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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1923)
1 iffiDFOKD MATH TRTBTTNt!, rEDFORD'. OKECQNT, FTJTDlY, nVTfCn m2.T SEVE5T Items FIELD FORPOSTAU ASHLAND, March 1G. Tho torm of Postmaster Kaiser or Ashland ex pir08 next 'August, whic h will com plete a term of office, for him of a little over eight years. Throe asjtl ran In to succeed him have thus lar indicated their desires. They nro F. D. Wagner. Millard Gruhb and Don uld M. Spencer. Wagner grew up In iho Tidings newspaper office in this city and for many years was editor find publisher of tho paper, disposing of it about ten years xigo, since which time ho has been following out-of-doora employment, lie has always been actively Interested in publio af fairs nnd nerved in the legislature, lower house, in 1915. firuhh and Spencer nro both present employes in tho local postoffire, tho former as deputy postmaster and tho latter as chief clerk. Both are also ex-service men and Spencer served in the postal service overseas during tho war. The question of ono hundred per cent Americanism can hardly bo raised against any ono of the three, for all aro not only native born Americans, but native sons of Oregon nnd Jack son county. In duo time tho civil service board is expected to call an examination fo tho investigation of tho qualifications of the several ap plicants for tho appointment. 'A wire from Portland, received hero on Thursday announces the death there on that date of O. J. Stone, former well known resident here, who nassed nwav after Protract ed illness. The deceased was not inl active business while residing In Ash land, being on tho retired list. His wife survives him. On Friday evening of this week. nAnnld hla fnnln hnlni "Tho draft t nut - Problem 'of tho Ages." Previous to leaving Ashland, no will preach on rer.ults "After That Experience." Healing nights arc Thursday and Saturduy. Tho current series of meetings are being held at the Bap tist church. At the chamber of commerce ban quet March. 13, Mrs. W. M. Barber, introduced as "Ashland's first woman councilman," made a plea in behalf of tho council, asking that indiscrim inate criticism bo withheld until fu ture developments should justify such criticisms. In tho meantime she prophesied that tho council would, second, the Chamber of Commerce's efforts municipally. "Wirt M. Wright, F. F. Whittle, E. Tt. Isaac, C. H. Pierce, O. F. Carson. Grace Chambcrluln, T.. H. Simpson. Homer Billings and It. E. Detrick were tho nine directors of tho cham ber of commerce chosen at tho an nual gathering of that body on Tues day evening, tho yearly event having been an enthusiastic one in the an nals of the organization. A substan tial supper was supplemented by a number of talks on "The Needs of Ashland," covering every phase of boosting activity with which the mu nicipality is confronted, all viewed from the enthusiastic ono in the an nals of the organization. A substan tial supper was supplemented by a number of talks on "Tho Needs of Ashland," covering every phase of boosting activity with which tho mu nicipality Is confronted, all viewed from the enthusiastic perspective, the retrospective beinff relegated to the background, nnd under existing cir cumstances tho commercial body begins the 1923 campaign under most favorable auspices. The Virginia Cafe, located near tho Citizen's Bank, reopened on Thurs day under tho new management of Mrs. Ida Crandall. The Crescent states that because Bhrlners at Medford, provided autos to carry wearers of tho fez from that STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once "Papo'B Diapepsin" is the quickest, curcat relief for indigestion, gases, flatu lenec, heartburn, sourness, fermentation or stomach distress caused by aridity. A few tablets give almost immediate atom arh relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Drug gists sell millions of packages. Your faith in Kellogg's Bran can never be misplaced IT IS ALL BRAN! ''Kellogg's Bran, cooked nnd krum Med, will permanently relievo tho most severe ca"S of constipation be causo it is ALL BRAN not a food mixture that cannot possibly have suf ficient natural corrective properties. Onco constipation gets into your sys tem you must fight it to tho finish. Kellogg's Bran is the weapon. It will win for . yon. Den 't tnko half-wuy ' measures; don't temporiie. Kellogg's Bran Is permanent relief for eoaitipntion if it is eaten regu larly at least two tablespoonfuls daily; in ehronie 'eases, with each meal. And, Kcllngg's is a taste delight because it is delicious nnd comes to you aa highly palatable, dcsirnblo food, as Well as a corrective. Tou will greatly enjoy Kellogg's Ilran as a cereal; its uut-liko flavor of Interest From the city to Ashland, while en route to San Francisco last Kpring, thus break ing the monotony of a train ride, John Wakefield of that city has received a 30-pound box of Kentucky tobacco from