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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1923)
V.KCT. TTO irrnroED wait; TRTBrsTL !TDfot:d. onr,os. fhthay. .tantat:y v. rcz TTocal and Personal Th -T1 -JfrtA'-VX Of iii-' si-ilrf--' tut co-Jb over a ju-H "it u tbjs tu'jnatx fyr Si'fCij. Tii- lmu.'t a B-S.;; OIWiar! r tins njr::fc "'Ui a it.!:.!!, uli The eferaii aOertiwri t V Wiil H- f'j-r IJ litre ijii ixi are ti If if.erwr-4 :t t'.iun.: '- for year ir J! Ksight ?fcii-tj Ob j-faone ii'.-H Z cU tJL. i'i larse. locay ,or fca Jr i-rl: S jwerry. rC Jot a toy. Tiris. after wtA A!i yvperrr m - she w pass tir.n, Kei J""-- toulf" taw etarre Ot H. Cross .art a a "r Co- 2' r iare territory - lI! Friutercwers Basi. Ft- -J&jar t-y 7t .;u. aiiue mst e. WWW 'Jfcp, KflS&Ct ax a3 M ee pnte. os Atiiar a pir. ; if G.-6 ijaraft. ti tt-iii r- lita aJ Ji-piiie Gvuaty, m vien&ir i ti.e c:ty j essecaT ad attea-oeti Che Dint. aXK H'Jt fc.r rt.f t. Stti:r cy TC .- A i Pr--- giKef aiifi Oi fyris at Ti Kc.i Siiut t: E-it-; f.-.iJii r-x-a J'jr -Tiy ini Prn-r .-lii. 4H f if aa txt-rs. set Binowir. 7ne jtaw tAor- Ati-jrwy rrtii P. Faat-3 ax -.: LaT r-t unc frwaa a fcitirl tn I'j f'vrrH.r.fl EaL. .i-c J-Jii'J a-CEli u Hit f'jmr v- Pw Stit I.f acres T Uai4 e ci! f'ti. grtix ess :acx OtsttTt Wilt d Trial tw a iu'. u oil liwa rjf oar n u rt i .act lar a 1tt ty -js-j. ' K. A,Jt TTrt ri tree: Asu.rii exTjena u Jot iat. t- t-;i 1 1 yrvx vtlvcia Mn iitst. jirk r.(.ft. Tbe Eu Kot-e TL rxy ejeari La uis-TKie C it" 3se Irjt u sat fiectnc aKi: U'jlc NorLa E-rrKja ait tiit a--BTVi-.aii -u tz.a: iiwoaii-t ai carA&, tiuusiu aj.f Kt-i-ntrB roai. ti latter Lx tx-ji at tt S. tte piT:x c erar a H tjt. a; jest tscifi ; Tniif t.f:!r!-ti zza- itru;e tD' J AJ3 tat. c ratf u,; d-M : 1b Xaaae Woat 711' Tos taa pt t b DtTae i tf : Ouirifca Hdtafjsa i ii i'cal A yt'j'x'J OJ cccrjfcxy tit diy HaX OctrU Pwtt. Fncir. Jia. : ' tie. P?i 4 Oria-Ftri I 'ui : . a. y-'itea hfcvua auwoiiciiet are lna-t.! Boiclt wilj Uuld lira. tf i iian t. Hk a-i. Ky.a.tut j Tb W. O. W. ititai !ju asiii-i a; Lt3oL ICi j iatea at ltir, ia.a ax j i Dtai-je. E.t Po-tt. Sat, alia. JC7 in addition to otter l.aa-bi tt-tiy-i i tataniiy iy. ri Hcu Sr.e St 1 ErtTTttie a ii?t ra BEriT t-M.-ri?tK.. art irw. e a.: Orccu Nbtm-t oa Xna Mta S au-te riijcuifc, Jifts-i ; u nak a aociai afliir of i&eir tii i wit.t Ltititt aura, Tto r- j tufcttit. The eTaii5 iil a vjci?- , a-ifei itT i--Jtca J'-T wiia li ith a dam for cnnri a2 ! Anri2aa Ed Crvfei ia Ait-.'f . a j ta:r lasUlu-a aa4 rlTuii&rtu t-i ' tr-jta. of irjucir at a lomuj rr-vo-jn j be errd Wkiwias tie ctzxx. i .Ckua out aii uu riaclii7. i-.xrt. lert oa tie " trsiia aererfcl g'4 lf? . iTttua 4 yr CejitraJ F'yist i-re t J! fc ( fcererai iayf rititiaj; ana rten4i ai Vra. Hr Iil. a rsvettlr vumirmt to lumi&n matterm. R9--TWd ua U C3itua:tj' , 'jar? i-Eny- -intal V.t iVttixiUi and ii tL.c X&aoe. iatxaoti Hot PrjLi, Eatcr- f Twry. air, ft! riavrr. j 4ay. Vrr. D. O. aSoC'rvwuej of St ' Daac Rat, Oriestal KaEnoai. At aJinoorl. arr.rel to nail