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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1923)
ftrappomrffl'xiT TRrspyg, MEflronTV (-mrjoy, frtday, January s. 1923 SUN YAT SEN IS THE OLDE8T PREACHER IN THE K. K. MAY WIDEN WORLD VTCm TEN tiHvviMHNifiviNiniHBH l" ' '.-..--.. ., ..... . - . ....... ..... i. , n . . ' I li ! ! I Medford Center Departm't Store Ladies' Goats and Dresses L. INFLUENCE, LEI JOI 1 1 a ti tl V a 1. w fi hi v U tl 01 ai 01 bi w t) it it N PEKINO, Jan. 5. (fly Associated I'ress). An unconfirmed report was In, Rlr'jtilstlon hero late today that the different factions of the Canton, or smith China government had settled fliclr difficulties and that the southern party was prepared to recognize the Peking administration as representa tive of China. ' Advices received here from Canton Indicate revival there of the Influence of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. driven from the presidency of south China last summer by a coup d'etat which resulted in the plros to power of General Chen Chlung $lins. General Chen's forces are sad to fiavo retired to Kwang Tung province, and troops from tho provinces of Yun nan and Kwangsi, favorable to Sun Yat Sen, have occupied the city. This reversal for Genoral Chen at a tlmo when his reputed nlly General Wii Pel Pu, Is believed to be losing his grip in the Peking administration, would seem to Indicate the resing pow er o the combination headed by Sun Yat Son. Tsao Kun, powerful northern niltitariBt and Chang Tso Lin, war Dird of Manchuria. ) iri i l i OTP Safe Milk For Infant; invalid de Childrta The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QckLunchitHome.OfficetiFountaini. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow derkTabletformi. Nouriahlni-Nocooktai. W Avoid Imitations and Substitutes I I ' m m We'will make your old Suits and Overcoats lost till Spring. Try us. i UNI-ESSNafeyVOU ARE' i FARM V; IMPLEMENT REPAIRING Spray Rigs and Engines Williams Implement ' i ! Service i 28 S. Bartlett WATCH YOUR BATTERY- PRKST-O-MTE BATTER STATION For Qnlck Service rtione 110 RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING ' IIAI-F SOMCS AXD HKKI.S Medford Vulcanizing Works 1 Babbiting, Welding v V : Lathe Work REASONABLE RATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front St. Charles V. Ellis, 105 years old of Ada, Oklahoma. Kills is a preacher In the Nazarcne church, and recently made a trip to a nearby town for a month and he conducted a Beries of revival meet ings, lie served with the Union army during tho Civil war, and cherishes amoni; his many reminiscences, a chance meeting with President Lincoln. Brilliant Spectacle Pleases Page Patrons "When Knighthood was In Flower" took Medford by storm ut its initial opening yesterday nt the Page theatre and is sure to continue its success during its limited engagement here. The beautiful old wprld background heightens the dramatic effect of the many tender love scenes and the ex citement of the adventure; The theme is that of love defying all kings and conventions, and centers about beauti ful Mary Tudor and her romance with Charles Brandon. The human interest In it, the atmosphere, the historical research entailed In its production, tho costuming, all hold attention every moment. "When Knighthood Was in Flower," an adaptation of the same story, by Charles .Major, was enacted on the stage by Julia Marlowe. Owing to tho broader scope afforded a Bcreen vur ,slon, however, many spectacular scenes aro Included in. tho picture which necessarily hnd to be omitted from the stage production. The gor geous wedding of Princess Mary and old King Louis XII. of-France is ono of thorn. "Hotly" llrown's music lends valu able assistance in tho interpretation of a specially adapted musical score. ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 5. The Ku Klux IC In ii, unllkn the Leopard, will c-hungo Its sputs. It wilt also expand Its activities all parts of tho world, but ' more especially Europe. '.Kdwardf yoUng Clarke, imperial glunt of the organization, will at an early date, urge upon the govern ing body of the klun that it be made an international body and that all white men, ."regardless of creed, bo admitted. to "membership. Whlto -supremacy will be tho key noto of the revamped klan and the present ban against Catholics now in force, will bo raised. "The klan hus nothing to conceal," said Mr. Clarke today. "It docs not operate in the dark, ns our enemies say it does. 1 am perfectly willing that all of our cards bo laid on the table. One of the principal tasks as signed to- mo by the nutlonal klan vo cation was tho investigation of the feasibility of spreading the roster of tho order so that It will Include every Christian white man on the face of tho globe. "I said every white man. That is a term which wo aro going to have to carefully defined namely which of the groups which make up the Cuucnsian raco really aro while. Wo believe that tho binding together of all of tho white men of tho earth Into one groat association that will stand unit ed against tho numerically superior colored races Is an absolute neces sity to tho continuation of tho white man's rule in tho world." The edge of Imperial CSIant Clarke's sword udmlltedly Is today bared more against the Japanese than against the negro of tho south. There was sharp comment today over the latest development and the sugges tion was made that there wiut great political significance in tho an nouncement and that It Is planned not only to make Catholics eligible to membership but to urge them to Join. D. R." CRISSINGER TO TAKE u d n UAnniMo? it. r. u. "On the High Seas," Rlalto -Ono of tho most thrilling depictions of fire at soa ever filmed forms but one of the many punch incidents of the picturizatlon of "On the High Seas," which is now showing at the Hialto theatro. This is practically the open ing incident, and from thence .onward tho action builds' up thrllllngly until there comes a vorltablo cyclono of n climax, and then suddenly an unex pected finish follows. Dorothy Dalton and Jack Holt are tho featured players and Mitchell Lewis Ib tho leading member of the supporting cast. QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit "No-To-Bne" has helped thous ands to break tho costly, nervo-shat-terlng tobacco habit. Whenever you hnvo a longing for a cigarette, cigar, pipe or for n chew. Just placo a harmless No-To-Uao tablet In your mouth instead, to help relievo that awful desire. Shortly tho hnblt may bo completely broken, and you are better off mentally physically, finan cially. It's so easy, so simple. Get n box of No-To-Ilao and If It doesn't release you from all craving for to bacco, in any form, your drbgslst will refund your money without question. Adv. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. D. R. Cris singer, the present comptroller of the treasury, will be nominated as gover nor of the federal reserve board within a few days, according to high adminis tration officials today. Mr. Crlsslnger will succeed to the place made vacant by retirement of former Governor Y. P. O. Harding. Taking the Bull Out of Lumbering The California White and Sugar Pino Association thinks that there is a good deal in a name; so much so that it is thinking of asking the forest ser vice to abolish "bull pine" from Its chock list of common names of Amer ican trees. According to the forest service, California is full of bull pine (though it does not share In tho pro- vailing eastern view, that plain "bull" Is 'oqually provalont there), but the California lumbermen find only "white fine" when they don't find sugar pine; and further north it Is "western pine" but never "yellow" which It Is by botany. Thus the mountain mills, of California are selling something for which there is no authority so fnr as forestry nomenclature goes. Pesides, no solid, serious organization likes to have the word "bull" associated with its product or activities in these days when a very doprecatory meaning has bCen grafted onto the word, To under take to advertise bull pine would bo to