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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1923)
Infc,-, IMfiEfOX MrPArn u itt irntnt'VT t r,rT".rtrr aimv.av- nn-n. nn- r-i-i r i r 1 1V"': -iir-ur .MiViij imm.M.. .urjiniiiu. ir.ivi.. i u l . r r-tmt -v 1 GOUNTY COURT WILL CONTINUE CO.NURSEWORK , : M ' tcj., rvK:ttiuautn cf tbe irtivtj of ti. county heaita tsr-. Ta-ry VwirDel tfiat Jt LiJ tieea uri:riir-uv.T dd-d ; coanKii. aa I e renfe.taxiTe of ti. tT h ovan to eoriUisue Uef wjAotrxaa Mpie. td oo rtat to v.e .m - . - , if.tzi arr oi ti rrt aitfe to Oae! (evcic of iw eaure tounsy. It lias le.o prorrn or Iturely tjiat from.'"" J 'fca eooooicie;r alre. io sh- , by tbe Briliia taiiaet. Iknai anaJjK iHe ourtatiit aerr:) The Teoeie iwaator fcaid loat uroutk ita irerectauro -work, re-! proparaida wa. beicg arat Ml to ,2w ra-Jier tta Liv-- iaa twt5T Into aooepusc oj The eounty iwwl. ! that en (! c but added Jrkv -. - c taoacEit it wtysia hum reality. tlMre is lewi tta l-l of a . . . . rcicrn !.r weed, aoot it r-a u f oorei aie to any Ivnw p-r di to tbe Individ sal 3fi Frofa.tioa- 1 t-Iyr o t-ajijwrl tola worthy wr-; The Amertcaa ftmmiMwr. Sen-TV-. alSa Ic-tA KTTvod. j-titli ."-r M K Ilir ajerted. had co ay. k'-t Jeot.rmtin ere. ha ih-.iy to etvaae acy protoitioo urh tm: ir.:jy4 to tej?!jan tiU the a that aep:ed t the B.-itisb caki fHl;. at-n tL'. by Xu Fail- oet. He M-d that the oe!y proto-1 4jie who rwcisd reopw'.ST aod will h'ji whiTh e.uid aotnoritatjT-y bet te niljfrt to eal! at vaiic balii PREPARE DEAD UVE PHOENIX FeK I. Tie Mr of ryrr- TV. Fen(jn. pr&nounred Hi! tleriared by hi family to Ue is DCEUN". Feb. 1 By U.e Asoci a rtate cf pof-jaeadMl ajusrunioei. was ated Pref. The rwtdenoa of Bit 1-rTrd frr bursal after Ctunty Horace Plankett at Foi Roci. waa I-tr-'V-iaa Frl-h ar.d City PoFstcnaa Carrfwon Kad perfocmed aa autopsy an ln4 the rerMitss to V to a tI3rtorabia roadjuca- . tMdin to SBrrraxW Tooiorrow. 1 CHICAGO. Feb1. Frenl Lodto. fAriruvr I laa III l I I Tl ttA latVlft kftAVS tw lift ilc.t power behind tbe ad - B !nttraTjoo . of Mayor . Thompson. will appear fa Chicago tomorrow and nrrender on the Indictment charging .him and twenty-tbree otb wr with oonaplrary to defraud the r.-hool board oat of I l.t'V'j.tiv. his rjownsW annonncw-d today. Salts Fine for Aching Kidneys '. When Back Hurts . Flush Your Kidney aa Ym Cits a ! - Your Bow tit - olost (oiks forget that the aodaryf, ' 'ic tix b--Tatls.!ooadiDKi get sZugsiih and ciogged ana need a fiuthicg occa accuUy, cix we have backache ad chiU misery tbe kidney rcgoa, screre bracathes. rirnmatic twinss, torpid m-cr. aod stomach. s3crpi.iacss and all sons of Uadder duordcrs. - Vow sizipiy ntisit Vxep your Vdnrrs aefn-r and cieaa and the njoroeet yon frrl an ache cr nasi in tie kidney rciriaa bcrin drviirji fats of w-tter. Alio grt ahoat iv-r orares of Jad Sahs from anr grod drag store here, take a tabtrypoonfal in a glasi of water be fce breakfast for a frw days aod yoar k!-eri will then act fee. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and teri joke, cere feed with lr.hia. and a icrter.ded to fl-jvb cJogred kid pers aod help stia7aUte them lo actre-irr.- It a'.o hc.'p neotn-'ire the acids li the crtne so tier no Jorecr irrsute. tKis betping to relieve UaJdcr dis orders. Jad Sa!t inexpeort-: icakrs a dt!-ghtful rffer-.-eicrnt Hthia water drink whkh CA-mbortv slVH take now aod tarn to help keep their kidneys clean. A wen-koown local drcrsrift says be -rJH Ms of Jad Salts to f As who be lter c in Irving to correct kidney troobJt white it is orly trosKe. Ey a3 means hv Tcnr ph-,T.