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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1922)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON', TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 PAGE FIVE locd'Erieis E. C. McElroy and family leavo to ilny for Salem where Mr. McElroy will bo employed by the Southern Pacific company. Mr. McElroy has been ticket agent In Medford at the Southern Pa cific passenger station tor some time past. Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1 grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. 232" Joe O'Urlen'a new barber shop at Medford Hotel. tf Hot t a males and chill con enrne at IM Voe's. tr R. V. Bwarthout, father of Mrs. H. L. siuaymg kodak work, at O. A. C. Corvallls Times Qaxette. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. There's a busy Business College In your home town. OWN. New pianos and phonographs, H. G. Launspach, res. phone 646-R. Big stock at WookB & Orr, W. Main. tt C. D. Harbert of Eugene Is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brady of San Francisco. L. Goodwin, and well known In Medford p.wlt? f malia- Neu-. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Eunice Brandon of Modford, I Wilbur Godlove left Inst night for southern Oregon, come to Corvallis to Eugene to resume Ills studies at the spend the Thanksgiving holiday sea-j University of Oregon after a brief son with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kennedy 'stay at home with his parents. Mr. and and family, old friends. She will re- Mrs. J. C. Godlove of North Holly umiu uere over the week-end and Is street. ts critically ill In Portland. C. A. Lodge of Colfax, Wash., C. H. Sash and doors, Medford Lumber Co. I ".n? ot S1:, Loul9' Mo- c- w- Hatch , . ,,of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Klwoll Gdodrich tires and tubes at Colonial ' aJldnH;(,,S trlnBnL,,r' 1.dn" and Garage. . When better automobiles are built, I Bulck will build tbem. tf i ! Francisco. A large crowd danced In the Orien- Remember, the biggest, best, hap piest and finest entertainment of the season, given by the High School Parent-Teachors association at the High School auditorium, Friday even ing, Dec. 8 at 8 o'clock. Adults COc, school students 25c. 220 All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 103. 711 East Main street. . The first meeting of the city council for Decembor, which is the next to the Inst one for the present city adminis tration, will bo held tonight. The new administration takos hold the first Tuesday in Jnnuary. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Milk and cream at DeVoo's. tf ARE EX-CONVICTS Thero were approximately 450 boys i Lawrence, Doylo Franklin, Clement and leaders In attendance The homes I Hewitt, William Cobb, Nathan New of Eugeno wore thrown open in a most comb, Maynurd Putney and Cosh hospitable way, providing freo entor-' wood talnment for the period of tho confer- euce to all delegates and loaders. Nineteen delegates from Jackson county wero present. The light snow fall on tho night before tho opening day of the conference put a question In the minds of somo who Intended We carry duplicate, salos slips with blank headings for use In any line of business. Call 75 for service. tf Legal Guarantee Giveru No nef tf Knit no pin continue wonc Ad!c to i4.o Gle-o-nif Pilo Trcntmcju. HEATH'S DRUG STORE That Oregon anil Dewey Jones, brothers, now held In tho county Jnll ; driving through so that ono load of undor bonds of sa.uuu, to answer to bovs fallod to got thoro. A minor nccl a charge of highway robbery In con nnction with tho holdup of automo bile tourists parties here last Septem ber, have served terms of two years each In the Oklahoma stats peniten tiary for burglary, is the allegation that came to the sheriff's office this morning, says the Grants Pass Cour lor. At tho tinio of tho arrest of tho Jones brothers a few weeks ago, their finger prints wore taken by a finger print export, and today he phoned Drink Water If Kidneys Hurt Take a tablespoonful of Salts Back pains or Bladder r v bothers. The handsome silver cup on display I 1 1 .. .1 .1 . . ' , ....... 1 .. .. I. . 1. tea t. ( .