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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1923)
PAGE FTTR RINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManus cay, aint you conn a W It AT S TlHi T EVEN PIXE.D MY THINK C 6feTTlN KWk'Y YE.T MEDFORD "NFATTj TRTRFXK MEDFORD, OREGON'.- MONDAY. VKIUIPAIIY OV THAT WE'l?E I ' " ,' -' BACK Ff?OM EUFPOPe! f ' (don't voo think its) LWBSNII THAT SETTLED . U1, fj! rPOVVF?Y? VOUkTN ' ' -?N MOTHER PiDN'T r HAVE ANY WELLL.LOOK I i-. ., DOwrCY- y WHAT SHE (c) 1923 iv int'L Feature Service, Inc. v-)f &,$m J'locwwv YRT ALIANS WIN BATTLE II ltO.ME, Feb. 5. Au official com- iiniquo recording the continuation Italian militurv onernlloim npni- oras, Tripoli, says that tho Italluns vancca in .three directions, occu- iiie two towns and nxtenillii? ilinli- lies 100 kilometers south of Tripo- uty natlvos were killed and fany captured. The Arabs are Bald have lost a considerable number of en in other engagements. Air lanes participated effectively. WORK IN NORTHWEST CHICAGO. Feb. D. Plans are being orked out by the employment section f the United States veterans bureau f District No. 13,' Seattle, Washihg- lon, for invading the lumber industry It the Northwest with rehabilitated korld war veterans, it was announced ere today. The plans would be put into opera- ion this spring. The rehabilitated eterans will enter into all phases of llie work from logger to mess cook. ,! 1 TMarkefNeim . Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 5. Cat- lo steady to 10c higher; receipts SU3 (232 head direct through.) Choice steers $7.0008.10; medium o good $6.257.00; fair to medium! $j.506.25; common to fair $4.00 .50; cholco heifers $3.256'5.50; lioico cows and heifers $47."5.7j; nedlum to good $4.00cj)4.75; fair o medium $3.30(8 4.00: common ow( $2.30S?3.30; canncrs $:. .00; bulls $3.004.50; choice feed ers $3.005.50; fair to good $4.00 .00; choice dairy calves $9.50 10.00; prime light $9.50(g'10.00; medium light $9.0009.50; heavy 0.00(r 9.00. Hogs steady; receipts 3111; (ton oads direct); - feeders 50c higher; prime light $9.259.50; smooth heavy 230 to 300 pounds $8.00 !.00; 300 lbB. and up $7.50S.0O; rough heavy $0.007.50; fat pigs $8.759.25; feeders $8.759.25: RJ,ags, subject to dockago $5.003 w. hecp-Iambs, 25c higher; receipts "36 (198 through); East of moun tain lambs $11.25(813.50; culls $8.23 39-25; light yearlings $9.50 10.50; heavy $9.0009.50; light wethers !7.rk0(j78.50; heavy $7.0007.50; owci $2.0007.00. Portland Butter PORTLAND, Oro., Feb. 5. But ter firm; oxtra cubes 4243c; ordinary grades' 40041c; cartons ;,:; prints 48c. Buttcrfat firm: o. 1 churning cream 49c t. o. J). 'ortland; undergrades 46c. Portland Wheat POHTt.AVn nrn Vnh. 5 Wheat: Soft white, western white "27; hard .winter, northern spring, western red $1.22. ' Today's ear recelDts Wheat 28; f-our 21; corn 4; hay 3G. i San Francisco Markets . ' aN FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. (U. S. "fau of Agricultural Economics.) Bugs, extras 32 He; extra pullets -5c; undersized 25Hc. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 5. (State flvlKlon of Markets.) Fryers 3257 Mc; ducks- lS02Oc; broilers 350 "c; young roosters 23033c; old H ISci'lions 20028c; livo turkeys, luminal; dressed 32036c; hares live PERL FUNERAL HOMM Information Cordially Given Cor. 6th anil Onkdnlo 'u'lnnrp Sovvlcp I'hono 1" pound, lS20e; squabs doz. $3.00(5 3.50; jackrabblts $2.503.00. ' Notice In the Couuty Court of tho State, of Oregon in and for Jackson Countv. In the matter of tho Estate of Mary F. Kirkpatrick, deceased. Notice is hereby given that O. C. Hoggs, Administrator of tho above en titled estate, has filed his finul ac count therein and petitioned tor dis charge, and that Saturday, March 10, 1923, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. SI. in the court room of the County Court, Jacksonville, Oregon, has been IlxeJ as the time and place to hear said petitioner. All persons Interested are notified to appear and then and there show cause, if any thoy have, why said account should not be approved and said Administrator discharged. Dated this 2(ith day of January, 1923. O. C. HOGGS, Administrator. HELP WANTED Male and Female EARN $20 weekly spare time at home, addressing mailing diubIc circulars. Send 10c for music information, etc. American Music Co., 1058 Broad way, N. Y. 274 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for general house work. Mrs. H. A. Thierolf, 828 Minn. Ave., Phone 813. 266tl WANTED Middle aged or older woman for general housework, family of two. Phono 637-R. tf4 FOR BENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FurniHhed bachelor apartments. 