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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1923)
I; BRINGING l i ill I . : f DAENVr-KOW UIHVETOPUT J f $-, l Notice of Sale of Real Estate f In the County Court of the State of T i Oregon for the County of Jackson, i In the .Matter of the Estate of Albert I i Clifton Tayler, Deceased, f 3 Notice Is hereby, given, that under ! and by virtue of the terms of the Will the Baid Albert Clirton Tnylcf, De ceased, the undersigned, the Execu trix of the Estate of the said Albert Clifton Tayler, Deceased -will sell at private sale in parcels to accommo date the purchasers, to the highest : bidder or bidders, on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, and subject to Confirmation by said Coun ty Court' of Jackson County, Oregon, or after Thursday, the 16th day of Jtobruary. 1923, all the right, title, interest and ARtAtn nf tht aniil Alhprt 'Clifton Tayler, Deceased, which at the time o bis death was a fee simple title In and to the real property here inafter described and all the right, title and Interest to said Estate as by operation of law or otherwise ac quired, other than or in addition to that of said Deceased at the time of :his death, of, in, and to those certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land situ ated, lying and being in the County Of Jackson and State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows, to- -wlt: - ' fi Lots Two .(2), Three (3) and Four ; (4) of the Midway Subdivisions of ! Jackson County, Oregon. it Terms and Conditions ot Sale: Cash payment to be agreed upon by and be' ' tween the undersigned Executrix of ; aid Estate and the purchaser and the payment of the balance of the pur chase price to be agreed upon by said 'parties at the time of sale; balance of purchase price to be paid on Con formation of Sale; deeds and abstract to be furnished at the expense of the ijestate. i All bids and offers must bo made lit the office of O. C. Boggs, Attorney 1 forylhe said Executrix, at 30 North ' ' CeffltraJ avenue, Medford, Oregon, at , ny time after the first publication i Of this Notice and before the making i Of the sale. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 18th day of January, 1923. 1HMA TAYLER WOOD, Executrix of the Estate ot Albert CHCton Tayler,' Deceased. O. C. BOGGS, Attorney for the Executrix, 30 N. Central Avenue, Medford, Oregon. j ; WANTED SITUATION'S V.JV ANTED By woman work by day or hour. Call meal times, Tel. 990-J ': :. 279 WAJiTEto MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Veal, must be good qua! fl ity and have liver attached. John 1 1 son Produce Co. WANTk'n Whlta n lilnclr mother cats. Phone 333. :- 278 WANTED We spray with high pow er prossure; nothing too large lor oJlr outfit; your fruit trees, rose butMos, and shrubbery sprayed with care; we know how. Green & Dixon, Phono 106. We guarantee our work. : 282 i V ANTED Clean cotton rags at Mail LI Tribune office. tf WANTED Two pigs weight about 50 Dounds. J. A. Mankn. It. 1. Medford. !'.! 286 WANTED Feeder hogs. Phone 895. 281' WANTED Furnished apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished homo. Refer ences exchanged. Phono 148-Y. WANTED To trade for modem Bunnalow In a good locality, a now Blx cylinder touring car.- Star Motor Co., Apt. G. Holland Apartments, i . 273tf WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. - WAfCTED Cash Mid for pelts, hides, W1 and furs. Johnson Produce Ci024i N. Fir St Phone 97. tt WANTED Ronse monnK and repair tag. Phone 488-M or 4SS-X. ' MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRKSSLER Squaro Doal Hatch . n .1 l,.lnlilnira Tanored Leghorns and Reds. Phono nr.i T OBI 051-L. PERL FUNERAL BOH At Your Service Day or Night Information Cordlnlly nivrn Cor. IMh anil Onkilalo UP FATHER Ten Years Ago DOWN STAIRS AND IVANTY0010 ENTEP- MR UNTIL I GtT II iUfii W4 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Typists. Earn 25$100 weekly spare time, copying authors manuscript Write It. J. Carnes, Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa, Ca., for particulars. : 27S WANTED Young lady -with high school education for assistant In dental office.""' Address Dentist, Mail. Tribune. ' 279 WANTEI-By young girl, children to care for. 1122 W. Ninth St. zoU WANTED Girl for general house work, good wages. Mrs; G. L. Buhr-: man. 10 Geneva; ; 281 -i MONEY TO IOAX MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, JSOOO or less, b per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Light housekeeping- rooms. 511 S. Central. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Attractive eight room dwelling with all modern conven iences including furnace and fire place; also garage, on Ross Lane, two miles from Medford. McCurdy -Ins. Agency, Medford Nat'l Hank Bldg. tOR RENT Partly furnished house $20 a month. 517 Beatty St . 