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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1923)
12 BABIES BORN . There were -660 births, and 4U2 death in Jackson county from .luno 30, 1921 to to Juno 30, 1922, accord ing to tho records of the state health board in tho .county clerk's office. Tho figures for the last half of 1022 have not been received from salem. .. The stork came to 257 homes of this city, tho record shows; Ashlnml, 142; Central Point, 49; EnBlo Point, 80; Phoenix, 16; Rogue River, 25; Talent 25; Gold Hill, 27; Jackson ville, 10; Brownsboro, 3; Applegale, 4; Trail, 3; Hutto Falls, 7; Prospect. 6; Wellen, 3; Ileagle 3; and mado one visit only to Sams Valley, Foots Creek, P-uch, Vorhels, Griffin Creek, Ileaglo, . Derby, Buncom, Wimcr and Stelnmon. i. . .. There were nine Japanese babies, twenty Northern California babies woro -born in Medford and Ashland hospitals, and 12 tourists had their Fords gladdened by new arrivals. Of tho'492 claimed by the flrlm P.oapcr, 204 were men and 28S wnmon 'and for tho period that the Jackson county records show, no per son, whoso surnamo began with the letter. P., was called. Daily Report on the Crime Wave MUNCIE, Ind.; Jan. - -4. William MUlor today shot and killed his wife and their three children and then committed Bulcldo police officials said. The crime was discovered by neighbors who broke into tho house when thoy failed to see any of the family.. ' Expect to Find Crown Jewels of Russia in U. S. Seaman's Grave CHICAGO, Jan. 4. Federal secret! service agents have lo- cated In the national cemetery o,t Brooklyn, New York, the grave of an American seaman where they expect to find some of the crown jewels of Russia, valued at $4,000,000, according to a copyrighted story publish- ' ed today by the Chicago Dally News, from a staff correspond- ent at New York. EVERETT. Wash., Job. 4. Rur lelgh H. Preston, Arlington, was hold up south of here on the Pacific high way last night by an- armed bandit who signnled. him with a flashlight to stop. Tho thief, who obtained (20 from Preston, was accompanied by another mnn in an automobile. BELLINCHAM, Wash.. Jan. 4. Two unmasked men last night enter ed tho Sunrise restaurant and while one kept the proprietor nnd his wife and daughter covered with a re volver, tho other rifled the cash reg ister of $38.90. As they left the restaurant one of the men fired a shot at a waitress, who had attempted to prevent the robbery. Later in the evening two men who gave their names ns James Ilantley and Jack Raleigh, were ar retted by police In tho south end of town and plneed in Jnll on suspicion. M. M. Dept. Store's Clearance Sale to ''Begin Tomorrow WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 The' ex pocted fight in tho senate today over the Jones resolution looking toward a method of limiting debate was end ed temporarily before it fairly got started. ' Senator Jones, republican; of Washington, in accordance with an announcement made prior to the Now Year's recess, called up his reso lution providing for appointment of a sennte committee to overhaul the rules of procedure so as to expedite business and enable a majority to bring a question to a vote. He ask ed immediate consideration, but this was blocked by Senator Harrison, democrat, of Mississippi, who asked that the resolution be sent to the rules committee. : SHREVEPOUT, La., Jan. 4 Is- lie Leggett, a negro, was lynched either last night or early today by a party of men who kidnapped, him last night. His body was found in tho southern part of the city riddled with bullets. Leggett was seized at a garage and placed in an automobile by his five white abductors and spirited away. Police Chief Baser said complaints had reached his' office that leggett was associating with white women. Police have been "shadowing" him, ho said, but had failed to obtain evi dence to warrant his arrest. The M. M." Department Store is launching the biggest January Clear ance sale In its history tomorrow which will continue throughout the month. According to Mr. Meeker of the M. M. company, extensive (prepara tions have been made to insure the success of this event. The entire I stock Including wearing apparel for men; women and children will be in cluded in this great sale, shoes, hosiery, silks, dresses, underwear, aults, conts and piece goods. Many "specials" will be offered In addition to regular reductions on new merchandise as an Incentive to shop pers. It is hoped that by offering at tractive bargains, that the large stock now on hand at the M. M. Department store will be cleaned up to allow room j for spring and summer stocks. II. A. Booth to Resign. EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 4 R. A. Booth of this city, chairman of the Oregon state, highway commission, announced that he will tender his resignation to take effect wlien Gov ernor rierco is inaugurated this month. DOCTORS WANTED TP OPERATE Mrs. Quillon Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound SaTed Her from an Operation iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii U1UJ1U Mnlcppon.Michiean.