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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1922)
v MTCi"FOTlT MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOTiT) OKKfiOy, MONDAY. DK CFMV.V. M 1A. 1ft TWOE FT VP! BRINGING UP FATHER Byn George - McManus I AM CONNK dT OOT or China, rye had ; TRooble: here AT PAGE TONIGHT FOR RELIEF WORK F. W. Hudson of the Camera club of Portlnnd, is hero on a relief mis sion for the fire 'victims of Astoria.' Ho will show a large numbeu1' of screen pictures at the Page theater tonight, along with the regular big film show, and at Ashland tomorrow night, which illustrate the awful con ditions that exist in what remains of the lower Columbia river metropolis. Ho drove one of the first relief curs into the fire stricken city and aided with the relief work committees. . Photographs during the great fire and following it are being sent out by the Camera club, and will be seen at the Page tonight under Mr. Hud son's supervision and through the Courtesy of the Page management. No solicitations for relief, will be made at this time, but is probable that a relief drive throughout the state will be made later on, and th; pictures shown tonight, together with tho fifteen minutes' lecture by Mr. Hudson will give local people an op portunity to learn the necessity for such x-elief. Mr. Hudson is a former resident of itledford and has:a wide circle of local friends and fnequnintaneos. When he resided Here," he was in tho electrical business., . . c - J - -1 M ' 0 I . Market News j ; Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 18. Cattle. 2550c lower: receipts 1837. Choice steers. $7.25?i8; medium to good, $6.257.25; full- to medium $5.50 6.25; common to fair $4 In 5.50: choice heifers $5165.25; choice cows .and heifers, ' $4.50(5; medium to good H.GO't'',.r0; hulls $3ii4.25; choice feeders 5 f ; 5 . 15 0 ; fair-to good $4(1(5;. choice diih-y calves $ S Q 8.00 ; prime light $8S.50: medium light ?7.50D 8; heavy $47.60., Hogs steady; receipts 2517. Prime light $99.50; smooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs., S8 fff n ; smooth heavy, 300 lbs and up $7. 508)8; rough heavy, $11 f7.50; fat pigs J8.50fn3; feeder. $8. 50 9; stags, subject to dockage, $4G. Sheep ewes nnd lambs 50e higher. Ttecelpts - 405. East of mountain lambs $10.508:12.50; choice valley S10.5012.50: medium 9.50iff 10.50; common $S.50lff 9.50; culls $0.75 S.50; heavy $7(57.50; ewes $207. , Under. , PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 18. Ilutter firrii; extra cubes 4fifJ?47c; ordinary grades 44 ft) 40c; cartons 52c; prints, file, llutterfat firm. Trices uu cSvuigcd. i-" Court News (Furnished by tho Jackson County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court ' Hullock Merc. Agency vs. Ralph Jen nings. For money. 11. H. Shamghnusen vs. Geo. Wesley Tarr et ux. Summons, i E. G. Hansen vs. J. W. Opp. Motion nnd notice. .' A. W. Walker vs. Firemen's Fund Insurance Co. Stipulation and order. Howard J. Oden vs. Talent Irrig. Dis't. Demurrer. John H. Hueners vs. Alfred T. Nor rls et ux. Summons. Daniel E. Florey vs. Hatty Florey. Motion. A. J. Staub vs. Win. Staub. Summons Federal Land Hank vs. O. H. Nut wick et al. Shmnions. K. li. Hall and Alberta Hall asshine thai business name of Halt & Hall. " f Real Esta'-o tr&nsrers Francis L. Gihbs vs. M. D. Allen. ' SW or sec. 34, tp. 33. S. R. S W. $10 PERL FCNEItAL BOMB kv St Your Berrfr Imy or W!gM Inforautlon Cordlnllr Gtrea Cor. flth sad 0k1la ilMKw ServiM PkOM 47 fe: too - , n" The. sooner we leave the better: Andrea Johnson et vlr to Ralph L. Pollock et ux, lots 9, 10, 11, -12, blk. 5, Imperial 'Add. to Medford :.' 10 Geo. A. Hunt & Co. . G ive ,A nnual Free Matinee Christmas The Geo. A. Hunt Co. will give their annual free Christmas matinee for the kiddies of Medford and the valley on Monday, Dec. 25tli at 10 a. in.' at the Rlalto theatre. ' 3 . : .The company is arranging a high class program in keeping with the oc casion and will be delighted to have all the children as their guests on this occasion. This event is always looked forward to both by Uio Geo. A. Hunt Co. and the children. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Lost business in Astoria fire, would like employment. Address 114 Tripp St. 231 WANTED By man with family, posi tion in store or office. Box 27, Mail Tribune. . . 230 WANTED Sewing by the piece at 204 N. Ivy. Phone 559-J. 233 WANTED Young man wishes part time employment. References. P. O. Box 557. 229 Blue Front Fixit Shop .... r .111 S. JloUy St. .. "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phono 45-1 v Razor lilutle Sharpening CANVAS , BY THE YARD Med. Tent & Awning Works Onrinslfo S. P. Depot Canadian Farms Owing to heart troublo doctor or ders my wife to a lower altitude. Will sell or trade, together or separ ately, my two Alberta grain farms consisting of CIO acres nml 320 ncres respectively for income bearing busi ness property or producing apple and penr orchard. No better grain farm obtainable. Closest investigation in vited. Givo full particulars of what you have to offer. For further Information addres3, owner, JOIIX It. STUART, f$24 4th St. So. Scthuririgc, Alberta, Canada. We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car bought of us for cash during balance of month of Decern ber. A real saving. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. 5 r J l rrr TWO TiCKET-b .IT ME A TICKET-I'LL. TO INO'OOVE CO 2V TRAIN Of YOO LATER ! rs j wssrTr ' rr-u - SHfflffl V) V-9 $t CANAL'S iff 1 ft. lot G, blk. 2, Queen Anne Add. Medford 10 Andrew Lancsarevics to Theo- (lore Rein ct ux, 2-3 int. in land in sec. 10, 15 nnd 1G, tp. 35, S. R. 1 W 10 HELP WANTED FEMAIJ3 WANTED Young lady to attend switch board. Call in person, Hotel Medford. 229 WANTED Strong woman to help with Invalid and housework during day. Good wages. 330 S. Fir, Med ford. 229 WANTBD KiBCmjliAREOCS WANTED Surplus, waste, refuse, squasii seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Rehm, DO Pine St.. New York City. 254 WANTED Will pay cash for a bar gain in a good used piano. II. G. Launspach, phone 646-R. WANTED A gentleman to room and board. Phone 935-R. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S. Grape. , 237 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X. FGJl RENT ATARTMENT8 FOR RENT Furnished two room apartment. Phone 963. 230 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner ot Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR KENT nOUSEKEKING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms and sloeping room, heated. 221 N. Holly. 231 FOR RENT Largo housekeeping room, clean and sunny. 433 S. Fir St. . 230 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tt The Best Home Bargain in Medford Best closo in location, fine home surroundings. A beautiful southeast corner. Splendid 7-room house, largo bath. Extra down stairs toilet, 4 bed rooms, all with closets. Will sell for $1,500 less than offered for It last year. Small cash payment; balance monthly paymonts. It. not sold In ono week will lease by the year pr longer. Would tako a late model littlo used car as part payment. Call afternoons 704 Woat 10th St., to see proporty, or Phono aftornooiiB 637-R. , EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES 6-room modern semi-bungalow, Medford, to trade for larger city . home. Will pay difference. 10 acres Improved, all In fruit, paid water right, cIobb to River side, Calif., t trade for Medford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1M mile from Medford; Improved, all In. alfalfa. Want to trade for dairy farm and pay difference. ' 1 acre, lots of fruR, at city limits Medford; equipped as chicken ranch, five rooms, city water. Only $2500. Will trade for house close In. SEE US TODAY , . , FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCT Real Estate litislness Opportnnltlen Insurance - Medford Illdg., Medford, Oregon $3000 ANNUAL INCOME And more can be made from this splendid ranch If It Is