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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1923)
v'- .1 i; ,X'". - L MEDFORD irSIC TRTBTJNTTC. fEDFORD. ORF.f!0T, MONTH Y. JAXF.ARY - ft.- 1923 ' PA"OE FIVE BRINGING UP FATHER bAf- PA.RQON. ME WILLXOU POINT OUT A, POUCEMAH ttE ONE ' its fj WE. ARE COINC, TO A ROVAU bO"v JT P . ... " " 1 ' i WAliT XOi) TO Dter a. 1 I. II . . ' II I 7T I I A I 1 1 i " r. - i I mm rnmrn I By Georg'e McManus AH' Tt-',ERE A BLOOMiNC PQLICELMAM 'oTANOlINC J v-WU- i vvuUU Oil-- COVU. U'b: li . ' (p) 1923 by int'l Feature Service. Inc. MACdE - I CAtS'T CO A'a A. fr PouceMAts-vou KNOW CATCH Market News j ' tdyestfck , . PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. Owing to late-arrival of trains no livestock markets this morning. Receipts at nodn:: Cattle .1159; calves 11"; hogs 1968; sheer 07. Prices un changed. : r- : Erks .PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. Eggs, unsettled. Butter, steady; butterfat steady; churning cream . 6253c f. o. b. Portland; undergrades DO 51c. Portland Wheat. . PORTLAND. Ore, Jan.' 8. Wheat hard white, blucstem, banrt, blank; soft white $1.27i western white $1.26; hard winter $1.19; northern sprins, western red, $1.20. Today's car receipts Wheat 38; flour 7; corn 4; oats 5; hay 13.' Chicago Grain . CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Wheat: No. 2 hard $1.18V41.19; corn No. 2 mixed 7070c; No. 2 yellow 7072c. Oats No. 2 white 43 44 c; No. 3 white 43 43 c. Rye No. -2 86c. Barley 5970c. Timothy, seed $6.006.50; clover seed $16.5020.50. Pork nominal $10.92. Ribs $10.50(5)11.50. San Francisco Markets SAX FRANCISCO. Jim. 8. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics) Keen. extrns,.45: extra pullets 42 tic; undersized pullets 37c. SAN FRANCISCO, . Jan. 8. (State Division of Markets) Fryers 26 to 28c; ducks, 18 to; 20c; broilers, 25 to 35c; young roosters 21 to 27c; old, 14 to 18c; hens 18 to 27c; live turkeys 30 to. 34c; dressed 20 to 38c; hares 15 to 18c; squ.ibc $3 to $3.50; Jackrab blta $2 to 2 00. N. Y. Stocks : NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Profes sional, short Interests endeavored to depress prices in today's stock mar ket, using the unsettled foreign sit uation as an excuse, but the offerings were well absorbed and the general list was inclined to move upward on aggressive pool operations and bu Ing of special industrial stocks for individual reasons. Sales approxi mated; 725,000 shares. . ... Allied Chemical & Dye 76.6 Allls-Chalmers ..... 47 American Beet Sugar , 38.8 American Can 82.6 American Car & Foundry ISO Amer. Hide & Leather pfd 67.5 American International Corp.... 26.1 American Locomotive , 125 American Smelting & Refg 56 American Sugar .................. 79 American Sumatra Tobacco 2 8.3 American T. & T. - 123.3 American Tobacco 153 American Woolen 95.2 Anaconda Copper .". 48.5 Atchison 101.1 Atl., Gulf & W. Indies 22.6 Baldwin Locomotive 134 Baltimore & Ohio 41.6 Bethlehem Steel "B" 63.8 Cauadlan Pacific ...... :...143.2 Central Leather 33 Chandler Motors 68.3 Chesapeake & Ohio 74 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 22 Chicago, R. I. & Pac 32.2 China Copper 2C. Colorado Fuel & Iron 26 Corn Products , 126.1 Crucible Steel : 68. 8 Erie 11.1 Famous Playors-Lasky 90.1 General Asphalt 4 7.7 Goncrai Electric 180.5 General Motors 14.6 Goodrich Co 35-2 Great Northern pfd 75 Illinois Central 112 Inspiration Copper 34.6 International Ilnrvcstor 89 . Int. Mer. Marine pfd 45.2 International Paper 32 PERL FUNERAL HOME Invincible Oil 15.5 j Kelly-Springfield Tire -47.51 Kennecott Copper 36.1 Louisville & Nashville ......135 j Mexican Petroleum 275 Miami Copper 27.2 Middle States Oil U S Mldvale Steel 38.3 Missouri Pacific 18 New York Central 93.6 X. ., N. H. & Hartford 20.5 Norfolk & Western 110.7 Northern Pacific , 75 Oklahoma Prod. & Ref . 