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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1923)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREO ON'. SATURDAY. MARCH 17. 1923 Zocal and f Personal Vuitors from this city In Afhlantl Harry Manning, the Grants Pass ( 1'ncle Sam has bn doing a floarUh Ust Friday were Mrs. Roy Nuaa aaj merchant tormeriy of Med ford, whose r' business of Iare In bootleggers" "Isn't tiii weather wonderful," pr some .irriUr'n was general anionic IeIfonl citliea greeting each Mis Anna I'Irich. rcorwery stock, abaoiutel acclimat ed. . ?iaranteed. Guaranteed Pran quette selected walnut trees, fisest home grown grape rtnesiTokays, ilal- isms. Emperor, Muscat. Concord. weet voice won him then the title of ; automobiles. He has a whole garage "Uedford Car mo. was in the city : full, according to a report iued today thj forenoon buying sjray dope for by Deputy United State Marshal H. use on his orchard in Sams Valley. Mr. , V. Reed to Marshal C. K. Hotchtiss. Manning bu grown tery portly, now Reed's report shows the gorernment weighing 11 poanJs. whereas when has JJ machines In its possession In a Black Prince, etc.r. fruit trees of every te resided her he at no time tipped Portland garage. 15 of which the court Certer. Calif., after his escape iroa variety, largest Gladtola field la Ore- w ' over 12 pounds. it s the nas aireauy ordered soid. Liiei pro- under parole here. ?hn f,-f,-.r th nnfh who' .Mrs. I'ai. rrsser ui " -- stole $2j from the home of Sheriff 'aija is the house guest of Mr. and Terrill when he was under jiaro'e to Jrt A c uevan at their home on that officer after bavins pleaded gu:l- ti..if(tr' Heinhts. Mrs. Fraser In ty t- a charge of havlr.g stolen an .-i,h vr;ford and automobile, was taken to the state clrBaw 0f the Rogue River valley and I FOR SALE RESIDENCE Nine rooms, basement, furnace K 1 penitentiary Thuraday by Terrill. He j was re-arrested several months ago at may remain here rmanently. hardwood floors, all latest lmpror. menta. Garage for two cars; u, with Hie 1 ill ". in jiej. 1 ord. l arge shade. trees., Terms E. H. PORTER I ether this forenoon which was one of gon (bulbs at I1.0O dot, blooming age Climate.' the expiated when asked ceedins. will be filed against theoth-r Notice to Water Users: Water will balmy air anJ sucihlne a large portion thornlesa blackberries, raspberries, reason tor nis roousxness. i o soon " tne cr.mmai cases are of the day. The prediction for Sunday Logans, 1 varieties straterries. rho- gn take oa weight last May. and disposed of. Portland Journal. Is for fair weather. Only a trace of Nrb. asparagus, fruit trees every de- fl"" aiuans- v.onn-t uoou clean rags wanted at Jledrord rain fell ta- night, b it up to between script'.oa. blight resistant pears. Boss. 8 a. m. and 5 p.m. yesterday the ruin- Bartlett, Comic. DWnlou. Ws nay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, fall amounted to .13 of an inch. We want some clean nfs at til Cr-Jt at -v TeDth ,tret office. IT 31, Just a line to remind you that I will Brunswics phonograph. compare giaJly duplicate any bonafide ordr h oa. Pl' r record made. 1 10 booked by a transient agent for the w"l ' J"Qr tom- balante um. 1m monev and rive you bet-1 'ST parents. See H. G. Laacspach. ter service. X. 3. Bennett, prop. Eden Confi dentially (this Is in a silvery whisper! Printing Co. it's hard work n-w to lean over and j P. J. Pipgras and son Charles re lace my shoes.' , ; j turned by auto from a business and Xoifce to Water Csers: Water wia plea-sure trip to Roaeburg and Salem. tn ehnt off about . m. today the While In the latter city they attended 1 7th of March. Watch your hot water the state basketball toornament and tanks and heating elements. Replac-. witnessed the Medlbrd-Astorln game. Ins mora than 3w pipe In pipe line When better automobiles are built. tunnel makes this necessary. Service , Bukk will build them. Valley Nursery. Phone (it-J-i. tf Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Oid Home on Pyrus I'ssurt enai. Home grown Old Home and Chiea on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone (SC-J-l tf All kinds of pocgh and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phene lua. East Main. tf Tonight! Tonight! Ounce In Orien- will be restored as soon as possible, Notice to