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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1923)
A .'.' PSOE FIVE r MORSL'iS Bulk Garden SEEDS are Coast grown, acclimated, high bred and dependable. We carry a complete stock of Morse's bulk garden seeds and can supply you with a packet or pound of seed right here at home at catalogue prices. ' ; Buy Bulk Seeds They Are Fresher MONARCH SEED COMPANY Phone 260 We Deliver 317 E. Main Join the Farm Bureau Have Your T :!E WORK, WELDING AND BABBITTING F. E. Jenkins, expert machinist at 123 South Front St. CRATER LAKE AUTOMOTIVE CO. Our Overhauling Is Also Done by Experts Fnriii llurfflu Wwk March 5th to 12th MOSCOW. , Walll Mar. 5. Basket ball players who will represent- the University of California and the Uni versity of Idaho in the first athletic contest ever played by the two schools in their first game tonight for the Pa cific coast intercollegiate conference championship wero ready for action today. Indalio took a final workout consist ing of passing practice only yesterday morning whilo California scrimmaged In a final workout in the afternoon. Idaho fans are hopeful today, that their team will bo successful in de- ( fending the coast conference title won last season. Tho teams will moot horo tonight and tomorrow night and if a third game should bo necessary, will play it on a neutral floor, probably at Spo kane. George Varnoll of Spokane, selected as referee of tonight's contest has declined to serve. ! PARIS M. LaCaste, IS, won tho Trench national tennis singles cham pionship by defeating M. Iltrsch -7, 10-8, 6-2, 0 0. Kogloalil Denny plays tho Bon, Lil lian, IUch the girl he loves, and Em met King hlH father. Others in the cast are Kingsley Benedict, Lionel Holmore, Gertrude Astor, Walter Mo Orall. Wlldred Lucas, Bert Woodruff and a lot more. i 'Join Farm Bureau I IX Tilt; CIIICCIT CvHRT OK THR STATU UI1 UUt.uu.-N, un J.vt.iv.e .- JACKSON COt'NTY, o body politic ami Corporate or tne Duim ut uuikwh, Plaintiff, vs. Clara M. Hawk. "Mm. Hanna Stllwell, Agnes H. Sanderson, tl. 11. l.iulc. 11. B Little nnd Benjamin nnd Arm Boall, lvun Mngruder, Ui E. Price and Joe K. DunlfK ilrown & von doc Hellen. S. II. Hurnlah. T. E. Nichols ami Fred L. lleuth. Brown & on der Hellen and W. C. Clements. Hrown & Von der Hellen, 1. 1 al, Carl W. Ringer. II. A. and P. I. Hlirugue, Floyd D, Kpniuuo, Hrown el von der ll.-ilen and A. J. i. ,,,,., r ,, n.l it (1 H.lwlii. M. O. llar- mon. II. C. Hlldluth. Suelc K. llar- nlsh. Flora Kidney. Isaac Householder, ii..,, i ('..trrett. A. Schmitltng. Nettle Thompson. Joe Pope. S;im WnUh, Mrs. 1". Apptegnte unu .itniu (luiiiu. ... ... Miller. Ornce. A. Lnthron. Daniel Wil liams. J. F. Ragsdule. Nellie Pitman. California Hex Spray 1'omi.any, l-uura John J. Wilkinson. O. 11. - i-'...-i..i,.n itiwt A. I.. Tanner. Hudotnh A. Oonrud und Anna fonrnd, John I.. I.'nimiT. el ux, J. L. Deminur and cue nf MedforiL Ocn. Il.-ed. Jumcs u. Wurd. it ux. It. 11. Toll nnd City of M.-ifnrd K F. Oulhrlo. N. L. Town ,...! i-1 A Ifnlnlit itrd E. M. Wilson. Bert Anderson and Miry Agnes l.ver .tl, Herbert R. HinJth. It. II. Tnfl. .V. E. Iiurhy. H. R. Rundlott, Flora li Barnes. L. M. Rhodes, H. F. RlrKorl and All Hpurrow. Kllia J. l.owls. L. M. Hhod.-H und Tmi tuiBhonn. l. u. Whit.', J. T. Sullivan. I.oUi Adit Pi-toh. Fred E. 0ti Waller S. Martin, ilxien iL Sni'dicor. KH Anthony Inc. and Arthur U Hill. St. Anthony Ina, h. 1U Davis. A. II. Mllltvr. City of Mcd ford and Lumollli' Huvinus Dank and Trust Company, Oni-, Wold and CUV of Mi-dford, lt.'lk' Cochran. J. i:. Toft and City of Mvdford. L. 11. Crawford, City of Mtfdfonl and T. i). Oiirmy, General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass Door Frames Window Frames ' All Kinds of Interior Finish MONTE CARLO Miss Kitty Mc Kano ot England won tho women's singles in tho Monto Carlo tennis tournament by dofeating Miss Eliza beth Ryan, formerly of California 5-7, G-2, 6-4. CHERBOURG Battling SikI, tho Senegalese pugilist who Is to meet Miko McTIeuo In a bout at Dublin March 17, has sailed for Quenstown, FUNERAL SERVICE Inclulinj every attention that con come from the hands of a Funeral Director. Removing rcmuins to parlors, use of chapel, Funeral service and all other service (except em balming) rendered without charge. Our show rooms are stocked with the best money can purchase, and at prices positively guaranteed satisfactory to all. CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. I ABOARD THE U. S. S. CALIFOR NIA,1. BALBOA, Mar. 5. (By radio to the Associated Press). The Pacific ! fleet baseball team defeated the Atlan tic fleet nine at Balboa field yesterday 4 to 2. 