reasonably operated... B0 acres fine! bottom land with full paid Water right. Fine producing pear orchard... All land adapted to tho growing ot alfalfa, potatoes, onions, cabbage and all other high value crops. Best surroundings; school and electric power facilities at hand. Price lower than any similar property in this valley $200 per acre; reasonable terms; no trades.. - Pear crop alone should pay for prop erty in three years. If you want a roal producing proporty at a remarkably low figure come and see us. ; J. W. DRESSLER coT " ?:: r -1 Phono 2HS 123 East Mnln St., Medford BUNGALOW SACRIFICE $1000 Cash, $2500 Terms T Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, white enameled bathroom and kitchen, nil built-in features, large garage and wood Khed, on pavement. Paving paid in .full; lot 60x125; near school. This bungalow would cost over $4,000 to build. Prosent owner paid $1,200. Business elsewhere, so sacrifice for Immediate sale, price $3,500. Phono TM.Ii FOR HEm BOUSES FOR RENT Small 2G1-J. house. Phono 231 FOR RENT Modern furnished home, garage. Telephone 42. 229 FOR RENT Now ivo room bungalow, broakfast room, many built-in fea tures. 708 W. Second St. 230 FOR RENT Six room modern bunga low and garage, $10 per month. Phono 784-L. See J. C. Barnes. 230 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, steam heated. 1005 W. Main. 231 FOR RENT 5 room modern furnished house, 019 S. Central. 5-rooih mod ern furnished house, 203 N. Holly. 2-room furnished house, 209 W. Jackson. SO-acre ranch near Central Point, some orchard. 27-acre ranch near Medford for rent, some fruit. J. W. Wakefield, Palm Block, Med ford. Ore. 238 FOR RENT Houses. Brown ft White. tf FOR RENT FITKNlSnHD ROOMS FR RENT Room with board. 223 -i. Central.' 234 FOR RENT Two large sleeping rooms 815 W. Main. Phono 935-M. 22!) FOR RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping room with bath privileges. 825 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Ivy. Sleeping rooms at 204 N. 231 LOST LOST Small purse containing 3 keys, on Main or near public market. Leavo at Mnil Tribune. 229 FOR EXCHANGE! TO TRADE Working horse for smal ler team. Palmer Bros. , Medford. 234 FOwJTD FOUND Small black purse contain ing two keys. Call at this office. 229 MONBI TO LOAN! MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, (I per cent interest. O. C. Hoggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. J. O. TtARNKS 1 Nnsh Hotel Corner SVT A TICKET VOK BALK lIVKSTOCir. FOR SALE Fresh cow. son and Cedar. West Jask 234 FOR SALE Ono team and harness, price $75, or will trade same for c w. Phono G10-J-1. 230 FOR SALE White Colllo pups. Phono 292-Y. 229 FOR SALE Puppies, beautiCB for Xmas presents. Phone 691-R-l. FOR HALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE A snap, going cast, will sacrifice, my Haynes Six ourlng car, $450. Terms. Phono 571, 229 FOR SALE Three Fords, a Dodge and a Reo priced right. See us to day. Clark Motor Co. 233 FOR SALE lU'.AU ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap for cash, or will exchange for property in or near to Sacramento, two lots In Mountain View addition and a twenty-acre tract near to Eagle Point. Address Mrs. R. II. I)ullok, 1304 Socond St., Sacramento. 231 FOR SALE 280 acre logged off land near Duttn Fulls; will sell Oman nnd give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE. noMK FOR SALE Seven room furnished houso. Will tako good car as first payment, balance like rent. 639 W. Tenth St. 230 FOR SALE Five room cottage cheap, on pavement, close in; will accept car In trade. F. L. Clark, 127 N Riverside. 230 FOR SALE JIust sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken houso, wood house. Terms. See owner. Phone 488-Y. 234 FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; a!c acreage. Insurance. C. 8. Butterfleld Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 889. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Throe dozen Barred Rock pullets, O. A. C. Blratu. 