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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1923)
t,'- rXfiE six rKDFOnD MAIL TOTDUXE. MKDFOItn, OTCECONr, SXTtTRDAY, FEDRPSRY" 24. '1923 E I Preparations for the trial of Dr. Jouett P. Bray on an indictment al leging Hot, next Tuesday the first of the Jackson county nightridlng cases are underway, and Assistant Attorney General Llleqvint Is on the ground, surveying the regular and special' jury venires drawn for the limit jury terms. The sheriff's office will complete today the work of serv ing subpoenas for witnesses. Dr. Bray" arrived in the city Friday, from lyrtle Point, Oregon, where he has been residing this winter. f The work of selecting the Jury Is ffxpected to Btart Tuesday morning and this phase of the case is apt to take two days or more. . W. A. Stewart, representing tho Bon l tie Posl-Intclligenccr, is tho first at the newspaper correspondents to arrive to report the trial. Assistant Attorney General Llljeqvist Bald this morning;, that ho understood no rep resentative of a Portland newspaper tyould attend tho trial. Dr. Bray was indicted last August y n.spclal. grand Jury, on throe cpunts, charging riot, assault with a dangorous weapon, and extortion, In connection with the J. F. Hale epi sode March 17th Inst, jf Tha five other; defendants, in the night riding enses are scheduled to be heard at tills torm of court. LOSES FIGHT FOR L NEW YOIIK. Feb. 24 Mary Car don; prima dona and producer of grand opera, tripped lightly through theatrical criticism, politics and the , teague of Nations in a chat with re "N porters before the Btoumshlp Adriatic Balled . early today for a cruise through tlie Mediterranean. ' "I am' dumb," said Mary when ask ed for her political views. "All 1 know is that Oscar Underwood Is on board and ho may bo a presidential iundldater." i.' ' Notice .-jit Is time to make garden, and poople having chickens are requested t) keep them shut up' In compliance Villi the city ordinance. 487 CHIEF OF POUCH. ii i i j After making an heroic but unsuc cessful fight for life during the woek Edwin T. McNaultv of New York City died at midnight Thursday night at tho Sacred Haert hospital at the ago of about 27 years, and last night his body was started on Its long Journey by train for the nation's me tropolis, accompanied by an older brother, and a brother-in-law, D. H. llockofeller, who are also from New York. Tho case has aroused much sym pathy among the few pcoplo who know of It. The three men were strangers in the city until their arri val ond had been covering the west and Pacific coast territory in two largo automobiles, representing tho Guardian Food compuny. A short tinio ago another brothor of tho dead man, who was a member of the party becamo quite ill and had to tako tho train back to New York. Tho other three contlnuod on tho trip, but on route in the autos from Socramonto to Portland, Edwin Mc- Naughty became very ill with a bad cold and his condition became steadi ly worse as they hastened on to Med ford, whore ho was at once taken to tho Sacred Heart hospital. There tho attending physician diagnosed tho caso as ono of plourol pneumonia and vory serious. Everything that money and medical science could do was pro vided for tho sick man, but to no avail. The surviving brother and Mr. Rockefeller, who Is said to bo a dis tant relative of John D. Rockefeller, decided to leave the two autos here and depart with tho body by train for Now York, from which city they will return to Medford In 30 days, I HARD! PUIS INFLUENCE HERE TOMORROW , 1 ; : LIVE WIRE Tom Mix In "UP AND GOING" a powerful drama in which dashing Mix fairly outdoes himself. HULA HONEYMOON A Comedy INTERNATIONAL NEWS ALICE JAY at the organ Continuous Shows Today and Tomorrow 12:30 to 11:00 p. m. R I ALTO TONIGHT! "Ebb Tide" WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. A com posite l'nrni credits bill, ombraclng the principal features of the Lonroot Andorson, Capper and Strong mea sures, was completed today by the houno banking committee Chairman McFaddon Bald it would be formally roported to tho house Monday and taken up for passage probably Tues day. ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 Presi dent Himtlng'H Influence had been brought to boar today to extricato tho farm credits 'legislation in the house from tho dangers of tho fight among republican lenders nguiiiHt inclusion of tho Icnroot-Aiulorson bill, passed by tho senate. Aecordlng( to Chairman McFndden of tho hoiiHO bnnklng committee, the principal provisinna of tlio original Lonroot-Anderson bill will bo incor porated In the composite crodlts U'gis lation which his committee.' oxpected to complete, late today. Ho stated the committee would; gtvo attention to crilclsms of ho senate bill mado by Secretary Mellon who nsimilfd it as "dnngerous and unworkable" It was mado known that tho presl dmit has urged republican house nmniwrs to effect a compromise. The president was represented ns viewing tho I.enroot-Andeison bill as part ot tho administration's program and to feel confident that this would bo ful filled by legislation giving effective relief for tho farmer. House managers ore preparing to bring tho croillts legislation up early next wcok. SMOTHERS HILL , Medford ngnln trounced the Hill Military Academy last night and the score -was more overwhelming than that of the night before. 31111 did not make a field goal In the, first half, which ended 20-2 in favor of Mod ford. Tho final score was 00-11. Medford girls defeated tho Roso burg girls 12-9 in a tight gamo which was exceedingly rough for a contest between members of tho jKo-callcd gentler sex. The score nt tho end of the first halt wan 0-4 in favor of ltosoburg. Cook of tho Jacksonville high Bchool referced tho girls' con tcBt. In tho boys' game a number of members of. tho second team were played and prospecta seem bright for good basketball material for several years to come. A number of men took part last night that .Medford fans had not seen in action before and all of them looked good. . Martin of Hill had exceedingly hard luck at shooting baskets, coming within a hair's breadth a number of times, but making only one during tho entire game. Single? for Medford was high point man with sixteen points, Butcmnn, Hoeney and Allen led for second placo wHh 12 each. The Medford team, composed largely of scrubs In the second half, scored 40 points in that period, Lineup: Medford 00 II. M. A. 11 filngler 10 .f Martin 2 Knlps 4 .........f Nelson 9 Alien 12 ..o Hcyden Batemnn 12 g Culn Chastaln 4 g ' . Burns Heeney 12 Moody Iteichsteln s Hobson Hurt ,8 D. Slnglcr 4 .... .s Demmer 2 . 1 , . . ,s Iteferee: Chapmnn, Oregon. Tho locals play Itoguo Itlver Mon day night at tho Nat and a buttle such ns has not been seen here this season is expected, as tho Itogue River team was beaten by a two point margin nt Roguo Itlver two weeks ago. ,The final score was 39-37 in favor of tho locals and tho gamo was hard fought. A largo erowdwlll bo present as much Inter est has been manifested lately in tho coming-contest. A good preliminary between OrnntB Pass iind Medford second teams will proceed tho main contest. H. M. ALBRIGHT ER E CLEVELAND, Feb. 24. Tho sols mograph at St. Ignatius collego obser vatory recorded n "modernlo distur bance" Btnrting at olthor 2:55 or 3J)4 a. m. today, greatest Intensity at 3:11 and stopping at 4 a. in., Father Oden bach, head of the observatory said. The shook was at n groat distance, possibly 0000 to 7000 miles, possibly between Asia Minor and Japan, Fath er Odenbach Bald. SPOKANE, Fob. 21. An earth shock was recorded at flomaga uni versity Inst night, 4000 miles south west. Shocks started at 11:4,1 and ended nt 12:61, heaviest at 13:22. VICTORIA, 11. C Feb. 21. A se vere enrthqnnko Bhock wns recorded nt tho Gonzales Heights observatory hero last night, commencing at 11:42 p. m. and continuing four bom's. The center was estimated nt 2950 miles distant and was believed to have been In the vicinity nt Kamchatka penin sula, Siberia. ST. I.OflS. Fob. 21 An earth. quake of "moderate" Intensity begun nt 1:45 n. m. and lasting until 2:22 a. in. was recorded on tho seismo graph of St. touts university hero to dny. I'nlverslty officials estimated the distance at 4700 miles southwest of here, probably on llio Pacific ocean. Tiinnoy Jlonts Harry Greb. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Hilly Gib son, malinger of boxers, today was considered the biggest factor In the return Inst night of tho American llghlhoavyweight boxing crown to ueno'Tunnoy, Greenwich villago Idol, who wns awarded tho doclsion after nttoen furious rounds with Harry Greb of Pittsburg. Gibson, as Tunncy's inonnirer. was hailed ns the Individual who took tho wind out of "tho windmill," ns Greb is characterized becauso of bis rotat ing method of boxing, lly worrying Greb before tho bnttlo and causing mm to no goaded by the Madison Square Garden crowd, somo think GlbBon caused tho nttsburgcr to lose much of his aggressiveness. Most of tho newspaper critics. nevertheless, assorted that the chnm plon Bhould not have been. uncrown ed that ot least he should have been given a draw. Tho crowd, tho ma jority nntl-Greb, greeted the decision of tho judges with mingled acclaim and disapproval. OFFICIAL HERE Horace Mardcn Albright, field as sistant to Director Stephen Mather of the national parks, and also super intendent of Yellowstone national park, and who is visiting the administrative- heads of tho various .parks to lino up the work in them for the coming season, arrived thlB morning on the south bound passenger train at Gold Hill, where he was met by Alex Sparrow and taken by auto to the latter s home, Kirtland farm, whore ho spent the forenoon. This afternoon Mr. Albright spent Iif conference with Chas. G. Thom son, the now. superintendent of Cra ter National park, on matters relat ing to that park. Mr. Sparrow, the formor superintendent, also attended this conference. Mr. Albright plans to continue southward lute tonight or tomorrow. Superintendent Thomson, who has yet to lay eyes on Crater lake, but who' la busy dally in his office In the fedoral building studying park condl Hons and statistics from tho rocords and othorwlse absorbing Crater lake lore from H. H. Long, secretary ot the Crater National park office, plans to visit the lake as soon as pos sible, as bo thinks It would bo vory advantageous to his administration fop him to soo tho park under winter conditions. Ho will mako tho nrdu ous trip in through tho deep Bnow from Fort Klamath as soon as he finds a traveling companion for the Journey. - WIFE TO DEATH WITH STEEL ROD SANTA CRUZ-Onl,. KVh ?1 Mp It.' J. Masters .djed Jierc early today from what physicians pronounced the effect of a beating Thursday night, ap parently with an Iron or steel rod. District Attorney Smith announced that her husband, a real estate agent, who was held in Jail yesterday, would be charged with the murder. Masters told the police that he and his wife were attacked in bed by two men, one masked, and that they had held him powerless and beat his wile. A son and daughter, questioned by tho police, wore reported to have Bnid they heard moans and entered their parents' room to find their mother on the floor and their father wiping tnoou from a pillow. There are two other ' children, one a baby of four months. f The police said they hod evidence that the couple had quarreled over tho wife's charge that her husband had been attentive to other women. , Fleet Solves War Problem AnOAItD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA, IN SOUTHERN PACIFIC WATERS, Feb. 24 (fly Associated Press). Tho bat-, tlo fleet, having solved Its war prob lem successfully Ralls today for Port Culebra, Costa Rica. It will reach Unnamn Monday. CASE IS REVERSED OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 24. Con viction of Ben Grcutt and Ray Moore in the superior court of Clarke county for the alleged holdup and robbery of a circus ticket wagon at Vancouver, AVaHh., in September, 1921, when the banditH escaped with $35,000 was re versed by the supreme court yester day find remanded for a new trial. ThU Week Only Tailor Made Suits Choice of 50 Patterns Values $45.00 to $55.00 at $42.50 SCIMNTON, ra. Mickey Walker successiuliy tlefenaea IiIb welter Weiullt title liv defeating- .Tnhnnu Orlf fiths, Akron, Ohio, in ten rounds of uuMng. EA8TON, Mo. J. Frank Tinker an nounced ho is through with mnjor league baseball and will nsk for his releaso from the New York Yankees NEW YORK 'Faneho Villa, Fili pino holder ot the American flyweight championship, has been matched to defend bis title Thursday against Franklo Gennro, New York, In a 15 round contest. Iinsketlmll. At Snlem: Pacific University 23; Willamette University' ID. At Wnlla Walla: Oregon Aggies 24: Whitman 22. At lloseinnn. Montana Stnto col lege 2S; Montana School ot Mines 12. At Pullman: University of Idaho 24: Washington State Collego 20. At Stanford California 23; Stan ford 17. Liberty lkmds. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Liberty bonds closed; 1 '"' 314 'g' 101.44; first 44's 98.19; second 4Vs 8S.04; . third 4!4's 9S.52; fourth 4Vi's 9S.22; Vlvtory 4Vs (uncalled) 100.0S; IT. S. Treasury 4 U's 99.92. Influents From Neglected Colds 8top your coughs aud colds before they beconio serious. If ncglectod they load to lnflitenta, la grippe. asthma and bronchitis. Three genera tions of users have testified to the quick reliof given by Foley's Honey snd Tar from coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble Largest selling cough medicine In the World. Mrs. R I.. Hunt. Ciiftinnntl. Ohio, writes: "Foloy's Honey and Tar curod mo of a hsctrlng cough, wheel ing nnd pains In chest." Refuse sub stitutes. Sold everywhere. 128 E. Main Liquid Lime-Sul (per bbl.) , $2 deposit until bbl. returned Bear Creek Plant 8-n-i $050 Caafl Hlffhett Quality Jewelry Btpalrtng umona mituii, w cu Satisfaction Assured In nilnlltv nnrl nrlPA Lvs Mail us your wants. MARTIN J. EEDDY FLOUR, and FEED Low prices on flour anil food by new owners Oatrnl.. Point Hour Mill. Proem Ilollcd Barley, 70 lbs. $1.00 Millfocd, 80 lb. sack t.BO Homo Hun Ilran and Shorts 81.23 Shelled Corn, per c u t $2.00 Scratch Feed, per cwt $S!."3 K( Mnnh, 20 protein, cwt,...S3.00 Flour, Ml. Flu blond 40 lbs 81.00 Mt, lltt llyo Flour, 40 lb. sk $2.00 Attractive prices on ton lots. MORTON & MORTON Central Point USED CARS That have not Veen misused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co. . H. W. OONOES UNDERTAKER BnoceMor to Weeks-Conger Co, Medford. Ore. MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting. and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. fill .V- "ti lti. v ". ii. i ill w HICH DO YOU OWN? EhrrRgcZfPT. i5 III cm . ST Your rent money is" paying good dividends on the landlord's investments. . This same money applied toward a home of your ' own will pay even greater dividends to you. Your rent money is paying for a home now, but YOU do not get the deed! RIGHT NOW is the time to say 'Til build a home of my own." This company is ready to assist you call at the of fice where you may look over our large collection v,of modern home designs. Big Pines Lumber Company Member of National Builders' Bureau Exclusive representative of the IIM piMHIipilllllllll SPRAY HOSE We have a fresh stock of the best Spray Hbse on the market, fully guaranteed, get our prices before buying ....... . Also a complete stock of Garden Tools and Poultry. Fence HUBBARD BROTHERS . 5 (Jiscount for cash " "' " 1 " 1 1 - - - .... .r"""? Fruit Tree s Planted for Profit What About Trees to Make the Home Attractive? There has been In the past, and Is at the present time, much said about the planting of fnilt trees for profit, but what about beautifying tho home where you live and your children are growing up In addition to fruit trees we also offer a complete line of high class Ornamental Shado Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Berries, Ktc. Do not put off orderding. We can give you better service and bettor trees, at no additional expense, It you will place your ordor now. Catalogue Mailed Free On Request ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. "407-409 First National Bank Building Albany, Oregon