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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
PAGE TWO MEDTORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER "21, -z- I ,. l ocal and Personal limine Klum, former well known i Oorrion .McKay who will meet Hul-i C. C. Cate left last nlcht for Euseno resident of this oily arrived yesterday Ding Ortega at the Nat in a tea round on a business mission from which he probably will not arrive home until land nud Seattle, o spend the duy here nlug from Portland where he had been vinitlim friends and In visiting; his, for the past week, mother in Ashland p-lor to proceeding to his home at Oakland, Calif. Sush and doors. Medtord Lumber Co. Tlju public schools, wjll oitwa tomor row til'ioriioon lor the h ditlays vaca tion und will not reconvene until W'ednosduy. Jannaiy 3d. In a number, of the rooms at the various siliool! Hemstitching and pecotlng nt bulldiiiKs Christmas proKnima will be Deuel's. 240 held tomorrow nfternoon, Glvo her table linen for Xtuns. 2f There's no. place lihii Holme for ' I'" '"( discount lit Deuel's. 234 complete Insurance service. laiice. Hot SprldKS. Sat. nlte. 234 is Own evenings. Jun Art Store. S.13 ' tieorife D. Herman of Chicago a guest at the Hotel .Medlord as are It writer practice paiwr at this office, it J- J' Ureon nd .Mr. and Mrs. C. .. ... .1 1 atterson and Mr. and Mrs. C. .. u .pcs urn wioui oi Kiass, ami of pin,,,!, K. t. ,.keP and us nuioinatic.- sait'iy isioa w inti- y .u.-rl iu,u. Mr unil Mr8 E w 0Uv(11. of I)lxon ' ' ",J ; vllle. Ore.. C. L. llrown of Eugene and The Llirlstmns rush Is on tiolli in w. J. Steams and furaily of Canada. liicomlnR and outgoing parcels, and When better automobiles are built. the pjstoffice force is handling this riulcU will build them. If immense business in fine shape, being' The post offices wilt not accept I! make deliveries promptly because of I (letter let us wrap them for you and nsving just received another army re- Insure safe delivery. Mail Tribune, built motorcycle with package carrier Auto insurance. Drown A White. bony, and painted green, which gives. wx inas dance In tho Orientnl two blK motorcycles for the Christmas liullroom Sat. night. Admission 10 cts. rush period. 23 hrlstmas party! pavilion: Sat' There was an unusually heavy fog -. 234 i this morning and this forenoon, which January first will be the last day tojj not begin to lighten until about pay city assessments without ennlty. , noon. -4' I Crescent qrcliestra masquerade, H'resceiit orcnestra nance, lixe ; Ragle Point, Sat.. Dec 30th. 239 reek, Ftiday. Dec. 22. 2.1,1 ; atrathmore novelties, beautifully "iJiiuce. not springs, bat. nite. iit i boxed, with clever verses, 50c to $1.50. uev. .Micnaei u nanagan. vice prosi- The Vnnlty Shop, Main at Uartlett. dent of the Sinn Fein of Ireland, Jo- 233 sepli O'lXiherty and Mr. lioland, who why not an automatic, windshield nro touring the country In behalf of j cleunor or a nice spotlight for Christ ina Irish rights to a republic, win i mast- See them at Riverside Garage. arrive here this afternoon to be the 233 guests of Fntlier Powers." Oranges! Oranges! at Jones. 233 there Is personal satisfaction ini Mrs. George Mansfield and two little Itoxy Ann garments for women and daughters, who had been In the city children. Made In Medford from best materials and sold for less than you rau make them. Itoxy Ann. Shop, Mad ford Center Dept. Store. 233 Milk and oreum at DeVoe's. If lxn't forget to pay your city assess ments before January first. 241 Holiday dance in. Oriental rtallroom Sat. night. - . 232 Owing to County Agent Cate, who is also tio local government weather official, being out of the city today on business and that Mrs. Juanila Frank lin, his stenographer for the paat two years resigned several days ago and her successor has not taken charge ynt, this paper is. unable to publish to day the maximum temperature of yes terday and the minimum of today. The official prediction wired hers from San ranciaoo this morning, forecasts fair weather for tonight and. showers fur tomorrow, Marinello Heauty Parlor will be open by appointment till 8:30 until Dec 22 23! Pianos, splendid quality. Hoot Music Co. ..... .. , .,, ,. , , S3S ' All kinds of rough and d rested lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 KaxtMatn. , v: .