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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1922)
It RILEY HAS PINE ' TIME WITH THE Frank Drnnch r.tley, noted author and lecturer, who -will deliver his famous lecture, "Thtt Lure of the Great Northwest'.' at the Presbyterian I church tonight, addressed the Cra ter's club last nlsht and kept them In an uproar for an hour and a ahif. , : Mr. Hiley Is tho most Interesting and most humorous speaker who liiisj ever appeared before that organlza-i tlon and tho Craters, under .whose auspices Mr. Riley Is to appoar to night, Indicated their delight at his remarks and actions by making htm an honorary member of the Crater's club and giving him the nickname of Tat." " ' ' Vernon C. GUddcn, Mr. Riloy's as sistant, who takes care of the plo- Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25 and 75 Packartos Evrvwher 1-3 OFF on Fancy Baskets Decorated and plain Box Stationery Any Box In stock Any Item in Leather Cordova Included MEDFORD BOOK STORE 34 No. Central . D STARTS TODAY Until . Saturday Night V ' .1 Attend" tho Movies The Coupon 'Way. for $5.00 An Excellent GlfC Ask the Chshior J tures presented as a part of Mr. Ri ley's lecture, was called upon for a speech when .Mr. Uiley had con cluded his, hut stated that he thought .Mr. Riley had said enough for both of them. Mr. Olldden was nicknamed "Gild." Nominations for offices were made and the election will take place at the next meeting of tho Craters on Tuesday evening, December 26th. Those nominated for offices .were as iollows: .Big Eruption, Vern Vaw ter, Eob Boyle, Jerry Jerome, A. J. Vance, Carl Tengwald, Larry Mann, George -Codding, ' Louie I'lrlch. Skipper of Phantom Ship Alex Sparrow, E. C. FergiiBon, Paul Mc Donald, Dr. Bert Elliott. ' Wizard Bill Vawter, "Doc" Pollock, Paul Janney, Honest Abe Cunningham. Keeper of the Trails II. 0. Froh bacli. Pilot, Sam Richardson, Louie Ulricli. Paul McDonald. Lords of the Forest Hal Plutt, Chas. Davis, Colo Holmes, O. O. Alenderfer, Bill War ner, Leon Hasklns, John Goodrich, "Doc" Wright, John Buchter, "Peachy" Lemmon. The entertainment committee cast George Codding in tho ro.lo of lec turer for the evening, and he ap peared In a dress t.oat with "Cap" Vance as his electrician and gave an Illustrated lecture! : Mr. Riley, al though ho stated that ho was not good at repartee, made a few re marks on Kiddlng's Kidding which madq Kodding'B Kidding fade into the background. . .Mr. Riley accused Codding of breaking Into hlB luggage In the hotel and stealing the only dress coat in town in order to be properly dressed for the occasion. ' A further plan tor aiding the op erators of radio station K. F. A. Y. was considered and was referred to the committee which has been hand ling tho radio matter. That a donation of $15 be made toward the comm unity Christmas tree was passed unanimously. u. . n. meeting . Notice is hereby given that the i annual meeting of Chester A. Arthur' Post No. 47, Grand Army of the Re public, will be held at the Legion hall In Medford on the 14th day of Decern-! ber, 1922, for the purpose of electing, officers for the coming year. Meeting will be at 2:30 p. m. All members are requested to be present. By order of .- WM. BAYS, S. V. I . Commanding Post. -.,..'. . , .. ; j ;,.... i ... You never saw western romance like this onel Two popular stars a famous love story that has you laughing' one minute and gasping the next. A great supporting cast, including Viora Daniel; Robert Schable and Guy Oliver, t A JtsSt L.lAtKVPPeiCNTs f MW WTO ana m I WITH ! Mary Miles M infer and Tom Moore- COMING SUNDAY "HOOT" GIBSON IN "THE LOADED DOOR" MEDFOPcD MATO TRIBUNE, TO BETTER ITS 'Calling attention to tho fact that Inspectors Sykes and Gleason were here to make the annual fire survey of the city, A. C. Barber, state fire marshal, in a letter today which was received by Mayor C. E. Gates, as sorts that Medford is Inadequately equipped for fire protection. The letter In part, says: "F'he fact Is that the fire losses In Medford- have been so heavy during the last five years tliut it Is attract ing state wide attention and already inquiries are being bade as to why this condition exists and wo must all Join In prompt action to eliminate this wasto. , . . - "The cause may be bad house keplng In some cases, but Is due In part we think to an Inadequate equip ment for fire protection. We must join in an effort to secure an im provement in ' both and the deputies representing this department will confer with you as. to how best to secure this result. "We have recently secured addi tional equipment and benefitted con ditions in