-ian exatniot your kid rryj at least twice t year. a i ii 'I ! FIGHT SETTLEMENT ! OF BRITISH DEBT a!:ii.jiu. i. ' fhadow.LS tb fkl U pruepurt la nmrrtss oer accepuace ot li Erlt- Sol vxtleseat Sesator XcXtJ- .lAr. dBocral. Teieaw. ' lat today la li Aa:e. oe-arei . - j,, ,BS t,, jsJ.tjay,- to the -- , IZ' " V . . . ... .. kv to tie Bntiti wortrnmmi wa h- firopoaul cBtJia4 an ta tjtU- SIR HORACE PLUNKETF! destroyed by P. re today. A band of arxed oen raided tie bona yevtniay and blew up tie front jart before kavjag. II tOUH t"J( ran waa destroyed today by raiders Tbe co.-st gaard station at Baiivrlg bo s off three powerful lanJ jf" Tie eir-Vsioo shattered tie win dows of nearby boss and tie inhabi tants r.fl from their bosses. GET EIGHT HOUR DAY BUT NO WAGE INCREASE . I CHICAGO. Feb. 1. The elgh' 1a..o -. k r A ' . irh ifm. ami f.n ha:f for overtime went into effect to-1 day for tbe Erotherhood of P-ailway Svnalmena orgwrnaatioo in ard- ( d. . t. tH. anee with an older iwued br tie Cnite4 Ktatea rai'.road labor board. I Tie eight hoar day and punitive over- j time, lotue er.urht by the railroad' employe' orcanlxation. was granted them y5-rdy alter the board had heard lie union's dispute with a number of railroads. Tbe union" request for inrrea? ! wares xczm not stinted on certain raltrr'fld. Important to All Women Headers of This Paper Thousands upon thous women have k.d.-iey or trv'jble and never ;jve-l I' nds of bladder Women's complaints often prove lo be nothlna ele but kidney trsbk-. or the reo-jlt of kiOuy or l-ladder di- ea- If tha kidneys a no not In a healthy coodttKm. they may nuw the other orrans to become dwaed. Vou may ruffr pain io the back. headache and of ambition. Poor health makes you oervova. ir ritable and niay be despc-cdent; ft make any one o Out hundreds of wmea elalni that Ir- Kilmer's Swanio-ltcit, by restor- tnx health to the kidn-rs. proved to be the rem-dy ne-ded t over come s-jeh conditums. IIiBjr iw-nd for a sample bottle lo see whit Kwani-Kol. the BTet&t kid ney, liver and bladder mcdiHne. will do for them, lty eoxl"4n let, cent to Ir. Kilmer fc Cn.. liinaiamlon. N. V . vou may T- I o Ktniple e; re bt tle l-y larr! ltt- You lan p-arrhaje-medium and Larre txe l-ctlra at sit d-vr M"f. Adv Now Playing! WILUAM deMlLl ! 'THE WORLD'S APPLAUSE' bebe daniels lewis; stone BEBE, more gorgeous Uua ever, as the dancer who, to achieve fame, was willing to play with fire. A sumptuous de Mille pic ture that dares to tell the truth. By Clara Bering er Coming Sao day RICHARD BARTHELMESS in WiSNliiagton 0ilea's faao story " THE BOXD BOY" RIALTO E SENATOR IS FREE M'BUN. Feb. 1 -Ry the Ais-xi- rMK-Cfuur Jot:a Ikntl ' Feoera! u&aer erf ti Cmat N'oni- en i3i7. k jj UJki1 T j. u l5Ja , rw .m u wis Kitj-o.Tx-iay aaaocaoed taia afwv- Wbtir so i3 reiaed c. - u M t-,jn .Se va-e o- jy viae aiajjy tM te a im. LONDON". Feb. 1. (By tie Asri-j ate4 Pnhaai IjU!b di&fjatches this' nraias ijja use , Settatjr J-a BanreU. general eas- ! Great Nortaera railway, la cjjug reat eaciteonesat aa4 tiat aaxiey li ttiB& fell over hi faUL v u, ni ... v . v . . . ween Dam .T.-ua Mri-MW eiLoe be waj forcibly taken In Svttaa. eor:oty 0aliia. Tse4ay Bight. It It aot a;;fel ibat his captor lateaded to do fcfca personal bans, bat rather waate4 apromtseot bostae tJ to beid aaiast ooe or more of their cj n itea whooe execstioti tier fear. Tbe goTemnect's tireat of psaitire action ia caso Seaator EarweU is M rea9el arocses aauety apices L-s friends, wbo fear tiat if ooe of the re;ablicaa prisoners is executed tie ta;iors c-ay retaUate by kUiits Bs - THROWS DEAD BODY OF SON AT FATHER THEN DRIVES AWAY OKLAHOMA CITY. Okia.. Feb. 1 An cnideetlf.ed tcaa today tin-- tie y ... . . . . lly "f .,1"" Hor""- -J- iro " rwoeoc mj.l nurar. ta ;o-ns i man t lather. 