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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1923)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE.. MEDPOW), ORKiON'. FRIDAY. JAXl'ARV -' 1- PAftE FIVE SALEM 100 FAST IFOR MEDFORD HI, SCORE IS 40 TO 23 ' .liiuzlcd by "inhuman" Bhots and JPduiubfounded by the speed shown by the visitors tlio local basketball five Went down to defeat bofore the Salem ! quintet last nlKlit V a score or 40-23. 1 -Medford showed poor form com-1 pared to tlio 'usual.. performance and' missed many easy sHota at the basket Mrlillo Salem showed speed, teamwork t Have Permanently Cured Cases of 40 Years Standing CAN anything be more con clusive of my non-surgical, painless treatment for Piles tnd other rectal dueaies than that? Thote who have undergone to-call- ed "home-treatments" and aucceac ive operations for yean have come to me and nave ceen permanently cured. To Nmovi all doubt I VuaranUo to euro your Pilaaao tnattor bow voro or cbrouio tho Writ tedayforthit FRE booUit wMck utlilns j biitnints. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN mm II Mr-" w and uncanny busket Hhootlnu ability, coupled with a fair Burlnkllnic of luck. Okorburt?, Salem center, was high point man with 18 points of Salom's 10, while Ueinlmrt, Sale-ni' forward, scored 12 and Drown, forward, scored 8. Medford's less exiierlenced team ' lost Itself In the midst of a throni; of 1 striped suits and Singler and Ilecncy were tlio only members of the- locul five that found themselves before tho finish of the contest. Several of Sled ford's men have never beforo played a game of Importance and were more or less excited. Tonight a better showing is expected .from tho locals. Tho Salem five la composed of ex perienced men, most of whom have played for the past two or three years while LUlegren, Salem's clever left guard, played three years ago on the Chemawa Indian School team against Eddie Durno. Coach Mollis Huntington says that his aggregation will show oven more class tonight. During the holiday va cation, Huntington states, they beat a team composed of Luke and . "Slats" Gill and "Pug" Ross, O. A. C. varsity men, and two men from the Oregon varsity squad by a score of 26 18, lie this reputation as it may, the Med ford team showed fight last night and will show fight tonight, supple mented, it is hoped, by cool-headed-ness and modified tactics of offense. Discounting the unexpected and seom ingly impossible shots last night, tin: Salem men worked for every point they got and it is expected that they will work even harder tonight. A largo crowd attended last night's game and, though not too woll satis fied with tho outcouio, practically every one will be back again tonight to see a Medford comeback, and the fans expect a strong ono. Lineup: Salem, 40 Medford. 23 rtelnhart R. K. Singler Brown ;...L. P. Watson Okerburg C Daughman Patterson R. G Williams Lillegren L. O Hnteman Substitutions: Salem Fallon for Drown; Hrown for Reinhart. Med ford Deeney for Watson: Allen for Uaughiuuu; Dick Singler for Wil liams: Heichsteln for Iluteman; Riddle lor llecney. Referee: Jewott, Coutral Point. SPRAY RIG REPAIRING .Williams Implement SefviCe ' 2M H. linrtli-tt Phone IMS Is Doubting Thomas No Longer ' "All medicines and doctors for stomucli trouble proved worthless in my case. Everybody recommended something eluo ,and nothing helped, ao I became a doubting Thomas as to nny cure. Whilo in St. Louis a pnrty praised ilnyr's Wonderful Itemedy so highly . that I bought a bottle and I nm now ' a . doubting Thomiui no longer." It is a Blmplo, harmless preparation that removes tho catarrhal mucus from tho intes tinal tract and allays tho inflamma tion which causes practically nil stomachy liver .and intestinal ailments. Including appendicitis.'' One dose will convince or money refunded. For wile by nil druggists. Adv) The second team defeated the Quid Hill high school team by a score of r.3 to 8 In the preliminary contest. The game was reforeed by Wagner, uu Oregon man from Gold Hill. EDMONTON, Altn Everett Mc Gowan of St. Paul, Sllnn., broke the world's record of 2:35 for ono mild on tho Ice with a time of 2:24. ST LOUIS,;. Mo.