-"After doctor ing for eight or nine years with different any reuei at au.uiey saiaawosb mat. mcu icine would not reach my case and I should have an operation, I had heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and often saw it adver tised in different pa pers where some women had suffered iust as 1 did and not well and strong again by taking the Veg etable Compound. 1 decided to see what it would do for me, and before I had finished tho fourth bottle I was much better, the weakness stopped and the severe pains in my sides left me. I am now much stronger and do my own work and work in the factory besides. I am still taking the Vegetable Compound and give it all the praise. " Mrs. Nellib QiniAON.nMorrisSt., Muskegon, Mich Women should beed such warning symptoms as bearing-down pains and weakness, for they indicate some female trouble, and a persistent and faithful use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will seldom fail to help. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Messages of condolence and tribute to her ca reer were being received from a host of friends and admirers today of Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell, widow of the famous inventor, following her death here last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Fairchlld Mrs. Bell, whowas C3 years of age, passed away after a long illness, be ginning with a breakdown suffered at the time of Dr. Bell's death lust August. The funeral will take placo tomor row afternoon nt Twin Oaks, former ly the home of Mrs. Bell's father. At Mrs. Bell's request, the body will be cremated and the ashes will be bur led beBldo the body of Dr. Bell at Belnn Breagh, noar Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Burn Club Mortgnjro. WENATCHEE, Wash., Jan. 4. The outstanding feature of tho annual meeting of tho Wenntchee Commer cial club will be the burning of the $11,000 mortgago which has stood as an indebtedness against tho club since tho structure was erected m 1910. Tho mortgngo has been fully paid. School Superintendent Election SALEM, Ore., Jan. 3. County school superintendents of Oregon In session here yesterday elected Mrs. Twella Ferguson of Klamath county president of their association, L. B. Gibson of Hood River county, vice president, and Joslnh Wells of Polk county, secretary Will Shoot Husslnn I'rlnoo. MOSCOW, .fan; 4.-(By the Asso. elated Press.) Prince Uktomsky has been sentenced to bo shot for having acted as chief of the "army for the salvation of Russia," which operated for a short time In Iho Ros tov-on-Don district. " PiDte Thoughts fofam PRAYER FOR WISDOM : So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unloristloin. I'wiliu Rurik fiouah After influenza "After an attack of the 'Flu' which left me with a severe cough nothing seemed to relieve me until I used Foley's Honey and Tar," writes Mrs. K n Drake. Childs. Maryland. Coughs maiiHinir from Influenza. Whoonfng Cough, Asthma, Croup, La Grippe and Uronchitas are quickly relieved witn PniAv'a stnnnv and Tar. Contains no opiates ingredients printed on the wrapper. iargesi selling cuuku loinn in ih world. Sold everywhere Adv. F SCHOOL AND STATE TAX IS B2.9 W!!LLS The tux levy apportionment for in corporated towns of Jackson county, for state, schot and county taxes, as compiled by tfle county assessor is as follows; ' Town ! Levy Mills 62.9 01. ,1. Ashland Medford Butto Kails 67.3 Central Point 73.2 Eagle Point 62.6 Gold Hill .53.6 Jacksonville '. . . . 60.2 Phoenix 72.2 Rogue River 68.3 Tulent 67.9 Central Point has the highest levy of any town in tho county. The1 above levy does not Include, the mu-t nicipal lax of the various municipal!-i ties. Tho county nnd state levy for outside of high districts Is 27.6 mills. and for insldo high school districts .2 mills. . Tho assessor's office is preparing the tax rolls, for turning over to the sheriff's office Mnrch 1st. and an that date will stnrt making the 1923 assessments. WINNIPEG, Man., Jan. 4. The Provcncher school, under tho juris diction of tho St. lionifaco public school board wns destroyed by fire early today entailing a loss of $106, 000. According to reports, there was no one In the building when tho blaze tho origin of which is undetermined, started. There genernlly are about . two hundred children in the convent, but owing to the midwinter holidays, only half that number were in tho build ing. They all escaped. The loss was estimated at $100,000. SALEM. Ore., Jan. 4. Vpon re ceipt of a telegram late yesterday from United States Senntor McNary announcing that tho -senato had con firmed : the appointment v of Judge John S. Coke of Marshfleld ns United States attorney In Portland to suc ceed Lester Humphrey, Clovornor Ol cott announced the appointment of John C. Kendall of Marshfleld to suc ceed Judge Coke. out. Ill swimming to the surface he encountered the wreckage of the bridge, through which he finally crawl ed to safety. , With, dozens of relatives and friends of missing men, W. A. Godfrey rushed to the morgue to look for the body of his brother who was with him on the bridge. "There were four of us in the car." said young Godfrey, "John Darr and Charles Strand,- my brother and my self. Darr was driving. 