- Oranges! Oranges! at Jones. 23S Francis Buckley arrived home on the morning train today from Mt. Angel, college to spend the holiday vacation. ... Holiday masquerade ball. Pavilion. Wed. Dec 21. Plan your costumes now! SU There will be a penalty of five per rent on city assessments If not paid by January first 241 OptMtaveuings. Jap Art Store. 23S Order Christinas turkey, dressed or alive, at booth &. Public Market, Satur day, or address P. O. Itox SW, Medford. Will deliver. '' 1S Encampment members from all over the valley are expected to be present for a day or so shopping left for their home at Prospect today. Mr. Mansfield who has been at Portland this week attending the meeting of the state farm bureau executive board will ar rive in the city tomorrow enroute home to spend the holidays. -"Christmas party!" pavilion! Sat! 234 You can get it at DeVoe'e. tf Conn. Clarinets, best American made Root Music Co. 232 Ootid sweet oranges at Jones' from 30c up. 233 Reports received by the U. S. trea sury indicate that out of the $700,000, 000 of Victory notes called for redemp tion last Friday, which were outstand ing at the beginning of the month, less than $300,000,000 has been presented for redemption to date. Interest on all the called Victory notes, which bear the distribution letters A. 1). C. B. Eor F prefixed to their serial numbers stopped Friday and the treasury says holders of these notes shuuld promptly present them for payment through their own banks or to the nearest fed eral reserve bank or direct to the treasury at Washington. Goodrich tires and tubas at Colonial V . There's a busy Business College in your home town. OWN. Sti.&O motor driven horns at the Klectrlo Shop. Tho stores will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings to ac commodate Christmas shoppers. 232 Merchandise and chicken shoot one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Deo. 24. - 234 Laura- (lest and Dorothy Palmer, students at Wlllamotta university ar rived this morning from Salem nnd will spend the Christmas vacation in Medford With their parents. tomorrow night or Saturday. Johnson's, the popular Gift Shop. 233" Xmas candles from 14c up at Jones' 233 lleautiful and acceptable Christmas gifts, priced from 26c to $1.50. The Vanity Shop, Main at Uartlett. 233 Dance In Or'ental Ballroom Wed. and Sat. Admission 10 cents. 234 Johnston's tine candies at Ilnskins' Drug Store. 234 H. N. Taylor of Ashland was fined $10 in city court when he pleaded guilty before Judge Taylor to a churgo of operating a motor vehicle within Aa n ClirlBlmnn irreelliiK toonr mnnv '"O cy 1'milS wnn tne cutout opou customers, we are again giving a beau-j T,hB offense was committed about two tlful silver steel poker. Ask for yours. ciock m me morning accoroing to me Valley Fuel Co. Phone 7. . court and the offender was picked up Oarage. For sale, dressed turkeys for Christ mas. Delivered. Drawn if desired Chae.Ray. Phone 134-Y. - 232 Danca in Oriental Ballroom Wed. and Sat Admission 10 cents. 234 Choice musio and free dancing. Med ford Center Dept. Store. Concert in the afternoon 3:30 to 5:30, dancing S to 10 p. m. 234 John Patton and Raleigh Gallon, local students at Mount Angel and who are making the Journey on a motor- i cycle, are expected to arrive home some time today to spend the Holiday vacation. We have heavy wrapping paper and know how to wrap your Christmas at a meeting of the Medford lodge of jm0ka. M they will go safely throu the I. O. O F. tomorrow evening Withe mall. Mail Tribune. U witness the conferring of the Royalj nucs with the crowd tonuihl in the Purple, degree on a clow of a dosea or,1 Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10 cents. more novitiates at the Oea J-VJlows; 33l hall. .A repast win be rerred during Tnl. 6(t1e, u Dranared to nrtnt the ceremonial. This will undoubtedly gheeta, bills, etc, used oa the be one of the most Interesting events ; bxMkkeeptns machines. Don't give of the year in I. a O. P. cireels. . ur orders to traveling men and hare Armstrong coraa pnta the miles lnltnm printed cut ot Medford. Phone mileage. Phone t, 7-J, Star Motor & i Ua and w will call. tf Supply Co. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio, first class vwk and prompt service. . tf Hear Jthn Herbert Doran tonight at II. S. auditorium on Prehistoric Man ; 231' i SeS) the only automatic windshield Dance. Hot Springs. Sat nite. 334 Mrs. George & Corey's brother. Arthur FerreiU from Minneapolis. Minsk, Is visiting her during the holi days. Mr. Perrell has nexvr been on the coast before and thinks Mevifont is the only place oa the map. Hemstitching and nicotic. s:lk or cleaner that wipes the entire www oi cmOB, g wnu p?r Tard. Cor. Main glass, at Crater Lake Automotive Co. 1 ,nJ Bartlett The Vanity Shop, tf s,i Crescent orchesu masquerade. Mr. ami Mrs. K. U Lenox ot Cope ; e,, lWaU s,u 11C- Jl)ln. tjj. Calif, returned to their home ester-. rncl , oriental Ballroom Wed. day after a several days shopping trip Admission 10 cents. IS4 in Medford. Wonderful Xmaa daace in the Orieo- CreMil orchestra dance, lakoitat naiircom sat Bight, Admission Creek, Friday. Dee. 1J. 2U' j I() .o,,. tiZ' Th post offWa will aot accept A lxrf9 majerity of the local store lrkac that are bo well wrapped. , , uight and the rest Better let as wrap them for yo and of ,h, Bilthts ,ois wk until 8:3 tneure safe delivery. Mail Tribune. tf. clock to K)mroodate rititens who ee Christmas presents for every-, wtsh ,0 (Hln-aail4, Christmas presents one! ,-PvtH, Christmas party.- Sat. lHh. Upplies. J3'i Christnus novelties at The Vanity Dance. IW Springs. Sat nite, ill UiB uni,,t - JJ3 The highway betweea Caayonville We are giving a discount ot 3 per and Calesville opened to traffic yester- nM M whtte IrorT toil ijcles. day, but the N-vk systrm ia tn use Medford Pharmacy. 23 4' and trafflo direct hv are skUted every s Hoiijiy maseuerade ball. Psvillc. two hours oulkbtMiM ram ! WeU. IVa 37. Plan your fostumea Bvw ! Crescent orchestra dance, IJike Creek. Friday, Dec. 22. 233 Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. See Hall's for green vegetables. 233 A four weeks' .course for butler- makers, creamery managers, cheese makers, and ice cream makers will be given January 2 to January 27, at the O. A. C. Hot tamoles and chflt con carne at De Voe's. tf Have your Christmas packages wrapped at this office and they will reach their destination In good condi tion. . Mawapuil dolls, something different. at Hasklns' Drug Store. 234 Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252 Get your Xmas stationery at Jones' 233 American Legion members will as sist in the community Christmas tree celeb-ntlon to be held on the public library grounds Sunday at five p. m. All kinds ot rong and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, pbone 108. 711 East Main Btreet When In need ot sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street Sheet music, hot from the press. Root Music Co. 232 Dance. Hot Springs, bat nite. 234 Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Ash were down from Trail Wednesday and transacted business at the county court Good sweet oranges at Jones' from 30c up. 233 The Parent-Teachers circle of the Jackson school will meet in the assem bly hall Friday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Susanne Holmes Carter will tell the story of Ben Hur illustrated with beautiful colored lantern slides from the University ot Oregon. Miss Scott's fifth grsde will entertain with a fancy dance and a Christmas carol. The circle has prepared a tree from which Santa will distribute treats for the children who remain as guests ot the circle. Every parent Is invited. Thia week only Trico automatic windshield cleaners installed, Jj.OO. Riverside Garage. 233' Dance In Oriental Ballroom Wed. and Sat Admission 10 cents. , 234 Mattress work an kinds. Medford Auto Ton Co. Phone 104. U Mrs. Jessie Davis of Payette. Idaho, is the new assistant in the office of the county superintendent Mrs. Su ss one Homes Carter. Mrs. Davis hss had several years experience in edu cational work and will prove a valu able assistant tor the work in Jackson county. Stationery Jones has the lowest urices in Medford. 2W Selected Tiolins. Root Music Co. 242 Mandolins. Easy to leans. Root Music Co. 232 Notice! January 1st Ihe Vacoette snction sweeper advances $5.00. Take advantage today. Phone 517-X. 233 Have your picture framing done by Thompson, the Painter. 234 E. P. Guthrie was fined $10 Tuesday when be pleaded guilty before Justice Glena O. Taylor to a charge ot speed ing. The arrest was made by Deputy State Motor Vehicle Inspector J. J. McMahoa. Say! It you picked np a man's um brella or found one in your place o( business please phone 75. It's wanted by the owner. 235 Good sweet oranges at Jones' from 30o up. " - r S3 For new Pianos: Ellington. Hamil ton. Howard and Baldwin, see H. N. Loflsnd at Root's Music Store, or phone 6S1J. 35 Gift cards with magazine subscrip tions, st the Medford Cigar Store. Rock bottom prices. 4 Big selection ot mens sl.M ties. going at 7Jc at Jones . See these. SJl Clyde X. Butler of C.lewtale Is a guest at the Hotel Holland, inner guests K-lude Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Car- rail. Mr. and Mrs. F. U Hutchinson and K. C. Loll, all of Portland: J. U Heckley and C. Dechdsler and E. Beckdaler ot Klamath Falls: A. L. Gage of Trail and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keeler ot Taeotua. Merchandise and chicken shoot one mile north of Phoenix. Sunday, Dec. 24. 234 Oranges! Oranges! at Jones. 133 System Service Co. writes Fire and all ether Insaranee. Strong companies. Office tad floor Medford Bldg. tf Ex;ert auto repair: at r S. From St Home ot the Stephens, Star Motor 4 Supply Co. 23S Use aad cemeat Medford Lamtwr O The stores will he open for hasiness tc-aight and Friday and Saturday c! Canyoavtlle oa the even neors awt ;ji northbound car leave Calesvllte en nsa h d!lB lhl BOji,iT the odd h-wr The pavement in that ' crw j la ,h, oriental Ballroom Sat. iwlM was laid la strip, oae-halt of migu Admtsoa l teota. Hi' the read being paved at a lime. Althoi jj.j -faoker was arrested last all 4 the pavement ia w laid, the, BlJta, bjP p,,, , charge of ; nights to accommodate, the ruth, last half am Bot oe reaay mr wrvw rtntukean and was released oa $1 ; Christmas shopper. for into I a moatn. ( rah ball for his appearance in city ! 'I overtook paying your city lXwrl efore Jige Glena a Taj Kir as ajaeauneata- Taera Is a peaalty of ; 0, hu afteraooa. ftv per after Jsaaary first. 341 ( Orteatal IHUInxvw. JUt Biit rresreat orchestra ataso,aerde. oorsews Xmas dance, liig tree, gifts. Kjutl IViat SaU Deo- - i taegaificeot nuk-. lii" by the night police. Ste Johnson's special mirror, brush and comb ivory set at $7.50. 23 Stationer)' Jones has the lowest prices tn Medford. 233 Crescent Orchestra dance. Lake Creek. Friday. Dec 22. 233 Crescent orchestra dance. Lake Creek. Friday, Dec 22. 23:1' Provide against loss, Insure with Redden and Canaday. The Medford Pharmacy offer a 30 percent discount on their fancy 0 plain box stationery. . 234 Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Andrews and Mrs. Mary Mathews of Logan, Kas.. who have beeu visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wheeler and family of this city and other relatives here and in Ash land will leave uext week for Los Augeles. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's! tf Crescent orchestra dance. Lake Creek. Friday. Dec 22. 233 Best assortment of picture moulding ever brought to Medford. Thompson, the Painter. 234 Gifts that last, quality at lower prices. Johnson, Jeweler. 233 Xmas candies from 14c up at Jones' 233 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. "Shy" Huntington left this morning for their home ic Eugene after a week's visit here. "Shy" arrived in Medford a week ago to coach the local high school football eleven for the contest with Scott high of Toledo, Q., but Bince the .-interven tion of Corvallis in the matter- there is nothing to keep him here and he will spend his Christmas at home. Ford, Chevrolet, Overland tire chains as low as $2.2$ a pair at the Busy Corner Motor Co. tf "Christmas party!" pavilion! Sat! - - - 234 For Diamond coal Drleketts, phone Valley Fuel Co, Phone 7S. Baby tray cloths and bibs to match. Handicraft Shop. 23 Buy her a Maytag for Christmas. Crater Lake Hardware Co. ' 233 Wilbur Godlove returned this mor ning from BurrSjM-wbere he is a stu dent at the Vnlrersity of Oregon, and will remain here-over the holiday vacation. All of the returning l niver- sity. students are disgoested with the home town for allowing Corvallis to slicker us and get away with it" on the football proposition. Open evenings until Christmas. Johnson. Jeweler. - 233 Get your Xmas stationery at Jones 233 Crescent orchestra dance. Lake Creek. Friday. Dec 22. 23C' Open evenings. Jap Art Store. 233 Christmas special. 2-piece set silverware in the Betsy Ross pattern. $12.50. Crater Lake Hardware Co. 233- Quite a number ot Medford - and valley people will take advantage of the reduced round trip holiday fares, to visit relatives or friends at other points, which go into effect tomorrow and will continue on sale until Friday. Dec 29th. and will be good returning until Wednesday. January 3rd. Sash ami doors. Medlord Lumber Co. Splendid hand's. Root Mnsic O. 312 Cars Beatty and carefully wsaj at Crater Lake Automotive Co, 1?3 S. Front street Crescent orckeslr daace. Creek. Friday. Dec 23. Dance ia Oriental Balircoas A sraoiie aa-aerra cwaaw. ii... rour Christmas rackages make a daady present Small pay- arapoed at this office and they will SjiL Admission 14 cents. meat down. alaaa monthly. cailirMci their desUaatka la good con-. Merchandise aad cbickea sheH oa Mrs. CaBanhaa. paoae STT-X. 3 ditto. tf mi, aorta, of Phoenix. Sunday, ly. :t Orirr CanU turkejn. dressJ ot La, Stadia gifts for chiidrva.! iil alive, at woth P'' "r1- ''""'Ktw) Kvt. crayons, aad ga-aes l We gladly give yoa ear assistance m roar girt ;etKas. jocn. Hae. a4dres P. X Bl - Jtu' ; attrartiva soxee. lUadimft Shop. 31! miliar ) Wiy deliver. . . i Or fttoiij. Jap Art Store, iii' j jtwtr. Man in the Making" shown on the screen tonight at H. 3. auditorium. - 231" Dance in Oriental Ballroom Wed. and Sat Admission 10 cents. 3-Sf For Sale New Columbia phono graph records st half price. Victor. Brunswick Columbia. Pathe & sooora phonographs and records at reduced nrices. Music Shoo. 15 X. Grape street next to Farmers It Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4CW. For Sale Singing canaries. 4 ,-Y. tf The funeral services over the late Isaac Merriman will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:3A at the Peri Funeral Home. The pall&earers will be chosen from the I. O. O. F. aad Woodmen oi the World todra. and the services wdl probably be in charge of the Odd FW lows. The barial will be at the Jack sonville cemetery because Mr. Mem- man" father and mother art burteu there. See Hall's for greea vegetables. 33-' Get your Xaas stationery at Jones' We give a framed picture of beanti ful Crater Lake with a five dollar cash purchase. Medford Pharmacy. -Christmas party!" pavilion: sat: 334 FuTtutTre repaired aad made to order. Wcrk called for aad delivereo. If It s made of weed w make it w nt Bradlev. chce 1S4-L. 2J2 T. G. Bradley and Oscar Breanemaa of the Ca.sfrtiia OrMwn Porer co-rs-pany. left yesterday hy motor for the Copco rower plant A fine lite ef rose, earaitfc. violets.. "merEs all kinds of potted piasts iaclediag tenia, cyclamen, prim roses, poiasettes. fera dishes. Xmas cherries and rerwrs. Batural aad Wed- artificial wreaths, roctas. tc Madx "i Boasey. i Daiaty kaa-1 embroidered lisa haxJ kercfaieis froa 44 cents to $:. Haaijcraft SaoA. Aavo lanraaoe. Brewa 4t Whita. Gifts troa lc at Ike HaadK-raft A Christmas ball will be given at the pavilion on Saturday evening of this week, this date having been selected instead of Monday to avoid conflict with the .Mltzi production ut the Page theatre and the American Legion Christmas dance at the Nat. Get your Christmas candles at Hall's 233 You can buy a two-cell Winchester flashlight for 59 cents. Give one for Christinas. Crater Iako Hardware Co. 233 A real Christmas carnival of fun! Pavilion. Sat Xmas favors and pres ents for everyone! Don't fall to attend! ''34 The Medford boys who are students at Ml Angel college are expected to arrive homo tomorrow' morning for their holidays vacation. J. L. Hurley was fined $15 the first or the week in Justice Taylor's court when he pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding on the. city streets. The arrest was made by Deputy State Motor Vehicle Inspector J. J. McMa- bon. For Sale Good sound Spltzenberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, $1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. .240 We have heavy wrapping paper and know how to wrap your Christmas packages so they will go safely thru the mail. Mail Tribune. tf Genuine , leather handbags, latest style. Hoskins Drug Store. 234 Fine-toned guitars. Root Music Co. 232 The Josephine county bar associa tion yesterday tendered a banquet in honor of Judge F. M. Calkins, who is retiring this morning from the bench. Every lawyer of the city was present. O. S. Blanchard, vice-president of the association, presided and called upon Judge Calkins, Judge C. M. Thomas. G. W. Colvig and II. D. Horton for a few remarks. Judge Thomas was pres ent as the successor to Judge Calkins. Grants Pass Courier. Get your Christmas candies at Hall's 233 "Christmas party!" pavilion! Sat! 234 Crescent orchestra masquerade. Eagle Point Sat, Dec 30th. 239 Christmas groves with very low prices prevailing as we are closing out this line. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 Place your order now for Christmas Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Primroses. Cut flowers of all kinds. Rogue Valley Floral Co. 232 OBITUARY held at the Perl Funeral Home, Satur. ' day ut 2 l- m. Mev. r . K. Iach. ofti,-. iatlng. The services at the grave win , he In chargo of Medford lxidge No. 1 1. O, O. F. Interment In Jacksonville ! cemetery. . Isaac Merriman TnVfuumal serricos for luiuic Merrl mail who died December lSlh. will be 'with Medford trade ' M"rd mag.. l ? , SKY ULl'R F (TIhmnIoio ijtefe:, I -ats nW-j now - ; ' "!f PLAYING! j 1 TOMMY vLll n 1 W. O. W. Notice All members requested to attend funeral of I. A. Merriman. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Perl's chapel. 233 E. C. S1LLIMAN, Cleck. officers. 233 A. F. 4 A. M. Special communication Med ford Lodge 103. Friday even ing, Dec 22. Installation of By order of the W. M. L. E. WILLIAMS. Secy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MEIGHAN IX VJL "IF YOU BELIEVE IT, IT'S SO" Tom Mcinlian's greatest triumph since "Tho Miracle -Man." A gitat "lar at hi best; a gripping stoty of Icve and it x nciation; an ideal supporting cast headed by Theodoie Koherts and I'auliue Siarke this picture lias cvcrythint;! lKin'i mi- it! Sunday Anitn Stewart "A 'Coupon llcok will bring Pleasure" Ask the faultier. arwarjTWi mass 3: -a FOR SALE Alfalfa 591-R-l. hay. Phone TO TRADE 5 acre tract close in V trade for home in Medford. Neati bungalow. Value $2300. Also havej 2 or 3 larger ranches to exchange j for town property. Phone 105 or: 51T-L. 234 j FOR SALE Special bargain in 30- acre tract not far out . room house 1 and large barn. A fine place for! raising turkeys and chickens. This: is a forced sale and the price is only ; $2000. Phone 51T-L or 105. 234 1 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. $23.00. ton. Rogue River Valley Canal to... 204 a Fir St Phone 129-J-2. 261 j FOR REST Furnished four-room cot-i tage. Inquire 243 X. Holly. 2o , WANTED Wood to saw. ings 452J. Call even- FOR RENT Five room furnished bun-. gnlow. Phone 4S-i. -' ; 232 lke Remember You cau get most Auythfaisr you nccil for Christmas . . . at . DeVOES All kind of phhI things to Eat, Drink and Smoke Page Theatre THE SEASON'S GREATEST EVENT Christmas Day Matinee and Night SEATS TOMORROW at noon for MITZI in "LADY BILLY" Henry W. Savage's Supreme Musical Comedy Original Cast, Chorus and Opera Orchestra , Evonino; Prices $1.10 .to f2.1o Matinee 55c to .f2.20 (Includes War Tas Secure Seats Well in Advance Akio Christmas Cards and Presents GET IT AT DeVOE'S Handicraft Shop. Hemrtitcfctei Pleotla I per yard. Bwttene eorerest CANVAS BY THE YARD Med. Tent & Awning Works Opposite S. P. DriH rlr'i Everyone is especially interest- W d in some Particalir line be I '& i finance,., fiction., or., educa- 1 tional reading. 1 I H . chose books that will be ap Vfl 3 propriate, to your friends 1 V, a tastes and you are sure to please. 1 I 14 1 of today s well as yesterday a ' SPial hliday price" Kll. Medford Book Store IH-'W:,W"