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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1923)
PAUU FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, .MEDFORD, OKK(i6x. THURSDAY. MARCH 8. 192:1 Medford Mail Tkibune ' AN INDEPENDENT NEWPPAPKR UBLIKHRP EVERT AKTUKNOON . fcXL'Kl'T HUKUAY. BY THIS i - MKDKOIW PitlNTINO CO. I' The Medford Sunday Morning Sun In turnlBhod subscribers desiring a aoven aay uany newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-28 North Fir street. 1'hone 76. A consolidation of the Democrstie Times, the Medford Mail, the Medford Trthuve the Southern Oregoniun, Toe Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. HUHL, Editor. . ff a BUMPTKR SMITH, Manager. LAMBASTING THE NEWSPAPERS. AT THE roeoiit'iiutioiuil school tout'liur cunvi'iitjou iu Cleveland Up. Otis Caldwell advocated the use of newspapers in tlie seliools. He said that anions JiOUl newspaper articles on biolok'nl subjects only I t were found to contain inaccuracies and uddo1 "Tliat is a better record than most books can show, 'f ', HMnp; a scientist Dr. Caldwell welcomes facts." That is why he w'eleojncs newspapers. Those who arc continually complaining about newspapers are usiiiillv those who, for some selfish reason, don 't want the facts kno'wn, . in the recent ballot box trial in Portland, the attorney for the ircfciise, spent most, of his time in lambasting the Portland news papers. He maintained that the newspapers were not interested in justice, but impersonal or political advantage. This is not true. With few exceptions which only prove the rule, newspapers strive constantly to give the facts. In the daily .news paper field where Npeed is. an important factor, where interested par ties are continually trying to Ret favorable publicity, and of. course, where reporters are merely human; to avoid all error and inaccura cies is physically impossible, Hut there are few -newsjxiperg indeed who do not exert every effort to be absoluely accurate, to print the Livestock- ' - M I'OHTMXn, fire.. Nut. 8. Cuttle nominally steady!" no receipts. 1 ' Hofcs numlnuMy'-'steuily; receipts lTItMrtireei). ' v . Sheep Bteiidy; receipts 3:'. white $1.2ii; nvttstern hard winter, northern western red $1.18. Today'8 car recelptB Wheat flour 9; corn B; oats 4; hay IS. white 1.26; spring f 1.19; lfl; San Francisco Market ' SAN FKANCISCO, Mar. (IT. S. Bureau of AKricuitnrnl Economies). Ksks. extras 2714c; extra pullets Br MAIL In Advance: Dally, with flmuhiy flun, yar.w.$7.B0 Dally, with Sunday Sun, mouth .75 null- arlfl.ntit Rn,.u ,. v.uv A All ' ?aily.' withoitf Sunday Bun.'tnunth .CM Weekly Mall Tribune, one year . S.OO ; Sunduy tfun. One year t.OO Of CARRIER In Modford, Ashland, . Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on -lilKhwnys: Dally, with Sunday Hun, month 75 Dally, without Bundny Bun, month .06 ally, without Bunday Sun, year.. 7.60 ' v Dally, with Sunday Hun, one year 8.50 : ' All terms by carrier, cash In advance, . Rtitnred us second cinsfc rnntter at 1ei1fnrd Orfienn, under act March 8, ,18'9' " .' . j" .''"' . ' ilKMBKRF OF" TUB" VtfflOCIATFK PRESS Tin ahhucih ted I'roHB is exclusively hi tied to tne use tor repuuncaiion or , . , . . ,. i i ' . -h- - tn news dispatches credited to it or noi Iflcts "without bias op ppejudicp, and who are not willing to promptly Tiierwiee creuiica in mm uiiour, auu , , . , , . 1,111 also to the local news published herein, correct any errors which may have escaped the blue pencil. All riRllts 01 rcjniujit-auun ui epuciui rilBpatches herein are also reserved. , PORTLAND, Ore.,. Mar. 8. Butter steady.' Bxtra cubes i.'.c; undeiKrades 1 0 if j.1 4 1 o ; prints 48e. Cartons 4!c. Dairy, buying price 32 (fi 31u. nutter fat, 40c. f , SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 8. Hatter fat, pound, 4514c f.o.b. San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 8. (State Division of Markets.) Poultry un Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 8. "Wheat:-1 Jlurd white, tilnatam. Iiaart tl.35; j,aij j RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS I. Ye Smuclge Pot By Arthur Perry. ; i The proposition to have n night forum once a month, should be knocked In the head forthwith, for the following reasons: FlrBtly, they aro bad enough In the daytime. '. 