219 Talent Court rear 235 South Central.' : 273 FOR RKNT-Furnisued' Apt. 143 N Grape St. 2G9 FOR RENT Apartment, IS King Bt, cornet of Tenth; also car and truck storage. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Doggs, Attorney for 8tate Land Board, Jackson County. Snaps in Used Cars 1921 Buick Six $850.00 , 1919 Velie Six $350.00 . 1919 Oakland Six $250.00 MEDFORD AUTO CO. BUICK DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly REAL Bargains OVERLANDS CHEVROLETS FORDS Yes, We Trade Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. WANTKl) SITUATIONS WANTED Position by experienced lady cook in camp, farm or small hotel. Call at Kenllworth Hotel or Phono 988. 272 WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phone 93. 270 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To hear from some ono who has a Chevrolot roadster body for sale or trade for touring body. Wcndt Bros., Phono 364, Jackson ville. 270 WANTED Used Dodge car, must be cheap. Phono 955-R. ' 273 WANTED rBeots. carrots aod man ' gels by ton, Rogud River Poultry Farm, Phone 2Q1-W, Jacksonville Road. 274'' WANTED To buy secondhand Ford car. L. S. York, Jacksonville. 270 WANTED By experienced man and wlfo without children stock ranch on shares, prefer beef stock and hogs where yon can raise bay and corn, want everything furnished. Unless you have a proKsitlon that both sides can make money don't answer. Address M. D. II., 1911 East Cth St., Long Beach. Calif. 274 WANTED V4 inch and 1 inch galvan ized pipe. Phone R-13-R. 270 WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Heavy work team and harness. Thoue 7-F-i. 272" WANTED Two gontlomen to room . and board in private home. Phono ! 936-R. . - 208 WANTED We -want to spray your roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. Now IS the time. Phono IOC, Green & Dixon. 270' WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and rurs. jonuson Produce Co, 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House 'novtug and repair ing Phone 488-M or 488-X. Doors and Windows Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS . Window-Glass Largest Stock in Medford. AGAIN r :, FOB HALE OR WANTED - and EXCHANGE Wo hnvo Fiiffeno Apartment Houso nicely furnished and Roml income, and will exchange oh Medford business pro potty and tko or pay difference. Thin Is Rood. For Sale or Trade 3 acres closo to city, 2 acres Dartiott pears, balance mixed fruit,' all Irrigated, 4 room now bungalow, good welt, modern chicken house, barn, etc., will tako part trado. . Prlco only $2750.00. ' ' 1 bee vh today. ' " four-Site sales agency Real Eslnto ' Business Opportunities , ' " Exchanges ' Medford Building, Modford, Ore. ; IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND We have a very cholco tract of land suitable for growing alfalfa, potutoes, tomatoes, melons and nil kinds of high value crops. All deep frco soil and irrigated; on good road near paving and ono mile from town and six miles from Medford. Part now in alfalfa. No buildings.' This 35 acres Is priced to sell $176.00 per aero, with reasonable terms. Examine this 'property If you wish to produce, large crops. ' "" 10 acre, fine home place, only 10 minutes from business center of Medford. Under irrigation; six acres alfalfa, cuts 35 tons; 3 acres full bearing poars; good 7-room house with modern conveniences and barn. Just the place tor small dairy and poultry. The price $5,000,00 is made to bcII. , ; . 20 acres very cholco land, 10 minutes from business district on paved highway. 16 acres bearing orohnrd, under Irrigation: modern C-room bungalow; largo well and tank house; barn. This will Interest you. Priced to sell for $9,300.00. Party owns 22 acres Very choice alfalfa and vegetable land localra 20 minutes from Medford on tho paving. No hulldlngs. Ho' Is no farmer, never lived on a farm, knows a plow but does not know how to use it. Ho says sell tho wholo tract for $150.00 per acre and glvo a buyer good terms. Will you look at it? Another party owns a very attractive diversified farm of fair Biro, clear of any Incumbrance, but being a woman she is not physlcully ablo to properly operate the property, bo Instructed us to sell and give tho best bargain offered In tho valley. Conservatively, this proporty will produce $10,000 this year. Will you examine this at $230 per acre. It will only tako IS minutes to drive out to the proporty. Yes, It Is Irrigated. ,. . , Yours for service, ' . ' J. W. DBE33LXR 00. Phone 2SS. Yen, wo write FOR BENT FURNISHED BOOMS j FOR RENT Well lighted front slocp Ing mom, with bath privileges. 