H7, land described In -PfSi Records of Jack.ion county, tlcrtdxjrl, vl. 95, iinge Silo, situated In -Kotilll Iwlf of ttortbwist nuarter of Kecllim 4, TirW'fH ship 34, South Range 1 west nt t lh Wlllametto Meridian, JackBon (bunty. Ori'iron,,' eontalnlnsT 11 unH, , Alnount Name of owner. .Wallet M. PewafH. Certificate No. n:il, nrirtn half of Fouihenat nuarier of nortbeast nu-irter of Section Jt, Township .11. Soiltit jLan( I West of Wlllamellu Meridian III Jf, Bon cjninty, Oregon. ' Apiouot 'td.trl., Nam of ow-ner, Anna Iiellide, Ceftlm? nnii'. r,o, i:imi, :Soutn nuir or, lionini.'.iTn rjuitrter of northeast quarter pf HeAtlcrb 34. Townahlp 34. South ef Range d'Welrt Uf the Willamette Meridian I I JtlClt,ln co'i'irv, irregon. yimoiini ?.i.ia. Name of owner, S. O. Httnil'Soiil tet- ' tlflcate No. Ct7e5, northeast quarter Of i aoutbeiisi qnarter of Section 34,, Txtt uhlp 30 South of Range 1 Wist of tbo Willamette Meridian In Jackaon county, Oregon. Aniount $10.4.1, . , Nntiio of owner, II. C. rltoddnrit; OK tlflcate No. :ifs7. land described In Deeil Records of Jackson eounty, Ore gon,' In Vol, 102, page 516, less hum itcMcrliicd In Dixai Reciirds of Jackiian:'' couniy, Oregon, In Vol, los, paifn. 4011. . ellllnleit In Section .10.' TnWIiMiilb 3 H nith Itnnire 1 West of the Williimelfe Meridian In Jucknou county, OteoB. Amount $3.0,1. ' t I'l'..-, : Niituo ot owner,- t.eWts goiter 4nrl Kfincndi Htnie limit.: Certificate , Nfi. C1730, lard deeerlbed In tietd Itei'ciT'ls of Jackson eoiinlv, On'rtn, In. Vt, , page 020, .11111111111 In b'eeflirpg tl. and 28, Tnwnshln .18 South, Mttnge ,1 Wrrft nf the Wlllsmeite Meridian Jil duck son county, Oregon, Amimnl 19,19.- Name of owner. IL K. .Oliver,, Ctujf - uilrate rvo. ci73.,, intMt iieBi:rueti ' itt I'ei'd Itecorda of .lackiion. county, .Oftv roe, In Vol. 81. page 45, liv.rleeOnn Toweshla 38, Snulh Riltiwd I Wiist-ef ; ihe' Willamette . Meridian, In Jaiikeon county. Or-iTunr and lit i Section.- IM, Townuhtn 38 South Range 1 Nilnl nf the Willamette .Meridian ttl JacftBo " county,, iire-gdii, coniiilrrlng J ucres. Amount $1.67. i' Nn.nle of ownc-n. .1, W. 1114 nrnl M:irv Kllgore. Certl'lcnle Sit. CW)h, rmiihenrt rpiartei of nnrtbwi;il nuar ter nf Section 1, Township f.x, Houttj rianae I Went of the Willamette Verl" Aniount $8.51. - . ' , , , , . N.iine of oivnrs. Ti. ' .1. I.IPSnn end Lexington Reiilty Co., . Certlflcutn ..No, CI71I, west half of northwest quarter, . siitiiheiisr nuurter of nnrthwest quar ler und noi lluatit quarter. of noulliTvcsi . ' ' ' - ;!