Lr ti-e ay . lori a oreiestrx. . rT-V- of tte orstiva ti u tfr tif ! air. Herbert Laaxicpadt baa re- r.r-n tier tie Cirie clsa 1sL;1 j Wed, Jan. tare of li Ked boa a&d cti2:rt-a. ; Ciraet fras a bobdxr Tirit ttii ber aeons-pesied Mxa. KtCnsacr OrteaUJ fcaUroom' Bat. cibtf hAmua)t ctxtM. Paevt atotji of Fraw;oefje Waiatn treea ia Oregon ax Grax.ta Pan rt JT. N. Jfca Bt .Tie erjtiitioa of Mr Merle WCUU. bo caderveal aa emerreocr tte Sacred ter ia tie to-itiy v as reyretecie-l W"biie tie reacy frienii of Mine PiD 4:ne will ieefiy regret ir letTixg aia actiB, tfaey cascui beip bot be jrtad tiai tie Jontd orit tbai proaiiaea are 1'jt tin: rasre and is to ber ad rartare." Haila Ke4 EapanoiT BpeciaJ re- bT " recu. Mr. acd ifra. A. R. Garret i Epaatn cat. Mecford Bokbui at VaU). Calif. - i College. A3 Kada of rwagSi and drmed has-1 GooiiB Corset Saop. S. Fir. be.-. Wallace Wooda, paoaa in. Tit - - Haier. local taiior. reioraed E. afaia. aeTeral !a ago froa a coiTeation of B Vi'. Meadows h" epeoe4 a cna-' seTtaax uSar teid ia Str. Fraa biaauon mir ahCfp oa ta eorner of j ciaeo. B. Front aad tth. Mecfcaaical black Tta office ia p.-e&rt3 to print axitWag. laih work, grinding, filing ledger tbeeta. biila, etc, used on the and gaa tt-vK c 22 ' boorteepitg isactrnea. ls t gjTe Or afteniwaa." aayt tiie Ain't, nd Tid- j eatai balirooja. t5. i. "Aa exr)XKaaIly fine trograa; j Xuraery stock gaaraated, a gjea wbiie erery conm-caity reu- j ed. fail lit. Write todir. Graxt Pkjb Xnreerr. Granu Pass. Oregon. JT!i Woris ia progreMg ckiely on the aew hardware and aortlts goois 1 store being establishe! by H- M- Ker caa. The baildu is being grsaiy irtproTed and all the latest ooeTeti eaoea and firmres are being instaHei ' There s co place Lie Hoidei for complete Iasaraoc serrice. ; is nyjru4 as rery farorabie. . !A waijt dr:ea tiorzs at the KSectrae Eso. OrMratal EaCrwrn' Eat. Bight Zl tioa for aetdious at the Baered j -pj.e meetiag of the Parent Teachers i Xar orders to travelitg neii ud haTe Heart hospital on Tharday i'jnzutm. tiaSl u valiey View yesterday was ia thea printed oat of Itedford. Phone a Urge way a gatheriag to greet Mis i os and we w-ji eaa. tr- j dewastratioa agent The reoeptio t Radio Serrase and operator of K. F. A. prored a deligttfcl affair aid fine re- T- broadcasting siatKHi at the fair i fr trj.-,i wre uttL The i:ii'ct 1 grocBds is El and cocfijied to his the y'-'Xt lodge last B.rit, and another , fil, buin Krocrsun was - tea-1 hon with a aerere cold. A program. tiiea." Totoorrow iliu Teich meeu ', arraxged hy WiBiara F. Isaacs, will j Tcesiay night the De WoUy degree wna toe womea m in wagaer urees : swujt r. a. - . u l given ajui cereiaoiues wui school section, where a dress lono bowerer from sine to tea. school will be held. . I Iance, Eagie Point, fcat, n'.te. M7' Strawberries. Tarietiem. best only I For Sale New Coram bia pbono 1c esLrii tn st trnxntitr at Grants Pus ' graph records at half trice. Victor. Nursery on S. l'.th Bt. ; bronswick, ColomWa, Pathe I Sooora candidate was to bare been Initiated