279 mp nv.NT UnnoA at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. ' Not for sale. J. A. uevoe. "T FOR .'RENT 5 room, modern bunga low, sleeping porch,' garage, wood- Bhed. F. E. wynkoop. TOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house. East 8tn ot, easy-lerms. inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments hko rent Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. tt FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. USED CAR BARGAINS 1921 Starter, Ford Touring, j Fine Condition $250.00 Lade Dodgje Touring, Lots of Extras $750.00 Studebaker 7-Pass. Touring, Starter, New Tires $150.00 MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICK DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS Buick 4 Touring Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. h WEDFORT) MATT; TRTTltTNE, METVFORD, QUI ON", THURSDAY. Fnr.RT-ARY 1.',. i - ' - - i . . - ii ... i... i .. C HELLO- HrtW A ( WELL-SAN NOO . A -U 00 HI. a f VHAT hAVrtii " WRW LIFE. WOMtlT OfF SUnt-HUD A 0 l"S LEFT. -IHi BCOfe I H V 'ftwll tEwiA iSwAFlNE I TELL ML'. I ?0 LWnTT. I Vh lot .COM b J I 1 ffi5 J FKlE??-?F ilT s& TTKr tfe- .jTfr '"'X '- ' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOU HEXT Furnished sleeping room 440 S. Riverside. Phone 401-lt. 2S3 FOR KENT Sleeping rooms, bath. men only. 245 N. Grape. 2ii FOR RENT Room with board. 3G5 S. Central. 279 FOR RENT rioom with board, $35 a month. 223 N. Central, 281 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, rhone 701-J. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Fifty acres, alfalfa and fruit plenty ot water, good house all modern. North of Medford. Box 40, Mail Tribune. 2S0 FOR RENT On shares two of the best commercial orchards; 20 acres 5 acres full bearing Nelis, balance Newtown apples, 2 miles from Med ford; 47 acres mile from Talent, 17 acres full bearing Newtown apples, balance fine alfalfa, water for irrigation. See L. D. HarriB, Gold Range Orchard, Phone 8-J-2 278 FOR RENT 80 acres of land nnder water, 2 miles ot Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. . Steam heat, Janitor service, reasonable.. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. 'or Phone 642. 250tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St Phone 82. tt FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Modern 5 room bungalow in line condition with garage, in Medford, for small im proved ranch near city limits of Central Point. 323 S. King St., or Phone 701. 279 FOR EXCHANGE House and lot close in lor small piece of No. 1 land, or two No. 1 residence pro perties for good improved farm. W. J. Messenger, 317 E. Jackson. 2S0 , AN OPPORTUNITY . , . Beautiful 8-room Rustic Bungalow, absolutely modern, largo. living, room with fireplace, full basement, all concrete wallB and in best state of repairs, flowers, shrubbory, fruit trees, grapes and half acre of ground, in good residential part of town, with cow, chickens, etc. Price $0000. Same party also owns good business in town that is worth investigating. Business is worth $2000. Wo will trndo this residence nnd business on Rood farm with gmxl improvements, reasonably close, to (own. Will wy or uskiiiuo differ ence. - ' ' SEE US TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY ACiENCY Medford Building, Medford, Ore. Ronl I-Xnto Business Opimrtunltics Exchanges IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND We hnve a vory choice tract ot land sullablo for growing alfalfa, potatoes,' tomatoes, melons and all kinds of high-value cropB. AH deep free soil and irrigated; on good road near paving and ono rollo from town aud six miles from Medford. Part now in alfalfa. No buildings. This .35 acres is priced to sell $175.00 per aero, with reasonable terms. Examine thlB property if you wish to produce largo crops. , 10 acre, fine home place, only 10 minutes from business center of Medford. Under irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 acres full bearing pears; good 7-room house with modern conveniences and barn. Just the place for small dairy and poultry. Tbo price $5,000.00 is made to Boll.. 20 acres vory choice land, 10 minutes from buslnoss district on paved highway. 16 acres bearing orchard, under Irrigation; modern 5-room bungalow; largo well and tank houso; burn. This will lutorost you. Priced to sell for $9,500.00. , ' Party owns 22 acres very choice alfalfa and vegetable land located 20 mlnutcB fruni Medford on the paving. No buildings. Ho Is no farmer, never lived on a farm, knows a plow but does nut know bow to use It. He says sell the whole tract for $150. 00 per acre and give a buyer good terms.. ,Will you look at it? . Another party owns a very attractive diversillad farm of fair size, clear of any Incumbrance, but being a wom&u aha la not physically ablo to properly operate the property, so Instructed ns to sell and give the best bargain offered in the valley. Conservatively, this property will produce $10,000 this year. Will you examine this at $250 per acre. It will only take 15 minute to drive oat to the property. Yes, It Is Irrigated. Tours for service, J. W. DRESSLER CO. Vhunt HOT. Yes, wo write Doors and Windows Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish . TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS . " Window Glass Largest' Stock in Medford. FOUND FOUND At Red Cross rooip, pair of gold bow glasses. Find r get same at this office by paying for notice. 