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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1923)
. X, MEDFORD MAIL' TRIDTJXE, MEDFORD. OREUOX". FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 192;"! PQE THREE 20 Century Grocery 20th Century News Is Always Good News 20th Century Stores are the Pacemakers in the Towns Where They Are Located This week's items are quite startling, when you consider the quality of merchan dise offered. Pure Cane Sugar, 13 lbs. for ..$1 .15 Head Rice, Blue Rose variety, 2 lbs ' ".. -lulus....: ...73 Crystal White Soap, 22 bars for $1.00 11 bars for 50 Preferred Stock Currants, large package 18 Royal Baking' Powder, large cans ....... j 40f 21,. lb cans $1,19, 5 11) eans......$2.29 Standard Corn From Maryland Can 10 21 cans $2.30 20th Century Coffee As Good as you would like it. Pound 33. 3 lbs for .....;.......95 Roasted in our own plant. ' Crisco 1's ,..23.' IV. Vs... 34. a's..;....... 67 G's $1.27," 9's $1.85 Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c Beans, Cut .String-less, can.... ....121-2 Tomatoes, Solid Pack, can . 171-2- Pure Cocoa, three pounds ...25 California Soft Shell Walnuts, pound 29c Catsup, Preferred Stock, bottle 28 Sardines, Del Monte, large oval cans 15 flolden West Pepper, two ounce can , 5 Drifted Snow Flour, 49 lb. sack . . .$1.98 No Use in Looking feurther There Really Is No Better Place. j MEDFORD ASHLAND Vantines Temple Incense The fragrant Oriental odors for indoor use. A large variety of burners and odors. RfX CAFE "THE PLACE TO EAT" "": ' .'.'' TRY OUR WAFFLES AND COFFEE For Breakfast, from 6 a. m. to 11 a. m. ANNOUNCE PRIZE E i1 i I PLENTY OF FiGHT . STAR .ME AT MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Choice Beef Pot Rousts, per Hi 15c Choice 15eef Stews, prr lb ..12 l-2c Shoulder Pork Roast, per lb 20c Fresh Side Pork, per lb 20c Good ISneon, per lb , 26c Phone 273 Wo Deliver ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB RATES Tho contest which & being con ducted for all grade and high school pupi'.s for tho three best onsaya on 'tho paintinp "NVvrr Alone," now on -dinpliiy nt tho Mod ford Center store, will close in nine o'clock Monday tnight, and tho prize winners will bo anno mind ns soon as possible ihere afnu. I'rizoK of five, three and two dol lars for the first, second and third best conceptions of tho plcturo will : bo pi von. Efwuys which mum not x- ced 100 words, with name, ntro and 1 aUilroKs written on same sheet, may l bo handi-d tu attendant at tho exhibit. Tho paint in p, which is tho work of j Ilorhert do Maroau, Jr., hns been visited by n larKO number of pcoplo i here and many have commented upon tho masti'rful work of the arum who nas paiutea a war scene without trace of conflict: solitude without desolation; sorrow without horror. , r ...... To help dofrny cost of exhibition, a charge of ten cents is bcitiK made for admission. Month's Calendar Circuit Court Whllo neither tho grand jury or .tho jutlt Jury ia workinK, Judge Thcmaa' calendar In Circuit court for February contains tho followinK mat leir set for trial and hearing: Friday, February 2nd, Curran vi. 1 Curran, at Jacksonville. Saturday, February 3rd, routine. Monday, February 4th, PaKc-Dresa-ler va. -Ieador, at Jacksonville. . Tuesday, Bill, a. m. open; 1:30 p. m. bank depositors, nt Jackson ville Wednesday, 7 th. Tillamook Hank vs. Iturtord, Dep., at Jucksonvlle. Thursday, Sth. Scott vs. Haas. Friday, 9th, Murphy vs. Whet' stone. Saturday, 10th, routine. Monday, 12th, holiday, no lecal business can be transacted. Tuesday, 13th, Lyons vs. Onn Medals, at Grants Pass. Wednesday, 14th, Sauer vs. Hilde- brand. at Grants Pass. Thursday,, lath, Sauer vs. P.. Hll derbrand, at Grants Pass. . Friday, 10th, Smith vs. Itowe, at Grants Pass. Saturday, 17th, Meadows vs, Meadows, at Jacksonville. ' Monday, 19th, grand jury, at Jack sonville. Saturday, 24th, naturalization hearings., at Jacksonville. Monday, 26th, petit jury, at Jack -v.