at that tine bet was deiayed from his retara from a visit at Grants Pass aa tJ too late- The new baby Elks, who are regarded as rery likely tubs are Thomas H. Necs. Chas. E. Klaess, E O. Garoey, H. A Bnrger. E. L. Ingram. J. F. Wati. Sat. a:ght dance' Oriental Ball room! We bare g-xd yalues ta osed cars. Patton k RrAAnvjB. Inc. tf Miss Esther Fall of Hi't Calif., has rettrrned to ber home ftr risitisg friends and relatires in this city. , Dtace, Eagle Polex. Mt.nite. VT After the fire It Is too late to in sure. See Redden ; Canada y now. J04tf Spring plowing has started in some sections of the raiely. but will not be general for another week or t days Worsen s shoes, oxfords and pomps on sale Batardsy onjy at one dollar a pair. The Hrib Shoe Htore. Vr-t' Plant a prone orchard Finest Ital ian trees now on band at Grams Pass ' Nursery, only JSc each in acre lota North 1Mb St.. Grants Pass. t'A Word that the Bellerlew section baa won oot in its fight for water and that the Talent Irrigation dis trict bad decided to include It In that district, was learned today, bat the announcement could oot be officially confirmed late this afternoon. ' For many months the farmers of the Belle- view section hare been trying to ob tain water for their laad. and only re cently bad sufficient acreage been signed np to rnstrre this. With wateT in the district, BelleTlew is exjtected to' rapidly develop Ashland Tidings. Oriental Ballroom Bat. Bight Al ford s orchestra. lit Baits cleaned and pressed. Pan lor lam I;re Works. Phone :f and we will tall. t John McDonald of Trail was one of the visitors ia the city today, Dance, Jackson Hot Springs. Saturday. Chiropody. Phoae MM. 2T Frank Amy. who with R H. White- bead is spending the winter in Hono lulu, writes friends ia this city that they are having a fine lime froliclng on the beach, and basking nesth tropi cal palms. Mr. Amy writes: "we went over to Kilean volcano, the other day, and from the looks of It I wonld lodge that several In Medford might land there some time." l'boaa 2i4. The Paatoiium Dye Works and ak about our monthly club rates. Four suits sponged sad pressed f2.(0 per month. Club members' suits cleaned for $109. - .. tf Hemitltrriine at fteoet . - ' ! Masquerade! Wed, Jan. J4 Ori ental ballroom. ZV." . A branch of the Fred U Keath dreg , rtore will be esta'oiisted sooa in lie Medford Center beading. The work ; of installing the braach was began ; today. j For Diamond coal hricketta. phone. Valley Fa! Co. Phooe 76. Will trade tana tractor ud plow. I naed less than Vt days, for liTe stock. ; F. P. Farrtn. Jackson County Easii Edg. 24:tf . The local chapter of tie Order of j De Moiay beid a ceetag last evening at the Maaonic hall and three caniii- j dales were takes into the order. Next start promptly at t.Zv. All Master j Masons and De Malays are invited to i attend. j Auto insurance. Brown i white. : Milk and cream at DeVoe'a. tf I Dollar day at The Hub Shoe Store i phonographs and records at reduced j J. C. Boyle, division manager of the ; Bauirday. One lot women's