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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1923)
I I "V i I PXGE ' rim RTEPFOTID AtAlE TRIBUNE. lEfiFQRD OKEfiOX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 1923 PROTECTION J Many avoid coughs, colds, bronchitis, or other winter (ills, by protecting the body I with the consistent use of Scoffs Emulsion It is a food and tonic rich m. i i.u L..:tJ: 5 ' in ucaiuruuiiuMig . : I : . I viittiiuucs, mm j source of warmth nd energy. The regular use of Scoff's conserves streneth rolt(kBmne.Bloonificli1.N.J. '2jJ 1 BELCH RAIN OF ASHES AND LAVA I'NOA, Alaska, Jun. 11. (liy the Associated ProKS.) Puvlof volcano on the Aleutian penlnmiln, which waB repoVtod to ho HiihsiainK. Is still In action. First activity of the moun tain took place at 11 o'clock on the morning of December 24, wheiu vio lent earthquakes were felt In the vicinity. Heavy smoke ascended; that the road between, Reese creek year and hua beon boarding at tuo Stuuiyslde during the time of bis stay here left here last Friday afternoon for Corvallls to visit his son who Is a student In the Corvallls college. We will add that Itev. Adams Is one of the pleasantest men we have met for a long time and makes friends wherever he goes and will be greatly missed by his many friends here. Since writing the foregoing I received a card from .Mr. Adams dated Corvallls, Jan. Tth. beiore breakfast. He says "I got here safely In the rain, came yesterday p.: in., and there was still some land lnj sight tho the Willamette was raisins a foot every three hours." His manyi friends will be glad to learn that he has got safely thru. '.. There iwere five strangers came out on the U. P. stage ividuy and report Illl (Crescent Mix Cakes Now for baking hours later! You can do this with Crescent because of its two leavening agents Crescent is a powder especially made to wait for oven heat, and then to provide a perfect raise while baking is' completed. Certain, and so convenient! A all grocers. No Bitter Taste With Crescent Baking Powder Crescent Manufacturing Co. ' Seattle, Washington Babbiting, Welding, Repairing and Lathe Work : REASONABLE RATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. 12:! .South Front Ht. H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. ' Medford. Ore. from tho mountain top. At G o'clock in the ufternoon brilliant flames shot skyward, accompanied liy thunder and lightning, a rarity In this region and a huge crater appeared In the side from which flames and lava Is sued Prom Port Mtiller, Alaska, accord ing to radio advices, five smoking volcanoes can be seen within a ra dius of 2000 miles. Shlshaldin, on tho "Two Sisters," smoked heavily, and t'nnarl crater, west of Chlgnlk and about thirty miles from Port Muller, belched forth smoke and flames. , Two hitherto quiescent volcanoes east of Sand Rvler lake, known as tho "Two Sisters," smoked helvly, and two Inches of ashes hove fal len at Port Muller, probably from the Pavlof eruption. Tho entire terri tory within 100 miles of Pavlof is reported to be covered with fine ashes, ranging in depth from one- sixteenth Inch to three inches. I and H. F. are in a'borrible condition Lester Batcher, Carl Bergsman and his mother, Mrs. Bert Clerno, were among the business callers Saturday. Among, the passengers on the M.