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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1923)
PAGE SIX MEDFOTtT) .ArATE' TRTPPNTC. MEDTORD, ' OREOOy. TUESDAY, JANUARY 0, COUNTY CALLED (fit Interest to many In this valley la fha news of the death at her homo la Victoria, n. C of Mrs. K. H. Brown familiarly known to early settlers of Jackson county two docadeg ago as "iVunt Charlotto,' relict of Robert n. Drown, an uncle of Drown Bros., of taglo Point, still engnKed in business there. The Daily Colonist of Vicotrln gives the details of hor later years, he having lost her husband nearly 25 years ago. Bre and her husband part ed with their holdings at Eagle Point to a brother, the late George Brown, about 1S8C, and at once removed to Victoria, Mr. Brown later being quite prominent In business circles there. . When the recent war broke out, Aunt Charlotte was for a time confined to her bed, but proved to be one of the most patriotic citizens of the Domin ion and unceasingly knitted socks for the soldier boys, completing many hundred pairs of this useful portion of the war supplies. As she wrote to friend a here, the war was very cruel In Ha treatment of her, and her means were dlsslpatod, securities became worthless and no Interest was paid her on several loans. With a fortitude and cheerfulness characteristic of her ear lier years, she enjoyed life to its close as few, pioneers or moderns, are able to do, A woman of singular force of character, able to adapt herself to changing conditions and cherishing tho correct ideas of service to her follow man. generous, and just in her Judg ment, all who knew her will drop' a tear of regret at her demise even though Jt be at tho close of a well-spent Hto. i. , Harry Fox, Musical Comedy.Pagc, Jan. 12 CLOUDBURST TAKES TOLL OF LIVES :" TACOMA, Jan. 9. At loaBt three lives have been lost, two men still are missing and property loss estimated nt $76,000 resulted from tho cloudburst which destroyed the West Fork Log. King company's camp near Morton last Saturday rooming. ' ' The doad: Joe Peterson, onglneor and bis two yeqr old son; P. Nlckoff, camp cook. ; The two othor men reported missing were employes of the camp whose names have not been ascertained. . 'Mrii m M fe-4 w& 4.7 it I ill i lOTCSTMS : i - Betty Alexander In "Oh Look." "Oh Look," tho New York Vnn dorbilt theater musical comedy suc cess, is booked for the Pago thentro Friday, Jnnunry 12th. Its lyrics aro by -Joseph McCarthy and Its music by Nut Goldstein and Harry Carroll. Hurry Fox is the star of "Oh Look." Ilo is supported by a New York caBt and a chorus of beauties picked by him in California. Tho mUBicnl numbers lncludo such hits as "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows," "Honolulu Blues" and "Together." LI TO E OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 9. Tho American Legion program for hospi talization,' restriction of immigration and restriction acts for aliens were touched upon by Natloual Commander AJvin M. Owsley of tho loglon in a brief address to a Joint session of tho house and senate here this afternoon. The speaker complimented the stnto on its assistance given former service men and e&poclaUy upon the success of the land settlement net which ho declared ts ono sure means of checking Internal aoclal troubles. ' Publishers Gain Point. . WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Tub Ushers aro not prohibited by tho Clayton law from entering Into con tracts with news dealers as agents to act exclusively as their wholesnlo dis tributing agents, tho supremo court held todoy in a cnmi brought by the federal trudo commission against the Curtis Publishing company. Big Eaters Get Kidney Troubld 1'Ts.ks Silts at first algn of Bladder Irritation or Backache. .The American men and women must euard osnaUntly against kidney trouble, roause we est often too nmeh'red meat and all our food in rich. Our blood is tilled with urlo anld which tu kiilnnn Strive to filter outi they weaken from overwork, boeoiuo sluggish, the, etiniina tiv tissues elog ami tliu result la kidney trouble, bladder weakness and n general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead.i your back hurls or tho urine is cloudy, full ol sediment, or