laugh. Tho California lumbermen arc quite content with tho Latin name of inns Ponderosa, but would like to have the forest servlco make tho com mon name Western Soft pine, since it is manifestly impossible to give it the namo "whitd pine," ns bull pine is botanicnlly not a tnio white pine how ever whlto tho lumber may be. As Colonel Greeley, eminently practical, has eliminated moat of the "bull" from forest conservation. It Is hoped that he will gladly cc-opcruto in getting it out of lumbering. January Sunset. With Medford trade Is Medford made. Done It Must Be We must clean up this month our big stock of merchandise before in ventory. Sale starts tomorrow M M. Dept. Store At Greatly Reduced Prices Absolutely New Goods Nothing OverThirtylDays Here No seconds, no culls, no left-overs from previous sea sons, nothing faded nor shop worn. Every garment is of season's latest mode and fabric. The nrice a revelation and an acrreeable numriae. j;;,,.jLc i asiiiuiiauiy jlsi csscu Buy Now and Save 1 1 1 illf High Class Musical Recital Saturday afternoon' 3:00 to 5:30. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30.- MEN'S NECKWEAR Choice new .Neckwear, at spc- . cial prices. Saturday Only To introduce the lines Every li30 Tie 95 Home of Boss of the Road Men's Goods Boss of the Road, Men's Blue Overalls ,.......$2.00 Boss of the Road, Carpenter's Overalls, double stitched and pockets a-plcnty .. . . . $2.50 ' Boss of the Roard,' Corduroy Pants... $4.50 Bass of the Road, Khaki Pants : $3.50 and $3.00 Boss of the Road, Khaki Koveralls......,...... -'- $4.00 Heavy Cheviot "Work Shirts, blue and grey - ..$1-25 Men's "Wool Mackinaws, Jersey Cuats and Woolen Shirts greatly underpinned. LEATHER GOODS REDUCED 25 PER CENT For One Week Only Every . Hand "Bag, . Shopping Bug, Vanity Case and Purse must go. Nothing reserved. Triced for juiuk action. Men's Hat and Cap Special Fine Felt and Yelour Hats,- $7.00 values.: ....:$5.75 :; Fine Felt Hats, new colors, $G.OO values.......; $4.75 Fine Felt Hats, black and colors, $4.50 value ...:.$3.00 Advance Tweed and Heather Hats for men, $3.00 value, , $2.25 The Medford Center I Sanitary Meat Market Attend the Sale ROXY ANN SHOP i , Infants wear complete, Fancy Bloomers, Novelty Aprons, Made in. Medford "Roxy Ann" garments for women and children. : 25 Discount on Every Garment. CANDY SPECIALS Old fashioned Choco . lates 25 per lb. Assorted Mixed Extras 25 per lb. Delicious Kisses 20 per lb. Saturday Only . . , . ....... , -,. . ; Saturday Specials TRY A LEO OF LAMB for Sunday dinner. Select It here and It will be as sweet and tender as I meat can be. Kor our lamb Is real lamb, not yearling or young mutton. You Set what you pay tor at this market In both quality and quantity. Eastern Sugar' Cured , Skinned Hams, per 11, : .1.29 Eastern Hams, per lb 19 Eastern Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb .- .,....;:34! Eastern Bacon Backs, per lb 30 Pure Lard, Homo Rendered, per lb v 171-2 Venl Stew, per lb:.....::..;.'..;..;15 neef Stew, per' lb ;...:..;..4.'..:.''..15 Pork Roasts, per lb 25 and 20 Steer and Baby Beef pot Roast, per lb 15 Good Steak, per lb 20 Short Ribs of Beef, per lb 15 Brisket Boil, per lb 10 Home Made, Sugar Cured Corn Beef, per lb 17 j Free Delivery Thonc 235 in our Men's Department i Men's heavy Wtool Shirts and Drawers. Regular price $1.75. Now .i..., .. $1.49 Men's Gray Wc ol Union Suits, heavy weight. Regular price $4.00. Special'. .". . .,. . . $2.75 Men's heavy fleece lined Natural Cotton Union Suits. Regular price $2.00. ;.Special. . ... . ,, : ... . . . ; ., $1.49 Men's super-fin; silk and wool mixed Union Suits. Regular price $6.50. SpeciaH $4.75 Boys' fleece linked Natural Cotton Union Suits. Regular price $1.00. Special; ,. . . : . 79c Boys' fleece linked Natural Cotton Union Suits. Regular price $1.25. Special ...... . . ., ,. . ., 89c Boys' fleece limed Natural Cotton Union Suits. Regular price $1.50. Special . 95c Boys' Bib Overalls, regular $1.50. Special $1.35 Boys' Bib Ovenalls, regular $1.75. Special .$1.50 J r I' if