539 W. Tenth St. 230 TOR SALIC Power washing machino to bo run by motor or engine, $5.00. 408 N. Ivy St. 230 FOR SALE Folding baby carriage, $5.00. 408 N. ivy St. 230 FOR SALE 12x10 floored tont. Howard St., Modford. 3tfi 233 FOR SALE Whito Wyandotto nnd Huff Orpington cockeruls, good stock Phono 7-F-14. 29 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, at range or delivered. Phono 085-R-O, C. C, Hoover. tf FOR RALE Second cutting haled alfalfa hay, $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260-529. tf1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Waterloo gas engine, 12 h. p. W. E. Hutler, be- tweon Brownsboro and Eagle Point. 231 FOR SALE Persian kittens; also Bronze turkeys for broedors. Phone 539-J-l. 231 FOR SALE ;New Columbia phono graph records nt halt price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Putho & So nora phonographs nnd rocords nt reduced prices. Music simp, no. i No. Grape St., next to Furmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono IGG-J. tf FOR SALE Sclmfrer piano, and hull tree. 407 Realty St. Phono 590-H. 230 Easy Shifting J?un up on our Grejtsc Jfack and have the Sticky, Heavy , Urease drained out of, your tranmission and replac ed withValvolino Scmi Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Drained Free ; JONES i'" KIRKPATRICK , " Next to Nat.' r? TOR XOOR" r" U yf i f it a trfillir M J5 NEVER Mlh,D THE TICKETS' Cory-,:,- ti 1C22.' fcy t.-.'t"! rtaiut IVOR SALE MWfEI.l.AN HOI'S l'OH PALE Hay at Cold R.'.iisj crii-i n-;l Hi $11)011 lu.r Ion K n.,;,l v.' Ml II 1 Uiu next eight or ten dava titers wi'l be a man to heln !: I. iUI FOR RALE Good Sf?ind-;:aml stanl cabins over 200 ft., low price luntilre Modl'uvd UU!g. U" FOR SALE Dressed tiuk?.3. Thin 231 S. A. Nye I8 K- I. TOR SALE Clean mire eidr fr Chriotmns: a'.s) a tp'es. W. J. Mes senger, 3! 7 E. Jackson. 211 PHP C A I .li1 I 'mtftrv. n,t'pltai Phone 1)2 j-X or call 7:8 W. I'our-I tcanth St. 230 j FOR SALE Chunk fir or hard?.-. "oh Telephone 21o Jacksonville. 2J4 FOR SALE All of these avtlclos listed below h.lvo only been used ubout six months: FcrJ taurlng car, vacuum c'.caaor, ' llmhca electric range, electric . wnsiiiT? machine, electric water heater, 3 double beds, 6 leather 33nte.l d!r.lng room chairs. 3 bureaus, 2 wood cook stoves, G heating stoves, 2 bamboo sholves, 1 wall clock, 1 mantle clock, one ot of dishes, 1 sofa. 1 extension dinls room tablo wit'i three extra lenvea, 6 rugs, G cords nnplo woitl, coking utensils, 7 sumr.MT chu:. 1 sewing machine, 1 bicycle, a:id 100 fruit dry ing trays. Call Ualfj, Japanose Attj Store. Phono 93. 21.0 FOR SALE Rody Tir wool, $100 per! tier. Write Box 4, Tal jiit, Orj;; n. ; FOR SALE Ono 400 gallon til rata tank. Phone 611-R-3. .. 212 FOR SALE Crown organ, oxcM! condition, at 207 Cottage Si.. TOR SALE Cheap, cream SH'taretor. used very little. Phone 611-R-3. 2 .0 FOR SALE Gooo used piano, terms. P. O. Box 657. c;isv 229 FOR SAL; Cheap, sewing machine, bod, small table, chairs, and kitahen utensils. Call 213 N. Ivy. 2'U FOR SALE Two General fcilautrn motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 oycln 2200 voltage, complete with compeii sators. 1 Tscoma logging ensviue, 10x15 with line. Big Pinos Lumber Co. ' ' FOR SALE Turkeys for broedors, i'jrm Mr. Wright's stock, Washing ton, Fat goeso 30 cents drosscd. Beef 10 and 12 cents. Phono 7-F-11. ' 230 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay In warehouse. First class and cloan, $25.00 per ton. Rogue River Valloy Canal Co., 204 S. Fir SL Phono 129J-2. 231 . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractor MURRAY' BROS. & GREENE AhHtracts or Title'. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 32, North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County i ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Title 8ystem in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable Juckson county abstractors of titl03, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate And Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. RE AMES Lawyer, office In Llborty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer, Resumed prsctlce of law. Office with Portor ' J. Neff. Medford Nnt'l Bank Bldg. nuildrnir Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all - klndB ot cemont building products Cor. Fir and Tenth Itreet. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. WIK son, C. P. A, Attention given to anj thing in accounting and Income Tai requirements. Look Into our siinpll fled accounting method. Liberty Ulilg.. Medford. Phono 157-R. Money to Lonn J. 11. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and louns nioney on good socurlty. 31 N. Grnpe St. Phone 53-M. 246 Aud!tliJ AeeouMtna YSTl"MERVICE(p- m. r. BcitMrrr Untl floor ' Medford Klrtg Strvicc. Inc. -j-j ni'si-vrcss directors 1'lilroprnctlc Physician UK. JOUETT P. BRAY Scientific chiropractic adjustments. Hours 9- I 'J it! d 2 5 except Thursdays. 313-315 .Vu.Umd Bldg. Office phono 29, res. 191. "Keep Smiling." nn HARVEY V. COLEMAN Chiro piactic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 .Bedford llidg. Phone 965. ; t lin. 7T RT II EDO ES Neo-Eclectlo Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. M ehano Therapy. Spondylotherapy, rood sciences, Linropracuc. uince; sit-wnrt Bldg., 235 E. Main . St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. Office hrs. 9 to 12, 2 . to 5. Stiita 203-04-05-06 Liberty Bldg. Office Ph'.no 5S0, Res. 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist 228 E. Aiain St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Mmtrord. Oregon. Phone 669; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Fa nil Loans FKIIKIIAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications should be on Hie by Dc. 23 for December appraisal. ti. II. Hard, Seey-Treas., 402 Medford IlldS. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. MonV me its. E. A. Hicks, general manager, i 1'. ,M. Kershaw, sales manager, 101 I E. Sixth St., Bedford. , tf Osteopaths l-RTfTa CARLO W, DlC EVA mains' , C v it LOW Osteopathic Physician, Oli-lj!- Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-l ' Residence 26 S. Laurel St. rn. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention gives to eyn, ear, nose and throat ;' 80t l.-.oercy Building. Phone 406. i Physicians and Surgeons , liR.7.j. " EMMENS Physician n j Surgeon. Practice limited to eya ear, nose and throat Eyes;- scle li fit ally tested and glasses supplied. I Oculist and AurlBt for S. P) R. H. ; Co., Modford Bldg. Phone 56?. mWM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bids. Phone 105. Residence 118 fleneset St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BUR3ELL Physlclin and Surgeon,. 312 to 314 Medbvd B'.ag. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN K ALLEN X-Ray ipoc- ialist. Medical and Dental x-Kay Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bids Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-6 p.m. Telephone: Offlco, 61; residence, Cl-J-a Piano Instruction ' FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg, Phone "2. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO, has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountants HUGH It. ROBERTSON & CO. Mem ber Anterlcnn Institute of Accoun tauts. Public Accountants and Audi tors. Portland, Ore. nnd Minneapolis, Minn.' Address: ,1517 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. , Rug WcnvlnR MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 70S Pine St , . ; Transfer EADS TRANSFER A STORAGE 00 Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right Services guar- , antoed. - DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R Of 206. , IP Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds ot uphol stering. We dollver and will call and show eatnp!t. ; Phone 101 . lackunnvlllo. Or A. N. THIBAULT Upholstering, re ginning nnd reflnlshlng. Work done at your homo. Telephone 969-H. It. 3, Box 44A, Medford. ' au