residents of that stato who were recipients, of transportation courtesies. And furthermore, when the boys at -Medford had hit tho pipe, tho forest service fire patrol tele phoned in from tho adjacent hilts us to the cause of tho denso pall of Htnoko which hung over ul sections of the valley. With San Jose for an objective. Councilman t 21. Pierce and wife have gone to California for a month's vacation. Tho Billings realty office displays a banner bearing the device, "Cham pionship Y. M. C. A. League, Basket ball, 1923," which is an official cer tification that tho team of tho Chris tian church Sunday school scooped all competitors in tho series of local games played tho prawn t season by the Junior "" aggregation enrolled in the various denominational Sun day schools. The annual church nnd congrega tion gathering under Presbyterian auspices will bo held this year on March 28, and already arrangements are under wny to celubrato tho cus tomary observance In accordance with traditions, which of course imply a substantial dinner and pleasant re union. Masonic hall was the scene of a premier social demonstration' on Tuesday evening this week, tho pleas ing event marking tho 4:id annicer sary of Alpha Chapter No. 1, the local unit of the Eastern Star order, attended by at least 100 members and their friends. There was a splendid literary and musical program. Some opportune speechifying, games and dancing, nil given under auspices of tho past matrons association in the role of a committee of nrrangemcnts. Refreshments, in the light classifi cation, were splendid and the decora tions in keeping with the approach ing venial season. Only five of the original charter members survive nnd two of these were present, Mrs. Eu genia Atkinson and Mrs. Ellen Wag ner, also Mrs. Josephine Crocker, a past worthy grand matron, all resi dents of this city, who were felici tated as honored guests of the even ing.. A birthday cake, aglow with 43 diminutive wax tapers, the handi work of Elizabeth Bush, past worthy matron, was sliced with appropriate cremonies. Georgie Coffee is the present worthy matron, supported by an able corps of assistants. IocnI experts have been Invited to participate in a typewriting contest at Corvallis, held under O. A. C. aus pices, March- 30 and 31. This npplies to high school students, nnd will be the first contest on record for state typing chnmpiosship among the high schools throughout Oregon. Among its other activities. 4S4th company Is not overlooking the social status, and Is planning to give u series of military dances, tho committeo of arrangements having for its director Sergeant Charles Itobertson. This week will probably witness tho con cluding basketball contest of tho season, the military contingent 'to meet tho high school team on Friday evening. The Ashland Camp, Woodmen of the World, abandoned its regular ses sion on the evening of Wednesday, this week, In order to allow Its mem bers to attend tho benefit dances at Medford tho same date, given under relief auspices. Mr. Goodman, the road supervisor, hag been repairing roads lu this dis trict. Our hoys' and girls' basketball tenuis won easy victories over those of Williams last week. They expect to play again next week. Several people from Applegato ex pect to attend the entertainment and box social at tho Williams hall next Friday evening. Mr. and Jlrs. Charles Cook ' of Grants Pass wero Applegato visitors Tuesday. A dance will ho given at the Apple gato community hall, Friday, Mar. 2:1. MInnio Walters and Marie Benedict were Medl'ord shoppers ono day last week. Tho majority of the flu victims in this neighborhood havo recovered. We are sorry to know that the Cobbs family is planning to- leave Applcgate in the near future. Mrs. Holmes Carter, Miss Cowgill and Miss Burr wero visitors of the grammnr school Wednesday. Mrs. Carter presented the high school with sets of the works of Dickens and George Eliot improves any hot or cold cereal, nnd inmimcrnblo inviting bakery batohes can bo made with Kellogg's. Try some Kellogg's Bran pancakes. They're great I Or, raisin bread or gems I Kellogg recipes aro printed' on each pnekoge. For health's puke, get ilie wholo family eating Kellogg's Bran just as quickly ns possible, becnuso it is ALL 1SI5AN and it will m.nko over tho health of every big nnd littlo mem ber. Your physician will recommend Kellogg's Brnn beeauso it is positivo nnd because it will sweep and clennso nnd purify, nnd put color back into f.'ided checks. It will help children grow big and strong; It will clear and tone nnd braco up tlio system of every one who eats it regulnrly. All grocers sell Kellogg's Krau betauao its use it universal APPLEGATE R. H. PAXSON DRUG SIOREAICENIPl CENTRAL POINT, Mar. 1C Knrly Sunday morning, prowlers burglarized the drug store owned by It. II. Pnxson. Entrance was gained by breaking the glass and bending nslde the bars of the rear door. They pilfered three dollars from tho cash