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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1923)
V... .: . , PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ' MEDFORD, .'OREGON.' FRIDAY,- MARCH - 0, 1923 Kedford Mail Tribune antniiepeniVknt mkw'hpa'bA DUUKIIKU HVBUVf. AITBIINOON . .EXCEPT BUNUAi, BY . THJ8 MKDl'UKU FK1NTINO CO. J The Medford Sunday Morning Sun la furnished subscribers deslrlug a wvut Gay daily newspaper. .. . Office Mnll Tribune. Building, S6-27-H figna ir airevi. rnone to. 'A consolidation of the Demooratlo Tiroes, the Medford Mai), the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonloa, The Aaolund Tribune, KOBKRT W. RTJHL, Editor. . , H. 8UMITER SMITH, Manager. MAI1 In AAvnnf.ur ,;. Dally, with Sunday Sun. year.-l7.60 , Pally, with Sunday Sun. month..- .11 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year fl.&O : Dally, without Sunday Bun, month .66 Weekly Mail Tribune, ono year.... 2.00 Sunday Sun, ono year.; . 2.00 BY CAIUHER In. Medford. Ashland, aoKonviue, central roint, rnoooix, alent and on Highways: Bally, with Sunday Sun, month. ,.76 .- .pally, without Sunday Sun, month .66 'Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.60 "Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 ' All termB by carrier, cniih in advance. 'Itntered a second cutefc matter at uregon, unuer act or oiaron s, Mfdford, O MEMBERS OF TUB ASSOCIATED . PRESS. , AaMnolRtAd PrAHH la McolUfllVely entitled to the uee for republication of ail news dlapatcnes credited to it or not Otherwise credited In this paper, and also to the local news published horeln. All rights of republication of asocial dtapatcnea heroin are also reBiTved. Ye Smudge Pot ' By Arthur Parry, HAIL TO THK CHIEF! CHIEF JOHN A. ItOSELLE, known, doyvjiiiff Peru ns Cacique IIuylupo-Ticlinpatu, is iu New. York With a model o( a pad Jle T.'hccl steamboat, which he claims would be able to cross tbc Atlantic ocean in (wo days. . The chief is dividing his time between deprecat ing Peruvian citizens for their apathy towards his "discovery" arid trying out his Rcheiiio iu the bathtub of a palatial residence. ( ' ' The Inea chief believes he is a born inventor. He has made ninety models of the boat which is to revolutionize navigation,' ho is able to repair tho mosf intricate farm implement, 'and among his,."discover- :cs" is that of a nou-pneumatic automobile tire, a flying SALEM FOOTBALL The first .football Kama Hi-ranged i u .1 i ,or ho Sulom high school cloven for ' "ICJC10 anU ! nex. hn. b nrrnnireil with several other essentials that his countrymen haven't the farsighted- Ashland for elthor ThunkBgivinB or ness to exploit. Tho chief seems a genial personage, and wo trust no f,, 'w ., y- nccoll,B,' i? , Coae" L 1 n ' . 1 HOlUS iiuntinirtin 1 fhn ilnflnfrA ilfirr I .... ,1 I 1. 11 1 ' 1 ! 1 .,. I " niirm win uciuu nim wnuo no is in tins country. , THEODORE ROOSEVELT AND LYNCH LAW Tn HIS. MUST be a country of law. and order or it will be a It la now only 22 days to All Fooled Day. -SCRAP WANTED (Want Ad Kla tnalh Falls Herald). And everybody cocked for ono. ' :,. . If tho rovealment of unnnnouhcod pardons from the state prison under the rule of - Acting uovernor miner ijeeps, on,, tho . commonwealth, will wake up one of these mornings to dis cover tt has noi boarders. . 5 Tho "weather Indications are that the robins and the larks will have tin opportunity to snowball each other. An 18 year old lass this week was wedded to Roglnald Vanderbllt and approximately 143,000,000. '. The couple were married at the horae of the brldo's parents", where thoy. will remain until the groom gets a (-position. (Contralto, . Mo Messen ger.) If ever. ... ' ' i, The last, campaign is over, except In a, few isolated barbershops. ,.