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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1923)
PSGE EIGIIT MEDFORD.. IZXm TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, : OREG OX, . FRIDAY,- JANUARY.;.--192:1 IIVSI I I H III IW .11 I-- TAlK FOR BENEFIT F Oh Look Musical Comedy, Page,Toriigh i fll... I'liAiln l.ufnre cllllk III,- RMnK a splendid program of music und Prof. . IrviiiK Vlnlng of Ashland will -deliver on of IiIh iulur h-c-turwi,' "Types nnd Tendency ( People" Monday ovenlnK. January H In . the Prosuyterlnn church. The mejnbers of the Oregon Federation of Wome.n's clubs observe ono day dur ing January as K:holurshlri l-oan fund Hay. Tim following letter tf been .vrnt to alt federated -IuIjh: . "To the members of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, 1 "Cieetlngs: ' "May I remind you that the Inst Wednesday In January 1r Scholarship l.oan Fund Way, and that wo are aNk -Ina- -thn . varlouN clubs to give parly 'und generously to thin rnobt worthy srflvity which wo are pledged to sup port? The women of Oregon should he- proud of :the fact thut to date they hove arjilHted 312 ' young- women to scur un education that will enable Ihem to become toore nearly the type f.f . Amerh-un young womanhood that nur. modern civilization demands. -...This year ' because of the depleted condition of our treasury, we have had to refuse aid to several worthy jjirut and to keep a number of others waiting whole semester betorc a loan could be. made-.'-'To dute we have placed 26 'new loans this year which means a finan cial responsibility of 13900. There was f 14&8.71 In the treasury when we as Fumed the chairmanship In Septem ber nnd wo aro. rooming on the pro-' ceed of Ited Letter nay to supply the large deficit. The women of Oregon, will not fall us. we are confident, when they realize that this la their opportunity to help In the best' nnd most constructive way, by helping these youliK women to help thorn Helve.. May we urge you to send In your contributions promptly, and if possible to Increase the amount over that of last year. . . ;. . "JEHHIE McOREGORY. .. " .' .- "Chairman.'' :. Tho past .two years the flreater Medford club have given 141.00 and they arc hoping to Increase1 that amount' thin year.. There will he no admission chance for this splendid program, hut on offering will he taken, and the. members feel confi dent of a generous one. . . ..SCOTLAND NECK,. N. C Con-Rressman- Claude - Kitcbin, who has been suffering with an attack of pneu monia since Saturday Is reported out of danger. - .. ,. ,. . . 'With Medford trsdo Ik Medford rnnrte.' ,.:. mis TheCentral Pumt State Bank Makes Excellent Showing ' The Central Point' State Dank mufle an excellent -'show Ine for - Increased business and deposits during 1922 und the directors have re-elected the same officers for 1923, , - Ourlns the, past year the hank In stalled a Cannon Hftll alarm nystem protecting them night and day again;,t burglary, and adding one more proof of their up-to-date methods. The bank Is in a position . at . nil times to meet any demands that :ire mails upon them'.. I HARRY FOX AND STAGE BEAUTIES "Oh Look,' 'the New York Yander- noted comedian., The chorus, resplen- hilt theatre success, comes to the I dent in pulchritude, was picked In Los Pno-o Ihantra tmfifl.t 1 la IliA nutat. '-nfeeieS. " ' . '. ' I, . , .1 the cast with Mr. Fox are Ethan cui version oi jumes Aiontgomery s A1Ien Harry H t Dave . Jones, farce "Ready Money." Tho plot Isn't- all thero Is to "Oh Look." The cast direct from New York, is headed by Hurry Fox, the Luther Yantes, Violet Mays - Muriel Hudson, - Ethel Martelle,. Agnes San Ford, Tom Miller, Herbert S. Sears and Wilbur Hlghy SPARKS FROM TODAY'S WIRE CLEVELAND-Opposition to tho proposed amalgamation of the slxtoen railroad unions was expressed by V. O. lec, president of the Hrotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and W. S. Stone of the Hrotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers. SAN ANTONIO Socialist and bol shevik members of the Mexican con gress have been getting signatures on a petition demanding that the United States release socialists held nt Leav enworth, it was reported. :- -' f COHLENZ Fifty discharged Ameri can soldiers who have married in Ger many requested accommodations on board the transport St. Mihiel to re turn to the United. States.. ., NORFOLK, Va. The .German steamer Henrich Keiser, which left Norfolk December 3, and has not been heard from since December Gth is be lieved to have been lost at. sea. NEW YORK David N. Mossessohn, was named head of the Associated Dress Industries of America to act In an advisory capacity at a salary be lieved to be. 50,000 annually., . , i LAUSANNE Allied nnd Turkish delegates agreed to submit no military exemption for residents of Turkey. t nt.'fcwnwii ,ne U.iiooiii k:u... ...... !...