register, nothing else was taken although 11 sum of cash was just on tho other. Hide of tho store. Walter Grim, jitney driver, stated that ho heard a uoiso in tho storo at the time he was putting tho jitney Intrt thn pnnipft nenrliv pnrlv Rlindnv morning, but paid no attention to it. Tho fact that tho prowlers did not tnko more is niimimea 10 mo tact that they wero scared out by Mr. Grim.v Monday night tho F. & E. theatre held their first country store. Many useful prizes wore given out to the audience, ten altogether. Tho mer chants of tho city contributing thorn, :ia nn nit vnrt iRnmpnt. for themselves. The first prize, a sack ot flour, was won by Cecil Cochran, while others werft i?ivpn ntt nvinil rpwnrd. The store will be run on every Monday night hereafter. Tho theatre is now pro gressing very rapidly, showing to good houses overv niirht. Tho machines aro working fine... causing no delays as they did the second nignt. yuue a number of people not residing in this vicinity are regular visitors. On. March 15th and ICtli the man agement will present Hutli Jtolnnd in "Tho Tlmher Oneen " nnd J. P. Mc- Gowan in "The Kuse of the Rattler." On the following night Marion Davies in "The Brides Play." un tno next two nights, 18th nnd 13th, they will present Frank Mayo in "Afraid to Fight," and then on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. "Kismet." starr ing Otis Skinner, will be shown. The Ross & Ross confectionery store has installed a new soft drink apparatus the first part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark arrived in this city from Salem, making a brier vlulf nt ttm hnme of E. H. and Russell Thornbrue. They left Friday by auto for Oakgland, Calif., to make tnoir future homo there. Mr. Clark will conducta music studio. Enrouto they plan to stop at Weed to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wortmnn. Mrs. Wortmnn and Mrs. Clark wero former class mates at the Central Point high school May C. Johnson ot Merlin, Ore., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. Mrs. Alfred Lewis nnd littlo son returned to their home in Portland after visiting for some time past at tho home of Mrs. Mnttie Parker. Irving Day of San Francisco arrived here Wednesduy to visit with his wife and nicco, Miss Margaret Gardner. Tho funeral of Mrs. O. It. Pankoy was held Wednesday afternoon nnd vory many attended to pay homage to the good lady. Romembering her ns always to be kind to all, ever cheerful, always willing to help her neighbors in distress, never being harsh to any "ono. For the past four montlis she was ill, having been stricken just about tho first of December. She never gave up hope of getting well, but the grime Angel of Death relieved her ot her earthly sufferings Monday nt noon. She was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital Sunday afternoon. On November 4th, 1803, she was born, a daughter of a hardy pioneer, Bartlett Obenchaln, near hore. She had spent all her life in the valley. Juno 6th 1S8G, she became the bride of Obadiah R. Pnnkey. Five children graced their life, but only four nro living, Pcnrl Pankey, Mrs. Esther Sinnington of Dunsmulr and Clarence and Vernon Pankey, all grown upto to manhood and womanhood, reflecting tho good caro of their mother. Besides her children to mourn her loss are her husband Obadiah Pankey, her aged mother, three brothers, Silas and M. M. Obcnchnhi ot Klamath Falls, and Georgo Obenchaln of near Central Point, two sisters both of Klamath Falls. Floral offorlngs ot respect to the departed wero profuse, and most all of the assemblage accompanied the body to the Central Point cemetery where it was interred. Tho entire community extend their sympathy to tho bereaved. Me mut Mrs. Manoely and son Jack of Medford spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Maneely s parents, Mr. nnu Mrs. John Johnson. James Cummings was kept busy Wednesday afternoon, replacing a water pipe torn out by tho grader working along the sides of the high way. Tho senior class presented their 'play, "Green Stockings," before a Inrfrn nnd nnnroclativo audience. They declared that It was the best seen for somo tlmo. Tho. stage settings were cleverly arranged mnklng it very pleasing to the eye. Miss Kathleen Seller has been con fined to her homo the past week on account of sickness, but is now very much Improved. L. Hatfield Is contemplating moving his dry goods storo from its present location to tho empty store room in the Cowley building, thus leaving n good storeroom empty that coidd be used by another business establish ment to success. Wm. 0. Baldwin left for rortlntnl Monday afternoon to look nrter busi ness Interests -In that city. Ho has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Russell Thornbrue. Donald Ross, stricken with pneumo nia is very much better at this time, but It may bo a wok or more bofore ho will be able to bo out nnd around. Howard Jowctt, superintendent of the city