you aro obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night -, if you utTrr with sirk headache, or iliy, nervous uprlls, acid stomach, or if you Imvo rheumatism when the west her is lad, gat from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jail 'waits; take, a tahlcspoonful In a glass - of watr before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may (hen set ' fine. This famous Malta is made from tho acid of grspes and lemon juice, com ' bined with lithis, and lias hern used for generations to flush ntid stimulate Clogged kidneyst to neulrslln the acids ' In tTis urine so It no longer is a tnurco ' of Irritation, thus often ending bladilor disorders. , Jad Salt b inexpensive! ran not In jur, makes a delightful etTorvoacont filhia water beverage and belongs in , every home, nerauan nobody ran make a misrule by having a good kidney flushing any time, OVER 1923 GAME , NEW YORK, Jnn. 0. With tho fnlluro of tho Joint committee of thu two innjor leaguo baseball clubs In New Yorlt to como to an agreonient nt Atlantic City, followers of tho gumo hero today woro anticipating difficulties when tho slxtoen club presidents meet in Chicago next month to adopt a schodulo. All other seven of tho National leaguo clubs aro reported behind the Qlunts In their demand that conflict ing games be scheduled for tho two New York teams at homo on Sunday this year. Tho Yankees are opposing this, assorting that two contests mny Jeopardize tho Hunday gume in tho metropolis. To foreo tho YnnkH to accept eon' flleting dates or forfeit tho gnnies so scheduled, tho Giants also numt gain tho support of at least six American lenguo clubs which Ed Harrow, busi ness manager of tho Yankees, snld wans Impossible, A two-thirds vote of tho presidents of euch leaguo, voting separately Is required to adopt the schedules. CHICAGO. Jan. 0. Tom Gibbons. St. Paul heavyweight and Edclio Kane, his nmnager. announced they would depart for New York today to discuss tornm of a match with Jack Domps'oy. world's champion, nt tho request of Tux Rlckard, promoter. Jack KeariiH, L)empsey's mnnngor, was said to bo duo in New York the latter part of this week. NEW YORK Pnl Mornn of New Orleans and I'W Tendler will meet In a Hi-round bout here January 19. PITTSllURO Harry Orel), Ameri can llgbthenvywelght champion, bar red front Pittsburg rings, wns ro-ln-atated tho commltteo announced. JERRKY CITY Jack Sharkey of New York outpointed "Irish" Johnny Curtln in 12 rounds. CHICAGO, Jan. 0 Jako Hchaefer. former rhnmplon, held a good lend over Roger Contl, champion of Franco today after the first block of too points in their tSOO-point 18.2 balk Hue billiard match und also hnd the ndded advantage of n nleo group ing of the halls for his first shot to night. Hchaefer run out his string Of COO last night with an unfinished run of SS, while Contl counted 337. The winner Will meet Willie llnpno. champion, In mutch piny (or the title ill New YorTc the lust o( this week. JUDGMENT FOR HALF Mil I MM ie PIlQI WILUUM 10 miv TACOMA, Jan. H. Ono of tho larg est Judgments ever entered In fed oral court hero whs signed by Judge Lit ward K. " I'unhmun IMi; morning, awarding damages of $"il,0irt to K. W. liUdinghnuH In lits suit agnlnttt the Undinghuus timber ramp. The suit Involved a lnrgo amount or standing timber In this section. The 1 mt no hHaorl htn tlorliiinii mi the crutM of n Independent cruVor. A new trial was denied the eom I'UlV Mutl last Mati"tti liilit.i - Atrrttigboart, the Wonder Bog-. IStrongheart. the wonder dog, of Laurence Trimblo and Jean Murfin has Just made another great western er, "Brawn of tho North," which has been wonderfully produced by Mr. Trimblo and MIha Murfin, and now allowing at tho Itlnlto theatre. It has a succession ot hand-to-hand battles betweon dog and man. down steep mountain sides. Photo graphically, tho picture is' superb with marvelous tints and magnificicnt backgrounds. Xo more effective natural background can be Imagined j i nun iunt ennsen as ino sceno oc Stronghnart's latest film, effort. The dog himm?lf Is as masterly an actor as ho was in "Tho Hllont Call." Ilo la more lion-hearted; than IUchard when ho rescues tho baby from the wolves, quick to hato und always ready to