-rJohnny SchUlte. catcher for the Mobile Southern asso ciation team last year, slgnod a con tract with the St Louis Browns. Basketball Results. At Eugene University of Wasliing ton. 34 : University of Oregon, 32. At Choney Cheney State normal, 6G; Lewiston (Idaho) normal, C. Grnpplors Moot Tonight. SEATTLE. Jnn. 28. Their Br.'ip piers having defeated the University of Oregon In Eugene last year, versitv of Washington fans are hop Ing for victory tonight when the Husky wrestling team makes its first appearance of the season, meet ing tlio Lemon Yellow hero. The men who will contend on the mat for Washington and Oregon re spectively aro: 126 pounds. Boy Ilerry and Chester Sumption: 135, Everett Paup and Roy Oarrett: 143. IJarrol t.eavitt and Harvey Robert son: 108, Joo Crumb, and James Iimdwny; 175, Pnul Davis and Jens Terjcaon. RJflc Mau-h Ily Wire SEATTLE. Jnn. 26. A ten roan team of tho University ot Washington was today to engago .in a shooting match with Boston University, the results to bo exchanged by telegraph. Tho contest consisted of ten shots off hand and ten prone for each man. the flvo best shots on each sldo to count. Washington defeated Boston In the two previous shoots of this kind between the institutions. E BY EXTENSION OF NEW YOItK, Jnn. SC. Babo Ruth's blood pressure went up to day and ho smiled broader than he has done ulnco the world's series.. In the series Bab didn't do so well. Bnbo accompanied I'Wonnl Huston, half owner of tho Yankees to the new Yankee stadium In the Bronx, whero the Bambino will spend many afternoons next summer. Together they surveyed the nearly completed umpithentcr. "Bay." said the Babe, 'here's ono baby who is mighty glad he's not a center fielder. but," he hastened to add, "who'sc mighty glad he's a bat ter." Tho Center field of the Yankee park extends .sixty-five feet further thnn at tho Polo grounds which. In cidentally, is to bo lengthened. Ruth predicted that many home runs would be made within the Yankee park and that the bank where tho turf approaches the stands will af ford opportunities for many spec tacular catches by the gardners. Ruth plays lift field. Radio Program Barney Baruch Favors Ford's Shoals Offer ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 2C (By the Associated ' Press)- Acceptance of Henry Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals provided no better of fer is available and conditioned on tho actual pro duction of nitrogen .for fertilizer , at th rate of 40,000 tons a year is i mmended 'lii '. a special report made to the Americnn Farm Bureau Federation by Bernard M. Baruch'; war time chairman of tho war Indus tries' board. . T. R.'s Estate Value Grows. NEW YORK, - Jan. 20. An ac counting by trustees of the estate of Theodore Rqosevelt approved . by .a refereo,- and filed In supreme court todayi. revealed that Jts- value has In rreosod from J687I370 to S702.2JS between January 6, 1919. tho day ot his dentn, and March 31, 1922. It ffliifeiillliliiillfe! Reasons Why the Bonds of the M. F. Hanley Ranch Are Best for Local Investors! Convenient Denominations $100, $500, $1000. Interest payable semi-annually. Legal investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in Oregon. Bonded debt only 25. of appraised value of security Price par and interest, yielding Jv2 You alread' kiiow tho wou'deri'ul .fer tility of this world famed Ifoguc River Valiey; you know of the ability of Mr. Ilanley as a successful rancher and of the proximit' of his holdings. .. But do you know that your investment in the Bonds of the M. F. Ilanley