schools, nctod as 0110 of tho judges lit a debating contest at Med ian! high Bchool between a team from Ashland and one from Medford. Tho latter was given tho decision. Tho Salvation Army of Medford will give a street meeting touixlit with music. Following this they will glvo a service In the Brick church. Eho Kp worth League team of this city, defeated tho Baptist church of Medford by a score of 18 to 9. They showed vory much improvement In their teamwork. Tho Thursday pre ceding; they wero defeated by tho Presbyterians. ANICrllM Mr. Thurher and Lester Weiss hav-J ing sold out their business in Central Point, wero around this neighborhood buying eggs nnd produco from tho farmors and will mako the trip every Thursday. I Clairo Vinson who left for Weed,' Calif., two weeks ago returned home Friday with tho flu. Mr. Copley killed four fat hogs the first of tho week and delivered them to merchants in Medford. Mrs. Morrison nnd Mr. and Mrs. Weiss visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman. Mrs. Weiss will stay with her mother this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Shook aro moving down from their homestead to the Hovcnburg runeh to work. Mr. Theo Glass and family or Cen tral Point were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jess Glass Saturday. Miss Meikle and Miss Ilorton who are staying at Mr. and Mrs. Jess Glass will hold meetings all this week at Antioch school houso each even ing. Orewon City Supt. Hies. VANCOUVER. 13. C, March 10. Funeral services nre to be held nt Oregon City. Ore., tomorrow for Wil liam Shenhan, general superintendent of tho Powell jllver Pulp nnd Paper company. Mr. Shenhan, who was fiG years old, died at Powell Kiver, II. C, yesterday of blood poisoning. A. F, & A. M. A Stntcd "communication ot V Medford lodge Uo. 10.1, Fri- rr day evening, March Itilh nt 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. 303 O. D. FRAZEE, Secy. The Eyes of the .World Are on Prices f. o. b. Medford Superior Two Pass. Roadster $642 Superior Five Pass. Touring $GG3 Superior Two-Pass. Utility Coupo $S7" Superior Four-Pasp. Eedanctto $10.-3 Superior Five- , Pass Sedan ....$1QG' Superior Light Dollvcry Car ....$627 112 S. Riverside Rogue L By Mary O. Carey... Phone 341-J-1 EDEN PRECINCT. Mar. in. Many of the poultry keepers are getting dis couraged, as the price of feed seems to advanco while the price of egi:s keeps Roing down until the profits are all used up in tho high priced feeds. Many who havo been raising lureo numbers of baby chicks will not raise any this year. Mr. ami Mrs. T. J. Fish of the, I. X. L. Garden place in North Talent were business visitors in .Medford Tuesday. J. M. Ruder of Phoenix was called ngnln on tho jury Tuesday, but was excused the same day. Mrs. A. ('. llowlct bought two fine milk cows from T. .1. Fish of North Talent about two weeks uko, and Tuesday of this week they came over to buy the other cow which Mr. Fish had advertised, but found it sold. Mrs. Earl Briscoe of North Talent was visiting her uncle, llob Smith In Phoenix last Friday afternoon. Mis Bortha 1 layman accompanied her to Phoenix. Land buyers still continue to como into the district between Talent and Phoenix looking for small suburban tracts where they can build homes out in tho country and have their business in Ashland and Medl'ord. Them havo been two parties in our neighborhood this last week. Mrs. W. J. Aden ot North Talent was in Medford last Saturday buying supplies. Mrs. Oden has a fine flock of hens and says slid Is doing very well notwithstanding the low prlco of eggs. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. .1. Fish wero down to tho Willits ranch on the highway north of Phoenix, Wednesday morning getting a setting ot her fine thorough bred Barred Rock eggs. The friends of Mrs. Ed Foss extend their heartfelt sympathy to her In the death of her lather, J. F. Twogood. The remains were brought to Talent for interment, tho funeral being held from the Foss home last Sunday. A large number of friends wore In atten dance. Mrs. L. E. Hughes of Fern valley wont to Ashland last Saturday night to bo with Mrs. Badger, mother of Mrs. Ed Hughes of Tulent, who Is very sick. Mrs.j Badger was onco a resi dent of Tulent, living on tho E. K. Anderson ranch. Her former Talent friends will regret to learn of her Illness. for Economical CHEVRollfZ LL) ' Holds First Place Among AH Show Gars in Number of 1922 Sales During 1922 the public 'bought more than 50 more Chevro let than of any other fully equipped ear, giving Chcvrolets first place in number of ears sold among all ears exhibited at the 1923 N. A. C. C. Shows. The remarkable rise of Chcvrolets during the last twelve months lias proved that we have correctly gauged the shift of public sentiment towards the most economical unit of trans portation that also meets modern requirements to qhality CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY Division of General Motors Corporation DKTHOIT, JIICIINiAN' Patton and Robinson, River Miss Parks ot Auburn. 