1 he yonac scan had been shot throcgh the stosach. "I'vo had bim in here sine Ssnday.' tbe man tol l Horner ac the car taored away. Homer said bis son bad been in St Joeeph about a year and pMlee ei- pressed the opinion the body had been. i brought bre orertand. State Senator G. R- Homer. "'f of the dead man. said he believed his nephew had been tiled In a hijacking -1 . djal- FROM SILESIA MINE: j LONDON, Feb. 1. The teoslCB be- I tweea the a' tied troops aad the popa- LOXHON". Fvb. 1. The lateM in- lation of Essen Is noticeably more formation rvirarding the IK-uthen marked and js caasing concern, sa-rs a mine disaster, says a Central Neww RniTS dispatch from the occupied dispatch from lVrun this af-.ernooo 1 is that J J min. are known to be V- f'Q5 ts''bn embittered d-ad and fifty aiv not accounud for. T the namerots deportauocs. whirh i are reliably estimated to exceed V) In rrP.l.IN. Feb. 1. itty the Xko- numt-er. Neutral observers, the cor clated PreBi Koroe JX miners were respondent adds, believe that the to rn!! buried today in the mine at creased severity' of the occupyins lleuthen. polleh leia. in which an forces has been largely doe to the epkon i of lire damp reMerday en- ft ut not a ton of Ruhr coal has berremt the France sine the c,Pat I A Keutrs dtspatrb from Cologne liEKLlN". TeK 1 The ttal num. " French aathorlUes have in- ber of t-tjm rUimd by the eij-l-v- formed all German newspaper editors s.ou of fire damp yeyerday in a mloe that all dorc-gasory reference to the at B-uthen. polish it-Ha. ru un- French are prohibited. The editors known t,er this morning. Tbe lasrn are reported to have been eliminating report filed was that e miners wvre lroca ,t,.r, to, word -Fraao" eclomWd and 3i bodies were taken . .. r . n oiit. while 1J ir.-n at tiat time hadj rrenca. been rtsv-ued. Of thi number were In tuiitals a-uffering iroct In juries- YEGG IN POLICEMAN'S ! E ERCTT. Wah. Feb. I When ! C J. McKeilar. ecopaye of lie Great '. Northern railway was accosted early i yesterday taornitu; en a downtown comer by a man wearing a poliee of ficer a cap, star and coat, he assmmed he was bethg quitted by I f.:41ceEaa. and so did several persons who passes the twa Put w hen the can proceeded lo search MrKellar. look ls from him aad left harriedly in an aatotoobile I which o.ta.tved another passenger, i !cKel!ar decided he had been d i ceired and robbed and reported to : police headqua.ter. S0LUTI0N BOOSTS STOCKS (ConUnoed troa Pigs On) the Ameiiraa aaibasaadt'C m Loe.doa : and tie Lettish aratMad'.v ia Waah 1 inflow of tie cabuitt's acti-cn. thi 1 UTu.liiokry. it iw eapiajned. men V pern.n th ltrltih an-.baMador to i contiaue "the tnin-.portat details of ; the c gotiationv" ALEX SPARROW RESIGNS (Conunaed from page one portant arncaltcral districts. Thu rk BW only retired proieesion.! ii!. but also a high crder of tact asd adxinutratiTe aiiiur In eaub- Kshing ouarantine and derelopicg other prrvratative tseassres. Eiec toaliy he was given ssperrtsica u( all field forces enraged in this task, ieciadiac some ;; federal troops ere p loved la the work. 'All of this work was dV-ue so weU that Colonel Thomsos was liter proiTii-te4 neanii.!ivr becoir.iat a- in'jlt i:rc!oT aid t'.icg C.ror. I of tie Cm,imi o Pr: rft I ,wi:n :BuUiriiii cc-trtl vf tie arte iltS-ar prises is AIi3.;a. -d It KCia.ts r-rT-;tKU; pr ;i:s wcrk was ihArart1ad "v it-.i.J- ttnu xriscfples witioat los-g tiKin el tMiar fjf.i Ji. "CoVt3 Thoa n resigaed frc-mi '1 Ph:li;.pite a.rrx aiter lea year of splendid work to titer tlx - iv,.. o..... , 'Ion of our war ajcaicit Cermaaj - ' ' li naaSKkiifll u tipaia. U4 prcmcwd Poally to a J:eaieiiit - l - coeicr beforo h: reltra (rvni , Yn.rt" J REPUBLIC. TO BE FORKED (Coadsaed from pace cu) " -"t-' Ut't """K! j I Cuno Isauei SUtement BERLIN. IVb. l.