Salem and other towns of the state through cooperation with the c-fflcials In arousing the interest of the public in the matter and we hope to do the same thing In your city." DEFENSE HAS ALIBI (Continued from Page One) killing. They will tell you that not a a single one of these defendants was in the march." Wealth Behind State The prosecuting authorities of Illi nois, he asserted, were being influ enced by a private organization com posed of men or great wealth, "the Illinois chamber of commerce." Mr. Kerr described operations at the Lester strip mine, owned by the South FIRE EQUIPMENT ( i; v " f MEDFORD. OKFl.Qy, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ern Illinois coiil company and stated that the union had agreed to permit the company to strip coal but not to mine it. ' He declared the company broke the agreement and imported guards armed with machine guns, with high powered rifles, with automatic police pistols, with all the most destructive firearms known to modern.- science. -Hired Gunmen Used He then gave an outline of 23 labor disputes In which he declared "hired gunmen were used," beginning with the Homestead strike in 18D2, and con tinuing through Cripple Creek, Colo., Ludlow, Mingo, the Michigan copper strikes and up totlie present. He de clared more than 300 .workers had been killed In these disputes "by gunmen who wont unpunished for their acts." "The killing of Howard Hoffman was homicide and not murder," he con tinued, "some day and in some court room a Jury will Bay that the time litis come to stop the importation into peaceful communities of this type of men. I believe that day will come in this trial, I believe that It Is this Jury that will Immortalize Itself by freeing all communities for all time of the sinister Influence ot the American gunmen." ' Tracing the history of the miners' union In Williamson county, Mr. Kerr declared the men sought to organize "to better the condition of their babies, but were met at every step by tho forces of organized capital." "The miners lost, again and again: but they persisted," he continued. "They won their liberty. "And now in this ease they are as sailed for wanting to protect and con serve this organization. They wanted to save this' organization which has meant so much not only to the miner himself and to his wife and his chil dren, but to the great state itself." Leaves $25,000, Estate To His Own Tenants LOS ANGELES, fl Deo. 13.--Tenants of George Noe, who died last Friday, learned today they were his heirs. His estate, valued at 125,000, consisted chiefly of five houses, which were de vised to the families occupying them. He was no known rela tives. . . Adapted from Clyde Fitch's Greatest Play .! r Among guests nt the Hotel Medford are Frank Branch Klley of Portluud, the well known lecturer, S. P. Ander son, J. P. McQuold and H. L. Peard of Seattle. U. E. Root and wife of Coico, Calif., Voruon C. Glldden, H. A. Johnson and Edward V. Smith of Port land, and R. J. Wlnthrdpof Kugene. Watch for , Diamond's big Jewelry sale. 220 For Diamond coal brlcketts, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. SG.50 motor driven horns at tho Electric Shop. Elmer Spencer left this morning for Portland nfter a week's business visit in this city. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. ' We are selling all fancy goods nt great reduction. Buy now, don't wait until niter X'mas to get this rate. Medford Beauty Shop. 229 Miss Francis Perry returned to her duties nt the Medford National bunk after an Illness of several days. For Sale Singing canaries. 847-Y. tf Place your order now for Christmas Polnsettlns, Cyclamen, Primroses. Cut flowers of all kinds. Rogue Valley Floral Co. 230 Forest Supervisor McDanlels of Cir?nts Pass spent today In this city. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? tf Oeorge Fry was tried In tho city court yesterday on the charge of pos sessing liquor in violation of city ordi nance. The trial was by Jury and the Jury disagreed. Ford, Chevrolet, Overland tire chains as low as 12.25 a pair at the Busy Corner Motor Co. tf K. A. Welch of the Medford Grocery company arrived home Tuesday from a sojourn at Washington, D. C, where he appeared at the railroad unmerger hearing before the interstate commerce commission, as a representative of the local chamber of commerce. All hair goods reduced this week. Medford Beauty Shop, 4th floor Med ford Building. 229 Watch for Diamond's big Jewelry sale. 226 C. A. Swigert of the California-Oregon Power company returned from Klamath Falls Tuesday after a busi ness visit there. - Furniture repaired and made to order. 