-. '-nlai-xt rt:..;A !?.i..ii;c ei.u.l i:., rnrrMmWSlftrlrrrrffi itittnrwm 1 .jj. - Car Owners Should Read , The Inside Story of THREADED RUBBER . Now Told for the First Time ,. By T. A. WILLARD, in the Jariuiary 1 3th issue of The Saturday Evening Post t, " ' i .J On j?ages 82 and 83 Willard Storage Batteries of all types arid sizes ELECTRIC SHOP 8th and Bartlett Phone 22-J STORAGE -n BATTERY mi "! )'t-,u I .(fiiSj rnp r..'., ..-V .1 Mystery Story Opens Rialto. r' ' '-"The J-ce; jn the Fog," a mystery story which really mystifies, is the at traction no wut the Rialto, where pa trons are declaring it to be one of the big. features of the season. - Fancy a crook fighting for a- princess, is the theme of this absorbing plot, in which Lionel Barrymore appears as the eve ning dress suit crook, and Seena Owen makes a hit, as a dazzling Russian noble-woman. ' Lowell Sherman takes the part of- a count, and Mary Mc Laren is seen as the crook's wife. The story is an adaptation of the "Boston DIackie" stories, known to good many readers of detective fiction Page Film Is Attractive Jack Barrymore and Conan Doyle'i Sherlock Holmes", are a combina tion that is bound to attract the crowds who love motion picture thrills. The makers of this picture, which at the Page Theater again tomorrow, took William Gillette's dramatization of the ; Alice Faulkner episode which, perhaps, Holmes comes nearer to being human than In most of the Conan Doyle stories, and have made fast moving picture of it. Barrymore 'is In his element as Sherlock, playing with great finesse high Intellect and immense nerve In every movement. Carol Dempster plays Alice and Iledda Hopper and Anders Randolph are the Larrabeen her keepers. . . .. -. Gustav yon Seyffertitz has the role of Moriarity. Among; the others, -who appear in the-1 picture, -are Reginald Denny, Roland Young, Percy Knight, Lnmsden Hare, Louis Dohlheim, William , Powell, Robert Fischer, Jerry Devine, David Torrence. ' r ; A Strange Death NEW HAMBURG, Ont., Jan. 12. While watching a hockey game here betweon Senfitth and New Hamburg, E. R. ielnmth hod his jugular vein severed by the skate ot a player whi: collided with another. The Injured man bled to death. , Mr. Helmuth was leaning over the boards as the players collided, the skate striking him just below the ear. . Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jackson. . Nick Kayl, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Berry, jonn uignam, james it. t'ooi, kicii- aru Brown, William Hrown, O, A Davis, W. II. Obar, Ole Gunnison, James A. Card well, Caroline Card- well, Frederick A. Koch, sometimes known as Frederick August Hock; the unknown heirs of any of the above named defendants, if. deceas ed; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. ' To the above named defendants, and each of them: In the name ot the State of Oregon: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear, and answer the complaint filed against yon in' the jnove entitled Court and cause, on or before the"iast day prescribed in the order for publication , of - summons herein, to-wit: on or before the expira tion of six weeks from the date of the first publication ot said summons. And you, nnd each of you. are here by notified that if you fail to so ap pear nnd answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto, within said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to- the Court for the relief demanded and prayed for in the com plaint, succinctly stated as follows, to-wlt: . . . . . For a decree of the Court requiring the defendants, and each ot them, to set forth the nature of their claims 11 nnd to the following described pro perty, situated in the County of jack son and State of Oregon, to-wlt:1 Comineucing at a point from which the Southeast corner of Donation Land Claim number 91 in Township 37 South of Range 2 West of the Willam ette Meridian bears East 1.25 chains, and running thence West 13.00 chains; thenco North 8.30 chains to the County Road; thence South 57 degrees East along the County Road 15.46 chains to the place of commencing, containing 6..IH acres of land. And that all Adverse claims to said premises may bo determined by decree of this Court: That by said decree it bo declared and adjudged that plaintiff Is the owner in fee of said premises: that Its itle be quieted and declared good and valid: and Unit tho defendants,-and each ot them, he adiudced and decreed to have o estate or interest whatever In or to said premises, or any part thereof; ... That said defendants, and each of them, bo forever enjoined and de barred from nsoprtlng any claim what over In or to said premises adverse to no pinmtltr. i -. This summons is -published in the Medford Mail Tribune, by order of Honorable F. M. "Calkins. Judge of the above entitled Court.' duly made and entered on tho Sth day of December, 92.'