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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1923)
W.T'FQRD MAU,. . TR11UTXK. MEDFORD. OKMiOX. MONDAY, ;VKl.liPAHV 12,' 1!t PAGE THREE ST. TO BE OBSERVED AT ASHLAND, FVU. 12. Vill you be my valentine?" If ao, be at the Community clubhou&o on Wednes day of tilts week, February 14. The holiday observance on tho afternoon of that date will be in keepintf with St. Vnlentine'B traditions plus a lot of other entertaining features, many of them innovations. The objective of tills party primarily is to perform an act of neighborly kindlineHs, Tal ent to benefit, inasmuch as the sate m receipts will he devoted to assist in ' 1 tho building and equipment of the new club center in that town, tho in tent being to dedicate it at the gathering of ho Southern Oregon Women's federated clans in Talent next spring, quite an event for that town to handle, but the enterprising women of that place are going to suc ceed, being ably seconded both morally and financially by tho Civic club organization of Ashland. En couragement is also being received bv women throughout the valley in general. An informal program covers all tho range of sociability, and those attending will be given a free hand at entertaining or being entertained, as fancy dictates. The object is a worthy one, and the party should be a, rousing valentine fete. Many will want to inspect tho Civic clubhouse, and here will bo a fine opportunity in connection with a splendid indoor outing. By all means call and see "the house that Jess built." Tables may be reserved by telephoning Mrs. John Dill. 492-J, and tickets may be procured either at tho city library or at Mrs. Hoy Conover's needlecraft shop. cluuvh, was "Tht Mtutinvt Thing, in' Ashland." - j Lincoln's birthday was u simiiI hollday here, with poiloffice open but banks closed. Tho banquet it Medford drew many to that city. Valentine Suggestions There is of a new luiVt this time a commercial proposition on the morest foundation of $100.00" instead of a palatial tourist affair costing two or three t times .that amount. A San Francisco party, rep resenting Chicago Interests, broached the plan to local investors hero ro cently, with tho implied understand ing that tho money imiHt be rained locally. Incident to a discussion at tho project by n dozen representative citizens, a luncheon, was ordered laid on the table. The Willamette Glee club Birls were entertained in local families, and incident to their concert here were extended the frcdom of tho city, bins conveyed by auto tours throughout, tho park and the adja cent scenic environment. Zuleima Temple. Daughters of the Nile, met in Masonic hall last Satur day afternoon, with a fair atten dance from the tri-cities Ashland Medford and Grants Pass, constitut ing the triumvirate. Officers were elected and a lot of'routine business Transacted, a ceremonial session to follow in due season by specific ap pointment as to timo and place. Mem bers of the Medford contingent enter tained the Grants Pass delegation at luncheon incident to the visit to this city. The next stated session 'will probably be held in Medford. The daughters constitute tho feminine auxiliary to Shriuedom. not yet of ficially recognized as such, but arc bound to be sooner or luter Honors are being showered hpon Ashland stddents at tho state lni versity. notably tho girls. Dernice Yeo. specializing in music, has been pledged to the Phi Mu Epsilon. the national musical sorority. In nth letlcs, Wilmn Chimin, varsity senior and majoring in the physical educa tion department, is a member of the Hendricks., Hall basketball team which won tho championship by de feating the Oregon club team, the score being 23 to 20. Dr. Browner, if not a "doctor of divinity, is one of medicine, also a plain preacher of tho gospel, and as such tackled a question which, at present, at least, is uppermost in church circles locally. On Sunday evening at tho Brethren church, his theme assumed tho form of a query as to hat does fho word teach re garding the subject of healing, divine or otherwise?" As a matter of convenience to some classes in dressmaking, which will begin on Tuesday, February 13, at the city library, will hold evening, as well as afturnoon sessions, the hours being 2 and 7 o'clock respec tively. Work will bo under tho ca pable direction of Mrs. Wade. Funeral services of the lata Mrs. Eunice Edwards, who died In this city on Saturday, were held Monday at the stock chapel, interment being in Mountain View. Deceased was a native of Indiana, 85 years of age. She had been a resident of this city for a dozen years, coming here from Medford. A state accredited vocal studio -ban been opened at the Hotel Oregon, conducted by Mrs. Jessie Waldron Knapp, hours being from 10 to 7 on "Wednesday each week. Bishop Sumner of Portland, visit ed at Trinity church's Sunday service on Sunday. The building committee will n"et with the trustees of tho Masonic lodge hall, on Monday evening, I'eb ruary 12. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Sullivan of Marcola, mourn the loss of their son-in-law, Thomas Heath of I,a Grande, who died last week, tho husband of their daughter. Pearl. Tho Sullivan family formerly -resided here, being well known to local people. On Sunday evening, the topic, of P.lstor l.eavltt, of the Christian Blackheaded Pimples Quit Willi S. S. S. Whv? rimple-FoNon Goes When Red-Blood-Cel's lneriue! S. S. S. Builds Thete Rcd-lilood-CelU. Yon ran l nr nf this, nature hnn no iff 'Bftltite fr riMl-l'loud-cHls. l'lmplr V'nnn rnn't live In iho red rivers of jmur blood os Joiic nn there are enough rich ted-blood-cells la It. More ml-bloodcclli I EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Ifowlett l-'HOt'K AXI) SUIT Ths Queen of Hearts wears n innt smock of line lawn embroidered frock of while organdy Its quaint j juii Uuo to match the velvet litllo yoke, petal sleeves and skirt . be-ruffled to the Inst Inch. A bll5 j trousers worn with it. makes the red tush completes the fro k Peas- i little boy's suit. FINANCE REPORT OF LOCAL YJ. CI FOR YEAR IDE j Tho treasurer's report of the Y. W. i C. A. for tho fiscal year ending Jan. ' Kith, audited by 12. M. Wilson, is as i follows: I Receipts Dank balance, Jan. 1, 11)22 t i Frank pledges : From residence ! Girls work South American fund Assurance fund , Hoard $rS.70 Trl-I, 5.00 Publications Interest on savings account.... Emergency fund, (loan receiv ed) 150.0ft After Every Meal ACCESSORIES For the suit conies a little almond i make ji-eie nat tvnose very tall crown is decorated with a wreath of celephane fruit of a browness and shinlness that suggest dates. He-low. red and blue batik silk con bines with mole gray velours to red tulle. fitting climax for one' i sport costume. For evening a wide bandeau of metal cloth Is trimmed wlilva gold tlower on each side and finished at the top with a flare of v of ablemishedfacej Tint i what yon need when yoa ice nun's .l- .urine nt you In toe mirror. Bltck h,.i'll iilaiplos sre worse) Ecteins wore vel ! You rnn try ererythlaf unr Hie min. you'll find only one answsr, more -ell-iovi-r In your blood I Ths tre-inr-ii-lons ri'"ullft, produred by tn Incresss In roil'l crlls la on of the A. B. C.'s ef innliftil science, Ited-clls mto ilcor pure rlrh blond. Tlicr mesn clesr, rmiilr, l.viitlf complexions. Tbey mesn nrrve power, b.ranse sll your nerres ar fcl hr yuur blood. The? mesn freedom fi-rever from plmplos. from tho blsrkhssl l-"l. from bolls, from eciem ind skla enipllons, from rheumstlsm Imparities, from thnt llrwl. eihsumed. run-down feel lue. Kfri-blood-rells sre the most Impor tant 1 liltifr la the world to each of D. s. H. s. will hullil th.m for yon. 8. 8. 8. hs. Won knonn since 18, as one of ths errate.1 blooil-bulbli-rs. Wood-clsansers and l.tstMa slrongthfni'rs erer productd. S. S. S. Is sold at all druit stows la tw nil's. The lsrer atzt bottls It ths man ecouomicui. a makes you fell Hktyiuritlfagam S.S.St O. C. Eblen, Lloyd Stanley and a stranger came out Monday morning on the stage and Mr. Kblen, who, owns luite a number of large horses, went out to the J. E. Edsall camp nnd got five of them that had been used in making, the laterals for the Eagle Point-Uutte Falls canal company as the camp has shut down on account of the cold weather. Clirf Hickson of Ashland, was a business caller tho same duy. -Charlie SkeeterB and wifo of Med Rrd were out the same day combining business with pleasure and visiting old friends and attending to business as well. There were quite a number of our newcomers met hero at the home of Mr. and Mrs. llurakcr's and took din ner last Monday. It. L. Cox of the Pacific & Eastern railroad, was a dinor at the Sunnyside also the same day and so was Carlyle Natwick of Medford. Mr. llond who lives a short distance form Eagle Point, was. hero with five others whose names I failed to secure, as tljcy were all just in the act. of setting into tlio cur to go homo as I came up to them. Too slow again. W. O. Johnson was also a business caller Monday. In making my rounds looking for Eaglets and subscribers lor tho, Med ford Mail Tribune I called at the home of W". P. Morgan, and there I met Thomas Murray of Trail, anil Mrs. Kate Chipman of Payette. Idaho, as well as Mr. and Mrs. .Morgan, and while talking with them about writing the ttjglets Mr. Morgan asked the price of tho Weekly Tribune and be ing told only tw. dullais a year she gave me her subscription, mid then Mrs. Chipman decided that she would subscribe and send It home to her family as she used to know me some forty-live years ago and used to read my letters then to the Valley ltccord of Ashland. Tuesday morning I met- Alex Ander son of Ilrnwnsboro, who Is on the Charley Tcrrlll place, and in speaking of his sheep, he said they were doing fine and that he had just commenced to feed them the second day of this month, and that they were doing fine. He had just cometin on the Lake Creek stage, and turning round I met Mrs. George U. Ilrown, also of Browns- boro, who came out with him on the stage. I also met Pete Uetts. John Howard, a Civil war veteran who lives with Mr. Detts, Ed Cowdei., J. L. Rob inson, Sr., two of our prosperous far mers who were here on business. A. 11. Daugherty who Is selling the Rawlelgh products. Perry Foster, W. E. Hammll and Fred Pettygrew were diners at the Sunnyside Tuesday. C. W. Conn who has charge of the 1- red Kclouze place now owned by Dr. J. J. Kmmens and Mr. Collins, was here having the team of thoroughbred Pert-heron mares shod and he reports that in addition to these two he has another mare, that they have fourteen head of thoroughbred dairy cows be sides other kinds of Hue stock. Such men as these are what build up our country. J. II. and I.yle Carlton and .1. R. Alliens, the foreman on the Corbln Itlgcll orchnrd of Wellen, and P. S. Anderson of Medford were business callers Tuesday. Mr. Dlllard of Ashland,' consulting civil engineer for the Eagle Point Irrigation company, took supper at the Sunnyside Tuesday evening. He was here to see Mr. Spencer nod Mr. Sumncr, two of the civir engineers on take and used tho wrong prefix. Miss t!- canal. instead of Mrs., so at the close of the H. L. Horyford, tho road supervisor services I went to her and asked if it of tho Ilutte Fulls road district, came , was . mistake and she. said no, that out from his home at Ilutte Falls Wed-1 she was really an old maid, nesday, spent the night here, went to TllIs wa3 followed by another flno Jacksonville to meet the county court, I lecture by Rev. E. P. Lawrence of returned" and spent another night and jicdford, the subject being "Teaching went home Thursday morning. the Word." This was followed by a Mrs. Leroy J. Buckingham and what general discussion. I took to bo her husband of .Medford, . The means 0f reaching our objec came out. Wednesday in a spanking tlV0i with Miss George Parker as new Star car and she s,iid thnt she Ieai,cr This was followed by a talk wanted to sell it as she had started 1)V Kcv P j, Jasper on ..Keep tho out as tho saleslady for that car, and Sand , laco. And thcn Kcv A j. she could almost convince a man XVar0 tollowoU witu ono ot his soul against his will that that was the best oheorlng talks - on- "Organized Cluss car on the market. It is a fine car to j Work," nnd this 'was followed by ride in for shejook me and her-bus-1 allotllor flle talk on -Teachers Train band out riding In it nnd it made me ! ,nK and tals by M)s8 Mary Spencer. That closed the afternoon session. feel young again and almost want one myself, but how good it is I cannot say for I know nothing about a car myself. Henry Caley, an insurance agent of Ashland, called for supper Thursday and went on down home, and V. E. Peterson of Trail also came in and sent the night, went out to Medford, returned und spent another night and went up homo'on tho Trail sutge this Saturday morning. Our Sunday School Institute proved to bo tho best ono of tho series so fur as numbers is concerned, thero were just fifty persons in attendance from Eaglo Point and vicinity not counting those from Ashland, Medford, Phoenix etc. Those from Ashlund wore S. D. Taylor, W. W. RobiBon, Miss Edith Kobison, Ilov. C. F. Koehler: Central Point, E. C. Faber; Portland, Miss Ooorgia Pnrkor, Rev. F. M. Jasper; Oregon City, Roy. A. J. Ware? Med ford, Rev. E. P. Lawrence. Tho mor ning session was opened with singing, reading scripture lesson and prayer by o'nc of the visiting ministers, and then singing, etc., and llev. F. M. Jasper gavo us a regular soul Inspir ing talk on the value of vacation llllilc schools, sotting forth tho advantages derived from those schools, but pardon the suggestion, for while ho told of the many fine things derived, thero was ono' thing I notic.ed last summer during the vacation Bible school, con ducted by a lady from Los Angeles, which was that she managed to get interested children who had never attended Sunday school nnd they be came so interested that they "were anxious to be there among tho first. Mr. Jasper's lecture was followed by a lecture by Rev. A. J. Ware of Oregon City, on Organized Classes, giving some statistics showing how the work of tho Sunday school workers had grown and developed until now it had become a great national institution and the members were now counted by tho thousand. At the close of his lecture there were several questions asked and answered and the morning session closed and a sumptuous meal was spread by the Indies. The afternoon . exercises were opened in the usual way with another good