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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1923)
1 I BRINGING ." . , . " '.I ' . - . ', ' If MI's"jli- Sf S" "Y I Hi 'Tb A. ' I f 1 EOUCHT JmhT" Q IT BE CKREF'UL. l I I flfl . ' JSl I UNDERSTAND forT?01- ' DNWJHfV- EUROPE UK6 T- I'M ' 5kU HOT To 6CWTCH riHWVl no?-?05 I l DON T LIKE. IT- J j; J I SENDING THlb eCK- THE. VA.L.L- 0 .q JfcD ANTIQUE : " H fSTn (lH MEN ARE. HERE1 Jj'i W ' x k -T I jj I ' 1 i !' jjj ' - 1 L I llll BY INT'U P6"5 flaRvieE, Inc. i iniOII rnrr OTATmP I wanted miscellaneous 7 Jfor rent FcnxisiiED ' noosis ! for kknt misckllaxeous I Fori exchange. .'. I 10It 8AIiKIJV1':flTOCK J "UHlNKfls riRKCr'0RY iHlAn ritrr .MUIrlf. hn.vaMn . . r- - , y'-Tm on ' j i.vii irniiH' r'.,.,.,.l.. .1,..,.,.,.,,.. r,.iP(ll SALE Cr.irin. iill.r. lil-pil and , LONDON, Fob. 20. (By 'tho As sociated Press) A dispatch to, the ; Evening News of Belfast today' says the- freedom Eamonn DcValera has enjoyed so far baa . given a great im petus to tho' re-publican movement, the Irregulars getting tho Impression that the free staters uro afraid .to ar rest him, as De Valera Is living In 0 about Dublin and may bo inter viewed dally., without difficulty. , , .;."Such a paradoxical statp of affairs will soon bo ended," says tho corrcs , pondent, "for the free state leaders have determined to give him the samo sauce as, the dupes he directs." Tho correspondent adds that there Is little doubt but that the' revolt would collapse if he chiefs were In custody. ; .. . . . . Tho rebels In tho Arigna mountains region, 'whom tho free state ; forces have been.' campaigning ngainst.r are reported to havo been broken up. Livestock. -:'. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 20. Cat tle nominally steady; no receipts. 'Choico steers $7.257.7G. iHogs steady, receipts 647. Sheep nominally steady, no receipts. I .lluttor. , PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 20. But- 4J;; Jt B r , steady ;- xtra. cubos - 449440; 1 prints. 48c; cartons 490 butterfat Stoqdyj, No.' 1,, 45c, Portland Wheat. ' PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 20. Whoat:, Hard white, bluestem, baart tl 35: soft whito fl.27; western . red 11.20. ( Today's;" car ' receipts Wheat 35; barley, 1;' flour 9; corn 2; hay 15. i San Francisco Markets ' SAN FItANCISCO, Feb. 20. (U. S. , Iluroau' of; Agricultural, Economics). Ekbs, extras 30c; extra pullets 27MiC; undersized 24c. .- , A SAN FRANCISCO, Feb.' 20. (State Division of Markets). Dressed tur keys 3234c: - '-'' ' : SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20'. Butter i fat D2c f. o. b. San Francisco. WAXTED-l-bJITUATIOX8 '.' WANTED Light work by hour. Good 'i cook, ironor, menUor. 408 W. Sixth .' St.. , i. . 2S3 -WANTED Teaming. Call 7-F-4. tf iWANTED-T-Sewlng by the day. Mrs. f Thornton, Phone 344-Y. 281 A WANTED Orchard or other plowing S and cultivating for one or more 1 teams, by day, hour, acre or con- .( tract tor season. 3.uo per acre up. j Box B51, Medford. 280 HELP WANTED MALE' WANTED Man of good character ; and wido acquaintance , In Ilogne Hivor. Valley to represent large fra ternal beneficiary society. Steady position to right party,, good pay, ' answer care this paper giving ad dress for interview. Box 90. 283 WANTED Single man, who under stands' orchard and trnctor work. E Summer's Job for right party. Court Hall;.'i ' tt HELP WANTED FEMALE , WANXED--Woman to do email fam ily washing at her home. Call I B23. H-' Riverside..- tt HELP WANTED Mule and Pomalo j WANTED Clerks for postal mall and ' government departments. $120-133 I monthly. - Experience unnecessary. i For free list positions now open writo-J. Davis (former Civil Service examiner) 758 Flomlng Bldg., Wasinhgton, D. S. ' ' 2S3 PXRIi FUNERAL BOMB At Your 8crvtr.Ifj or Night Information Cordially Given UP FATHER WANTED to rent five room furnished house In northwost part of city. Phone 057-J or call at 217 Liberty Imilding. ' 2S3 A'ANTED Anyone who Is digging a basement or lias dirt they want to dispose of phone 390-L. 284 WANTED Party moving about 7th of March to point Just below San Fran cisco would like to have someonu take half space in freight car. Phone 204-W. 280 WANTED 20 tier Phone 639-J-3. ..' of wood cut. 282 WANTED Bids for baling 76 tons alfalfa hay at my place near Star Ranger Station, by Feb. 25. Reserve right to reject any or all bids. F. E. Schnelden, Jacksonville. 