-IPy tie Ax ,-v caasaig tie Ruhr ores;: with Amerkaa con?oo.iecu lait erejuas. declared: ' "It's bad ba;ces ba-1 for the cnwllioT but worse for tie Ww, a tba foncer gets ooihite bi! tie i iatter becocvex sys"-eitlcsJlr raised-"" I Tee ciasaeilor eoeT.aed bis rrarts to ao isaiwcd pectaU3B of tiejr, ecoootcic aaecta c: tie Kir joes-i tJon- He garo no hint tiat Grjjy cooieitpUtfes taVir.g tie iaiiiatire in; ! t present sHsatK-a. Is tiere," Tie. a&keo. a sing'-e trace ' of ecoootaic V-ric or busine aeose in this assault or-oo ooe of tie world s most "cosp-licated and bu?h!y prjdmr tire industrial areas wbscb is tv only ' ITexitently fjTiatifie-I. but also ctJ-' oaly destined fir actire ooieraiioa in tie general task of vot'A reooo- j stncUonT" Herr Ctaao presented statistical data J bearing on tie cost of tie Franco-Re)-; gian adrasoe as it coci-irel wiii tie reparations defastlis for wbkh Ge.--( many is being peaalize-i. "If we Inquire who is tie actaal : beneficiary of tiis solitary oooa;iry " of lie Rutr." tbe ciacceJIor cjciiniie-1. ' 1 tiere can be but one aaswer-Ger- many, least of a! France, w io cp to crr-sil the Rhine o? lafnort f-ft--n n ftafr 'Vl f-WI woe?! rjf j coal la additic-n to tie x-alsabte de- military organiiation will coafniEe sxre than she riaims is due her thro-gh the alleged German defaaJts." ChanceUor Cuno referred at les.c.a to tbe anjhill,t;BS r.ftKts of u,. i 1 . French operations uron lie civil serr-; ice administration, local food prices J anil destrortiTe inHaeno; on tie -j WBPre Gentian v practically hts' I . ... . bees eliminated as a Luyer in lie for eign markets, inasmuch as she is ' naturally incapacitated to ptirchas wheat, cotton, copper and other es-1 sential cotsmoditis needed to keep ' her industries in mo-Uoa and her workers employed. ' Tension Increasing EERIJN. Feb. 1 The police f ros tra led today lie attempt of a large crowd to force their way Into the Cen tral hotel at Koeu-gtberg where French officers attached to lie inter allied control corambaiou are stayiag. Th police finaHy cleared the s-jtiare btit there was a second demonstration before another hctel which is aiso a headqoarters for memwra of lie coia ciission. WOMAN'S HEALTH RESTORED She Oalms Ljdla L PinaJiim'i Vetetable Cotnpoonc Did It After ErerTthm Else FaHew - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. " I feel that I oognt to k?t yon know ahooLrr.y case. I was aucta; arxi eotud barely do my boose work and washsu; I was so ron-down, just from ia ir. one child. I took a sot of nedictnes and bad dortora. Then I rave them aH cp and took lriu E. Ftni.ha.Ti ' tegetabie Com pcond and I fee) wonderfaiiy good now. I do e-.rv- thmfr that roraes aJonc. and we all U.e yoor tnedcirae as a tonic when we don't feel just so, I an thankful for what tie eretabie Cotrpocad hat done fee ?fgtg?F< waukee, W iscctain. V. SITS. oxcLaU- auaee, i iscctism. Letters Me !Sfc- teatify to the vahx ; of the VercubCn Coe-.pooad. These ' oraen freak from the fulnesoBcf their hearts. Tb-r cKrtbe aa crrecO as they cm t.T crtxiiticos: Tirst, those : syraptotris that aected them, most coo- spKxwis'y: a.1 isier the disarcjearaBo ' of those st-rrctreijaTSrvare srrjcere - ptrawcis of r-at;:ade. "Foe rar!T efry rears Lyiia E. pir.khaa's "ecrtabt . Com poairfi ha K n r pra jei by worm n. 1 ma A. R. R. Sink EWeetrva DIXiffELDORP. Feb. 1 tEy tie t - Associated Pre.) Tie order pro tir-tig the export o coal and '-''' r. fjt.'