1.8 Pacific Oil 46.7 Pan American Petroleum - 87. S Pennsylvania 46.7 People's Gas - 92 Pure Oil , 28.5 Ray Consolidated Copper l4-6 Reading ..: : 77.6 Rep. Iron & Steel 49.2 Royal Dutch, N. Y 50.5 Sears Roebuck 87 Sinclair Con. Oil 33.7 Southern Pacific 87.8 Southern Railway 25.1 Standard Oil of N. J. 41.6 Studebaker Corporation 115.1 Tennessee Copper r- H-7 Texas Co.' - ',- 48.7 Texas & Pacific 21 Tobacco Products 83 Transcontinental Oil , 12.5 Union Pacific - .....137.5 United Retail Stores 76.5 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 66.8 United States Rubber 56.5 United States Steel 106.5 Utah Copper'... 64.5 Westlnghouse Electric 00-2 Willy's Overland 7.S American Zinc, Lead and Sm.... 17.5 Butte and Superior 31 Cala. Petroleum 78-5 Montana Power 66 Shattuck, Ariz 8.7 C. & N. W. ., 79 G. N. Ore 31.3 Maxwell B 17 Con's Gas 122.7 A. Linseed 30 Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) MuiTlflKe Licenses. Hartley J. Case and Eula Haley. Dugold Ferguson and Elizabeth Murrey. Circuit Court G. S. Butler vs. Thos. H. Thomp son et al. Transeript and judgment. State of Oregon vs. Iiartman Syn dicate of the Pacific Coast et al. For money. Hatty Flory vs. Daniel E. Flory. Divorce. Probate Court William S. Crowell, estate. Vouch er. James A. Smith, estate. Report. Undertaking. Real Estate Transfers Victor D. Shaw et ux, to L. H. Root et ux. Land in Sec. 8. Twp. 37, S., R. 2 West $ 10 Edwin F. Nichols et ux to Wil liam Kinkead. N. halt of NVV, and Gov't Lot 8. Sec. 12,' Twp. 36 S., R. a W. i.. 10 Paul 8. Seeley et ux to Frank At Tour Berrlc Day or Night In'maathin Oordilly Gtw Cor. (k a ad (.'akdala wis new USED CAR BARGAINS ' Overland 4 ) Only " ' $325 s. . . . 1 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. I.eroy Orr. Lot 2 Pieas- ant Valley Farm Tracts Paul 8. Seeley et ux to Rich ard Edward Ricliman. Lotc 13, 14, 15, 16 Pleasant Val ley Farm Tracts Paul S. Seeley et ux to James Henry Trefren. Lot 9. Pleosnnt Valley Farm Tracts Pauline Elmorey (guardian) to Grace M. Elmore. One-sixth interest in' land in Sec. 32. Twp. 38 S., R. 4 W Caroline Thomason to Elmer H. Curler. Lot 11, blk 15, Butle Falls HELP WANTED FEMALE 10 10 900 10 WANTED Reliable woman to do washing at residence tor family of three. Phone 390-L. . tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by day with com . puny. Call phone 93. 270 WANTED To buy three to five thou sand gallon 611 storage tank. Bear Creek Orchards. 247 WANTED To buy team for orchard work. Must weigh about 2800 "lbs. Bear Creek Orchards. 216 WANTED Second hand hillside plow. Phono 105 or 677 or write C. C. Pierce, Medford. - 240 WANTED Pure bred Holstein bull. Box 132, R. K. D. 3, Medford. 215 WANTED Window sash for hotbeds. Phone 886-X. tf WANTED1 To buy fenced pasture. Address Pasture, Mail Tribune. 246 WANTED Surplus, waste, refuse, squash seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Rehm, 50 Fine St., New York City. 254 WANTED To buy corn. Fnone 697-J-3 . . . , tf WANTED .Place to do general house work and cooking. 105 S. Grape. 247 WANTED Situation an sawyer in a small mill; am capable of taking full charge of mill. H. Rawson. Moscow, Idaho. 216 ftlOXE TO MONEY TO LOAN on Improved runcb security. $r.oo0 or less, 8 per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Lnnd Board, Jacksnn County. FOR KXCHANVS FOR EXCHANGE Registered Short horn Durham for one of same breed; must have papers. Antelope Orchard, Eagle Point. 2 1 FOK StKjNT AJ-AItTMKNTS FOR KENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment, first floor; adults only. 325 So. Riverside. Phone 701-J. FOR RENT Furnished apartment with bath. 146 8. Ivy St. 249 FOR RENT Modern housekeeping apartment; no children. 323 S. Ivy St. 249 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 Kins SL, corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. : fok kkiti nonsics FOR RENT Three room furnished bungalow, sleeping porch, lights and water furnished, t'it per month. In quire. 603 N. Holly. tf FOR ' RENT Cheap, furnished five room bungalow on pavement. 1025 W. Tenth. Phone 900. . 