'Secondly,, thoy would be nothing but an excuse to got away from home, after sundown. . ' A sharp March wind sprang up last evening. It traveled In a southerly direction,: perpendicular to the earth, und was approximately as Bharp as a yearling lawyer. , There is a (ood reason I'or this. A newspaper's success and in l uenee dcnentls absolutely upon the confidence ot the public. W hen a paper ceases to enjoy that confidence, it ceases either to (le a power or a iirofitabln concern, flood-will is important iii, any business, but it is everything in the newspaper business. ' . . Members of the newspaper profession are probably no more right eous than members of uny other profession, but they are; as a whole, more zealous in the pursuit of truth, because they realize that any other course spells, in the long run, ruin and disaster. Quill Points There isn't much choice' between u ruthless war mid a truthless penee. WHY GUS QUIT (Muscatine, la., Register) ;' I want to take this method in stating that every woman who ; works at the Iowa Pearl Button factory at night, where I was watchman until last woek, la a Mady. GUS ZEUO. Vltussia now wants to borrow money from America, "to rehabilitate her industries," after' vainly endeavoring to run. herself to death during the war, and starve herself' to death. ever since. . Another thing tlint puzzles us is the "stick" in Rev. Percy Stick' ney Grant. "' ; '" , J' ' . "' ' t Thero is only mio -niodidna that really sLnnds .out iirc-cininont ns a i medicine for urnli- nllnicius ot thci I'rlc Aelil DeiKislu Aro kldnoyd. liver ami liladilt-r. ' i l'ol-! Dr. Kilmer's Swiinip-ltnnt stands' Deep Seated Klssolved mid tJie Itlii-iuiiatlt son Starts to Leave -the System wltlilit 'Twenty-four Jlonrs, fivery DiugBist In this county Is authorized to nay to every rheumatic sufferer that if ii full pint holllo of AlU-nrlui. five sum conqueror of rheumatism, does not show the way to stop thu 'agony, reduce swollen Joints and do 'away with oven the. slightest twliiKG of rheumatic pain, ho will Kladls return your money with out comment. ' Allenrhu has lieon tried and tested for years, and really muwelous re sults havo been accomplished In the most severe ' where tho suffer ing and agony was intense and piteous and where lite . patelnt was helpless. Mr. James IT. 'Allen of Ttochcster, N. Y., the tliSQO.crer of Allondru, who for many years suffered the ' tor ments of acute rheumatism, desires' all sufferer to know that ho does not want a cent of ifnyono's money unless Allenrhu derisively comiuers this worst of an diseases, and he has Instructed druggists to guarantee It as above in every instunco. All druggists can supply you. 'Adv. the highest for the reason that it lias proven to be Just the remedy needed In thousands upon thousands of dis tressing cases. Hwnmp-ltoot makes friends diikkly because its wild and immediate effect. soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. ' mart treatment nl once. Kohl at all drug stores In bottles of two sizes, medium and large. ' However, if you wish first to test nun great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton. X. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sure and mention this Paper.. Adv. Laxative Passive resistance works very well until a "bayonet begins to prod it in the midriff. .... If there are any horny hands in office, they probably get that way by using the whitewash brush. .- At any rate these Phnraonic gowns help us to jinderstand why Joseph ran frcjin Potipliar's wife. ' v .'