'Admiral H. P. Jones, comman der of the United States fleet and Ad miral Edward Eberle, commander of the Pacific fleet, attended the game. Several thousand officers and enlisted men were present. Join Farm Bureau FAREWELL SERMON CHRISTIAN CHURCH John E. Lnahiim, H. K. lud!iy. W. A. Jotii.a, Hi-rbort L. Alford and H. H. Toft, T. It. Tanner. J. T. Gannon nnd W. Eldon and IX. K. Oordon, LcxInKton It-alty Co., and Frank 11. Hots.., O. L. lint.t .1 W K.'nnv t-t ux. Lc-xlnitlon lUalty Co. anil V. C. Kom.T. Lcxlim ton Itoalty Co. and Akoi-s C. Cran dall, I). M. Stewart and Hti-wart Lund Co, L. I. March, Waltor M. Seward, Anna Delude, S. C. Stlmson. II. 0. Stoddard, Lewis LaRer nnd Kstncnda Statu Hank. .II. K. Oliver. J. W. Pitt and Marv KIlKore, K. J. Llpson and l.vlnirlnn Renltv Co.. R. S. KulliH. John Amell and Oocar Johnson, Ls InKton Itenlty Co. and A. L. Hean.ea, J. I". Gilbert, J. A. Uose and Lena II. McKinsle. and L. A. McKensie. Kr-a Swurtz et al., F. SI. And.-rson, Truden tlal Mining Co. and W. 1. Donovan, T ..vln.rt,,. n.liv. I'n. A r. Plorei and LeXlnston Healty Co. William If. Slierld, j-lirmern rrunK"w i.m.. UitvlB & Miller, A. II. Miller. James O. Smith. C. H. Corey, Kena W. Ilarr. Idrtla Gordon. 1.. B. Samuels, F. t. Merrick. Trustee. J. D. Olwell. Alfred A. Coles and A. C. Kiero. Alfn-d A. Cowl.s, M. nnd K. J. Ailnms, J. II. Curkin and B. W. L. Curkin, J. L. LuKham. and each and every person, firm and corporation named in tho fol lowinK HstH an bolng the owner or ............ ,,,.e.,r,llnV In the tlLX roll Ot Jiu-Hon' County. State ot OroKon, of tracts and parcels of lund, lotH and Hl.u-I. tl,.,r..l dt,HerltM.d and following their respective names and each and every person, firm and corporation owning or claiming to own or having or claimtnK to nave any iiuon-M, uuu ne elnlm tlieri.n Olid 'ilHO Itll Otlief perHons and parlies unKiiow:i eianiuu any rlKht, title, ostate. lien or InlereBl In the niil estate descriOetl In the Complaint nnd Appliealio.i for .ludp menl anil I'ecree iiereui, Defendatitn. TIRES OLD PRICES On a Few Sizes 3x3 IDx3i $8.50 $9.50 Dx3 Cords $12.50 32x4 Cords . '.. $21.95 33x4 Fabric . . $13-50 32x3 Fabric $12.50 34x4 Fabric $22.50 SPECIAL PRICES ON TUBES WITH TIRES. Vulcanizing antd Retreading All work guaranteed Rebuilt Tires Prices Right Exchange Tire Co. 28 N. Riverside Phone 520 foln lite Fan I Bureau Largo audiences greeted both the morning and evening services at the Christian Church Sunday. The music was exceptionally good and in addi tion to the congregational singing Mrs. Harry Scougall sang a solo at both service, tho church orchestra rendered three splendid new numbers and Mrs. Shockley played a beauti ful cornet solo "Tho Holy City." D. 13. Millard preached his farewell sermon in the morning which was more of a talk and review of tho past four years work.. There have been 240 additions dur ing his pastorate, about $6000 In In debtedness has been paid off and an departments of tho church are In flourishing condition. Mr. Miliaro has performed 86 weddings and con ducted over 300 funerals. In the evening the illustrated ser mon "The Divino Library" was inter esting, instructive and educational'. Thin Ts Farmers' Week f&n A Thrilling Photoplay, Rialto The terrible injustice of a ruthless Wall Street broker In "railroading" to priscn and death the man who had saved his money and his life, is re sponsible for the stirring chapters of of breathless intrigue, exciting adven ture and vengeance in "Missing Mil' Hods," the new picture starring Allco Urady which was presented with great success at tho Rialto theatre yesterday. Particularly thrilling iB the fight between two sets of thieves in the strong room of an ocean liner. David Powell has the Interesting role of BoBton IJlackle and Frank Losee Is seen as the Wnll Street broker. Miss Mrady's interpretation of an exacting role was most artistic. Page Thriller, "Kentucky Derby' "The Kontucky Derby" is pouring its excitomonts out for patrons of the Pago theater. 'today ' and- tomorrow. Tho picture Is made from "Suburban,1 which had considerable voguo a scoro of years agft.i Its story is of a fiery-teinpered old Kentucklan who disowns his son when the boy marries the daughte of a stableman. The lad is shang haied, taken to the Orient nnd kept prlBoncr on board the ship for three years. Then when the vessel is wrecked ho learns from the dying cap tain who It was that is responsible for his plicht. Ho Ib ablo to reach New York, find his wife nnd the child, and get to Louisville in time to foil the villain's plans for his father's horse to lose tho Kontucky Derby. Tho crooks are arrested and the hoy, his wife and child are taken Into his father's heart, To Clara M. Hawk, Mrs. Hanna Stltwell. Agnes H. Sanderson. G. H. Llttlo. O. it i. ii.ia nn. lientnmln and Ann lieall. Ivan MairrudtT. w. E. Prico and Joe K. nanlelH, lirown a von hvt iie;ieu, i? ii n.rniai. t E Klcliolit and J- red ).. Heath. Hrown & Von der llelltn and W. C. Clements, Drown & Von der Hel len ot al Curl W. Klnuer.i H. A. and F. D. Sprnirue. rloyd l). Sprnmie., Brown & Von der Ilel len and A. J. . Hutcher and II. fl. Ii..lnii 1 ft lliirinen. H. C llll- dreth. Susie R Harnlsh, lorn Id J aev, Isaac Householder, Geo. C. rett, A. Hchmltling, Nettle Thompson. Joe Pope, 8am Walsh. Mrs. P. Applo pate and John Kocho, I.. M. Miller, Ornco A. I.atlirop, Daniel Williams, v I.