Water Csers: Water will tal P-aiiroomr 3'H' but no deilnite time can be stated. S03 be shut- off about 6 p. m. today the Marketmaater Run-anTs sign on Pw sand. graveL sediment and team 1'th of March. Watch your hot water the bulletin board at the public marv wor; gae Samuel Batsman, 302 Maple tanks and heating elements. Replacing ket today contained the following: street. Phone 912J mow tan 30 ft. pipe In pipe- line j "Stuff scarce far month or so. Seasoa : late." Nevertheless the market was a I good one lor this time of year. l ' and a big demand for them, but there I .. .wTT ,1ir...lV Kin qn.V RA.t ' In honor of St. Patrick's day many 7 . citizens are wearing ribbons, neck Ues, or flowers of the shade of green. A number of social affairs in com cemo ration of the day took place test eight, but still more will be on tonight. Oriental Ballroom" tonight: . 3'H' If you waxt a splendid furnished apartment, for two. hoc and cold water. heC electricity, etc down town, better caii at Mail Tribune of fice at once. tf Have music in you; home. Do you know that 111) will place a cabinet Brunswick phonograph la your home. See H. G. Launspacb at Weeks Orr Phone 32T. . . Splendid famished aoartavnt In Mail Tribune building for rent at onoe. - tf MIes Josephine IlartzelL Gladys Hartley and Josephine Koopes and Irwin Terrill arrived home la.-it night from O. A. C. for the spring vacation. Other local O. A. C students will ar rive today and Sunday. For Sale lo.0O acres of land con sisting of alfalla. grain and stock ranches." orchards and Umberlaad, aogse irrigated; also mining property. Ail property must and will be sold at socle price. Some as low as $1 .00 per acre. 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles. Attorney. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co.. owners. 15 No. Grape, next to Farmers and Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phone 445-J. HSi Owl Confectionery. 15 X. Central. P. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf Milk and cream at DeVoe'a. tf Grape Tinea: Tokay, Muscat. Mal aga, Rom Peru. Zinflndell. Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes. Concord. Brighton. Worden, Agawam. Niagara and Campbell's Karly. Eden Valley Nnrsery. Phone 6S0J-I. tf ,-Trial of Jos Wilson, alleged drug peddler and enslaver of women opened Wednesday before Federal Judge Wcl verton. but waa postponed Thursday until late this afternoon, to make way for the naturalization hearing. Three w?men whom Wilson is alleged to have kept in bondage In his Jefferson street apartment by supplying them with drugs, took the witness stand against him . Wednesday. Portland Journal. Notice to Water' t'sers: Water will be shut oft about 6 p. m. today the 17th of March. Watch your hot water tanks and heating elements. Replac ing mora than 300 ft. pipe In pipe line tunnel makes this necessary. Service will be restored as soon as possihl but no definite time can be stated. 303 Twelve Inch slab wood 11.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more Hand picked wood, m ostly fir. Valley Fuel Co . Phone IS. t( Thornless blackberry plants. Eden Valley. Nursery. Phone 6SO-J-2. tf .Closing out all our farm machinery. several good buys. Patton ft Robin son, Inc. - - tf . Gordon Stout sells cord tires and re pairs cars at right prices, lis West .Tenth street. . . 3itt The Methodist revival will close to- . morrow with three services. Dr. Huff will speak at 11 o'clock. 3. and 7:30. At the afternoon service the evange list will deliver his great address on . South America. He spent seven .months of last year In evangelistic work there. His subject tomorrow afternoon will be. "South America, the .Continent, the Conditions, and the Need. The public Is Invited. Dance. Jackson Hot Springs. Sat . 304 , Xewcomb Is now delivering 16-lnch green smbwood at 11.75 per tier In , four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phrvno Ml 296tf Colonial Garage for tire service- 319 Oriental Ballroom tonight! 301 D. A. Elklns. well known Eu-tene democrat, has been appointed by Gov ernor Pierce to succeed Will T. Kirk as a member of the slate industrial accident commission. He is a practic ing attorney and was formerly sheriff Of Lane county. He served with the old Second Oregon in tne rnuippines. Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray rigs. Electric Shop. S. Hsrtlett street 3l Fruit, nut and shade trees. Edrn tfalloy Kiireery. Phone 64-1. tf Auto Insurance. Brown ft White. Mrs. llooth will have a special clan In millinery on Wed. evening from 7 until 9 at the V. W. C. A. This is be ing .held to accommodate the people who could- not get Into the first class. 11. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's and some of the earliest spring veget ables. Notice to Water Csrs: Water will he shut eff about i p. m. today the 17th of March. Watch your hot water tanks and heating elements. Replac ing more than 300 ft. pipe In pipe line tunnel makes this necessary. Service will be restored as soon as possible but no definite time can be stated. 303 Like chicken? If so, try one of our Rogue River Special milk-fed fowls. Cupp ft Shirley Produce Co. Phone 9& 12s Grape. tf j James R. Fish will accept n limited j umber of piano students at his studio ; 31 N. Grape. College Bldg. 307" , March 17 while chiefly famed over the world as St Patrick's day is als3 well remembered locally because on the night of that data occurred the Hale nlxbtriding episode. Big dance tonight! Oriental Ball room! 304 , Sandwiches, salads, cake, pie and cotfee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice ' Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg. 307 Strawberry and rasplerry plants. Phone 419-H. . 310 Historians cannot agree. Supposed-! ly the question of who sold the first liquor In Linkvllle was- settled ' the other day by the statement of Simpson Wilson of Central Point, but . now , comes O. A. Stearns, of Ashland, who ' claims to have intimate personal . I tunnel nrnkM rhia tuMvaurv trrlrA Newoomb is now delivering 16-lnch ', . ' ... 1 ... . ., . will be restored as soon as possible ! order soon for ear'.y delivery and iisve 1 ... . . ' : , .. . , . .. ' , .,t. , the United States who took the exam-, cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks ,.,,. , . . ... Bl ,,... inatioa for forest ranger. Out of this "it to the opinion of all those who cL TH? know, that of the 36 counties In ' TAtlnJ state, not a half dozen of them have j ... ,, . , ... . . He have many new ideas to suggest as good or better-built courthouses or ! . .. . . . , , " .... : to you, why not spend a pleasant hour as beautiful courthouse grounds as , ... ,, ., . . u""' that of Jackson county m Jackson- j StM R? vlllel- says the Jacksonville Post 1 ll6' 1 t?rd Blds- aPPLnt; be shut off Ubont 6 p. m. today the 17th of larcn. Watch your hot watr tanks and heating elements. Replacing more than 3'X' ft pipe in pipe line tunnel makes this necessary. Service will be restored as soon as possible but no definite time can be stated. 3'-3 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prultt. who had been in Portland fur several day are In Salem at the state basketball tour nament They are expected to return to Medford by afto tomorrow. The spring vacation at the Culver sity of Oregon will begin next week end and a large number of stadents from the state university are expected home. llrbHt Qnn'.ttv JwW BpinB s pairing' Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. . Mall us your wants. MARTIN J. REDDY 0 knowledge of the facts, and contra dicts his fellow pioneer as follows: "In an article In the Herald of recent date. I notice that you quote Simpson Wilson as saying that John Dlx had the first saloon in Klamath Falls, then known as Liatrville. That is a mistake. John Barclay had the first saloon. William Angle built it and I was his helper. This was In 1569." Klamath Falls Herald. lllel" says the Jacksonville Post "While built something like . forty years ago it is yet In as good condition as a new building and no doubt will be grinding out Justice more than forty years yet to come." Tonight! Oriental Ballroom! Dance! St Patrick's favors'. 304 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nnrsery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf ' Due to the rain of yesterday the water In Bear creek arose consider ably, as well as In the other streams in this vicinity, which necessarily , raised the water in Rogue river. I Why wash at home when you can have your washing done for 7c per lb. 1 American Laundry. Phone S73. 