!';; ... FICKLENESS If all tho constant changing things Ot which the gentle poet sings, ,. The weather is by far the worse That ever was described in verse, It'e warm.' One dons his II. V., Ds., . Next day it's cold enough to freeze ; . ' It's cold. ' Ho puts his flannels on To parboil 'neath a blazing sun. He wears his water-proofed gum cloak The sky clears up; on hint's the joke. Ho loaves IiIb bumhershoot Indoors When lie goes out and then lpours. The aim. sinks to his nightly rest , As breezes warm blow from the west; Next .morn one finds that he has lost ' H1b cabbage plants, killed by wt roBt. When needing rnln the brassy aky Proclaims a hot spoil, long and dry; .While it one of a dry term dreams The showers pour right down in Btreartis. -1 think, perhaps, that Man's unrest, ' The cause ot which no one has guessed May be duo to tho manner strange In which he notes the weather chnnge. (BP.' Bulletin.) A used car is just about as impressive if you move into a new neighborhood when you get it. "Wo have grent pride, in our merchant marine, but there doesn't nppear to bo anything else in it. At tiny rate women never will learn tho knqclcof shooting from the hip. "They haven't hijis any more. This criticism of college educations isn't new. Aesop expressed the idea with his story about the fox and the grapes. Corrcet this sentence: "My husband,", said tho meek, little woman, "is always so gentle and considerate, when lie has had a bad diiy tit tho office." . - '. i i The city is going to have an auto camp, and same will be a huge buoccss if they got any customers, which is not likely, as there never are. A ntihiher of women have reached a decision on a now spring hat. A man buys hat by Instinct, and a woman when It blends harmoniously with everything In tho homo. BUT WHY DID YOU DO ITI (Coos Bay Times) Wo mndu a mistake In last " week's issue. A good subscriber told us about it. Tho same day there was. u letter lu our post office box that didn't belong to us. Wo called for 98 over tho phono and got 11)8. We asked for a apool of No. GO thread nnd when we got ; homo we found It was No. tiO. Tho train was reported 3D minutes , lato. Wo arrived at tho depot 20 ,; minutes Into after the train hail ; gone. We got our milk bill anil ' ' there was n mistake of ten cents rln our favor. Wo folt sick and the .; doctor said wo wero eating too I much ment. Wo hadn't lasted J meat for two months. The garage I luun said tho Jitney was missing ifbecauao It needed a now tinier. j W cleaned a spark plug "nil It's run flno ever since. Yet wo made , i a mistake In last week's lasuo of j the paper. ' ' ' Colds Are. Contagious , ..Coughs and Colds are contagious and require prompt treatment ns they , spread or develop Into Flu and Gi lptte Take no cIhiucub when you can get ' Foley's Honey und Tar for a few cents nnd quickly chock coughs nnd colds. The constantly Increasing demand for FVjlev's Honey nnd Tsr, lor three gen erntlons, ' hns nmdoMt 'the largest selling cough medlclno In too World, dontulns no opiates Ingredients nrs printed on tho wrapper. Itofuse sub stitute. Insist upon ' Foley's. Sold everywhere. , , A(lv- RipplingRhuinQs MM . SB Y .-1 m WINTER GOING. TIMS DAYS and nights are colder than days and nights should be, but Winter's growing older and soon the eoop he'll flee; he'll quit his tragie poses, s'o let us thaw our noses and think of yellow roses upon u dark green Ion. The 1 bought is inost con soling that nothing here can last, when snow and sleet are rolling upon a bitter blast; the wind, with zeal uncanny, zips through each nook and ePanny; but cheer up, flentle Annie is coming, coming fust. ; There's nothing that's enduring, in time nil things arc canned; this knowledge should be curing the sores wo have on bund; now Winter makes us quiver, he makes us shako and shiver; but Annie will deliver, full soon, the frozen land. Oh, nothing lasts forever, all mortal tilings must fade; Old Time their grip Will sever ami plant them with his spade; if anything is try ing, there -is no use in crying; cheer up, it 's donblless dying, its epitaph is tnntle. So when I liave the willies upon n snowy day, I think of Kuster lilies, and things that bloom in May; while Father Winter figures on springing further rigors, I think of flies and eliiggers and bullfrogs far away. The Central Point Flour Mill Is now turning out the "Mt. Pit Hard Wheat Blend" brand of flour. This flour is manu factured under the latest system of milling, combining both principals Sanitation and Economy. You get the very health giving portions of the wheat milled-in such a way as to retain the natural sweet flavor of the flour. . Every sack