27Stf FOUND Pair bi-focal gold bow glasses. Owner can hafve same by calling at this office ail paying for ad. TAKEN UP TAKEN UP And placed in pound, one small brindlo1 cow nnd one yearling Jersey heiiior calf. Owner can have samo by italliug and pay ing charges. Chief c(f Police. 27S TAKEN UP Hereford cow, no mark or visible brand. Prank Randlev, Javksonville. 279 FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE By owner at sacrifice on account of sickness.' property that nets SM. per cent. B(ox 511 Medford, or call 891-L. 1 2S0 FOR SALE 7 room modern bungalow 3 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, builtin features, sleeping porch. 11500 will handle, balance on easy terms. ' 7 room story and half house. 4 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, $800 will handle, balance on easy terms. The above properties on paved street and in best residential soo tion. Also one largo lot on So. Oakdale, 75 foot front. ' Ono lot on W. Main, cor. Colum bia, Kenwood Aitdltlon. Owners leaving town; must be sold. Phone 1028. 19 Carglll Court. tf FOR SALE HomsHead i relinquish ment, fine black oak timber, some sugar pine, $100, if taken soon. Phone 617-L or 105. 281 FOR SALE, TRADE ore RENT 100 acres land. Call 637 Pine St. or Phone 722-R. 278 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alt; ' alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., ' No. 15 N. Grape - St., Phone 405-J. " tf 123 East Main Hi. : Fire Insnrance. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phono 4(15 .1. tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBI LES FOR SALE Light car, 1922 model. Call room 1, Jackson County Hank Bldg. 279 FOR SALIV HOMES FOR SALE Six-room modern plaster ed cottage and three lots. Inquire nt 003 S. RiveirUiO. 2S0 FOR SALE Six room modern house, four largo lots with all kinds of fruit, nuts and berries. Phono eve nings 820-H. 2S5 FOR SALE Modern two-story houso, sleeping porch, garago, shado trees, large lot, close In on pavement, as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Wears, 401 South Newtown. 2t7tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; nloo acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terfield, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR SALE I'Ol L1RY AND EGGS FOR SALIC Two purebred Light Brahma roosters. Call 341-J-l. 294 FOR SALE Bronze turkey torn. $3.50 Toulouse rooho drake $3.00. See Mr. Cox. Exchange Tire Co., 28 N. Riverside St. 277 FOR SALE Order Leghorn clijcks now, March and April make best winter layors. Best Tnncred stock 15c each. Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 27S' FOR SALE 150 White Leghorn lay ing pullets. Tailored strain. II. Schaar, cor. Jacksonville road and Ross Lane. 280 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronzo turkey I hens; nlso year old torn. P. O. Box ouu or enu u est jucKson ot., aieu ford. 280 FOR SALE Hutching eggs $0.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg- horns. All breeders solocted by use - of the trnpuest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Winans. Phono 344-M. - 200 FOR SALE Three Whito Leghorn cookorols, Tailored Royal. Inquire Bert Stuncliff, Phoenix, Ore. 278 FOR SALE Barred Rotx eggs for hutching, O. A. C. strain. I'hone 201-J. . 298 FOR SALE R. I. Rod hatching eggs. Phono 673. .. . 290 FOR BALE Dark narrcd rock cock, crols; also hutching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 969-R. 2S9 FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs from , prize winning It hod o Island Rods ' and from White Leghorns Tancrod Royal. Red Wing Poultry Yard, Phono 805-Y. 281 ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SAL12 Baby calves slrod thorn bred registered bulls; full blood, grado cows. Holstoln ciiIvcb $20.00 aboard cars. Durham lnlllt strain, $20.00. Jersey, $20.00, out of best milk herds in northern California. G. W: King, Montague, Calif. 280 FOR SALE Fresh milch cows and calves, cream separator. C. L. Farrar, 604 Plum St. 279 FOR SALE Good horso 1100 pounds, or will trade for cow. Phono 591-R-l. 287 FOR 8ALE Work horso, ..-choice onion and beet seeds, raspberry plants. J. L. Deinmer, 003 W. Jack son St. Phono 840-J. 281 To better accommo date our fast grow- ' ing Valvoline Oil trade we have con-, structed another , new rack and will! continue . to drain , Crank Cases and ' Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 1fi:l By George McManus FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOK SALE Ono full blood boar. Phono 809-Y. lHirne 27S FOR SALE Two good producing cows, T. 11. U'Stod. Phono lti-F-3. 2S0 FOR SALE House dog, real beauty. Phone 5U1-H-1. tf FOI! SALE Purebred Jersey bull, cheap. .1. A. Mnnkc, R. 1, .Medford. 287 FOR SALE Sulky pluw, spike tooth harrow, HpriiiKtonth harrow, Acme cultivator. George Hilton, I'hone Sti ll, Medford. 