. , fxo lie Ksir O ETjCrfajjed Gersony j .j French thereupon declared j Lis in in fi aasoa Eiisigit. they wwJ confiscate and -P"'t There Lu been no rai: towa tints and directors. ! iG,- b tLi. luf. ltikit a t - TM Preach asmocno that b:.!j Genazy fail to cue to terms, tie in- j : irv -. er.- c will he ex 1. " . . . . ri. . ..r. .i -jr arutirt rui perru4 to ter Cfftaar. j Ti raraad suite il effective ! ! Kijtace ail Cojcze aa4 tirjtebost j i Ht!K Rhr raer. Co U-ilaj daiir vorted by F-rra crw ia d 1 ! uctd dai)y frwa Paria to Mre. j j atir froca Parj to CoioSM aai a ; ' taird frcsa Pi--J to CoWeax re- j tars. I At lufersJveiE the Paris-j Uayeoro exsress was switched off! oc:o a b!ial sxS-fi b-at lie al)ei tie brakes Sa Use to arert a, COLOGNE. Feb. l'-'Py lie Xf teJ ITi Tie FT;ci aa- :hriti iTday cri-rej f c-v.- mine to tie G-I-r. jxie-IffrLni-4 distrirt lirediateiy to reKatrrf eoa! deier te to Fraaoe in a-coe-rdaa- with tie rer-ai-ation ajmeeneati Tie twines: tie l!rr-fcer-Llt e. Jfcbei K --.d lire frud-va. Tie dinv-ors of tie f.ra two niatJ rit the' Only Three More Days Left to share in these wonderful bargain we are offering during our special WHITE GOODS SALE. This is a gTeat opportunity to supply your needs and be ready for your SPRING SEWING. You will find bargains in every part of the store. The special values are not at all limited to White Goods. Bargain prices hold way in every department. Come in and inspect our goods, and you will be convinced of the exceptional value we are offering for the next three days. In our Embroidery Department you will find the well known and strictly high class Royal Society Embroidery package outfits Fisher's Yams Lead 222 W. Main 4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii)iiJi;i;iiii;i;ii TLwa" aw3 Carry Out Your I I Good Intentions i AWAY OFF in your mind you have decidt-d. to oti a home. Even- individual realizes the folly, ; the diis.satiifactit.-n and ineouveuieuee of paying ! nut. You intend to own a home some time. But good intent ioiy amount to nothing if they arc not carried out. Are you putting off until "tomor row" the decision to own your own home? Time slips away and rent continues just the same. Obey the home-building impulse now! It is This office is headquarters for building ideas. It costs you nothing to select your home or other building here from our collection of modern de- Big Pines Lumber "llllll! r 6 """ .i ' "l3., J their reply In . .. nr.ji j s-ji'i;.ji . . . - ' JL,; ... m'-jU.J It wvuld alo be; w.rrvcr rb 1 Th suP - rin - ; ter.drr.l of niiway n-re ... ! 4 h u-day by the oceuwrs "CASCARETS" TOCLEAN BOWELS Mien-Sick, Bilious, Headachy, Constipated, for Sour Stomach, Gases, Bad Breath, Colds (Va Toor bowels tkea feel fine! Va Ton feel ark. ditrr. oroet, biimu. wbea Tour head is dul! or arti- , , ..j-i) s or CJWT, . xf jrtj ber.a aeiicg j v-j bowel ctas are All Other Brands SHIELDS easier today than it would be for.lnc U and order la the t. . of l.u.-sseldorf lm tli U. . ... ... , i . lions oi m-re n-niuved. today. PARIS. Feb. By the. Amu. clat. -d Press i A Her a cabinet in-et. In today. It ' announced that measure were cousidered to retires. - j the proiiagation of false new which , ( i-liarir-d has been lnhti.,...i .... ,.i.i,.t ..t ifi.... -"""""I i the Fr-n-h finn'ial fTiArketn. cleared iwst-, you will feel like t new p?ron. lasrarrtl never iicaea or 1 1 au.-p voua Alo splendid for constipated children. 10 rents a box. also So and 50 cest sire. Any dmgstore. Stamping Done to Order Medford ? J tomorrow. Compay v -m a- 7