rauch is secured by property worth four times the entire amount of bonds? These Bonds permit the investor to invest his funds for a longer period of time than is possible with the average farm .mortgage. Moreover, the usual farm mortgage makes no provision for maintenance of earning power; whereas .in this security, Mr. Ilanley covenants to keep on hand at all tinies at least GOO head of. cattle. ';';,- We have given this loan a thorough In-' vestigation and recommend these I3onda as an unusually attractive and conserv ative investment. Tlie Portland Trust Co. is appointed as Trustee for the Bondholders to sec that . all provisions of the mortgage are ad hered to and to see that principal and interest are promptly paid. Our Mr. Veazio at the Medford Hotel will be glad to call upon you and explain the many other features of these Bonds. Phone 764 for informa tion and descriptive circulars or write us direct. G'E-MILLER & COMPANY m Seattle Oakland MUNICI PAL CD FLOOR N. W. BANK BLDO. PORTLAND San Francisco . Los Angeles Telephone Main 4195 i ' i i i 1 1 in i i ii mi' i ii-TifTTTiiTri 1 ' i 111 nr I " ni The following program, arranged by Wm. K. Isaacs -will be broadcast tonight .(Friday) between 9 and 10 p. .m.; by KFAV. Medford, Oregon. Miss Fluster Le Mar ..Mezzo-Soprano Miss Kern Hutchison Pianist William Harris and W. K. Isaacs . . , . . . "i . . . . . Itai-itones Mrs. Ouy Childcrs and Miss Fern Mutchison accompanying. "When Winter Comes," piano solo Harry Carroll . Miss Kern Hutchison. (a) "April. Showers." vocal solo.. (b) "Nobody Lied" vocal solo .. Misa Buster Le Mar. (n "nocause." vocal solo. .d'Hardlot (b) "Vale," vocal soto Itussoll William Harris, (a) "Tho Winds Are Calling." ... b) "Down in the Kortvt," vocal solo . ... Konald Wm. F. Isaacs. "Chicago," piano solo Fisher Miss Fern Hutchison, (a) "Why Should I Cry Over You" (b) "Three o'clock in tho Morning," . vocnl solos Itlss Duster Lc Mur. "Uond to Mandnlay'rvocal solo, . . -. i Speaks . Mr. Wm. Harris. (a) "Jean" vocal,. solo Burleigh (b) "Prelude," vocal solo ...Honald Win. F. Isaac". i i Bauwwmi Picturlzed Tale by Kyne, Pago "While Satan Sleeps," . which is made from Feter B. Kyne's "Tho Par son of Pantamint," is at the Pago Theator this week with Jnclc Holt as Its thief-parson hero. Ho is a bishop's son, this unregenerate, who lands in a szmall town and, under tho guise of being a churchman, carries on his regular business of thieving. He is reformed finally and puts on the white vestments of the clergyman worthily. Jack Holt has FYltzl Brunette for his vis-a-vis. Mabol Van tluron plnys a dance hall girl who repents on hor death bed, Sunflower Radio, sho Is called. J. P. Locknoy does a good bit as Chucks walla Bill, and Wado Butler. Sylvia Ashton and Herbert Standing do bits that, add to the reality of the scenes. 1 ' 1 ' , Betty Brown has anothor of her In triguing programs of popular music played as only she can" piny It, and Bull Montana In "A Ladies Man" is an important attraction on tho bill. Rialto Attraction "The 8ln Flood" "The .Sin Flood," an extraordinary story, tho evcntB of which roveal the inherent characteristics of a dozen types of "sinners." is on tho screen at tho Rialto Theater for today and tomorrow. Its remarkable situations are such as to bring to light the real selves ot the various characters In volved. In the bollof that thoir day of reckoning has come, all moke decided ly frank confessions of their sins and pledge themselves to a better order of living, until events' suddenly take a now turn, tho peril Is removod, and somehow tho ropentant sinners seem to forgot tholr. vows. In the caso are Holeno Chadwlck, Richard Dlx, James Kirkwood, Ralph Lewis and others. Varied films and music by Alice Jay are on the bill. . Medford Center Dept. Store FnUy Stopped Agnln. OLYMI'IA. Jnn. 20. The execu tive board of the stnto federation of