. The dato of the first publication of this summons Is the Sth day of Dc- cmlHT. mi. , JOHN II. CAHKIN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address. Rooms 201-20(5. First Nat'l RELIEVES CONSTIPATION ft READY TO EAT t ;taast..",, i9 because it is AU, BRAN! With the most, dangerous diseases close on the trail of sufferers from constipation, there's no time to waste on .foods with a low bran content I The one .answer to constipation is BRAN that is ALL BRAN t That's why you should eat Kellogg's and eat it regularly; at least two table spoonfuls daily; as much with each -meal in chronic casesl -KELLOGG'S BRAN IS SCIENTIFICALLY PREPARED TO RELIEVE SUF FERING HUMANITY AS NO OTHER FOOD ..CAN ! : J, Don't delay a minute! Get started on Kellogg's Bran to-day and your health will, steadily improve and bowel conditions return to normal, no matter how long you have suffered with constipation, mild or chronic. Remember that Kellogg's Bran-is not an artificial laxative, but nature's own bulk food that acts as sweeper, . cleanser and purifier. ! Its work for health is wonderful! Besides, bran contains the most valuable mineral salts and other life-sustaining ele- ments it is a blood maker and bone , and tissue-builder! ,Kellogg's Bran, being cooked and krumbled, is delicious eaten as a cereal, or sprinkled on hot or cold cereals. -1 Another . happy way to serve Kellogg's Bran is to cook it with your favorite hot cereal. In. preparation, add two tablespoonfuls of bran for each person, cooking the cereal as usual. :v . You can make the most delightful muffins, raisin bread, pancakes, maca roons, etc., with Kellogg's Bran and it's fine in gravies, soups and purees. ' The big thing is to get started on Kellogg's Bran quickly for the sake- of the health of your entire family-AND SERVE IT REGU LARLY ! First-class hotels and clubs serve Kellogg's Bran in individual packages. Ask for it at your res taurant! All grocers sell Kellogg's Bran. i.'. ..i .a I-. Mi -i-t'H!.; -ivadyfoedt m .frnsf'r ri- Sillimah's Trade School 'T - " .J- LEARN TO MAKE GaNDY Why,, work for Wages?, 13c your own bass. Bo a practical candy maker and work for yourself. . THE CORRECT ART, OF CANDY MAKING Taught in 30 Days. COSTS YOU ONLY $100 One of the best .'trades you' can learn. Lots of good openings for a good Candy Kitchen. I started in 1915 without a dollar You can do the same. . CLASS STARTING NOW. . Factory North Holly and West Second . E: C, SILLIM AN . of Silliman.Bros., Chief Instructor WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITB BATTERY STATION For Quick Service Phono 110 REAL BARGAINS In Serviceable Used Cars Crater Lake Automotive bo. 12.1 South Front St. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE ! - : . DAILY EXCEPT 8CXDAY Ly. Medford 2:00' p'. ml '' Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. . MEDFORD-GRAN TS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCKIT SI NDAY L. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. ra..- 6:00 p. m. Lt. QranU Paa 7:30 a. in.. 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. . . ., -., , SINDAY ONLY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m. 4:80 p. m. Lt. Grant Pai 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. . Ws connect with atagea tor Portland, Marehfleld and Creacent INTERURDAN AUTOCAR CO. .... , ,., , ... , Phone no9 GIM CHUNG , China Herb Store X!'" J8 1 cert'rr that Dim Chung of Medford, Ore., linn cured me of soltr and etomnch trouble. S. M. Leonard, 609 J St.. Qranta PuaaJ .TT. wT.hJl'isi0 certify that Olm Chun ef Medford, Ore., has cured, me ot rupture ?I fSu5. yra Btondlnit. P. a. laham, U3 S St., Qranta Pass, Ore. . Medford, Oregon. Jan. 18, 1917. This la to (fcrtlfy that I, the under aiEncd, had very severe storoaoh trouble and had been bothered for several year and last Auijust was- not expected to live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whose lledford), 1 decided to get herbs for my atotnach.trouhle, and I started to feellnn better ns soon as I used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom mend anyone afriieted as I waa to see QlmChuns and try his Herbs. (Signed) w. R. JOHNSON, WUnessos: .... Wm Lewis, Eagle Point. W. L. Chlldreth. Kaglo Point. M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. B Ilnlmes, Engle Point. C. K. Moore. Eagle Point. geo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point We will make your old Suits and Overcoats lost till Spring. Try us. limp k, r,-M, Dank Bids ,-Medford; Orcfiofi 1 . UHWESS VOU ARE' 4