- . . . iJ mm Baturdny, nign' l0, tb presented to Medford's championship mailed, and that through tho finger orchestra provlded by the lel football team by the Jackson County prints he had been sblo to identify h ,' Amusement Co., Wednesday night at 'the Jones boys whoso prints were in oomr,T . Sin . Holme" rI the football party at tho pavilion. . I tho Oklahoma records, where, ho m.,.i I"suranc ""''ce- Yakima Netted Oem potatoes, No. 1 staled, they had served time tor burg- r, J ' . J? , T16 VlctrolaB' grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered freo. ; lary. , Brunswicks, Columbia, Sonoma and Hutchison & Lumsden. 232 ! The case brought against Oregon Pathe phonographs and all records at. sta,oy clark of Grant8 Pas9 WB3l and ne Jonea w, come before ?J1 f?;, Mu8l Shop,' nlx' 10 'among the power company employes the circuit court In January. rcT 6 . ruuuB who attended tho Copco forum dinner n tl,A UnlDl IVftwlfa,-.! Iflo nlcrtit ' 1 . rur UUIUIUUU VIM! uiiunniM, juiua Too: muck ' meat may produce uris acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. Tho kidners do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but 'southern Oregon. become weak irom the overwork; they get sluggish) tho eliminativo tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in iiio blood to poison the entire system. : When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you hare sting ing pains in tho back, or the urine is , cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness acid stomach or rheuma tism in bad ' weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of'jad Salts, take a tablespoonful in a glass of iratar beforn lirralcfnitt. m,1i mnrniiitf and in a few days your kidneys may 'station K. F. A. Y., at the fair grounds. act ntt litis famous salts is made The program of popular music was ,from tho acid of grapes ad lemon juice, presented by the Imperial orchestra ?raBgenn1r:ton.Iit,"flZdabad9 fciS JTr fZZ clogged kidneys, to help neutralize the Herbert Alford and George T. Wilson. ids-in urine so it is no longer a Mr- Wilson presented a Swede dialect soiree of irritation, thus often ending number and a Negro dialect number, urinary and bladder disorders. Special prices on nigh school type- Jad Salts is inexpensive and ca not I writer practice paper at this office, tf injurct moke ; a delightful effervescent1 Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 i m L ., Brade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free, a mistake by taking a little occasionally ,.,,, Medford tf "Beauty Snots of Oregon." a bcautl ful colored booklet containing many excellent photographic plates of scenic spots in the state has recently been lBsued by the Multnomah hotel. The booklet featured Crater and Klamath lakes and the Oregon Marble Caves In A colored plato ot Crater Lake appears on the first page. For rent Three room modern fur nished apartment Gold Roy Realty Co., next to Fanners & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford BIdg. tf Pat's ijecona-Hand sotre will pay highest prices for all kinds of house hold goods, clotbes, rags, and metals. 41 South Front Sf Phone 416. ' 222 Radio fans again enjoyed a concert last night from Virgin's broadcasting Y. M.C. A. DELEGATES . RETURN FROM EUGENE The Jackson county delegation to and social at tho parish hall tomorrow ,th8 Boys conference at Eugene Vnlloy Fuel Co. Phone J8. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent on December 2nd, a 7 pound boy. All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 Eflst Main. The Saint Anne's Altar society will welcome all friends at the card party t ),in V.nn tf. n,i. nk, . S Hutchison & Lumsden active. Drink plenty of water at all I Mattress work oil kinis. times. - ' i Auto Top Co. Pbsne 104. Ms .v.'; .iv vs. . : ' ... Weebtiby mi Sticay Nifbts The Ofteatsl Bkom -. ( Admission 10c. Single Dances 18c. NoVTarTax Entire Evening $1.00 evening. You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Tho high school teachers and Parent Teachers association have joined" tal ent in giving one of the most delight ful programs of literary and musical entortalnment ever presented n the auditorium stage. Come Friday even ing, Dec. 8, 8 o'clock. You will be highly entertained and help out a good work in our public schools. Adults 50c, students 23c. 220 They report a romnrkablo conference. dont to a car on tho trip up made it necessary