defend. ir Strongheart Is ably supported by Ireno lilch nnd Leo Bhuinway in tho leading roles. Fair Gloria In "Glided Cage."' I "Her Gilded Cage" with Gloria B wan son. appearing as Fleiir dAmour In this picturo tonight at tho Page theatre. It Is mado from Miss Nichols' play "Tho Love Proam" nnd. In Its foundation, nt least, seems based on tho story of Gaby Dealys and tho King of Portugal. This is fair to bo one of tho best pictures th,o fair Gloria has over ap poured In nnd has had wonderful success all over tho country. It has a wonderful lovo story, is well staged and well played. Harrison Ford, David Powell, Walter Hicrs, Anno Cornwall and Charles A. .Stevenson aro in tho sup porting cast. AVI 11 Itodgers' comedy "Tho Uopln' Fool" is tho funniest picturo ho has ever made, nnd there are numbers by "lietty" ltrown, organist. PARIS, Dec. 9. "Why do women's dresses cost so much?" This eternal man's question was put to Madamo Jeanne Paquin, and her cryptic answer was: "They don't."- For 33 years Madarno Paquin has been making dresses In Paris for tho wealthy from all parts of tho world. It may bo that her idea of what is expensive have been influenced by tho cIuhh of trade which automobiles up to her doors, but nevertheless her answer was tho sincere expression of a business woman. For in tho next breath sho said: "Or, rather dresses do not cost tho buyer so much, when It in considered what they cost the producer," Madame Paquin employs about 900 people and turns out 4000 dresses a your. About 25 out of every hundred of her gowns . have to be discarded because they are not properly made. This accounts in part for the high cost of thoso that aro marketed. "To obtain an art product, there must bo waste." Madame Paquin ex plained. "A painter may make many sketches be Core he finally reaches tho creation that Is called art. It is tho samo way with dresses. I cm ploy people who do. nothing but sit around and criticize our dresses, and if a given dress doesn't satisfy them, a now one must bo mado for the client These peoplo must be paid. Some of them get a hundred thous and francs a year. There are only a few people who can engage in the profession of beautifying womon with clothes. These few must be paid accordingly." "Women object to the high cost as much as men. It is a mistake to think women like to pay high prices for their dresses. Tou con tell all the husbands that women dispute their bills to the last penny." "How much does It cost to dress a woman well for a year " Madame Paquin was asked. "There were many women who spent a hundred thousand francs a year before tho war on their dresses, and If they did this now their bills would run to a half million1 said Madame Paquin. "But I believe, for tho average woman who can afford to dress in i such houses as mine, that CO thousand j francs a year would do it, giving her about IS dresses a year. This would give her in each season about four dretiseu, one. for the strcot, one for sport, one for evcplng, and, ono for. uftornoon receptions. Add what is necessary for- cloaks, furs, hats, ' shoes, umbrellas and underclothing and the total would come to about $5000 in American money." iUT FOR BETTER WEST VANCOUVER, B. C, . Jan. 8. Earnest efforts to consummate tho endeavors of the paRt work to or ganlze a Pacific westbound freight conference was made today nt tho conference of shippers from all Pa cific coast ports and from New York City 'Called after preliminary confer- enco at Seattle, San Francisco nnd i Portland. Prospects were consider ed bright for an agreement accord ing, to shipping men. It was not known 'today whether the Yamnshlta j KIsen Kaisha would enter the con- ference, but it was said the Canadian Kuvtrriitiiiriii iiiui inuu i tmimv iiiuiieu which at the last moment held aloof, had decided to become a party to the land agreement. Lines represented at today's meet ing included the Blue Funnel, Cana dian Pacific Steamship company, Ltd.. Canadian Government Mer chant Marine, Ltd., Canadian Robert Dollar company, Columbia Pacific China Mail, Osaka Shoshen Kaisha. Furness-Prince," Nippon Yusen Kai sha, Pacific Mail, Java-China-Japan, Toyon KIsen Kaisha, fUruthers and Barry, United States shipping board and Barber line. C. C. Dow, repre