- AT "The problems of the farmer and ; bow the business men can lu'lp to: solve ihem" Is tho subject of a talk ! with tho president of the Jackson j county fnrni bureau, A. C. Joy of Ashland, will make to the business men of Medford next Monday evenhiB at a dinner to be held at tho Medford hotel. AKhouiih the meeting is being held under tho auspices of the llntail Mer chant's bureau of the Meiliord Cham ber of Commerce the officers of the bureau . wish it plainly understood that all retailers in .Medford are vitally interested in the subject and that their atteiulanco is desired even thoiiKh Ihey may not bo affiliated as members of the bureau. Tho dinner will bo served promptly at nix-thirty in tun. annex itiniuK room. Tickets for the dinner, which rell for 11.00 per plate, may bo so- cured at tho office of the Chamber of Commerce or from Klmer Wilson, Fort llulibaid and Harvey Field, who are tho committee In charge. These tickets should be secured before two o clocK next .Mommy aiiernoon. -j in nuuiwnn to ine iuik, ii enter tainment feature Is to bo Introduced so that business men who attend, will not alone spend a profitable time there,- but an entertaining one as well. . Ilureau members will note tho change of the' usual meeting place from the Legion hall to tho Medford lintel. To the Editor: ' Portland, Ore., Jan. 31. 1923. Jackson County Gnnte Protec tive Association, -Medford, Ore. House bill 219 puts Game pro tective Fund Into General Fund, requiring Game Commission se cure money by legislative ap propriation. Sportsmen have right to Insist license fees bo expended for game purposes. Wlro your delegation to exert overy offort to kill bill or secure amendment excepting game com mission from operation. Paul Fnrrcns, President Multnomah Anglors Club. Tho nbovo Is a snmplo of what the sportsmen of this state are up against (it every legislative session. Thinli of It! Somo long-horned legislator wants to put through n measure to dump tho threo hundred odd thou sand dollars collected yearly from the Sportsmen of Oregon Into tho Ren oral fund and forco us to go before each succeeding legislature and log roll for whatever appropriation they may grudingly hand out to us for tho great work of propagating and protecting the gamo and gamo fish of this country. If the sportsmen were organized In .every community like they are In Jackson, and would pull together llko wo do here, this sort of hill would bo killed before it got stnrted. ' : The SJportsraen'a banquet to lie held Saturday night is attracting wide nltentlon. Vp-state sportsmen and politicians are headed this way In droves, and yet, strange to say, politics will not be mentioned at this banquet, and tbero Is going to be harmony If we have to fight for It. Judge C. M. Thomas is president of the. association and will act as toastmaster, nnd It might be well for any of the boys that are spoiling for a fight to remember the sad fato of Oregon Jones. -. ..' Klamath. Josephine and Douglas counties will send big delegations, Roseburg telephoned Gould ' last night that they had a party of 30 signed up and to. hold tickets for them. These boys are going to make better than a Hundred mile drive lo Unless yon sec the name "Bayer" on attend this banquet,' but we have - packufro or on tablets you are not gob- plenty of merchants nnd business tin the genuine Hayer product pre men in this town, who, when you go,8"""1 bf physicians over twenty-two in to sell them, a banqued ticket. '" " whine and shuffle and complain about I Colds Headache It being Saturday night, aud they loouuiciic i.umnago can't loave tho store! And yet the , ' rjiraclio. ll,l lirn nf nne fnrnato nnd ntrenmn tH ! - liruigin, ooo of our very largest assets, arid f ' Accept . "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin the "Jackson County Game Protective ;oniy. . , r.non unoroKcn nucuugo vumnn.j association Is banded together to pro-, few cents Drug- teci alio conserve uus wuiiueriui iiui-, ,( ,,1-n ae lb hntt lra of 24 an. 100. I Aspirin ia the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoawiticacidester of Snlicylleacid. Louie's Money Savers! Corn Meal, i'roshly milled 9 lb. siu-k..'..!....'..'