282 WANTED To buy scrap lead. Mod ern Plumbing and Heating Co. ! Phone .620. ,..Z; . . . 23G WANTED Veal, must bo ood qua! . ity' and have, liver attached. John son Produce Co. . . WANTED We spray with high pow er pressure; nothing too large for our outfit; your fruit trees, rose bushes, and shrubbery sprayed with care; we know how. Green & Dixon, Phone 106. We guarantee our work. 282" WANTED Two pigs weight about BO pounds. J. A. Mankc, R. 1, Medford. 286 WANTED Furnished apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED--To ' trade " for "'modern Bungalow In a good locality, a now six cylinder touring car. Star Motpr Co., Apt. G. Holland Apartments. ; r . -" , 273tf WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter , inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co WANTED Cash paid tor pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED Houe moving and repaid lng. Phone 488-M or 488-X. ' USED CAR BARGAINS 1921 Startei1; Ford'. Touring, Fine Condition 250.00 Lado Dodge Touring, Lots'" of Extras $750.00 , Studebaker 7-Pass. 'Touring, Starter, New Tires . 150.00 MEDFORD AUTO --.'99; ;: , BUICK DEALERS ;' Cor. Main and Holly Bargain Ford Delivery Real body, , good tires Only - - $-1.-75 ' ' Drive an Overland and Realize the -; Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Special MEDFORD MATfi ' TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY. FEBRITARY 20. FOR RENT Furnished room, Hi blocks from, Washington school, i Phoue 905-M. , , ; 282 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room 440 S. Riverside. Phone 401-R. 283 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath, men only. 245 N. Grape. ' 276 FOR RENT Well lighted front aleep ; ing room, with bath privileges., 325 So. Riverside, Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FurniBhed three room apartment, modorn, garage in con nection. 604 W. Tenth St., cor. of King. 281tf' FOR, RENT Three room furnished apartment Apply Sugar Bowl Conf. $21.50, including lights and water. 280tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING , ROOMS , FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. . . 285 FOR.; RENT Light , housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses, 2 rooms furnish . ed; 6 rooms unfurnished. , Phone ;.' 938-M. .; ,. ,, ... 284 FOR RENT Two room furnished house and one threo room apart ment, close In. Apply 323 N. Front St. 284 FOR RENT 8 room modern house. Phone 808. ., -... - 285 FOR RENT Six f room bungalow, - modern, one and one-half miles from Medford. Phone 7-F-4. 284 FOR: RENT Attractive eight room dwelling with all modern conven iences including furnace and fire place; also garage, on Ross Lane, two miles from Medford. McCurdy Ins. Agency, Medford Nat'l Bank " Bldg. ".. . 282 FOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. . Not for sale., C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR RENTt-5 room modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage, , wood , shed. P. E. Wynkoop. .. ... TOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house. East 9th St, easy torms. Inquire . Jackson Co. Bldg. . & Loan Assn; .tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnlBhed, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 466-J. ;. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White iX)UND FOUND Gold stono oarrlng. Call at this office. 282 FOUND At Red Cross room, pair of - gold bow glasses. FIndor get same , at this office by paying for notice. .-. .... - 2781C . SOUTH OAKDALE HOME 9 "rooms and extra large "closed In" sleeping' porch,' fully modern, furnace heat, dandy lot 75x185, CITY ASSESSMENTS AND PAVING ALL PAID, cement bascmont and garage, located In a good residential part of South Oakdale. This Is a Very convenient' and comfortablo home, will lease for $60.00 per. month. - . ,. A HEAL KARUAIN AT PRIOR ASKED WILL' TAKE SMALLER I'ROPERTY AS PART PAY5IENT ' , SEE US TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building, Medford, Qro. litis fn ess Opportunities . Real Estate1' PEARS WILL MAKE YOU MONEY We are" offering a small. pear.,orchard near Medford, which, last year, paid! 70 per cent on the Belling price.:. This Is Irrigated and In fine condition to produce a heavy crop this year. No buildings. You cer tainly will bp Interested as tho price is only $5000.00. , . Another man.' says: ,."1 have, too much land and must soil that, which commands the most ready sale, so, sell my twenty acres of bear ing pears.'