oxfords ! prices. Music Boop. 1 N. Grape street. Klamath Division of the California : on sale Saturday only at one dollar j next to Farmers t Fruitgrowers Bank. Oregon Power company and former 1 ,fr TV. lTih Rh, fiinr 9LLm t Phone 4a-J. lf i Vt-AfnrA resident lft ?ii: morBinp ' fc. ft. Day. of the Day Motor com-1 for his home in Kla -nth Falls after : in N rO OTHER choc- olates will do after Tan Jar has been granted its first iudi- ence. i, , - Voan't? CI I .ici lk.Chorolatel ofrmChcnre! . . . . ... A. VtXAlH rut i ' liouiiri W ,dr. UMMi fUjf Potter of Watkiaa. Ore, ia spending the week in the city attend ing to business matters. A bale of 2-1 size blankets shipped last fall nat arrived. We put oa sale at 11 O per pair. Hutchison k Lams den. 2M' Oriental ballroom masquerade. Wed. Jan. 2. 2C 11. J. Dormaa of Salem is in this city and Jacksonville for a few days on business. Sal. night dance! Oriental Ball room! IVS Ladles silk and wool nose, values to I V. to dose out we pot a price of Use on them. Hutchison at Lams den. - Frederick Dad d) smart, a student from Medford at the Pratt Art Insti tute. New York City, baa been dele gated by that school to paint the pie tare to be entered into a nation-wide competition. The financial reward to the winner Is The picture must be completed by March 1st Japanese blue and while lunch cloths, ail sixes Jap Art Store. SiS' Hot tamales and chill con came at De Voe'a. tf George Young and John Doe Knnis arrested Tuesday on Sykes creek for killing deer out of season, pleaded guilty yesterday in Medford to the charge and were given Jail sentences. Wardens Pat Daily, of Medford. aad George Bancroft, of this city, were instrumental in arresting the men. Grants Pass Courier. Finest California Privet Hedge only le each. Hoses only 2fc to Kt each at Grants Paas Nursery on North l'th St. J. -a TV. - U.ik Ckn. Cenvsa ljo iar lit' m l ui ii uv ouvc One lot women s pumps, all at one ! "J" 6A,Li-,s'",, '" zr:oirrz ,i e don" si. i f -ra The Hub Bhoe Blore. 245' I j M Wi Kui Jjl0e jj; Charles Strang, local druggist has j purchased a new Essex Coach for the rt'K bAI.t . room bouse, IJ'y. convenience of himself and family. Ladies black silk and wool nose; special to close out Ssc pair. Hutchi son 4c Lumsden. pasy, left today for his stock ranch in Sams valley, near Medford- Al bany Democrat. New fitting room for Selby Arch Preserver Ehoes at The Hub Shoe Store. Special attentats given to fit ting of Arch Preserver Shoes. See window. The Hub Shoe Store, tii The appearance of Governor Pierce at the banquet of the Jackson County Game Protection association, Satur day. February 3rd, has Jackson county detnocracy all agog, and when the chief executive returns to Salem it is expected local followers of Jefferson, Jackson and Wilson will know defin itely, who is going to represent south era Oregon on the fiih and game com mission, and the berths connected therewith. When in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods. 108 or come to Til E. Main street, New Buffet Lunch will open at Brown Brown s Saturday. Jan. rtrth. Something different in the catering industry. A noose of personal service. Buffet lunch open 11:00 a. m. till mid night H. B. Adkins. Proprietor. 