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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1923)
MEDFOItD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREllOX, TUESDAY, MARCH . 1923 BRINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManus 'WONDER WHAT TvTOEEp( SEnT H I B COULV- " .H ,', 1 l( WHO 1 ( CONTROL IT"STHF 1 IflT I JJ K& Sk" ,!& J HI8! ' 1 Y$'rTza thw phone rini AorSloo ; ACENCr- I TS r' 1 '"IWTTT71 HaTa ' iVi?A ( THAT DETECT- OOtSOtuiKE A. PATROL. CnvV S ) r 'l 1 ' '1 I ' V'! , 'J- - . : " jjf"n..i .' '":;-.-'; ' ' . "'' ' ' 1 .g " ' tta av INT'L Feature Service, Inc. j .- . ' ' " ' ' . ;"'-' ; . : ) UIPU CPUnni TDAPI HKI'P WASTED Male and Female! FOR BENT APARTMENTS I BUSINESS Ol'l-OKTUNfriKfl ' FOtt Mfll.WOK L.-S-f'TT?1-??!!?.-,-, JJTii'i'C- iiiuii ouiiuul i CORVALLIS, .Ore., Mar.. 0. By agreement Just concluded by the Ore gon Agricultural college and the Uni versity, of Oregon, thlB; year's Inter scholastic track meet for high school teams from Oregon towns outside of Portland will ,be held at the college here and next year's meet will ho held at the university In Eugene. May 11 12 are the dates' for thlB year's meet. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEDRy lady1, cooking, ranch or camp. Box J T S Mall Tribune. 297 W ANTED School girl or one em ployed part of time to help with housework for . room, board and small wages. Excellent home. Call 982-J. ... 291 WANTED Good bookkeeper for lum ber yard. Mail Tribune, Box J. -tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Married or single men for . orchard work. O. A. Knight, 801 E. Main. - 294tf WANTED Organizers for Foresters - of America, founded in 1790, one of America's leading patriotic benefi tial Fraternal Order. 1 have the most liberal contract on commission . ever offered to Stnte or District Organizers. , Good salesmen can earn $15,000 per year. Write E. C. Cox, Supreme Organizer, 56 Lincoln Ave., Newark. N. J. 294 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By exporcuiited ranch man fob as foreman or ranch hand. Phone 7-F-4.-T. W.- Flnley, General Delivery. 295 S WANTED Situation, orchard or gen ; oral farm work. Phone 671-R. 294 i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent enclosed pasture, small , or large, anywhere. Frank Randier, Jacksonville. 296 WANTED Small incubator in good condition. Box 28, care of this office. 295 WANTED Two or three room fur nished 'house. Telephone 45S-R, inquire for Mrs. Williams. 295 WANTED A-l good cow. Phone 201-J . ' . ,. - 294 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. -tf WANTED Veal, must ba good qual ity and .have liver attached. John son Produce Co. WANTED ". Furmimed apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, ' or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter iob n-aonn Valley Fuel Co. !U sh paid for pelts, hides. s.i'; fira. Johnson Produce "i :i. ilr St. Phone 97. tf !" !! inse Tiovtug and repair I how 4R8-M or 488-X. m;n ! , HOUSKKEEl'INQ ROOMS 1 ' : - Two large housekeeping rooms, sn ner month. 322 S. Central 295 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. .. 310 N. Bartlett. 29-1 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. " 611 S. Central. for rent furnished rooms FOR RE , . !! room. i ...r For re i : Terms . n . Phone FOR RE ' men on : I FOR RE men on FOR REN Ing root . ' j8o. Rlvt I PET ' ulsbed Bleeping 299 id board, men '6 8; Riverside. 293 rooms, . ape. hath: 276tf per week; 314 at. 3d front gleep rlvllOBes. 325 701-J. tf BOMB 0 I WM xm At Yonr Inform! ' Cor. Imbalance I r Mht ' Given lala WANTED Married couple for ranch work; no children. Box C, Mail Tribune. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 28 acres of 20 year old Newtown apples near Mcdford. Mrs. T. J. Williamson, 315 S. River side. 290 FOR RENT 80 acres or land under . water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address - Bert - Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Pbone 82. U FOR RENT BOUSES FOR RENT Six room modern house. Phono 938-M. 296 FOR RENT Five room house cheaply furnished. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 70. tt FOR RENT Seven room house,.' fur nished. 263 Boatty 8t. 297 FOR RENT Five room house cheaply furniBhed. Call 76. tc FOR RENT Modern house. Phone 298 R-13-R. FOR RENT Five room bungalow; also 10 acre garden tract. Phone 317 day time. 318 FOR RENT 122 Portland Ave., a six room modern plastered house, new ly papered and painted throughout. Good fruit trees, a chicken yard and garage on place. Call 58-R. tf FOR RENT Holly. -Two room uouse, 519 S. 295 FOR RENT House ' at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for . sale. C. A. DeVoe. ' tf FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St.. easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So.. No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J . . . tf FOR RENT 'Houses Brown & White. Choice of 3 Good Gars $150 Each We have -cut the; price to the quick to ' move these cars ! early in the season. A real opportunity ' to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Used Cars 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 . Like new, $180 worth of ; extras. ' 1915 Dodgo Touring $260.00 Good mechanical condition. 1921 Ford Touring $250.00 , Starter and shock absorber. Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers , Cor. Main and Holly FOR RENT Modem furnished apart ments, reasonable 532 S. Ivy St. 300 FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment in Mnll Tribune building, hot and cold water, Bteain heat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. tf FOUND FOUND On the street, two keys. Owner get same at this otfice by paying for notice. - tf FOUND Driving glove, loft- in this office. 294 ESTRATED STRAYED Eight head hogs marked . swallow-fork right, underbit left. Reward for information. W. U. Dennis, Eagle Point. - 295 MONEY TO LOAN HONEY TO LOAN Ix)ans city and business properties. Building loans. W. G. Wright., 701 W. Eloventh St., -- city. : Phone 445-Y. 304 FARM LOAN'S Medford National Farm Loan Association. 'F. P. Far rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FORaTeRaDE5oO acres 14 miles Medford. - 60- acres cultiva tion, 15 irrigated, house, barn, lots pine and fir saw timber. Good high way to box factories. Write K I, Tribune. 295 FOR SALE OR RENT 360 acre ranch 100 acres In cultivation, good water right. See W. E. Barber, Nash Bar ber Shop, or Herman Messinger, Provolt, Ore. 298 FOR SALE Lot on Ross Court be tween C. M. Kidd's and Swem's residences. A. V. Carlson, Central Point. 297 FOR SALE; Cheap, 6 room house nnd 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. McCune. 11. 3, Box 39. 311 tOR SALE, RENT Oil TRADE-Alf-alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St.. Phone 465-J. tf HOUSE SACRIFICE Snow Storm Gives Owner Cold' Feet Says Reduce Price $1000 New Price $2000 Terms to Suit. Bwutlfui Hntno on ono of brat streets' In 'Medford. Couldn't bnild house for (KlftOO. - The greatest bargain in a houw I- havo been able to offer in two yours. Yon must act today if yon wont this. See J. C. Phone 784-L FOR EXCHANGE , , . FINE HOME AND ONE ACRE IN ASHLAND More fruit on this acre than any other acre in Southern Oregon and Is of the very beat varieties,' also lots ol Almonds, English Walnuts and Butternuts. House Is 8 rooms, exceptionally woll built, large sunny rooms, all plastered, stone foundation. There Is Bhrubbery and rosos. THIS PROPERTY IS PRICED CHEAP. ALL CLEAR. Will , trade for property In Valley or elsewhere, acroage or town. WHAT HAVE YOU? ' FOUR-SITE REALTY1 AGENCY Rooms '409-4IO Modford Ccinter Bldg. Real Estate Business Opportunities ' KtcnanRns MONEY MAKING INVESTMENTS For poultry. 6 acres located one and one-half miles west of Modford. Just the place for poultry and small fruits; Irrigated and fenced. Neat four room plastered cottage; large pantry and screened porch;- well and pump; wood house and stable. Price $2000. Cash payment of $500 00 and $500.00 per year for three years, soveti per cent Interest. 