-r.V-: ' HIPI - HIP!! (8F. Bulletin) r fedltor the Bulletin : I wns reading iMt, .nlgbt'B letters by Pennsylvanlan and' Free, Male, and from them I have driwn iny own conclusions, Ponnsyl . Vanlaa must be .the loving wife . of ' hree Male, and, under pressure of the fGhlh'R'pih, lie was forced also to write n Jlttlo say-so; protecting the female and their, baspry hiking pants. Undor the,' circumstances we will have to okcubo him. r ,V. . ' . ; ! !, too, am a Pennsylvanlan, and there, is no doubt that the one signing hersolf that way looks very pretty In hiking pants, because sho Is probably lllce the rest of the Pennsylvania wom en beautiful, graceful and shapely. Tint alt I have seen here so far, with few exceptions, not only look dlsgrooo- fiu, ,but hideous, especially the portly ohes between the ages ot 35 and 48 who put on those "pretty" pantB to make them look about 23, All their portliness has gone to their hips, and th' baggy effect of the hiking trou sers certainly makos thorn look like atl' army balloon. Land all other men I have met look with disgust on such performances. I would suggent that It thoy must wear trousers, they do one of throo things Wear the everyday men's trousers, which are straight at the hips; wear corsets pulling their hips Into normal Im; or, stay at homo! . I). V. D. , . Polo Alto, Feb. 28. i - , ., Tho doflnite date hlngaB upon an agreement with V'll- lamntto university that the college bo host to a' team pn one of the dates and the high school on the other. As Salem had . the Thanksgiving , day game here this year It Is expected country of anarchy and bloodshed. There can bo no neutral! day tflPto A"h' ground when tho law is at issue. ; ' As far as Is known by any of tho school officials,, this will he the long est trip that a Sulom high school eleven has made. The reason for the signing of tho date asked for by Ash land is that the Iloguo Wvor valley school authorities desire a game for Thanksgiving nnd ns Medford refused to play last fall several days before the game, their neighbors will not be given tho chance again. . The Thanks giving day game Is always a big affair and is figured to put the school fi nances on a sound basis. Salem Cap ital Journal. - wild birds. Tho pheasants woro lib erated for the mont part at the fol lowing places: Hlx pair on the Ed I'hlpps place on the i'ai'iflc highway; 86 pair ut tho Kamo refuge on Klrt land Farm in the Central Point dis trict; 12 pnlr on the Dillon Hill or chard on the ouuklrU of the city; and six pair on tho Hill placo near Central point. . "I have many good friends in the south.' I appreciate the grav. ity of. the negro problem in tho south. I understand tho temptation to bring summary justieo upon the black violator. But I also know and every thinking citizen must know, that invoking .lynch law does not help to solve the negro problem, but helps to aggravate it) it docs not advance law imd order in tho south, but renders law and order impossible. ... ; , , "Humanity has been able to rise above tho jungle largely because of 'voluntary abandonment of individual justice to social justice the subordination of what tho individual thinks right to what society has declared to be right. ' "It is as a friend, not as a critic of the south, that I pledge iriy support to this movement to declare Judge Lynch' an outlaw and place all crime whether committed by blaek or white, where it be longs, under tho authority of tho law and the jurisdiction of the courts." : . . Quill Points When a man gets tight, his' morals are loose. Too many people run liehi'nd keeping up a front. Flim flam tho film fans. It js hard to say, but cosy to do. All children develop faults. The only model child is a 1923 model. A cynic' is a man who can't believe that anybody is more decent than he is. ' The stars were millions of years in tho making, had no press agent. You see, they About the only thing that has made a great success without a slo gan is the divorce business. , . : Oncosts tonic effects . wore , advertised, yeast established ; new records' in