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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1923)
MEDFORD MATL TRTP.UNE. MT-PFOTJI. ORKfJOX. WEDNESDAY. EEliRTARY 7. PAGE FIVE x- F .O.O.F. VISITS BEDFORD The Odd Fellows hall was well taxed last evening to accommodate the crowd of members of the order from this and noiKlihorlnK towns who us Bumbled to welcomo a visitation from the grand master of the state. S. V. Isowman of Pendleton. The-Brand master, In his remarks, covered, several matters of importance to tho membership as a state organ ization, and especially emphasized 'rffibjects which have a local bearing. Tula address was instructive and en couraging throughout. Ho compli mented the Medford lodgo as beiui? one of the llvest, Uvollest and peppiest bodies in the statu. After remarks by other visiting and local members, the moeting adjourned to the banquet room, where a delightful oyster sup per was served by a number of the Uebekabs. Canton members In uniform acted as an cscorllug body to the visiting dignitary during tho evening. . Kir. Bowman paid a brief visit to the Contra! Point lodge and the Med ford Rcbekahs Monday evening. He will visit Qrants Pass tonight. my T OB DRAPERY Waiati Shirts ( cats tresses Kimonas Curtains Sweaters Coverings Draperies Ginghams Stockings Everything . )'.iieh 10 cent package of "Diamond l'es" contains directions no simple uny v.-.iman can dyo or tint her old, worn, fmied things new, even if sho has never !yisl before. Buy Diamond Dyes no other kiml then perfect homo dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your drup'ist whether the n-fttprinl vnn wlali n Avr is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, I cotton, or mixed goons, jji.imonu uyes never Btreak, spot, fade, or run. Why so many women are now finding Mayon naise easy to prepare THOUSANDS of women everywhere have found that, by using Mazola, they, can easily and readily prepare a rich, creamy may onnaise, equal to anything you geti even in the finest hotels. Mazola blends so perfectly with all your other salad ingredients that it brings out the fullest flavor and most perfect taste. And inasmuch as Mazola thickens more quickly, you save lime and money. Mazola-Mayon-naise remains always firm, fresh and smooth. It keeps longer withbut separating or getting rancid. You can be sure of the purity of Mazola Mayonnaise, and of its ivholesotneness. For you know that the eggs you use in it are ab solutely fresh. Use the Mazola you have, or get a can from your grocer, and try the recipe given here. See how easy it is to make! Your grocer sells Mazola, in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon sterilized tins, packed on our own premises, under expert super vision. It is never sold in bottles or in bulk, as are ordinary salad oils. If you are not entirely satisfied with Mazola, your grocer will refund your money. Best for Salads and Cooking- Render Homage to the Memory of the Greatest American Abraham Lincoln, because Of hU wfso K:iuhThii unU broad humanity j in imd uunui jHiMiiu JiiiiuiiK uur Huui'n' iwn. A Krcut Aim-riian, npd tho firm republican prtfiklent, it U fit ting that nil citizens and especially rfpublicanH, Khould commemorate hU birth and recall with nrido and rati tudo hia immuasurablo service to our country. Tho Jurkson county Lincoln club dt'Hiri's to nmku his birthday anniver sary the occnKlon of u county piithtr lug of republicans, both men and women, und by u contemplation of the -ehuractiT of Lincoln, his broad tolerant leadership nnd lofty devo . tion to the weirure of tho. whol , people, Kiit her renewed deterniina- tion that tho republican party shall ' continue to bo an efficient and unsel- fish Instrumentality in the service of j our Htato and nation. I I't uh mei't tORtber next Monday nifilit. February 12. at tho Medford hotel, to render hotnatro to the! memory of Lincoln, and I hero resolvo to meet wllh 1 united front tho bis problems confronting us, with thn name faith in our institutions, and , tho gnmo unselfish devotion to thej common tfood that Lincoln had. I Tlckt'tH have been reduced to tl.f.O ! this year and can be obtained from ' Frank Farnll. Jnck Wakefield, Uert Anderson, Oeonju Hilton, fieorpo ; Oaten, P. M. Kershaw. S. S. Smith : and others. A