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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1923)
BRINGING PlEJ.'iE DPHT MAmE AHVB5T KS VAN INK IS SO SENSITIVE r-ff- IN 3E BASTROP, I,-l Fob. 14. The next official step of tho investigation of .the Morehouse kidnaping ensos. which resulted In tho dentil of .Watt Daniel and T. F. Richard liiHt August 'will bo tlio drawing on March 5 of the names of the twelve men who will comprise the grand jury from the? panel selected yesterday. It was announeed by Attorney General A. V. Coco that he .would be ready to present the testimony ob tained nt the hearing of several 'weeks ao to the new Krand Jury wlicn it convened on the first Mon day in March. It was also reported that ho would inquire into the record orthe men composing the Jury panel. VBRONSON. Fla., Feb. 14 Twenty , five witnesses have been summoned to: appear today before . the . special Brand Jury here Investigating the re cent Itosewood race clash In which two white men and six negroes -lost their lives nnd tho negro section of Rosewood was wiped out by fire. ' Advertisement Eagle Point Irrigation District , '. Eagle Point, Oregon, Jan. 2, 1923. X Sealed proposal for furnishing nnd erecting 2656 lineal feet of 36-inch Inside diameter either Redwood or jCrcosoted Douglas Fir, continuous wood-stave pipe, Specifications No. 3, jifcAGLB POINT IRRIGATION DIS TRICT, near ISutte Falls. Oregon, will be received at the office of tile Eagle Point Irrigation District, Eagle Point, Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock a. m. Feb ruary 20 1 and will at that hour be opened. ' ' j THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO j REJECT AMY AND ALL BIDS. For particulars address the Eaglo i Point Irrigation District, Eagle Point, ; Oregon. ''iftjfli IHJAUU Ul- l-MKIL TUKK , EAGLE POINT IRRIGATION DISTRICT By FRED PETTEGKEW, President. W. E. 1IA.M.MEL, SecreUiry. IU5M M'ANTED MAM3 WANTED Steady business-like man of good habits, hustle and integrity. Kxperienco unnecessary. Oppor tunity to make good money. Perma nent year around. Cash weekly. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wn. 271 WANTEU MISCELLANEOUS WANTED We spray with high pow er' nresstire: lmthlntr ton large for our outfit; your fruit trees, rose- hushes, nnd shrubbery sprayed with 1 care; we know how. Green & Dl'xon, ( ' Phone 10G. We guarantee our work, f ' 2S2 i. WANTED Clean cotton rags at Mall ! ' Tribune office. tf WANTED Two pigs weight about 60 pounds. J. A. JIanke, It. 1, Medford. 2SG WANTED Upright steam boiler, S to 10 horsepower. Phone 903. 277 WANTED Feeder hogs. Phone 895. 2S1 WANTED To rent ranch of about 3(1 . acres, cash or shares. Call 902 S. Central, Medford, Ore. 277 WANTED Furnished apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 1IS-Y. WANTED To tnidn ' for modern Bungalow in n good locality, a now six cylinder touring car. Star Motor J Co., Apt. G. Holland Apartments. l( 273tC WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid for pelt", hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 24 1 N. Fir St. r bone 97. WANTED House monm and repair ing Phone 488-M or 4880 PERL FUNERAL noM8 -.,t-aJri 3. At Your Sorrlc Day or Night Inrorninlion Conllnlly Olrcn i Cor. fltU nnd Onkflnln ioibulancu Service ' ' I'Uooo 17 1 felH Tl J AFfll.tR T L1F5U 'WWiJ''' UP FATHER Ten Years Ago . 1 f'wulT WASTED SITUATIONS WANTED lly woman work by day or hour. Call meal times, Tel. 990-.I. 279 in: i, i w.v x t ei v km a li WANTED Girl for general Iiouso work, good wages. Mrs. G. L. Bttlir man, 15 Geneva. , 281 WANTED Middle aged lady for gen eral housework. Mrs. T. Simpson. 931 S. Central. 277 FOlt RENT HOUSEKEEPING 1MJO.MS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. FOR REXT HOUSES FOR RENT Attractive eight room dwelling with nil modern conven iences including furnaco and fire place; also garage, on Ross Lan., two miles from Mwlfonl. MeCurdy Ins. Agency, Medford Nal'l Bank llldg. 2S2 fOR RENT Partly furnished house $20 a month. 517 Beatty St. 279 FOR RENT Two room furnished house. Phone 693-L, after five. 277 FOR RENT Six room house. 292-Y Phone 277 FOR RENT Six rom furnished mod ern house, improvements. Phono 831-R. 277 FOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoo. . t FOR RENT 5 room modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage, wood shed. . E. Wynkoop. FOR KENT QR, SAL17 room hemic. East Hth St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. ti FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray . Realty So., No. 15 N. ' Grape St., Phone 4C5-J. . tf FOR RENT Houses Rrown & White. FOR RENT-R.13-R, -8 room house. Phone 277 Snaps in Used Cars 1921 Buick Six $S50.00 1919 Velie Six $350.00 Late Dodge, Like New $800.00 ' MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICE DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS Buick 4 Touring Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MKDFOKtt MATTj' TRTmTXK. IMEOFOKD, Ol.'KCQV A Kl HOSBAMD, 1 !pJ HELLO i1 ( CHARMED ) I LADY I I'MiUCEj i I'OU RENT ITItXISHKD ROOMS . FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hath? men only. 215 N. Grape. . 