for the load In that car to proceed by train. No other accidents marred the trip. The Medford delegates wcro Donald fol Loans to Farmers Under Federal Supervision Monoy for to refund existing Mort gages; buy more land; provide build ings; Improvements; equipment; live stock; or for somo other agricultural purpose; on . a non-maturing mort gage at 6 per cent Interost for a term of from 20 to 33 years; under an amortization plan; with privilege of paying nny or all payments after five ears, and can givo prompt attention to applications in amounts from $5,000 to $50,000. California Joint Stock Land Bank SAX FHAXCISCO. For applications and particulars Hco K. H. Hunt, 402 Medford Uldg., Modford, Oregon. "NIP IT IN THE BUD WITH BRONCHI-LYPTUS" When you feel a cold coming on nip it in the bud with Bronchi Lyptus. When the youngsters have been exposed to a cough epidemic nip it in the bud with Bronchi-Lyptus. When the dreaded spasmodic Croup threatens nip it in the bud with Bronchi-Lyptus safe, sure, and quick relief! Don t let another day find you without a bottle. mi BRONCHI-LYPTUS TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST 16 Th mi Swwtktsra Oregon Are Cordially Invitd to Attend a There will be a meeting of the Order of De Molay Thursday ( night at the Masonic hall. j Initiation De Molay Degree ad refreshments. Everybody 1 come. 1 210 UO-. Art Concert at the W. O..W. Notice . Regular' meeting I. O. O. . F. hall Thursday night.. Class initiation and election of officers. Hot dogs. . E. O. Sllllmnn, clerk. " - 220 TCOTftTfiT0 CLASSIFY FOR SALE At public auction sale, the following household- furniture, consisting of 25 steel cots 36 in. - wide, 25 mattresses, 25 feather pil lows, 21 bod comforts, 27 wool and cotton blankets. 80 bed- sheets, 1 coal heating stovo, 1 gas stove, 2 burner; 1 ; coal oil heating stove. Solo will take place on Saturday at ' one o'clock p. in. Dec. 9th, 1922, at No. 24 South Fir St., in Medford, Oregon. Terms cash. William Ul- t rich, auctioneer. E. M. Parker, owner. 220 PRESBYTERIAN Thursday, December CHURCH 78.15 p. in. as the guests of WEEKS & ORR LOST Between Medford building and Hutchison & Lumsden store ame thyst set out of ring. Return to this office and receive reward. WANTED Ranchmen and farmers take notice: I want to work for one of you, board and. bed furnished. An agrenble home' desired; wages Immaterial. Address C. B. Hewey, Modford, Gen. Del. 220 FOR SALE Ford touring car as good , as new at a bargain. Valley Candy 1 ss Co., 29 N. Grape. 210 1 Program Sonata! Op. 57 First Movement...;.........'...... Beethoven '' Played by Harold Bauor Melne Freuden, ,Op 74, No. 12 '. Chopln-Llszt Played by Padercwskl Proludo, C. Sharp Minor '. Rachmaninoff Playod by Hofmann My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice Salnt-Saens Alice Lavlna Andrews Country Gardens, Op. 22 Grainger Played by Grainger Blue Danube WalU J. Strauss Played by Koslta Benard Representing Sherman-Clay & Company Alice Lavina Andrews (Mezzo-Contralto) Asasting Artist Program From tho Land of, tho Sky Blue Water Cadmau S Playod by Cadmau Song of India ss Playod by Erelobacb and Milne - S Rhapsodic Hongrolso, No. 11 : ...Liszt 3 Played by Cortot s Tho Open Socret Woodman S The Hoart of Hor Cadman 5 Alice Lavlna Andrews , - 5 Polonaise in A Flat, Op. 53 .... Chopin Si Played by Hofmann ' ; FOR RENT B0 acre farm near Med ford. Buildings, fences and imple ments. Cash rent preferred. Call 1 ril evenings. 32S-N. Central Ave. 220 I EVERYONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED MM I -I III?, B iggest Sale of Used Cars Ever Held in Medford You Save from $30 to $50 on Every Car 1922 Ford Touring, first class condition . . . .$308 ,1921 Ford Touring, new Tires .$274 1922 Ford Touring, Hasslers; speedometer .$284 1919 Ford Touring, completely overhauled . .$264 1914 Ford Touring, two new Cord Tires ..... $107 1921 Chevrolet, like new, 8600 miles ... . . . .$328 1921 Overland Four, new paint and tires . . . .$315 1919 Chevrolet, good condition .......... .$208 1918 Maxwell, good condition . . . . $114 1917 Ford Touring, new top, good tires $168 These cars are all guaranteed in first class condition. A complete stock to choose from. Come look them over and SAVE FROM 20 TO 30 PER CENT ON YOUR BUY MS:PNEcfoNMToS C. E. GATES AUTO CO.