249' WANTED Cash paid for pelts, bides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 24 1 N. Fir St - Phone 97. tf WANTED HouSe -moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. REBORING ; NEW PRICES ON . , REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for reboring ... $6.00 When included in an overhaul $5.00 Tractor block . . $10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. - Best equipped Ford '' shop in Southern V'': Oregon C. E.f Gates Auto Co. FOR RENT Six-roora house, modern conveniences, close In, no small children. Inquire 316 N. Central Ave. 247 FOK 8ALK STVTOTOCK FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. Phono 201-J. 247 FOR SALIC Young sablo and whit collie, very showy. Phone 640. 246 FOR SALE One span of mules, set of harness and waKon. Team in very good condition, well fed and gentle. Must be sold Immediately. A bar gain. Inquire Mrs. Osborne, 211 Washington St. . 246 TOR SALIC Five or six extra good cows. K. E. Lortc-n, Tel. 382 Jack sonville. 249 FOR SALE- 1!L.M F.STATK FOK SALE l(i.0i:u niTi's of land con-, slsttng of alialia, urn :n anil Mock I ranches, orchards ami . timliurlaiid, . some irrigated; also mining iniir-, ty. All properly must unit will lis : sold at some price, some as low as $1.00 per aere, 5 to 10 years time. ! T. W. .Miles, Attornnv, Jackstin I'". Rank'HMg., or Gold Kay Realty Co. owners. 15 N. drupe St., adjuining Fanners & Fruitgrowers linnli. Phone 465-.T. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Building Materials MEDFORD- CEMENT BRICK & I1I,0(.'K WORKS Specialize In all Minis of CL-in out building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. FOR MAI-F, HISCc;l.l,A A l iu s FOR SALIC Adding machine, hit 3 1 model, A No. 1 tonilitt m. I. O. Il.ix j 735. .Medford. 215 Chiropractic Physician DR .TOl'ETT P. BRAY Scientific Chiropractic adjustments. Houra 9-12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. I! 1 3-3 1 5 Medford Bids. Office phone 29, res. phone 494. "Keep Smiling." FOR SALE-H-Yo-.inir team, wagon, har ness, buggy ami harness;, also liaik harness, few tons barley' hay. Agri cultural land for rent: ten acres in barley. 510 13. Majn St. 216 FOR SALE Two liiotibators: MeClnn alian 22U-Rgg cuiuiclty, $15, onii "Old Trusty" 160-ogg capacity, $10, guod condition;. Louie Montgomery. Jacksonville. 246 FOR SALE Two Jersey cows, one fresh soon. vono heifer calf, roan mare, two feeder pigs, one Duroe sow, wagon, manure, chickens, ('has. Nahss, one mllo northwest of Cen tral Point, south of pine grove near Seven Ouks. 215 -- FOR SALE Wool and pliad pieces for quilts. 719 S. Central. 2..0 FOR SALE Portable house, horses and mules. 607 Pine St. . 250 FOR SALE Fresh cow. W. JackBon and Cedar. 216 FOR SALE Dry pb.e wo;d $2.00 perl tier, on highway. . V. L. Vnn Houten, Gold Hill. '219 FOR SALE Puppies; real compan : ions. Pnona 691-R-l. . FOR SALIC Corn, also saddle ponv.1 flione 639-K-4. 219 FOR RENT Houaea. mows White. FOR RKNV nuUBKAKlBIUNU . ROOMS FOR RENT Three room housekeep ing apartment; steam-heat. 1005 W. Main. . ' 246 FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping room. . 325 E. Jackson St. Phone 211. FOR RENT FT1RX1HHKII ROOMS FOR RENT Room with board, $35.00 a month. 223 N. Central. 250 FOR RENT One B tea in heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen. Phone 674. tf FOR RENT Furnished room, Bteam heat Gentleman only; also garage space. Phone 92-R. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivy. ..- - - 247 FOR RENT Furnlshea rooms and cabin; men. 445 S. Front St. 246 FOR RENT-!-Furnlshed room with bath and hent. 340 S. Riverside. Phone 217-L. 251 FOR RENT .MlCnH;fjANEOC8 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St Phone 82. tf Close in Bungalow Home This close In modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 East front lot and contains large living and dining rooms, 3 large sleep ing rooms, large kitchon, pantry, three cloBets, two screen porches and large front porch, bath room, fire place, fruit closet, largo store room and wood Bhed; sits well up from the ground on concrete foundation; constructed of the best material; full set concrete walks; beautiful lawn;, some fruit; beuullful shade trees; all paving paid. Priced at loss than cost to build now $4800. We are offering four 3-acro tracts near Medford on good road; Irrigated; suitable for poultry, berries and vegetables, nt $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit. Phone 280 3. W. DRKS8LER CO.. 123 E. Main St. FORCED SALE ; ON AOOOVNT BUSINESS IN BEATTLK IEMANPINO PERSONAL ATTENTION, H OKFKU THIS OITORTUNTY. ALL BUIIJMNOS "BRAND" NEW FRONTING ON PACIFIC HIGnWAY ONE MILE NORTH MEDFORD 4 ACRES or 40 ACRES, Rout BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND. Ten room house, everything modern, latest conveniences, hard wood floors, built In features. Colonial style bouse. Kitchen has all yon could desire with electric range, hot and cold running water, hot water heat In every room, big fine automatic water pressure system 680 gallon tank under roof, water piped to dlftoront buildings, double garage, fine barn, other outbuildings right up-to-date, cement water trough, largo septic tank, 60x70 chicken house with second floor, 1500 capacity brooder; fine Jersey cow; hay enough to feed out the year; 650 carefully eulled chickens, aa well bred aa any In tbe valley, 1000 rapacity Incubator; harness, tools. Implements, alfalfa cutter, lota feed on band. You can have four or forty acre of the best Bottom Land to bo bad on Bear Creek. WILL CONSIDER GOOD PROPERTY AS PART PAYMENT. SRK CS TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real Estate , Business Opportunities MEDFORD BUILDINO, MEDFORD, ORE. Exchange FOR SALE Young purebred Jersey bull at bargain. J. A. Manke, R. 1. Medford. . 248 FOR SALE 10 toams weighing from 1800 to 1200. Call 201-Y-2. . 245 FOR . SALE Weaned pigs. C. C. Hoover. 686-R-0. v . ' vrtn BAT.F rturreH Rnek cockerels prlie- winners. Booking orders ior setting eggs. '. Buckeye incubator and brooder, sixty-egg capacity, a. H. Willett, phone 403-R-4. 217 FO RS ALE 50 Angora goats at $2.50 a head. J. 8. Weeks, Eagle Point FOR SALE POUIVTKY AND EGGS FOR SALE R. 1. Red hens. 421 Ouk St.,, 251 FOR SALE White Leghorn hatohing eggs, day. old chicks, eight weeks oli pullets.' Wurner and Launspach, 519 S. Oukdale.Ave., phone 696-M. FOR SALE Eight young - thorough bred Mammoth Bronze turkey toms for breeding, or will trade for one year old toms of equal stock. Noth ing better on the coast. See turkeys nt 28 Geneva St. Tel. 656-J. tf FOR SALE 125 pullets $1.00 - each. Inquire Campbell itancn, norm Talent. . - - -. ' 247 FOR SALE Turkey s, Mammouth Bronze toms for breeding purposes. R H. Zimmerman, west of Central Point Ore. 247 ' FOB SALE) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck. Pneu matics. Bargain at $360. Crater Ijike Automotive Co., 12?. S. . Front St. Z4" FOR SALE Maxwell 5-passenger touring car run less than looo miles, $600. Terms is wanted. Phono 617-1. or 105. 245' FOR 8ALN BOMTW FOR SALE Houses aud ounKalowa, furnished or - unfurnished; aic acreage. Insurance C. S. Huiturfleld. ' Medford National Bank King., roone WE NEED YOUR PATRONAGE We will, give you un excelled service at no additional cost. When you think of Tires, Oils', Greases or Accessories, ; ' think of . JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. . '- .- , V ' , -, A Real Service Station FOR SALE No. 1 oat hay, half inl:e south on Peach St. I'll me u l'-2. 2 la FOR SALE One cow, two yearllnK heifers, 7o chickens, Sharp es sep arator and household fnrnlture. : On , old Koehler place, phone 2Ixx.v'J, Central Point. Hurry Sumualson. 215 Lit. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlro rraetlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Uldg. Phone 965... tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physlcinn. DR. LOUISE . E. HEDCCS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mochano-Thornpy. Spoti dvlothernpy. Food Sciences, Chlro prnctieo. Office: Stewart BIdg., 235 1C. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res 170-J-2. ; DR. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician. . Office hours 9 to 12. 2 to 5. smta 203-04-05-06, Llb erv BUIg. Office Pono 580, Res. 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 22 8 E. Alain St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 869; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m :' 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by n-Miointment. Money to Loan J. Its ANDREWS Buys and sella mortgages and loans money on prod security,.. 