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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1923)
P1QE TOUT rEDFORP MAIL TTvTBUyR, rnPFORD, ORFXiON. MONDAY. FFPRTTAPY 2(1. 1f)2f! Medford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PCiiLIKHKD KVEUT A FT Kit. NOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY TUB MEDKORD PRINTING CO. The Medfortl Htmdnjr Morning Bun la furnished ulficrlt'r desiring a seven aay daily newajapr. IS THE CLIMATE CHANGING? Office Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 rortn rir atref. I'fione t. A consolidation of the Democratic Tim fit fh. lU.Ifurrl Mall, the Mfedfurd Trihone. the Southern OregonUn, The A h land Trioune. ROHISItT W. nimU Editor. 8. HL'MKTKK HMITH. Manager. BT MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year 17.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .To Dally, without Hunday Sun, yu. 6.&0 Dally, without Kunday Sun. month .6-1 Weekly Mnll Trthune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun, one year. 2.00 BY CAH1UEK In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville. Ontral I'olnt, 1'hociiU, Talent and on Htjfhwaya: Dally, with Kund.iy Sun, month 75 rally. without Sunday Sun, month .6- Daily, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one y-ar 8.50 AM terms by carrier, cash In advance. Official papf-r of the City of Medford Official panr of Jackson County. Sworn dally average circulation for Ix months endlnp April 1, 35L'8. more than doubl ihe clrculatlori of any oth-r papr published or circulated In Jackfon County. Kntered an necund nan matter at Medford, Ortifton, under act of March 8, 1X79. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PHKSS. The Aneoclated front la exclusively entitle to the ufw for republication of all news dispatch- credited to It or not otherwise cr-dlt-d In this paper, and also to th local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatch- herein ere also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. If the anti-tobacco war, now raging In Utah keeps up, it will not be long before a gang of slickers start making nickel cigars with a tumblewecd base. The Iowa nurse awarded $20,000 for a kiss stolen by a flip doctor, failed to waste 1240,000 on the jury, when the good news came In. The French have seized 12.567.492, 493 German marks; or, as every news paper paragraphia will surmise, ap proximately 15 cents. LUCKILY IS RIGHT (Eugene Guard) Joe Short, son of the second hand store man on Seventh streot found a' larso pocketbook on llio Row Illvorv road Thursday con taining almost (200. Luckily ho - soon found the owner, . Governor Fierce will start distribut ing the political pie and plums, ami the Republican party In Oregon will probably be rewarded handsomely for ruining Itsoll'. ' . The city council has rejected the ap plication of a citizen to Install u cigar store Indian on tho ground, that it would be nothing mure or loss than something else for an auto to run Into. Of course, It can not be that nny of tho authors, now complaining about the poor pictures produced by the movies, evor wrote a poor story. In the trial of the Multnomnh coun ty official, charged with poor arithme tic. In tho counting of ballots, nothing Is admitted except a primary was held last May. WHY MENTION IT (Cooa Bay Times) RESPONS1IILK YOUNG COUPLE want modern furnished house In r Marahflold. No bedding, linen or dishes. Address "Kckman" care of Times." Tho first straw tint of tho Reason bloomed Bun., but the wearer was at tho throttle of a 4d, and losing no time. It is sal'o to presume that thero are some Hop1n in the land who believe tho bunk of prospective candidates for tho presidency, who say they do not know definitely whether they will run, but will give tho matter earnest con sideration, us soon uh they can get around to It. Partisan feeling promises to run high nt tho bb. game tills eve. Out sldo of tho general opinion that the climatic, conditions aro excellent, the local five Is tho only thing tho com munity can ugreu upon. There ought to bo a way concocted to keep KuroiM'an hcltruiscrs from doing all of it ill America. IN OTHER WORDS, SHOULD HE STAY OR REMAIN (Pendleton Tribune) l'l'eluilo question; "What about tho caso of Hr. 1. S. Grant of Now York? Should ho leave or bo put nut of the Kplscopnllnn , Church?" lluptlsts faco tho sumo problem. . ' YES, THIS YKATHKlt is delightful. I5einS delightful, it would be ungracious lo term it unusual. Moreover, it wouldn't be true. February lias behaved this way many times before, and will undoubtedly repeat the performance many times in the future. liut there is an interesting f cut urc to the present summer-like manifestation. .Scientists maintain the Gulf Stream is sliorteiiin! and the south is creeping' north. It is even suggested in certain qimrters that the entire climate is changing. We hope not. Frankly wc don't eare for Hollywood or Tia Juana. And wc have no desire to move to Salem or J'nget Sound. All in all, the climate here is about as satisfactory as any wc have sampled. So we are inclined to fall back on Nature. She has ways nil her own. True there were polar bears in Brazil at one time, and hippos snoozing around Labrador, but the changes were so gradual no one lived long enough to notice them. There is good reason to believe that climate hereabouts or elsewhere will not be transformed so suel denly that the shock will be perceptible. Jury List and Court Calendar Quill Points JIuny hsvo started to function ns special policemen on plowhatidlcs. (plds Bi-okenQuicky rfdisagrablo wwihfr always Fiava HiH'ahandr. &topsColrialiii4houra la arlDDe in 3 dava. Standard remedy for two gffnaratione. No bad after noeta. Safe and dependable. Demand rad bos bearing Mr. HUl'i portrait and signature. - ' At All Dro(jlitf30 Ctnt, Don't let your wife feel neglected. A kiss in time saves nine. Well, if wc must have another conference, let's make it a prayer meeting. A movie star isn't a shooting star just because he has a shot in the arm. America cares little who has the kings and queens if she may have the jack. "What music has America given to uplift the world!" inquires a cultured European. Well, there's the dinner bell. So many of these, Kussiau dancers remind us of the bear that walks like a man. And so you think fame is a wonderful thing? Well, well; name the members of the cabinet. That knocker who says college graduates are too mouthy prob ublv thinks A. 15. stands for bull artist. Chivalry dies hard, and even yet there are men who always offer the woman the first light. "Prohibition is here to stay." That will relievo the anxiety of those who feared it was here to prohibit. Another nice thing about paying for the war is that it doesn't re quire the wearing of spiral putties. Correct this sentence: "Don't scratch so, obby," said the mother; "I'll let you take them off when the first warm day comes." t t li u "W Kr COMFORTING THOUGHTS. a m ..i . SOMETIMES, when 1 have diseases circulating through my frame, anil the prospect dark displeases, and I'm weary of the game, I indulge in gloomy wheezes, to my everlasting shame. Hut my grouch is never lasting, and I cheer up pretty soon, cut ting out the rude dodgasting, to put up a cheerful tunc; from my heart the sorrow casting, sipping bitters from a spoon. For my illness is a blessing with his pills of noble size; in his heart he is confessing that in me his safety lies. And the doe has even nieces he must dress in proper style; his expense no doubt in creases, doubles every little while ; as 1 rub my limbs with greases I reflect on this and smile. Scores of earnest, honest critters, gather yarbs on plains and hills, to compound my whole some bitters and my dentil defying pills, and I seem to hear their twitters when I pay my monthly hills. And when death, the grisly raker, rakes me In my last repose, and I go to yonder Here j where the weeping willow grows, then the weeping undertaker i will be richer, I suppose. If I help the learned physician, and the : druggist, wise and true, if 1 aid the tired mortician and the ynrb assembling erew, it is idle my condition to lament with loud Iumi-hou. EDUCATORS MEET IN CLEVELAND, 01 CI.KVIU.AND. Vc?.. l!y the AiNiH-lalid Press) The annual con vention "f lite department of supcr Intenileme of the National Kducallon association and a score of allied or ganhitillons opened here today with nppniNimiitely 10.000 of llio forei iest educators, representing every h'u! and Including I" their runUs stale ami city Mohool superintendents, eoll-ge presidents anil professois and seliool principals, In nllcndiinee. Fourteen separate meetings were lo be held to. day. Alvln M. Owsley, national coin- ninndT ot the American Legion spoke j mi What l onsiitules American ' in xensblp." ' COMMUNICATIONS Note Amendment Is I'p. WASIIIMITOX, I'eb. 20. A n so lutlon providing for submission of! another eonsHtullonttl amendment to! provide for u popular referendum on future constitutional eliauses, wnj reported out today by the senate Ju- dietary committee. j ItitmucM' urn! Korean Murry. j Hliori.. Korea. Feb. H.irou Kalto.i governor-general of Korea. In a New Year's message eonnrat uiales the Japanese and Koreans on "the grow-, lug mutual Intinuiev" of the twe peoples. "A most tuipoy tendeney," he said. "Is the Inricnsini? number of Japanese who visit Korea and the large number ol maniaee lielween A Word from McElroy To tho Kditor: Just a linn und press notlcu from the Great Rills Tribune, to let you know that we aru still on earth and doing fine. Wo expect In start back to good old Oregon about Hie Tth of not month. Will try and play an engagement In your city uboiil tho in I il si lo of April. Hope wo can, anyway. Yours very trulv. J. C. .MclXUOY, Cole McKlroy's orchestra ot Port land. Oregon. (Ireat Calls. Montana, I'cb. il, 1523. J. Sylvester, premier accordion so loist of the I'acll'lc coast, leader of Mo Klrny's orchestra ot Portland, will be featured at a radio concert touight at 7::in o'clock by tho Tribune's station, KDYS. In ono of the greatest accord ion solos ever written, "1'letni's Up turn." Tho entire orchestra will bo fea tured In several late record dance numbers, as also will Monlo Austin, tho noted baritone singer. In that charming number. "Waiting for Ships That Never Heturn." The orchestra will make Its last ap pearance III Ureal Kails tonight at the Odeon hall. NFLUENZA A a preventive, melt and ln hale night and morning rf V A fo Rub Outt 17 MHwioi Vti Ytatf) The Jury list for tho term of the circuit court convened at Jackson ville this morning, after exemptions and exeuses. Is as follows: Kva Anderson, A. M. It, -aver, Inez II. Wll'.ells. Kllllim Iteelor. Oleil Ha ley, Harry Seougull, John M. Kdding ton, John I'. Jiuglies, .11. M. Tucker. J. IJ. Webster, Lawrence, Crawford, Josephine Wallace, Albert I'ankey, Maud liuek. J. I'. Eads, Mary J. Meadows, II. W. Davlsson, Mrs. Mat tie A. Coleman, Fred K. Walii. U. F. Van Dyke. Tom Lamb. Albert K. Ktrnlton, Benton l'ool. W. H. Ever hard, James Firestone, J W. Halley, II. J. Fields. .Mary K. Ixizicr. X. II. Hlldrotll, Wotta M. Lindley. George W. Dunn. John Norrls, Allen Lisb. Clyde A. Itlelimond. W. I.. Chiklrettl. C. S. N'ewhall. Hugh L. Cox. George r.eei v, W. V. I)cFurd, A. K. McKay. K. C. Gaddls. M. Minnie Slcnd. J. E. Niinitrom, Fred A. I'ulil, I). K. Force, Anna Hrophy. F. L. Tou Velle, Leon It. Hasklns, Elsie Kllngle. Joe M. Itader, lien Enmonsoll, George N'eil sin, Fred W. Weeks, s. H. Moore, ('.forgo L. Trelcbler, Newton Lewis, Minnie Guy,- E. I. Johnson and Geo. L. Hooker. In the order set out below aro tbe cases that are set for trial at the February. 1523. term of the circuit court which convened this morning. Tho following list is subject to change without notice: American Soda Foun. Co.. vs. Med ford Grocery Co. O. C. Hoggs, at torney for plaintiff; P. J. Neff, at torney for defendant. State of Oregon vs. J. P. Bray, ct al. Itnwics Moore, attorney for plain tiff: G. A. Codding, attorney for de fendant. Stato of Oregon, vs. J. p. Bray, ct nl. linwies Moore, attorney for plain tiff. G. A. Codding, attorney for de fendant, j State of Oregon vs. J. P. Bray, etj al. Itawlos Moore, attorney for plaintiff. G- A. Codding, attorney fori defendant. j State of Oregon vs. Bert Moaes, ct nl. liawles Moore, attorney for plaintiff; G. A. Codding, attorney for defendant. Slate of Oregon vs. Bert Moses, ot al. Itawles Moore, attorney for plaintiff; G. A. Codding, attorney for defendant. State of Oregon vs. Bert Moses, et al. Hawies Moore. attorney for plaintiff; G. A. Codding, attorney for defendant. Stato of Oregon vs. T. E. Goodie, et al. itnwics Moore, attorney for plaintiff; II. a. Canaday, attorney for defendant. Stato of Oregon vs. Nona Dunlap, et al. Itawies Moore, attorney for plaintiff; G. M. Itoberts, attorney for defendant. Stato of Oregon vs: Martin It. Mc Donald (MuCabe). Itawies Moore, attorney for plaintiff; Wlnfield J:. Gaylord, nttorney for defendant. State of Oregon vs. Wm. McCanip bell. Itawies .Moore. . attorney for plaintiff. O. M. Huberts, attorney for, defendant. ,lf Slate of Oregon vs; Lloyd Elw-ood. , Uawirs Moore, attorney for plaintiff; Kennies & P.eanies, attorneys for de fendant. .I, j State of Oregon vs. Cliff Larliin.j liawles Moore, attorney for plaintiff:' O. M. Huberts, attorney for defend- ant. T, .1. Hall vs. F. M. Ttadovan. W. E. liilps and O. C. Boggs, attorneys! for plaintiff; I'. J. Neff, attorney for defendant. Motor Investment Co., vs. E. E. Marcy, et al. Hall & Loepper, attor neys for plaintiff; Hiiggs & Uriggs. Porter J. Neff, attorneys for defend ant. A. W. Walker Auto Co., vs. S. II. Short. Gns Newburv. attorney for plaintiff. Briggs & Uriggs, attorneys for defendant. F. & F. Bank vs. S. II. Short. Otis Newbury, attorney foe plaintiff; Biigc;.! A llrlggs. attorneys for de fendant. S. T. Howard vs. Geo. X. Anderson. el al. Gus Newbury, attorney for plaintiff; Iteaines & Iteamts, attor neys for plaintiff. A. W. Walker vs. II. II. Pomeroy. Gns Newbury, attorney for plaintiff: Kennies & Hcames, attorneys for de fendant. Pearl V. Collins vs. E. A. Collins. Ous Newbury, attorney for plaintiff; G. M. Itoberts, attorney for defend ant. J. F. Hale vs. M. B. Bunnell. Iteanies & Ileames, attorney for plaintiff: Newton W. Burden, nttor ney fro defendant. F. V. Medynskl vs.. Lowell Zundclb G. M. Itoberts, attorney for plaintiff; G. A. Codding, attorney for defend ant. -Med. Fur. & Ildwr. Co., vs. M. F. Hanb-y. Gus Newbury, attorney for plaintiff; Beanies & lieames, attor neys for defendant. Harvey Walter vs. Elizabeth Tou Velle. Don Newbury, attorney for plainilff; II. K. Hanna, attorney for defendant. William licinlinrt vs. J. W. Mitch ell. Briggs & Briggs. attorneys for plaintiff: Porter J. Neff. attorney for defendant. Glen Fahrick vs. Great Western Mining Co. Newbury & Newbury, at torneys for plaintiff. Medford National Bank vs. Geo. It. Mansfield, et ux. G. M. Huberts, at torney for plaintiff: If. A. Canaday. attorney for defendant. . Med. Coast It. K. Co.. vs. S. S. Bul bs, ct al. F. j. Newman, attorney for plaintiff; Porter J. Neff, attorney for defendant. Talent Irrig. Dlst. vs. Homer W. Barron, et al. II. K. Ilunna, attor ney for plaintiff; Reames & Hoames, attorneys for defendants. Talent Irrg. Dlst. vs. Homer W. Barron.' et .-I. II. K. Hanna, attorney for plaintiff; Reames & Reames, at torneys for defendant. Talent Irrlg. Dlst. vs. Austin B. Brown. H. K. Hanna. attorney for plaintiff; Reames & Reames, attor neys for defendant. Talent Irrig. Dist. vs. E. B. Barron. H. K. Hanna. nttorney for plaintiff: Iteanies & Reames. attorneys for de fendants. C. J. Haas vs. William J. Scott, et ux. Porter J. Neff, attorney for plaintiff. J. F. r.cddy vs. Jackson County Fank. W. K. Crews, attorney for Plaintiff: II. K. Hanna, attorney for defendant. Medford Co., vs. F. M Rado van, et ux. A. E. Reames. F. P. Far rel and Geo. Codding, attorneys for plainlil'f: Porter J. Neff, attorney for defendant. Clear thinking! .K'W normal aifestiim minrrri o Dl KING'S PILLS -for constipation Vt . J Picture Framing at Swem's Studio USED CARS That have not been misused 1'rlcod right Crater Lake Automotive, Co WIZARD THE WONDER FERTILIZER for LAWNS, FLOWERS, GARDENS SHRUBS AND HOUSE PLANTS Odorless, Economical Easily Applied a Hundreds of sacks sold to Medford home owners and valley gardners each year. We can give you names of many satisfied users of Wizard, who will be glad to rec ommend this great fertilizer. WORKS LIKE MAGIC ON LAWNS APPLY NOW Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Phone 260 317 E. Main CHRISTOFHER BRAMBLE, of Brooklyn, Retired Chief Quartermaster U. R. Nivy, who says bis determination to try Tanlac was the wise't decision he ever made a? the medicine completely restored his health. I ' 'fey.. f K 7, i!l 14 V S -,.74 .... r Ujf fjZQ Tf I VX,' w Christopher Bramble. "S3 Monroe j St.. Brooklyn. N. hiff quarter- j master. l S. NaT. retired, if now an ardent champion of the jnerits of , Tnr.lae. "1 11 stand by Tantao to tho very j hint," declared Mr. Bminble, "for it ; h:t helped me hark on my fei-t and I am feeiin like a m-v man now. J : had suffered from ntniach trouble 1 for two yunra and was in an awful j run-down condition. My appetite' went back on me and when 1 did eat j a little something I would suffer pain and misery for hours. My nerves were all out of fix, I would lie awake tossing .-ml rolling until almost day. and I felt weak and tired a'.l the time. I had no energy to do anything and just felt any way but riht. -We!l, I Just kept on loninK weiffht and setting worse until I concluded to try Tanlac. and that wn the wisest decision I ever made- It's the only mcdicir.e I ever saw that doeM all they say it wi.I. I now eat throe, hearty nn'als a d.iy and never feel a touch of indigestion, and my appetite was i:e vi' r better, even when I was a school buy. My sleep is sound and restful and I wl up mornings feeling refreshed and fine. My weight has increased and I have been built up until I never felt better In my life. If anybody doubts this statement, Just let them sec me." Tannic is Fold by all good druggiss. Ovr r :7, million bolt les sold. Adv. r AN ' OUNCE Or PREVENTION During cold, damp weather take one Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablet . just before retiring every night. Its tonic and laxative effect vill fortify the . system against Colds, Grip and Influenza. 30c per Box. General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass Door Frames- Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish Wonderful Home Bargain Wc are movliii; lo Southern California and will sell our Iteautiful Home on West 11 til St.. 4 blocks from Washington School nt a great bargain, llousu all modern, ft rooms and hath, breakfast nook, and large Bleeping porch, limit in features, fire place and garage for two cars. Lot T.'pxll" feet with beautiful shade trees, and sldo walks all in, and assessments all paid. Price for quick sale, $4,500. Sonic terms if desired. Sec OHiicr, I). I.-. JULI.Altl), or pliotie l:i;J. SI'KCIAL 1X)T SAI.K Beautiful Edgewood Park Moving to 'Southern California, April first, selling what lots aro left in Kdgewood Park, on Itosue liiver and Crater Lako Highway a,t greatly reduced prices from .March 1st to March StMU. Will sell lois at 8100.00 c-nch, terms if desired. Now is your chance to r.vt a beautiful lot on Itoguc Iflvor at dirt cheap price. I'trfit come flrsLcholce. 1 will he in Kdgewood Park all day Thusday and Friday. Phone If you want n showing Business Opportunity For pale or lease, one of the finest Rummer lienor!. Auto Camp Ground proposition In Southern Oregon. On Itogue Klver and Crater Lake Highway. Exceptional opportunity for live wire.. .-.m w. nth st. Sec l. f M1LI.AHI), Owner Phone Xi WITH MEDFOPD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE.