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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1923)
s a- VXGK TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREdOX. . SATURDAY. FKIIRIWIJV . 10. 102:5 1 I - focal and Personal Tlio l.uUiuK' Aid Society of the Fir.-it Methodist Episcopal church, under whose auHpk-es the ladies Willumotto CJluo Club gave their most excellent concert in the high school umlitoriimi ; Thiirsdny evenlns, wish to express tliolr npiireciatiou and thanks throuKh tlio press to those who opened their homos' to the young ladies, to those who furnished cars, to the Mail Trib une and to the superintendent and principal of the, high school Tor the courtesies and assistance given In ; making it such a success. i Mini Florence Graves and Ida Wood, ; plnnd teachers. Studio 420 S. Ivv St.. 1' "8-W. 274 Seven room house. See C. A. Do Voo.i 276 A. J, Klocker has been seriously ill the past week at the Sacred Heart hospital of erysipelas. His condition is Improving. "You'll JubU Keep On Smiling" at Central Point Friday, Feb. 1C. .278 Ilance at Central Point Friday, Feb. 10. .Tickets D5e. Peerless "4." 27S Oriental Dallroom Sat. night: Big dance! . . . 274' 'there was a nice public market this morning for this time of year, the main features of which were a big sup ply of beef, chicken and pork nnd lots of homo made sausage including a quantity of smoked sausage which is very popular with the market patrons. For Sale 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock . ranches, orchards nnd tiniberlund. some irrigated; also mining property. , All property must and will be sold at , somo orice. Some as iwosa $1.00 per : acre, 6 to 10 years time. T. W.' Miles, i Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Uldg., or (Sold Uay Realty Co., owners. 15 N. ' Orape next to Farmers and Fruit growers Dank. Phone 4GD-J. 274 Hemstitching at Deuel's. 289 The Southern Pacific wrecker was called out about 8:30 o'clock last night in resnonse to a call from Colstein about 12 miles south of here. A tank car containing oil was ditched on the main line. Traffic was not hampered, owing to the wreck taking place where a passing track was available. The wrecking crew was out all night and did not return until late today. Ashland Tidings. For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, nrnnswick, Columbia, Pnthe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grapo street, next to Farmers Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. 274 Hotter to have tt and not need it, than to need it and not have it? In surance with R. A. Holmes, the Insur ance Man. tf I. T. Sparks of of Eugene, traveling passengor agent for the Southern Pa cific railroad for this district, arrived In tho city this morning on one of his periodical visits and reunions with Mark Montgomery. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 K. Main. Metal weather strip is easily ap plied around windows nnd doorB and keeps out cold and wind. Sold by Big Pine Lumber Company. 266tf Dr. H. S. Shangle. president of Co lumbia College, Milton. Oregon, is In the city and will speak at tho Meth odist church, south, on Sunday, both morning and evening. Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tt' Chiropody. Phone 5G3-J. 276 Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S; Fir. 29G Tho local justice and police courts were without a case this morning traf fic violators having escaped the clutches of the law and local police having made no arrests on other of fenses. Lucky day at Dcuol's Jan. 21th. 2S6 . When better automobiles are built lluiok will build them. ' tf Dear Folks: . This little city Is us chuck-full of activity as a li-hlvo. So many events to writo about a follor don't know vliwo to begin, & when lie begins there ain't no place to stop. of!!!!1'1 Mon. p. in. our Lcuguo Hoys lost to tliu M. K. So., tcm, but put up a stiff light... 13 rails! for the winners, but look out next time. s Tucs. nlto tho E. L. had a liu-n-y party. Wed, a committee hauled by Mis. Hurkc nerved a swell mipprr to tho Church Nlto. crowd. Mr. Jnxiier ir Port. Kkc and said our Now (liuirh plan looked llko the m-aivxl lo the Ideal ho had seen. Thurs. the II. S. team caino homes and the. Wil liuuettc Giro Girls made tho whole town gleeful. , - j j ; I'ri. tho Baiungartnor High School Players oxnoscd somn family skele tons in 2 cleverly acted playlets. In Xo. 1, tlio Grandpa was MiKmod to have died but didn't: & because he vtna dead but wusn't is what lirot on complications in Ids 8' daughters families. ; : !! Xo. 2 biot oiil the danger of Psycho-Analysis, viz: one who Is afflict ed with it Is quite likely to Ret the loof in tlm basement. In other not ds, to drug judgment (horse sense) from the throne and dig "n" dei ground hankerings ( suppressed dc-li-es) out of the subconscious mind nnd turn them loose is more Hum likely to superinduce a more complicated Complex (personal bud fix) than one is trying to simplify. Our wise, practical fathers would'cr said: "If 1' ain't mighty carreui tins hem Cyko 'Xalyslst 'II make V Jump out'n the fryln' pan into the fire. Hut, I'll sen full at Church tomorrow Pastor. M, K, ('huri'li, I An:iiigo'iionts ure being mndo by members of the Modford post of tho American Legion to meet Reverend Gilbert, of Astoria, in Grants Pass and take hi in to Medford by uuto when he urrlves In the valley. A committee from Grants Pass iost will be on hand to greet the visitor on his ar rival in the vulloy. Reverend Gilbert j was a chaplain during tho World War , unci is u past commander of the state ' department of the American Luglon. i He Is to talk at the Lincoln banquet in this city on Monday night. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Edeu Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J-2. th The large cougar killed by An tone Ritig of Prospect, nuulo into a full head rug Is for sale at Bnrtlett's fur shop. This is the finest specimen we have had in years, meusuring 8 ft 6 inches in length. 274 Mrs. Albert Noth and daughter, Viv ian, left this morning for Weed where they will visit with relatives In the California town. Lucky day at Deuel's Jan. 24th. 286 Dance with the crowd! Oriental Ballroom! Sat. night! 274 There is quite a change in tlio wcatlior coming, for tho barometer is falling and the prediction for the next 24 hours is tor rain and snow. Thin morning's minimum temperature was 22 degrees above. A year ago today the precipitation was .13 of an inch, following tho 2 1-2 inches of snow that had fallen tho day before. For Diamond coal br;uiuets, phono Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. Dance with tho ciowd! Oriental Ballroom! Sat. night! 274-' Southern Oregon's high school bas ketball teams proved no match for tho first year teams of tho University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultu ral college. Ashland was dofeated by the Oregon fresh by the score of 56 to 16 while Medford was taken into camp by the Aggie rooks 41 to 30. Tho un iversity freshman team is said to be exceptionally good this year, while Eugene ("Deck") Bryant, former Ashland high school star, is one of the mainstays. Ashland Tidings. Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Dance! Sat Night! Oriental Hall room! 274 At the morning service Rev. J. R. Sasnett of the First Methodist church will speak on "The Man of the Ages." Abraham Lincoln. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. -.'- tf Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Frank L. Clark, local automobilo dealer, returned yesterday from Port land with tho latest type Hupniobllc sport model equippod with all the lat est accessories. He had been in Port land since the first of the week. Everyone goes to the Oriental Ball room Sat night 274 Oriental Ballroom! Mardl-Grns Ball! Elmer Spencer, representing Blythe Wlttor & Co., is in town from Port land and wHl remain for several days on business. Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2 tf Metal weather strip Is easily ap plied around windows and doors and keeps out cold and wind. Sold by Big Pine Lumber Company. 266tf Full cooperation of the chamber of commerce In Portland in aiding grow ers in pushing apple sales during tho week of February 26 has been given by the organization. The week of February 26 will be known as apple week. Dnnce! Sat Night! Oriental Ball room! 274 (fonulne Bosch Magneto parts and repairs Electric Shop, 8th and Bart lott. , tf "Cork" Young, former Medford high school basketball and football star, has returned from South Daltota and expects to reside in Medford perma nently. He is now visiting his father, Cieorge 13. Young, at his ranch In the Orchard Homo district. Mr. and Mrs. Young arrived aeveral days ago from South Dakota where "Cork" has been farming. Before returning ue'decldod to bring a brido with him and stopped into the fraternity of matrimonially inclined about three weeks or a month ago, according to hiB brother. Furniture repaired and made to order, work called for nnd delivered. Win. Bradley, Phone 199-L. 274 Better hurry J 15.00 buys most any suit in stock. Klein the Tailor, 128 13. Main. 276 II. L. Walther returned this morn ing from Salem where he had spent tho week on business in connection with the legllativo session. Ho will probably spend a part ot next week at Salem. , Next dance Eagle Point, Fob. 10th. ' 275 All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phono 108. 711 E. Main. John McDonald of Trail wns a busi ness visitor In tho city this forenoon. Growers Lime sulphur right at plant, $8.60 cash, $2 added deposit for bbl. Phone 8-R-l. - -. . 278 This office Is prepared to print ledger shoots, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed oat ot Medford. Thone us nnd we will call. tf Two carloads of Star cars arrived today from the Oaklund factory ot tho Star Motor company nnd will be un loaded by the Mason Motor company Monday. The two carloads Include two of the new Star coupes In addi tion to open models. Hot tamales and chill con carno nt De Voo's. tf Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 274 For Sale 98 per cent pure beard less barley and recloaned seed oats. Walking Feed Store. .. 278 Phil Blair, linotype operator In this establishment is confined to his borne with an abceased tooth. You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Anyone wishing to consult Dr. Hoi comb, gastro-lntestlnal specialist, can do so by making arrangements with tholr local Osteopath here or nt Ash land before Monday, Feb, 13. !iT4 The radio program from IC F. AY. last night was enjoyed by a large num ber of fans as usual. A letter has been received by the operators ot K. F. A. Y. that the chimes of Leon Law- ! ton' b watch were heard in Butte, Mont. I When "signing off" for the evening ' one night last week Lawton held his watch against the transmitter und. Its j chimes were broadcast. Tho watch I strikes the hour und the fraction j thereof when a button on Its side Is I pressed. ' Tucs., Feb. 13! Costum prizes! 274 I Oriental Ballroom! Mardl-Grus Kail! jTues., Feb. 13! Costume prizes! 274 Blng cherry trees. Euen Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Reverend Gordon Hurt, pastor of the Presbyterian church ot Grants Puss will speak at tho Presbyterian church here Sunday morning in ex change with Rev. E. P. Lawrence who will speak in his pulpit. His subject will be "The Needed Vision." The male quartette, whose music is adding so greatly to tho devotion und inspira tion of the i service , will slug Gounod's "Pralso Yo The Fnthor," and also "I Am But a Stranger Here." In the evening the pastor will bo in his own pulpit and will speak on "The I Abundant nnd Overflowing Life.". The music will be led by the young people. The Sunday school took another big jump last Sunday and if the growth continues we will reach the 300 mark or close to it next Sunday. ' - Closing out all our farm machinery, soveral good buys. Patton &Robin son, Inc. i tf nnintnl nnMM,v. cf il,tt tiler dunce! 274 Hninilton Patton returned tills morn ing form a several days' visit to Port hind on business. Local youngsters who have recently takon up the roller skating craze to" a marked degree aro now seen using a new type of skate. Soveral pairs of the new. skates with only two rol lers each and aro something similar to Ice skates, have been seen on tho streets of the city lately. After the fire it 1b too late to In sure. See Redden & Canaday now. Grafted Franquette ; walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2 tf ,',. 254 tt We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, inc. tf Due to Lincoln's birthday falling on Monday all bankB and city and county offices will be closed on that day. Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 274 There's a busy , business College In your home town. OWN. . Grafting wax. Eden Valloy Nurs ery. Phone 6S0J-2. tf Tho Lone ' Scouts basketball team defeated the Christian team last night by a score of 15 to 2 during a fast thir ty minute game played on the Nat floor. The cIobb guarding of the Lone Scouts and their perfected team- work effected thedefeat of the Christian five. .- . . , , . . Crescent orchestra dance, Eaglo Point Sat nlto. Feb. 10th. 273 Don't forget the Thrift S':iop is for All Thrifty people. Sparta Bldg. 277 Tuesday next! Oriental Dallroom! Wonderful Mardi-Grass Ball! . 274 Mr. and Mrs. Alox Sparrow leavo tonight for Portland whero they will meet Charles Goff Thomson and fam ily who aro on route to Medford from the east, who will make their home hero, as Mr. Thomson has been ap pointed to the position of superintend ent of Crator National Park follow ing the resignation of Mr. narrow.. Ralph Cowgill, representative from Jackson county, arrived this morning from Salem and wll remain over the week-end before he returns to his leg islative duties. Ho met today with representatives of the Rogue River Valley Canal company and officials of the Medford Irrigation district In a business conference concerning, the lo cal irrigation projoct For sand, gravel, sediment and toam work. See Siunl. Bateman, 302 Maple St, Phone 912-J. , For Sale 98 per cent pure beard less barley and rocleancd seed oats. Watklns Feed Store. 278 Tho Medford high school basketball team is said to have considerably Im proved since last week when they started on their trip. With six nights on tho trip thoy' played five gamos, three of them against teams of excep tional ability, tho Oregon Frosh, tlio O. A. C. Rooks and tho flashy Salom team. It is the hope of Medford fans that the locals will be able to defeat the Roseburg team decisively at Rose burg on Friday' night, tho 16th. Tho best values in Suits or Over coats aro right here. Cotno in nnd make mo prove It $55 values at $15, others as low as $32.50. . Klein the Tailor. 128 E. Main, upstairs. 275 . Now storago battorios. We build them. Call and get our prices. Radio Buttory &. Electric Shop, 27 North Grapo St - 277 Making Men Over Is a 1 . Rev. F. It. Leach Pastor Itlllly Hookor, ambulance drivor for John Perl, of this city, loft last Wed nesday for Brookings, Ore., via Cres cent City, Calif. Ho returned lute last night lifter having brought Percy Thomas to a Grants Pass hospital. Thomas hud his spine fractured, his left arm broken In two places and a number of ribs fractured when a uow frame building, upon which he was working, was blown over in n gale at Brookings. Thomas was employed by the Oregon anil California Contstruc tion company nt tho time of the acci dent. Hooker, who drove the four cylinder Packard nmbulance to Grants Pass, over Oregon .Mountain to Cres cent City and then to Brookings, states that tho snow- on the mountain had thawed and had then frozen, leaving a solid sheet of ice. The trip was made witli chains on nil four wheels and the car was brought through without an nceideut. Mrs. Thomas uo compunlcd her Injured husband am'. Hooker to Grants Pass. Expert Buttery and Automobilo Elec trical 1'najring. Radio Battery & Electric Shop. 27 North Grape St. 277 Thornless blackberry plants. Eden nUns Nursory, Phone C80-J-2. tf Tuesday next! Oriental Ballroom! Wonderful Mardi-Grass Ball! 274 The Ladles Altar Society of the Catholic church nnd the local council of the Knights of Columbus will give a joint card party and ball at the Am erican Legion hall on Monday evening. Fob. 12th. Tho patronessos will be Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. C. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Noel, Mr. and Mrs. B. .1. Seymour. All frlonds cordially Invit ed. Danco Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 274 - All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wnlluco Wood, phono 108, 711 E. Main. . Another Big . Hard -Times party, Jackson Hot Springs, Fob. 14th. . 274 Two helpful messages are announc ed for Sunday nt the First Baptist church. Rov. F, R. Leach speaks at 11 a. m. on "Tho Full Reward," and nt 7:30 p. m. on "A Great Gospel for Oreat Sinners.", Prof. Janes has a vio lin solo entitled, "Poem," and the choir renders the anthom, "Recessional" at the morning service and in tlio evon Ing the Instrumental trio, which Is so much enjoyed, will have two numbers In addition to the anthem, "God That Madest Earth and Heaven," , . Auto Insurance. Drown & White. Mardi-Gras Ball! Feb. 13th! Ori ental Ballroom.. 274 E. D. Elwood and son Homer El- wood have returned from a trip to Loi Angeles. Mardi-Gras Ball! Feb. 13th! Ori ental Ballroom.. 271 Everyone goes to the Oriental Ball room Sat. night. . - -274 N. Y. Stocks Allied Chomieal & Dye 76.3 Allis-Chalmors ..- 48.5 American Beet Sugar 47.6 American Can 89.6 American Car & Foundry 184 American Hide & Leather pfd ... 69 American International Corp.... 29.2 American Locomotive 126 American Smelting & Refg 63.7 American Sugar 83 American Sumatra Tobacco 32.7 American T. & T ....V22.7 American Tobacco . 158.8 American Woolen 101.2 Anaconda Copper 48.1 Atchison 101.6 Atl., Gulf & W. Indies 25.1 Baldwin Locomotive 137 Baltimoro & Ohio ..: 52.1 Bethlehem Stoel "B" 65.3 Canadian Pacific 148.2 Central Leather 36.2 Chandler Motors -...!... 72.1 Chesapeake & Ohio 76 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 25.1 Chicago. R. I. & P 36 Chino Copper : 25.8 Colorado Fuel & Iron 29 Corn Products '. 135.3 Crucible Stool ; 79 Erie -.: 13.3 Famous Players-Lasky 88.7 General Asphalt 46.6 General Eloctrlc 18.7 Gonoral Motors H-2 Goodrich Co. - 37 Groat Northern pfd 77.8 Illinois Central 112.8 Inspiration Copper v 34.5 International Harvester 9C Int. Mer. Marino pfd 44 International Paper : 56.3 Invlnclblo Oil 17.0 Kolly-Sprlngflold Tire 53.5 Kcnnecolt Copper 38.0 Loulsvlllo & Nashville 141 Mexican Potrolouin .. 265 Miami Copper 27.2 Mlddlo Stales Oil 11.5 Midvale Steel , 29.2 Missouri Pnrlflc -1 8.5 If' you aro interested in this big piece of business hear lnetisages. ; SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. "THE FULL REWARD" . v. . . 7::jo I Mi "A GREAT GOSPEL FOR GREAT SINNERS" Anthems, Violin Solo, two selections by the Instrumental Trio means better music, at the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH .. . "The Friendly Church" . . .. New York Control 96.1,' N. Y., N. 11. & Hartford 22.2 1 Norfolk & Western 116.8, Northern Paciric '. 79.2 Oklahoma Prod. & Kef 3 i Puclfic Oil 13.S; Pan American Petroleum SO Pennsylvania Hi.5' People's Gus 9 2.8 Pure Oil 31.2 'i It it y Consolidated Copper 11.5 Reading SO Rep. Iron & Steel 54.7, Royal Dutch, N. Y 57 ' Sears Roebuck 91.2 Sinclnim Con. Oil 31 i Southern Pacific 92.8 Southern Itallwav 33 i Standard Oil of N. J 10. S Studubukor Corp oration 119.S Tennesseo Coppor 11.8 Texas Co 4 9 1 Texas & Pacific 2 4.5 ', Tobacco Products 81.8 Trunscoutenintal Oil 12 i I'lilon Pacific 110.6 I'n'teil Retail Stores 75 V. S. Ind. Alcohol C7.S I'nited tSates Rubber 61.31 United States Steel 102.2 ! Utah Copper 65.8 1 Westinghouse Electric 62.5 Willys Overland 7.S ; American Zinc. Lead and Sin.... 17 I Butte and Superior 31. S Cula. Petroleum Sl.Si Montana Power 71.5 1 Shiiltuck, Ariz 8.7 C. & N. W , S3. 3 G. N. Ore . 31.5 j Muxwoll B 18.31 Cons. Gas 66.5 I A. Linseed .......i.-i........ 32 I PLUNGE TO DEATH SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Feb. 10. Lieutenant Frank Honslngcr, 27, and Sergeant Joo Kelly, both of Kelluy Field, wero Instantly killed Into Fri day aftornoon when the Dollavllaud combat plane from which they wero dropping bombs in tho wnr maneuv ers being enacted before Brigadier General W. F. Mitchell, assistant chief of tho United States nrmy air service, crashed to tho earth near Laredo. Honsinger and Kelly had just tak en to their air when In crossing an arroyo, a gust ot wind caused their ship to bank and go Into a nono dive, crashed to the earth. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Cook stove, $8.50; range, $16; heater, $6.60; chiffonier, $16; trunk, $4.60; baby carrla.Ro, $6.50; kitchen cabinet, $9.76; ivory largo post bed, Bteel springs, 40 lb. cotton mnttross, $21.50; kitchen cupboard, $10. The Medford J&chango, 211 W. Main, Phono 931. 274 FOR SALK Cheap, 0x9 grass mg; 6x9 woven rag rug; sad irons; sani tary couch; wringers; tubs; 2 jack screws; carpenters tools; pair No. 8 high top shoes; 34x4 auto chains; Komington typewriter; mlhieograph; rockers; baby buggy; kitchen sink. The Medford Kxchango, 211 W. Main, Phone 9S1. 274 FOR SALE Jorsey cow. PhouoOll- J-l, Foot Hills Orchard. 279 ' FOR SALE Cabinet Vlctrola and a lot of records. Now condition. Phone 627-X. . - . FOR SALE Six-room modern plaster, ed cottago and three lots. Inquire at 603 8. Riverside. 280 FOR SALE Homstoad relinquish ment, flno black oak timber, somo sugar pine, $100, if takon soon. Phone 617-L or 105. 281 FOR SALE 1 1-4 acros good free soil in good location. Price $146, in- eluding this year's irrigation tax paid. Clarence Plorco. Phone 617 L. 276 FOR SALE Maxwell touring car, Btartor, almost new battery, nowly palntod. A snap at $225. Somo terms, If wanted. Clarence Plorco, phono 617-L. 276 LOST Two quilts on Fob. 3rd be tween Modford and Ruch, Ore. One long cabin and ' one blue. Ploaso leavo at this office and rocelvo re ward. 273 WANTEI Experienced well digger to contract job. Medford Ice nnd Storago Co;-" 276 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Picotlng 8o pr rutd'f " t Rnt.tnTM nnTurnA. Great Job Evangelistic Meetings FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. GEO. f. BRADFORD, Evangelist Two Special Addresses Sunday 11 A. M. "THE WORLD'S GREATEST MEMORIAL" 7:30 P. M. "BUILDING A HOME" Special Music Special Vocal Numbers Orchestra Selections PAGE mm SKATS Floor, SlU.iiO; llalcony, 1st -I rows $I.4J3; Next 4 rows, $1.10; Last c . ' i II rows, 55c. Includes Wnr Tax. Continuous Shews TONIGHT VOl It LAST CHAXCH TO LAUGH AND CRY, WITH LITTLK MING TOY CONSTANCK TALMADGK ' IN "KAHT IS AVKST." Begins Tomorrow at 12:30 WJiKoCOmAD NAG EL From the Novel and Saturday Evening' Po3t Story by ,KATHERINE TUESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 13 ckiitaix . - s mm W5B I i K M n 1 I k X 'Jl frgjftSr,! mmT 1 " NOW HKLLIN'G Today und Tomorrow. The roiiinncn of a licautlful dancor nnd tlio fliiiuiiiK '"ro of love. Killed with bn-ut IiIcsh clliiiii.v.i nnd dazzling M'(iiiiK. 1I-Ih Daniels In her mottt alluring role Adolplio Menjou In I ho support Inn cnM. ... , NEWLIN BURTS . und don't forgot . BUSTER KEATON in n hammer and laugh special "THK BLACKSMITH." A