-1 Rnirxrinle. Nettle l'ltmun. Califor nia Hex Spruy Company, Laura Law. renlz, John J. Wilkinson, C. I!. Carlo- ton ana A. u. I anuer, r.uu'iii'ii ... -..nM..t n,t,l Annn PonmH. . .lOIIIl I. Denime'r, et ux. J. L. Demtner nnd r-l,u l.trne,l n..n n,MI. .lames O. Ward, et ux, li. II. Toft and City of Medford, E. F. Guthrie, N. L. lown send. C. A. Knight, and B. M. Wilson Ilnpt AnrlerRon find Mflrv Alines LV- ,l ll.,h.rl n. Smith. .11. H. Toft. M. H. Dauchy, 11. U. Ilundlett, Flora E. Barnes, L. M. rthodes. 8. K. Klck ert and Alex Sparrow, Eliia J. Lewis, L. M. Rhodes and Tom Bushonp. V. C White. J. T. Sullivan, Lola Ada Potch, Fred E. Oero, Walter H. Martin, Helen 13. Kncdlre.r, St. Anthony Inc. and Arthur L. Hill. St. Anthony, Inc. K. II. Dnvis. a. 11. niiiier, of Medford, Lamollli! SnvlnKB Bank and Trust Company, urnce woia, nnd City of Merllord. Pelle Cochran, T I? Tf nnd f'ltv nr-Medford. L. B Cniwford. OUy of Medford and T. (1. Carney, MagKln M. Butcher, Mollle T. ni,,nb .Irthn P.. I-T.qham. H. R. Dudley, W. a'. Jones, Herbert L. Alford and B. II. Toft, T. n. Tanner. J. T. Oacnotl and inrst ."saiionai nitna ui .ipihi , John w. KKKm ann it. r.. tioroon, w:j lteellv Co. and Frank li lltow, C. L. Burton. J. W. Kenny et ux. Lexington Ilealty Co. and W. O. Foster, L-'Xlngton Itenlty Co. and Aira.a C Crundnll. I. M. SteWllTt II nd Stewart Land Co., L. .1. March, Walter M. Steward. Anna Delude, n. i;. munr; son. H. C. stoailarn, Lewis iiger nie Estae-nla. State lWinK, ll. K. unve t vr tMtl .ml XtnrV KlluorA. K. . Llpson and Lexington Heally Co., H S. uullis, jonn Arnen unu wwar ,m,iih son, A. c. Tartwn ano . ii. laroei l..lnlnn ttenltv Co. and A. I- lteames, J. F. Ollbert. J. A. Itose luid l.n U. McKlnsie, and L. A. MrKln sle. Fred Swnrtz et al F. M. Ander son, Prudential Mining Co;-and Wi I. Donovan, Lexington tieauy jo., a. u Klorey and Lexington Realty Co, William II. Slierld. Farmers & I rul - growers Uanlt. Davis & Miller, A. Miller, Jus. CJ. Smith, C. II. Con: Hona W. Barr. Idelln. Oordon. L. Samuels. F. B. Merrick, Trustee, D. Olwell. Alfred A. Coles and A. Flern, Alfred A. f'owlos, M. and F,. idin I It Curkin nnd K. W. Carkln, J. E. Lashain, and each nnd every person, firm anil corporation named III till) lonuwuig limn un ueniH tho owner or owners, according to the tux rolls of Jackson County, State of - Oregon, of trncts and jiarcelii of lanl, lots and blocks therein discrlbed anl following their respective names nnd each nnd every person, firm und cor poration owning or claiming to own or having or claiming to have nny In tercut, lein or claim therein and also nil other persons nnd parties unknown claiming nny right, title, estule, lien or Interest In the real estatn deicrt'i ed In the Complaint nnd Application for Judgment and Pecreo, herein, the abovo name,! Defendants. tn,i rm and Summons. IN' THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHE'lON: YOU and enen OI you n.-nH eiitlniMnlH. or holders of an In terest, lien, claim or eslato In nnd to the hereinafter described real nropert" situated In Jackcon County. (Unlit tf Oregon, and all personR owning or claim ing to own or having an Interest therein, njK hnrs.v errtifled that JflCkMOn Coun ty, a duly orgnnlted county and body politic nnd corponne nnoer ano ov vir I.,., nf in,. ennHtltutlon and Inwn of tin State of Oregon, the plaintiff above named. IB the owner nnd linltli-r ot cer ...... r-Aririeui. of IJcnllnatic ticv titim- la-red oh set out In the complaint on file tlflonlcR of lJcllnouency su lnsuej to Raid county were filed Dy said Hheriff and Tax Collector In th office of th ."ountv Clerk of said county on the 23rd dav of January, IH2. unit constitute, and are public recordH of said county and open to the InKUeollon of nil persons in terested therein: you and each of you q.-.. f,,rtt,e nilllffed DlUt til., d,'HCrlt. tii,iiN of the Troterty Included in said iferllflcalrt of IVllnuuency. the name and nnrinn nr iwtmoIIH lion4..irln IT UOOn ttlC latest Tax Ititlls In the hands of the Sheriff nnd Tax Collector or jaoKson I'imniv st;.te of On-iron. at the date 01 tho first publication of this NotU-o and Summons as iho owner or owners of said propertv, and if unknown, so stilted, and the total tax. Interest, penalty and ciistn due to January l, lyzi, me uuie oi the Issuance at said C'ertll'lcates of Do- 'lnuuoiicy are as lotiows: N.utio of owner, Clara M. Hawk, Cer tlfltato No. OHIO, lots 2. 3 and -I. Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount IM.6.7. Name of owner. Mrs. Hanna Certificate No. Ollll, lots 11 and 12, block tj or tne lown oi i.emrui i unu, Oregtm. Amount 19.16. Name of owner. Agnes IT. Sanderson Certlllcilto No. niU. lot 1. block 12 of the Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount 17.00. .