282 FOR SALE Jersey cow. Phoned 1-J-l, Foot Hills Orchard. 27ft FOR SALE Coed team light niulos. Call at Modoc orchurd, Central Point. - 277 FOR SALIC Frenn cows, exception ally good. M. Walsh, 1 mile NE of Medford on Crator Lake road. 279 FOR HALF MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Furniture. Medford Stor age. Phono 333. 280 FOR SALE Alfa lfn liny.. O. E. Sim mers, three miles southwest of town, half mile west of Morrliniic Orchard. 2S;i FOR SALE Beardless seed barley. James Campbell, Phone 17-F-21. 2!i2 APPLES Spitz, Bon Davis, nil sorts; all prices. Get 'em ut Oregon Grow ers, end North Central. 2S1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four burner Florence oil stove for electric rung';. Phono 10G1. 27S FOR SALE Couch and tapestry cover. 423 King St. Phono B32-X. '279 FOR SALE Extra largo all rood baby carriage, dove gray. In good condi tion, one-half price. 005 S. New town. 279 FOR SALE Piano, almost new. Phono 244. 2S2 FOR SALIC Hardwood stumps. Jack Murtln, Phoenix, Oregon. 2,S FOR SALE Largo cabinet Victrola. 80 rocords, a ronl bargain. Party leaving town. Phone D27-X. FOR SALE 1600 gal. storago tnuk, $tiu; sou gius. smudge on at uo gui.; 700 6 t. oil lKits, 6c each. G. (',. Goold, Pliono 25-R-2. 278 FOR SALE Hovcral thousand five quart capacity smudgo pots, price loc each. I'ulCD. R. Wood, dlty or Modoc mid Klamath orchards nt meal hours. Tcrmr cash. 284 FOR SALE Cheap, dandy work horse, harness and wagon.- Phone 691-R-l. 279 FOR SALE Cory Thornloss . Black berry rooted tips: $1.60 per doz., $12.00 per too. T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon. 291 BUSINESS DIRECTORY C'liiinpriirtic Physician DR. HAUVEf P. COLEMAN Chiro practic nnd Elcctro-Thornpy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phono 966. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Nco-EeJectlc Phvslclnn. DR. LOUISE 10. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor.' Mochano-Thorapy, Spon- ; dylothurapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stowart Bldg., 236 -E. Main St. Phonos: Office, , 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN ChlropraO " Ho Physician. Office honrs 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suite 203-U4-L-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. Oakland Six 1920, Motor overhauled, good condition $300 Bargains never before equaled. All Fords renewed and guaranteed. If wc sell ' it: it must bo right. "Used Car Department" 0. E. Gates Auto Co. PAGE NINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Tltlo. Rooms 3 and u. No. 32 North Central Ave., up Btalrs Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. Tlio only complete Tl tlo System in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insnrance. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable JackBon county abstractors of ti tles. Gold Hill. Orogon. Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialize in Heal Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office 1b Liberty Building. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS Specialize In aU kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1 002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m 0 p. in. Eveuiugs and Sunday by nppoinlnient. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITINO CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bids., Modford, : Phone 157-R Money to Loan J. U. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and loans money oq good security, 31 N. Grape SU Phone 63-M. 246" Mannments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general - manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E, Sixth St.. Med ford. ; tr OHteo paths no i. rt nnl tnr rt r-ir iinuj CARLOW Osteopathic Physldtas 4 16-4 IX Liberty ' Bldg. Phont 904-J-U. Resldenco '26 Sooth Laurel St. - : . DTtTAvTV.TIO'Vv'AnD-OslcopaUIIo Physician.' Special attention given to oyo, ear, nose and throat 300 Liberty Building. Phono 496. ' Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P.. HOI.T -Physician nnd Surgeon. Offlcos Medford Bldg. Phone 106. Residence 118 Guneaoo St. Phono 106-J-2. ' DR." A. .BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 30 N. Contrul. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. I'inno Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, ; loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir Bt, Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and ruga. Phon 8I0-M. lit Pine St. - Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. . Office 42 North Front St. Phona 816. Prices right, - Servlca guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STOMACHS CO. -Anything moved, day or night. .Service guaranteed. 19 "8. Qrape, Phone: Office 644, nr rosldonee, 647-R or 200. tf". Upholstering' J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperjos made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. Wa deliver and will eaO, ana snow samples, rnona xvi. Inxkunnvlllo Or S Auditing AceouiMtna JVSTEllXERVICElft 2nd Floor Hertford Wag, in ViUnrp Sen-Ice I'hone H