30 acres for alfalfa and poultry. Located two miles east of Medford, all can be Irrigated; 6 acres good bearing pears; Bmall house. All good for alfalfa, grain, fruit and vegetables. Wo are Instructed to Bell this for $3000.00; cash payment of $1000.00 and $500.00 per year for 'our years with Interest at six per cent. Does this sound reasonable as an investment. 12 acres natural woods only one and one-half miles from Medford) -can be Irrigated;- sandy loam soli. Just the place for raising turkeys and ohickens. No -buildings. You cannot afford to pass this up. The price is only $1000.00, with a cash payment of $276.00 and $25.00 per month. Talk about your bargains, this Is one. Suburban home site of 4 acres fronting on the pared highway two miles out; all cultivated and plenty of free water for the pumping. Best of soil for Intense farming. The price Is about tho same as a good city lot on paving, and carries tho conveniences of paved road; electricity; daily mall and telephone. Do you realise what you can produce on 4 acres of good land? Price $1500 00; terms. Wo are In position to moke farm and city homd loans on a six per cent basis for a straight term of years and on easy payments. We offer you a safe Investment for your savings account whlcb will make you six per cent compound Interest. . J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phone BHA. IU East Mala (M. YES. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE FOR SALE First class cafe located at Grants Pass, Oregon, doiug Rood business. Seats fifty people. Firat class fixtures. For further particu lars Inquire at Box 7G, Mail Tribune. 294 OOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' Bt No. 15 N. Grape St., Pbone 465-J. tf FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE Baby chicks, Whlte Leg horns, from Hogantzed two year old hens bred to trapuest cockerels. Healthy, vigorous stock. Can take orders for 500 chix on April 17 at 16o, 4000 on May 10th at 12c, nnd lOuO on June 1st at 10c; also book ing to sell 1000 10 weeks old pullets at $1.00 each. Why send away for baby chicks nnd pullots? The host stock to be hod con bo bought at homo. Advertise your needs. Rogue River Poultry Form, Jacksonville Road, Phono 201-W. . . 298 FORALB 165 exceptionally fine10 months old White Leghorn hens, 1 1 .. aK.. CK . . w, DK. a n aI. 1 H. M. WorkRoute 1, Bojf 17, Talent 294 FOR SALE Ri 1. Red setting eggs, $1.00 for 16; $5.00 a hundred. Phone 8-R-2. . - t .295 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs 7c each. Phone 969-R. 315 FOR SALE Baby chicks' and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Moganlzed hens. S. C. Rhode Island Keds, win ners and layers; won 5 firsts Ash' land show,- and- 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. ; S. C. White Leghorn pure Tnncred strain. Red Wing Poultry - Yard, phona 806-Y, Medford, Ore. BUST FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark Barred Rock,-$3.00 for fifteen. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48. Phone 969-R. ' . r 311 FOR - SALE woi - Brahma roosters. purebred - Light Call 841-J-l. 294 FOS SALK Hr.tchlng eggs $6.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selected by use of the trapnest No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. WInsns, : Phone 344-M. . 200 FOR SALE Burred Rock eggs, for hatching; O. A. C. strain. Phone 201-J. , 208 FOR SALE R. L Red hatching eggs. Phone 673. 29R BARNES New Location, 411 Center Building FOR EXCHANRK Ford truck dulry cows. Phono 788-R-l. for i 299 sj'i ; FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE Maxwell touring $175. C'udilluc delivery car- in good me chanical 'condition. Just bocn over hauled. Victor Dnniolson, 113 N. Central. 299 FOR SALE Cheap, touring car in good condition. Phono 820-R even ings. 294 FOR SALE Oakland Six. 1919, new license, now tires, repainted, over hauled, price $.'125 for quick sale. 1001 May St., or I'. O. Box 930. 296 FOR BALik-'-UunatMl bargain In 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, In splendid condition. Call 202 or see it, 123 S. Front St. 2S8tf FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Beardless seod barley. Jaa. Campbell. . . .