323 So. Riverside, Phone "01-J. tf TOR RENT Modern sleeping room. I'hono SOS. .274 FOR RENT Room with board, $35 a month. -N. central. 274' FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivs. 271 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good furnaco heat and hot water. Cnll 322. 264tf FOR RENT Furnished Bleeping rooms, modern , garage in connec tion. 124 lilng St. Cor. of 10th St. 256tr FOB RENT HOCSE1CKKPING ROOMS TOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. " FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. 269' FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 325 E. Jackson, X'hone 211. 270 FOR BEX! MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 80 acres of land under water; 2 miles of- Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. "tt FOR RENT Very desirable offices In i the Medford Building, Bingle or in suite, best in Modford. Steam heat, Janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medfcrd Dldg. or Phone 542. ' ;', ' 250tf FOR . RENT Garage att1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. y JLOST LOST In front of Page Thoater Sat urday afternoon, black driving glove. Return to Mull Tribune, re ward. 270 IX) ST Six month old fox terrier dog, black and brown markings on head. Call 725-L evenings. 271 I2S East Main BL Fire Inurnnc. FOB BENT HOUSES I FOR RENT Modern 7 room house. I close in. I'hono 570 1.. 276 FOR RENT Houses Drown & Whit. TOR RENT 8 ro:n houso. Phone R-13-R. 27.) MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSI.KR Square Deal Hatch ery for chicks, eggs and hutcliiugs, Tuncred Leghorns nud Reds. Phone 951-L. 284 FOR 8ALR HOMES FOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garage, shade trees, largo lot-, close in on pavomont. as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Mcars, 401 South Newtown. 267U FOR SALE Four room houso. lot 50x 100, has strawberries, some black lierrlcs. Will take car. Price $1200. 1001 May St., Box 930. O. D. 269 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Rut tcrfield, Me.d'ord National Bank. Phono 4S. FOB SAL): POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from high class Ilarred Roacks. $1.00 and $2.00 per setting. $8.00 per 100. Mrs. C. Lammcy, Central Point, R. 2. 27 1 FOR SALE Turkeys. J. C. Herring, Central Point. 275 FOR SALE Twolve hens and two red roostors, bargain. 624 N. River side. 269 FOR SALE 2 Barred Rock cockerels ; O. A. C. strain, also 2 White Mus covy drakes. W. II. Arnold, Phonp 201-X. 26it OR BALK Black team, weight 2100. Geo. L. Myors, Phono 232-X-2, Cen tral Point. 270 FOR SALE Dark varred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. , J. W. Cook, R. 3, Ilox 48, Phono 969-R. 289 FOR SALE Thebault R. 1. Reds, win ners ot Southern Oregon, sotting oggs and baby chlx; hatch eggs for 6 cents each. Tel. 969-R. R 3. 276 ,j 1 FOR SALE Booking orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs from prize winning Rhode Island Reds and from White LeghornB Tancred Royal. Rod Wing Poultry Yard, Phono 865-Y. .281 VISIT THE ''; ' ' ' " ',' '. Armory j Service Station RED CROWN and ASSOCIATED GAS and OILS Tires, Tubes and j Accessories Drive a block and savo your dollars. Pacific Highway at Jackson W. C. TAYLOR C. L. WOLFF Proprietors. Every Day in Every Way ' VALVOLINE OIL ' SALES ARE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER Crank Gases and Transmis sions drained free. , ' Keaton 10,000-mile Cord. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat A Real Service Station FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SAI.10--3O head J. cows. $i;o per he.ul. tested. G. W. King, rsey dairy Tubercu'nr u .Montague, 27') Calif. FOR SALI'l r-resn cow a, exception ally good. M. Walsh. 1 mile NK of Medford on Crater Lake roud. 279 FOR SALE- -Uar euwa. Jersey ami Durham, will freshen soon. L. A. Itese, I'hni-aix. 2u'.t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK-Now 4 In. centrifugal pump with 2t) ft. liOHo, also rntfne if wanted. IC. II. Morse, end ot West 2nd, Phone 30-W. 27.1 FOR SALE Wicker baiiy carriage, liko new. 312 South drape. 271 FOR SALE Cheao, clan ly work horse, harness and wagon. Phono 591-R-l. 279" FOR SALE Hardy spray outfit in good condition, 4'i It. p. engine and tiireo cvhrider pump. Am buying larger outlit. Call 403-11-3, W. V. llarnum. 273 FOR SALE Alfalfa liny $15 per mi at barn. E. L. Walz. , 27u FOR SALE Third crop clean alfalfa hay. 330 S. Fir St. ' 2C9.T4 FOR SALE 12 and 16 Inch inanzanlta wood. J. D. Shaffer, Phono 23-1M. 271 FOR SALE Nearly new I In by Over hind Hodan. guarantee conditi n, v. ill sell cheap or will take light cui us part paymcut. Phono 'JOO. SiVJ FOR SALE Coi-y ThornlosH llliick- borry rooted tips: $1.50 per d" . $12.00 por too. T. J. Noonun, C'.'ii trnl Point, Oregon. 