pood program haa ; been arranged and as usual this will j bo one of the most enjoyablo occa-I elon.s of tho season. OIL FIELD WORKER IS A WICHITA FALLS. Texas, Feb. 7. ! Charlie Coe, oil field worker after res-! cuing one child from a burning home of Uoss Cullum, at rturkbumett to- j day, returned to the blazing house to ; bring out another child and was j burned to death with a three-year-old ' Cullum baby. Safe Milk for Infantt, Invalid & i Children ' The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLimchatHome.OfficegjFountains. RichMilk.MaltedGrainExtractlnPow- der&Tabletforms. Nouiiahins-Nocooklns. i S" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes IV iM:.MIJMS X imma.'.nn v IT JMLUPWWJ Mam. j I i . IT UM J' . r wuiu Kf I 1 -1 Coming to the hmMmt km! mm II Mil mm mm mm May Robson in a scene front "Mothers Millions,' Tuesday, February 13. BY 01 C. I SCORE 40 10 30 SALEM, Ore., Feb. 7. A3hland J was not match for Salem last night! ... .u-. i..i...i..ii .i,fi-il IU luuir UttOHeil.ll.l BUI..!.-, .u-, scoro standing 40 to 17 la favor of j t' " .-: cals. After rnnnlnir tin a safe margin tho Salem coach put In thoj second team. According to a telephone message received in this city last night from Coach Durno at Corvallls, the Med ford high school basketball team was defeated 40 to 30 by the 0. A. C. rcoks. SEATTLE, Feb.' 7. A bid by Reed colii'po to row n freshman race here Try This Mayonnaise Dressing Recipe 1 cup Mazol ) teA.poon Sclt 3 tableipoons Lemon Juice or VtncBBC 1 T.n Yolk 51 teatpoon Sugar , H teaipoon Paprika Add well mixed sea soning to egg, with one teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar, and beat well, adding one teaspoon Mazola at a time until mixture thickens, after which the Mazola may be added more rapidly. Thin with lemon juice or vinegar when necessary. FREE-Beautifully illus trated sixty-four page Cook Book. Write to Johnsan LicberCompany, Portland, Oregon. .wmal si Page Theater at the rage theater with the University of Washington will lio iiro'pt'd KJiys Kusty Cullow, lluifky coach, if tho Tortlnndi'rs will chunK" the dnto they HUffm-KteU. April 21. Th:it Is the day of tho ltegntta on the Onkland estuary, and Callow kavh ho will not U't uny student" row a race cxci'iit under his eyo. FrtESNO, Oil. Teddy Rllva of Los Angeles nnd Johnny Duff, for mer Iwintamwelght "champion, boxed a four round druw after Huff had been knocked down twice in tho first round. , R1DOEFIELD, N. J. Jack Remp scy, world's champion heavyweight boxer, left here for Salt Lake City. Utah, to be with his father, who is reported seriously ill. ItaMu-tlmll. At Corvnllis: Oregon Agricultural coiceo 24; Washington State college H- At Berkeley University of Call . ... ,.,,. R., ,,,. California 15. At Walla Walla: Whitman college 14. TTn.,nu,.. np Urnnlnnn 1.1 At Spokane. Spokane Amateur Athletic club 48; Pacific U. 20. Dr. Wm. P. Holt, county health offi cer, issudo a warning to tho pooplo of the city and valley this noon to tho effect that the celery being shipped here from California has spray on it and some of this spray has arsenic in its makeup. , i Dr. Holt cautions the Housewives to thoroughly scrub tho eclory boforo put ting it on tho dining table to avoid possible poisoning from eating it. OBITUARY i call who dipd in Portland. February (i, was born in Ayreshiro. Scotland, In 1843 and came to America at 14 years of age. She married Thomas Bcougnll in Rockford, 111., and enme to Oregon in 18S7. Mrs. Scougnll is survived by five daughters. Mrs. B. . Mieignt, sirs. J. u. rorry, jurs. tnas. P. Osborne, Mrs. John Jnnn and Miss Mary Scougnll, all of Portland, Oro.. nnd two sons William Scougall of Camns. Wash., and Harry Scougall of Medford. WOODS Frances Ellanor Woods died nt her home nt Phoenix Febru ary 7, aged 75 years, 3 months, 28 days. Sho was married to William Woods In Hearcy county, Arkansas November 27. 