attendance, nnd Miss Georgia Parker gave us a remarkably interest ing and Instructive lecture on "Our Objective," holding the audience with her fine flow of language and her appeal to the parents to look after the welfare of the children in early life, and she looked so motherly that I thought tile printer had made a mis- HOARSENESS Swallow slowly small pieces rub well over the throat views Over 17 Million Jan UitJ Yearly In the evening the exercises were opened In the usual way and Rev. A. J. Ware gave us another ono of his fine lectures on "The Adult and Law Enforcement," and this was followed by Rov. P. M. Jasper's crowning lec ture on "Pcfect Fellowship With tho Ever I'resont Father," and that seem od to be tho best of nil lor ho brought us into such closo fellowship with our Heavenly Futlier,' that eKeemod to be really in tho bosom ot tho Futlier In deed and in truth. I soo that my letter is already too long but I cannot close without saying something about the lunch ami supper served by the ladies of Eagle Point. Well, all that I, can say this timo Is that thero was a bountiful supply of everything that is good to eat and one of tho ladies remarked, after all had eaten supper, that thoro was enough left to feed twonty moro people. In conclusion I will say that tho whole institute was a crowning success and the lectures will bo rcmombered for years by the interested audience. G5.U MSS.C'I M'.-.H) 1I.8S D3.00 1.00 "A bite to eat-a bit of sweet' 9.9S Tolnl receipts $3,105.t7 Disbursements Secretary's salary $ S,"2.r0 Housekeeper's wages 32.u0 Printing and office supplies.... 25.110 Postage : 1.25 Telephone and tolcgritph Uti.lO Water 15.00 Light 4.-.f.8 Fuel , 102.110 Gns 45.20 Laundry 25.25 I'pkeop and repairs 331.1)1 Furnishings 32.38 Paving imd interest 50.83 National association 203.00 South America 25.00 National convention delegate 150.00 Secretary's traveling expense S9.88 Mugazino (Woman's Press).... 4.00 Campaign 37.45 Girls work 51.25 Assurance fund 104.51) Emergency fund (loan re turned) 150.00 Total disbursement! $2,612.0S Amount transferred from open account to savings ac count by checks No's. 257, 289, 297, 299 075.00 Withdrawals from savings ac count 175.00 Interest on savings account....? Cash on hand , Bank balance, Jan. 15, 1923.... 400.00 9.9S 32.20 51.01 Cash and bank balance t 493.79 I hereby certify that tho above is n true and correct" reflectiAn of the financial condition of tho Young Wom on's Christian association of Medford, Oregon, showing detail of receipts and disbursements. E. M. WILSON, C. P. A. Medford, Oro.. Feb. 9th, 1923. Clear skin! -poisonous waste removed! fT0 Dr. KING'S PILLS WrA consiipanon After a substantial meal, the children naturally want to top off vviih a hI3 of sweet. Give them U RIG LEY'S, the great American Sweetmeat. It combines the enjoyment of sweet with many BENEFITS. If cleanses the teeth, removing food particles that lodge In the crevices. It neutralizes the acids of the mouth, soothes the throat, and lastly VVRIGLEY'S helps the stomach by supplying saliva to aid in digestive work. Made clean, kept clean, sealed tight in a wax-wrapped package. ' 5at th Wrapperj The La Flavor sts m Dl KODAKS i Useful Every Day in the Year 1 &lou&ffiiaUuci; Agents for the Eastman Kodak Company. WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE Fruit Trees Planted for Profit ' What About Trees to Make the Home Attractive? Thoro has been In tho past, and Is at tho presont timo, much Bald about the planting of fruit trees for profit, but what about beautifying the' homo whero you llvo and your children are v growing up In addition to fruit trees wo also offer a complelo lino of high class Ornamental Klindo Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Hoses, Vinos, Harries, Etc. Do not put oft ordurding. Wo can give you better sorvlco and bettor trees, nt no additional expense, if you will plnco your ordor now. . ; 1 . Catalogue Mailed Free On Request ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. 407-409 First National Bank Building " Albany, Oregon Representative Medford Business Firms m r Tl C si We Guarantee our -i Mason, Enrman & Go. k " Experts in Cleaning . WHOLESALE GROCERS o Tobacco, Cig'ars, Cigarettes, Etc. The , Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugeno, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston Pantorium S ,-'-..- j, Veterinarv a , i 1 o EADS transfer Hospital Automobile opnngs & storage co. i 4ND Phone 315 o i if Merriman's Blacksmith Shop - - - Sale Stable . THOMAS T. MERRIMAN, Proprietor. PHONE 75 DROA.OITZEM for First-Class . - 111 N. Fir St Phone 551 20 South Rive"ide Pone 279-J JOB PRINTING Vilmo and Harmony Flour 8TRICTLY GUARANTEED. Ask your dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind of work done, always insist on having home products or using home labor. . ' - .A