27t'. FOR RENT Room with board. :K!.". S. Central. 279 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Ml! S. Holly. 277' FOR RENT Room with board, $:tr. a month. 223 X. Central. ' 281" FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, Phoue 701-J. tf for lttiYr r.nscKiXAXKous FOR RENT Fifty acres, alfalfa and fruit plenty of water, good house all modern. North of .Mudt'ord. Box 40, AlalJ Tribune. 2S0 FOR RENT On shares two of the best commercial orchards: 20 acres 5 acres full bearing Nells, balance Newtown apples, 2 miles from Med ford; 47 acres y mile from Talent, 17 acres full bearini; Newtown apples, balance fine alfalfa, water for Irrigation. See L. D. HarriH. Gold Range Orchard, Phono 8-J-2 27S FOR RENT 80 acres of land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, Janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or I'hono 642. 260tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. ti MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSLER Squaro Deal Hatch, ery for chicks, cggB nnd hatchings, Tancred Loghorns and Reds. Phono 951'L. ' 4 - - 4 284 MOXKV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Write Box 840, Medford, Ore. 277 MONEY TO LOAN on improved rancn security, 15000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. AX OPItlltTUXlTY Beautiful 8-room Rustic Bungalow, absolutely modern, large living room with fireplace, full basement, all concreto walls and in best stnto of repairs, flowers, shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes and halt aero of ground! In good residential part of town, with cow, chickens, otc. Price $0000. Samo party also owns good business in town that is worth Investigating. Business is worth $2000. Wo will trailo this residence antl business on Rood farm with Rood improvements, reasonably closo to town. Will iay or nssiiino differ ence. SEE US TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford IIuildinR, Mod'ord, Ore. . Real Frtno Business Opportunities , Kxrhnnges IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND We have a very choice tract of land suitable for growing alfalfa, potatoes, tomatoes, melons and all kinds' ot high value crops. All doep free soil and irrigated; on good road near paving and ono mlio from town and six miles from Medford. Part now In alfalfa. No buildings. This 35 acres is priced to sell $175.00 per aere, with reasonable terms. Examlno this property if you wish to produce largo crops. 10 acre, flno homo place, only 10 minutes from business center ot Medford. Under Irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 acres full bearing pears; good 7-ronm bouse with modern conveniences and barn. Just tho place tor small dairy and poultry. Tho price $5,000.00 is made to sell. 20 acres very cholco land, 10 minutes from business district on paved highway. 16 acres bearing orchard, under irrigation; modern 6-room bungalow; largo well and tank bouse; barn. This will intorast you. Priced to sell for $9,500.00. Party owns 2 2 acres very choice nKulfa and vegetable land located 20 minutes from Medford on the paving. No buildings. He Is no farmer, never lived on a farm, knows a plow but does not know how to use it. He says sell the wholo tract for $150. 00 per acre and glvo a buyer good terms. Will you look ut It? Another party owns a very attractive diversified farm ot fair size, clear of any Incumbrance, hut being a woman she It not physically ablo to properly operate (ho property, so instructed as to sell and give tho host. bargain offered in (ho valley. Conservatively, this proporty will, produce $10,000 (his year. Will you examine this at $250 per aero. ' Jt will only lake 15 minutes to Urivo out to the proporty. Yes, It is irrigated. i Tours for service, J. W, DRESSLER CO. Phone S80. Tee, we write Doors and Windows Door Frames Window Frames AU Kinds of Interior Finish TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Window Glass Largest Stock GtE BUT MBACK IS HCHY FROM That new UNDERSHIRT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ;oin "iiFs i xe sTo'i fwruNiTiT:s at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phono 4H5-.I. tf 1-r.ST I ,OST North of Central Point on highway, weed chain for Ford truck. Central Point Feed Store. 