- B. P. stage were Prof. Ray Parker of tho B. P. high school and Miss Lorene Green, one of the pupils of the U. F. school, an elderly lady and two young ladles and one of them went out on tho Trail stage and the west went up to B. P. Wm. Butler, ono of our prosperous farmers made a business trip to Med ford Saturday. I see that our townsman, W. P. Morgan, has been making some de cided Improvements in the sidewalk along his property. Bay Warner and Louis Martin, Trail, Alex Betts were business callers In our town Saturday. There was quite an Interesting shooting match here Sunday, the prizes were chickens, turkeys and geese. The last time I wrote for the Med ford Mall Tribune found Mr. Smith and I at the homo of Mr. Heard sur rounded by a host of his children and grandchildren and the question came up In our minds how wewere going to arrange for all of us to slcop, for the house was nottvery large and it looked to us as tho there was already more people there without us to cover all of the available space but it was a case of necessity bo we rested contentedly waiting results, but ampin provisions were made and wo all got along nicely and the next morning we were up and SALEM, Ore., Jan. 12. Fifty- seven shareholders and depositors ot the former People's Bank of Port land, as shareholders and depositors In 1 1. Ca- n.nV nr 1),M-Hniwl urlth which tho People's bank had merged tor another day's work. But be- ...hi-h i. -.,iiwi ..!., r.,,11 , ro I make another start I must make a change In the story and give an ac count of the miraculous escape of the family of what proved to be later sev eral of our prominent citizens. Mr. John Lewis and family, wife, five chil dren and Mrs. Lewis' mother. They were living on their farm not far from where the town of Independence Is located and he told me that the farm was assessed the summer before at $1,000 and he was feeling quite Inde pendent, but the flood of ISfll and 02 came and the first intimation of any real danger was when he woke up and discovered that the water was already In the house, so he lumned out of hed BRICKNALL, Ind. Jack Dillon,' ani founa- tnat the floor was all afloat former light-heavyweight boxing cham-I ond he went on thru into a hole that and which later failed, today petl tloned the state banking board for tho removal of Prank C. llramwell, state superintendent of banks. Among the charges made against Brnmweil was one that "ho knew. or was negligent In not knowing that the State Bank of Portland was in an unsafe condition at the time and for some time before it was consolidated SPORT BRIEFS plon, outpointed Joe Walters of Co lumbus in a ten round bout here last night. NEW YORK Colonel Jacob Rup- he had dug out to get dirt to make his chimney a mud and stick chimney, a tiling that was quite common in those days, so he was thoroughly wet to pert, part owner of the New orK start with. He then managed to get Yankees declared the deal by which hia wife and five children upstairs and PIPE FLUSH Quickly dissolves all obstructions in clouged drain and sewer pipes BUY IT TRY IT 1 , ' For Salo By A. T. VIIOMAX, 113 S. Front St. HEAT WITH COAL I'lnco Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. - ' (Successors to Kads) 81 8. Fir St. Phono 230-J DON'T FORGET. H'd'we Co. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio his club would acquire the services ot Kddie Collins, second baseman for the Chicago White Sox, may be completed CHICAGO Jimmy Blonln retained his world's bowling chnmplonship when ho defended his title in forty games With Joe Falcaro of New York, NEW YORK An offer of $250,000 for a boxing match with Joe Beckett in London has been received by repre sentatives ot Jack Dompsey, world's champion hoavywolght. NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Floyd John- son, promising Iowa heavyweight, will stako his aspirations for championship honors tonight in a fifteen round con test with Bill Brennan. The bout is to bo the first of a scries among heavyweight contonddrs planned as a means ot Boloctlng- a logical opponent for Jack Dempsoy, the title holder. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Hewlett I Havo Permanently Cured Caiei of 40 Year Standing CAN anything be more con clusive of my non-surgl-cal.palnless treatment for Piles nd other rectal dUcuee than that? Thou who have undergone to-called "home-treaimenti" and tucceu ive operations tor yean have come to me and nave oeen i permanently cured. To ramov all doubt I tuarantM to euro your no manor bow to ooro er cbroaU Iho Writ today fr ttit FREE teoMat vbici eiplilu f trntmintt. DR.CHAS. J. DEAN M AHft M . PMTIAMD WMW HCHllON 1HI& PAPL WMLN WKIl INt Prof. Itny Parker, ono of the teach ers In tho high school of Butte Palls C. Brown, Mcdford; Mr. K. Ross of Portland wore among tho diners at tho Sunnyslde last Wednesday and tho noxt day there wns with us ns guests Mr. Dlllard of Portland, ono ot tho civil engineers connected with the ir rigation project to bring water from ! lllg Butto creek to this section of tho country. C. H. Nntwick, a promlnont contractor of this section and II. StovenBon who is helping Mr. Nntwick on his contract on the Eagle Point Ir rigation canal wcro hero for dinner Thursday and Paul S. Schaubol of Portland was here for the night Thurs day. He Is a machinist and came out hero to -try to secure employment In tho Eaglo Point Oarage but Mr. Clcorgo II. Holmes, the proprietor docided that there was no business at this season of tho year to Justify the employment of another man as he already has a good machinist, Mr. LuUo Klncald, tho mall contractor on tho Eaglo Point Trallf erslst routo, and ho lias so ar ranged his work that ho only tukes about one hour ono day, tho dny he goes to Trail and when ho has to take the mall to Persist he has a man bring tho mall down as far as the Trusty ranch and ho meets him there and that trip only consumes about two and a half hours leaving him nl ltho rest of the dnys to do something else. (leorgo MeDonuld, a professional road builder, who Is In the employ of Jiict Kdslll, working on tho laterals of tho Eaglo Tolnt Irrigation canal was hero and spent the night Friday and so did Mr. Edward B. Nlchol ot B. P. 1 . , I Rev. llurbert D. Adams who hns been preaching for us during tho past Prank, one of his boys now one of our merchants, is hero and altho a child romembers the circumstances quite well and Mr. Jeff Bell of Talent is an other one of the children, but . after getting his direct family out of the water he had his mother-in-law and sho was a helpless invalid at the time and remained so until the day ot her death, but be managed to get her up stairs, but tho water kopt rising and when daylight came he Baw that the prospect was that the water would soon tako tho house, he ho tore a hole in tho roof and took tho bed cord off of the bedsteads, in those dayB there were no bed springs but a small rope was used woven across the bedstead oach way to lay tho beds on. So after ho had taken the cords off of the beds ho crawlod out on tho roof nnd taking tho roie wove a platform, for a floor among tho branches of tho trees and then ho toro up the floor nnd took tho lumber to make a platform nnd put his family all of them on it and in tho course of a very short time the houso wns washed away nnd the eight persons wcro loft to tho raging' ele ments for about twonty-four hours when a rescuing party came to their roliof, and Mr. Lewis told me in re lating the circumstances that when tho water would press the trees down ho could seo that they were giving way and but a short time after tholr dollverance tho trees gavo way and washed away and the next spring ns 1 rode over the place what was once u beautiful farm wns a sand nnd debris covered wnsto. Pfv 4rV,iIkChC0K,0SijJ 1 WHAT a message of "happy days" Tan Jar carries in its great orange hucd box of choco late's. fl.IW III ttnnnt orll mI Medford Center Departml Store Musical Recital Saturday Afternoons and Evenings Final Glean-Up of Women's Sample Coats But One of a Kind-feoth New and Desirable One "illy, black clipped Uo livia. Coat, embroidered nnd Crjpo lined. Reduced from 97.50 to $67.50 The superiority of our Coats and Dressea is generally conceded. ' ' ' One only, Navy Bolivia Cape, Carocul Collar, grey Satin lined. Rcduocd