325 After the fire It Is too late to Insure. See Redden ft Canaday now. Try our wet wash. 5c per lb. Amer ican Laundry. Phone 873. 325' David Wilcox, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Butterfieid. is among the O. A. C. students expected home today for the spring vacation. Dance. St Patrick! Oriental Ball room! Sat night.' 303 All kinds of dressmaking at Style craft Shop, Room 424 Medford Build ing. . 309 ment 191-L. 30J A large number of radio fans en joyed an excellent radio concert from KPO, Hale Bros., Inc., at San Fran cisco last night The program was furnished by the University of Califor nia Glee club, the occasion of the ap pearance of the club being' a banquet tor members of the California. Alumni association. Bob Norris of Phoenix and Med ford. O. A. C. student, returned this morning from Corvallls for the annual spring vacation. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Competent woman for general housework, three in family. Mrs. W. F. Biddle. Phone 513-R. 304 WANTED Man Holland Hotel. to wash- windows 304 I We will loan yon money to build or ; buy Holmes the Insurance Man. .All kinds of roogn and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 10$. 711 j E. Main. Genuine Bisch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and ' Bartlett. , tf Twelve-lnchi slab wood 11.50 per tier FOR SALE 40 acre wood ranch one mile from highway. Box 220, Gold Hill, Oregon. 304 WANTED Woman to- care for baby and assist with housework. Call room 426 Medford Bldg., or phone SI 4 after 6 o'clock. 305 FOR SALE Progressive everbearing strawberry plants. Mrs. F. H. Dress ier. Phone 951-U 309 i Prevent Flu and Grippe For a few cents you can ward o!f Flu and Grippe by promptly checking your coughs anj colds with Foley a Honey and Tar. Also gives quick re lief, from conghs resulting from Flu. Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight years of satis faction to users has made Foley's Honey and Tar the world's largest selling cough medicine. Contains no opiates ingredients are printed on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. In sist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adv Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Pico ting 8a per yard. Battaaa eovarasl. A GOOD INVESTMENT IN HELPFUL CO-OPERATION "A GROWING BANK ACCOUNT" -at tiis home foto barJi The Medford National MAKES A "GOOD SKID CHAIN" ON THE ROAD OF LIFE prevents slippin' H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Sacceasor to Weeks-Conger Co. Medford. fr WANTED Washing to do at home i Mrs. Offord. Phone 951-L. 306' WANTED Experienced orchard hand married. Good permanent position, t Address Box S3. Mail Tribune, Stat- ing experience, size ramuy. etc. j -J -.1 1 .... . J V. .L.fnM I MM ucuicini uj luuuA 1 net ui mum. , . For Sale .New Columbia phono- . Dk. -c I eold Dencil and Waterman fountain a tauMva ws, 1 As many as possibly can from j c otnee. Ashland Post No. 14. of the American ; . . , 1. Legion are planning on- attending at WANTED Confectionery girl at least a portion of the district conven-: Crowson's. Must be experienced. graph record at half price. Victor. Brunswick. Columbia, Pathe ft Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop. 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. 298 Newcomb Is now detlverying 16-lnch green slabwood at 11.73 per tier In four t'er Ms or more. Place yoor order soon for early delivery and have heap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone (31. tf Hemstitching at Deuel's. 319 William P- Shearburn left this week for Marahfield to spend a few weeks with relatives. Mr. Shearbum hss Just been discharged from army ser vice after 12 years of continuous ser vice, most of which time he has been stationed at Fort Worth. Texas. .jeaufiiecli Jit 1 1 ik oJ inoiQivianx! PbweH StatCJFarrell, SAN FRANCISCO Gosg -io Theefres end Shopping District AK!r bMiitd Hi It I .Wmi tft tt vuter to Skb Faa- 1 CTnmhnr to rw fc m dw twJr kc'-l tion of the legion to be held In Med ford on Satnrday. March 2. Repre sentatives from 14 posts will attend the Medford conference in addition to State Commander George R. Wilson and State Adjutant Harry N. Nelson. Ashland Tidings. Tonight! Oriental Ballroom! Dance! St Patrick's favors!, .. 