senting the Canadian Steamship com pany, Ltd., of Montreal and J. D. han and F. F.. Horn of New York, representing tho Atlantic-Far East conference, attended tho session. N EURALGIA or headache nib the forehead melt and inhals tha vapors y vafoRub Ooer 17 Million Jan Vui YtoHa A WAGER THAT HAS NEVER BEEN PAID In a famous California hospital for children there is a standing wager of a new suit of clothes to any doc tor who finds that BINZ Bronchi Lyptus will not relieve the most obstinate case of spasmodic contag-' ious coughing or prevent the con traction of the cough when a child has been exposed. This wager has never been paid because Bronchi-Lyptushas NEVER FAILED I - BRONCHI-LYPTUS llll - - ' M TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST HEAT WITH COAL I'luco Your Order Now for Quick Delivery ' Hansen Coal Co. ' (Successors to Ends) . 84 B. Fir St. Phone 239-J Blue Front Fixit Shop 111 S. nolly St. "WE FES ANYTHING" Phone 454 . . Razor Blade Sharpenluii "4 FARM IMPLEMENT REPAIRING Spray Rigs and Engines Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett ' . t ? T Y INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapcpsin" Corrects Stomach so . Meals Digest Shniix'k llolnifs t'omliui. "Sherlock Holmes," John Bnrry more'n latest acrorn miccetw. will opon tomorrow nmtinco nt tho Toro theatre. Not Blneri his tnmoun "Dr. Ji'kylt nnd .Mr. UyUo" han this talent ed youiiR uetor hnd a story more per fectly suited to hH talents.. A com pany oC unusual excellence supports Hie star, and tho 'quaint London scenes, filmed ' abroad, nro alone worth tho price of admission. Severe Couflh After Influenza "After an attack of the 'KliT which loft mo with a Bovoro cough nothing seemed to rcliovo mo until I used Foley's Honoy nnd Tar," writes Mrs. K. D. Drake, Chllds, Maryland. Coughs rosultlim from Influonn, Whooplnc CoiikIi. Asthma, Croup. Im Grippe nnd llronchltas nro quickly relieved with Foley's Honey nnd Tar. Contnlns no opiates Ingredients printed on the wrapper. Largest selling cough mod Iclno In tho world. Sold everywhere. Adv. wwm 0 Wo will make your old I gj Suits and Overcoats last R 9 till Spring. Try us. , uwi: ahc 'NorVy!rTTXn5' UNLSaS'VCU ARE' The moment you cat a tablet of 'Tape's Diapcpsin" your indigestion is gone. No more distress from a sour, ucid, upBet stoiunch. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or miscry-niakin gases. Correct your digestion lor a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble PIPE FLUSH Quickly (lissolvea all obstructions In cloRircNl drain and sewer plpea ItUY IT TRY IT For Snlo By A. h. VROMAX. 113 8. Front St. f t t T ? T f ? f f f T T T f ? T t r. T ? r r f Farmers' Directory 4331 Farmers of Jackson County, Ore. 1445 Farmers of Siskiyou County, Cal. Beirig a complete, list of all the .farmers, .stockmen, horticulturists, owning prop-' ertyin the two counties,' together with their postoffice address, number-of acres owned and location of same, assessed valuation, what each specializes in,' etc 4 : . J .'''.'-. yALUABLE INFORMATION FOR MERCHANT, PROFES liSIONAL MAN, FARMERS, STOCKMEN AND OTHERS. This is the first complete directory of this kind ever issued in the county. We secured a number of copies from the publishers, both in hard cover and paper binding, and will sell them as long as they last at reduced prices. T Come in and See This Valuable Directory T S . . -A t T t t ? '? T "Y T ? T t T ? Y T Representative Wedford Business Firms Mason, Ehrmah & Go. WHOLESALE GROCERY Tobacco, Cig'ars, Cigarettes, Etc. Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston We Guarantee our work at all times Experts in Cleaning and Dyeing The Pantorium Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS Automobile Springs Merriman's Blacksmith Shop , . . THOMAS T. MEERLMAN, Proprietor. 20 South Riverside Phone 279-J EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phone 315 PHONE 75 for First-Class JOB PRINTING Vilmo and Harmony Flour tSXnlUXliY QUAKANTEED. Aik your dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of product or havink any kind of work dono, alwayi insist on having: home products or using home labor. Veterinary Hospital AND Sale Stable DR. O. A. OITZEN 111 N. Fir St, Phone Wl