.' These trees are in good hearing. and are growing on tho very best soil In the Valluy. The land Is , (rrlgaled and containB a strictly modern six-room bungalow. You will mako no mlstako In In vesting In this property at tho price of $12,000.00. . , . - Another man who Ib not a ' farmer haB an , 8-acro ranch closo lo school and Irrigated; one-half in alfalfa. Good barn; large poultry house and yard; fine shado trees; very neat fivo room home all nicely finished and well furnished; electricity and daily, mall, price $3500.00. Our beautiful river front tracts are Just the place for your home. Tho best of garden, soil; Ideal for poultry; best fishing water along Rogue river and only thirty minutes from Medfprd. Buildings now un der construction on tracts recently sold., Prices $250 to $450 per tract. Small payment down and balance at five per cent Interest. We have a splendid location along the paved highway and Rogue river for a service station, supply store and camp ground. It will be a money maker. Can furnish cottage for right party; must have some capital tind be a husHer. Adjacent lo best fishing waters on the river. J, W. DRESSLER CO. YesiVe" write Fife tnsnriuice. Phone 2HS. FOR RENT 80 acres or lnnd..nnder water,, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Andorson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices In tho Medford Building, Bingle or in ' suito, best in Modford. Steam heat. Janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phono 642. -, gsotf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W, Tenth St. Phone 82. tf . MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSLER Square Deal Hatch, ery for chicks, eggs and hatchings, Tancred LeghornB and Rods. Phone 901-L. 284 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 400-J. tf LOST LOST On Main St.. cameo brooch ; with 4 diamonds on mounting. Re ; turn to Mail Tribune and receive ' reward. - 284 LOST OR STOLEN Red and white double frame Crown bicycle. Phono 720 or address P. O. Box 984. 282 LOST Earring. Phone 915. MONEY TO LOAN 282 LOANS City and business properties Building loans. ' W. G. Wright, 701 W. Eloventh St., city. Phone 445-Y. , . 290 MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5,000 or .less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOR SALli HOMES . FOR SALE Four houses. Owner who lives in California will he in town for. a few days.. Phone 593-L. 284 FOR SALE Modorn four room house . and good lot; assessments all paid; easy. payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St'. . 281tf FOR SALE Good seven room .hoUBe at a bargain, on paved street. : Good i terms. See 518 Beatty. . 285 FOR RENT ' OR SALE Completely , furnished .6 . room house with large . . sleeping' porch, garage' and .wood shed; small berries, large lawn, on pavement, two blocks' from Main St. Will sell like rent. Phono 750-W r.,. - .... .... ,, 284 FOR SALE ;Slx room modern (iouso, four large lots with all kinds of fruit, nuts and borriea.; Phone eve nings 820-R. ' .. . 285 FOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garage, shade trees, largo lot, close in on pavement, as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Mears, 40i South Newtown. 267tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalowt, furnished or unfurnished; a loo acreage. Insurancp. C. 8. Bul terfiold. Modford National Bank. Fhone 389. Exchanges 123 Eaet Main St rwiv 1 ou uuicB 01 1 inu unuer viv iniiuivnoi-iiu u, iui . . - . FOR TRADE Cascade- dragsaw for. turkevs, hugs or cow. Box 45, Jack sonville. 282 FOR SALIC AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Cheap, Oakland Six, or will take a smaller car. 1004 Mav St., or P. O. Box 930. 284 FOR SALE OlduniobUo 4 passenger, cord tiros, new license. Hlltson Motors.' 2S2 FOR SAL: REAL ESTATE TOlfAl3"lTTRADEMoilern now suburban home, all city conveni ences, ton miles south of Portland on, highway.. Easy tonus.. C. L. Siiuier, Route 1, Grants Pass, Ore. , ,., , .. 2877 FOR SALE Ono hundred acres over looking Rogue river two miles north of Gold Hill; sub-irrigated fruit land.. "rlco 800 dollars. Wood will mora than pay for-the land. . Add. i James Andorson, Box 144, Gold Hill, Oregon. . .. 284 FOR SALE 7 room modorn bungalow , 3 bedrooms, good siied kitchen, bulltln features, sleeping porch. $1500 will handle, balunco on easy : terms. , 7 ,room stofy' and half house, 4 ' bedrooms, good sized kitchen, $800 will handle, bnlanco on easy terms. The above pi'operties on paved street and in boat residential sec : tion. : - Owners leaving town; must bo Bold, ' Phone 1028. 19 Carglll Court, tt FOR SALE. RENT OR TRADE Alf j alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards,, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., 'No. 15 N. , Orapo St., Phono 465-J. tt FOP. SALE POULTRY AND EQOf FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark . Barred Rock, $3.00 for fifteen. J. , W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48. Phone 9G9-R. i . : , . , ' 311 FOR SALE Two fine Bronze torn ', turkeys, $7.60 each. Borkoley Orch- ards. . ' 282 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock, : R. I. Red and White. Leghorn roos : tors, your, choico $2 each. 818 S. ; Peach St. " 285 FOR SALE Whito Leghorn day old ! chicks or eggs for hatching from : selected pens. We also run hatch ! Inga., P,lnohurst Poultry Ranch, one , j mile.' west 'Central: Point B: 'L. Sim I dorson. ... .!. 285 4- FOR SALE Two purebred ' Light Call 341-J-l. 294 Brahma roosters. FOn SALE Hatching osgs $0.00. hun- vtred, from Slnglb comb Whlto Leg ' horns. All broedors Belected by use . . of the trapnost. No pullets or low ! producers used. Dr. C. A. Wlnans. ! Phone 344-M. 200 FOR SALE Laired Rome egga for i hatching, O. A. C. strain. Phone I 201J. .- a . r . .- ' ? '-k 298 eOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs, i Phoue 573. . ,. 200 FOR. SALE Dnrk barred rook cock-. erels; also hatching eggs. J. w. ; Cook. R. 3, Box 48, Phone 969-R. 289 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR HALE Sound black , horso, weight 1200 lbs., works either single i or double. Also two heifers. Lock !, of pasture reason for selling. Ixiok : thorn over and name your price. ; II. H. Clarke, Seven Oaks. 284 FOIl SALE Nice roiii months 6ld ; Collie pup, $5.00. Phone 204-W. 283 FOR SALE Good horBe 1100 pounds, : or will trade for cow. Phono 591-IM. ! , . ;. . 287 To better accommo date our fast grow ing Valvoline Oil trade we have con structed 'another new ' rack and : will continue to . drain Crank Cases and Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK ' Next to Nat.1 A Real Service Station 192r! By George McManus FOR SALE (irado, iu.o bred and registered Duroc Jersey sows, ti furrow In March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroc boar Call Bert Andorson, Modlord, or Mlravista Orchard. tf FOR SALE House dog, Phone 691-R-l. real beauty. ! . tf FOR SALIC Bay filly, coming 5, woight 14S0, price $125. S. A. Nyo. opp. Experiment Station. - 283 FOR SALE Choice registered JerBoy cattlo, Loth sexes; exeallent Ash- laud residence; long-bedded llnnner buggy. Address Box 273 Ashland, Ore. 281 FOR SALE Bay mare 7 years old. 1100 pounds; small saddle horse, good sot heavy harnoss, Iron wheel wagon, 3 ton alfalfa hay, $8.00 a ton. J. Terp, 104 S. Fir. . 282 FOR SALE Sulky plow, spike tooth narrow, springtootu narrow, Acme cultivator. George Hilton; Phono SG-11, Medford 282 FOU 8 ALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Beardless seed barley. James Campbell. Phone 17-F-21.. FOR SALE 2V4 h. p. 1 Ftilrbanks- Morso engine. - 927-M. ' v 281 FOR SALE One six-horse stuam bail or good as now, one largo Aniaricaii Laundry Washer, one Ford panel dollvery car in first-clusB shape, Call nt'C21 N. Rlvorsldo. 283 FOR SALE Baled cloan alfalfa, $20 a ton. Salade Ranch, Central Point. I - 287 FOR SALE Ford dollvory body com plete, liittson Motors. .... 283 FOR SALE Extra largo, nil reed $T0' . baby carriage, in good condition. Will Bell for $30. COS S. Newtown. Phone 190-X. ..... 28.1 FOR SALE Sowing machine,, Mn-. arch range, largo refrigerator, port-. able typowritor. Phono 204-W. 808 ! Dakota, Ave. 283 , FOR SALE Select nursery - atock, ' shade and ornnmental shrubbery, ' grapes, flowering bulbs, and roses: Washington Nurseries, call E. C. Welch, 606 W. Fourth St. .. 284 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay". O. E Slm . mors, threo miles . southwest of town, halt mile west of Morrlmnc Orchard. , ;- :,283 FORi SALE Beardless seed,,' bar'oy . Jamoa Cwn'pbeH, Phono 17-F-21.: 282 FOR SALE l'lano. Phono 244."' almost new. 282 FOR SALE Sevoral thousand, five nuart capacity, smudge pots, price 10b each. , Call D. R. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hours. Terms caah, 284 FOR' SALE Cory ' Thornlesa Black berry rooted tlps-i $1.50 por do.J ' $12.00. per too. T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon.'. '. ... . , 291 IUSIMS DlitloCTORY Chiropractlo Thyslclnn '. ; DR. IIARVKTi P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. ,427 28 Medford Bldg.! Phono 965. tf, DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro- praetor.' Mochano-Tborapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 13. Main St. Phonos: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. . - DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao tic PhyBiclan. Office hours 9 to , 12, 2 to 5, Suite 203-04-05-(IO. Lib erty Bldg. Office Pbonn 680, Res 1027, . ' SPECIAL 1918" studeb'aker SIX, We will accept best cash offer made between now and next Sat urday noon.. Look it ovor. Some ono will get a car . a,t , their own price. i .... Many real in used Chevrolcts, Overlands and Fords. 1 Buick Delivery at a very low price. Cv Ev Gates Auto Co; I I PAflE SEVEN Abstractors MURRAY BROS, ft GREENE, Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5 No.: 32 North Central Ave., up . stains. : .: - - - ' Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. ' Tho' only 'complete Ti tle System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title' end Titlo Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGG RellabV JncKson county abstractors of I ties, Gold Hill, Oregon. 1 Attorneys' O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. t , t A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Liberty Building. office la Building Materials MKDKORD CEMENT . BRICK ., A BLOCK, WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor, Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O, J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. .Main St., over II. M. Dopt. Store, Modford,. Oregon,, Phone 869; Res. 1002-Y. : Office hours 9 a. in.- 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday, by' appointment., ........ ... .. i . ' ' , Expert Accountant ' ' ,' ' WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, CP. A. Attention given ta anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. - Look Into ' our simplified accounting method.1 : Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone .' 157-R. .. , , ... ' - Money to Loan ' 3. JX.' ANDREWS Buys and selit mortgages and loans money) on good security, 81 N. Grape St Phone 63-M. - 24 '. SKonnmenU THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments.. E. A. Hicks, general monaKcr. r. ju. rvursuaw. suiva manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med--ford. i. I. . ' - , tt Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS ufiuuu w usieopaiuio raysicmo- , A1(td1S T.tKai-fv rtlrifr Phntll f 004-J-3. ' ; Residence 26' South ' Laurel Ft . . r . .. : ... - DRT'WrW.'lTOWXRT) 6BleopatSle' Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose. and throat. 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. : Pliyslclnns and Surgeons. DR. WM. ' W." P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford ' Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Gcnosco St. " Phone 106-J-2. . Dft, A." BURSELL Physician and Burgeon, diz to an moatora mag. Entrance 36 N, Central. Special attention to spine. Phono 29. I'iano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony, Composing,' Arranging. Studio 818 Liberty" Bldg. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tb bent nnnlnnnrl nrlnttncr nffleA In Southern Oregon. Book .binding,' loose leaf lndcers'.' hllllno1 STStams. etc Portland prices. 87 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving .!.-.,!.. f .1 n i r tinn ntiii x. , rt rr CI ' makes fluff rugs from old and i, worn . csrpnts and ruga Phone 610-M. - 700 Plnn 8t.'. ' Transfer - !.-. EADS TRANSFER & 8TOR AOB CO -. r-Offlce 42 North Front St. Phoue 315. Prlcos1 right. Service guar anteed. OAVI8 TRANSFER AND STORAGES CO. Anything ' moved, . day . Or nlgbt. Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or residence, 647-R or 206, '; ... tf Upholstering WEI3 Upholstery, Manufacturer ot ovorstuffed furniture. Full line of material!!: Draperies made to order, We do all kinds bf uphol stering. We deliver and will call . and show samples.. Phone 101 larkunnvtllA Or ' I . .... M.' P. WJHM1M. r irnil Floo MwfTforrt ftllTcSj. ry Audita O Aecburvrttift fy 0 lisursAce jgf liveatnsvtss Cor. flth and Onkditfe mbulanco Sorvkfl rtiorie 47 - ,