-...., .,u-ner CI 11 l.itlte. Oeftlfl- cn'to No. C112S, lol 1 and 2. blocl' 31 of the Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount 10.36. .,., , ,, v ..e ..u.-era CI Tt l.iltle and Ben Intel,, ml Ann iWll. CtTlif tC4ltH No. CI lli 9. lota 7 and 8. block 31 of the Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount lr. 1 7 Name of owner, Ivan Magruder, Cer tificate No. CUKI2, lota 1 and 2. block 3. of the Town of Central Point, Orotfon. Amount n.. , . . Name of owners. W. E. lYIre and Joe E. Daniels, Cerlltlcatn No. CI 138, lot 1. block 33, of the Town of Control 1'olut, Oregon. Amount 18.22. Name of owners. Brown & on der Helleu, et al. Certificate No. C1217, lots 7, 6 and s, biOCK a or me tenirui auui tlon to the Town of Eaglu l'oint, Oregon. Amount . Name of owners. Brown & von der Hollell, et al. Certificate No. C12J8. lots 3 and 4 of block 3 of the Central Addi tion to the Town of Euvlil Point, Oregou. Amount fit. 12. , , Name of owners. Brown & Von der Hellen, et al, Certificate No. C1251. lots 7, 8. 9, 10 and 11, block. 1. of the Central Addition to the Town of Eagl Point. Oregon. Amount ,....PU iimvn Von der Hellen, ot nl. Certificate No. C12G2, lots 12, li and 14, block 4 ot tho Contral Addition to tho Town of Eaglo Point, Oregon. Amount 14. 08. . , Name of owners. Ilrown & A on der Hellen, et ul, Certificate No. C1251, lots 1", IS, 19. 20 and 21. block i of the Cen tral Addition tu the own of Euglo Point, f... ,.w A,iil II 1 4 j Name of owners, Urown & " on der Hellen, et al. Certificate No. C1265, lots 20 and 27, block 4 of tho Central Addi tion to the Town of Eaglo Point, Oro gon. Amount $5.12. . ' Name of owners. Brown A on der Hellen, et al, Ccrtlfiwltn No. C1257, lots l. 2. 3 and 4. block 0 of the Central Ad dition to the Town of Eugle Point, Ore- nAn ImnnnI Id l.r. Name of owners. Brown & Von der Hellen. ot al.. CVrllficuto No. C125S, lots 5, 0. 7. 8 and 9, block 6 of the Centritl Addition to the Town of Eaclo Point. Oregon. Amount IM.lo. v.,., u..n..r Hrown & Von der Hellen. et al. Certificate No. C1260, lots 17 and IS, block 6 of the Central Addi tion to tne lown oi iagio i-uiot. mount 14.04. , VU...A u.ner R IT ITnrnifdl. Cer tlflcato'No. C1204, lots 22 and 23. block a nt lb.. Central Addition to the Town of lOnglo Point, Oregon. Amount 119.30. N:, ni Owners. Brown & Von der Hellen, ot al, Certificate no. ui:o... iois 24. 25. 26. 2i. 28 and 29, block 6 of tho Central Addition to the Town of bag-It Point, Oregon. Amount Name or owners, r. r.. ivinwiB"" Fred L. Heath. Certificate No. C120o. lot 30, block 0 of the Central Addition to iho Town of ejugio. l'oini, ureaon. Amount $7.77. vu,.. ixt nwnwii rtrown & Von der Hellen, et al, Certificate No. C12i,, lots 31, 32 and 33. block 6 of the Central Addition to the Town of Eagle Point, AmOUnt Ili.ZH. Name of owners, Hrown & Von der Hellen nnd W. O. Clements, Cortiricate C iMl'rtx. lota 34. 3.r,. 36. 37. 38. 39 una 10, block 0 or mo tontrai jtuuituin w the Town of Eagle Point, Oregon. Amount $21.91. . . v..n, i,t eu-nera Brown & Von der Hellen, et al, Certificate No. C12B9, lots 11. 42. 43 and 44, block 0 of the Central Addition to tho Town of Eaylo Point, Oregon. Amount $8.2'.l. Name of owner, curl w. lunger, tt-r-iirieei., No C1270. lots 1 and 2. block 7, of the Central Addition to tho Town of Eagle l'oint, Oregon. Amount i..i. isamo ot owner, urown ac uu H.dlen. eL al. Certificate No. C12,l. lots 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. block 7 of tho Central Addition to tho Town of Hagle l'oint, Oregon. Amount Name or owners, urown von u,.i Hellen, et ul. Certificate No. C1272, lots ,o tt 1, ir. n.l 111 lilnelf 7 of till' Central Addition to the Town of Kagle, Point. Oregon. Amount t Kf,m nt eWnerM. H. A. and- F. I. Sprngue, Ortlficate No. C.1273, lots 18 and 10. block 7 of the Central Addition to the Town or hJigio ram, unison. Amount t.ti.n. , Kntee f owner. Flovd P. RpnigtlCs Certificate Tio. 01274, lot 20, block T of aho Central Addition to tho Town of liHple l'oint, Oregon. Amount i.n. Name of owners. Brown von dor Hellen und A. J. uutonor nno it vi., Certlflnnte Nn. C1270. lots 23. 91 9.1 9,. 9lt unrt 27. hlook 7. of thft Central Addition to tho Town of Eagle r.r.virnn Amn Mil I4Z.1Z. .. Name of owner, M. O. Harmon, Certif icate No. 1278, lot 31, block 7 of the Central Addition to the Town of Eagle Point. Oregon. Amount , i.i t. Nnmo of owners' Brown ft Von der Hellen. Certificate No. C1279. lots 33 onrf ni nr niftelc 7. nf the Ci.ntrnl Addi tion to the Town of Eagle, Point, Ore gon. Amount $14.04 Vol. US. lingo 273, led rtcoatda of Tack son countv, Oregon; nnd on tho tu bv the south line of Section 10 In lt kums Amended Addition to the Town r Oold Hill. Oregon. Amount (2.3d. Name of owner. Flora A. Kelsey, Cot tlficate No. 13SS, 17 acres of land di scribed In Died Kecords of Jaekso countv, Oregon. Vol. 10,1. page 36. li-s-land sold. Section 10. Townshlli 36 Soutl of Itange 3 West' ot the Wlllninelt Meridian In Jackson county, Oregon Amount $33.88. Nnmo of owner, A. Schmltllng, Ccr tlflcnta No. C1411. 76 lt on Mali street and 87 foot on Oregon street, li the City oil JncksouvUle, Oregon, de scribed In Iteed HiMjords of .l.u'ksoi county. Oregon, Vol. 31, page 205, belnt part of lots 1 nnd 2, block 27 of tin f'liv of Jacksonville, Oregon, Amoun $26.48. Name of owner. Nettle Thompson r'ertiricato No. C1418, lots 6 and 6, blocV 34 of the City of Jacksonville, ore gon. Amount tM.iti. , Nme of owner. Nettle Thompson. Certificate No. 01419, lots 6 and 6, blocl 35, or tho t ity or JiicKsonvme, Oregon Amount $7.29. Name of own, Nettlo Thompson, cnirirjii.. Nn. t'1420. lota 11 and 12 block 36 of tho City of Jacksonville. Oregon. Amount $6.02, n Name of owner. Joe Pope, Certifi cate No. C1429, 129 feet on tho Apulegati Road In block 1. of the City of Jack uiinvlll.. Oreuon. described as follow beginning nt a point on tho west line ol said road 200 feet south of the northern" corner, of said block; thence northerly in rlebt nnult.M to the Annlcirato road 16t feel; then southeasterly at right angle i;:f feel; tnence eueieny ui riiim ina r...,i in the weMt line of said road thence north 41 degrees oohI 12Tm feet to place oi eeginninH. aiuuuiii '"',,, Kiinie of owner. Joe Pope. Certificate No. C1430. 365 feet on tho Applegati road, being part of block 61 of tho city or Jacksonville, urog-on, unu ueet-i ui,-,. as follows: lienlniilng at tho southeast corner of said block 61, running thence north 41 degrees east 355 feet; thence westerly 2t6 reel; mence soutneriy .un feet to pluco of beginning. Amount $13 08 Name of owner. Ram Walsh, Certlfl cato No. C'1433, lots 1 and 2. block 68 ol the Cltv of Jacksonville, Oregon. Amount $13.70. . , v..,,,.. ,.1 nuwr Mm. Nettle ThomP- iioii Certificate No. C1437. lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 3 and 6, OlOC.K 1 Ot l,eviH niiuuetwiii ,v tho City of jucKsonvuife oreson, ..imnnl tlv A ! Name of "owner, Mrs. Nettlo Thomp son, Certificate No. 1438. lots 6. 8. 9 and and 13, OlOCK i ot 1.UW1S nuuui. itllwil city of Jacksonville, Oregon. Amount Name of3 owner. Mrs. Nottlo Thomp- r,n Crllfleitte No. C1441. lots 9. 12 and 13. block 3 of Lewis' Subdivision to the cuv or Jacksonville, vresun. Aointint il. Name of owner. Mrs. Nottlo Thomp son, Certificate No. Cl44i, lots t, t, o. 4 and 6, block 4 or ia'hw ouuoi.ii.iuu to the Cltv of Jacksonville, Oregon. Amnttnr tin Name of owners, Mra. P. Applegate and John Itocho. certinciatc no. wtii, land descrlbid In IJeed Itecords of Jack son county, Oregon, Vol. 116. pag 413 ..nut ,,r lilnek 62 of tho City of JncksaU' vine. Oregon, not platted. Amount "t?.1,', ne T. m Miller. Certifi cate No. C145S. lot G, block 2 of tho Town of 1'hoenU. Oretfon. Amount $20.53. Name of owner, Grace A. Lathrop. Certificate No. C1466. lots 19 and 20, block 23 of the Town of Phoonlx, Oregon. Amount $7.05. .,, v,.,,,,. f owner. Daniel Williams, Certificate No. C1185, lot 1. block 28 of tho Town of Tolo, Oregon. Amoun ti r.9 . Name of owner, J. F. Rugsdalo, Cer tificate No. C14S7, lots 14, lb ana 10, block 32 of tho Town of Tolo. Oregon, Amount $1.73. , K'.,,n. t.t nwnnr. Kettln Pitman. Cor- tlficate No. C1497. lots 18 and 19, block 6 of Corner and Sahtn Addition to the Town of ltoguo Itlver, Oregon, Amounv $16 60. N.,e of owner California Hex Sliray Company. Certificate No. C1600, land being part of lots 5 and 0 of lsll Addi tion lo ine miy ot mnuiuiu, wiunv... described In Vol. 106, pago 461 of the Deed Itecords or Jackson county, Ore gon. Ainounl $4. iv. . , - X.'.,m e nwm.r l.nllrft TlWrentZ. Cet' .,r.n ,. u R un,l r. liliw-k tiiit-itie t.u. v.uv.. .... "1. . . 26, of the original town mow city) ot Medford, Oregon. Amount M.,,.,., nu'nee l.nill-lL I.aWreiltZ. Cor- iiIa..,., XIn niKan tola 7 nml 8. block .16 of tho Original Town (now city) of Modrord, Oregon. Amount o.vo. v.-. ef ntener. .inlin J. Wilkinson, Cottflcato No. C1508, part of lot 1. block i ii.icr'u A,iiinion in inn ui hhi ford, Oregon, as described In Volume 87, page 20S lecd Itecords nf Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $936. name ot ownere, tL. i. tanr.un A. L. Tanner, Certificate No. C1609. I'd 8, block 8, of Carleton's Addition to 'lie ate No. C165S, lot 4. tilook 1, of -Idltlun to the City of Medford. Oregon, nount 19.98. Name of owner, Walter 8. Martin, ertlflcato No. l.'.CO. east half of south ulf of lot 6, block 9 of Park Addition tho City of Medford, Oregon, Amount 6.32. r.'ame of owner, Helen E. Snedlcep, ertlticate No. C1501, west half of the orth half of lot 8. block 0 of Park; ddltlon to tho City of Medford, Oregon, 'inuunt $16.39. . - Names of owners. St. Anthony Inc. nd Arthur L. Hill, CerlU'lcata NO. 1662, lots 3 and 4. block 3 of QUW nn Addition to the City ot MedtortT, -regon. Amount $10.58. Names of owners, St. Anthony' Inc. id Arthur L. Hill. Certificate No. 1663. lots 6. 