31 . N. Grape St. Phono 53-M.. 246 FOR SALE Two cronm separators, one DeLaval, one Sharpies. In.iulie Bert Stoncliff, Phoonlx. 217 Monuments FOR SALE Clark's Seedling straw berry plunts; lnspooted; the fiiinom Hood River borry.. A. 1L ..WIlUHt, Phone 403-R-4. - 247 THE O.IEGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general - manager. . P. M. KerBhaw, sales manager, lOS'.'-K ' Sixth St. Med ford. tf FOR SALE A bargain; Portable elec tric sewing machine almost new. $40. .Singer Shop, 10 8. Fir St. , lu Ostoopnths FOR SALE A No. 1 oat hay, ono-lmlf J mile south of Phoenix on Highway. C. Carey. . . . ' ' - tf FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, $23.00 ton. . Rogue Rlvor Valley Canal Co., 294 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 261 FOR SALE Second cutting baled alfalfa buy, $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phone 2C.0-629. tt FOR SALE New Columbia phono- Krupu 1'Bcurus Hi jiau price, viumm-, Llrunswlck, Columbia, Pathe & So nora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St, noxt to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tl FOR SALE Good second-hand steel cables over 200 ft, low price. .Inquire Medford Bldg. janitor.- tt FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 26 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycin, 2200 .voltuge. complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line.. Big Pines Lumber Co . , . BLSIM SS DIRECTORY 1 Abstractors MURRAY 'BROS, . & GREENE Abstracts of Tille Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Aye., upstairs. Jui'kxon County ., AllSTItACT CO. Tho only noutiiloM Ti tle System In Jackson County. , Abstract of Title and Titlo Insurance. WATSON ft KELLOGQ Reliable Jackson county abstractors or-tr ' ties, Oold Hill, Oregon, - Attorneys O. C. BOGG8 Lawyer. Specialties In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer,, offloa in Liberty Building. Kvpert Accountant WILSON AUD1T1NO CO. E, M. Wll son, C. P. A. Attention glvon to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty BUIg., Medford... Phone 157-R. SAudltltvfl, O Aeeourvftna YSTEMERVICEIO: M. P. 2nd Floor SCKJITDT DH. V (I. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physioians 41 0-418 Liberty BIdg. Phone 904-J-3. Residence 26 South l.anrol St. ,.... Dfh W-. W., HOWARD Osteopathic I'hyslclan. Special attention given to eye, car, noBe and throat. 300 Liberty Building, Phone 496. ' - Physicians anil Surgeons. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and burgeon. Practice limited to eye, ; car, nose and throat. EyeB sclfln- tlflcally tested and glasses sup-' '. piled.. OccullBt and Aurlst for S.' P. R, R. . Co., . Medford BIdg. Phono 567. ' . ' DR. WM. W. P.. HOLT Physician and ; surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 16 6. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 3 1 3 to 3 1 4 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano und Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. , 3 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equlpned printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing Bystemc, ' etc. Portland prlcet, 27 N. Fir St. Pnbllo Accountants HUGH R. ROBERTSON A CO. Member American Institute ot Ac . countants. Public Accountant and - Auditors. Portland, Ore., an-1 Minneapolis, Minn, Address) 1517 Yeon dildg., Portland, Ore. ' ' Rug Weaving , MEDFORD ' FLUFF RUO WORK'S - makes fluff rugs from old and' . worn Carpets and rugs. Phono 510-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phono 315. Prices right. Service guar - anteed. - - - v DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO. Anything moved, day or night. Servlco guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or ' residence, 647-R or 206. tf. Tpholsterlng Medford Bldg. J. WE18 -Upholstery, Manufacturer , ot overstuffed furniture. Full line i of materials. Draperies made to . order. Wo do' all kinds of nphoK eterlng. We deliver and will rail and show samples. Pnone 103 - Jacksonville, Ore, - , J