guaranteed. We Invite you to call and let us demonstrate , this wonderful little mill. We carry a full line of poultry and dairy feeds, whole grain and cereals. SIOUTON & MOItTOX Central Point. ' Quinine tablets the first and original Cold and Grip .' Tablet, the merit of which is recog nized by all civilized nations. Be sure you get BROPJJO The genuine bears this signature r ess Price, ane ' BUY YOUR GARDEN SE EDS at HOM;; ' It is not necessary to send away fo. : ' ' your seeds. We carry a complete - ; stock of high bred garden and field : seeds that are dependable.' Our., :''Z prices are no higher than mail order V houses in some cases much lower. BULK SEEDS : ; ? ARE FRESHER BUY THEM! , Save Delays and Mistakes ' By Baying at Home Monarch Seed Gompany 317 E. -Main Phone 260 The Farmers' Service Station Worth Watching ' 3'' ... fi'i ' 111 Within tho jinst 30 days both rubber and, fabric prices liave advanced' by leaps mui bounds. i Tiro Jnbricslinv'o increased 110 per cent, while rubber in just a low weeks lias climbed from 1.1 1 -2c to 1 lie present price of 3!)e almost 200 per cent. 1 Now is the time, to buy tires and save the, raise that is bound to come. ' Petty's Tire Shop 132 South Riverside Phone 162-R Will Announcement To Farmers, Livestock and Fruit Growers . " of Jackson county i , Tt hns been our OPPOnTI'NlTV and MtlVII.EGE'to holp-orBanizo and koivo the KAUM 'l.OAN 'ASSOCIATIONS anrt rwrsonallv omlorso OVKlt ONK-UALF- MILLION HOLLA KS of LOANS for the Medford and' Itngiio Itiver farm loan nssoi'lations, lu tho past five and a half venra. Tilli OI'l'OltTl'NITY IS NOW Ol'KlOKKl) YOl' IhrouKh the uKoncies lo be provided by the recently enncted I'm m .Credits bill to so orKimlze and pool your Inhret ihnt you will be able to C.KT ItKTTElt nnd JIOUK l.'NIKOUM PKIC1CS tor YOI'U I'KODl'CTS. We have hud our pint In Kettinn thin lesislntion and we are pre pared to Bive you INFORMATION nnd IIKLPlf you so desire. . Address or.rnlt, : i ' .. .- , , E. H. Hurd, 402 Medford Bldg. Phone 42 SAY. "BAYER" when you buy ' Aspirin ' Vnlcs yiiu ffv (lio name "TtayVr" on prKkiif;a or on t&hMa you arc not get tinu ihc p'jmino Hawr pnluct pro-wri-tMl bv JiliTKiolans' ovTr tM'enty two yvar nm prrivrd (uifn by millions for urtlils, headnrht. tonlhaoho, enrnrjip, mu rulfia, lunilui(,i, Tlimruat iain, neuritis, and for pain In pmoral. Awpt only "Bayer" packngn whieh ormtaiiu proper directionn. llanily box of twl-e tab lctn out fnv omit. InuRi!it aim wll Uitllwi of S-t and 100. Aspirin l tlin tradp mnrk of Bayer Mmiufnetun of MunoiiectioacidcMU'r f Salicylicacid. Effective March 1, 1923 Change in Schedule of Stages With through service to Portland and way 'points daily NOltTII IIOCNU t.rnves MiMlfnnl dully : 15 n. m. for (.'rants Pass mill KoM'lniin with dliwt reiini'i'tlon to l'nillnnil; nlsn 2:00 and (1:00 . m. for ((runts' l'nss only. SOl'TIt llol'N'l,-r-l.oiive' liOFebnru; dully 4:20 p. in.; (.'rant Puss, 12:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:0.1 p. in. .for Mrdfortl and Aslilund. 1 VUIS M,Hlfoid-iriits Pass, $1.1,; M,-lfortl-IiosrbiirB, $1.1..! MiMlfoiHl-rortlnml, $7.H.". UK SAVK YOPM(XKV Stopovers permitted nt liosrlmrn, Kurtrne, - Siilem If doslifd,- i Tlikfts on mle nt VNIO STAfiK HKPlT Nnsh ot,. Hliljr. , Phone ftOO THE GREATER MEDFORD CLUB Presents MARY CARR MOORE One of America's foremost musical com posers, in a recital at the Presbyterian Church, Friday, March 9tH ' at eight o'clock Admission $1.00 A CHILDREN'S MATINEE, presenting a Mother Goose program of unusual beauty, SATURDAY AFTERNOON at two-thirty. Admission Adults 50c, and children 25c Thousands Go East this Way Rii.v Sinoo it nffords ; an (, opportunity oi! sloppinij otf.iit Sail' Frnm-lt), "Tho Oily liiivi'd 'Around tho "World." And it, oniiblos thorn to toll their Kast- orn aliont this grout and metropolis. Then too. a elmioo of routes and liberal stopovers induoe many to go Kst throiiRh California. t - ,,-Y H you're planning a trip Knst; lot our aironts help you i,i,d provide desoripti'vo folders, or write , ' " 101IX M. SCOTT (innoral Pnaneimer ARcnt I'ortland, OreRon WITH MEDiOKD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE.