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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1923)
MTSDFOTTO MATT) TRrBTHsTB. MTOT'OTlft fi'fF!flO!, TIHTIPXV, TEBHFaRV 22. '19 F.S. Now Showing-at the Page Theater E E DON'T HAVE BRONCHITIS! TO DEFY LAW WITH BIG BOXING MEET BiG AUTO FIRM FOR GROW! What promises to be one. of the largest auto distributing- agencies In OrKon outside of Portland in tlin now concern, tho Orefmn-Cullfornia Auto UlNtrlbutlnB corporation, which has been Incorporated with tho A. W feilkcr Auto company as tho base ' rfnd tha Incorporators of which ore y. 8. Urnmwell of Grants Pass nnd A. V. Walker, S. 1. Brown and Frank M. Amy of Mcdford, with capital of $20,000. Tho new concern's place of husl nc-ss Ib Mcdford and Its miles terri tory covers tho counties of Jackson, losenhlno, DoukIuh and Klamath In gon and Siskiyou county In Call . 'i. Ill all this territory except ., ' -son county the corporation 'tea establishing dealers, Jackson county it will it . at retail. . new organization says It has .ranee of -unlimited capital, and ..nee will be nblo to deal with re sponsible parties even though they he unablo to mako a large payment down. , It Is tho Intention to get busy at once In the hope of making a real showing about the first of March. Sir. Bramwell. who will Immediately move to Medford from Grants Pass, . will be the president and general Apanager of tho corporation while r. Walker with others, will take cure of tho sales. Tho main place of business will bo In the same building as that which has been occupied by tho A. W. Walker Auto company. It Is planned to remodel the building for this pur pose, and to take the stairway out from the "West Main street front and replace it with a stairway in tho west tide of the structure, and make a new and more Imposing front. The new concern will handle, the famous Maxwell and Chalmers cars.' together with a splendid stock of parts to supply tire entire territory. Articles of incorporation have been filed with the secretary of state, and it is expected the organization will be completed today. A At tha meeting of tho Applogato , council an Interesting local. Institute program was given. The morning session was given to discussion of reading circle work, writing and transportation. A bounti ful luncheon was served by the ladles of the community. ' After luncheon Mr. Moss gave an in teresting talk on club work. Judge Watson gave some very in teresting facts on the growth, of Ore gon and Jackson county. ' Edwin Brown of Rogue River ex plained the County Unit Plan in rural schools. Movie Suit Is Dismissed LOS ANGELES, Feb. 22. The $200, 000 damage stilt brought against Her bert Rawlinson, motion picture actor, for tho alleged attack on Dorothy Clark, young dancer, was dismissed yesterday settlement having been er locted out of court. Oty. Bates Post Virginia Brown Faire "Omar the Tentraaker MEETING TONIGHT L The high school rarent-Teachers' association will meet in tho high school auditorium this evening ' at 7:30 o'clock. A short business meet ing will be held, after which tho fol lowing patriotic program will be given: ' Solo, "Land of Mine" -Mr. Harry Scougall Minuet Lowry children Solo, "l'our Flag and My Flag" . . . Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoc Patriotic reading by Mrs. Heine, in costume, assisted by Miss Rnedlcor and Mrs. C. V. Van Scoyoc, In pan tomlne, representing a colonial maiden and Geo. Washington. A social hour will fullow the pro gram and refreshments will be. serv ed. A large ntlondnuco of tho mem bers is desired. . Paddys11 Nile,'" which has become an annual event at tho Jackson school building will bo .celebrated Friday evening a half post seven in tho as sembly hall. Xo effort. is being spared to mnko It an enjoyable occasion. Edison Marshall, author of tho "Snowshoe' Trail" will entertain tho fathers and mothers with n recital. of his travel ing experiences, and the music for tho evening Is to be in charge of .Mrs. Itawles Mooro and Mrs. Clint McCurdy, which assures tho guests something delightful. -Refreshments will he served dur ing tho social hour. .'