7, 12 and 13. block 3 lit 'ueen Ann Addition to the city of Mcd rd, Oregon. Amount $28.69. , Name of owner. St. Anthony Inc., Cer iflcate No. CI 564, lots 16 and 111. block laines oi owners, tiraeu emu 'y ty of Medford. Certificate No. CH86,' t 11, block 1 of Riverside Subdivision of Ouuen Ann Addition to the City at ledfor.l .Oregon. Amount $19.03. . Names of owners. P.. li. Davis, A. 1c illller. City of Medford and Lamolll -tavlngs Bank nnd Trust Company, Cer Iflcate No. C1666, lots 4 and 6., block 0 of IJueen Ann Addition to the City of ledford, Oregon. Amount $9.07. r- isames or owners, tirnca toia iiw It ot n the City of Medford, Oregon. Amoun; 6.9-r. ; Name of oivner. Belle Cochran, Cor- . -finite No. C1667. lots 1. 2. 3 and, 4, 'ock 6 ot Hlverslde Subdivision to the i'y of Meilford, Oregon. . Amount 19.20. ' . Name of owner. Belle Cochran, Cor iflcnte No. C1668. Ions f., 0, 7 and t. lock 6 of niversldc Subdivision to the liv of Medford, Oregon, . Amount $17. RO. ' Name of owner, Belle Cochran, Cer llflcnto No. C1569. lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and 6, In block 7 of (tiverslde subdivision to be City of Medford, Oregon. Amount Nnina of owner, nello Cochran, Cer- Iflcute No. C1570. lots 6. 1, t, 9 and a. in block 7 of Hivorsldo subdivision o the City of MedforJ, Oregon. Amount. Name of owners. J. K. 'lotx ana vtiy t l,ll'nr1 Crtiric.itA No. C15T1. lot . hlook 3 Hose Avenue Addition lo til Cltv of Medford. Oregon. Amount $ll.ia. Name or owners. L. v. urawroro, f Medford and T. O. Carney, Certlfij ate No. C1672, lots 1 and 2, blo-.-lt t f Rosa Addition to the City of Medfotd, tregon. Amount $9.17. K..n.n nJ.,r l,l..ltt f TtlltntlAr. rtiflcato No. C1575. lot 9, block 8. toss Addition to the City of Medlar. Amount ft7.G5. Namo of owner. Mollle T. Black, Cef City of Medford, Oregon: -Amount $3.91. Name of owners, Rudolph A. Conrna and Anna Conrad, Certificate No. CPilO, north no reet ot me soutn lie leet t't lot 3. block 1 of Cuttnge Addition I J lite Cltv of Medford. Oregon. Amount &.i.i Fitme nf nwnArs. John L. Dctllinor. et ux, Certificate No. C1618, lots 1 and 3. hloek 3. of Fairmont Addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon, Amount $9.36. Name or owners, j. u. iM-mmer " City Of Medford. Certificate No. C1510. lot . bloc e or i' airmnnt auuiuuii w tho City of Medford, Oroton. Amount $4 74. Name of owner. On. Heed. Certifi cate No. 1520, lot 12. block 1 of Fruit dale Addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $12.88. fc-T ............. umM fi WnrA et lflcate No. C1576, lots 10, 11 and 12, dock 1 or Siskiyou Heights Audition to ho City of Medford. Oregon. Amount Name or owner, jonn r.. t.ajiiiiiin, tlficate NO..C1578, lots land 6. block t f Slsklvou llelgbtB Addition to tne t.-uy f Medford, Oregon. Amount $14.81. Name of owner. H. S. Dudley, Certlfl- X- e,f.70 In, a L T. nnr R tllncll 8 if Siskiyou lielghts ' Addition to the 'Itv of Medford, Oregon. Amount $14.18. . ... Name or owner, ti. a. uuaiey, trtiti- ente No. C1580. lots 1 2. 3 and 4 10 block b or Msktyou lieignts Auaitiwu to the City of Meiford, Oregon. Aiuuunt m mA nr nwner Tl R Dndlev. Certifi cate No. C168J. lot 5. block 6 of Slski- I'nu Heights Addition to tne i-iiy ui iledford, Oregon. Amount $4.13. Name of owner. H. S. Dudley. Certifi cate No. C1584. lots 19. 20, 21 and 22, block 5 of Siskiyou Heights Addition! In the City of Meurord, Oregon. Amount ,I8'Namo of owners. J. R Toft and' City of Medford, Certificate No. C1699, lot , block or wouer Auoiiitm-to too ui.jr of Medford, Oregon. Amount $8.76. ,. Name of owner. W. A. Jones, Certifi cate No. C1600, lot 9. Woodlawn Heights Addition to tne city or ,-ueuioru, une gon. Amount $3.31. - Names of owners, Herbert. L. AlfoM nnd Jt. H. Toft, Certificate No..Clo6. 76 foot front on east sine oi oouin-oiu.. dale avenue as described In Vol. 93. page 673 of Deed Records of Jackson county. ' Oregon. Amount $31.11. .v Name of owner, T. K. Tanner, Certif icate No. 160'J, lot 14, Francis Addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon., Amount 'Name of ownern. J.' T. Gnpnon and First National Bank of Medford, Oregon, Certificate No. C1616. the enst 360 feet of the north 164 feet of lot 4, block U Nickel's Addition to tho City of Meff ford, Oregon; less south 13 feet, streets, alleys and R. R, right of way. Amount $47.65. . Names of owners, .John. Eldon ana B. E. Oordon, Certificate No. C1663, south west tiuarter of southweBt -quitrtef ,1a s..ellnn I Townnhln 33. South Range I East of tho Wlllamotto Meridian n Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $9.1. Numes of owners, Lexington Realty Co. nnd Frank H. Reose. Certlflcato No. C1672, south half of northeast aumer of Section 16, Township 37, South, Rang 1 East of tho Wlllamotte Meridian. In Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $16.3L Name of owner, 0. L. Burton, Certlfl; cate No. C1691, land described In ,1253a Records or Jackson county, Oregon.- ei. 103, page 299, containing 6 acres, lodajt- ea in nection , townniui, ttv, 9 i.,uu nf tnn WIllamettM MIlH. dinn In Jackson county, Oregon. AmoufiJ to.i.. ux. Certificate No. C1621. lot 3. block 3, or ITU loam Auuition in tin, Medford, Oregon. Amount $13.37. Vamn nf ntfnerH. BrOWn & VQXi der Hellen. el al. Certificate No. C12S1, lots 11 19 .nil 13 lilnek 8 nf the Central Ad dltlon lo the Town of Eagle l'oint, Oror ...... An,n.,nl 1 jr. .1.1 Nnme of Owners, Brown ft Von der !Tll..n Crllrinit,, No. C1282. lots 16. 16. 18, 19, 2", 21 and 22, block 8 of the Central Addition to the Town of Eagle t,..i, rir..Mt.m Amnunl 136!i. Nnme of owners. Brown & Von der Hellen, et nl. Certificate No. CI 283, lots 23' 21, 25. 26, 27, 28 and 29, block 8 of the Central Addition to tho Town of t,'.,,t tvtlnt. flreiton. Amount $23.10. Name of owners. Brown & Von der Hellen. et nl, Certificate N.l. C128I, lots 32 and 33, block 8 or tne Oenlral Anal tlon tot the Town of Eaglo Point, Ore A ,m,n( tN III v'tr. nf nwners. Brown & Von de.r Hellen, et al, Certificate No. C1286. lots 7. 8, 9, 1". 11. 12 end 13, block 9 of the Central Addition to tho Town or liaiiie,. rtretrnn Amount 837.39. Nnmo of owners. Brown & Von der nl at Cr ti f I CJl 1 1, NO. C1286. lOtS 14, 16.' 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. block 9, of the Central Addition of the Town of Eagle Point, Oregon. Amount $33.11,. !,.. nf nien.-r. ltrnwn A Vfin del Helllen, et u, Certificate No. C1287, lots 21 and 22, block 9 of the Central Addition to tho Town ot Eaglo Point, Oregon. Amount $9 .89. Name 01 ow ner, ri. .. iiiiuiniii, ."i tlflenln Kn 12KM. lot 23. block 9 of till' Central Addition to tho Town of Eagle Point, Oregon, Amount i.ii. Namo of owners. Brown Vnij, der Hellen, et nl, Certificate No. O12li07iots 30, 31, 33 and 33, block 9, of the Central Addition to tho Town of Eaglo l'oint, Oregon. Amount $17.81. - Name of own-r. Susie E. Hnrnlsh, Certlflcato No. C1326, land In tho Town of Eagle Point, not platted, being lot described In Vol. 68, page 312, Deed Itecords of Jitckson county, Oregon. Amount $19. 96. Nnme of owner. Flora Kelspy. Certifi cate. No. C1370, land dencrlbed In 81, page 686 Deed Records of Jackson countv. Oregon, less land described In ... ., ' , . I .. . I ., ... ..nnltf Ore. Lieeo iiet-,,i,, .,..,,.... .......... ... gon, Vol. 106, png 389, snd Deed Itecords of Jarkson county, Oregon, Vol. 102. page 110 and Died Records nf Jackson county. Oregon. Vol. Ill, page 171, and Deiil Ill-cords or JHCKsnn county, yifRiui, l'.l a, ,,i,,n 97V. heillQ- Olirt Of lot 1. block 26, Dekums Amended Addition to the Town Ol UOIU mil, UIP8HH, .vinuuui $1 39. Nnme oil owner, Isnur Householder. iiied rm the lt dav of Januniv, Certificate No. C1377, land nescrmro l?"'y the r?Ser iff nnd tax ( oMeOlor In Deed Keeords of Jsckson couniv. Ore of Jackson County. State of Oregon, to gon. Vol. 106 page 389. heh,, f.0 fee, by r Viulre i by law for the dellnouent taxi s kums Amended Addition to the Town or f i? the veilr I9IS, upon nnd lneludlng all Oold Hill Oregon. Amount $.. 27 e rouerly on li e tax rolls In sold Name of owner, (le. C lrrK. P"" Sherirrs and Tax Collectors office lor tlflcnio No. CI380. a tract of and 60 id v.r. uiein which no Certificates of feet deep bounded on the south by O. issued it" .11, "and which " .aid Cer- .iroVtTon th. west by land dc.cribcd In'nr nwnerd. It. II. Toft and City Of Medford, Certlflcato No. C1622, lot 17, block 2 of Onys Addition to the Clly of Merllord, Oregon. Amount d.i.i vnnin nr nwner. i-. uutnric. tt.r tlficate No. C1623, lot 11. block 1 of Highland I'ark Addition to the City of .Medrorn, tiregon. Amount o.ii. Name of owner. E. F. Outline, Certlfl eatn No. CI524, lot 7, block 2 of HlgTl land Park Addllon to the City of Mod ford, Oregon. Amount $8.16. ionm.. ,.t nu,n,.r v. l- fliilhrle. Certifi cate No. CI 626, lots 2 and 3, block 3 of Highland Park Addition to the City of Medloru, Oregon. Amount fio.,.!. Knmn nf owner. N. L. Townsend. Cor- tiflcuto No. C1526, lot 6, block 3 of Highland I'ark Addition to the City or Medford, Oregon. Amount $8.75. Name of owner, E. F. Outhrle, Certif icate No. C1527, lots 11, 12 and 14, block 3 of Highland Pork Addition to the City nf renfiir,l Orecron. Amount 826.47. Name of owner. E. F. Guthrie, Cer tificate No. C1628. lot 4, block 4 of Highland Park Addition to the City 01 Medtoru, Oregon. Amount io.