women's clubs passed a resolution beforo adjournment of Its rnld-win ter session hero yesterday protesting against exhibition o; Uoscoo Arbucklc films in wosnmgton. Notice to Beginner. Beginning classes In tho 1st grade will be started Monday, January 20th, at Washington, Lincoln and RuosovnU Schools. Children may be entered In these classes who aro now six or will be six years of ago by May 1st. Should these become too heavy, we will send away the youngest entrants or thoso appearing least able to carry the work. All pupils entering these classes, should enter preferably on tho opening day. In no event will they be accepted entering after Monday, February 12th. Such children as are In the Jackson section may enter the beginning classes cither at Washing ton or Lincoln School. (Signed) AUBREY O. 8MITH, 2fii Superintendent. J Drastic Reductions for One Week on Every Article of Men's and Boys' Hats, Caps and Wearing Ap parel, and Every Lady's Coat, Cape and Dress. Don't miss this chance to save real money. The $75,000 Painting Entitled "NEVER ALONE" By Herbert de Marcau, famous artist and world war hero, killed in the battle of Chateau Thierry June 6, 1918, on exhibition here for a limited time. Medford Center Sanitary Market COMING GOODNESS CASTS ITS FRAGRANCE beforo. where our meats arc sorved. Their fine otlur is a temptation to cat and to cat is surely to enjoy to tho utmost. Try a roast and see if you don't find it finer than meat you have ever tasted before, mid at not n bit higher cost.' FOR ONE WEEK tlnby Beef Pot Roast 12 1-2 to 18c Venl Stew, per lb 12 l-2o ,Vcal Pot Hoast.. 15o to 25c Eastern .Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, half or whole....' 28c Eastern Itaeon, half or wholc....28c Pienie Shouledrs 19o Open Kettle Pure Lni'd 171-2c (food tender Seuk 20o Real torn Beef .'...15c to 25c Hamburger 15c, 2 lbs. 25o Pure Pork Sausage 25c Round Steak Ground While You Wait. ' 20th Century Grocery SATURDAY ONLY FROM MORNING UNTIL 2 O'CLOCK: Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 Cans 25 Cents (Limit 3 Cans) . SATURDAY AND MONDAY WE OFFER Cane Sugar, 13 lbs $l.QO Blue Kose Iload Riec, 3Vo lbs 25 cents Royal Baking Powder, large cans 40 cents Oregon Yellow Onions, 3 lbs 10 cents Oregon Yellow Onions, 10 lbs.... .........29 cents Crystal White Soap, 10 bars ..46 cents' Freshly- Seeded Sun Maid Raisins, large pkt 15$ Standard String Beans or Corn.... 2 cans 25 cents Sweet Potatoes, G lbs , ....25 cents' Royal White Soap, 10 bars............ ;.:.,.41 cents 20th Century Coffee, "a little better every day,'! Pound." ...33 3 lbs....! ........95 Blookers Cocoat, finest Dutch , Cocoa on the Pacific Coast.:.. 15, 30 58. MEDFORD ASHLAND TO HAVE YOUR OLD CLOTHES RELINED, CLEANED AND PRESSED Our Equipment and Experience Assures You the Best Service CLEANING-REPAIRING, PRESSING, DYEING ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB RATES One Man Top for Fords $16.22 " FOR 8 MORE DAYS Medford Tent & Awning Works Opposite S. P. Depot NOTICE. Through an Error Onr Office : Telephone Number was omitted la the new Directory. "'.'' '.'"'. IT IS 77 ''"' DR. n. E. MUltrilX. Dentistry and X-Itay " Bnd Floor Medford Bids. . '. v HEAT WITH COAL : Place Your Order Now lor . J Quick DellTcry . ; Hansen Coal Co. ' " (Successors to kudo) M 8. Fir St Thone 230-J Blue Front Fizit Shop 111 S. Holly BU "WE FIX ANYTHIKO'VV Phone IM . Razor Wade Sharpening H. W. CONGER y , UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Oo. Medford. Ore. WATCH YOUR BATTERY V PRK8T-0-MTB BATTERY " STATION For Quick Herrtce Phone 11B REAL BARGAINS In Serviceable Used Can Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front St. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio PIPE FLUSH Quickly dissolve all obstructions Jn cloioccri drnln and sewer pipes '.' RCY IT TRY IT For Sale By A, It, VnOMAV, 113 Front Xti