2IM FOR SALE 200 tonB alfalfa hay. bar gain. Call 8-F-7, Zuadoll (ires., LiUo Creole. 273 FOR SALE Throe crops alfalfa hay, $15.00 per ton. AUco Ilauley Rane'i. Phone 411-J-3. 270 FOR SALE A Riidio Sot to he so!d j Hat. nigni, reo. linu, on seitieu niu. Hand In yours at Virgin's Radi ) Service. 211' FOR SALE Bronzo turkeys: alfalfa hay $15. W. J. Hnrtzell, 408-.I-1. 207tf IllSIXESS OPIHJRTUXITIES TOR SALE Confectionery store and lunch room. Al Musty, Central Point, or Phono 105. 2T2 KSTHAVEI) S'i'RAYEH I'nb-nnded EOrrel horse, about 1000 lbs., at Trail, Oro. Irwin Howe. 272 IlirSINF-SS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. ft. GREENE Abbtracts or Title Rooms 3 and 3, No. 32 North Contra! Ave., up stairs. ... ,liikson County ABSTRACT CO. Tho only complete Tl Ho System In Jackson Count y. Abstracts of Tltlo and Tltlo IiiNiirunce. WATSON & KELLOOO Rellablo Jackson county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon; ' " Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. K.-M. Wil son,' C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and. In come Tax requl'romuuu. Look Into our .simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. ' " - ' ' . ; BabyOverland LIKE NEW $365 Chevrolet touring $225 Chevrolet touring $265 Fords, with starters, 1920 and 21 . .,.,.,.$275 rAlway$ the Best at C.E, Gates Auto, Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. HOOKS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Eslnto and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. RICAMES Lawyer, office in Liberty Dulldlng. liuikllilg Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & Ill.OCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Pliyslrlnn DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 2S Medford Bldg. Phone 905. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. I1EDG 'OS Naturopothio Chiro practor. Mechuuo-Thorapy, Bpon dylntheiapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practice. Office: ftewart Dldg., 235 I-:. Mu!n St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. PR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tie Physician. Office .hours 9 to 12. 2 to 3. Suite 203-04-05-OG, Lib ert v Uldg. Office Phono 680, Res. 1.027. Dentists DR. O. .1. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 66flj Res. 1002-Y; Office hours 9 a. m. C p. m.' Evenings and Sunday by appointment, ' Farm Irtwtns. MONEY WANTED Can place your money on first mortgago, farm or. ' city property at 7 to S'A not to you. Ilurd Land & Investment Co., 402 ' JUedford hldg., Ti: 42i ' 3IoWy to Loan J. 11. ANDREWS Buys and selll mortgages and ' loans money on conri seenritv. "31 N. OrnM St.. Pb rjin 63-M. 246 i fttanumcnts THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, nonerol manager. P. M. Kershnw, salcj manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Mod lord, tf Osteopaths DR. V Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN8 CAltl.OW Osteopathic Pbysiolani 4W-41S Hborty Bldg. Phont U04-.I-3.. Rosldouce 2C South. Laurel St ' DRT'WrNVriiOWATiDOBteopathlfl Physician. Special attention glveu to eyo, ear, nose and throat. .300 Liberty Building. Phone -496. . - I'liyslclans and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. I, noul PhyBlclan and R''roon. Offices Medford Klrig. Phono 105. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. UURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 30 N. Central. Special attention to spino. Phone 29. Plnno Instruction FRED ALTON 11 A1GIIT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING" CO., has tho best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, olc. Portland prices, 27 N, Fir St. Rutf Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORK9 makes fluff ruga from old and worn carpots and ' rugs. Fiona : " B10-M. 1 706 Pine St. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. . Office 42 North Front St, Phon 815. Prices right. Service guar antead. iDAVIH TRANSFER AND 8TORAGU i CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 8. . Orape. Phone: ' Office 644, ,nr reslrtencn, 47-R or 206. ' tf Upholstering J. "WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed .furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies made to order'. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call -and show sample. Phona SOS. TneVsnnvlllft Ob - - 1 ' Audltlr.1 Accounting ' Nnur4ivt4vrwW M. P. SCRM1TT nd FKmv Mtdfora FJldC. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmam iil hi i I! I 'I. ) si ill I i i i L