-.. Names of owners, O. A. Knight and I,. Xf Wilann. I'erllflcHte No. C1630. lot 3 hlnclf 1 nf Itumnhrev-Andrews Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount Venn nf nwner. Tt. H. Toft nnd Clt.V of Medford, Certificate No. f!153l, lot J, block fl. or imperial Addition 10 tne. Cltv of Medford, Oregon. Amount $8.16. Nnmo nf owners, Bert Anderson and llnrv Acrnna Weerntr. Certificate No. CI630, lot 10, block 8 of Imperial Addi tion to the city ot mearora, Oregon. Amount $3.63. ... Namo of owner. Herbert u. Smith, Certificate No. C1638, lot 16, block 8 of Imperial Addition to me tjny ot meu forrt, Oregon. Amount $6.33. Nnme of owner, It. H. Toft, Certificate No. CI 641, lot 7, block 10. of Imperial Addition to the City of Medford, Ore gon. Amount $6.96. vr nf nu-ner r R riBiiehv. Cer tificate No. C164.I. lot 6, block 3 of Kenwood Addition to tho City of Med ford, Oregon. Amount $11.13. h!..nn nf n-nAr If It. Itiindlett. CoT tlficate No. C1644. lot 2. block 1 of King Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $9.97. K' nf n-vnern. Flora R BnmCS. T. f nbn.b.H. S. Tllckert and Alex Siiarrow. Certificate No. C1646, lot 3 ot Lewis Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $16.73. .... rj7.meR nf owners. Llr.n J. Lewis. T,. M. Rhodes nnd Tom Bushong. Certificate No. CI648, lots 9 and 10 of Lewis Addi tion to the .City of Meilford, Oregon, A.n..t til hi Nunin of owner, T. C. White, Certifi cate No. CI664, lot , hloek S, of Onk Orove Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $i is. .. Nnme nf owner, .1. T. Rulltvnn. Cer tificate Nn. C1656, lot 1, block 1 of Onk Orovo Subdivision to the Clly ot Med ford. Oregon. Amount $21.43. Name of owner. It. H. Toft, Certlfl cato No. OI667, lot 9, block 6, of Oak Orove Subdivision to the IMty ot Med ford, Oregon. Amount $6.95, Name of owner. Iiln Ada Peteh, Cer tificate No. .C1600A, lots 16 nnd 16, block 3 of Orchard Addition to tho City of Medford. Oregon. Amount $6.10. Name of owner, Fred E. Gore, Certlfl V. . v . .. . . - Ai. nnmee OI owners. .J. rr. rfcriiiiy. v. Certificate No. C1693, southwest 1J; tor of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of Seetloa 11, Township 37 South Range 2 Emat of tho Willamette Meridian in Joha county, Oregon. Amount $5.09. . JV- Names ot owners, uvaihuvuii Co.. and W. C. Foster, Certificate No. C1698. south hnlf of northwest qurtr and north half of Bouthwest quarter Of Section 28, Township 30. South of Ra.rt. 3 East of the Willamette .Meridian 1 In Jackson county, Oregon. . . Amount Names of owners. Lexington Realty Co. and Agnes C. Crandall. Certified. No. C1701, southwest quarter of ooftg west quarter and west half ' of ' floalth west quarter of Section 10, Townjinln 99 South of Range 3 East of the wll lamotio Medlrlan In Jackson coun,tr, Oregon. Amount $24.35. . , r ,- Names of owners, D. M. Stewart. rvl Stewart Lnnd Co., Certificate No. 0IW6. southeast quarter of Section 34, ToWn ship 39, South of Range 4 Enat of th Wlllametto Meridian In Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $4L10. .. ... Name of owner, L. J. March, Certifi cate No. 1707, land described in peed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, Vol 95, page 650, situated in south half of northeast quarter of Ijcotlon , To?" ship 34, South Range 1 West or the Willamette Meridian, Jackson county, Oregon, containing 1H acres. , "Amount $1 37. ' ' - Name of owner, " Walter M, Sowar Certificate No. C17U. north half ot -southeast quarter of nortlienst quarter of Section 34, Township 34, South l'tnnii 1 West of Wlllomette Meridian. In JoR eon county, Oregon. Amount l-l.t'-r'',, N'nmn of owner. Anna Delude. CertlTV cate No. 01712. south half of -onthevtrt quarter of northeast quarter of Seetlrm 31, Township 84, South of Range 1 Vlt of the Wlllamotto Meridian la JuckiOB county, Oregon. Amount $3.19. name or owner, ei. t niimpeon, t.w tlflcato No. C1726, northeast quarter southeast quarter of Seotlon 34. Town ship 36 South of Range 1 West Of ' the Wlllametto Morldlan In Jackson .count , Oregon. Amount $18.43. - '-- -.- ' tlflcate No. C1727, land described 1 . IB , Deed Records of Jackson county. Ore-, gon. In Vol. 102, pago 646, less land described In Deed Records of Juekerttl countv, Oregon, In Vol 108. page 4W, situated In Section 19,' Township ' tt South Range 1 West of the Wlllamert Meridian fn Jackson county, Ortir; Amount $3.03. ' s! Nnme of owner, Lewis t.ager tjfs EstncadaiState Hank, Certlflcato No, C1730, land described In Deed Rrcnrrln of Jackson county, Oregon,, in Vol. V, page 626, situated In BeatlonS, XL td 28, Township 38 South, Itsngo 1 "Vt'rkt of the Wlllsnmtto Meridian In Jack son county, Oregon. Amount $9.1.- ' Name of owner. It K. Oliver, Cer tificate No. C1735, land described In Deed Records of Jackson county, Ore gon. In Vol. 81, pass 45, in Section Townshln 38. South Range 1 West M thn willnmette . Meridian In .TneltSnri countv. Oregon, and In Section ah Township 38. South Range ,1 East of the Willamette Meridian In Jackson couniy, ,,r,-K.i, vwiodunub e1 Amount $1.67. . Van, nf owners. .1. w. tnv Vllnre Certlflcflte Nrt. C17.16. so-utheast quarter of northwest iiuAfr ter of Section 36, Township S8, South Range i West of tho Wlllametto Motl Amount $8.64. . - - Name of owners, Tl. 3. I.ipson and Lexington Realty Co., Certlflcato N. IM744. west half of northwest quarter, southeast qunrter .of . northwest quar ter and northeast quarter ot southwest rfU t1u 17.11 : . a ti t; t' ( r : t;