...3bf'' Full Cmun Cheese, lb 30 Schilling Hakiiif,' Powder, lb. can .45V Knitht's TJofrno River Catsup, gal. jugs, each," $1.45 Olympic Crown or Flap Jack Pan Cake Flour, ' package 25c1 White Deans, new crop, lb 10$ Raisins, Seeded, l." oz. pkg... 18$ Kaisins, Seedless, 1" oz. pkg....' 17 M. J. II. unpolished, long grain head rice, per package 25 ; . Black Figs, per lb....25, 50 lb box, per lb ....22 You are cordially invited to a free demon stration of Diamond W. Products start ing Monday, February 5 LOUIE'S Free Delivery Phone 271 Say "Bayer" and Insist! AT HOAfr ON THE AVE-NUe or Infant, invalid & Children The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLimcbatHome.OfficefcFountains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract In Pow- ' derfliTabletform3. NourUhioc-Nocookini. ' II" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes Medford Center Sanitary Market YOUR CLOTHES ARE EQUAL TO NEW AFTER WE RELINE, CLEAN AND PRESS THEM Our Equipment and Experience Assures You the Best Service CLEANING, DYEING, REPAIRING,, PRESSING COMING GOODNESS ... CASTS ITS FRAGRANCE before, where our incuts nre nerv ed. Their fine odor is n tciupta tion to ent and to out is surely to 'enjoy to the utmost. Try a ronst and see if you don't find it finer than meat you have ever tasted before, nnd at not n bit higher eost. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Eastern Hacon, half of whole....28c Eastern Skinned Hams, half or i whole 29c Pickled Via Feet, 20c lb. 2 for 35c ,1'nt lioast, Itaijy IJeef'..'. 15c Venl Slew 15c (iood Hamburger 2 lbs. 35c .flood Steak 20c Xew Kraut Try our ( 'oru IJeef Round Steak ground while you wait. Phone 265 Khrumatism Tnin, Pain ural resource ' . t i . . i. . It will be well for us to keep an eye on the boys from Klamath county. It is reported that they, nre on the I warpath. They have petitioned the Rovemor t6 fire tlvp present Btate game commission nnd put In a : com plete new outfit, and knowinfi these boys ns I do, 1 can well imagine ..that they have Intimated to the governor that Klamath county, has the raw material from which to .scloet. the whole hunch. A county that has built two court houses and ia figur ing on a third is not going to be backward about asking for plenty. The secretary tells me this morn ing that all the tlckots are sold ex cepting a cache of forty at..the Med? ford Hotel. Our principal troubles in the next two days will bo in ex plaining to the boys thnt the tlckots are all Bold. . ; - This Is going to bo n real sporting event. BERT ANDERSON Tho Colonial, one of Mct(ford'a most popular oxcluslvo ladles . stores, has again opened for business and crowds of local , nnd out of town people are avnlling themselves of the many at tractive .opening sale values that are being offered. .The Colonial had beep closed for several weeks whllo work. men havo been, repairing tho damage of, last fall's fire and their location now Is attractively reflnlshed. ' During this forced suspension of business Mr. anil Mrs. Olmstnad, In charge of the Colonial, woro able to visit tho leading fashion shops of Bun Francisco - and Iw Angeles where they placed orders for a completely now stock of high grade merrhnnrtlse. A Delightful Row "My wife hnd suffered from stom ach nnd liver trouble for many yenra nnd hnd taken medicine enough, to sink n ship; so when I lirnusht home n bottle of Mnyr's Wonderful Item edy, on the udvlcn of my employer. nho reftmed to tnko It. Her .. liver trouble hadn't helped her disposition nny. Wo hnd n big row, but she took it the next week. Her ailments have nil disappeared." H is a elmplo, harmlcKH preparation that removes the rnlarrhsl mucus from the Intes tlnnl tract nnd allays tho Inflamma tion, whlrh cntiHcs practically nil stomach, liver nnd intcHtinnl nil ments, Including iippendlellls, fne dnso will convince or money refund ed. For snlo by all druggists, Adv "Where wonien coTip-egate, AliCITIO; , PUDIO is n popular topic. This is. tho v remarkable shoe that has plenty of style, gives perfect comfort, and if worn in time will prevent painful foot trou-' bles. Hoots and Oxfords of bhick'kid and brown' kid.' ' , C M. Kidd & Go. TWO FEE-T OF" COMf"OIlT. WlTtf E-VfRY STf P JU5T A FEW OF OUR Saturday Sp ecials Phone Youf Orders Early for Delivery u . ... .. . ,., . .- - i '. .i (, Baby Beef, per lb f ...... . 15 Baby Beef Steaks per lb t20c Beef Stew, per lb 8 l-3c Pork, all kinds, per lb i ... . . '20c Nice fat hens? per lb. :25c Veal Stew, per lb 8 l-3c CITY M E AT MARKET; Free Delivery .. .. phorie 324 " One More Day Crown Products Demonstration CROWN FLOUR PANCAKE FLOUR WHEAT HEARTS CRACKED WHEAT We Invite You to Call i ... . . i Personal Attention , ( H. E. M a r s Phone 252 GROCER RALSTON BRAN r ROLLED OATS KERNELS "Of WHEAT Prompt Service Phone 252 i v tu ' I: ' ' ' , " t'',, "; v1' '