277 iOST Between Rialto theatre and Wlllnrd Electric Shop, gold wrist watch, Swiss movement. Reward if brought to Willard Electric Shoo. TAKEN Ul TAKEN UP Hornfurd cow, no mark or visible brand. Frank Randlev. Jnvksonvillo. 279 FOR SALE REAIj ESTATE FOR SALE By owner ut sacrilicii on account of sickness, property that nets 8V4 tier cent. Box 641 Medford, or call S91-L. 280 FOR SALE 7 room modern bungalow 3 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, bulltin features,, sleeping porch. $15oo will handle, balance on easy terms. 7 room story nnd half houso. 4 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, $800 will handle, balance on easy terms. Tho above properties on paved street and in best residential section.- J . Also one large lot on So. Oakdale, 75 foot front. One lot on W. Main, cor. Colum bia, Kenwood Addition. Owners leaving town; must ho sold. Phone 1028. 1,9 Carglll Court, tf FOR SALE Homstead relinquish ment, fine black oak timber, some sugar plne,( $100,. It taken soon. PlHmo 617-L oi105;- i 281 FOR SALE, TRADE o;c RENT 1G0 acres land. Call G37 Pine St. or Phone 722-R. 27S FOR SALE, RENT. OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city properly. Gold Ray Roalty Co,, No. 15 N. Grapo St., Phone 405-J. .' I : tf 128 East Main Ht. Flro Insurance. in Medford. )XLsl), V, KKliUrARV WHAl'i TUG PCH T VE 1923 BY 'OI'NIi Pair M-tocI gold l)w i glasses. Owner can have samo by calling at this office nnd paving for ad. , FOR SAt.R HOMES FOR SALE Six-room modern plaster ed cottage and threo lots. Inquire at 003 !i. River-ii'c. 260 FOR SALE Six room modern house, four large lots with all kinds of fruit, nuts and berries. Phono eve nings 820-R. 285 FOR SALE Modern two-story houso, sleeping porch, garage, shade trees, large lot, closo In on pavement, as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Meats, 401 South Newtown. 2G7tf" FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished: nhio ucroage. Insurance. C. S. Ilut terfield, Medford National Bunk. Phone 389. FOR SAiil" POl IVRY AND EOfiS FOIP&ivLl-Jbrder "Leghorn "chicks now, .March and April make best winter layers. Best Tancrod stock 15c each. Squaro Deal Hatchery, Phone 951-L. 27S FOR SALE 150 White 1-eghorn lay ing . pullets, Taucied strain. H. Schruir, cor. Jacksonville road and Lane. 27!) FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey hens; nlso year old torn. P. O. Box 800 or ond West Jackson St., Metl ford. .280 FOR SALE Hatching eggs $0.00 nun- i died, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selected by use of tho trapuost. No pullets or low j producers used. Dr. C. A. Wlnans, Phono 344-M. 200 I TOR SALE Throe White Leghorn cockerels, Tancred Royal. Inquire I Bert Stancliff, Phoenix, Ore. 278 FOR SALE O. A. C. barred rock roosters nlso partridge WyandotteH. Phono 686-H-5. 275 FOR SALE linrrad hatching, O. A. C. 201-J. Rock eggs for strain. Phone 298 FOR SALE R. I. Rod hatching eggs. Phono 573. 290 FOR SALE Day old chicks. Phone 437-R. 277 FOR SALE Dark Tiarrcd rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phono 9G9-R. 289 FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks nnd hatching eggs from prize winning Rhode Island Roils antl from White Leghorns Tancred Royal. Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phone 866-Y. 281 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Frosh milch cows and calves, cream separator. C. L. Farrar, 004 Plum St. 279 FOR SALE Extra large all reed baby carriage, dove gray. In good condi tion, one-half price.. G06 S. New. town. 1 27" FOR SALE OR TRADE Fresh milk cows for weaned pigs or low iron wheeled wagon. Geo. H. Johnson, Gold Hill, Oregon, Fern Wuld Farm. 277 FOR SALE Good horse 1100 pounds, or will trade lor cow. Phono 69I-R1. 287 FOR SALE Ono full blood boar. Phono 8G9-V. Duroc 278 FOR SALE Work horse, choice onion nnd beet seeds, raspberry plants. J. L. Demmer, G09 W. Jack son Sf. Phone 8H1-J. M To better accommo date our fast grow ing ValVoline Oil trade we have con structed another new rack and will, continue to drain Crank Cases and Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 1 M ) CZZ DO BE MOW IS WUE ? SIR I V T I I, 1 jj:i By Geor&'e McManus 1 OH MOT HEp I SPEA10 I tVECU INT-L FCATURC SERVICE. INC. I" OR SAL E I . I V EST DC K FOR SALE Two giod producing cows, T. II. tolled. Phone It! 1'-;!. 2S0 FOR SALE House dog, real beailtv. I'hono Wil-IM. FOR SALE Purebred Jersey bull, cheap. .1. A. .Mnnko, U. I. Medf ir.l. 287 FOR SALE Sulky pl:iw. spilo Doth hariow, sirinUt-ioth harrow, cultivator. (leorKC Hilton, Ph me 80-11, Meih'ord. 282 FOR SALE- Cow with week o'.d calf. C. II. llrown. Phono 397-X. 277 FOR SALE UOpounil shoals nnd young Diiroc brood row. O. (.'. StatiwiKKl, It. 4, .Medl'oid. 277 FOR SALE Hogs and one good brood sow ami also 4 turkeys, loans for brooding purposes. J. Nurv, Phono 132-L. , 277 FOR SALE -Jersey cow. PhoneCll J l, Foot Hills Orchard. 