111., who is a j cousin of Mrs. C. C. Hartley, was visit ing at the Hartley homo In North Tal ent last Saturday night. .Miss Parks is touring tho west, nnd when she landed In the Rogue River valley she fell in lovo with our scenery; Ashland especially found favor with the visi tor. Miss Parks will return by tlm northern route, and takn in all the important places m her return home. Sim will visit a nephew In Seattle. Mrs. E. (I. Coleman made a business trip lift Into North Talent lust Satur day afternoon, and called mi your cor- ! respondent on her return home, j T. T. Simpson of Medford came out to tho James Allen home last Monday ! to pi'ocuro somo Rhodo Island Red ! eggs for hatching. J Mr. unit Mrs. C. Carey wero guests ' at tho pleasant homo ot Mr. and Mrs. I II. C. Pleteher of Medford last Sunday. James Allen has been confined to , his lied with the flu for th past week. Thoro has been ipiitu a number of persons In this locality who have been similarly afflicted. Mrs. L. E. Hughes has four men who work iil.the Trigouia, boarding nt her home. Tills Willi I be men working In tho orchard keeps things humming at tho Hughes ranch. .Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stevens left their homo In North Talent for a trip by auto to visit their (laughter, Mrs. James In California. Wo fear they had a story trip over the mountains Tuesday as it snowed most of tho day. C. Carey is making his usual num ber ot hotbeds, and will raise thou sands of tomato and other garden plants as, usual! Work on clearing slump land on what is knoui ns tho Engel land Is still going rapidly forward. It will sooli bo transformed into orchards whore tho laurel and chaparall onco grew. Several modern homes havo sprung up lu the past few montlis, and tho brush lands are becoming prosper- J 011s homes. The new telephones which have ' been installed at the Colvers, Do run ! and Carey homes out of Medford are I surely a revelation ot what good scr vleo really means, after having had to ring central system to contend with. There will bo several moro applica tions for the snnio system in tho very near futuro. Your correspondent talked with persons who are living near tho Tri gonia well, and was told that work was progressing slowly on account of shortage of fuel for tho engine. It seems that purties who have wood to sell aro asking exorbitant prices, f 1.1 a cord being tho price tor It delivered ut tho well. Tuesday the workmen wore putting In tho oil burner and will burn oil from now on.. They. have not mndn much progress tho past two weeks, tho formation being so hard. Colonel Mundy lias been sick the past week and hud not been out to the well Transportation Valley AT TRAIL ENLARGED TRAIL. Mar. 15. Mr. Ash Is romod ollng and enlarging his post office this week, getting ready for the" daily mail routo to Prospect from Trail. Mr. James and Mr. Anderson ot ' Portland wero looking after mining Interests near Trail Saturday. .Mrs. M. E. Middlobusher had as Sunday guests Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middlo busher, tho Misses Gwen Houston, Micky Davis and Clara Geary, Mrs. Geary and littlo grandson, and Mr. Roso. Kevn Hutchison spent tho week-end with his parents at the 1) 8. Mrs. Clurn lllulss and Mrs. Lewis Ulaess are visiting friends along the Rogue this week. ' Wo nro very sorry to hear Mrs. W. Houston's granddaughter, Doris Rich ardson ot Centrnl Point, is In the Sacred Heart hospital to undergo an operation, nnd nil hopo for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mlddlcbusher, the Intter's sister Gwon Houston anil Miss Mickey Davis spent tho week-end with their parents near Trail. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchison, Miss Mao Mordol't and Irmn. Ash, were very pleasantly ontertalned nt the Watson home Sunday. The chicken dinner. Ice cream, and lovely home-made candy for which Mrs. Watson is. noted was greatly enjoyed. F. Sturgls, Air. S.mdry, D. Pence, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Mlddlebusher were Medford visitors Saturday. Irwin Howe and Clarence Whitley visited the Hayes sawmill on Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Foellers are visit ing at tho Zlinmerloo home this week. Quite a crowd from Trail attended the dance ut Hoskln's Saturday even ing and report n very nice time. Miss Minnie Poole was home from Medford for the week-end. " Mrs. It M. Cushmnn returned home Friday from Gold Hill where she has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. Roo, Mrs. J. Hall and Mrs. Edmond son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham anil little son and Mr. Dnvls of Elk creek, motored to Medford Saturduy. - I for moro than a weok. Little change in the indications have been seen since tho casing was set some two woks ago. SUPERIOR MODEL D-Piuscngcr Sedan $1065 I . o. b. Medford ' Inc. Telephone 150 1 w7TH?!'