tho muking of dou'gli. ., ,r '' . . ... ' I TWT.t-Known Mroicimsornis H B Wahov BacsirT kooa Autmob m 0 K-L Pills For Kidney and Liver Troubles, Constipation, In testinal Indigestion and Kindred Ailment Uver trouble leeda te trlout Itls. And s turs sign ef llvar treubU Is bllloutneM. If yov have attacks f htadacht. If you have a eoatad leaav. If ras have a Scale appe tite, you probably are bllleur which may lead to deranstaant el ths llvar and to serious and ulW enan fatal riiulla. aaad thla atronc andaracmant of Dr. A. Uf fv. me t im,. . .. D... . n . i r . J . r. lone. Route No. I, Baalar, Oa, . "fors number of years I Inn Been troubled with mr kldneva. lifer and alio mr heart. I Olid lr. A.W.Chaw'a K-L rills a won. drful rauicdv. Thry eeilalnlrare the Itneat I ever used. I would net be without them in my honie anil take ereal plpnanr In reeoiu nendlng then to my frlcada." Jou can boy Dr.'. K-L Pllla at all drug atoraa. To be euro of (ttlne lha tannine, thai portrait and alsnature of A, W. Chaif.M.O.,ara onaachboa yauff cviwMvii asaioit iranailoa. Dr. A. W.CHASRMKDICINRCa 197 Wsthloston t,Bu0la, N.V. , If France keeps on this way, sho may lose. friends; but if she gets by tyith it she wou't need many. ' '.' r Business colleges teach .double-entry bookkeeping. Mere double bookkeeping is taught by tho income tajt. Tbero is something poignantly pathetic about an old maid's dis approval of tho way modem girl's kiss. Radio is to broadcast tho roar of Niagara. And we thought all tho time that was what made ours sound that way. A philosopher is ono who finds comfort in ihe re flection that every tenso situation eventually becomes past tense. 1 A maga.ino writer says it is '.unlucky to get married ou Friday. That see m s to be a very conservafive statement of tho case. Correct this sentence: "Take her, my bo',", said tho girl's t'other, "and if you eau't support her properly, just call on me." A shipment of one hundred and twenty Chtnoso phoatiants of Inst spring's hatching arrived' hero- thla morning from Iho state gama farm at Kugene for distribution through local attaches of tho. Ktuto Game Commission and tho Jackson County Oamo Protective association, "flic birds arrived by oxpress 'In crutes of a dozen each on southbound train No. 13. Tho Jackson County Gnme Protec tive association, to which the birds were consigned, and which dlstriuiit ed them, will pay tho express charge, and tho feathered arrivals of . this morning woro met at tho depot hy a reception commlttco consisting: of Dr. F. O. Thayer and B. W. Gould, vice-president and secretary respec tively of tho association, and P. I'. Dally, district game warden, and W. It. Coleman of tho state fish and game commission. . :. , . Tho CO pairs of Chinese pheasants In tho consignments were ail young, full .grown birds, .which arrived in fine ' condition and when liberated from the crates took to thn nlr llko ORE The Itogue River high school bas ketbull five won the sliver loving cup offered to the winner of the eight team tournament participated In by champion county tonms In northern California and southern Oregon, which must bq won two years in order to become permanent property. The games were played at Areata, Calif. The Rogue River tmm was forced to play five games In 24 hours. Eureka the first victim, was defeated 8 to C. Thn other ( games followed in close order. .. Rogue. River will, play , two more scheduled games for the Jackson county athletic association,, all high schools in the county being eligible to compete except Medford and Ashland. The question of "something to give" may be solved by a beautiful knitted garment ,. Handicraft Shop. ; 297 Baby announcement cords. Handi craft Shop., -, j 297 J, D. Howe, of Dayton,. Wash., who is to fill the pulpit at. the. Christian church, Sunday morning and evening with a vfew of becoming the pastor, will arrive tomorrow morning. There will be special rauslo both morning and evening. Every member should attend. .., . . This Is Canned Goods, Wpek. ... tf Canned Foods Week March 8-10. . DresomaKing. Mrs. Carl Bowman, 246 North Oakdale. , . : 299 . Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle Point, Sat, Mar. 10. .... , 297 Oet your, fish at the Medford Fish Co.. Call 362. .108 West Main.., v 297 , Colonial Garage for tire servce.319 EMPIRE BUILDER GIVES . AMAZING EXPERIENCE vr ft TtMAlnwAol xumous ivonira,t;wjr uwiaiva He Suffered 15 ; Years From Stomach Trouble, Then Gained 32 Pounds Taking Tanlac, and Ro bust Health Restored. ' RHEUMATISM CANNOT EXIST . Iii thfl human body if you will use Trunk's Prescriptions. In fact, . It is a shamo to suffer with inflammatory muscular, sciatic or any .form of rheumatism. Trunk's Prescription DOES NOT depress tho heart, it DOES XpT ruin tho stomach. ; Eat nil tho meat and good food you wish. It does not contain any harmful drug or narcotic but positively overcomes rheumatism and gout.. WHAT MORE DO YOU. WANT? Thcro Is nothing better. It is also an excellent Liver Medic.lno and tho greatest Uric Acid Solvent known. Trunk's Prescrip tion sells for ? 1.75 or 3 for only $6.00 nt Hasklns. , Adv. . Bejamln F. Sullivan, 393 Robs St., Portland, Oregon, is still . another prominent citizen who deems It a pleasure ns well ns a, duty to tell others about the benefltB ho has de rived from Tanlnc. Mr. Sullivan stands among .tho empire builders of tho grent Northwest, having, for fifty years been one of tho leading .rail road contractors of this vast terri tory. . ! ;;For fifteen years,"- ho stated, "I suffered from a stubborn ,cisc of stomach troublo that refused to be budged by anything I took. My ap petite ..was pretty, fair as a general rule, but It just seemed that I could scarcely eat a thing that agreed with mo. Why, I'd go for months on a stretch without being able to retain a bito of solid food on my stomach. Sometimes my stomach was sour as Vinegar and gas blq'atod mo until I was In mleery fpr hours. , VI was often so bad off I had to quit work, and I remember onb time, when I was doing a big job for the Milwaukee Railroad in Montana. 1 got In such fearful shape I had to go homo and stay .eight months. Eating and Bleeping.. was , getting to bo a worse .problem, all tho. time, terrific headaches worn hammering down my vitality, and I finally got so run-down I lost thirty pounds and thought my troubles woro going to get the best of mo. : "Tanlac, not. only rid mo of Indi gestion, but it built mo up thirty-two pounds. Tho fact that I am seventy years of age doesn't mean a thing N A Let. T V'r 1 A ML "Jafr ; JBExiAMlis' F. RULLIVAX when mv fine' Health is considered, fpr I feel twenty years, younger. Everything I eat agrees with mo now, I am freo of thoso awful headaches, and fool altogether llko a new man. I have plenty of strength and energy to Keep mo going, lh business or rocrcntion, and nevor miss a chanco to recommend tho Tanlnc trentments$ for' I am convinced It hrts up equal." . Tanlnc Is for salo by nil good drug gists. Over 36 million bottles sold. :- v- -; i Adv.' General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass Door Frames .... - Window Frames All Kinds of interior Finish - SCENT 3 , Llvtwlook. p'OTITLAND, Ore., Mnrch 0 Cat- tlol steady; receipts none. Hogs steady: receipts 775. Hhoop steady; receipts 1200 (1190 through). ' Portland Duller. POTITLAND, Ore. March 9.-- nuttcr down' four cents; extra cubes. 39 U 40o; under grade's 3t403Sc; prints 44c: cartons 49c. Dairy buy ing prit-o 28W30c. Iliittorfnt down 5c, 44c. I'ortlnnd KggM and tlniln. rOKTLAND. Slurch I). Eggs, selling price, enso count !3J24c; buying price, henneries 3flfi'Si: re ceipts I.lo;, selling price, cilndled, S5 tfJBc; selected candled In cartons, 1!7W38; poultry, hone, light 16WUIc: heavy. JOo top: broilers, none offer ed: old roosters lOo; turkeys demor alized "8c; geese nominal; ducks !ri(S,27c. Wheat, ciuh tl.2offl.S7; options. I IS l.rtf. ; linrley 3.150i'34; rats 36 60; corn. No. 3 yellow $33 ft 8s.r.o. . Millstiirra. mtllrun $39 9 30; bids $20. 