1 don't know how it happened. One moment we were talking and laughing with three of us in the back seat and the next moment the car was diving into the river. The noise was deafening. Then I cannot remember anything except the fight to get out of the back seat with all the weight of the water against me. Somehow or other I mado it and climbed onto the broken tim bers. Some men pulled me up with ropes. They pulled Darr and Stroud up too, but when we looked around for my brother John, he wasn't tliero." Repairs Being Made Had the bridge collapsed a few min utes earlier the loss of life would have been greatly multiplied. During the afternoon, workmen had been making repairs on the draw which was par tially raised at times. Five minutes before the accident, at the close of one of theBe periods of work, scores of cars woro backed up nt either ap proach, together with many pedes trians, waiting to cross. This press of traffic had dwindled to approximate ly tho normal evening load when tho brlilgo crashed; Survivors told almost identical stor ies. The snap and crash of the falling structure, tho sudden plunge Into the racing river and the battle for life in the muddy current. To Bwlm ashore, cumbered with heavy clothing, was a test to be mot only by the strongest and most ndept a fact attested by the circumstance that many of the sur vivors were pulled from the river n distance of three blocks below the wreckage. Exploration of the wreckago was not attempted last night, owing to a fear that bodies which might be caught among tho timbers would be released and carried away In the darkness. This was begun with daylight and an en deavor will also bo made to grapple for submerged automobiles In which bodies may be held. Report 40 Rescued Tho estimate of the number rescue.!. whether below the bridge or on the debris was forty. Allowing for tha escape of many upon the bridge and accepting the estimate of 100 who were in peril, it Beamed likely that the loss of lives would be trebled when tho final check is mado. At daybreak searching parties cruised down river In quest of bodies which may have been carried even into tho Columbia which the Cowlitz joins two miles below the city. the curtains of his cur and crawled! river here. Officials admitted the possibility Unit the. death list might reach 25 or 30. One body was recovered from the river at noon today below Ibe bridge, and Oeorge (). McDonald of Vancou ver, Wash,, died at a hospital from injuries. Injured Victim Dies KELSO, Wash.. Jan. 4. George O. McDonald, a plumber of Vancouver. Wash., who was reported as suffering from internal injuries sustained when the bridge over the Cowlitz river here collapsed at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, died at 2:49 a. m. at the Kelso general hospital. Ills parents reside nt Vancouver, Wash., and he hns a brother In San Francisco. Deputy Coroner William D. Van Note of Kelso, who saw the crash, estimates that 20 to 1!5 bodies and U to 18 automobiles are In the river now. He declared that a systematic search of the river was started at daylight. Three divers, one from Knlama and two from Portland, nre due hero early today. OI.YMPIA. Wash., Jan. 4. The unfinished state bridge across the Cowlitz river between east and west Kelso will be connected immediately with a temporary structure around the uncompleted lift span in the cen ter so that traffic, which was cut off by the collapse of the city bridge yr.s tenl.'iy afternoon, may he resumed as soon as possible, according to Gov ernor Louis F. Hart, cliutiimm of the Htute highway committee today. James Allen, supervisor of high ways said-he believed 'the temporary bridge would be ready hy Sunday night or .Monday morning. "Although the old bridge was a oily bridge and not under our Juris diction tho state is ready to render any assistance possible In giving re lief as it result of the disaster," saiil tile governor. BOOZE CASE ARGUED velopment of our 'chorlshcd 'merchant marine," the government ,say, -.'-'rtse mischief of drinking intoxicating linuois must be cut up by the roots," and the coiiHh can listen only to the nuiDdntcH of law. "and tread thnl path' which Is marked out by duty." CONFERENCE BREAKS UP ' (Continued from page one.) (Continued from page one.) the controversy centers largely upon the proper construction to be given the word "territory." ns used by con gress In extending the prohibition act to territory subject to the "jurisdic tion of the United States." The gov ernment contends that the nation's "territory" extends wherever the United Hlntes has "Jurisdiction," and that having Jurisdiction over Ameri can vessels on the high sens and In foreign ports, the prohibition law au tomatically applies to them. Counsel for the American steam ship companies combat such a con struction, insisting that under decis ions of the courts the "territory" of the United .States is "land." A ship is not "territory" in a physical sense, they argue, nor In the same sense ns the word Is employed in the consti tution. While It would be deplorable "nhoulil enforcement of the attorney general s ruling interfere with de- "that the nay Germany' will want, to muke war It will be on the smaller nations that she will throw herself. Her plan of