279 FOR SALE -Good leam light iflules. Call at .Modoc orchard. Central Point. 277 FOR SALE P-resn eow, exception nlly good. M. Walsh, 1 mile NIS of Medford on Crater l-nke road. 279 FOR SALIC MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE lor what havo you? Work, saddle, horses, leg. Hereford bull, auto, trailer, land. Phone 292-Y. 277 FOR SALE Piano, Phono 214. almost new. 2S2 FOR 8ALE Hardwood stump. Jack Martin, Phoenix, Oregon. 27 s FOR SALE Largo cabinet Victrola. 80 records, a real bargain. Party leaving town. Phono 627-X. FOR SALE Beardless bald barley, seed rye. bell, Phono 17-F-21. seod barley, James Catnti- 277 FOR SALE 1500 gal. sturago tank. $50; 800 gals, smudge oil at 5c ,;a I ; 700 6 qt. oil pots, 6o each. G. G. Goold, Phono 25-R-2. -278 FOR SALE Applo wood for lire places. Phone 7-F-14. 277 FOR SALE Select nursory stock from Washington Nursery Co., Ton penlsh. Wash. E. C. Welch, local agent, GOG W. 4th St., Medford; ot lice with Central Lumber Co., Con- . tral Point, Oro. . ,277 FOR SALE Bcyorol thousand five quart capacity smudge pots, price 10c each. Call D. 'It. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hours. Terms cash. 284 FOR SALE Cheap, dandy work horse, harness and wagon, Phone f,9lR-l. 279 FOR SALE Cory Thornless Black beriy rooted dps- $1.50 por tloz., $12.00 per loo. T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon. ' 291 ISUStNKSS DIRECTORY Cluroprnrrlfl Physician DR. HAItVK P. COLEMAN Chlro prnctlc and Electro-Therapy. 427- 28 Medford Bldg. Phono 95. tl DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclcctlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon tlylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., ' 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tie Phvslclan. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suite 20:!-O4-nr.-OG, Lib erty Bldg. O.'flco I'liouu bbO, Rob 1027. Oakland Six 1920, Motor overhauled, good condition $300 Bargains never before equaled. All Fords renewed and guaranteed. If wo soli it it must be right. "Used Car Department" C. E. Gates Auto Co. I riuur. N - .. 3 hllf VXllV. SliVHX ' I LmEV MCW VJHVT fOLKb! 2ia RUSIXESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and R No. 32 North Central Ave., up stain-,. Inclisoa (Jounty AUSTRACT JO. The only complete TI tin System in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insuiauce. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable iJaekson conntv abstractors of t : llos. Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. ltilihlin" Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dontist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 869; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. ra. 0 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Evneit Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A, Attontion given to snvthlng in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into , oar simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Mod ford. Phone 157-R I ,-. Money to Loan II. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and loans money cj good security, 31 N. Grape Su Phono 53-M. 24P 1 Monuments THE OREGON ORANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, ftenera nibnager. P. M. Kershaw, sale manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med lord. tf. Osteopaths DR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN8 CARLOW Osteopathia Physician 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phon 904-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel St DR. VTV. Tl iSWARD Osteopatnla Phyrlclun. Special attention given to eve, ear. nose and throat. 300 Liberty Building. Pbone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. ..': DR. A. Bt'RSELL Physician and Surgeon, 212 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON 1 1 A I UHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phono 73. ' rlutors nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped' printing office in Southern Oregon. Hook binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 87 N. Fir 8t. Hag Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs - from old and worn carpets and ruga Pnon 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front Bt Phone SI 5. Prlcos right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 39 S. Orape. Phone: Office 644, or residence. 647-R or 206. 'tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Fall Una of materials. Draperies made to. ordor. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 103. TselmnnvlllA Or . M. P. HCTJMlTt 2nd Floor fttodfnrd BldJ, Will i i YSTENERVICEIO; Insurance l(vt3tmAr - lifv 7T