70; scratch feed $40; middlings. $45. Hay, buying price, timothy, $33 6 3(1; nlfulfn $33!3; grain $33; clover $20. Portland Whont, POUTIMNl), Ore., March 0, Wheat: Hard white hlucstem, banrt. $1.3(1; soft white $I.J7: western white $1.30; northern spring $1,30; hnrd winter, western red St. 1 9. Today's car receipts Whent 18; barley 1; flour 7; corn 3; hay T. Snn Pranchvco MarVct. SAN FUANC1SCO. March !. (U. S. Bureau of Agriculture Kconoijiku) Eggs, extra pullets 24c; undersized pullets 30Miu. SAN FltAN'f ISCO, March 9. Dut torfnt unchanged. SAN FHANCISCO. March I (fltnlo Division of .MarkutH) Fryers Stf 40o; hens 19 9 tie. WAIISAW, March 9. Tho Polish delegates to tho conference which will attempt to draft a commercial treaty between Poland nnd Itussln, novo arrived here and tho negotla' Hons are expected to begin forth with. OAINKSVIIiI.E On., Mnrch 9.- Robert Hope, a mail .carrier, is in jail here today charged with murder. Marshal Vilas Martin and Jnck Hry ant of tho town ot I.ula Were slain yesterday, whilu attempting to plnce tho mall carrier in jail fur a minor offense , . - SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN Face, Neck and Arms Easily Mad Smooth, 8aya Specialist Anv bfrakinif out of the skin, tven fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a lilllo Mentho Sulphur, declares a noted skin special ist Became of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation be gins at once to soothe Irritated skin and heal eruptions such as rash, pimples and ring worm. . It seldom fails lo remove the torment and disfigurement, and you do not hare to wait for relief from embarrassment. Improvement Quickly shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of kowles Maitha-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. a good reason for iasing It Is the same old rea son of economy crescent nas more leavening power, so you ' can use less. A level teaspoon to the cup of flour is enough. You can use more if you wish as Crescent does hot cause bit ter taste. A good test Is to dissolve a teaspoonful In water. You'll Bnd only the natural, slightly salty taste. ' At all grocers. '. No Bitter Taste With Crescent Baking Powder v Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Washington r : : r The Central Point ; Flour Mill Is now turning out the "Mt. Pit Hard Wheat Blend" braial of flour. This flour Is manu rartis)red under the latest system of mllll g, combining both principals Sanitation and Economy. You get tho vofryTicalih giving portions of the wheat , milled In such a way as to retain ', tho nntural sweet flavor of tho floo r. Kvery sack guaranteed. Wo Invito you lo call and let us demonstrate this wonderful llttie mill. No carry a full line ot poultry and dalrty feeds, wholo grain end cereals. . . atltVrox MortTOX Cl-ntrnl I'olnt For spring: we of far values that are truly re tnarrtable, even for the famous makes of clothes we carry. Carefully selected pat terns iii all wool fabrics, handsomely tailoried. Styleplus Suits Quality Guaranteed . 25 $30, $3S: , " Tweeds, Sergei?, Cashmeres, Worsteds 'Y V- Vogue Suits Specially Styled for Young Meti". $30, $35, $40 Norfolk, High Waiat Models, Sport Models Spring Ties I Spring Hats Silk and Wool Ties ,Wrinklepr6bf $1.00 Knit Ties In all the new and novel patterns 75c ahd $1.00 I !: . . ... .. a v New light weight . Felts for Spring are here. Come in and try them on. Reasonable prices $3.50 to $6.00 Spring Shirts In all of the new plain colors. Col lars attached and Shirts without .,, collars Arrow and Green hood famous makes $1.50 to $5.50 Johnny Tupants Suits for Boys Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON See Our . Boys' Shirts - tt 7 jasjasst-sBjaaaitHMay f yymriy i.'i..'