. A treat is to be awarded the room hnvlng the greatest number of "daddies" present. . John I. Back on Links. ORMO.VD I1EACH, Fla., Feb. 22. John I). Rockefeller, Sr.. is back on tho links after a confinement of two weeks with n, slight touch of bron chitis trouble. Ho played his regu- ' Inr eight holes of golf yesterday. At mm n SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin Unless you see the name "Bayer" on pvknge or on tablets you are not get--tiie genuine Bayer product pre-iS-ibed hv physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for colds, headache, toothache, earache, neu ralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis, and for pain in general. Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions, llondy boxes of twelve tab lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles of 21 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of Salicylicacld. "! cannot tell a lie." I use Kelly-Springfield Tires. W. 0. McCUISTON Dealer There was no session of tho grand jury today, owing to it being George Washington's birthday, nnd a legal holldny. Tho grand Jury expects to conclude Its work by -tomorrow night. A number of witnesses were hoard Thursday. A no true bill was return ed In tho case of Felipe Martinez, a Mexican charged with forgery. Mar tinez Is wanted at Eugene, Oregon, and a deputy sheriff arrived this morning from Lane county, to take him back. All the county offices wero closed today. France Denies She Will Open Relations With Soviet Russia PARIS, Feb. 22. (By the Asso ciated Press ) The French foroign office this afternoon flatly denied that the cabinet has decided to re open negotiations with soviet Russia as asserted by the Echo National. The article in tho Echo National was -descrlhecl'in- Bome -political cir cles as an effort to embarrass the government. . .. " PARIS, Feb. 22. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The French govern ment has decided to resume negotia tions with soviet Russia, according to tho Echo National. The newspa per says that the cabinet ministers discussed this question at their last meeting and decided to send a mis sion to Russia in a month or so, al though Premier Poincaire opposed such a step. Local Schools Close Washington's Birthday Most business places wore open for business today despite Washington's birthday being a legal holiday. Tbe hanks, post office, barber shops and all public offices were closed. Tho employes of Mason Ehrman and com pany, wholesale grocers, were given a day's vacation and the pupils of the public schools, including the high school did not attend In tho after noon. The offices of tho California Oregon Power company and the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph com pany were also closed today. All of tho grammar schools gave an hour or an hour and n half this morning to the presentation of pro grams in commemoration of Wash ington, and the high Bchool student body was addressed on the value of higher education by Lamar Tooze, director of the $10,000,000 endow ment fund campaign for the Univer sity of Oregon. , French Strike 8ettled PARIS, Feb. 22 Vork was resumed generally In French mines where strikes have been in progress. Influenza Prom Neglected Colds Stop your coughs and colds before they become serious. If neglected they lead to Influenza, la grippe, asthma and bronchitis. Three genera tions of usors have testified to the quick relief given by Foley's Honey and Tar from coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble Largest selling cough medicine In the World. Mrs. S. L. Hunt, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of a hacking cough, wheez ing and pains In chest." Rofuso sub. stltutes. Sold everywhere. Notice of Redemption of School Warrants Notlco is hereby given, that there are funds on hand and In the hands of the County Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon, to pay the following school warrants heretofore Issued by School District No. 67, Gold Hill, Jack son County, Oregon. No.'s 622, 633, 651, G55, 657. and 668. The payment of nil of said warrants hove been duly protested for want of funds to pay same nnd Interest will cense theroon from the dnle hereof. Dnted at Gold Hill, Oregon, Kebrtl--l io1 K .T KKLIiOKtl. aerk of School DIsL No. 57, 281 Jackson County, Oregon, One of tho partitions In the old Presbyterian munso, has been torn out this week in order to throw two rooms Into one. (or tho use of the largo beginner's department of tho Presbyterian Sunday school. This will rollove somewhat tho congestion of the Sunday school which has grown so rapidly this year. The de partment is under tho efficient lead ership of Mrs. R. A. Mathews, as sisted by two or throe helpers. The large and constantly growing Woman's Bible class, under tho lead ership of Mrs. E. N. Warner, will move into tho room vacutod by the begluncrs which will givo them a room by themBolvos, thus giving more fredom for tho discussion hour, which was impossible in tho largo audito rium of tho church, where so many classes wero meeting. This class has sot a goal of 1D0, for their member ship. The pastor of tho church plans soon to mako tho front room of the old manse into an otfleo and move his study there, thus putting him Into closer touch with the many activities of . this growing church. To Prosecute Lasky Film Co. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.Tha fed- oral trade commission will proceed vigorously against the Famous Play ers Lasky corporation nnd subsidiary concerns, charging unfair competition nnd monopolistic policies, an an nouncement said. Portland Boy Benton. CLINTON, Iown, Feb. 22. Bob Moha of Rock Island, defeated Mickey Curren of Portland, Ore., In a boxing bout hero last night. Mrs. Isabelle McLachlan " CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Tho under ground scurry for tickets for Chi cago's next "suburban club" enter tainment was on again today uflor the ten round, no decision boxing ex hibition last night by Midget Smith of Now York and Joe Burman of Chicago, topnotch bantamweights. An Injunction obtained by the pro moters to prevent legal Interference with the bout was fully effective, de spite tho Illinois statute, which makes even donning a pair of boxing gloves a mlBdcmeauor. Expressing a belief that the con struction put on the Illinois boxing law Is not legal, the Chicago Daily Trlhuno today announced that It would present tho grentpst amateur boxing carnival over held In Chicago. K. K. K. Trial Starts March 20 ATLANTA. Go. Feb. 22.E. Y. Clarko, Imperial giant, Knights of tho Ku KJux Klnn, win go on trial March 20 charged with using tho mails to defraud. No need to suffer with Bronchitis or similar throat troubles no need to have your rest broken by annoy ing coughs cr aching throat. B1NZ Bronchi-Lyptus, the dependable re lief, will free you from thrpat ills and protect against treacherous colds in the lungs. Get relief TODAY! BINE BRONCHI-LYPTUS TRY YOUR DRUGGIST, FIRST' now Operation Avoided Tortland, Oreg. "Dr. Pierce's medicine has been so very beneficial to mo thnt I nm glad to give It my recommendation. Doctors said I would have to undergo an operation, but after taking tho 'Favorlto Pro scription' I found thnt an operation was not necessary. During one ex pectant period I suffered with in flammation nnd beenmo so weak nnd rundown I could not do my work. Doctors again advised an operation, but instead I began taking tho 'Fa vorite Prescription'- nnd It soon put mo on my feet. My health returned, I had practically no suffering and my baby was very healthy. Sinco that tlmo whenever I have folt badly I have taken tho 'Fovorlto Prescrip tion.' It always makes mo well In no time." Mrs. Isabella McLachlan, 708 Mich. Ave. Go to your neighborhood drug store and get Favorlto Prescription In tablets or liquid. Wrlto Dr. Pierce, President Invalids Hotel, In Buffalo N. Y., and receive good medical ad vice in return, free. Adv. I ' ' -Vr-, ASTER Grow Your Own jSpffc, Flowers FLOWERS are easy to grow in the home garden H(vWh5 and every home can be made more enjoyable WjjNf Yl ftu1 by them. It is surprising how many packets you yffl "?tl ul'TM' can select, for a little money, from the Sterling Seed ty jfxl Box. No better seeds obtainable at any price. tb'J Make Your Selection Early riJ TjiJo8 Xftijl At Local Dealers W Sw NoKrnmjp. King & CoSs n Excellent For Cut Flowers ' . (fS ' fe Coimoi, Aster, Sweet Peai, Nasturtium, Lsyi ( Iv riC ' v O Zinnia, Phlox, Gypsophila, Poppy, Stocks, s&fif V V-v Marigold, Verbena, Sweet Aiyssum. 1 vV ( . I " I ASTURTIUvNV SI SI ! I II I RUG SALE We purchased a large quantity of ruga which we are placing on sale. These rugs were bought at special low prices and we are giving our customers the benefit of our saving. We would suggest that you select your rug early as these are bargains that will not last. Read Over These Prices. Then See Our Window Display and Stock 18x36 inch Rug, special 25c 27x54 inch Rug, special 65c 36x72 inch Rug, special 95c A WIDE VARIETY OF PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM 6x9 foot Rug, special ...... . . .$2.95 8x10 foot Rug, special ., .$3.95 9x12 foot Rug, special .$5.95 WEEKS ORR Complete House Furnishers