- 297 FOR SALE Quick Lunch Beed pota toes, mountain grown, specially selected, best ouick growing early - potatoes. Distributed by tho Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange, Medford. A. D. Moore, Persist, Ore gon. 299 FOR SALE Dry wood $3.25 tier. 2:15 N. Ivy. -299 FOR SALE Loose nnd baled alfalfa and grain hay. Phone 500-R-2. 296 TOR SALE' Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. W. T. 'Jennings', 1023 E. Main St Phone 913-R. 297 FOR SALE 1 disc p:ow, 1 John Dooro binder,. Van Brunt seeder, 'Big Six mower, double A harrow, spring tooth harrow, 3-eetlon splkotooth harrow,' sulky plow, huy fork and ' carriage. Call 565-J-2. FOR SALE Buick 4 light dollvory, $75. Zi h. p. ' Fairbanks-Morse engine. Phono 927-M. 295 FOR SALE Yuba 12-20 tractor com pletely overhauled, - suitable -for orchard, farm or road work. . Tel. 611J3, F. C. Kenly. 295 FOR SALE At Three Oaks, 468J-I ! Airaira hny fed out, $15; 2-sectlon sprlngtooth harrow; $20; tyiewrltcr ' good condition, $15; extra, -v good violin, $60; very good banjo, $15; Avery tractor, good condition $100; also work camp outfit, as follows; Bed springs, each, $2; spring cots, each, $2; mattross, $2; cook Btdvo, ' $6; chairs, 50c. 295 FOR SALE Baled hay. . Phono 317. 318 FOR S A LE Strawberry ! and rasp " berry plants. Phone 280. . 301 TOR SALE llalte-Rlto electric shelf oven, capacity 120 iVj loaves, i Bhelves, white tile finish, good con dition, a' good baker, $600 f. o.b. Portland. J'ortlnnd Gas & Coke Co,, Portland, Ore. '297 FOR SALE Drinking fountB, feeders of nil kinds for baby chicks.' Mon arch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE 8 Ms tons first clnss grain hay, baled; $20 per ton. Inquire II. A. Fergus, R. 2, Box llfi. 297 FOR SALE Iowa practically new. Point 133. cream separator, ' ' Phone ' Central 296 FOR SALE Chick food of suporlor quality at $3.25 per hundred. Why pay more? Monarch Seed Co. ' tf FOR SALE Reliable ' Blue Flnme brooders, 350-600-1000 chick slats nt reduced prices. Monarch Seed Co. ' tf FOR SALE Corn. Phone 639 R-4. . . ' ' 295 TOR SALE New Oregon strawborry plants. Phone 403-R-2. 293 JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those celebrated $12.50 Cords Crank Cases and Trans missions drained free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Nest to Nat. A Real Service w Station FOR SALE Four room house and ono lot 50x100; some benios, good gnrdnu land, plenty of water, price . $1000. Terms on some. 1004 May Bt.i or P. O. Box 930. 290 FOR SAI.B-Homc on fleneva Ave. See R. H. McCurdy, Phone 123. tf FOR SALE Seven room olose-ln house. $2000. Clear. Terms, $1000 cash, balance like small rent. P. O. Box 559. 293 FOR SALE Seven . room close-in house. $2000. Clear. 'Terms, $1000 cash, balance like small rent. P. O. Box 599. 293 FOR SALE Mortorn four room house and good lot; assessments nil paid; oosv payments: room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St 2Sltf FOR SALE Douses and bungalows, furnished Or unfurnished: nho ' acreage. Insurance. C. S. ' But. ' tnrfiold. ' Medford National Bank "Phone 389 FOR SALE IjIVKSTOCK FOR SALE Two fresh cows, flftv dollars each. Phone 17-F-21. James Campbell, 295 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroc Jersey sows, - to farrow in March and April; also ono prize winning registered Duroc boar Call Bert Atidersott, Modrord, ' or' Mlravista Orchard. 'tf FOR SALE Work horse or will trado for cow.- Phone 8-R-l. . 29o FOR."SALE 96 head of eVes with SO lambs. . E. L: Boeson, Talent. Phono 372-J-4, Ashland. 291 FOR SALE One fourteen i hundred pound team, wagon and ' harness, $226. - T. A. Btevens, -near- Griffin Creek achoolhouse. . 297 FOR SALE Milk cows, calves nn'l freshening heifers; nlno baled grain hay ' Fred Puhl Ranch,- ; Inquire Hubbard Bros. ' 30-M FOR SALE Young Jersey- cow .with heifer calf. Phone R-13-M. 29D FOR SALE Work team, woll match ed and true. Phono 23xx2, Central . Point - , , , 298 FOR SALE Cows - just fresh, select, federal tested. M. Walsh, ouo mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. 