2i5 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CONVALESCENT HOME lacing Park. Ashland. We board and care for babies and children. 255 FOR BALK OK EXCHANGE on Port land residence, modern six roots house, large lot, on pavement Phone j 72J-M. IS I a brief business visit in Medford. Hemstitching and picotlng. silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and Bartlett The Vanity Shop. tr;j There's a busy b urine sa College in your home town. GWN. Corns Peel Off Like a Banana Skin wbra yen tenth tbm with lor Jdroi of "GfUvIt-' ta Sk. (M7, T-irk coin remrjTtv-Btcd 07 milftacaot pwpie. Use "Gets-kt" Tfodaarerooj rulttns. trimming or par tor. lactam rlw from mu nalo azxi Kn IMi. tVtl t a inne er-rrvrar. Hoary bark it rt (ailk E. Lawrence a Go. Mir, Catcwro. Leon B. Haskins ftrrwnar'B Droz More FOR SALE Pork sausage and lard at j Public Market Saturday. C. C. j tcapman. - Handicraft Shop, Hemstitching Pi co ting - 8c per yard. Buttons covered. clear; close-in. paved street IK""! will handle P O. Box 5.0 ii DONT FOEGET H'd'we Co. Grand maaquerauw Wed, Jan. 21. Orlenul ballroom. 25S ' Km II llntt and Ir. Robinson of Jack-1 sonville spent Thursday afternoon In ! the city oa business Better hurry! IIS.W) buys most any suit in slock for a few days only. Klein the Tailor. 12s E. Main, op stalrs. K' Dollar day at the Hub Shoe Store Saturday only. One lot women's lace shoes at on dollar a pair, good styles, most all sizes. The Hub Shoe Store. 215" A tentative agreement has been reached hereby the Medford High schooj basketball t'm ill plsy the Rogue River team. Monday, February 12th at that city, and the following Friday In this city. The Rogue River five Is a strong team with only 1". boys In the school, and are after the stale championship. Illg annual number of Motor just received. Limited number. Buy from your news dealer. 251 Take your kodak filras to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. U O, V. Myers, district representative . for the Mack Truck company has par- chased a new Buick touring car from the Medford Auto company in ahlch to cover bis territory. Learn Spanish In 20 days. Medford Business College. 2S . Au(o Insurance, Brtrwo ft TvgMe. j , PAGE Announcement Extraordinary Mgtil j Cwnaia; MaiJnce 2-S0 iwruiou Glorious Operatic Season Light and Comic Opera 3 XT irXJ T" C Starting Monday, Jan. 22 IX 1 VJ n 1 O and Matinee Wed. American Light Opera Company in 'FPI -F.M. - momu:h ciiom niRMY h;om itvroiin A(iHIK.NT .IT -THM Al HIT' Ilill'M Kl l-l ltToIltK: Eve ' Bohemian Girl" Eve. "Mikado- Wed. Mi t. "Chime of Normandy" Wed. Eve. "Pinafore" - Mon. Tnei Popular pHrv, inrluiline lav Umrr llm-r tvl firt H rM Ktl i ny l III. Itt nms bnlcony : T' xow hH.i.i; , Malinee IVire Name perfonnance. NUht VJ. ECONOMY GROCETERIA THE HOME OF BREAD LIRE MOTHER HADE Our Saturday specials are merely another example of