18C8. In 1877 cross ing tho plains with -ox teams they moved to tho Grand Hondo valley, Oregon, and lived thero. four years and then to noise, Idaho, living there 35 years, and four months ngo moved to Phoenix, Ore., to be with her chil dren. She leaves her husband. Win. Woods and four sons and one daugh ter; Hnnry. Charley nnd Elmer Woods, I'hoenlx. Ore.; Hnmucl Woods, HoIhc, Idaho; Mrs. Elvira 1'hUllpH. Phncnlx. Ore.,' nnd several grnnd ehlldren. Services will be held nt tho Presbyterian church, Phoenix, Thursday at 2 p. m. Interment in Phoenix cemetery. Attention Members, Order of De Molay Every member of Med ford Chapter, Order of De Molay, is requested to be present nt the moeting Thursday night at 7:30 at tho Masonic Hall. 271 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOIl RENT Store rooms, llrown & White Agency, 112 East Mnln Bt. 270 FOK SAIjK K11II Accountancy course In International CorrenKnlenco Schools for ono-half cost. P. O. Ilox 569. '27rt KOH RBNT OK BALK 7 room lioimo, ftUM mil Ml., easy terms. inquicH Jnckaon Co. ISlilK. & I-oan Assn. tf POIl SAI.K Apple wood for fire- ( places. Phono 7-K-14. 277 KOR HUNT Very desirable furnished apartment, adults only, reference re- j ciulrod. lierben Apartments, No. 10 j (Julnce St., Phone 350. 273 1 e STREET IN Tho council pusBcd uu orilluauco lust iilb'ht creating a new thorough faro in tho city ct the ulley nwiulUK from North Central avenue to North r.anlett strtit, ua Mltchull Wuy. This new street or Btreetlot is named af ter J. W. Mitchell, head of the Staudard ManufacturliiK company, whoso plant, located in tho hereto fore plebian alley, manufactures tho Mitchell ladders and also patent lu cubators. Mr. Mitchell wag almost ovurcomn with pride this forenoon when he learned of the councilmaulc notion, which was a total surprise to him. Ho had recently requested that tho coun cil deslpnate the alley as a elreet aud Kllm It tho name of Lincoln Wav, for the reason that tho fast expanding company receives much mall from all over tho Pacific coast und needed a locution on au official thoroughfare. When city Attorney Fred Mears perused the local statutes for this purpose ho discovered that tho city already had a thoroughfare named Lincoln, henco in preparing tho ord inance he named It Mitchell Way. Konl C. Jamison of tho extension department of Tho Oregon Agricul tural collego will bo in the valloy Fri day and Saturday nnd meetings of tho dairymen of tho county have been called for Ashland on Friday after noon nt 2 o'clock ut tho City Hall, and Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Library at Medford. Thero is a movement on foot to as sist tho dairymen in getting better priceB for their cream and some ac tion along this line will bo taken at these meetings. Every dairyman win cnu possibly spare tho time Is urged to make it a point to attend at ono of these places. Gopher Demonstration At Talent Thursday Many of tho farmers of Jackson county are dotormlnod to eradicate the pestiferous gopher from tholr Holds, In soiuo Beetle 113. tho farmers have already docldod upon certain uroas thnt aro to be cleaned of gophers this year. In other aectlous furmers aro making plans now for such a move. It is almost Impossible for one farmer to make much head way, but whoro a few group together it is held to bo practical and much good can bo accomplished. With this In mind a demonstration will bo held at tho Experiment station Thurjday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. All farmors who are bothered with tho gophers aro especially invited to at tend. This work is belug conducted by tho County Agent's office In co operation with the Biological Survey, U. 8. Government. The preliminary hearing of ijrs. N. Dunlap and M. M. Heflln chargod RUB RHEUMATISM PAIN FROM SORE, ACHING JOINTS What Im rheumatism? Tain only. Ht. Jacobs Oil will Htop any pain ho quit druffKlnff. Not one case In fifty requires intor nnl treatment. Huh Hoothinff, pene trating St. JacobH Oil directly upon tho tender spot nnd rellof comes In Htnntly. St. Jucoba OH Is a himnlenH rhaumatlKiu find sclutlea liniment, which never disappoints nnd can nut burn the skin. Limber up! Quit f!et a nmall trial bottlo from your druKKist, ami In just a moment you'll bo fteo from rheumatic ond nelatlo pain, HoreneHH. HtiffneKH nnd swelling. Don't suffer! Helief awaits you. Old honent St. Jacobs Jacobs Oil Iwim cured millions of rheumatism suf ferers in tho last half century, and Ih Just ns good for sciatica, nctiralfiin, lumbago, backache, sprains and swelling. Adv. Whooping Cough Courht ruttlnr from Wltoopfnf Couiha L Gripp Bii InfluaiiE quickly riivd with FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR ESTABUSHfDll7S NoOpUtM In grHint print d on wrapper Stood tti ttt of 'time. Mtrvfnf 1 nrmm (anara llont Worf J'alariost HtUnccoutlt imdlcln urn nm with the violation of the Prohibition law, was still under wny before Coun ty Judgo tleorge Gardner at Jackson ville today, and It la not exacted that tho case will go to tho Jury before to morrow morning. Tho defendants are being tried under the so-called "nuis ance clause" of the prohibition law. The case has lasted a day und a hall' so far, a record for Jackson county Justice court proceedings. Tho state used a day In Its examination of wit nesses and thn first of tho detenso wit nesses wore called this forenoon. The Btnto Is represented by Huwlos Mooro. and tho defense by Attorney Goorgo M. RobertA. MAISKEILI.US. Feb. T The Amer ican I'trlghter WlnnebuRVi rvpopt''! limuy nun iwui iiiiu imh'ii uut.ii.itTu wi tirrllie galea while in a position bo iwvrn tho south coant of Ireland, and l.uiuim. iiiu it'asi-i ii-iguunii'u iiu- mi'iunte ns-siHiunco Tun VrLL-KsowN MrmciNEs or the AMOJii KECtlPT Book Avihor Tonic Pills Tho Old Rclinhle Family Heniedy for Huildtng Up the System, Nervous Dis orders, Insomnia, etc. Ntgtect or ileepleitneM, depres sion and nervoui dltordtraof any kind, is extremely dangerous. All too many man and women, com pelled to go out Into the world and hiittla for a living, neglect their health to such an extent that nervous breakdown Is the in evitable result. It Is best to be warned In time, so thst thess ntrvousallments may be checked. Read what Frank Sprencel of 452 W. Jefferson St., Valparlasa In diana, asyst "Dr. A. W. Chase's Tonle Pills are helping me in every way pos sible at I was in very Kiel shape when I begin the me of them. I am feeling better every dav. The treatment it working wonders ia inv rise .-is my case is about lltiit -eight yiars sUuiiug." You can buy Dr. Chase's Tonle Hills at all drug stores. To be sure of netting the genuine, see that portrait and signature of A. W t Cha,M.D., a re on ench box your protection against imitations. Dr. A.W.CHASE IEDICINBCa 257 Washington Ot., Uu.lalo, N.Y. VJARRH of head or throat is usually benefited by the vapors of V apo Rub Oi'er 17 Million Jan Und Ytmtu Spotlights all standard makes to fit any make car. DON'T FORGET Wo have that little accessory you have been looking for. The Auto Supply Co. Just around the corner Phone 62 . Doc Wright H. W. CONGEE UNDERTAKER BurafMHor to Verki4-('onKer Co. MiMlfnnl. Orw. r DON'T 0 FORGET H'd'we Co. HEAT WITH COAL Placp Vonr Order Now for Quirk Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (HueeesHorn to kudu) HI N. Mr Ht. I'linno 2:t!- FOR ALL THE SWEETHEARTS Fathers and Mothers, Sisters and Brothers Husbands and Wives and Dozens of Others ' Over 200 Different Kinds, from lo to 3Bo DcnnUon's Valentino Outfits, Gummed Hearts, Cupid Cutouts, Placo Cards, etc. ' . Swem Studio SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH, RED SKIN Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made 8mooth, Says Specialist Anv hreaklnff out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mcntho Sulphnr, declares a noted skin special ist. Ik-cause of its gcrra destroying properties, this sulphur preparation be f litis at once to soothe irritated skin and leal eruptions such as rash, pimples and , ring worm. It seldom fails to remove the torment and disfigurement, and you do not have to wait lor relief from embarrassment Improvement quickly shaw9. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small, jar of Kowlc Mcntho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. WHAT 50 Cents Will Buy for You Friday and Saturday Feb. 9th and 10th A beautiful LUNCH CLOTH and 4 NAPKINS stamped, ready to embroider at the Handicraft "Shop (Paififess cttd .There will bo no need to tinll a plumber in lifter wo oneo install ono of our Runi'im teed toilet - fixtures. Our motto Is 'Tbo best Hcrvieo at the lowest possible cost." Modtorn Plumbing & Heating Co. Bparta niilfl. Ibone 020 WATCH YOUR BATTERY PKKKT-O-MTK BATTERY STATION for Onlrk Kwvtcn Phone 11 Picture Framing at ' Swem's Studio Blue Front Fixit Shop 111 S. Dolly St, "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phone 4M Razor niail Rharnrailna ' entires AC 9T