307 ' 1 - FOR BALE Work horses, smalt and large, single and double. Phone 691R4. 299 FOR SALE Jersey cow; fresh. Klrt land Farm, Central Point, Tol 19x4. '' ' ' 296 , " BdSINKSS DIltEOTORY , i ' Attorneys O. C' BOGGS Lawyer. Specialize In Real Estate, and Probate Law 80 North Geutral Ave. A. B. REAME8 La wyor,' office Llbdrty Building. ' lb Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVK1 P. COLEMAN Cblro nrkctle and Electro-Therapy.' 427- ' 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966. ' tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician.. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGSS Naturopathic ;Chiro ' praetor. Mechano-Tbarapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Bclences, Chtro practice, orflce: ' Stowart Bldg., 1 235 10. Main St. Phbnesr Office. ' 170; ReB. 170-J-2. DR.- E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suits' 203-04-05-06, Lib erty Bldg. ' Otfice Phone 580, Res 'Completely ,. '' Overhauled Good Tires $350 ' Bee tUi before buying. 1920 Oakland . Terms if desired . C. E. Gates Auto Co. ' Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & . GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 5 No, 32 North Ceutral . Ave., u stairs. '...., 4 J nek son County , ) ABSTRACT : CCv - : The only complete Tt tie System in Jackaoa County, Abstracts of Title and Titlo Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGG RellabW - Jackson county abstractors of I ' 'ties,-Gold Hill, Oregon. Building Material MEDFORD CEMENT ' BRICK ' A BLOCK WORItS Specialize In all kinds of cement building product!. Cor. Fir and Tonth Streets. - Dentlsu DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M M. Dept Store, Medford. ' Oregon. "Phone 66 Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. ' . Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. H.'Wll ' son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In- - c6me Tax requirements. ' Look into - our simplified accounting method. Liberty - Bldg.. Medford ' Pbone 167-R . , :' Money to Lta J. R. ANDREWS Buys and lol! mortgages and ' loans money Ow good security, 31 N Grape 8t Phone 53-M. , 241 ' Monuments Monuments. ' E. A. Hloks, general manager. P. . M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tt Osteopaths DR. F. O. OAULOW, DRi EVA MAIM CARLOW Osteopathic Physlolaol 416-418 Liberty Bldg. - Phont, B04-J-3; Residence 26 ' Souti. Laurel St. j. . ,-,r DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician:' Special attention glTeo to eye, ear, nose. and throat. 100 Liberty Building. Pbone 49t. i . i: . Physicians nd Surgeons. DR. WM W. P. HOLT Phystelaa and ' BUrgoon, Offices ; Medford Bldg. Phone 165. -Residence 111 Genesee St.. Phone 166-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg Entrance 30 N.' Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs. John 0. Cupp, 913 N. Central; private classes - in . piano, harmony, counterpoint, comiiosltlon nnd history of niual. "Phono 1018-M. tt FRED ALTOS HA1GHT Teacher .01 Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging.' Studio , 818 Libert Bldg. Pbone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, eto. Portland prices. $7 Ni-Flr St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS ' makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and ' rug Phon 5I0-M 706 Pino St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGES CO Office 42 North Front Bt. Phons 81S. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE ' ,CO.--Anytblng . moved, day of night . Sorvice . guaranteed. 29 8, .Orape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1000 or 206. tf Upholstering , WEI8 Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Use of materials. Draperies made, to order. We do all klnda ol uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples i Phone lot (..fVinnvlll . AudltlM Ct AceouMm f? .YSraERVICEiO: . M. P.' BTWMTTB ' ' Cad Floor ModfoHI BMr, : P&one 47,