'Work called for and delivered. If it's mode of wood wn make It. Wm. Bradley, phone 199-L. 232 C. P. Marray and Harry Harmon of Grants Pass were In Medford Tuesday on a short visit. I Hear Cart Lovoland play that won derful new saxaphone! Pavilion party! ;Wed. ' f . ! 225 ! Several attractive holiday parties are being planned by the management of the Fair Grounds pavilion, among tnem Deing a masqueraae uan, which was1 to have been, given on New. Year's nlghtvbut in'- deference-to', the Elks annual New .Year's dinner and dance, which will, take place that evening, the masquerade will be staged on Wednes day,, Deo. 27th.v The PaVillon orchestra has been engaged to provide the music for the Elks affair. . 1 ' Expert auto repairing at 29 S. Front St Home of the- Stephens, Star Motor & Supply Co. 236 Mrs. George Pierce of this city will leave this evening for a short trip to Seattle:, .' . ' ... . When in need ot sash and doors, call Wallace Woods; 108 or come to 711 E. Main street Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Root of Copco, Calif., were visitors otday In th,e city. Hear Launapach's unexcelled pavil ion orchestra play all the-latest dance hits as only master musicians can play themt - Harmony with a capital HI Pavilion party! Wed! 225 Watch for Diamond's big Jewelry sale. . . . 226 : At about a quarter to twelve today a fire broke out around the chimney In Dr. Ray's residence on WeBt Main street .The blaze was soon extin guished by the fire department About fifty dollars worth ot damage Was done. . Christmas ' gloves with very low prices prevailing as we are closing out this line. The BuBy Corner Motor Co. ' - : 234? . Medford continued to enjoy very mild weather today whereas the' rest of the state and the northwest was quite cqld. It Is explained that this is due to the fact that the cold weather area up north Is squeezing the' cloudy conditions this way and so far has kept them there.' Sash and doors. Medrord Lumber Co. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jons Jenson on December 10th, " , . Lime and cement Medford Lumber Co. ., Gift cards with magazine subBorlp Hons, nt . the Medford Cigar Store. Rock bottom prices. ' . 234 RIO JANEIRO, Dec. 13. (By the Associated Press) Tho Brazilian government today authorized tho statement that thoro was no ronson of any kind to prevnnt Brazil's atten dance at tho Hantlago conferonee. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT To right parties, modern furnished home, 150. Tel. 42-J-2. " 228 FOUND Bicycle, V-shnped handle, no grips or Handlebars,. Owner can have same by proving property. See Chlof of Police. 225 FOR SALE Good Ford bug In first class shape. Good terms. Phone 168. 226 FOR SALE Cheap, cream separator, used very little. Phone 6U-R-3. 2.10 FOR RENT Large barn. 806 North Riverside. 228 FOR SALE Four young heirers priced to sell, $35 np; two calves; two year old Jersey bull, Berkeley Orchard. - - 227 -13, 122 4 U 1 1 4 4 -4 4 4 The Bootery We Have a Complete Line of Felts and Leather Slippers I - FOR MEN AND WOMEN 4 "Make Beautiful, Practical Gifts" J -;; 4 Ladies' Felts .....'.$1.25 T .n,ii,i r,,:u,..i C!..:.. Mules and D'Orsav; iron's Felt CVmitys, per pair .,...$1.50 iron's Pullman Leath er Slippers, per pair, $3.50 The Bootery The Small Shop with Big Values. Strang Bros. j SEE OUR WINDOWS 4 4444 44 44 444444444 4U444j Anniversary Sale On December 'llitlv it was one. year slnctf we opened 'our store. In Jfodford. Wo wish to tluink tho public, who havo so generously patronized us In tho pant year, and u assure you tluit we will eu deavor to offer yon more and better bui-anlim in the coming year. Beginning Monday,, for one week we will cele brate by selling: ' - Now Irish Frieze all wool 'Overcoats, a $20.00 value..;.: O, I). Army Overcoats; rfielaim..tL...i.".;.'.....l.......:, O. D. Army IMankets, ...reclaim, 31bs. and 3 1-2 lbs.... .i!;.:. Esmond Blankets,.. Navajo patterns, fast colors.......:.-.. New Cotton' Double Blankets! '. Big Ben Alarm Cloclts..! ;;....'.l;.':.Jr;..lL.l'l;:U; Stag Handle Pocket Knives.'........;....'. '.I...'"..;.;;;!..':'..:.';;.... Ebony Handle Pocket Knives............. ..' '... Large Size Chocolate Candy .A........... Velvet Tobacco ; .......;'....: . . Trade at the Army St6re and Save Honey. !i 'l-:; United Army St o r e 32 Central II IIL an,an p61! 1 Phone 1s!iJ lh ".' PAGE THREE & 4 4 4 ' & 4 44 , 4 ?t :-'4 . .4 ;:4 4 -4 to $2.75 , :.;:. J Tjfidies' Leather Xoveltv -4 Slippers $2.50 4" to $3.50 ' 4 4 Ladies' Quilted Satin . Coml'vs, in coloi's. per pair ; $2.50 H 'A? :.::'.$3.75.' .:.;..$2.95 .:1$4.85' ..: $1,95' .;:..:;.$3.19 " ....90o ..2 for lo ....iic.; Ave. South