from $74.50 to $52.50 This season's prize- Coat A black beauty, trimmed in embroidery and French knots, the new Caracul Col lar and Cuffs. Grey Can tori" Crepe lining, a bargain at $125.00. Reduced to $74.50 One only, . draped blue model, fashioned with a buckle, Crepe 'lined, Wolf Collur. Reduced from $87.50 to $59.50 A ' charming Plush Coat, Beavcrettc trimmed, grey Sutin lined. Very special at ).:. $21.50 One ouly, Circular Coat of Bolivia, fringe and embroid ery trimmed, grey Satin lin ing, black Wolf -Collar. Re duced from $G7.50 to The most attractive Wool Dresses yet shown await your inspection. We mention but a few of our many real bargains in C oth silk and wool dresses, and THERE IS BUT ONE oats. Remarkable values also are to be obtained in b OF A KIND. Boss of the Road Men's Goods Reduced The men are generally overlooked, in the belief that' women only care to save real money. -Men, we believe you, too, know the value of a dollar and will save when given an opportunity like this. ' ' Blue Denim Overalls, with, or without bibs $1.89 Carpenter's 'Duck Pants, pockets a plenty ....$2.38 Durable Chambray Shirts, ' 98 Khaki Pants, tough as leather $2.69 Corduroy pants, for strength and looks... $3.98 Wool Jersey Coats $3.95 Cosy Wool Mackinaws $6.45 Wool Shirts,' semi-shrink, finest materials, splendidly made. .' ' ' .' . - i ; $0.00 value . $5.00 value' $4.50 Value $3.50 value' $4.25 .. ....$3.50 $3.25 ..1::..:...:.$2.95 Men's. Hats,, fine felts u in black, grey and brown, also; the new ,, heathers, . very nobby ::..:,:...,.;...;..:...$2.98 . Heavy Wool Sox 59 and 49 . if..... . The Infants' and Juvenile Departments offei-s excoprionni values in Flaxon Dresses nnd Gertrudes, Vol Laco trimmed, hand made, also lovely llttlo two-pleco suit's- or Zephyr In new spring shades. f ' rillOES IUGHT SPECIALS IX RlllEX SHIRTS FOR IXFAXTS, SATURDAY ONLY Come, in and seo tho attractive Roxy Ann Gnrments, House Dresses, Day Frocks, Uloomers, made In Medford. MEDFORD CENTER JEWELRY SHOP, 25 off . Necklaces Cordaleres All Beads . including I'm a Pearl The Medford Center Sanitary Meat Market TRY OUR CHOPS for br-enkfimt tomorrow. You'll find them sweet, tender and tootlisomc. Xo one will lark an appetite when our chops apiH-Ar on tho table. The very looks of them are a temptation. A taste of them is a delight. 500 lbs. Eastern Sugar Cured Bacon, half of whole 32o 1000 lbs. Eastern Sugar Cured Hams, half or whole 28c Picnic Shoulders 18c IVicon Hacks 28c Cottane Hams 28c Baby Beef Tot Roast lBo Shoulder Pork Roast 20c Good Shoulder Steak 20c Choice Veal Roast : 18o Venl Stew .'. 121-2c Boston Lep.o-Lamb , 30o Lamb Stew 20c Plate Boiling lU-ef 12c Small Profits Quick Sales Quality and Service our motto . . . , Phone 255 20th Century Grocery In addition to the regular benefits derived from trading at these stores, the following "Extra Benefits'' will ba added for the benefit of Economical Food. Buyers. - ;' ' 1 , ' SATURDAY AND MONDAY ' Head Rice-Blue Rose Variety, 3 lbs, 25; 10 lbs 80. Chocolate in bulk. Pure goods, 20 pound..' t . 's Campbell's Tomato Soup Can 11. . . Royal Baking Powder Small can, 20;" large can 40; 21. lb. can $1.19; 5 lbs, $2.29. ' New Pack Shrimps-Can, 15. - Dates Everyone good; package 15. ' Extra Fancy Oregon Walnuts Pound, 38. 20th Century. Coffdei-" Better than this, there is none.": round 35; three pounds for $1.00. : Maryland Corn Cail i2 1-2 cejits. 'i , .,,iM' ,'v-,'- ...).' .. ; . ' ' . ' '- Preferred Stock,. Solid Pack Tomatoes-i-Can, 19. Hills-Dale AsparagUs--Short tips', 25 can. ' Crystal White Soap 10 bars 48.' Post Toasties Package 10. Large Instant Postum Can 43. Anchor Brand Flour Sold on its merits; 49 lb. sack, $1.73 If it is good to eat, and to be had, you can get it better and cheaper at a 20th Century Store than anywheres else. .i.., Really no use inookngjfor a better place. r,-"X'.'-'