304 For Sale One gnod used piano at a bargain. H. O. Launspach. Phone 227. James R. Fish will accept a limited number of piano students at his studio .1 Jf. Grape. College Bldg. 307 Among the events of next week in Apply at once In per-on. ' rL4 II dtsafm ttpvd caniiorT. ( .11 Kt-ariaMtt Iscrris-'-and PJ V, RtMOL CO-.laj.IFt, i!( uamaemm m Amis ' LUS?1"S HAR1TEY 11ib8Ss Managing Tonight: Tonight: uance in onen- . . .. . . -, , , . n.iim jfl4 t Medford will be an assembly of O. A C. students next Friday afternoon. and a dance given by O. A. C. students for former students and alumni and We have good values In used cars. Patton ft Robinson, Inc. tf Valley Nursery. Phone 6SOJ-2. tf SlT Miss Marorie Anderson of Talent I J'? ?9 Wl" - tnT was among the county O. A. C. stu-t nJ"n, b, Th S"0 Strollers, one of dents who arrived home from Corval lls last night for the spring vacation. Forgotten bundles. If there Is any one who still has a bundle for the Thrift Shop, please bring to shop or phone Red Cross, and they will be called for. 304 We'll be there, Jackson's Sat 304 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 690J-1 tf Fred U Colvig. deputy Internal revenue collector arrived home this forenoon from Portland where he had been assisting in the federal Income tax drive, which ended last Thursday night at midnight ' Dance, Jackson Hot Springs. Sat 3iU There's a busy Business College In your boms town. OWN. Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery- Phone 60-J-S. tf The revival service at the First Methodist church last night was the most successful t the series up to this time. About twenty persons re sponded to the evangelist s appeal to devote their lives t Christianity. Big dance tonight! Oriental liall- room! 301' Auto Insurance. Brown ft White. All KintlS Ol rUUKIl ill lirwru iuih--. ner. uauaro nouu, piiuuv 11-?. n , E. Main. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whlll.x-k raptur ed to Corvallls this week, from which place they returned last night with Miss Bertha Whillock and Westerman Whillock to spend their vacation at . home. j Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone sml 2. tf Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and proirt service. tf Grafted Franquetle walnut trees. Edon Valley Nursery, phone 630 J i. the premier dance orchestras of the Pacific coast, hailing from the college town. This week, which Is a part of the O. A. C. spring vacation will be O. A. C week all over the state. Yon can get it at DeVoe's. tf Brown Has Got 'Em See Brown for shoes at the Medford Shoe Hospital. 303 NOTICE To Water Users Water will be shut off about 6 p. in. today the 17th of March. Watch your hot water tanks and heating elements. Replacing more than 300 feet pipe in pipe line tunnel makes this necessary. Service will be restored as soon as possible, but no definite time can be stated. Th. Pre-EasterRevivalCampaig'n UNDER REV. J. S.REID,D;D, PORTLAND . Mis Sunday withjwo Special Sermons Stereoptican Lecture Each Night on "Pilgrims' Progress." Medford builds in vain, if she ignores religion Better churches make better citizens Be a booster Join the Chamber of Commerce and the Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Starts m Tomorrow The first of a group of nine exceptional Photo Plays You asked for better pictures In answer to your request we played the Big i5 They were a huge success We now offer what we think a far greater group than we have ever been able to cfiei before. PAGE MANAGEMENT Here Is the First! The kind of a picture that made Humoresque famous "Forget Me Not" 1?TT7-T,.1 A picture for the whole family with a great cast including Bessie Love Gareth Hughes, Otto Leierer, Irene Hunt, Myrtle land and others AND FOE GOOD MEASURE LARRY SEMON in A PAIR OF KINGS" 1 Look What's Coming LAURETTE TAYLOR in "PEG Q' MY HEART" THOS. MEIGHAN in the greatest picture of his career "BACK HOME AND BROKE" THOMAS H. INCE S "THE HOTTENTOT" YELLS THRILLS STEEPLE CHASE SPILLS With Madge Bellamy and Doug MacLean Reginald Barker's "HEARTS AFLAME" From the famous novel "Timber" Greater than "The Storm" "QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER" From the famous novel RICHARD B ARTHSLMESS " GREATEST "FURY" A stnry oi th se wirh Dnrothy Gish Edwin Carewe Production "MIGHTY LAK' A ROSE" Maurice Touraeun Production "THE CHRISTIAN" By Sir H.U1 Caine REX INGRAM'S GOING TONIGHT "TRIFLING WOMEN" tt , 1