what cash will do. Your neighbors are on a cash basis and are profiting by it. Come in and let us show you. Crystal White Soap, 22 bars $1-00 Ivory Soap, small size, 15 bars $1.00 Ivory Soap, large size, 8 bars 97c Star Naptha Washing Powder, always 10c, 21 pkgs $1.00 Kentucky Wonder Beans, No. 2 cans, 3 for 40c Standard Pack Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c Fancy Solid Pack Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 3 for 50c S & W Catsup, pints 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 3 pkgs 35c G & L Special Blend Coffee, 3 lbs. 89c Bulk Cocoa, good grade, 3 lbs 29c Tea Garden Orange Marmalade 3 jars . . 85c Jelly, 6 cz. glasses 10c ( BACON MORRELL'S PRIDE BACON, extra fancy eastern bacon, lb. 39c BAKERY SPECIAL FRENCH MOCHA or DEVIL'S FOOD CAKES, cur regular 35c cakes, for Saturday only each 23c Limit 100 Cakes GATEvS . LYDIARD Buy here and bank the difference n2a& a'ff; Tar a THANK YOU! Car heartiest thanks to the press and Public for the unprecedented reception accorded the initial, presentations cf "The Eternal Flame." Page Theatre Management. JsV - - " &fi- k : - -- -";7:-A.'L'v &0r'' fir KSJli0!,Si 'x .j&f&r w The Drama Magnificient 8 Supreme Reels A perfect cons;nar.ce cf masterly production, rpt-ctictliLr hearty, dra-na de luxe. Star sup porting cart includes:.. Conway Tearle, Wedgewood KosreU, Adolphe Jean Menjou, Eosernary Theby, Irving Cumrnings.' NOW PLAYING! Ems in Suailay MABION IHIIM "The Young I f ontiouov IVrformance Tomorrow and um!ay rJ::Wl to 1 1 :KI I. I. Hi Suntlay lil'STKl! KKATOX Wife's Helation" NOTICE. Throogn an Krror Onr Office TelrpboDe Number was omitted la the ew IMrertory. IT IS 77 PTt. H. E. MI R PUT, Ientltry and X-IUy 2nd Floor Mrdfortl Bids. Babbiting-, Welding, Repairing and Lathe Work REASONABLE RATE: Crater Lake Automotiv ' : 12.1 Sooth Kront St. vY RIG REPAIRING iarns Implemett Service art In t l'hone Jtl.. HEAT WITH COA Ilace Yonr Or.Ir-r Xow f Quick lielitrry Hansen Coal Co. (.Snrce-twrs to Kn5 SIS. First. Thorn JAL BARGAINS Serviceable Used Cars r Lake Automotive Co. til Souih l'rvint St, GIM CHUNG China Herb Store ..T?l" J' ,0 certiry rhut oim Oiuna of Vfdford, Ore, his cared ms cf g-ottrs nl stomirb trouM. s. W. Irfonari, ( J St.. drams ram. Meiifoni, Or. h cured ms ot rupture Vf . UX '""' Mr.,1lns F. O. llham, , Hi S St.. Grunts Pns. Ore. I McdfrA Oreon. Jan. 1. 11T. J Th's is to rtify that L the under i slenri. hd virv tftn toro trouble ' anrt h(1 ben t 'thr1 for wrtnl yvar j and Aueunt wm not expected to i !!,vt ,T,cl h'srine of Olro Chung (vhow Hrrb tor Is at 514 Souih Front street., 1 1-l!d t set hrhs for mr B.oniacn trouDie. and I started to reltna wttor soon as 1 used them snd today am a wU man and ran hesrttlv recom mtr.d sn-on affliote1 an I was to ses Q.m Chure and try h' Hfrtu (S -ifO W. R. JOHNSON. v"m. Lewis. Ee Po(Bt W. u Ch'!h. Far' rolnt M. A. Andrrson. MfdfnnL S. R Holmfs, Kasle Polnv C. E. Moore. Kails Point J. V. llclntyrs, F.fl Point. to. Von dfr Itrllrn. Fsrl PHnt Tboa K. Nichols. Kaa-ia Point.