non-aggressloti would leave her free to do so and would prohibit us from going to their help." ' : 'j' PARIS, Jan. 4. (By tho Associated Press.) An airplane wus placed at the disposal of the hrlllsh delegation lo tho reparations conference today by the French air ministry, The ma chine was assigned after Prime itln 'ster Bnnnr Law had made a request to that effect in order to send a most urgent courier to London. M EASLES rf may be followtd by MtiooS cold troubles; use nightly - WICKS V VAPORUB Oml 7 Million Jars UstJ Yearly WARRANT8 PROTESTED (Continued from page one) and were for violation of tho liquor laws. This amount Is correct, and vouched for by the county treasurer. The prohibition enforcement dis bursements and receipts for 1922, by month,: Is as follows: Expenses. Fines. January $ 580.60 $ D34.95 February 437. CO 19,90 -March 811.69 G63.00 April 76.4l 004.00 Mav 350.00 32.90 Jurfe 673.49 143.00 July 720.18 60.00 August 353.81 D43.80 September 777.56 115.90 October . 624.71 420.35 Novembor 1,008.22 207.05 December 1,232.11 D97.00 Totals j$S,246.18 $3.741. S5 It will be seen from the above that August was the only month In which tho receipts exceeded the expenses, and that November and December were both over the $1000 mark for expenses. The last two months showed the' highest expenses of the year. ... ' SCORES DIE WHEN BRIDGE FALLS (Continued from page one.) Autos Back to Safety Scant as the warning was at the snapping of the cable, many of the pedestrians on' the bridge raced to safety and In one or two Instances automobiles were backed away ns the chasm gaped before them. Hardy swimmers rose to tho surface and struck out against tho muddy t6rrent of the stream, being carried far down tho river before they were rescued. Unable to back his car from the tumbling structure, E. F. Hatch, a shingle weaver, living in Kelso, sat helpless at the wheel of his machine as It sank with the bridge. The shock of cold and swirling water aroused him from a half stupor. Struggling vigorously, he managed to tear sway Woman's Case Amazes Medford A business man's wife suffored for two years with sore, watery eyes, which pained day and night. Finally she tried slniplo camphor. Hydrastis, wltchhnzel, etc., ns mixed In Lovop tlk eye wash. . This helped her AT ONCE, Another lady reports "It leaves eyes cool and fresh." One small bottle Lnvoptlk usually helps ANY CAHE weak, strnlned or in flamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE. Leon 11. Hasklns, Drugglns. Adv. KELSO. Wnsh.. Jan. 4. (Ry the Associated Press) Two known dead and fifteen definitely listed ns miss ing was the-result of the morning's check of victims of tho collapse late yesterday, following tho snapping of a cable, of tho old wooden bascule suspension bridge, across tho Cowlitz Women Need Swamp-Root Thousands of women have kidney and bludder troublo and never, sus. pect it. . ., Women's complnlnts often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho result of kidney or bladder dis ease. .. ; ... If tho kidneys are not In a healthy condition, they mny cause tho other organs to become diseased. . Pain In tho back, headache, loss of, ambition, nervousness, are often times symptoms of kidney trouble. , Don't delny starting' treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Rpot, a physician's prescription, obtained nt any drug store, may be Just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Oet a medium or largo size bottle Immediately from any drug store- However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illnghamton N. Y for a sample bottle. When writing, bo sure and montlon this nnper.. Adv. Bang! Go Prices on Winter Fabrics i That's my contribution to the "After the Holi days Tales." , Enables you to order the new clothes at a big saving. !'.'. - ' I have blown $5.00 to to $15.00 off former prices. ' i ' ,; - Think how good this saving will feel in your pockets, in a new suit at that! E. Main, Upstairs ! I Make Room Sale For the next two weeks we are offering SPECIAL LOW PRICES on all lines of SMALL HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, AJLUMI NUMWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY in plain and fancy patterns, GALVANIZED GOODS, BROOMS, MOP HANDLES and many other articles in the house furnishing line that will be a great saving in price and well worth your while to take advan tage of this offering and supply your needs. eipbmix 1 FLEISHEE'S YARNS Lead all Other Brands SHIELDS ieHi,.f nriT 222 W. Main Medford Now in Medford! The New Jewett Six i- ' .. .A Paige Product $1105 P. 0. B. Medford WE ARE SHOWING AT OUR SHOW ROOMS THE Jewett "Special" AND THE Jewett Touring Car You're Cordially Invited to Call and See These Cars ' :' " . : . ' V, ' . '.' . : The Jewett "Special" mny well be considered one of the most beautiful enrs ' in Modford. Tho body is moleskin griiy mid the upholstering of Rrny-fireen paniMh leather to harmonize. , ' ' ' . V ; : r V. i ', '' The Jewett has a Six-Cylinder, 50 li. p motor, Timk in Axles, Semi-elliplio Springs nnd Reiny Kleetrienl System. Tires arc 31x4. ' 1 1 ' ' "' Crater Lake Automotive Go. Telephone 208 PAIOE AND JEWETT DISTRIBUTORS 123 South Front Street i i. si